The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, July 14, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Bend Bulletin. Thursday. July 14. 1955 5 jany Guests are Reported
By Sisters Area Residents
Here and There
A baby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Seed of Silver
Lake. The baby weighed seven
pounds eight ounces and has been
named Jane Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Powers
of 154 Delaware returned recent-
Report Given
To Council
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE The month-en'
report for June was presented to
the city council Tuesday night a
the regular council meeting, by
various departments of the city
government and operations. Citv
judge W. B. Morse reported tha'
four fines were levied for pubhr
drunkenness, 21 for traffic viola
tions, one for disorderly condui
and' two for driving while undu
the influence of intoxicating li
quor. Total fines and bait collected
were $G'10.
The city's ambulance traveled
838 miles, In 13 trips, according
to E. E. -Goodrich, ambulance
chief. This included one trip to
Bend and two to Portland.
Fire chief Ted Adamson report
ed that the city fire department
answered two alarms inside the
city, two controlled by booster
lines, four alarms in zone No. 2
and Jour in that zone controlled
by booster lines only.
The cfty's railroad showed a to
- Jal of 797 carloads handled be
tween Prinevillc and Hie junction
with main lines north of Redmond.
: Lumber accounted for 750 car
loads, and second largest item
handled was petroleum products
with 33 carloads.
Other discussion at council meet
ing centered around the construc
tion of a wider bridge on North
Main street, where the present
structure narrows a four lane
street to a two -lane bottleneck
The state highway department is
drawing up plans -for the wide
concrete structure, and estimated
cost is approximately $21,000.
The council has also agreed to
pay expenses for representatives
to tour a portion of the state to
study the construction and loca
tion of fire halls in other cities. A
new fire hall is under discussion
by the council.
Rudy Mollner. chairman of the
Highway Lifesavers committee for
Prineville, appeared hefore the
council to ask that increased ac
tion ,be taken by the police de
partment to slow traffic to the 25-
mile-an - hour regulation on that
section of highway 26 that runs
through the city.
ly from Saginaw, Michigan. The
Powers visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Garden and their neice. They re
ported that they met several Cen
tral Oregon people in Chicago.
This was the first trip in forty-
eight years that the Powers made
to Saginaw. While on the train
Mr. and Mrs. Powers met Gil
Martin, conductor, brother of Jim
Martin, formerly of Bend and now
if Portland. It is a small world.
A Drivers License Examiner
will be on duty in Bend this Fri
day, July 15, at 345 E. 3rd between
the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m..
iccording to an announcement re
ceived from the Secretary of
States' office.
At 7:30 p.m. Friday evening the
Ladies Auxiliary and Carlton Des
chutes No. 19 will meet at Odd
Fellows Hall. ..
Dr. Harry E. Mackey will be
attending a meeting of the rheu
matic and arthritic clinic at Whec
er, Oregon. Dr. Mackey wil not
eturn to Bend until Monday, July
Meeting Planned
By Health Board
The Tri-county District Board of
Health will hold a meeting with
in ten days, possibly on July 25.
in Redmond to consider the ap
pointment of a successor to Dr.
James H. Stewart, out-oing tri-
county health- officer, the health
department announced today.
Dr. Stewart will leave for Salem
at the end of the month to as
sume duties as administrative
medical consultant of (he division
on vocational rehabilitation, state
board of health.
Members of the district board in
clude the county courts in Crook,
Deschutes, and Jefferson counties.
Dr. Richard Wilcox, head of local
health services, stale board of
health, will be here for the meet
ing. Dr. Marvin Grubman, Portland
pediatrician, spent Tuesday and
Wednesday in the tri-county area
looking into the possibility of ap
plying for the position as tri-county
health officer.
Van Allen Takes
California Course
In Photography
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Van
Allen returned earlier this week
from southern California, wher.?
Van Allen enrolled in the advance
entitle in color photography
taught hy Helen Manzer of New
York, internationally known for
her color work. The students, a
limited group representing manv
states, were stationed at the Asil
omar conference grounds at Paci
fic Grove, on the Monterey peninsula.
Some fiO pictures tfiken by V;m
Allen were used by Miss Manzei
in the instruction periods. One ol
the tours took the enrol lees to re
stricted areas of the Point Lobos
preserve, with Roland Wilson, for
17 years on duty at the park be
fore hi3 retirement, as guide.
Mr. and Mi's. Van Alien als.?
visited in San Francisco, and were
taken on a photographic tour oi
the bay hy Forest Camphell. on
yacht. Campbell is an ox-Bcn.1
Van Allen, operator of the Fire
stone Vore in Rnd, took about
l.nnn pnlored pictures in connec
tion with the course.
