Th Bnd Bullttln, Saturday, July 9, 1985 The Lowdovvn By fiKNB ANHK.UHON liul It-tJii Spurt Editor I t? i-.-ooiS Bend, Dalles Clash Here in Playoffs J'mbable starting pitcher for the Dalles American legion hnti hall Ifum tonight will Ih Denny Peterson, its All-State right-hand-it. As a sophomore Peterson sia DENNY PETERSON Standout to hurl tonight Klo-handodly pitched The Indians to the State championship th's yi'nr. II- pitched I wo of (heir three tournament wins, and appeared in relic! in the other name. He stands only 5' 9", but boasts n good curve ball and a pretty fair (asl ball Rend legion players well re- Barber Keeping St. Paul Lead ST. PAUL, Minn. (UP).Tcrry Barber, once called "too little" for Rolf, led the field into the third round of the St. Paul Open Kolf toumumcnt todav and had a Rood chance of selling a new meet record. Harher set n new record for the first 36 holes by blasting a 15 under par Ki-fift llin one stroke under liei,ry Ransom's record 130 hi m. It nave (he 5-foot 5-hich IjOS An gles pro a Ihr.e-slroke lend and I yowl chance of goin on to crack the tuurnanvnt record of '206 by Uoyd ManKi-um in VXA and Cary Middlocoff in 1!:2. The 3!-y ear-old chip and putt artist, who uses u hattci-cd old putter, said he wasn't playing "uuito as wll Friday as in tio opening round" then grinned: "Bui it's still the best tourna ment golf I've ever played." Barber fired a flveundor-mr 31 on Friday's first nine and sank a pair of 20-toot putt: , but he was oitly one under par with 35 on the second a her Iwtgying the 13th and missing a 12-fooior and pos sible eagle on IS. But despite his hot pace, Barber was only three strokis abend of Arnold palmer ol I .at robe, Ia.. and four a he 'id (( Tommy Bolt of Chnttnnooua, Tenn., at the end of Friday's second round. memlier Peterson. Last year h? gave up 10 hits in the opener as Bend won, 7 to 3, but he came back to pitch five innings in the second game The Dalles took by a 17-13 count. Then in the third game he ' slopped Bend 3-6 wltu three hits and struck out 13. When he isn't pitching, Peter son will be placing second base. He is the second leading hitter on the team with 15 hits in 38 trips for a .3!6 mark. Hi! father. Her mit Peterson, manages The Dal les team. Art Moyer, SportB Editor of the Albany Democrat Herald, has; watched the Albany Legion team in action against both The Dalles and Bend twice this year, and rates The Dalles stronger defen sively, Bend better offensively. "They don't get many hits, but they surely take advantage of them" he warns. "When they beat (Albany) at the state tourna ment this year they only goLone hit, but it was a triple. Whenever they get a runner on base he is off and running and usuall; scores", he continued. Thus this series this week end promises to be a real thriller be tween a couple of hustling ball clnhs who throw caution to the winds. Twink Pederson, IiKgrr short stop who broke the tittle finger of his right hand, will make the trio to Uosehurg this week end nd may see action. Pederson didn't break his finger on a line irive. but suffered the injury on a routine throw around the Infield the third Inning of the bunclay Drain game. lineal fans will get their firs1 timnse of professional bnsebnl! here next Tuesday when the I-op,- rr(.r host the Salem Senators, nrst half championship Northwest lea gue championship. Manager Hugh Lubv's team referred to as the "Whiskerless Wnnders" In Salem because the meter ( loitdcd wilh young talent mostly in their early '20 s. Mel Krause at 27 is one or the oioesi players. Bend will journey to Snlem for a return game with the Senators on Wednesday. Nyssa to Play VFWHere Sunday In Hip first nf n series of soli- hnll grimes wllh rail of-lmvn lenms. lencue-leniliiiR VKW will host Nys sa nl lirilin field Sunilny. The Iwn lenms will play a douhleheader. slarliiiK nl 1:30 p m. Nyssa. an entrant In the Oregon