Redmond Council Approves Changes in Fund Accounts " Special to The Bulletin REDMOND Changes in city fund accounts suggested by audi tor Bernard Davis were acted up on Tuesday night by Redmond council men In regular session. The council voted to combine city funds into ) two bank accounts, one the general fund, and the other to In clude all special funds such as re serve, sinking and bond accounts. Heretofore each of the latter has been kept separately. Davis met with the council, as did city trea surer Max Cunning. A monthly re port showing receipts and expen ditures of each department is to be presented before council by city recwder Mrs. Evaline Riebhoff. T4e gasoline bid was awarded Shell Oil Co. by vote of council Maximum guaranteed prices are $.2204 per gallon for regular gaso line! $.1415 for diese) and furnace oilr-and $.1515 for stove oil. Til? new contract with the ru nillire district was approved, wito, three important changes Avalanche Takes Lives of 7 Boys BANP, Alia., (UP) The bodies of seven teen-aged Ameri cans killed In a roaring mass of rock and snow as they descended from the top of a 11,636-foot moun tain were brought out in baskets ly pack horse today. The tragedy occurred above the 9500-foot mark of Ute peak, aboul 30 miles from Banff. , Only four of the 11 boys roped together for an attempt on the peak" survived. Two were in the hospital today with serious head injuries. The two uninjured youths were Identified by Royal Canadian Mounted Police as Tony Woodfield, 16, Eye, N.Y., and Peter Smith, 13, Paofi, Pa. Injured and In "fair condition" were Fred J. Ballard. 13, -and Theodore Clattenburg, 14, both of Philadelphia. . The dead were Identified as: Jolin Townscnd Bulls, 13, Phlla drlphia. His twin brother, Richard. David Shapln, 15, S t a m 1 o r d, . Conn. Miles Mardle, 12, CoUcgovlUe, Pa. Luther Seddon, 13, St. Louis. William Walls, 18, Whlteniarsh, I'enn. William Wise, 15, Souderton, Pa. IT HAPPEWICE A YEAR ! CLEARANCE Nationally Advertised Brands of Footwear all liiei but not In all stylet Women's Air Step Reg. 9.95 to 1 2.95 NOW 7.85 Girl's Sport Shoes Reg 3.99 to 5.95 NOW 3.00 Women's Life Stride Reg 7.95 to 1 0.95 NOW 5.45 Men's Dress Shoes Reg. 1 0.95 to 1 6.95 NOW 8.45 Childrens Straps & Oxfords Reg to 6.95 ...NOW 3.99 Women's & Chld's. Hse. Slipper Reg 4.95 . .NOW 2.00 Sorry No Phon Orders All Sales Final pointed out. These are (one) the district's payment to the city for Ihe fiscal year July 1, 1935 through June 30, 1906 is $3,000, (two), in subsequent years the district will pay to the city for fire protection an amount equal to one-fourth of the city budget for the fire depart ment for that year, with repre sentatives of the district sitting In on budget preparation, and (three) any new areas that might receive fire protection from Redmond equipment will enter into separate agreements with the city. V. Wilson and Paul Perkett represen ted the rural fire district in pre paration of the contract, with councilman Prior Smith and Dan Kilgore and fire chief Jack Hart ley representing the city. Contract Approved Council approved a contract for 50 mile speed zone from Pilot Butte Canal to south city limits, to be established by the state high way department. Residents of Pla nervllle, on the highway south of Redmond, have requested 50 mile zone through their area, this would make a 50 mile limit in effect south from Redmond through Planerville. By roll call vote council ap proved the resolution making ef fective an ordinance calling for va cation of a portion of East First Street adjacent to Forest Ave. Referring a request from Port land representatives of a religious denomination, city attorney Ru pert Park asked their Interpreta tion of the Green River ordinance as it would apply to house can vassing for religious instruction, with possibility or sales of a re ligious material. He advised that in his opinion home calling Is per missable but that any sales call. without specific Invitation from Ihe property owner, is in viola tion of the Green River ordinance. Council voted to have Park write lo the Portland Inquirer according ly. Park advised that he would have ready at the next meeting an or dinance to govern Hie library. It is to create a library board, pro viding for appointment