-'4- He Bend Bulletin, Thursday, July 7, 1955, - - r. . Vll AMIMIiaii Witnesses Back From Convention Insecticide Tests Run D'-l-K.'if'S of (lie l'c;.l coih;i'-i:u-tion o! Jthov.ih's V-'i'nesscs re turned (loini- from their i-cMvi'ii-dun last week in Varnrnver. liii-ti-h Colutnljia. Tin V.v.cuuver cm vi'ftlion was tin1 sccun'i of III'' S't-ii-s of eleven t('im; held nn tin?; coiitiix-ni and in l-.urupf this suin rner. Ollii-mls of th'1 eonveriiion have moved on to Wrilcy Kield, Iah Annflcs, for the next one. Then from then lo Dallas, ihe Cotton Howl: New Y'lik, Yankee .Stadium, nod on 1 six cities in Kuropr. The Kmpirr Stadium in Vancou ver had w'en trarisfniMifu into a )M)w lare fut'i jhice of worship a mam- H- -Unv niolh "Kingdom Hall' . At the op en end of I he bowl, a huh statue had been built barken hy a row of fir trees with mii'li - colored flowers in front. A public address vystem, cuii Kistni); of microphones on I hi.' sland feeding the Iwenty-lrumpi'L type speakers, pins seventy-live addi lional speakers and c;nl rolled liy a master panel loenlrd near the slac was iarl of the equipment. The witnesses here reporlcd a peak atlendaneo of :'iX'l al Ihe stadium. Ten counlries besides '.'Si stales in Hie United States and vii-'Mt Provinces in Canada and Ilic far noi'lherii Yukon territory of Canada and Alaska were repre sented. The hiejiliidtl of th'- convention was I he discourse of the president of tfie Walch Tower Society, N. II. Knorr entitled. "World Conquest Soon Hy Iod s Kingdom". By IH.IOS SMITH I nili d I'ress Science) Ktlilor NKW YOI'.K (l'f If the burn ing question of what tiny amounts of DOT and related insecticides are doing to human beiri;;K cur, 1m aiiiweied hy what tiny amounts do to dos and rids, the answer is Ihal tli'-y Eeem lo do nulliin in partieular. There is no urtfiiment about what large amounts will do to hu man beint',. rats, dogs, or any animal. I-argc amounts are quickly fatal. The argument in science m must l he liny amount liie accumulation of Annual Picnic At Hyde Home Held on Fourth AcriiHAT ii:i'oini;n A minor traffic accident occured near the junction of Harriman ave nue and Franklin avenue Tues day afternoon. No one was in jured. George I.ee ttiirkhnrt of Bend, driving east on Franklin avenue, hit tin1 car ahead which was driv en hy Chester V. Nutting of Port land. At the lime of the impact, Niiltiut'.'s ear was stopped and Hurkhart's was moving at a speed of U lo 'JO miles an limit. lloth cars were slightly damaged. UK Y(l l. 111 I I) T'ATKUSON, N.l. UJIM Tiieyo nsl (litfoid Kohinson, Wl, was nr ! many tiny amounts hnngs harm to people. Dis. Joseph F. Tn-on and Frank I. Cleveland of Ihe College of Med icine, University of Cincinnati, fed the extremely poisonous chlorinat ed hydroearhonoiis insecticides, of whieir DDT is one, to rats for two years. That is most of the life span of the rat. Kach meal the rats had during that time con tained 2.r parts per million of DDT or a relalivc. IhtH More Sensitive In theory. Iljal's a poisonous level even for human beings if it is consumed day in and day out for a long lime. Hut Trcon and Cleveland reported in a technical journal of Ihe American Chemical Society, that the lives of their rats were not shortened hy this diet, that their growth rates were not affected, but the weights of their livers in relation lo total hotly weights "were somewhat on the hiidi side." The dogs were much mm-e sen sitive. The chloi inated hydrocar bons in ratios of 10 to 50 parts per million "induced fatalities aft-, er periods of feeding ranging from several days to several months," I hey said. When the poisonous parts per million were reduced to three or fewer, Ihe dogs seemed unaffected over plDlongcd periods except that Ihe insecticide, Dieldrin. at 1!.5 parts per million, seemed to reduce Ihe number of pregnancies of any given female, but without ilueing litter size. ltiimuitH Involved However, aceunuilalive effects ere indicated in the livers of both rats and dogs. In tiie rats tuf jjr ,.'s 1 ' V 't, ' . LA l - NlA Ttphore TEARS OF JOY Brown haired Barbara Harris, 20, who was crowned Miss Cali fornia of 1955 at Santa Cruz, Cal., pageant, can't help but let the tears flow after being named the Golden State's rep resentative in Miss America contest at Atlantic City next September. Vital statistics: Wi-'lVk-W.'i. uiiy unci nix urn,' wns k.vi-ii 1111 n ,, ,,, whi,.h , s,.j,.n .ss liKli'lPi'iniiuili' lira. n,n minor" nml, from lhi rcl- Mnfiistmlr Joint A. Vnsicllo CTVuiH. vioKii,inl, "non-sii'clfic." Ill liolnnson ii snsprmliil s-i-nlcni-i' lull i ,, Anvfii p,.,,!,,,,,.,.,! ,.i.s;iKis of nritfi'i'tl him to leave his hieyele poliee henddiliirtel'S. Marilyn Isn't Only Member Of Itch' Cast Hy JACK UAVHIl i I'liiliil I'rcss StuTf Correspomlent NKW YORK iVl't You know that movie version of "The Seven Year ftch" that's in circulation now? Willi Marilyn Monroe? Yes, indeed! But Marilyn isn't the only one in the cast. For example, there's Tom Kwell, whose interpretation of "the summer bachelor" in th-' original stage version did almost as much as the author, ' ;eoi-;v Axelrod. to make this a valuable property. And the movie critics certainty haven't ignored iiim in their reviews. But since Tom isn't as well, let's say, as photogenic as Mari lyn, he needs u little explaining to make this piece come out sensi hly. lie is not unknown to movie audiences he first had consid erable exposure ahout five y,trs K(H-eiul to Ihe Bulletin EASTKKN ST AH The annual neititojhood picnic was held at thp Howard Hyde home on July 4th. C.uests included Mr. and Mrs. Kandall Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Turner and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hitch cock, Clifford Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Keyte, Mr. and Mrs. I.. C. Bright and family, Mr and Mrs. I Paul Reynolds, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ar thur Kinner and family of Port land and Miss Kathy Connet of Portland. Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Binner ani! family spent the weekend with he: mother and family, Mr. and Mrs Howard Hyde. They were occom , nanied from Portland by Misj Kathy Connet nnd she and Mis? Diane Binnt will spend several! weeks visiting at the Hyde ranch Mrs. Mary Swingle and daugh-l ter Claire, of Salem visited with' Mrs. Marion Dubois on Sunday.; Mr. and Mrs. Kd Williamson ol Kugene were callers on Monday , Mrs. Naney Kinley, mother of Mrs. Art Sholes is in the Central Oregon District Hospital where she is receiving medical treat ment. Siie was admitted on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. KImer Weller and three children of Knumclau, Wash-I ngton were weekend guests at the Fred Turner and Mrs. Jesse Aut- derhaur home. Mr. anil Mrs. I,yle Carrington and son, Chillies, spent the week- ff''" I ! 1 '"N - i ' . 7 1 I. I f X Dieldrin seemed to enlarge their! ago as one of tl. livers hut DDT and Lindane didn't. ! All this is of sharp personal int pi'iuciMils of "Up Fronl" nnd in the sequel movie employing the same Gl character creations of caricaturist ROAD COMPANY Night driving ftir a tiaveling sales man can be glumly tedious un less, like Harvey Sledge, of Cleveland, Ohio, lie's accom panied by a garrulous, sarcas tic patakeel. Sledge does ;i long, .steady tour servicing 25 plants of n Chicago electiomc products romp.-iny. Hobo, his biid pet, shares the routes and SU dge's Cleveland and Chi rat;o apaitments llnhi) t.MKs. i:cs fnnit, .lepe!" is a f;i el ite. M.tybe l n-tated to .m thei HoboiMii: "C.el tb.ill Oil. J;i!V HTMM"tH lr AVM'll. STVn-MKNT t... ll.r ...t tt.,l l.-,ru..l SI. It of III PACIFIC IMPLOYEftS INSURANCI COMPANY 1 l. Ai.ftlM. i tl. Him nf Cillfonil crest to human beings liecnuse Ihe Hill Mauldin. chlorinated liydrocarbon insect i-i As an acior, Kwell has no right cides are in such widest nead use to hae such a lack of vanity as that practically idl of us are bound j he has. lo gel a whiff from time to time, "Hot as I did think that maybe, if nnty in the form of residue on what with Marilyn and all, I'd gel fruils and vegetables, a little public attention after the The residues are linier than movie opened in New York," he liny. They can't, even approach! said. "You know, sort of secretly one pari per million. Hut ehlorin- j I'd think of Kwell walking down aled hydrocarbons do accumulate the street and being trailed by a m body f;ds, especially the liver, modest horde of autograph seek- there isn't much scientific nrgu-1 ers. Tiial sort of thing. menl on that. Hut some medical! "Well. I got on the subway scientists maintain tbat the accu-1 downtown to come up lo Kadio mulutions must eventually add up1 City. I 'sort of kept looking out of lo impaired health and even to! the corners of my eves at the