stale tournament Ihe pnst two cars, is reported lo have another powerful rluh. So far this season they are undefeated. yfe j D,irth Your answer dei'iuls no whether you're adding npplos or dot hint . . , Two aplc pin- (wo apples still tMpmU four apples. Hill . . . two dollar plus two dollar soon Itocnmctt MOKK than four dollars when on put (hem In your sin hit's account here. The dilleienee (In your favor) Is the dividends Hint nre ndded, as eurm d, lo your original rieislt mid comimunded rcKiibirly m thul It ton will botii to earn for you. Semi-Annual DIVIDEND of... Credit us of June SO vovx ' SAVINGS I 3 fEDER Al SAVIN!r.C 'jjANO LOAN ASSOCIATION Best 2-of-3 Series Opens 8: 15 Tonight Bend's American legion Post 4 baseball siiuad takes the first step down the long road that leads to the Oregon state finals, when it hosts The Dalles here this weeK end in the sub-Area 1 playoffs at the Municipal ball park. ! The two teams wil! meet Satur day at 8: 15 p.m. and again Sin-! day at 1:30 p.m. in the best-of-thrcc game scries. If a deciding Kame is necessary it will be played Sunday at 8:15 p.m. The Dalles won the state hign school, championship this year and defeated Bend In the Legion play offs last year at The Dalles. Bend Edged Lartt Year Bend won the first game, 7 lo 3, as Ron Anderson twirled a neat two-hitter, but The Dalles came hack to win 17-13, and 3-1 In the payoff contest despite a one - hit performance by Anderson. They bunched three errors and two wnlks with their lone hit to push across three runs In the fourth inning, and move on to the state playoffs. I' Invent Sidelined 1 Neither team will be at full strength for the crucial series. Bill Sallee, third baseman, and Dan Head, centerflelder, for The Dalles both missed the Oregon City series Monday, but wijl probably be ready for at least some action this week end. i Coach Vlnce Genna has his pro blems too. Catcher Gary Joanis was just released from the hospi tal and has missed the last few cames and practice sessions, but the spunky receiver may be be hind the plate for Bend. All-State Batter' Set The Dalles Coach Frank Brum baugh Is expnded to open witn his All-State battery of Pitcher Dennv Peterson and Catcher Ir win Fandrey. Fandrev was voted the Most Valuable Player In the state diamond classic this year. The entire The Dalles pitching corps is rlTht handed. Behind Pet erson are Boh Giannola, Bill Roark and Karl Griggs. Anderson rirst Genna will lend with his ace, Southpaw Hon Anderson, and back iim up with fast hallinc Denny tnaburg In the Sunday afternoon dash. . ; The Dalles brings a Reason h ord of eight wins and four losses into the playoffs. In their only real comivtitlon they split In four cames with Oregon City and two tilts with Albany. They beat Mau nin by 20 runs to earn the shot at Bend. Bend boasts a sparkling 10-1 re- cord. Ihe lone selhack coming at he hands of a Portland Legion team last month. Bend won eight straight games In Central Oregon league competition, and also holds wo wins over Albany, 4 to 3, and S to 7. Vnllnwlns are the probable stari line uns with season bailing averages anrl piiening return parenthesis. niK nAi.i,K www" I'm IW7 1.2171 . ''' ?r : . . . v. . mutt iniiwif m . HnA.;,...,,. y.i., ,--'-ranf:inf "Tffcf iirwtirtmi iifif intiiiilj lly I'MTKO I'UKSS sl.i..iinir Crnie Banks of Ihs Cubs, with a brand new home run record under his belt, is making u'ricieu Field fans forget all about such other long ball hilling heroes as Hack Wilson and Hank auer. Thn ilender 24-vear-old Banks set a National League record for home runs by n shortstop when he blasted his 22nd and 23rd of ACE CHUCKERS Coach Vince Genna will pin his championship hopes on Southpaw Ron An derson, left, and Denny Lenaburg, when Bend hosts The Dalles in the sub-Area I playoffs here to night and Sunday. Both are undefeated in American Legion action this year, Anderson winning three and Lenaburg four games. (Bend Bulletin Photo) 2 BULLETIN - Moose Trimmed By Bifco, 15-13 Joe Lentz slapped out a pair of triples to lead Bifco lo a lS-to-Vi victory over Moose in an Ameri can little league game at South Harmon Thursday. Stan Shoultz nnd Curt Larson had two hits apiece for Bifco. Layton Smith was the lendin; slicker for the losers with three for five. Mike Waugc and John Haney each collected two safeties K II K Bifco 103 2R1 IS 9 Moose Ml 01313 9 -I Petrie, Lnrranee 2, and Jorgen son: Haney, Blodgclt 6, and Haugen. 