of a mem ber of council to act as chairman, along with the existing board, and another member. City superlnten dent John Bemlng advised that street oiling will begin Monday, and that city crews are now be- Kinmng io connect water mams 10 i (he new reservoir. He advwed re-l Bldenta not to be alarmed about! low water pressure In the morn-1 Cuttings of grape vines from ing for several day. rounc'lmnnlspaln were transplanted to. New Walter Kleen was absent M V cation. Am-omm Citations Issued By Bend Police Bend police issued nine citations and 14 warnings during a periodic traffic check - up of equipment and licenses yesterday. Those cited for license irregular- ities were: Dorothy Weaver. 1025 W. 2nd street, no operator's license; George L'rguhart, Pilot Butte Inn, no operator's license; Larry Craig Wormingiun, 415 De Kalb, expired auto license: Edith Huston, 667 E. Uih street, no op erator's license on person; Min nie Howard, 215 Congress, no op erator's license on person; Loren Everett Zink, Route 1, Box 200, ex pired truck license; Richard Hem ingway, 310 congress, no opera tor's license on person; Guy W Johnson, 26 Shasta, no operator's license on person; and Robert E, Gardner, 440 Riverfront, no chauf feur's license on person. Fourteen motorists were given warnings for Inadequate equip ment. including brakes, head- Mehts, windshield wipers and toil lights. Police will make another check on Friday. Police Chief John Truett said that the periodic check does not aim at making ar rests but rather keeping automo biles in condition for safe driving. Thornton Rules On Underground Water Control SALEM (UP) Oregon attorney general Robert Y. Thornton ruled yesterday that the state engineer has the authority to control under ground water supplies and their appropriation. Slate Engineer Lewis Stanley requested the opinion after Robert Lytle, a Vale attorney, claimed that one of his clients who had drilled three wells did not have to get a permit for use of the water. A hearing will be held in Vale within the next 30 days on the case in question. The attorney general said .hat until August 3 when a new state water code goes Into effect, anyone can drill a well without a permit, but must have a permit before nuDrooriatlne the water. Under the new code, permits must be obtained before drilling - mn dome8,;c wcUs. Mexico in inc days oi ine nrai missions. The Bend Bulletin, IspeedL , mi I . m H MB I'-.' i iUi to. hJ 1 n : MI LHU ,-- H : EYE-CATCHER, LIFESAVER-Driver. do a dojAtake when they see the weird lettering of the "Z" and the "N in this sign, near Michigan City, Ind. And that's Just fine, because it Ira presses the warning upon them and they slow down. Paving Work Set at Madras Special to The Bulletin MADRAS Ordinance No. 172, creating Improvement District No. 6 and providing for paving on cer tain Mudras streets, was approved by the Madras city council in i special meeting, Monday evening. The extension of C street from Third to 100 Scot west of First street and Second street between C and B streets wHJ be paved. Work is planned to be completed next week, according to Joe Pal in, city recorder. Gravr-I is bein moved by Koyce Fiorey; Verne Moore is in charge of excavation: and Warren Northwest, Portland, will do the actual paving. Bid by Co-op Denied by State SALEM (UPI The State Hydro electric Commission yesterday de nied the application of the Coos Curry electric co-operative to buiM a $25,500,000 project on the Illinois river Bald Mountain site. Chairman George W. Joseph said the principal reason for the rejec tion was an economics report ot stale engineer, Lewis A. Stanley Estimates of stream flow itidi cated the plant would be idle .or several months each year. The re-i port estimated that the plant's coat of 6.48 mills per kilowatt hour would "not be competitive with the cost of power In the region." The commission added that th" Illinois was a valuable fishing and spawning stream. SI'flAR BEET ADVICE DAVIS. Calif (UP) Hand thin ning of sugar beets brings higher returns to growers than machine thinning, despite its high cost per acre, according to agronomists at the University of California branch here. Shortie and Long COATS Take your pick for only no00 Reg. Reg. SUMMER COTTON SKIRTS Wednesday, July 