1 Mexico Expects' Good Harvests; Drop in Imports By CARL J. MlGOAIL L'nifed Vrean Staff toriVKiH)iidint MKXICO CITY (UP) - Mexico expects its imports of agricultural products this year to be the lowest in a decade because of reports of annosi uniiormiy good harvests. Government sources predicted wheat would be the only crop to iaii dciow uie ism yield. They estimated the value of over - ail agricultural production for .1955 at approximately J760. 000.000 (M-U.S.), an 80.95 per cent increase over 10 years ago. Mexico imported more than $132,000,000 worth of food products in 1953, but the figure dropped to &8,500,000 last year, me sources said. The country will not have to buy corn or beuns in the foreign mar ket. Earlier, the government had pre dicted it would not have to pur chase wheat abroad in 1955. How ever, the wheat harvest is now expected to be lower than last year's bumper crop because of losses due to frost in January and. March. More Corn ! As a result, the economy minis try has asked wheat producers and distributors to meet soon to de termine how much of the cereal will have to be imported to meet domestic needs. Although figures for corn pro duction are still incomplete, the yield is expected to be slightly larger than last year's unusually good harvest because of a 30 per cent increase in acreage in Nyarit and other west coast slates. Good harvests were also expect ed for rice, oats, barley, citrus fruits and sugar. Mexican farmers are expected to take advantage of a poor year for U S. cantaloupe producers by shipping their fruit north. The Mexican Union of Cotton Growers estimated it would pro duce a record crop of close to 2 000.000 bales by next JAily. The harvest was valued at more than $:oo,ooo,ooo. ,!7. The official figure 'for cot (on pro duction in 1954 was 1,300.000 bales. The cotton growers were wor ried al)out possible "chaos" in their industry because of mounting world surpluses of the fiber. Cotton Problem They said they would hav a carryover of 150.000 bales from last year after all sales were com pleted. Domestic consumption and exports were estimated at 1.750.- 0W hales, leaving a surplus of 400 000 bales for 1956. The growers advised a reduction of col ton acreage in Mexico to el iminat e overproduct ion, meas ures to increase home consump tion which has remained station ary during the past 10 years while output ins increased 100 per cent and opening of new foreign markets. They demanded the abolition ol the 22 per cent ad valorem tax on cotton exports, which they said cost them almost S2S HIS.) on evry bale shipped abroad. However, the treasury ministry promptly announced the ad valor em tax would not be changed be cause profits earned by coton produrors were 70 per cent higher than those of wheat growers. A substantial reduction in taxes on cotton would result immediat' lv in an increase in the price of cnttnn for the textile industry Much has just emerged from n lung and difficult period," the min istry said. Interim Pastor Named by Church Speriiil tu The Itulletill PKINEVILLK The two-month interim between pastm-s at th fi-mn ,ily 1 to September 1. wit1 .Prineville Community church, see the Rev. V. I. Palmer supply ing the pulpit. Rev. Palmer is a resident of Bend and is in busi ness there. He was formerly pastor of the Community church here. The re signation of Rev, Laurance Bur d"ttn becomes effective today. July 1, and the new pastor. Rev. Noble Streeter. will arrive in Prineville at the Inter date. ( OMlMi IIOMK WURZHUKC, Germany (UP The U.S. 1st Infantry Division, nffen called the "fmhtincrst" in American wrlinrini; history, colf hmtrd its Slh birthday Wrlm'sriny with n fjircwrll n-vn'w after V. ynain srr in K'ip)h-. llic divi shjii a bcini; mtatrd home, APIMHNTMKNT l tK .1 AMKSTOWN. K.I. (l l'l Thf t-mn (ftuncil dfcidrfl Tiiewlay this islftivl conimunilv nmis somcmr tn tlo jwnTiflhini; nlnmt flotrvtm br tne Witsh'fl up nn thn short of N.irntearwott Bay. The appointor will br known as the "Shipwreck Coinuiiioiicr," PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS The Bend Bulletin, Friday, THE BEND BULLETIN Th Iwnd Bulletin (Weekly) 190S-1V31. 1 n brnd buiieiiD ( umt km. iw i. Published Every Afternoon ttxcvpt Sun day arm Certain ttutiuuya by lh buia Bulletin. 7S - 7tW Wall Street. Bead. ttrtua. By Mail in Oregon fbree Munuui 1 8.26 aw Mentha .qo one iar li.tw Br Mail OitUHU sf OrctoB rhree .uvuui. l a.?.'. fix Mantha S.30 UW lUKI 4.lv By Carrier Una Month 1 i.2n 6ix Month 7.60 iue iur Iw.ww SINftl.H WIPV & i'leaae aoiiiv iu 01 m.y c. num of nxU drcaa or failure to receive the papor ros u..iy. All eubecriptioiu are DUE and PAY- i.b lis w A..i r.. BULLETIN CORUKSPONDKNTS Maiirus uuU ihuuvi Phone 2133 or 1901 Redmond M n. Marcud ami ub1.hu Phone 621 Lasttn-n Btur Mm. Walter t i-.i-nuru Phono 37-F-ll -Sisters Mra. facrite Coval i'none fumalo Mil. A. L. ChriflU'inei- . l'hpne 600-L Want Ad Rates and Information 4 Times for the Pi ice of 2 Very Low Ratee for Monthly Ads I t 1 ...R.7 Words Time Time Tunea Up to 18 ..o 1..1U Z..o 14 thru 18 1 00 2.0e S.67 19 tnru 2A l.za 2.0 4.ju 24 thro 28 1.60 3.00 6.60 I'ricta: iwh or within 1 (lays. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE UtiNU UUl.I.bil.v, lilUNfc. 5ti Ads received before 1 p.m. will aDDear tn tne lolluwiriK umv'i uuier. The Bulletin resexvqa the rurht to claobify, eu.t or rejf ny want uu copy, and will be responsible for only one ln- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of ARTHUR CEDERSTROM. In UiL' County Court of tne State ot Ore- iron for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEUfctt GIVEN, thdt the undersiened Harry W. Pierce, has been appomtcl an Auminutrator ol the Estate of Arthur Cederstrom, deceaeed. ine shove enLitleil Court. All ihtmhi having claima aRainst said estate are hereby notiiitxl ami reiiuut-d to pment the same, duly verified, as by law re- mireo. to the unu.ri.lv; nod at ,044 H.intl Street, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first iul.iatun ni this no ttce in the Dsily Bend Bulletin. u&t4i and Unit puDiuntM June 19, 1955. Date or int publtrntion. July 1 HARRY W. PIERCB Aiimniihtrittnr DeArmond, Goodrich, Foley A Gray Attorn t fur naiJ fcUiie 158-164-170-176-U NOTtf'K OF KIN AT. SETTLEMENT