111 I.ROdl Sid "BUM Hill ll.rth 2" t"' I-"'"1 K l)vl,l,n I . :I00) 8St.34M B. I iHwnnn , v.i..ii. ,?rii I.Ki.Bfifil loitennnvv !.', D.-.i. , irtu CI' I.HWI C tlpnlry II....! KKI.Snol 8. Wilim 1 F.n'lrA l.4W C U J II tvirT.n IS-ll ria-o K. n Cllnn..l. (2-01 r i-n IUU H.rk (2-21 ri- rl llrinuii (1-11 I l.,-riitm WilliHmi ft.l W. Winkl, District Jcrycee Golf Tournament Due Here July 15 Knlries ai-e now Mng accepted ,it the Hciid Coll club for the dis trict Jayece Junior Colt tourna ment lo Im' held there Friday, July 15. The one-day fairway meet will lie 27 holes of medal play. IS in the morning nnd another 9 in thr afternoon. II is open to any goiter who will not have reached his enjlilivnlh birthday by Aug IV and entries are rvpwted tmni Hood River nnd The Pallcs, in lildition to Madras, rrineville Redmond and Bend. The low six goiters will (pialif: (or the slate .layciv lest at Pendle ton. Julv 2.1-26. and a chance for Ihe national tourney at Atlanta, Oa. Stephens Belts Grand Slammer In Suds Victory llv I'NITKD I'UKSS Vern Stephens, making his Pa cific Coast league debut after 15 years in Ihe majori. socked a grand-slam home run last night to give the Seattle Rniniers a 4-0 win over Los Angeles. The former Boston Red Sox slugging star's circuit cloul in the Pacific (int League ' I. Pet. (ill San Diego 59 39 .602 Seattle 5fi 40 .5S.I 2 Hollywood 50 45 .5'JB 71;; Portland 47 K .522 8 " 1S Angeles 41 c3 .IM ll'i Oakland 43 53 .4 IS 15 I San Kranrisro 42 51 .438 If, Sacramento 41 55 .427 17 8-to-2 Decision Gained by Elks (iNMTe (leveland struck out 10 nnl only gave up Iwo hits n he ier (.tivt; s in a National lull' twirled i;ik to an S-to-i decision hMicue name at Junipor park Thursda.v. I.le I,iwp spoiled Cleveland 'f htd for a iwno. ns he bashed nut j jturlschy OH and Crorcr Met- jkovieh dmve in Ihe tvnm run with sixth innin hacked tip a brilliant two-hit pitehini; pert-innance by Unt Kretlow and kept the Itamiers two Raines behind the league leading San Diego Padres. Kntlnw now has won four games all shutout;' - and lost nono. Iiser Ceon'e Piktii7is (Ml and Hob Coats each hit singles for the nly hits nit Kretlow. The Rainier pitcher fanned seven and walked seven. In other games. Sacramento I'ooled oft rookie pitrhitig prospect Iowcll Crcighton in downing San Krancisco. 6-5; San Picgo eased pnst Hollywood. 3-1. find Oakland scored two runs in th ninth inning to defeat Portland, .VI, freighton Walks Kho Creighton didn't hi ve the con trol in Sacramento that he had last Sunday in shut' ng out San! in thi Ihego, -0, on three hits in his first pro game. Hp walked five and yielded five hits before being derricked in the fourth inning when Ihe Sacs scored five runs. Trailing 4-3 going into the bot tom of the ninth. Oakland loaded Ihe bases against reliefer Kd Bend Loggers Taking to Road For Week End Bend Loggers left earlier today for Rosehurg and a two - game Southern Oregon league series with the Umpuua Chiefs. Satur day night and Sunday afternoon. If they can come up with some of their newly-found hatting pow er, the Loggers have an excellent chance of sweeping the weekend series and replacing the Chiefs in third place. Lowell Pcarce, who got his lumps twice last week at the hands of Drain, will get the nod Saturday night. The OSC right hander shutout Medford in his first league start, and Manager