oth- prcmnturc death. ler tropic in the car, but nothing happened. Then I go) up lo gel off at my station, anil one fellow idled up to me. This was going to lie my moment. I thought. "Know what he said'O 'You were in "l'p Front' weren't you?" "I would run into a fellow who slopped going to the movies five years ago!" Happily. Holl wood is on (lie hall. Tom gies out there in July to star in "Camp Follower" ns his i l!iri contribution to a one-movie-a-lyear deal, after which he'll come ib'ick for a new play on Hroadway which is slilt a Kwell secret. Kwell is also the sort of chap (who has relative (rouble. He re- . ceully ended a springtime lour in " The Seven Year Itch" which (k bim, among other places, to Kv I aie.vdle. Ind.. not far from the The District of Columbia has no family stamping grounds in status ns a state, hut is simolv a Cwenslon. Ky. ( ounns, aunts. uncles and Ixiyhi! friends nr i rived by Ihe earl'Kid. "Hut Aunt Vine, who's SL didn't I show up." Kwell said. "Not he- cau-e of her age, however. The family asked her why she wasn't I'.onii;, and she said: ! 'I '.iy money to see I hat boy! all in Cases Involve Drink Charges Sneeiid I.. The HuMelln MADRAS - Tin volving di inking charges, wt r disposed of this week by Al Suralt llistice of 1 hi peaee Russell V. Charley, Warm Springs, drunk u-i a pnhli;' high way. $la plus costs, pan! Morris Wakey, W irm Spring ; di link on a public hu;lm,i , .'. hoi forfeit Wesley Charley. u in Soring;, driving a motor vehiele while nn U v the itdlneiH-e of mt ie.i ! ;n ; lipior. SI.'Ji bail foifeit Federal District, OS or AWT It, HTVTK0 T SEABOARD f IRE A MARINE INSURANCE COMPANT AllMUltO AAHtIS . Wlvy 1 i tune I I've seen for nothing.' him too many lUIOlllllS. (I1IAPITS AND 01 HIM f UNUK ... I It M. I 11 Hilt Wll. lu. I'll f f 1 MTIMtNl OF IftCOUl end visiting at Ihe coast, iniile gone, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Allen and family of John Day and for mer residents of the community with several house guests stayed at the Carrington residence and en joyed the Water pageant and other July 4th activities in Bend. Mavis Rowley, daughter of Mr md Mis. E. O. Rowley is attend ing Ihe Summer school band ses sions at University of Oregon at Fines Assessed In Justice Court Special to The Bulletin REDMOND John A. Udell, Jr., Culver, arrested for speeding last week, appeared in justice court June 27th and again on. Friday, July 1, admitting lo the charge. Justice Donald Ellis fined him S109.!j0 and imposed a 30 day jail sentence, the latter suspended. Robert C. Rogers, Reno, Nev ada, charged with reckless driving was fined $29.50. Charges of pas sing with insufficient clearance re sulted in fines of $19. 50 each for Charles T. Zander, Prineville, and Milford C. Jensen, Northfield, Minn. Kenneth G. Nyganrd, Prosser, Wash., posted $19.50 bail for over load. On similar charges Paul E. Chandler, Redding, Calif., and Billy Joe Smith, Reseta, Calif., paid SL'H 'iO each. Eugene which will be for thre.i weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rowley tooki (lit ir daughter and Miss Sally Sum mejs uf Bend to Eugene last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wayne and family attended a family reunion f the Wayne family in Idaho ov er the fourth. Miss Carole Anne Turner, dauh ! ler of Mr. and Mrs Nolan Turner eturned Sunday from a thre: week vacation trip to Garden 'trove, California where she visited with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John LeDnhl, and Mr. and Mrs. William Milton and family of Vancouver, Washington spent the weekend visiting with Mrs, LeDahl's mother. Mrs. Frank McConnell and her husband. They spent the time fishing at Wickiup. Mi's. Milton is Mi's. McConnell's granddaughter. GITSTS REPORTED Special to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Par rish last week were Mrs. Bessie Jones, her daughter Mrs. Stanley Bruce and two granddaughters, Betty Jean and Darlenc Kay. Mrs. Jones is a sister of Mrs. Parrlsh. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Bruce are moving to Santa Monica, where Mrs. Bruce has a son, Stanley, Jr. They have been residents of Madras since 1919. HE T.l.phot. ON THE RAILROAD Casey Jones never had it like this in the form of Jeannine Bur ns aboard this 80-year-old locomotive. She's packing that silver spike maul to drive home the last gold spike for Western Pacific's new line to Burney, Cal. T ID UAUr 7 Angling Cases Special lo The Bulletin LAPINE Seven angling viola tors and three traffic cases wer? brought before Justice of the Peace B. M. Martin last week. The anglers were fined $29.50 each. They are: John Thomas yiyer, 1G96 1st street, Sweet Home; Frederick Lawrence Banta, 391 1st street, Eugene; Iarry Dean Cahill, 5557 N. E. Cully road, Portland; Lee Anthony Kalecker, 1555 Virginia street, Salem; Thom as James Newland, Box 1282 Cres cent City, Calif.; and William B. Graham and Lucy May Graham of Merrill. Lpwis Cypress Friedman, 729 S W. 15lh avenue Portland, charged with reckless driving, posted $50 bail. The other traftic violators, James Elmer Walton of The Dalles, and Robert Nathan Rouch of Fresno. Calif, were fined 514.50 each. Walton was charged with failure to operate on the right side of the highway, and Rouch passing with insufficient clear- TRUCKING BUYING SELLING Alt ufe scue & "Alfalfa Hay, etc. I'M. C. A. Efter 1082-W ST41FNENt or IftlOMt III I l l t MI HIK SI T j KHMbil to The tlullrtin i I'UIMA II.I.K C:i.np(ire nls .ui.l lllu-liirds will tck'istcr for 1 sitiiM'irv c.iinp Krtdiiy. July S. jit ! the C.impfii'e Ivirracks, acniilin , Im Mt-s. lonihy t.ill;nn. Mip'i"i- . s.t Kcipshaliun will N held lb:il ' d tv from 'J.iki to 1 w p m The summer citmp will start i with lUurbnd ;irU nnd younger , Cnnipdre yuls and th.1 dales are ; Am: 9 to 11. with (ce of $15.50. (Mtler Ciiiupfire girls will attend .sunmicr camp from Aug. I I to 21. ' vli ,t f,v of SIT "J "Part of that like the way the bank keeps it working" . it i 1 "Yon mean yon like getting interest on your sav ings account?" "Sure... that's part of it. But that isn't all. See that line about 'Loans and Discounts'?" "Yeah. Better than 381 million.'' "1 was in that column a couple of years ago. I took a loan to tide me over a rough spot when I had to have a new stove and refrigerator. There are plenty of guys like me who need a little more cash than we happen to have. That's when we're glad there's a good hank around." "What's that got to do with keeping your money working?" "Well, that was a case where somebody else's money was working for me. Now I've got it all paid back, and I'm putting my extra money in a savings account. Maybe now some other Joe who needs a car, or a house, or a washing machine can use my money. I figure it's a fair trade." "Say, come to think of it, maybe I'm using some of your money. I just bought a car with the help of a Virst National loan!" "I guess maybe you are. And that's just what I mean by keeping that money working. It works for me by earning interest. It works for you by helping you buy things. The way First National makes money work... it's helping everybody!" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION " " JUNE 30, 1955 RESOURCE Coh on Hand and in Bankt $ 139,766,190.57 United States Government Obligations, Direct and Fully Guaranteed Obligations of United States Government Agencies State, County and Municipal Bonds and Warrants Other Bonds and Securities Loans and Discounts 381,671,841.69 Of Ihii total $85,515,288.92 Ii wholly guaranteed or In. ursd by th. United Star, Government or it, ogenclet. s Accrued Interest Receivable Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and Safe Deposit Vaults 9,850,397.80 Other Resources 2,776,382.37 216,441,015.68 17,224,655.78 81,933,519.96 1,600,152.00 3,654,503.39 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 854,918,659.24 LIABILITIES Capital $ 20,000,000.00 Surplus 30,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 13,136,488.10 v TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $ Reserve for Possible Loan Losses Thb reierve t, to apply ogaimt any loanloeie that may t, develop in the futurei it ha, not been allocated to any particular loan, or type of loon,. Deposits ) uemana a,JB1,giS.04 I Savings and Time 302,645,451.73 i Interest Received in Advance Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Dividends, etc.. . . Other Liabilities 63,136,488.10 3,241,321.24 777,029,477.37 5,253,082.65 3,823,342.16 2,434,947.72 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 854,918,659.24 T4 RATIONAL BJHR3i OF PORTLAND "LET'S BU10 OREGON TOGETHER" ELECTROLUX Aiilliorlied lener Sale ft rvte PHIL PHILBROOK r.de.ei 0. I VISft I ftl'fC.OS ton TMt Nn . nil I frtw in' hi (V-r e tUOhCI IN OfirON FOft TNI f piH Mt4 HUH M