The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, July 06, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, July 6, 1955
Here and There
Miss Dernartette Arlxnv an '
nephews, IJat and Don Arbow, all
ol Seattle, Miss Donna Coon o!
Leuision, Ida., and Miss Norm.
Herman. Seattle, left yesterl-e
after a holiday visit in Bend. Mis'.
Arbow is the- sister of James A'1
bow, Mrs. Iteuel 13. O'Leary am;
Mrs. John Moe,an, all of Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kohlield,
HI Riverfront, are parents of ,
boy horn this morning at SI
Charles Memorial hospital. T.'k
baby weinhinj 7 jkiu.'kIs, 4 ounces.
Koniiwn circle of rtoyal
Neii,'iibors will meet Thursday.
July 7. at 1! p.m. at Ihe home ot
Mrs. Henry Merritt, Til Iliil
Miss Doris Drost relumed yes
terday lo San Jose, Calif., after
spending Ihe holidays with he:
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Per:.
Drost, and her younger sister
Jeanne, a member of the Fourth
of July Water Pageant court. Dor
is will be a sophomore this fall at
San Jose State college, and i
working this summer in San Jose
Registration for summer camp
lor an lilue Birds and Camp Fir
Girls will be held al Ihe Camp
hire office on Thursday and Fri
day of this week, from 10
to 4 p.m. daily.
J. If. Loomis has left for San
Francisco, Calif., where he .was
called by Ihe grave illness of his
son. Col. Frederick Loomis, a pa
tient in Letterman General Hos
pital. The meeting of Sons of Norway,
scheduled for this Saturday merit.
has been cancelled officers an
nounced. The next meeting will be
Saturday, July 2.1, at 8 p.m. al
Norway hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown
and sons, Gary and Wayne, and
Air. and Mrs. Thomas' Woodward
all of Los Angeles, are visiting
tins week with relatives. Mrs
Lloyd Mathers and Mrs. Kenneth
Mathers are sisters of Brown and
Mrs. Woodward.
A girl was born this morning at
St.' Charles Memorial hospital to
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leithauscr.
Sisters. The baby weighed 9
pounds, n ounces, and has been
named Karen Jean.
Central Oregon Shrine club
Ily United Press
The cattle market was active
Cattle -100: market fairly active,
mostly steady; load choice iUb lb.
' fed steers 2.'1..T: few load good
1100 ,1b. steel's 20; truck lot good
7!I3 It), fed heifers 21: few utility
dairy type heifers 12-li; canner
eutters mostly 9-10.50; utility cows
Jl.fiO-12.7ri; utility-commercial bulls
11..VMG; light cutlers down lo 12.
Calves ti.i; market more active,
mostly sleady; good-choice vealers
20-22. ."it); utility-commercial grades
i:i-W: culls down to 10.
Hogs 1100; market rather slow but
mostly steady; most U. S. no. 1 and
2 butchers 18(1-2:15 lb. 22-22.50; no
early sows No. ;i butchers; choice
MMO lb. siws quotable 12.50-ll-V).
.Sheep 1500; market opened ac
tive, fully steady with Tuesday;
later trade less active with some
bids lower; several lots choice
Willi some prime spring lambs 20;
few lots good-choice grades 18-19;
good-choice locdor lambs 15-15.50
with few 80 lb. '10; good - choice
102 lb. shorn yearlings 13.50; cull
choice ewes 2-4.50.
liy I'nitrd I'rpss
Prices are unchane,ed today.
Kyijs To retailers: Grade AA
an;e, ftic do; A large, 4!)-!)lc;
AA medium 47-18c doz; A medium
4li-l7c doz; A small 25-38c doz;
cartons, 1-3 additional.
Butter To retailers: A jrrado
prints, fTx: lb; cartons fi(ic; A
prints, G."c; cartons, 66c; B prints,
Cheese To retailors: A gradn
cheddar, Oregon sindes, 42l2-4rl3(
54b loaves, 46 -tft'nc. Processed
American cheese, 5 lb loaf, 3!)',a-
4i)'2c lb.
I have At RIGHT ,
Insure With FARMERS
Stmi-Annaol Prtmlami
No "up chorq" lor mllag,
or bvtintst
Prompt Ctalm$trvteo.Yor
locol DUfrM Aqtrt U oh
oriitd to hondU elaimi o
toon al reported. Thii tMnt
Inatti rod-tapt ottd dtlay.
