THE BEND BULLETIN Bend, Deschutes County. Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1955 4-Alarm Fire Hits S. F. Area SAN FRANCISCO (UP) A spectacular four-alarm fire in the heart of San Francisco's' North Beach district gutte-J the Italian Village night club and the three- story Entella Hotel early Monday. Twelve persons were injured, 11 of them firemen. Most of them were overcome by smoke and ex haustion. A preliminary search of the building, which contained the night club and hotel, failed to turn up any fatalities. Fire Chief George Kelly esti mated the damage at $250,000. Singer Beatrice Kay, who was currently featured at the night club, said she lost all the musical arrangemerits she had collected in the last 20 yeais, as well as her entire wardrobe. Twenty-nine pieces of equipment answered the four alarms! The tire broke out about 3:30 a.m. The first alarm was turned In by Julio Leon, 19, and two com panions, Dan de Simnne, .19, and William Hilton, 18. They noticed smoke rising from vents near the the street. After giving the alarm, the three youths stood before the hotel, whistling and calling to the resi dents. A few looked out the win dows to see what the commotion was about. One man climbed down the fire escape carrying a little girl. However, most of the residents waited for the arrival of firemen before leaving. - i in III 1 1 1 10II1I u ill ijji i-Wl W W & f SHARP-EYED AT 110 Mrs. Juana Ramirez, of Los Angeles. demonstrates that she has excellent vision by threading a needle, on her 110th birthday.. She has had 15 children, three of them still living, 14' grandchildren and Ave great-grandchildren. She I wanted a wheel choir lor her birthday "So I can get outside with the kids." i Women Seeking Equal Treatment WASHINGTON (UP) Oregon's two Democratic senators joined with six other members of the Senafe Post Office and Civil Serv ice Committee Monday to introduce a bill to "equalize the treatment accorded men and women in gov ernment service." Sen. Wayne Morse said the bill would rectify the "curious inequal ity" of 'the civil service retirement act, which permits annuity pay ments to surviving children of male employes of the federal gov ernment, yet makes no such pro visions for surviving children, of female government employes. Morse co-sponsored the bill with Senators Richard 'T.. Neuberger (D-Orc), Olin Johnston (D-S.C), Thomas Hennings (D-Mo.), Wil liam Langer (R-N.D.), Mike Mon roney (D-Okla.), Matthew "Neely (D-W. Va.), John Pastore (D-R. I.) and Kerr Scott (D-N.C). No Hint Given By Eisenhower WASHINGTON (UP) President Eisenhower beamed bioadly but, as usual, refused to commit him self Monday when he received a petition from 54 Republican con gressmen to run for a second term. . . GOP Reps. Lawrence L. Curtis (Mass), William H. Avery, (Kan) and Peter FreluiEhuysen Jr., (NJ) presented the petition at the White House on the occasion of the third anniversary of Mr. Ei senhower's nomination for President. 'This is the first political busi ness I've had today," the Presi dent said jovially as he shook hands all around. A statement was read which praised Mr. E I s e n h o w er for furthering world peace and for bringing America "unprecedented prosperity." The latter part of the statement urged him to give fa vorable consideration to running again. SYNOPSIS Of AVNT7AL STATEMENT For lb jrctr and! Dacaabar 11. Hit. of lha COLUMBIA CASUAITY COMPANY or Unt 1'irt Aftout. New York It, In Uia tiiata at St York, mailt to lha Inluranc L'etutulailerar of ilia Stala a! Omcm, (turtumi W law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bond! ll.MI.S3t.Sr 'ash and bank depot 111. Af aittj' balancti or Intornt, dltldmtla and raal aflat iDun aua ana accxuj.. . 1.1S5.1M.8I Ex-Red Editor Is Found Safe CHICAGO (UP) -Howard Rush more, former film editor of the Communist Daily worker and now editor of Confidentia1 magazine, has been found safe in Butte, Mont., after he disappeared for three days from his hotel room here. Rushmore, who left the party in the 1930s and has since testified for congressional committees, re portedly was seeking an alleged Communist leader. Eut the man lie war reputedly seeking said he was in New York, Rushmore's home, all the time. Chicago police began looking for Rushmore alter he kept an ap pointment and failed to return to his swank hotel here Thursday. An anonymous telephone call started a query to Butte where Rushmore was found registered in a hotel as "H. Robert? " Sources at Butte sa;d Rushmore mai?e the trip to contact a man identified as William Lazarovich, alias William Lawrence, who was reported to be a Communist party leader. In New York, however, William Lazar said he was th man Rush more sought. But Rushmore told Butte au thorities he made the trip to in vestigate possible Communist in fluence in a labor dispute involving copper workers. FIRMS MERGE LOS ANGELES (UP) Rimrock Uranium Corp. of Provo, Utah, has merged with the Red Hill Co. of San Francisco, Red Hill Presi dent Jack Tumor announced to day. Turner said the two companies merged Saturday following a vote of stockholders. He said former Rimrock President L'.;on . Frazier was named vice president of the expanded uranium mining corpor ation. Othar Total admitted aiieti..