By Ignited 1'reNH
Egg prices went up two cents
Eggs To retailers: Grade AA
large, 59c doz; A large, 52-5-lc; AA
medium, 51-52c doz; A medium
48-50c doz; A small, 35 -38c doz;
cartons. l-3c additional.
Butter To retailers: AA grade
prints, 65c lb; cartons, 66c; A
prints, 65c; cartons, 66c; B prints,"
Cheese To retailers: A grade
cheddar, Oregon singles, 42 '4-
15',ac; 5 - lb loaves, 16' i - 49c.
Processed American cheese, 5-lb.
loaf, 39-49' ic lb.
PORTLAND (UP Potato mar
ket; new crop Calif. Long Whites
100 lb. No. Is 3.40 - 3.90; special
marks 4-4.50.
Rv Itcid Bell
TURKS Why not take a lip
Irom the professionals and Ret
more interesting composition in
your pictures? Here's a simple
yet effective suggestion: When
taking a far-off landscape shot,
try to Ret into your picture a
portion of a nearhy obiuct or
lierson. This will give your pic
lure the effect of ileplh or ins
tance. Of course, you set your
focus for the landscape you're
trying In photograph, not the
nearhy ohject. Here's another
tip: Rich! now is perfect pic
ture taking weather. Better stop
in and stock up on film you'll
he needinc over the week-end
Next week, "after you've shot
your roll of pictures bring us
your rolls and we'll develop
them and print you the best
possihle pictures at the frwost
possible prices. We'll ! look
ing for you!
s II (.reen Slamr"
IKo Hall Ph. K.1
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS-Gucsts at -the Frank
Zumwalt home over the holidays
were Mrs. Georgia Norval ami
Mrs. Jane Kistner of Tygh Valley
and Mr. and Mrs. Claire Norval
of Portland. During their visit a
picnic was held at Petersen s rock.
Garden. Mrs. Nellie Bembry and
children, Mr. and Mm. Hal Ro
bert and son, Bert, of Bend and
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zumwall
joined the group 'or the outing.
Recent guests at ' the Homer
Ramcy home wer Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Ramey and family ol Eu
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smeby ot
Minneapolis visited her son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ladd re
cently. Also visiting at the Ladd
home were Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Ladd and son of Minnesota. Thi:
family group visited coastal points
during their stay.
In Canada
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Pepper-
ling and children, Gary and Del
ma, spent two weeks vacationing
in Canada after their plans for .1
trip to Alaska were cuncclled due
to a washed-out road at Williams
Lake and Fort Nelson.
Mrs, David Gridl-y has joined
her husband who is stationed at
Fort Lawton, Okla. Mrs. Gridlej
is the former Leona Pepperling.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murty,
former residents of Sisters, visited
friends here recently. The Murty s
make their home in Toledo.
Guests at the Roy Davis homo
over the weekeno wore Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Leawalt and famuj'
of Eddyville.
Mr. and Mrs. Opal Hicks, ol
White Swan, Washington spent sev
eral days visiting with the Roy
Davis and the Duiel Davis lam-ilies.
Keturil Reported
Wanda and Charles Bankstou
have returned after spending two
weeks with their grandparents in
White Swan.
Mrs. Bill Aylor anil sons, Jor
and Darrell, spent last week with
Mr. Aylor who .is employed al
Warm Springs. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hewitt and
Patricia have returned home aft;
er spending their vacation in IdahL
where they visited with Mr. Hew
itt's narents. Mr. and .Mrs. Ko
hert Hewitt. Sr.. of Parma, Ida..
and with Mrs. Hewitts parents
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sweet.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brands
ma and family spent Iheir vara
lion visiting coastal points.
At Coast
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keep and
family ol Brooks . Scanlon Cami
spent their vacation on the coast
Mr. and Mrs. Olen Hewitt visited
with Mrs. Hewitt's family, Mr.
and Mrs. William Flaval in Rich
field, Ida., and, with Mr. Hewitt's
family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hew
itt. Sr. while they were on their
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Voos, Jr.
and son Steve, spent tlwir vaca
tion in Portland and camping at
SuMle Lake.
Mr. and Mr. Carroll Dickerson
and daughters, Bonnie, Barbara,
and Mary Lou, spent their vaca
tion in Newport and at Sutlle Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barclav
and lamily and Mr. and Mrs
George Wakefield and family re
turned after spending a week fish
ing at Winchester Bay. George
Wakefield caught a 57 pound sal.
mon on the trip.