ftflte of Elmer Ralph Hcnuley, Dc- i the County r.wrt or the stale or OruB'in fir Ic.c hut'-H ( ounty. NOTICK IS H Kit Kit Y lilVEN. thut it umlirHiurd. Ailministratnr of estate of Elnwr Ralph Hfnslfy. drcea, hiiK filiHl hm finl account in the nr ntitletl court, ami that Monday, July 2Mh. lftfiS. at 2 o t-lock p.m. in tnr court Riu,m of thi ultove pnlit eil rourt haa btH-n appointed hy the ",urt a. the time and place lor ttif nearinn m nnju in n intn- , it any. ami u- aomt'tiu iit incrto Haled and firtt puoliMhtil June 2 Hate of last puhlication, July Kith, r.n. Philip D. Hei AilminiitratiT ley aaid K-tate IVArmnnd. (rt-Hlri.h. r 'Icy at Gray Ai,.fn,.w, r..r u iil KtAU- 170-176-181-187-C Inder Ontinancf No. H:5 the fi-ltouinK on will Ihj offn-d for ksIc- at the Lily oiind at 6:30 p.m. on July fi. io. One male, black, part cocker. John T. Trurtl Tound Mauler -Crook Pioneers Plan Reunion StM'i'inl " The BullHill PRINKVII.LK Plans arc brini; made hy members of the Crcwli eounlv Pioneer Association for th. annual nienic and reunion, uhirn is to lie held August 7. in Pio neer nark. Each year, hundreds of olcltiniers, their families and friends, cather in the nark to rnwn n q'.ieen, eat a picnic flume'. , and visit with old friends ol inc ounty. i Uohel't Yani'ey. president of the; association, has named ine com- nillit's who are to lie in chaw ol . arious phases of the pioneer pie - me. They are: Arraiwcmrnts: linino m il. i hairnian: (".eol-.;e Cerardo, Hav CniffcnlK'r-jer, Jerry llreese. uon Yancey. Ernest Reynolds. Wayne IPmston, Hos'-oe Hopper. Fred Crimes. Emery Carlin and Char les Bailey. Decorations: Mrs. Ernest Moore, chairman: Mrs Bessie Bryant. Mrs. Charles liailey, Mrs. Klor enee Nichols and Edi;ar Jordan lroi;nini and memorial service: W. B. Morse, chairman: Carey Koslcr. l-nke P.cif, Mrs. Kay Bai ley and Miss Bcrnieo Davidson Coffee El'lred Hreese. chair man: Mrs. Eldn-d Hreese. Er nest Edwards. Orvillc Yancey Dick Bryant. Alvin (Irim'-s and l.ynn Nichols. Quern eoniniil',e: Earl Eauh lin. chairman; Mrs. Lake Bee'i trll and 'irrin Mills. Memliership and r'-nislrlion-Mrs D-illv Kesslcr and Mls Stel la ln.li;cs. Museum aifl n-lics: Mrs. P.utiy flaypofil. i'hairnrm. Mrs. Kaln'i .Ionian. Ilouard Turner. Madras and P.ov MeCallisti-r. Bend. Family hislorics: Mrs Eff'i Cal breath, chairman, anil Mrs. I.rae Ilii'Cins. Finance: Mrs Hay Putnam chairman: Art Michel aud RuImt1 List nr. Prize rnrnrnitD-1: Mrs IIuH 1'yucll and Mn. Jerry lli'.-ibe July 1, 1955 co. rwcl pflbhcatlxi ol any want ad. run aujuauutfui uf error will He made by one luwiueni. us in ihe Buileim are anaiiu. ior (tie beneiit of the reaUer, aud are 'ANOUNCEMTti'" to'To"" iiist 1 uuuu. lUkt-atiaat uTbuiiNi, Spe cial Nut tee, etc. iuuT1VK V0 to 36 Autoe Wanted and For Sale, Accessor BUSlNt'SaVlCluVo'(oTO'MH Applu.ttkv, uuuu.iik. wtiiinj-, dtwlrl cal, i'aintinff. Plumbing. Upholstarins. EMPLOYMENT 80 to 84 H.