The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, July 11, 1955, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. Qt UtdOU Lllrii-j
pjastiE, oaeaoa
High yesterday, U degrees. Low
last night, 38 degrees. ' Sunset
today, 7:48. Sunrise tomorrow,
Fair tonight and Tuesday;' high
today 70-15; low tonight SS-40;
high Tuesday 7S-7H.
52nd Year Two Sections
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon Monday, July 11, 1955
Ten Pages
No. 183
2 Damaged Churches Seized
U. S. Jail Better
Turncoats Sail for Home
By WeddeU Merick
tnlted Press Staff Correspondent
American turncoats, disillusioned
with Communism after 18 months
in Red China, sailed for the Unit
ed States this afternoon convinced
that even an American prison is
preferable to life under Commu
jjist rule.
The three, who refused repatria
tion from North Korean prison
camps in August, 1953, and chose
instead to live in Red China, were
hustled aboard the American liner
President Cleveland 10 minutes be
fore its sailing time.
The trio, who came out of Red
China yesterday with the comment
that "even death is better than
Communism" had one-way travel
documents good only for a direct
trip to the United States and an
uncertain fate.
Refuse Interviews
They were escorted aboard the
liner by American consular officer
S. M. Backe, a member of the
political section of the consulate
here, and by Robert Aylward.
The three, William Cowart, 22,
Dalton, Ga.; Lewis W. Griggs, 22,
Jacksonville, Tex., and Otho G,
Bell. 24, Hillsboro, Miss., were sul
len when they were shewn into the
big, barracks-like third-class
dormitory in which they will make
Spanish War
Veterans Plan
Bend Session
United Spanish War Veterans,
department of Oregon, will hold
their 47th annual encampment in
Bend starting next Monday, with
the group's national commander,
Lloyd Thurston of Osceola, Iowa,
to be present.
Meeting Jointly with the Spanish
American war veterans will be
the USWV auxiliary, which will
be holding its 39th annual Oregon
The Spanish-American war vet
erans will be here for a four-day
encampment, from July 17 to July
Also meeting in Bend will be
members of the Grand Swamp.
Military Order of Lizard, and the
Grand Lair, Military Order of
the Serpent, fun orders of the de
partment. Department headquarters will be
at the Pilot Butte Inn. with meet
ings to be held in the Blue Room
and the convention room. Snakes
and Lizard headquarters will be at
the nearby Colonial Inn.
The combined groups will be
welcomed Monday morning. July
18. at a meeting in Thomas school
auditorium, at 10 a.m., with Mayor
Hans Slagsvold delivering the wel
coming address.
Allied Harriman. Portland, past
department commander, will made
the response.
Orland F. Gullickson, Portland,
pleads the USWV, and Mrs.
Frank Pendcrmass. Portland, is
auxiliary department president.
Infant Pulled
From Slough,
Condition Fair
LEBANON. Ore. (UP) A 3-1-2
year-old baby girl submerged for
five minutes in a muddy slough
yesterday was in "fair" condition
at a hospital here today after be
ing rescued and revived by ber
The girl was Deborah Egan,,
daughter of James Egan. She wa.s
playing on the bank of the slough
on the farm of her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Egan, when
she lost her balance and toppled
down the four-foot bank.
A s.ven -year-old cousin. Merlin
.Egan Jr., sent his younger brother
for help, and tried to extricate the
child with a stick. The father, who
rushed to the scene, dove Into the
51-2-feet of water and. after fivi1
mi'.utcs of groping around, slum
bled over the child on the creek
CHICAGO (UP) A fastidious
thief broke into the hotel room of
Al Rosen and Ralph Kiner, Cleve
land rookies, while thoy were busy
playing the White Sox Sunday in a
doubleheader. In addition to tak-
. ing some valuables, the ttiief alto
rhaved and showered, Kiner mm.
Than Communism
ihe Pacific crossing.
They refused to cooperate with
news photographers and movie
cameramen who wanted to
take pictures of their departure
All were former soldiers dishon
orably discharged from the U.S.
Army when they embraced Com
munism and refused repatriation
at Panmunjom after having been
taken prisoner by the Reds in the
Korean War.
They had worked for a time on
a state farm and then In an agri
cultural implements factory in Red
China before changing their minds
about Communism and asking to
be returned lo their own country.