For rott. calf or t
F. Keith Sfccpard
66 Orrgon Ave. Thorn Xil
:llembcrs have suspended their
vgular Friday meilings for the
remainder of the summer, leaders
if Ihe ginup have announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bachtold
ano aaugmcr, Barbara, left Toes
lay for liieir home in Palm
springs. Jitter snendim' n u-eeb
rationing at the Fall River Indue
liacntolil is owner of the tiinou-
Don the Beachcomber restaurant
in 1 lolly ood. He and his family
were enthusiastic about the Cen
tral Oregon country.
Red Cross Gives
Swim Lessons
Hpi-riitl ( The Diill.Iiii '
HtlNKVIlXK - Mure than 200
ix-Kinmnj; ana iniermcuiate swim-
mers signed up for Red Cross les
sons at the city pool Tuesday.
July 5, fur the second series of
instruction. Mrs. Wilfred Burgess,
who is in charge of swimming in
st met ion ut Ihe pool, reports that
Ml) sludrnt swimmers took tin-
first series of lessons which ended
last week.
In this second series, lessons will
last a half-hour instead of an hour,
to accommodate thr increased
number of registrants. Classes will
start July 12, and will be held it
half-hour intervals from 10:00 a.m.
until noon. The classes are held
four days u week for two weeks.
A new roster of teachers has
been named. They will include
Miss Maxine Urewelow, Bob
Gerkc, Chuck Martin, Mrs. James
Minium and Miss Sandra Daven
port. No registration fee is
charged for the classes, since they
ire under the auspices of the Red
Commanders Set
By VFW Posts
Harold Ivrrson of Sisters and
Jay Scott of Bond will assume
thnir duties as commanders of
Veterans of Foreign Wars posts
No. SlUSand No. 1643, icspcctively,
when inslallation for the depart
ment commander and post com
manders will be held at the de
partment encampment Friday,
Inly 8. ut Oceanlake.
Other officers of the two posts
were installed in a joint ceremony
recently nt the VFW hall in Bend.
Francis G. Gates, past depart
ment commander, was installing
ondosa Pine post and auxiliary
will mcetf Thursday, July 7, at 8
p.m. at the hall on E. First street
and Revere avenue. .
Assault Count
Faced by Man
Joseph Kenneth Sletten, 38. Ra
pid City, South Dakota, charged
with assault with intern lo rape on
July 3 in a Bend hotel, waived
preliminary hearing in the justice
court and grand jury indictment
in the circuit court yesterday.
He requested legal counsel. The
court appointed Duncan McKay.
islet ten was arrested on July 3
by the city police for intoxication.
a separate charge, and was later
transferred to the county jail aft
er the assault charge was filed
igainst him. Bail was set at,
?r)t000. i .vjflfc
Bend Man Given
30-Day Term
Robert Edwin Selander of Bend,
32-year-old radio announcer, was
given a 30-day jail sentence and
fined $300 for driving under the
influence of intoxicating liquor on
Sunday. He was picked up by the
state police.
Justice of (he Peace 0. W.
Gruhh, in passing sentence, said
that Selander had been arrested
for drunk driving in 11)16, 19ri0 and
1fir2, and deserved a heavy
Kptria1 to The bulletin
RKDMOND Driving while un
der the influence of intoxicating li
quor resulted in a fine nf S'JOf.fiO
for Floyd D. Rnbirds r,f Princvillc
IhsI week in justice court.
Formerly (.tiffin'
P4J Bond St.. Phone 319
i. XV. .,. -M
CAUGHT IN A STRAWBERRY JAM Strawberries are ripe, the grass is tall, the appetite's big
and the boy is small. But not quite small enough to be concealed by the grass bordering Grandma's
berry patch. And when Grandma suddenly looms above a. fellow with a peach switch in her hand,
the situation becomes a real strawberry jam! Some of thd evidence was gobbled by 3 -year-old
David Mayes of Detroit before the red-headed youngster was caught red-handed and red-Xaced,
Frog Calls in
Recorded by Texas Professor
RuMetin C'orreN)ondent
SISTCRS Among interesting
visitors in the Sisters area recently
were Dr. and Mi's. W. Frank Blair,
guests of Alice Louise Smith at
Hinkle Butte Lookout on June 22
and 23 Miss Smith is working on
the lookout this summer.