i Paul Gehrman is hopeful tint h j will be just as effective toiight i Either Southpaw Jim Duff or; Jerry Hefty, a righthander from the Portland Ijngshorcimn who just joined the squad Inursday.! will toil for Bend Simrtay. Hetty had a 2-1 record with the S..orrs this year and is being counted. on to bolster the dcpktul Logu mound staff. Oehrman announced that Frank Wiest and lefthander Ken Acker man, a pair of Oregon Si ate pitch ers, have bppii placed on ine inac tive list. Both are suffering sop arms. ' Don While, crafty southpaw whn was an All - Norinern mvisiun choice several years ago at Ore gon State, Dave Gamh-e, from, this years Rook squad, mirt Kon Whittaker. a speedy ng..lhandei from the University of Oregon frosh. will probably face Bend. Twink Pederson, ligger short-, top who missed The Dalles series j with a broken linger, will man-1' the jaunt and may see action. Eugene Bounces Salem, 5 to 2 Cubs' Banks Sets New Mark For Home Runs by Shortstoo Brooklyn Milwaukee Chicago New York Cincinnati St. Louis Philadelphia Pittsburgh National league W L. IVL B 58 24 .707 4-1 36 .5')0 13 45 38 .M2 13' a 49 41 .494 17ii 36 41 .468 19H 36 42 .462 20 35 46 .432 22" s 29 55 .3-15 30 night By I'NITKD PKKSS Last night was veterans in the Northwest League. Veteran Junn Marshall doled out five hits to spark W- na tehee to a 5-2 triumph over Spokane. At Yak ima, Jim Ber.ton also allowed but five bingles as Lewis Ion tripped Yakima 5-3. And at Kugene vet eran Granny Gladstone belted a one-run homer in Eugene's 5-2 verdict over Salem. Benton coasted to his victory as Lewiston got hiin four runs in the sixth in one-run doulles by Raul JJieppa and Mac Schmidt and one run singles by Hillis Layne and Jim Barrelt. Le Mave of Yakima provided Benton's only rough spots with a two-run homer in the third and a one-run single in the first. Marshall got a big assist from Phil Marvior in Wenatchee's vic tory. Marvier had four singles in four tripe and drove in two runs, including the eventual winning run ine sixth. Gladstone's one-in n homer and a two-run boundary belt by Ted Hesse were enough to salt away Epigone's decision behind Lefty Berry n I lodges. ri;H r;:i(s m tchkd CHICAGO tUPi Willie Paslrai.o of New Orleans, who defeated for mer light heavyweight champion Joey Maxim recently, w a s matched today to fight Chuck Speiser of Detroit on .'ulv 27 at ihe Chicago Stadium. Sneiser re cently finished a two yrar hitch in the armed forces. the season Friday night to help the Cubs beat the Cardinals for tiie 11th time in 14 games Nthis year, 6-4, in 11 innings. Banks, whom some Chicago offi cials say will be "as good a ball player, if not better, than Willie Mays some day," b-oke the old record of 22 homers set by Pitts burgh shortstop Glen Wright in 1930. The feat is especially re markable in that Banks still has practical half the season to add to his total. Banks' second homer of the game came in the 11th after key stone partner Gene Baker had walked? The blow gave Hairy Per kotvski, fourth Chicago pitcher, his first victory of the campaign. Jim King and Saner also homered for the Cubs while Stan Musial did likewise for the Cards. Uruves Sweep Douhleheader In other National League games Tatum Accepts Arizona Post LA GRANDE, Ore (UPl-Roy A. Tatum, chief football and track coach at Eastern Oregon College of Education for five years, yes terday accepted a post as football line coach at the University of Arizona. . j Tatum will assist Warren Wood son at Arizona. He is now attend ing summer less-on ai the Univer sity of Oregon at Eugene. EOCE president Frank B. Ben nett said yesterday he knew noth ing of Tatum's departure. Athletic director E. R. Quinn said he knew Tatum was considering offers; but thought he A'ouldn't leave so close to football season. When asked about a replacement for football season, Quinn said "I guess I 11 have to take over. Quinn