-lp Waittui, uy diucr, oauations Wanted, etc r.ANClAL ttO to j duainwa Opportunities. investtnenu, tow 10 !. i- INSTRUCTION 100 to 104 Hinm. iiuuuon, achooia, tpvc.t Cla- 'LIVESTOCK ft PETS 110 to 119 Catue Hottes, Poultry ft Babbits. MISCELLANEOUS 121 t 169 -iIipltBiiceB, r.i.m i'.xiui;uj, I Si Wood Misc. For Sale and Wnntod. etc. hiU-lAL It)" Ul 1 1,11 Apartments, Homes, Ruonu Wanted to lVLnlt itBAL ESTATE 170 to 1H8 Hnutu. ruvin Aim uuncuwi, ots A Acreages for Sale, etc. 11 Personals; Spl. Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS can help you overcome your drinfnu problem. Attend meeting Friday night 8:30, Uti copal Church or write P.O. box 181, Buiid. If you fail to receive your Bend Bulletin by 6:30, Tele phone 56 and a copy will be sent you by special carrier. CASH QUICKLY for the down payment on tne car you want or any wrtimhtle purponr. COMMERCIAL - INitUSirtl AL UNANCE COK1'., Phone Z2iV, 316 Uritnwooil Ave., Mend. 13 Convalescent Care EBENEZER HOME Now open for elderly people. Ex cellent care & good wholesome food. See at 1406 E. 9th. Ph. 1291 Blanche Garner, Mgr. 28 House Trailers 30 Used Cars for Sale WHY BUY SAFE BUY 13fH MERCURY STATION WAtiUN Low mtjciitfe, rauio et heater, Mcrcomatic, liu-.l. rubber. This wnjinn has hart very koikI care. One owner. Now driving a new ivnn miTCury n KfCon, FlTZl'ATRICK LINCOLN-MERCURY 14 Eat 3rd. WHY BUY SAFE BUY FUR TRAitE: Car for Rood umI piano accoroion. lhii ucmi, after 6:j0, 1!&0 KORI), V-8. Radio A Heater. Mum sell, kavinir United Sutea. Call 604. 1946 CHEVROLET. 2 door. Body in good romjitioii, liauu-r upminU'iy. new mu tor. 1616 W. 2nd, phone 140T. I!t!i2 LINCOLN 4-Uoor one-owmr. !.ki like new has a complete new motor. Rat II, Overdrive A lot of car for only fllt!l5. SEE OAVY CltUCKE'lT EV ANS at WARD MOTOR CO., Used Car Lot. Oreiion at Lava Hd. . . l-'OK TUB BUST HSK1) CAR DEAL IN TOWN SKK I1KNI) NASI! CO. i:il CltKKNWOOU J'HONK 700 HH7 FORD cluh coupe, Di47 rORD 2 door. HttK DODGE 2 door, radio A heater. D'lfi DODGE 1 door, 1!H1 BL'li.'K hupiness eoujv and many other cars to c!nwi' from. i!nd earn - firihmg car cart fr every ukc. "Put" Putnam. HUN NELL MOTORS. A-Atwv B-lWter CCars lflf.2 DODGE 4-d.r wxltin. Radio, heat er, complete motor overhaul. R"od rub Iht. excellent condition throughout. Priced vrrv very reasonnhlr. TOWXE 3IOTORS PACKARD-WH-EYS DEALF.R Corner of Irving & Ilnrnman Lied Car Lot, Ph. 90S 39 AUTOMOBILE DISPLAY IT'S A FACT WE BELIEVE IN GIVING A USED CAR CUSTOMER NEW CAR TREATMENT LOOK OVER THIS NICE VARIETY! 1954 DeSoto Power Master "6" $2195 Radio A lienter. Pnwerflite transmission, white side wall tires. Llllle over 13.000 actual miles. 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-dr. Sedan $1395 Radio & heater, overdrive. A swell car In tip tup condition. 1951 Ford Crestline Tudor Sedan $ 895 I'ordOMatie transmission. Radio & healer, while side wall tires, matching 2-lone paint. It's cool and waiting. 1951 Plymouth 4-door Sedan $ 895 Radio & heater, white side wall tires, In good condition. Stop up lo a better car. 1951 Chevrolet Style-line Deluxe .. " $ 895 Radio A heater, completely checked ami re checked Ready for your Fourth of July trip. LOOK! 1940 THROUGH 1948 MODELS $3500 to '29500 FORD CHEVROLET PONTIAC BUICK NASH KAISER FUNDINGSLAND MOTOR CO. 162 Greenwood Ave. 30 Used Cars for Sale fOKJ KAWCH WAUUN. fc-iuip-Pa wiui riuiio, iu-itvi'. uuiunvv, it-. Lonuitmn inrouMiiout. Iiouv. kuciU. rOhJ ow Iau bOl ilUi TO TllC MlUuhl UKivt-ii-.. 