Th Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, July 6, 19M Legion Playoffs Set Here; Bend Plays Albany Tonight Coach Vlnce Gonna and his Bend niidit at 8 D m. t th m,miir,.i American Lesion baseball team in a final warmup game before lire extra busy letting ready for ine sun-Area I playoffs here this weekend. Original plans were to complete the season on July 13, the date the Central Orenon Legion season officially ends. But Monday offic ials were notified by II. A. (Herb) I'etcrson, chuirman of the junior baseball commission, that because of the larRC area of District 1. two sub-playoffs are necessary by J ujy ia. 1 his area is the only one in- ue sun-divided twice. Because oena is undefeated in eight league games, it was named to enter the playoffs. The other three teams, Madras, Prineville, and Redmond, will piny out the remainder of their schedule, tak ing a bye on the dates when they are siatea to piny Bend. If Bend loses out this week end, it will re-join the league for the rest of the season. I'liiyiiffs Saturday, Hominy Bend hosls The Dalles Saturday and Sunday in the best two - of three series to see who will meet the Pendleton vs. Vnlo winner, In anomer two-oi-tnree series to re present Area 1 in the slate finals. The Dalles, which captured the Oregon state high school champ ionship this spi-ing, bo.isls a pow erful team. Last year they dropped the first gume to Bend tn Ihe playoifs there, but bounced buck to win Hie final two and advance to the state lourney. Penny Peterson, a sophomore who was named to the All-Slate team, heads The Dalles pitching sum. ins nailery mate is Irwin Fluidity, another All-State selec tion. Hem! will clash with Albany to- the crucial The Dalles series. Ron Anderson, Denny lenaburg and man wuiioms will share mound duties tonight. foanli to He-join Team uiicner uary Joanln, Just r leased from the hospital after ut tering a bruised kidney, Is not tx peeled to play tonight but may be ready lor The Dalles this weak end. Genna sent the aquad through an hour and half workout yester day afternoon before the rains proved too much. Then again last night tiiey had an hour meeting at ine hall park, discussing atrat cgy and plotting revenge. "Last 'year we came within one pitch of beating them," Genna re calls, "and this year we mean to finish Ihe Job." The playoff games, which are slated for nine innings, will be held Saturday at 8:10 p.m. and Sunday . at 1:. 10 p.m. If a third game is necessary H will be sinned Sunday at 8:15 p.m. The seml-flnals and state finals nre bolii on a home and home basis. The semis are best of three, while the finals will be the bt of five games. Rival All-Star Managers Drawing Criticism for Personnel Choices I'ACINO TEAM TURKU, Finland (UP) Tom Courtney o' Fordhnm University and Dirk Hlnir of file University of Kansas nre pacing (he U.S. track and field team on. its tour of Finland. Courtney won the 800 motor event In 1:47.5, while Blair captured the 100-meter dash tn 10.6 j Tuesday during on international meet. I NEW YORK (UPf-Lco Duroch- t and Al Ix)p(?r, rival managers !or the 1955 A1lStar Knie, were XMng bombarded by complaints al ready today, less than 24 hours ifter announcing their personnel for the annual mid-summer classic it Milwaukee, July 12. Duroeher was unovr fire on tw( ?ounts: 1. H hy-paswd Natlonn) laKUt' hatting leader Richie Afihhurn o the Phil lies. 2. He appeared to be favoring his own Giants' pitching staff by also passing up veteran Sal Maglle 19-4), a 38-yenr-old right-hander who ran use a rest. Lope, the Cleveland skipper who will manage the American League All-Sinn, also was the target of crltlclnm for passing over firt baseman Bill Skowron of the Yank' ees while selecting six of his own Indian players. Duroeher Immediately snapped back at charges that he was giving the "rotn shoulder to Ash burn, who is hitting ..14;. "We simply had to have some rlght.handed hitting to go with all those left-handed hitters picked by the fans," said the annoyed Giant