has also served as assist ant football coach at the college. the Braves swept a twi-night twi-! bill irora tne Kecuegs, 4-2 and 5 the Pirates 'beat the Phillies in j suspended game of May 29th, U-i but lost, 5-1, in a regularly scbtl uled contest, while itie Dodge defeated the Giants, J Cleveland defeaicu .lieago, 1 in the American League, innings, Baltimore, halted Bosw 9-2, and New York defeated Wash uigton, J-u, m a game limited t. six innings oy rain. Southpaw Warren Snahn scat tered eight Cincinnati hits in th opener wmch was decided bv F, Mathews' 22nd homer with one on in the sixth inning, while Lew Bur dette annexed the nigoicap for th Braves with Ihe aid of homer by Hank Aaron and Bobby Thnm son. gus tieii nomered for U Redlegs. In resuming thei-. suspended1 game in the seventh inning, th Pirates scored three more runs while the Phils collected two. Max Surkont, who started Ihe game on! May 29lh, finished it Friday night and was credited with his seventh New York Cleveland Chicago Boston Kansas City Washington Baltimore American League W.L. Pct.GB 53 28 49 32 45 32 46 36 40 38 31 45 26 52 23 53 .654 .605 4 .584 6 .561 V .513 11'; .430 18 .333 254 .303 271; victory. Surkont also started the regular nine-inn:ng game after ward but was charged with the lass as Hern Wehmeicr hurled six-hitter to make his life - time record against Pittsburgh, 21-7. The Dodgers wiped cut a six-run deficit in beating the Giants and dropping them 17!a games behind the Don Zimmrr, Don Hoak and Gil Hodges each smashed homers for Brooklyn. Zimmcr leading the Dodger attack with four hits and scoring what proved to be the winning run in the eighth with a display of heads-up base running. Alvm Dark and Hunk Thompson homered for the losers. First court in Hardin County. O.. was held in a blockhouse in March of 1K31. Serving Central Oregon PHONE 1312 is The World's Most Kfflclr-nt Furnace CloaniiiB Equipment KLINK'S Furnace Cleaning Fhuno WZ Red Sox. Sales Notch Victories Lu!idt;r'n's R"d S" defeated Bill's Ponderosa S to 3 and Lund gren's Sales won from Prmeville 0 in snftb-dl l'-ii;ue fiction yesterday ewnmg on Bruin field. Whit son piichcd the no run 4- hit win for Lundiire'i Sales over ihe Prmeville team in the chill the .Ivily cvrruni;. The first two men at bai in the first inning. Rip er and Harnel. seoren the only mns made bv the Pr;eeville learn. In defeating Biil's Prndenisji. the Lundgren Red So poundrd nut ten hits that netted the eight runs five-tnnm" rontest. two triples and scored tvitn Gn'gg's nms. le Wick led winners with two for three. Editor Succumbs rillCV.O tl l'i - Ar-h Ward sport editor ot ttio l"hioncn Trib uih. Hiid rnnliiixt wiiii nrtKtnntint: w"ri thi- All Star KkmMmII C.iimo of Ihe tripli sai'iitii-e n.v. The links cot the bases loaditi n-iln and Jiv Kir rene dnpiHMi a Texa? Iracuer in lo slmrt i-tntit tei hrini: in Ihe win- nine run. Lundgren's Lose To Pilot Butte Pilot Butte erupted fnr 11 pips in the first inning and went nn from there fnr a lti-to 7 v;-w over Lundgren's in a Jmuer league game at Norlh Haiinnn field Thursday. Ken Aeheson. and Roger Bjoi-vik eah had three for four tit met I Pilot Mutte. Mill Jnssy it iw,. Mnvne. n-ently oM.iined from hits for the losns. San Krancisco. drove ir three runs' i single, a d-oMe ami a l.undcren's Karl Ditws. iS-ilt, who n-; Pilot Itutte two major leagues, homo Unlay. died at his, heved win, 1 on Komi rose . took t he (rew, Nith 4. w ii 7 s e 1 11 101 IM -K, s Ki 1. and Ylvisakei and .V h 'n ARK! Drive To Our Yard For Ai! Your Building Meeds See Central Oregon's Largest Sfock of Building Supplies Located At The End of Columbia St. SPECIAL s2.0DOff List On Any . . . SCREEN DOOR In Stock For Pick Up Merely Drive !.1 cr Ask For FREE DELIVERY Remember . . . NO DOWN PAYMENTS 36 months to pay. THE MILLER LUMBER COMPANY "VOl It IIOMK FIRST" lib OrcKun Slrert I KKF. DM.IVKKY Phone 166