The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, July 13, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEND BULLETIN I "Sighted Atoms-for-Peace Ship-Sank Same"
An Independent Newspaper
Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher
Phil F. Brogan, Associate Editor
Ifmtup Atirilt Riimuill nf Circulations
W-fni M W ClaM MMUr. Jiniui r . I'll lh Fct Olfiea H Bend, Or
goo under Art of aUrcB I. ino.
4 The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, July 13. 1955
z,Zero Hour Midnight
' One minute past midnight, the newest facility of the
U. S. Air Force (defense) will be placed in operation.
That facility in the Air Defense filter center, in Bend.
It will be activated at 0001 Thursday, an military men
reckon time, and as it goes into' operation a new area
of responsibility will appear on America's defense map,
The responsibility for the area will be that of the
..volunteer workers, all civilians, and the Air Force per
sonnel assigned to the new center.
" At "zero hour," one minute past midnight tonight, a
.large vertical plotting board will blaze with fluorescent
lights, and figures, letters and symbols written back
wards will appear on the transparent glass.
Possibly a plane will be charted on that section of
the world geographic grid that covers eastern Oregon
-.and Klickitat county in Washington.
The Air Defense center, with its network of tele
"phones reaching to 206 Ground Observer Corps stations,
will be in full operation.
About a year ago, the local Air Defense filter cen--2er
was little more than a dream. Half a dozen different
"iities east of the Cascades sought the center. Jiend's bid
appeared fruitless.
But, eventually, Bend was assigned the center, and
a building was especially constructed to serve its needs.
Incidentally, omu binding promises were made in Cen
' 'tral Oregon.
Never before. Air Force officials pointed out, had a
- city under 50,000 been assigned such a center. To provide
"volunteer workers larger cities were essential, it has
been held.
But it was promised that volunteers would be avail
1 able. The response in this area was outstanding and it
even exceeded the promises.
Not only is Bend the smallest city ever to host a fil
mier center, but the center installed here is the most up to
; date in the United States.
The vertical plotting board that is the central fea-
hire of the center is the only one of its kind.
Formal dedication of the new center will take place
'. on July 14. It is a most appropriate date: It will mark
'. the third anniversary of "Operation Skywatch" in Amer
"ica. For the large number of volunteers engaged in "Op
eration Skywatch" in this area and for those that will
man the new defense filter center, Thursday, July 14, will
-bo a great day.
Vet there will be a note of sadness
Not present for the ceremonies will be an Air Force
officer who played a major role in planning the Bend
center as the finest in all America.
He is the late Captain Herbert F. Frary. It is fitting
"that his work is lo be commemorated in a'brohze plaque
"that will be seen by all who visit the filler center.
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Redmond Hospita
SjM-rinl to The llulli-tin
KKb.MOND A son was born
Tuesday niht in Central Oregon
district hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Johnson of warm Springs.
Admitted Monday night: Mrs.
Nell Juslrscn, Tygh Valley;
George Ileinze, Redmond.
Admitted Tuesday: Mrs. Calvin
Johnson, Warm Springs: Mrs. O.
C. Hedgepeth, Route 1, Arnold
Grimes, Hi. hoth Malras; Clleii
Williams. 15, Terrebonne; Mrs.
James Turkman, I'rinrville. Five
out-patients were treated.
Discharged Tuesday: Leslie An
drews. Pa, Mrs. Annie Buchanan.
both Redmond; Mrs. Nanev Kin
ley. Route 3, Mend: and Mis. Rich
ard McDnniel, Route 1, Redmond,
wilh daughter Truly Joan from lllc
maternity section.
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS Michael P. Hollerli;
Rt. 2; Bend, posted $1 bail for
illegal parking in Sisters on July
1. Clyde Heustis of Soda Springs,
Ida., was charged with a basic
rule violation for traveling 45
miles per hour in a 25 mile zone,
July 6, and was fined $10 in mu
nicipal court. Earl M. Vaughan:
270(i Bessie; Eugene, was cited for
a basic rule violation on July 8.
On the same day Robert Mitchell
(lay, Eugene, was cited on the
same charge.
No fish can live in Qcat Sail
i.,iko, uian.
: A Bear on Mt. Hood
A news item from Madras reports that two alpinists
in that city found tracks of a bear on the .snowy summit j
of Mt. Hood on a recent climb.
They had no guesses as to the motivation for the
J bruin's ascent of the 1 l,24!i-foot high peak, or why the'
animal peered over the snowy parapets at several points
on the summit.
But why guess? j
The tracks were made by the bear that went over
the mountain, to see what it could see.