1'KAi'U tyUiTY in littb- Nash CroM country iur 1m1 car oileivu. luunw 32 Used Trucks Trailers 1V60 UOUUE b ton pickup. Heater-Oouu lim-L.K1ill. UUU. il'Kuua HCutfi'UU. OM. at luu mvUiun or luiuue io-u. IKAuE; 1UJ6 FOKiJ Tiuck lor muli uuiitr huuvt.'. eleep 3. t. ilticn. pnutiu 7icW. PLENTY OF PICKUPS; All makes 12 to 1 too. DSSCUUTaVf C EN TEH, Ph. 39 Automobile Display FIREWORKS! AT BKND GARAGE CO. LOOK At THtSE OK VALUES 33 Chevrolet 210 Sed $1J'J5 Kill.'"' '" '52 c.ievrolct Dlx. 2lr $1115 Nt'W HI tit. JO-.il-KtluV '51 tord Custom 2 or $ 795 itctli, Uri-vn Imiali. '51 Hudson 6 Com ded $ 9-15 Very cican, liyuiamuuc ui: '50 Uuick Spec. 2-dr .$ 805 I'Ikiil hi. uynn. '50 Plymouth Sp. Dlx. 4-dr $ 695 Many More To Choose From Bend Garage Co. Chevrolet-Buick -Cadillac Home ot "UK UiiJiD CAHS" 709 Wall ' .Ph. 193 "OK" Lot on E. Gieenwuod 52 Excavating Grading LARS STEINLEY DKlLLiv.. oi,i.,u. HOLES Pb. i31 or 3U8-W 58 Garbage .Disposal BUSY H EE GARHAd'E CO, RpsidentisI & commercial service. Daily, weekly, or monuily Dick-uin. "ll our work isn't satislactory, tell us, not otn em." I'tione Z2i. 59 Services Offered OIL FOIU'Kn Allt HEATING. W; .ic. c.aluti in nil tyiKH .! bnci-t Metal wink UBNl) SHKtT MKTAL, l'h. tit. SAW RENTALS ilend Chain Saw Service WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and vtniiiier rolls for all makes. Phone 2.4 CUSTOM HAY HALING cah or hay. Phono 22"i-W.g, ate acrons Irom itvnu Airport, LAWNMOWEK CHiNIHNfi Many yam experience wtlh all makes asurea you of a perfect grinding Jib. or ytur money back. We Krind rx-l-hniie. gnnn reel, adjuat mower and brarinita. lubricate. $2.hi. CARL AUSTIN, Bund & iinxn- 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE & SHEET METAL Hrin your nsKtinii problems to Phono Tl. 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. RADIO & TV TUBES Compute HtiH'k fur nil radios l'hilco u ml Other Miihe RENO FURNITURE COMPANY PHILCO& HOFFMAN TV Authorixed Deulcr Radios nnd Hi-Fi Equipment RIES HADIO 6J4 Franklin l'h. 801 RADIO A RECORD PLAYER REPAIR Radio & T V Tube fur Sale Prompt Service CKOltGKS RADIO A SPORTINO GOODS 70 Septic Tanks; Cess Pools LARS STELNLEY Sr-I I1C TANK. .sKitVlUE l'h. 231 or 20S-W CARTER SEPTIC TANK SERVICK Phone 1546 or Ifi47 735 W. 12th. 8FMaleFemale Help MAN A WIFE wanted for dairy work. Modern houee, liwhts and milk furnished. Rood wagi. Phone 2111 -J -2. 83 Female Help Wanted WOMAN TO COOK, Odell Lake Resort. Ph'ne Odcll Ijike No. I, through Bend eirhnngp. 84 Situations Wanted COLLEGE GIRL wishes summer employ m?nt an filing clerk, tyist. Phone Bend 21ln.W.r. UO Cattle & Horses BULL SERVICE. Artificial insemination. Central Oregon Dairy Brwders. Week days phone Bend. 335-L till 8 a.m.. Red mond 184 till 10 am. Sundays & holi days. Bond 33fL till 10 a-ir Phone 5S7 110 Cattle & Horses VERY GENTLE SHETLAND PONY. Also outboard motor. 