13,1955 :4 Employment Up In Area, Price Notes in Report Employment in the Central Ore gon area this past month was high er thun a year ago, with most industries, other than construction and agriculture, providing more jobs than a year ago, according to information released today by Clark A. Price, manager of the Central Oregon Employment Ser vice, Bend. Construction and agriculture ac tivities were slow in getting under way because of the inclement wea ther. The current report notes that the current number of unemployed in the big area, covering all or parts of seven counties, was 300 at ihe end of June, compired with 500 a month ago and -100 a year ago. The number of unemployed work applicants currently continuing job insurance claims for the final week of June numbered 167, compared with .itH) for the previous month and 200 a year ago. The current report notes: "It is reported that Bryna Productions spent some JROO.OOO in the area while filming 'The Indian Figh ter", and the Bend chamber is ex erting every effort to attract more movie producers lo this area." With construction and agricul ture now beginning to call for moro workers, il is expected that the number of unemployed will go be low 300 between July 1 and Octo ber, the report states. All the primary kaolin produced in the United States comes frtni North Carolina. It is a ceramic used in fine china. Shop Throughout Our Many Bargains During Our One Group Dresses All Sleeveless Blouses ? off One Group Costume Jewelry off Plus Tax All Summer DRESSES 14.98 - 17.98 10.98-12.98 Reg. 7.98- 8.98 6.00 y Regular 5.98 5.00 Pedal Pushers ...1.992.993.99 All Summer Shorts To Clear 1.99 SUITS Sailcloth Jackets 2.88 & 3.88 Take you pick for only sinoo Cotton Plisse Gowns 2.44 I U 10 DRESSES JXL. M4' II C C-j-mQf U.J. I Ul IIIU J To Take Month's Tour in Russia By HFKVlHlt HKfr',NHt t tillrd Tmu Stuff wtvpM1enl WASHINGTON UTl - A V2 imrmhor American tmni riWrga lhMl VhfUlltd to MSlt KlISMrt will i tour Souel farm bums that "ik Americans luve sirn m this iprtv oration," nn Iowa limnor said to day. Ralph A, Olson, Ellsworth. Iowa a member of the delegation, said Soviet authorities had not yet re leased detailed iuns for t h e American group's month-long tour of Soviet farm areas, "but we've been told we'll go as far as 1,800 mites east of Moscow and aboul 2,500 mites south," he said. Will Tour Siberia That would take the group Into Siberia and into areas of corn, cotton, and wheat production, 01- sen said. Tentative plans call foi trips to Soviet farms in areas so remote they have not been visited by any Americans of this genera tion, he added. Although the itinerary has not been released, an informed source reported that the tour will start with a three-day visit in Moscow July 15. From there the group will proceed southward to Khar kov, site of a tractor factory, and then to Dnepropetrovsk where a large dam is located. Other stops have been scheduled tentatively for Krasnodar, Rostov and on the Don River, Stalingrad, scene of one of world war II major battles, and Kuibychev. The group will move on to Si beria where stops are planned at Alma Ata, Akmolmsk and Barnau Enroute the group will visit . Tash kent. The timetable for the tour is not available yet. Attend "School Sessions' The farm delegation attended "school sessions" Monday with officials of the Agriculture and State departments. After a news conference they will fly to Newt York and leave for Russia, via! Finland, from New York's Idle- wild Airport. 1 An exchange delegation of So-1 viet farm officials is scheduled to arrive at New York July 16 for, a 30 to 35 day tour of American j farm areas. The American group is unoffi cial. Its members, selected by three farm leaders from private life, were picked as "representa tives of American agriculture" and will pay their own expenses of $2,500 to $3,000 apiece, officials said. Chairman of the group is Dr. W. V. Lambert, dean of the Uni versity of Nebraska College of Agriculture. Another member is Lauren K. Soth, editorial writer of the Des Moines (Iowa) Regis ter and Tribune, whose editorial suggesting the exchange of farm visits led to the tours. Store For Many, Summer Clearance Sale 5.00 11.00 8.00 f 10 Waiia Waiia Guards Have Quit XW. WALLA tUP Th munlw