When they crossed the border in
to Hong Kong Sunday they seemed
happy and cheerful. They wen
held temporarily by the British as
"prohibitive immigrants" until El
had been determined by the U.S.
consulate that they had not given
up their American citizenship.
Tblrd Class Passage
The American consulate paid for
their passage and hotel room here,
but the three turncoats signed
promissory notes to repay the
money when they could Their ac
commodations aboard ship were
third class.
During a press conference Sun
day night the three gave what
they claimed were their reasons
Crescent Man
Critically Hurt
In Car Crash
A Crescent resident was crit
ically Injured in one-car acci
dent on the Sliver Lake cut-off
.17 miles east of Chemtilt, yester
day evening. He is Identified as
Darrell HIteshew, an employe of
the forest service at Davis Flat.
Hiteshew was found uncon
scious 30 feet from his car (Which
had rolled over near a curb on
the dirt road. He was taken to
St. Charles Memorial hospital
shortly after 0 p.m. yesterday.
The hospital -reported this morn
ing that Hiteshew Is still 1n a
critical condition. He suffered
skull fractures and internal
bleeding In the skull.
Hiteshew Is a member of the
Fremont National forest staff.
Annual Pioneer
Picnic Planned
The annual summer picnic and
reunion of members of the Des
chutes Pioneers' association wil
be held in Pioneer park in Bend
Sunday. July 17, starting at 1 p.m.
C. G. Springer, association presr
dent, has announced.
Registration of association man
aeers will be supervised by Mrs.
Emil Nordeen. Mrs. Maurice Hoo
ver will be in charge of the table
preparation and the serving of ice
Ample parking space has again
been provided by Deschutes coun
ty at the area just south of Pio
neer park and adjacent to the
county shops. James McNecley
will handle the parking of cars.
Pioneers are being requested to
exhibit pictures of old familiar
scenes and events in and around
Bend and the county. A set of or
iginal paintings of old scenes and
places reproduced from ohoto
Kraphs by Mrs. Helen Stoddard of
Paradise. Calif., will be exhibited
These paintings have been do
nated to the association lor dis.
play In the proposed pioneer mu
seum. Pictures of early day Redmonfl
will receive sneclal attention, in-
ismudi as Redmond this year
is observing the golden anniver
sary 01 US founding oy rranit
Redmond, who set up his tent in
the sagebrush where Kedmonn
now stands.
Highway, Parks
Groups Set Stop
On an inspection trip of high
ways and state parks In Oregon
east of the Cascades, members
of the state highway commission
the legislative interim group and
the state parks advisory commit
tee will be in Bend Thursday and
will stop here over the noon hour
en route from Lakeview to Port
h it expected that some 30 per
sons will be In the party that will
Include U.S. Bureau of Public
rods h ofwesvntatfvea.
for refusing repatriation. A;l
claimed they were disappointed at
what they found in Red China.
Cowart said it would "take sev
eral volumes" to tell what hap
pened in Communist China. When
asked why he had decided to stay
in Red China, he replied: "A child
decided not to come home; a man
decided to go home."
' He said he had "never accepted
Communism" and added tlvat all
had experiences which proved that
the free world was better than
"We would welcome Hitler back
rather than have Communism,"
he said. .
He said he stayed with the Reds
because of his fear of "politicnl
persecution. " (
Commenting on his experiences
under the Peiping regime. Cowart
said that "the places in China
which the world does not see can
only be described as hell."
"Just A Poor Fool'
Oriel's said he was "jst a poor.
fool" for having refused repatria
tion in the first place. He said he
now was "facing reality" and was
"proud to be an American I am
going back to my country."
Bell, whose wife is in Olympia,
Wash., said the people of Chink
"hate Communism," but they also
"hate Chiang Kai-shek.
Air Force Set
To Dedicate its
Academy, July 11
DENVER (UP) Top Air Force
officials turn their fondest dream
into reality today when they dedi
cate the United States Air Force
Academy at 7 p.m. EDT.
Gen. Nathan Twining, Air Force
chief of staff, and Air Secretary
Harold Talbott will dedicate the
new academy at its interim site
on Lowry Air Force Base here.
Then, the first class of 306-hand-picked
cadets will be sworn In by
Col. Robert Stillwell. commandant
of cadets, while planes of the
Strategic Air Command and thi.
crack Air Force "Thunderbirds"
perform an aerial salute.