Miss Betty Lepley of Springfiele
returned to her home Monday aft
or spending several weeks visiting
her friends in Sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Neshil!
and family had Mr. and Mi's. H.H
Nesbitt and family of Portland as
their .guests recently. . .The Nes
bitt's are -brothers." - - '
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nesbjtl
and son of Lebanon visited witn
the Willard Nesbitt's on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Nesbitt and
family of Portland visited with Mr.
Nesbitt's sister, Mrs. George Cur
tis and family of Brooks-Scanlon
Camp recently.
1 J
' f ' . .1
y v 'I
cc Franklin D. Lee, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert H. Lee, 238
Riverside, Bend, is presently
stationed at Mountain Home
APB, Idaho. He entered the
service first in April, 1953, and
served in Okinawa. His unit is
part of the 9th Bomb Wing in
General Curtis E. LeMay's
Strategic Air Command. (AFB
Photo for The Bulletin
REDMOND iim McCallistcr,
county agent-al-large, is in Spok
ane this week at a meeting of the
Western Farm Economics organi
zation, lie made the trip with
Manning Becker, extension ' spe
cialist on farm management from
LeBlanc Takes
Lions Reins
Officers of the Bend club ol
Lions were installed at this week';
meeting, with Ray LeBlanc taking
over the duties of president, o
position held this past year by Don
P. Pence. Oscar CJlassow is the
club's new secretary. He takes o'
x the work of Kuy Cooper, wnV.
has asked that he lie relieved ol
his duties because of the press ol
other work.
Farley J. Elliott, an internation
al counselor of the Lions' club who
returned this week from the an
nual convention of the Lions in
Philadelphia, Pa., was the instal
ling officer.
The installation meeting was al
the Pine Tavern.
Bend Hospital Chamber Malces
Roundup Plans
Assessment Work
On Claims Filed
Sjvpclti! to The Itullrtin
PHINKVILLE Annual assess
n lent work on 62 mining claims
have been filed at the Crook coun
ty courthouse since July 1, ac
cording to records. The larges:
single group was filed for the In
dependent Quicksilver company by
George Dreis, with annual work
done on 22 claims by that com
pany. Most mines were in cinnabar,
though a numlx'r were listed as
quartz claims. Names cited for a
number of the mines carried the
flavor of early days, with sucn
names as "Merry Widow," "Jack
Knife," "Hard Rock." "Emma
line" and "Cinnabar King."
The following are new patients
at St. Charles Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Vern Waile, Las Vegas, Ne
vada: William Foss, 616 Colorado; ,
Mrs. Claude Rice. Rt. 1. Box 131;
Mrs. Marion Smith, Rt. 2. Box 113:
Roy Letz, 7355 Harmon; Mrs. Ber
tha Rood, 44 Cascade; Walter M.
Genes, 210 Riverside; John K.
Weaser, Rt. 3. Box 230A; Mrs.
Charles Edwards. Star Route, Gil
christ; Mi's. Alvey Bishop. Cres
cent ; Jeuics 1 lopkins, se Ver
mont h-old son of Mr. and Mrs,
Wilson Hopkins, 136 Canal Place.
Dismissed; Miss Marilyn 1-yoni,
Bend; Mrs. Dewey Peasley, Bend:
Nick Mathews, Bend; Jay Hop
kins, Bend; and Mrs. Gene Grolh,
County Agent
Urges Spraying
SM ( tti Tin- Bulletin
REDMOND Deschutes county
agent Gene Leal' reports that the
bunks of Crescent Creek should be
sprayed for water hemlock and
suggests the work might be done
in a week or two by one or two
men. I
It was hoped the spraying could
be dune before the 15lh of July
while water is low, but even aft
erwards the task will not be too
great as the noxious weed there
is still small. Bill Miles is hand
ling most of the spraying here
this summer in the county, hut
owing to the amount of ground he
will need to cover cannot reaeii
the Crescent Creek region without
some help there. Applicants for
the short-term work on Crescent
Creek may contact Lear.
Special to The Bulletin
River roundup, nd rodeo days in
eurly August were the major
items of business at the chamber
of commerce's monthly luncheon
meeting on July 12. members .ol
the roundup board were introduced
by Mike Miksche, president of tu?
chamber. For the merchants,
Fern Davenport reported that bus
iness firms in Prineville will fea
ture western dress, for owners and
employees, during the days begin
ning August 5, und will continue
to wear western garh through the
rodeo and county fair,
the line of march.
About bo members and gucss
were present at tlic luncheon
See I'g For Special Prices
10 Ml. ft.
"Buy W here You Get
723 Franklin Ph. 274
Bv I'nitrd Press
Trading in cattle and calves was
slow today.