2 n-piatcr, elec Utc uikiivt asner. i'none itti-L. 112 Pets of all Kinds NICE GERMAN POINTER mate pup. nvaaiinau.u. i;ius-n.i a.ier b p.m. UOARU ROOM: Going on vacati lYnied about your pit l LAI Mount View iv en iu is worry ior you. it buARuiuJ. Oriva out ulu Reinv titSiiway, 6 mlius to sian or piiune SI IB- V gUALITY TAKAKEJCl'S FOR SALE. iwiu, normal., tut .,vs, and bird supplies. All birds meet Ore- 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTEu Live poultry trcah eK Ucl bljj it 1'Uul.IRY CU. 40 L. cirst ot i ,.uc 55-J 116 Other Livestock WEANER PIUS Sua Jim Elder, Des cnuuw lumaio rvii. luuiiu inl-J-t. 117 Livestock Wanted W ANTED all krHdaflivestockTHiiihest can 3 pricee. Will pics up at ranch. L. J, lluhujii, 1'honu Wi-W. 121 Appliances; HH Equip. RECONui't'lONEli ' A "TTu AlUNTEElT U.it-u At'l'i.IAv r.s Wr inner Wushers $14.60 mid up Autoiiiutic tvacntrs tbU.utl OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. Ph. 666 SEWING MACHINES, auuuuatie and kiraixni siiicn. aimi new .mi-m-ciiis mac i lines for rent. iiElEUMAN A jikiiLd, Htrumoiiu, I'rittkviuv. FOR RENT: SuiKer Sewing Machine. j.ih per montn. i none tbio. 131 Farm & Ranch Equip. LAS CASE TRACTOR. Will trade Un & ton inevruHH. truiK. n. rr, ois ters, Orcuon, phone 1 33" Fuef & Wood CLEAN KOUY WOOD, liny kuutli. nine Ori'ti CrOHHKrovtt, XUi-H. HEAVY T1MHE1UJ 113 sinsle, 119.60 turn Mo lOtwt. UAOCAPb 1 it J vIS Mull I I'hone 1642-J. 134 Specials at the Stores iTsf:I O UTBOAluMHOTO RS -7'.y"Kir ntonc, 1 2 Id Martin "." Iloth in A-l shape. HOUK-VAN ALLEN STOKE. Ph. HtlO. USED 6 HORSE eir rxle.l l-flu-m Out tHnrd Mi.fr. t4. WESThRN AGIO hUPl'LY. phono 41 H. f APARTMENT HOUSE RANGE -ffi'i.Uf, BEND BARGAIN HOUSE, 2 Kiarncy tin ims fnm do pot. CONSTANT COMMENT TEA the tea Willi Uianire ano nwocv oini-. i." mt -.i.o just Die. ALPINE GUT HOUSE. So. 3rd t. TABLE MODEL RADIOS, niix.rt.. jtiir- crit. G.h. steam ironw. w riiiwiniuni orfcr refnusl. ANDFRSON'S Al'PLl A NCR CKNTEK, State & Tnmnlo.. ,i " 39 AUTOMOBILE DISPLAY DON DYER SAYS WHY DRIVE WITH YOUR FINGERS X'D GET YOURSELF ONE OF THESE SAFE RECONDITIONED USED CARS 1952 Plymouth Super Deluxe-Club Cpe. $ 995 27,000 miles, new paint, beautiful .t tiine, auto matie selci-tor radio anil exrellent heater, new mateliinK scniI covers. This ear is exceptionally clean anil in excellent condition. 1951 Oldsmobile M88" 4-Door $1095 R & II, Ilyilrainatir. Here's a rianrly traveler Good interior, a swell family car. 1952 Chevrolet Styline Deluxe Club Cpe. $1145 Good radio and terrific heater. Heailtiful 2-tone paint. This ear is in first class shape. Let us show you this beauty. 1941 Oldsmobile "76" 2-door Sedan $ 125 Kadio & heater. Folks here Is an exceptionally Kood value for the wonderful shaie this 11 Olds is in. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE USED CAR LOT LOCATED AT 42 Greenwood Ave Phone 2292-W 81 Male Female Help WANTED A M.in or Woman Who Kits tho KolUrwinR SiH'clfiralions & W;uits Ihc Oppoi I unil.es Shown MuM lie: it. nt ti' hr' -rt nxh-t ally at, If li. Iiw fur - '.O id. t AM- l" hatrth fit""''" AM- U mcl i- make frt-tiH r lT.iorr r.mfukni-c Ahlc I" w-rk alin- without lumit .tlOntl. Alii.