Twining, who arrived here Sun
day with his wife and Gen. Carl
Spaatz, ret., emphasized that the.
academy would not improve the
caliber of Air Force officer mate
rial. "It's already good," he said,
'But the academy will give them
more specialized training.
He said the recent Soviet dis
play of a i r p o w e r over Moscow
"didn't frighten the United States,
but it showed Russian plane pro
duction was farther ahead than
: we realized."
POPE RECEIVES NEHRU In Rome, Popa Pius XII, center,
receives India's Premier Nehru in private audience. At right is
Dr. Mohan Sinha Mehta, Indian Minister to the Holy See. At
press conference following his visit to the Vatican, Premier Neh
ru told newsmen that Russia was "not weak internally." (NEA
Youngster, 2,
Taken from
Crib in Iowa
available, police and 20 national
guardsmen were called out today
to search for two-year-old Donna
Sue Davis who apparently was kid
naped from her crib last night as
her parents watched television in
an adjoining room.
Police Chief James O'Keefe said
FBI agents were conferring with
police today, but have given no in
dication whether thc-y will, enter
the case.
He said the police and national
guardsmen were making a house
by house check of the area where
the girl lived with her parents
in half a one-story duplex. Sheds,
garages, culverts and sewers were
being given special scrutiny by tlu
The girl's father, James Davis,
called police at 10:06 p.m. to re
port his daughter missing. A short,
time earlier, Lais Fjedos, a neigh-1
bor living across the alley behind;
the Davis', called police to report i
he had seen a man running down
the alley with what he thought was
a bundle of stolen merchandise un
der his arm.
Fjedos said he cornered the man. :
but the man got away.
The neighbor described the man
as about 29 years old, and wearing
a white T-shirt and khaki trousers.
Police said a man answering
that description was later reported
seen at Elk Point, S,D., but they
have been unable lo check the re
port. Davis and his wife were given
sedatives -and put to bed early to
They have two other children.
Mary, 11, and Timothy, 7, who
were sleeping in another bedroom.
Donna was put in her crib in her
parents' room about 9:30 p.m.
Davis said when he went into
the bedroom, he noticed the girl
was missing and a screen on a
window was open.
Postmaster Back
From Trip East
Forty thousand Lions from many
parts of the world were present
for the 1955 convention of the
Lions Club Internationa! this past
week, in Atlantic City, N. J., Far
ley J. Elliott, who represented the
eastern Oregon district, reported
on his return to his home here
Elliott, Bend postmaster
past president of the local club,
will report on the convention at
tomorrow's luncheon meeting of
the Bend group, at the Pine tav
ern. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott made the
trip by plane, bus, train and car
They left on June 20.
PHONES FOR FILTER CENTER It took technicians from Portland, Eugene, and Salem to
install the statewide telephone system in the new Ground Observers Corps filter center on
Wall street. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. handled the installation. Picture shows left
to right: Al Russell of Portland, Jim Durnell of Eugene, Bill Clark of Portland (standing), Les Muss
man of Salem, and R. H. Heitkemper of Salem,
Top Military, Civilian Defense
Chiefs Plead Compulsory Measure
The Defense Department s top
military and civilian chiefs plead
ed with senators today not to pull
the compulsory service provision
out of President Eisenhower's mil
itary reserve bill.
Adm. Arthur W. Radford, chair
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Defense Secretary Charles K. Wil
son, Uen. Maxwell D. Taylor,
Army chief of staff, and other
leaders directed their pleas to
the Senate Armed Services Com
There Is strong sentiment In the
committee in favor of a plan
by its chairman, Sen. Richard B.
Russell (D-Ga.), to scrap compul
sory features of the administra
tion's reserve program in favor
of a voluntary system under which
veterans would be offered a $'100
bonus as an incentive- to sign
up in the ready reserves,
Radford told the committee that
there ' is no evidence from past
experience that any voluntary sys
tem can bring enough skilled
men for the reserves. If the com
pulsory features nre dropped, he
warned, "there will have to be a
complete review and reorientation
of our defense plans."
Wilkin, in a statement, said the
compulsory authority "must be
granted" to insure an effective
reserve force.
Taylor, while supporting the bid
for compulsory authority over re
servisls, challenged the adminis
tration's argument that a well or
ganized reserve will make possi
ble cuts In regular Army man
The new chief of staff said thai
the Army will need more, not few
er, men under the reserve pro
gram because il will have to train
the reservists.