manager. "I have to start four left-handed hitters Ted Kluszewskl, Eddie Mathews, Duke Snider and Don Mueller and with Roy Compan elJa hurt, I might start , Smoky Burgess, another left-handed hit ter, We're overbalanced with left handed hitter. If I picked Ashburn the American league would have as at n disadvantage." Duroeher said he talked the matter over with National league President Warren Giles and "we felt we had to have some right- handed power on the team (6 win." Regarding the charge that hi was purposely giving Maglie mor rest, Duroeher wouldn't dignify it with a repiy. He did say, how ever: "I went along entirely with the consensus of the other managers on the pitching staff. I did not pick the pitchers myself. Pitching Stuff Four right-handed pttchers and three southpaws were imnird to LEO DUROCHER Player choice angers fans the N. L. squad. The staff was headed by Don Ncwcombe, Brook lyn's H-game winner, and the other three right - handers were Robin Roberta (12-7) of the Phillies, oeno Donley (9-5) of the Braves and Sam Jones (9-9) of the Cubs. The lefthanders chosen were rookie Luis Aitovo (9-3) of the Cardinal. Joe Nuxhali (8-5 of the Redlegy and Harvey Haddix (5-9) ol the Cardinals. Duroeher chose Pel Crandall of the Braves and Burgess of the Redlegs to back up Campanella, the catcher selected by the fans. He also designated Gene Baker and Randv Jackson of the Cubs. Stan jMusiat of the Cards, Gil Hodges of the Dodgers and Johnny Logar of the Braves to augment the fans' infield choices of Red Schoendiensi of the Cards, Krnie Hanks of the Cubs and Mathews and Klusew ski. In the outfield, Duroeher picket 'lis own Willie Mays, Hank Aaru. ')t Ihe Braves and Frank Thoma: if the Pirates. Tiie fans chos Duke Snider of the Dodgers, Df Ennia of the Phils and Mueller Named as coaches Ly Duroclx 1 were managers Fred Haneyof th( Pirates and Mayo Smith of th. Phillies. Bob Buhl and Chet Nich ls of the Braves were designated batting practice pitchers whili loach Bob Kecly, also of the Graves, was named batting prae- ice catcher. The six Cleveland players Lopez picked were pitchers Early Wynn inri Herb Score, infielders Bobh Avila and Al Rosen and outfield ers Ijirry Doby and Al Smith. Iipez Names Two Yankees While Lopez skipped .Skowron. who is hitting .365, he named two other members of the Yankees, richt -handed pitcher Bob Turley !lu-7 and left-hander Whitey Ford (lO-.'t). Rounding out Ihe American League pitching staff are Iwo White Sox hurlers, right-hander Dick Donovan (9-251 and left - hander Billy Pierce (5-5), southpaw Billy Hoeft (8-3) of the Tigers, nnd right handers Frank Sullivan (11-61 ol the Red Sox and Jim Wilson (5-8) of the Orioles. Lopez also chose catcher Sherm Lollar and shortstop Chico Carras- quel of the White Sov. first base man Vic Power nt Kansas City and outfielder Jackie Jensen of the Red Sox. For Central Oregonians Get the totally different tubeless US. JL WJ V Hi 1 1 ON OUR NEW PAY-DAYCtedit PLAN! A t vVA via 'ft tJf' v i t r i u siv; saw No point driving another mile on old-stylo tires I You can have this great new protection against punctures, blowouts and skids today. Our special Pay-Day Plan lets you defer payment until it suits your personal budget. Come in get all the details right nowt The U. S. Royal 8 comes as original 1. eouinment on the finest of new cars! It fits your present rims! x It gives you 8 totally different advantages, yet costs no more than regular tire and tube! vl FOR ONLY $20.00 DOWN YOU CAN PUT 4 SAFE MODERN TIRES ON YOUR CAR OR LESS IF YOU HAVE TIRES TO TRADE. Or For Your Complete Farm Needs NOW YOU GO Royal Quality Truck Tire Mileage and Performance llteVl TRUCK TIRE ' High'Bar Performance Low-Scar Prsces ! NIW far Mlliogt- flopping powtft long.Wi.ln0 Utod NIW r D,p,dnh'li compound) - p. Odllytr. ot.d NIW fof tUcappahlllly ttidil -loughtr Royo bodyl N(w for f(M,,r MlMt. NIW (at Traction. Mor nanc. Lowirt handling biting odgt latlat tatltl Hi-BAB S7905 i ply YOU NEVER SAW SO MUCH TIKI FO SO