Cattle ITjO; market slow; early
sales steady to weak compared
with Wednesday's weak to 50c low
er close; few good fed sleers 22
22.50; utility - commercial grass
steers 14-19.50; few good hoifen
20-21; utility dairy type heifers 12
14; canner - cutter cows mostly
8.50 10, few 10.50; utility 11 - 12;
utility - commercial bulls 14.50-11
cutters down to 12.
Calves 50; market slow, weak to
1 .00 lower: good choice vealers
19-21, few head to 22: ulillly-com-
mcrcial grades 12-17.50.
Hogs 100; market about steady.
U.S. No. 1 and 2 butchers 1R0-2.T
lb. fairly active at 22-22 50; No. 3
lots slow at mostly 20.50; choice
X50-550 lh. sows salnhlc 12.50-16.
Sheep 650; market not estab
lished; early hids unevenly lower
sellers asking steady or up to l!l.
for choice - prime lambs; goon-;
choice feeders around 50c lower at
11.50-15; older classes scarce.
One of the best ways to control
crahgrass in lawns is not to cut the
grass shorter then two-and one
half inches at any time and let it
do the fighting, according to Uni
versity nL Illinois lawn specialists.
McCaffery Rites
Held Wednesday
Ktwwlal in The lltlllctin
T?trrYinNn Fu'ncriil sri-vics
f. rnni MfPaffprv. 8.1. who died
early Monday niormnK, were hell
yesterday afternoon in Lnmmunuj
pmchvtnrian ehnrrh in Redmond.
I Rev. D. L. Pcnhollow oflieialed it
the services. He was also the vo unlnisl and Mrs. Max Cunniiw
nlaved the onran. Pall - bearers
'ere Roy Newel, t'earl weigann.
!,-,!, i, 'weirrind. Frank Danch-
erly, .lames Elder and Jaek Slium
way. Burial was in the Redmond
Mr MrCafferv and his wife
Minnie, who survives him. had
lived in this area since the c.-i nf the tnwn of Red
here from Warsaw
N. Y. He was born there July n
1871. lie not only saw the region
nvnanrl hut nromntetl much of the
growth through his roal eslalc and
agricultural dealings. Among ni
hnlriinnt is the old Frank Redmond
properly on Canal Blvd. He also
had a part m esiaonsmng uu: ium-
unK n.illc anA nthnr industries iri
Redmond. Mr. McCaffery loved
horses and trained many teams it
thn ivin
Besides his wife survivors arc a
sister Mrs. L. K. Smith of Red
mnnd. brother Ben in Hollywood
Calif ; grandchildren Mrs. Clark
Maddox and Mrs. Franklin Nolai
in Redmond, and Jack MeCafferv
nf nniunll RnttnT frreat-irrandchil
dren Neil and Dean MrCaffery.
Shannon I-ce Maddox, and Doug
las. Dennis and Kalhleen Nolan
ami his daughter-in-lHW Mrsi Nev".
McCaffery, widow of the McCaf
fery's oniy son Fred who died ir.
1910, Mrs. Neva McCaffery has
help the elderly couple in their
real estate business here for about
a war and a half, mrcvinc from
her home in Powell Butte.
Dr. William Drennan. Irish phy
sician and poet, was first to dub
Ireland the "Kmerald Isle."
'All I did wot lorvo him fr1"??
1 BLUE BELL Potato Chips... K1- I
g fresher in lh Double Bag!' j" 4& - r-"
The Biggest
ISievs of the
Peficious POP fmm a PILL " Full of Flavor h Fizz!
Here'i the modern soft drlnki flavor-rich, crystal
clear, effervescent. Modern because it's so convenient no
bottles or cans, no deposits, no stirring or mixing. Nothing to
add, not even sugar. You just pop a Lucky Pop pill into a glass
of cold water and watch it fizz theq drink it. Delightful!
Lucky Pop Is swell for kids I A glass of Lucky Pop
provides one-third the minimum daily requirement of Vitamin
C. Sweetened with calorie-free Sucaryl, Lucky Pop is espe
cially healthful for those who should restrict their use of ordi
nary sweets-a thirst satisfying treat for "calorie-counters!'
Carry Lucky Pop In pocket or purse wherever
you so no fuss or muss! Ideal for TV serving, parlies and
picnics. Economical, too!
lie sure you buy Lucky Pop the crystal clear "pop jrom et
pill" in the distinctive package. Now at your food store.
3Aitd ire Ulirl uiv Ihf mff.l gj Q fl ""OW
delicious &oft dink in ucond;! U L Jn atil
.1 . oZl&f' ,"M -2.' " " """ " pp
6 DELICIOUS -FLAVORS: Cola Root Beer Orange Grapo Lemon-Lime Wild Cherry
iucky for, inc, hoknoi. can ")