- $ Il,U9,Sii. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Luiiai t,SS 1.905.00 Lou adjuatmant ipoiai. l.OHSf.Stil.OO Unwanted primluma 6, 115, t. 00 ill othar lUbllltlM T49.iog.irl Total llabllltlii, trctpt capital .! ll,li.IJ-l Capital paid up $1,000,000.00 Cnaiilinad fundi (aurplua) - lurplua ai rtfirdi policy ho ldn..t T. Total $ ll.lT..0t STATEMENT OF INCOME Pramtumi t a load . Lai i incurred Utl axpenaaa Incurrad . Jtbir undarwrlUnc upatuaa incurred Total undanrrlUns deduction, fat underwriting i1b or leaa tnri latent income 7tnat Income DlTluandi to lUckbaldart. Capital than i (n'i . 3thar Itemi affeetLnj aurplua (net) Total capital and aurplut I.ST0.T11.11 S.HU.101.19 S.B1S.T4S.31 ,046,100.41 -15.181.81 1S.16T.M -tl,4ll.T B14.11T.S1 lM.3S3.Tt ' S44.BI1.TS 100,000.00 " llt.TM.M i,wmo.m BUSINESS IN ORESON FOR THE YEAR Hat premlumi recelrad - .. 1S.1S5.44 tat lotiai paid. 1,2(12.81 Principal of He In Oregon! Biuari G. Ttiomp-Hn-Elwail Co., 811 Portland Truit BuUJiuf, . ?i i. , . i b ' r Ipll The finest1 v ' iy in 71 years . Ill Gentuiy i i- STRAIGHT BOURBON ! i no-w in. tHis w f-j ' ljy handsome new paokags ::; f fk'lfifaTnlT' pfout'y pfe,ent ,nitt ndom new hi - J"' '5f U(m JJyliaS pclge tti fin Cenlury Club tvel A yA ; I? 'il ilfcOrlSS bottled in its 71 year history. No H ii increase in price! Enjoy it tonightl ' 1; JTrrfni e "x"e-a-:rs olid p 45 qt I Straight Bourbon WTxisk.ey B6 JVoof Kauona DiaUUera -Produota Corporation Nw Yor. N. Y. WORK RESUMES SPOKANE (UP)-Work on about 12 million dollars worth of con struction projects resumed again Monday in east em Washington and northern Idaho as AFL ironwork ers ended their two-week strike. The union won a 12-cent hourly pay raise for structural workers and seven cents for reinforcing iron rod workers retroactive to June 27. The union also won on additional 10 cents an hour for both classifi cations beginning next Jan. 1. The first national firest was the Yellowstone Park Timberland Re serve, ' established by President Harrison in 1891. Graham May Go to Russia LONDON (UP) Soviet church men announced Monday that they want American evangelist Bil'y Graham to visit Russia. They said they also hope for a visit by the Archbishop of Canter bury. The unofficial invitation to Gra hum to carry his "Crusade for Christ" behind the Iron Curtain came from a delegation of Soviet churchmen now louring Britain. Graham has said repeatedly thai he would carry his evangelistic campaign into the Communist world, if invited to do so. The head of Russia's Baptists said; "It is quite possible" that a Bap tist delegation en route here lor this week's World Baptist Congress "will bring a formal invitation to Dr. Billy Graham to visit our country t Russia)." And the Metropolitan of Minsk said: niARC.E DENIED NEW YORK (UP) Police held Anthony Vitos, 51, on assault charges today after restaurant owner Chin Ling complained that Vitos bounced a flower pot off his head in an argument over Vito's bill. Vitos denied the charge. He charged that Ling threw a sugar bowl at him when he complained that he had not ordered what he was served. Austria became 9 republic In 1919. CITY OF PORTLAND' Aifro-Doma Ceech So Enjoy the rnoul In luxury travel en the ftneaf and Hi tWewr train East . . . thwe't NO EXTRA FARE - juit extra plaaauro! Lv. The Dalles 7:20 p.m. Dally Ar. Chicago 1 1 :20 a.m. Second Mamlnf Mondays, Tuesday, and Wednesdays are "mns swAtf?" days with Union Pacific's FAMILY TRAVEL PLANI for tickets and reservations, information on Union Pacific! FAMILY TRAVEL PLAN, generous baggage allowance (190 pounds frtt on each adult ticket or on a FAMILY PLAN group ticket, 300 pounds in addition to band luggage required en route) and rent-a-car service, contact H. D. ATHON , General Agent 1054 Bond Street Phone 63 - Bend, Oregon UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CHI SAVINGS f r 4ttv 'SALE ....u CASH IN WHILE IT'S AT ITS PEAK! Hear our unbelievable trade-in offer! The wildfire popularity of the '65 Mercury has stampeded sales almost to our year-end quota! We've burned up the sales charts and doubled our factory order! To keep sales at their present white heat we'll give you the best trade-in offer in town on your present car! Remember, this is not a clean-up sale of "demonstrators" or "slow-movers"! Our high volume offer applies to all 3 fast-selling series of Amer ica's Most Advanced New Carl ... the big Custom series, that lets you own a Mercury for less than the deluxe models of the "low price 31" . . . the sensational Monterey scries, including America's highest-styled hardtop for the money . . . and the famous new Montclair series, the lowest, mightiest Mercury ever built! Get the car that holds its value longer take a convincing drive, then hear our amazing "38 Sale" offer! FITZPATRICKLINCOLN -MERCURY 105 East Franklin Avenu Phone 359