Dr. Blair is Professor of Zoology
at the University of Texas in Aus
tin; director of the vertebrate
speciation research program at the
University of Texas, director of
Texas Natural History museum at
the university, president of South
western Association of Natural
ists, vice-president of Texas Her-
pctological society, and secrelary
of the Society for the Study of
Dr. Blair is touring the west em
slates recording frog calls under
a National Science foundation re
search grant. The terminus of
the trip is at the University of
California at Berkeley, where
Dr. Blair will lead a symposium
on Vertebrate Special ion, before
the annual meeting of the Amer
ican Society of Ideologists and
Every male frog has a call, in
herited, which is pec.'liar to its
own species. At breeding time, the
male frogs congregate in available
pools of water and start calling.
This call serves to attract the fe
male of the same species and
mating ensues- 1
Dr. Blair's technique is to locale
a frog that is calling (by noting
whether his vocal pouch is in
flated), sneak up and ?et a micro
phone within a foot of the frog
and then tip-toe off so that frog
won't be disturbed. This micro
phone is connected by wire to a
battery-powered tape recorder lo
cated at least 200 feet away. After
the call has been recorded the
fmg is captured and labeled.
Only at Mght
This sounds very simple, hut
several facts mini always be tak
en into consideration. Frogs call
only at night, and preferably only
during rain or extremely moist as
well as hot weather. (A spade
foot toad in Florida rails only dur
ing hurricanes.) (Jjii often the
pools of water are not accessible
by car and some ."VW pounds nf
recording equipment must be car
ried to where they are calling.
Often, Ihe troys are shy of a mic
rophone and won't sing into it.
Back in the laboratory, lhr r'
cordings are played Inlo a ma
chine called a sonagraph which
records or draws a picture of Ihe
cycles, intensity and ritrh of Ihe
call. The primary value nt t his
analysis of frog calls is to Ihe
study of evolution. Trv similiamy
of the calls of two different speeies
is indicative of their evolutionary
and phylngcnehc relationship
how closely they are related to
each other, and at what time in
geological history they began to
evolve separately from a comrnmi
ancestor. Fmm this analysis, it is
also eawy to establish ihe fact that
frogs are of two different species,
although they lonk alike morpholo
gically. It is also possible lo de
tect thn presence of hybrids, finer
ihejr rails are invarhbly a mix
ture of the call of the two parent
RegionM ArmiU
Another phenomenon which Dr.
Blair has Uiscovered ift tliat frogf.
" . - - 'j , , -
Sisfers Area
of the same species have regional
accents, much as humans do. For
instance, the common tree frog
around here, Hyla regit la, has
much more clipped staccato call
than any, say from Texas, which
exhibits more of a drawl. This in
dicates that the frogs of the two
areas have been separated for
some tune, and that if this con
tinues, eventually two separate
species will emerge.
During his visit in this area. Dr.
Blair recorded calls of tho north
ern toad Bufo boreas. .the .ham-
mokid spade: foot . toad Scaphiophuc:
hafumondl and the cricket .frog!
Psbedacris nigrita. -The' recording,
of Who Psuedacris nigrita at 'Sis-.
ter.s, is an important range exteh-i;
sion of the species. Before Dr. j
Blair's visit,' they were thought to
range only to tlic western "borders !
of Idaho. , , :(
Miss Smith, having had previous j
experience in recording frog calls;
in Texas, assisted Dr. Blair. Shr;,
Is one of his students, studying for
her Ph. D. at Ihe University of'
Texas. She is also employed as.
a research scientist in the Texas
Natural History Museum.
. St, mm -in! tn Tho Bulletin
SISTI5RS The state forestry of
fice reported a fire on the old
Shaver property east of Camp
Polk on June 30. The blaze was
apparently caused by. spontaneous
combustion in an old dump. The
fire burned some brush and repro
duction hut little damage was
caused. The fire was controlled by
the state forestry crew. Visitors In
the Stale Forestry office last week
were State Forester George Spaur
and Assistant State Forester
lames Walker both of Salem and
Mfl Crawford. District Warden of
Prineville. The men were on tour
of state districts.