v( Ktiimm at the Wusliing j hw Stat iHMitlenltiH-y who have .vtfgnf. U the wake of lust week si Hot routed to have risen to Kuecne Wftmrlt, one of the cor- lwtion BtianN hold hostage diu-ing the 2il hour ivU'ltion. mud he re iihsI "lnvause then it no safety in the prison.' Whinclt siiul prison officials m.uto ihe cons a lot of promises they can'i keep" in order to settle the not and free the nine men held hostage. "Il just won't work," he de- laml. "If the officials don't keep those promises I think it will hap pen all over again. Only it will be worse. I don't think the cons will fool around next lime." Two Monuments Being Sought By Neuberger WASHINGTON (UP) Sen. Rich ard L. Neuberger (D-Ore.) intro duced bills yesterday to establish national monuments at two historic spots along the trail of the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific Northwest. He pointed out Uie 150th anniver sary of the expedition is bein;i celebrated this year. One monument would be created on the original site of Fort Clatsop in Oregon near the mouth of the Columbia river. The other would be on the Lolo trail above Lochsa fork of the Clearwater river in Idaho. AltltEKT MADE Willard L. Kurtz. 40, Rt 2. Box 156, was arrested for speeding in a 25-mile zone yesterday by the city police. WHY CHANGE? MEMPHIS, Tenn (UP) Hot Ta male Road has been changed to Dogwood Road. SQUIBSS Du Barry Y FOUNDATION LOTION Suri-N-Siirf Treats and Pre- $2.95 $ 1 50 vents sunburn. Tubes 59c-98c Value Spray Can $1.50 As an extra value with Sun- "u Barry NSurf you get a 89c Sun Hat f ?lt,t.FRES1 ! . 51.75 for Just 3Qc Va(Je WOODBURY H B"ry, Hand & Body Lotion DRY SKIN CREAM $2.00 $00 $1.00 Size S!ze 9c Du Barry complete hair . Cream Rinse CUTTING SET 1" Value 1 Eleetrlo clipper (with butch . attachment) barber comb and - . . , scissors. Also hair cutting: i- ttiquet Deodorant traction book all for just 98c ECONOMY SIZE $12.25 49c Hard to believe But It works! And It workt ptrftctly, thanki to an omoiirio paten!. Now avail abl on automatic kvyholdtr, mad 'of o lingl pitcc of metal and not a tpring iniidt. A flight pruturt bttwttn thumb and finger . . , and your kyi iwing out. It li precision made, foolproof, very light and eompoct. Made of ano dutd aluminum in a btowtiful gold finish, never to tarniih. Wounfed wifh your hifiat or cr ereif O Switch Sought In Jurisdiction PORTLAND (UP) The Port land district of the U.S. Army en gineers plans to seek congressional approval of a jurisdictional switch of the proposed Jolin Day dam hum Portland to Walla Walla dis trict. Col. L. H. Foote, division engi neer, said the switch would better balance the heavy civil works con struction load. Juhn Day, as well as Hills Creek, Cougar and Green Peter dams now are Included in the Portland district along with The Dalles dam, now at Die peak of construction activity. Only Ice Harbor is in the Walla Walla district. If plans are approved, bound aries of the Walla Walla district will extend to the Columbia river to below Arlington, Ore., to Include John Day as well as Ice Harbor. The Portland district will com plete design studies and initiate construction on Hills Creek and Cougar dams as well as planning for Green Peter dam, all in the Willamette valley. Foote said few personnel changes were contemplated. 1AVV ST. PAUL (UP) Mrs. Nell Swant of St. Paul is one person who doesn't tire of hearing the song, "Davy Crockett, bne is a great-great granddaughter of the pioneer. i IN OUR 45- YEAR OF SERVICE and olhme redo) dlatt C0L0I ft ST0UACI AILMEim treated wlthont hospital operillot. C1E0IT Id lESFOKSIBlE PEOPU ttacrlptiv BooH Wril. or Call Mm DEAN CLINIC Opn K a.m. mtU 8 p.m. Mon., Wd., M, 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tum. and Ttwrt. n)niolhrapiiti Chiropractic Phytic tow 2036 N. C SANDY BOULEVARD Aom EAU 3911 Portland 13, Jmilm3mm. Develop the uill to be well. Make up your mind now that you are going to take advan tage of medicine's new discoveries and de velopments. See your Doctor right away and be sure to bring his prescriptions to this "Reliable" pharmacy. MAG XL DRUG One Table of Sportswear REDUCED! BUSTER BROWN 5.98 Values $099 8.98 J Values. $4 THE VOGUE SHOE STORE 117 Oregon 921 Wall Phone 863 Phone 157 937 Wall a " a m m mm mw MAGILL DRUG