The Orphaned McKemie
I.inn and I.ane, sister counties just west of the Cas
cade divide, are embroiled in a road controversy.
It concerns the proposed construction of the Clear
lake cutoff, a year-around connective link between the
South Sanliam and MrKcnzie highways.
I.inn, through its county court, is opposing plans for
construction. I.ane threatens that if I.inn does not agree
to share the road building und maintenance within a
reasonable length of time, the stretch will be started from
I.ane coijnty, with timber access roads then built from
the end of the I.ane work.
I.inn county protests the proposed construction be
realise :
Z 1. It would put I, inn county limber buyers at a dis-l
"advantage over those of I.ane county because of hauls:
over unfavorable grades.
2. Tourists would be drained from I. inn's South San
tiam highway.
.'!. Cost of up-keep and snow removal would strain
county road funds.
I. The road would encourage hydroelectric interests
to build the controversial Beaver marsh dam, ruining the
beauty and fishing value of Clear lake. ,
Deschutes county posibly will be inclined to remain
neutral in this controversy between I.inn and I.ane.
Plans for the const nu t ion of a modern highway via
Clear lake have been under consideration for a number
of years.
And in the meantime the Mi Kenzie pass route, a
summer road that makes accessible for tourists an area
of spectacular volcnnism unsurpassed on the continent,
is becoming a third grade highway a sort of orphan
promoted by no community.
Quofable Quotes
Ketirement? I dislike the word. I Mill continue as
long as I can whatever work I am able to do. Helen
Keller on her 7,"itli birthday.
BISMARCK. N. D. (UP) Latest
candidates lor the "meanest man
in the world" title arc the two
men who ollered u four-year-old
hoy live pennies lor his sevon-month-old
boxer dog. The men
ipiickly disappeared after getting
lhe dog. which was worth $20(1.
Geology Meeting
Due Thursday i
A meeting of the Deschutes Ge
ology club will be held in the city,
hall here on Thursday at 8 p.m.,
with plans for participation in th-?;
northwest mineral federation's an-i
nual meeting at Yakima, Wash.,
to be discussed.
The local club members at their
Thursday nifiht meeting will de
cide whether to enter a display of
agales and semi -precious stones at
the federation meeting, to be held
near Labor day.
All interested in the Reoloy of
minerals of Central Oregon have
been invited to the Thursday night
meeting. Coffee will bo served and
members are lo bring doughnuts
and cookies.
U.S. Officers
Unhappy Over
Order on Girls
SEOUL, Korea (UP) Hundreds
of U.S. Army officers were un
hanov today over a three-star gen
eral's order to keep their Korean
girl friends out of Army clubs.
Thousands of enlisted men
feared they were next in line for
a similar ban.
The verbal order was handed
down in a staff meeting several
days ago by U. Gen. John H.
Collier, the Army's top command
er in Korea.
Collier told his officers they had
until the end of the month to stop
bringing their Korean girls into
Army clubs. In tact, ne discour
aged officers from being seen at
all with Korean girls.
The order by Collier who
slapped a similar ban on fraterniz
ation when he was U.S. command
er m Stuttgart. Germany was
not very popular.
However, when an Army spokes
man was asked about the ban, he
replied that "it is simply the gen
eral's wish to eliminate an unde
sirable situation."
Further, the spokesman said,
Collier "is just trying to have the
olficers set an example."
But Brig. Gen. Mercer Walter,
head of the U.S. Army's Korean
Civil Assistance Command, said his
olficers could continue to bring
their girls into KCAC clubs, where
business is booming along.
About the only officers in (avor
of Collier's ban were chaplains.
"It doesn't look good," one said,
to see our top officers married
men. even colonels going around
openly with these women."
"Collier is absolutely right, an
other chaplain said. "After all.
most of these women who come
to the clubs are just out-and-out
It was generally believed that
as soon as the ban takes tun
effect, Collier will tell his officers
to start enforcing the same re
striction on enlisted men.
The enlisted men cry so much
about the difference in privileges"
one major said, "that you couldn't
very well tell them first to stop
having girls."
Americans cat an average 60
million Kunds of moat a day.
Special to The. Bulletin
RICHMOND Suits for collection
entered in justice court last week
include Central Oregon Adjusters
vs. Charles and Elsie V. llouk for
recovery of $92.87. and vs. Earl
and Ruth Hayes tor j:i8.35. Credit
Bureau's Adjustment department
asks recovery of 576.16 Irom Ko
bert N. Grahama.