Ribs of a snake arc stationary.
f IS
C&u&ar -te,if.w. ft nm JkJV i
"AYDS Lets You Lose Weight
Without Dieting or Drugs" !
Follow ihe A yd Plan ind km
wriftht pflnilv.nnturnlly. Simply Pit
thin dHiuoim vitnmin nnd miner!
enndy an directed. Ayd control
hunRTiindoverpfltinK.Yoii ran pa t
wiiflt you want nil you want. ( Jon
tHinanndnigaorlnxMiven. Moniv
rpfundM f von don't Inn weight
with th firnt box. (2.9H.)
S ft H lirron SlHinjM
Continued Cool
Weather Due
Lonlinurd cool weather is !n
prospect until Sunday, July 10.
at least, the U.S. Weather Bur.
cau's live day forecast indicates.
Temperatures in Oregon east of
the Cascades will be below sea
sonal normal, with a prospect of
afternoon and evening showers or
thunder storms. Precipitation to-
tals. forecasts Indicate, will rangejman and rancher, has been namedlleased: Mis. Fred Akins, Lester!
irom 0.25 to 0.50 of an inch.
Purses, Blouses, Pajamas
Lingerie, Etc.
$1. $2. $3. $5
Pattern trimmed Summer
Hats in Famous Name
Values $2995
Coats - Suits - Formals
Costume Jewelry
All famous name brands ... all greatly reduced
for clearance. Suits 100 wool in fleeces,
tweods and novelty fabrics, full lengths and
shorties. Suits fitted and boxy stylos in
tweeds, woolens and silks. Sizes 9 to 15 and 10
to 20. Formals in nets, taffetas and crepes.
Full and ballerina lengths. Formerly priced from
19.95 to 49.95. Costume Jewelry Ropes, ear
rings, bracelets and pins in all the wanted colors
and styles.
50 OFF
Big Group Sees
Paulina Roundup
H eo lid to The Bulletin
PRINK V1LLE More than 1200
rodeo fans braved the lowering
skies Monday, July 4. to see the
sixth annual Paulina rodeo, at the
rodeo grounds near Paulina some
56 miles southeast of Prineville.
Although 'most spectators were
ranchers and their families from
that area, many tourists and
Prineville residents were among
the sicctators who lined the arena
fence or parked their curs on the
In an effort to maintain the full
amateur status of the rodeo, and
the traditional old west atmos
phere, the Paulina rodeo this year
was conducted on a jackpot
basis, with winners among the 77
contestants receiving a percentage
of the entry fees. The only event
wilh a guaranteed prize money
was the saddle-bronc contest which
offered an additional $:0 to the
Don McCul lough again emerged
as top cowboy of the rodeo. He
was top winner in the 1954 Paulina
rodeo. Jim Bergner was named
as top all-round roper. McCultough
also took first place in the saddle
bronc division. Leo Jucttcn won
first for his skill in bareback rid
ing, Cecil Stafford was top mnn in
the calf-roping and Harold Cape
hart was winner in the wild cow
milking contest. Team roping was
won by the combination of Cecil
Campbell and Don tirummer.
All llnngemen
All riders and ropers wrc cilher
ranchers or ranch hands who
spend the rest of the year work
ing on the range. Jack McCuI-
lough Is president of the Paulina
rodeo association, Junior Bernard
is vice-president and Bill Laugh
lin is secretary-treasurer.
Stock for the rodeo is furnished
by neighboring ranchers, and the
majority of horses ridden in the
bucking contests were wild horses
rounded up for tho event from the
surrounding range. ,
Events during the rdeo moved
with professional speed, aided by
the swift commentary of Bernard
and Buck Mozier who handled the
arena loudspeaker.
KHMJaJ to Tho Bulletin
BURNS Succeeding Howard
Maple, who is now manager of the
G. N. Jameson. Bums business-
manager of Uic local chamber.
Famous Make Rayon Acetate and Wool
Misses, Petite
Tan, Blue, Red, Navy
Strutwear's Big 39th
Birthday Sale
First Quality Hose
60 Gauge-15 denier, 51 gauge-15 denier
1.50 pr.