Other, congressional news
Saltfllli-H. Senate Republican
Leader William F. Knowland cf
About 75 Attend
Right of Way
Meeting in Bend
Regional menders of the Amer
ican Right oi Way association.
headed by Ross Towery of Port
land as president, were in Rend
iver the weekend for a meeting
iltended by 75 persons.
This was the second consecutive
.car the group came to Bend for
nectings arranged by Rodney Co
zed, only member of the associa
te in this cily. Coad is with the
;tate highway department.
On Saturday night, the ARWA
members and their wives Joinpd
in a dinner and program at the
Pilot Butte Inn, then on Sunday
morning attended a buckaroo
breakfast at the Him Rock Riders'
grounds just north of Bend. Ideal
weather prevailed for the break
fast session.
Members of the association plan
to make the Bend meeting an an
imal affair.
California introduced an admini
stration backed resolution pro
claiming "hope" that the peoples
of Communist satellite countries
will regain Independence. Senate
Democratic leaders joined him in
sponsoring the resolution, which
was offered as Sen. Joseph P..
McCarthy (R-Wis) prepared for
another try at putting the Senate
on record in favor of liberation of
the Communist satellites.
Highways: The trucking industry
strongly opposed a House Public
Works Subcommittee's plan to fi
nance a big highway building pro
gram with new taxes on gasoline,
truck fuel and tires, and trucks,
busses and trailers.
Reserves: Russell's plan for a
bonus Incentive to Induce volun
tary sfgn-ups In the reserves was
gaining supiwrt in the Senate
Armed Services Committee despite
the Defense Department's opposi
tion. Coo Front
Snaps East's
Heat Wave
The coot front which has been
pushing eastward across the na
lion finally reached the scorched
Atlantic Coast today, snapping an
11 -(lay heat wave.
Temperatures along the Imme
diate Atlantic Coast, however,
were stilt high.
The cooler air dropped readings
between the Great Lakes and New
Kngland about 10 degrees from
K'sterday, going as low as M)
some areas.
Most of the nation reported
sunny skies and tem,Krafures be
tween 70 and 80.
In New Kngland, hr Iwt weather
was bioki-n yeslerday but violent
electrical storms centered In the
Boston area. Alxwt 2.1 1 Inchon of
riin fell in Boston In -15 minutes
late In the day for u total of 2.;i9
The Coast Guard towed 17 boats
to safety during the ';torm, Four
tf en-iigcis were snatched from an
18-foot motorbofit by a tugboat
minutes before the small craft
capsied in ftf-mile an hour winds.
The storm threw a fright into 24
persons on an open lobster ttoat tn
Boston Harbor. The party had
Ik en on a picnic who the storm
broke. No one was Injured, how
ever, as a freighter came to the
rescue and unloaded them.
An estimated 200 homos In the
Boston area were hit by lightning,
which caused minor damage.
At the other end of the nation,
Los Angeles authorities reported
that 22 persons were rescued from
the surf on various beaches a
crowds turned out despite chilly
tempera turaa.
by Peron
Filter Center
Nearly Ready
For Operation
Installation of equipment In
Bend's air defense filter center,
only one of Its kind in the United
States, was nearing completion to- J
day In preparation for Its formal
dedication on Thursday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock.
General R, W. Puryear, com
mander of the 25th Air Division
(defense) will represent the Air
Defense command at the official
opening and dedication, and will
be speaker at a Bend Chamber of
Commerce sponsored luncheon :
Thursday noon at the Pilot Butte!
Inn. I
On Thursday night, General Pur
year will be speaker before the
Central Oregon Forum, at the Al
len school auditorium, at 8 o'clock.
Civilian defense and Air Force
personnel In Bend reported this
morning that plans for the dedi
cation are taking final shape,
with Invitations sent to radar sta
tions, GOC posts and cities tn all
parts of the huge nrea the Bend
filter center is to serve.
Following the dedication of the
new center, there will be an open
house, and visitors will receive
demonstrations of the manner the
big vertical plotting Imard is han
dled. Telephone crews are now install
ing equipment that wlh place oper
ators of the board directly In
touch with Ground Observer posts
In ail parts of eastern Oregon.