Edson in Washington
'Peaceful Atom' Show Planned
uisuifoi-.TON (NEA The big
thrill for some of the world's great
nuclear scientists at me uiuieu
Nations Conference on Peaceful
iicc nf Atomic Enenrv. oDenine at
Geneva on Aug. 8, is that they'll
be permitted to pusn a Duuon.
That will rinse an electric cir
cuit to start the machinery that
will operate a small atomic reac
tor. It will be the principal item
in the U.S. exhibit at Geneva.
This reactor, of the "swimming
pool" type, will be at the bot
tom of a verticl, eylinancai
tank, 10 feet in diameter, burled
20 feet in the ground. Water is kept
circulating in the tanl- to keep the
reactor cool ana as insuiauon i"
prevent radiation.
When the button is pushed the
reactor will give off the equiva
lent nt nhnnt in kilowatts of ener
gy from the eight pounds of ur
anium 235 in tne reacior ui me
UHnM nf the tank. This will give
off a light blue glow through the
water. Occasionally the reacior
will be flashed to 100 kw. output.
Then the blue glow will be
This mav sound like a lone way
in un tn ceo a verv simDle thill.
But it must be recalled that out
side of the United States, Canada,
Britain. France and Russia, few
scientists have had a chance to
see an atomic reactor at work.
The United States has now made
available 440 pounds of uranium
enough tor SI small, researcn re
actorsand has offered to pay half
the cost of construction to coun
tries entering into an agreement
tnf chaHnir informntinn on the
peaceful development of atomic
energy. The U.N. conterence ai
Geneva may be a curtain raiser to
this new era.
In addition tn the workinc.
cunmminiT.nml wiaHnr tht Unit
ed States exhibit at Geneva will
also have scale modeU of five
types of research reactors.
Thorn will nlcn hr a wartnr im.
ulator an exhibit to show how the
control rods ot a reactor are op-
L'raiea to sian ana stop uie cnum
reaction of atomic fission.
Another evhihit shows the nroc-
riched metal used in the reactors.
A model of a chemical process-
ini, nlun! u'ill chmir hnu, thn iiruni.
urn is purified for reuse, after it
has been poisoned by the iso
topes made in the reactor.
The United States is not yet
ready to ofier to help build any o
these chemical processing planu
In foreign countries. The present
agreements with 22 friendly coun.
tries call for bringing the atomitj
ruel DacK 10 inc unuca states a
er its usable energy has bee,
burned up in the research re!
But this is the first time thai
this process of purification some
times referred to as taking th,
clinkers out of the burned fuel-;
has been declassified by the U.3;
An exnibit of Instruments use
in measuring atomic reactions win
also be on display at Geneva,
There will be two displays on thj
use of isotopes, or radioactive
atoms, in medical science and in
industry. And there will be a gen
eral exhibit on basic research.
A hundred American firms maij.
ufacturing equipment for atomic
energy processes are cooperatini
with the U.S. Atomic Energy Com.
mission in preparing these ex
hibits. .
Fifty educational and privah
research organizations have
share in it. But none of their
equipment will be for sale at the
Palais des Nations headquarters
for the U.N. conference.
At a private exposition hall In
downtown Geneva, however, some
22 American manufacturers have
taken space for what will bcttje
world's first atomic trade fair.
They will have their equipment for
sale, subject to the restrictions lo
the U.S. atomic energy and ej.
port control laws. i
Fourteen American published
will display and have on sate ovfr
100 technical periodicals and some
300 books on atomic energy. The
basic library of over 5000 technical
reports declassified by the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission win
be open for inspection. The United
States has given these libraries to
friendly countries in the atoras-for-peace
Don't Miss The
Suprise Table
Friday 1 to 5 p.m.
at the
Thrift Shop
(Brooks Hall)
AJko Open
Thursday 1 to S p.m.
I .jv-,jJfVf
8 PLAYS Mommy get a real helper just as soon as the Gym-Dandy
Gym is delivered. It will keep the children entertained hours on end,
and the youngsters never tire of the healthy fun it provides. Sturdy
steel construction, designed to give rowdy little rascals years of
hard service.
Furnished with Four Steel Anchor Stakes Never Needs Oiling Oil Impregnated Bronze Bear
ings Galvanized Steel Chains on Swings Completely Safe.
"The Store With The New Back Door"
The Scully Two Button Sport Coat
In Featherweight Suede.
Styled like the Jacket of a
suit this Scully fratliervtctghl
suede classic may be worn for
business, sport or casual
wear. It's appearance of as
sured elegance confers great
distinction on the wearer. The
superb Scully tailoring pro
vides the ultimate In comfort
and fit. Long roll lapehi en
hance the appearance
Charcoal Grey
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