Th Fashion Center of Rnd
" - "-'il
Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Gless, Rt. 3, Box 20,
Bend, recently enlisted in the
U. S. Navy through the local
recruiting office and is now
In training at San Diego,
Calif. He graduated from
Bend High school with the
class of 1955. (Bend . Bulletin
Bend Hospital
Tonsillectomies were performed
this morning at St. Charles Memo
rial hospital uiwit Bruce Patteo,
12, son of Mr. and Mi's. Karl Pat-
tee, 457 E. Qiiimhy, and upon
nine-year-old Clurence Mehlenbeck,
Other new patients at the hos
pital arc: Claude Morrow, Prine
ville; Elmer Conurton, Moline, 111.;
Mrs. J. P. Grolh. Ijikevlcw; Wil
liam Jappert, 415 S. Third; Eu
gene Kiel, 1164 Columbia; Mrs.
William Gregory, Sunlund, Calif.
Dismissed; Gnry Joanis and
Mrs. Frank Rutcll, Bend; Jimmy
Simmons, Culvcri Mrs. Rose
Brown, Warm Springs; Thomas
Braswell Antelope.
Tho following patients were ad
mitted to St. Charles Memorinl
hospital over the weekend: Harold
Hartley, Portland: Nick Mathews,
862 E. 8th: Tuny Nelson, Burns.
Pavid Perry. 7, son of Mr. and
Mm. Jack W. Perry, 2106 E. 4th;
Mrs. M. Edwards, Route 1. Bend;
Marvin Hoppe, Eugene: Richard
I'eliie, 1314 Union; Delos Ford.
404 E. Norton: David Perrin, 10,
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. David R.
Perrin, Route 1, Redmond; MrR.
Isabelle Dearborn. Pine Tavern
aparlmenls; Peter Robinson, Shan-
iko; Thomas Baswcll, . Antelope.
Joseph Burghardt, Portland, was
ndmitted and dismissed. Also re-
1 Duncan, Mrs. K.sU4 Self. GoorKr
and Jr. Sizes
and Pastel Colors
Nulileen lunior Misses
ltd;. 2.IM
8.0r, to
1 75 j 3 I 4
Drastically ltdm4d
l?.f.- lo 11.95 17 JW In IIUW I 22.1)5 lo 25.00
g88 1088 1488
Special Meeting
Of Farm Bureau
Delegates Called
A special meeting of the Oregon
Farm Bureau federation's house
of delegates will be hold in Bend
on July 29, starting at 10 a.m. -at
the Pilot Butte Inn to determine
the stand of the federation regard
Ing Oregon senate joint resolution
No. 4.
This resolution concerns the ap
plication of the emergency clause
to tax measures. The Bend meet
ing will be held to determine thn
liart OFBF, If any, should have in
promoting mis constitutional pro
vision. The resolutions committee ap
pointed by Robinson consists of
Ihe county OFBF presidents, vot
ing delegates and tho federation's
of directors to cail the special
President Ben Robinson was au
thorized by the federalion'a board
of directors to call the special
The resolutions committee ap
pointed by Robinson consists of
Ihe county OFBF presidents, vot
ing delegates and the federation's
women's advisory council.
Edwin W. Brewer, 62, Fort
Klaninth, was fined $150 for driv
ing under the Influence of intoxi
cating liquor on July 2 by Justice
of the Peace 0. W. Grubb yester
day. Mansfield. Mr. Vclina Elliott, El
la Fletcher, John McClure, Ver
non Mnson, Lloyd Shafcr, Donald
Bcrgscng, John Milheck, William
Sterling, Richard Petrie and Jos
eph Jefferson, all Bend; Mrs. Carl
Larson. Gilchrist; Mrs. Cyril La
Hale, Grants Pass: Frank Eggler,
Redmond; Cecelia Balllargon,
Shevlin; Vernon Reitenbaugh,.
Prinwille: Bill Roberts, Sisters;
Alfred Street, Sisters; Joan Wat-
kins. Zillah, Wash.
Mrs. Patrick Gibson, Route 1.
and baby boy, went homo today
from the maternity floor.
at the
Thrift Shop
(Brooks Hall)
Thursday & Friday
1 to 5 p.m.
SAVE Bargains Galorel
Heller Hiirlnjr and Munmer
ilroKNefl In cottons, novelty
fabrics, crcjies and Hulit wool.
ens. Daytime, Htrcet and after
flvo HlylcH In sizes 0 to Iff,
10 to 20 and also half siws.
ff.05 to B.!M