Opening of the Bend filter cen
ter will come on the third anni
versary of the founding of "Opera
tion Skywateh," and the Bend
event will be spotlighted on the
Air Force map of the United
Frank Webster McCaffery
Dies at Redmond Today
Kpcrlal to The Bulletin i
RKDMOND One of Central:
Oregon's oldest pioneers Frank
Webster McCaffery, 83, died at
12:30 a.m. Monday nfl'-r being bed
fast for 15 months. He entered
Central Oregon District hospital on
Funeral services will le held
Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Redmond's
Community church, with Rev. D.
L. I'enhollow officiating. Burial
will be in the Redmond cemetery.
Mr. McCaffery and his wife, the
former Minnie Truax were mar
ried In Warsaw, N. Y., nearly 60
yoRin ago, and came west in lfX2,
They went first to California, re
turned briefly to Warsaw, then
moved to Portland, and came t
the new town of CVne Falls ti
irsTS. They would have celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary
this Novem!er.
Mr. McCaffery was bom July 17
187L tn Warsaw. He Introduced
Buenos Aires
Tension Again
s Mounting
gentine government today, over
the protests of churphmen, .took
possession o two Roman Cath-.
olic churches damaged in the
June 16 revolution nrd said they
would be rebuilt and protected by
the state as national shrines.
The government move was the
latest In a 48-hour resurgence of
tension between tho government '
and church authorities.
Government official? said today
that leaders of yeste-'day's anti
(,'overnment Catholic riot in Plaza
De Mayo will be charted and tried
for violation of state security.
Some 60 persons wei-e arrested ,
in yesterday's outbreak which fol
lowed 11 o'clock mass.
Damaged By Fire
Police used fire hoses, clubs and
chemicals mixed with water and a
brown dye to breuk up the demon
strators who massed in front of
government house shouting anti
eovernment and antl-Peron slogans
Churches seized today were San
Francisco and Santo Domingo,
Catholic sources predicted that
two others, Our Lady of Mercy and
St. Ignatius, also would be taken
over by the government.
All four were damaged by fires
which President Juan D. Peron
charged were set by ComrmmUls
taking advantage of the situation ,
arising from the revolt. ,
Priests In charge ot San Fran
cibco and Santo Domingo churches
drew up formal protests against
the seizure and said Catholic auth
orities wish to rebuild the churches
themselves with their own resour-
ces flnd aIms contributed by the
It was not known how many
of the 60 persons seized In yester
day's outbreak still were held. It
was disclosed, however, that many
young persons and some women
had been released.
Truce Is Broken -
The riot yesterday and the nofsy
demonstration by Catholics Satur
day night before the Buenos Aires
Naval Club heightened the ten
sion between church and state In
Argentina. There hi been a
'truce between Peron s govern
volt and riots of last month.
Kiscnhower today ordered im
mediate steps to terminate Ute
controversial Dixon Yates con
tract. Mr. lOlsenhower Issued the or
der after receiving personal as
suranres from Mayor Frank
Totiey of Memphis, Tenn., that
Memphis will build a municipal
power plant making the Dixon
Yates contract unnecessary.
Attorney (ieneral Herbert
Brownell, Jr., announced tho
president's decision nt a news
conference at tho White Itotirw
Immediately after Tnhey and
Brownell hud conferred with the
president and other federal offb
rials. ,
"As a rtwtilt of the conferences
hero today," Browne!! until, "the
federal government will Inimedi
ntety take steps to terminate the
Dixon-Yates wm tract.
the Netted Gem potato to this re-
ion, and raised tho first mint and
distilled It, Just p.lor to the war.
He was a real estate broker for
nany years, and pioneered much
of the land development In Sisters,
Moverdale, Powell Butte, Red
mond and Dine Falls.
McCaffrey nnd his wife and only
child, a son Fred, lived first in
Cline Falls, then moved to the
new town of Redmond 50 years
Mr. McCaffery was a charter
member of the Bend Klks lxlge.
Survivors besides his wife are
Mrs. Neva McCaffery, widow of
son Fred, wtio died In 19-10, and a
i!ster, Mrs. L. E. Smith, both of
Redmond; a brother, Pen McCaf
fery, Hollywood, Call.; three
rand-and six great-grand-chll
Jack McCaffery, Powell Butte,
me of Central Oregon's best
mown young farmers, is a grand-