limi MONEYI Sou 100'T, tun dilth. wider and (lnlter Irfnd at tho Mm prirfl a ordinary tractor tiroal SPECIAL CROP TERMS for Your CONVENIENCE SH00P & SCHULZE TIRE SERVICE REDMOND S, Hwy, 97 1291 Wall ON ALL RETAIL SALES "YOUR TUBELESS SPECIALIST" PRINEVILLE East Ochoco Hwy. BEND Winners Told In Mirror Pond Archery Meet Special to The Bulletin REDMOND Winners in the Brnd Water Pajjcant archery tour nament held Saturday and Sunday were announced today by the Cen tral Oregon Bowmen. A special nward went to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stone ot Vale who traveled ihe farthest to compete in the neet. In the men's instinctive shoot ril-sl, second and third place win ners were Derald Steinke, 112341 Vale; Herbert Gilford. (UU) Med ford;' and Larry Hughes. (1204) Burbank, Calif. Winners amonn the women were Dorothy Gifford, llOlfi) Mrdford: Eve Phelps, 1982! Fight Called Off BOISE (UP) Heavyweight Harry (Kidi Matthews lias aggra vated an old back iniury and his July 15 fight here with Chuck Woodworth of Bingham, Utah, has been called off, it wai announced I today. Doctors Watch Baltimore Heavy , DETROIT (UP) Bi.Tt White hurst, Baltimore heavyweight, was under obsnrvatfion at Detroit Mem orial Hospital today after he suf fered a convulsion following his do feat by Johnny Summerlin of Detroit. Whitehurst's handlers said hrj collapsed from heat prostration j nnd the effects of a -Revprei beat-1 ing after returning to his dnissin room. , : 1 Physicians at the hospital saidl i they could not determine immVdi- ately whctlvr Whitehurst had suf fered any brain damage or as only the victim of the intense hat. Although he suff'-red seev poundings in the sixth and eiflith rounds and had to be helped (from the ring. Ihe former spnruing rmitr of heavyweight ehnmpion Ko-kv Marciano remained on his feet din ing the cut it eight rounds of th feature attraction at the Motor City Arena. He collapsed in his dressing room shortly after thn figtit and .'10 min utes later became hysiric-il. Handlers strapped h i m to a stretcher and rushed him to tlv hospital. Both fighters showed the effects of the 9')-d('gree heat in the aren i but the heating administered bv Summerlin rendered Whithurst al most helpless at the end of the fight. Both weighed in at 1!W pounds. iid$2' MOUKI 01 I 1 tunuio una cuia mini ifimt 'I (lin iriixt tiuuuii (pa.iai (U(0l, I1II(IT I'LAVKR SltiNKn NEW yORK"(Un Tiie New York Giants announced today they have signed Roosevelt Grier, 260 pcund former Penn State tackle, to his 19od contract. Bend; and Nellie Stone. 87.r) Vale. Free style winners were J, J. nn.-k Mnxn Salem: Harrv Le fever. (10521 Springfield; and Boh Bruce, (luiai Albany, unn lor mi vnnien, Connie Bruce, (1280) Al bany. The three junior winners were from Bend, ip order. Frank Nich olson, (101) Terry Rhodes, (399) and Ronnie Carter, (226) Dennis Adams, (46-1) Redmond was first for Irie peewees, with Craig Ush er, (403) and Rickie Nicholson, 188) Bend, second and third. Serving; Central Oregon PHONE 1312 The World's Most Kfficlent Furnace l leanlng Kqiiliment KLSNK'S Furnace Cleonl.i-j Phono 13'S TO-- For Those Cool Evenings treasure of Fashion . . . cay. glamorous and charming as its name . . . styled by Chippewa and presented in original 100 virgin wool fabrics of beautiful and colorful fancy checks, plaids and solid scarlet. MEN'S CHIPPEWA Jackets Lightweight ComjMires with -lackets Selling; for ninth more sl5 00 (7 LIFE PRESERVER Boat Cushions Full seat length 100 kapok. Plastic covered. Beautiful $ "I A95 Colors s u Narrow Type $C95 Full Length J Regular Size $3.45 as Illustrated $4.45 SPECIAL Dacron filled sleeping bags with zipper $Trt?5 ONLY U SPECIAL Heavier Filled Sleeping Bags 5 lb. Dacron Filled. Full Zipper '....39.95 4 lb. Dccron Filled. Full Zipper .29.95 3 lb. Dacron Fiiled with Miluf Lining 29.95 4 lb. All Vool Sleeping Bags 22.95 S? u P"l u NOW cr.d Have It Mounted Use Our LAY-A-WAY Fbn Brand New .22 Cal. 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