- U learn A uri'l'-mUml an ohi -nl.jr- l ni f" AM to forni-h hih limit lin'fly I, .n.l. pftssibiHtirs Inr-.titf' tt atlMiirm"nt. Inn it 'I "itly )' in-li'. Khinl. fun arr .mkI roiniiii.T Wrl'r in at H- fi 'I r The Heixl ii.U-rvM-w in H'-nrl on July II. 189 Real ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon Ave VAIX'K 1'I.I'S: iA) Sll.ViO. f epics invide and out, larre cari'tefl llv rm. din rm. 2 IkI rms, po.il)le 2 more. . ri Sin.WK). i:.x.eiicni ik :i Mim, frple. ID $7.Vl. 1'ave.l. oil liu nare, 2 Mi in, Ice wink sh..i. HI V SAVK: i Al Near K i w.Kid schoil. paved, neai 'J ndrm. $.').!). illi Near l.i hrarv, 1 fi. Ixlrtn, le llv nr., $.t.Zl, tUin dwn. il "I (i lots, Irric.a1cd A well. 'I li'lt m nice, ly lHndscaj4l. Sprinlcl lui? sys tem. $5..'MK. iDi Vacant, 2 bd rm. 2 li.ts $.12V. 135 Furniture; KH Goods WE BUY, SKt.L. A trade new A uH lurmiun', wstrit-ra, bvm, spiiiikh. mat trttu.. linok-uin, A ruua. LitARLE i Nr.W it Uhr.t), 201 E. tranklm, phone Ifroo. ronmrly Rine's. WANTED TO BUY USED FURNITURE I Pay Cash PHUNE m 139 Miscellaneous for Sale ONE 1H KT. riymouth Trailer house twu stoves, double LmaI. Will lake tdinc USED liRK-K 9c esch. New A Uxeik PUe anu liuiim. O uAl' S bAi.VAt.E et SUl'i'LV t. Pit. Wi. LLOSEu bUNUAY &. MONDAY. OU1S1DE WHITE HOUSE J'a.nt. Spec ml ii.'Jh wv Kill. Only limlutl supply en hand. 11 END SUPPLY CO. M22 Bnd " ' LIGHT FIXTURES Lamest DiM'wy in Ceuttnl On-on LOWEST 1'Rk'ES A comr-lvlc tttock of i-arla to repsir and build lamps. llli.La Ei.fciTlUC 912 Hill near Greenwood Th. nBfi-J RUCK-IREE l"OP SOIL Fill dirt, bliick and rtd cinovnt, dtimii truck and tractor-loader work. I'll. 7B-J. LAWN - MOWERS TTI Try WEST SluE HaRiiWARK. JOHNSION KRMOW ER REEL TYPE 18 & 21 Inch Power M wer- Rutary MUWERS. Unity and Uwn Hv -RUTARY. HUI F Electric. uUo HAND MOWERS. I'opu lra l';,r SI1)E IAItl)WAHE "Your Home Ton Hardware" JuOj Gnl v onto n Ave KENT A SINtiER Sewinn Machine or Sinner vacuum, can it-o. FOR RENT: Siintcr Varuum Cleaners with attachments. &c ier week. I'hune FOR SALE USED MOWERS ALL MAKES BEND CHAIN SAW 11 1 ONE ftM WANTED: 12 old Dodtte iietieramrs from IP Hi to :.i2.. Will pay If.W each. B.-nu Bulletin Box 141 Miscellaneous Wanted wantedto"buy itci triimitiire. Heaters. Annli- nnces. Runs, Ranges. Etc. High est Cash Prices l'aid. PUONfc liuTJ. Mr. Ralnoy RAINEY'S FURNITURE 1173 Wall St. 147 Pump; Sales & Serv. LET US SOLVE your irritation and pump pri.:.m-. Nk IYrt n..ii IRRIGATION CO., Phono 11, Redmond. 151 Sporting Goods CASH FOR UhmI D--.-r Rifles, nhdminn or trade Ir other iiemn. jimo aioi- IN(i GOODS. Phone 262. 160 Apartments for Rent 1 UrniWN LOCATION, clean, fuvnished. unilUe jpillii. ouimniB Hroudway... N You Will mil im I fim'l iiivfatmi'tit Itr i-hkI li ii". A HumKt-l hy y"'r .-I.., .tn f..r hclfii. Mm llav.- f.ir fllcf.tn Hi.- fmil cla- ..f I rf-!,!( m On- wiihl. Ik- ,.mr i. 1- . 1 Hsir:ili!r liul Nol It'o,uirc(l Hh- K.prrH Iiin-1iatr A'.Hill.iliiT Thm i.H ran'i l r.niiiM.'l tv lilitxl. l ut "i ilinnli. hut -(). r hm At'.IH: to IhlUtin. (.tallnif l-ir- ati'l lime Estate Display Phono WAV ranciiks achi:a(;i:s: IAI It) acres cl.-v in almu-t new 'A lyltm d.-lnxe tan'fi house. SI7.VIO. llti rr'iis in. 120 acres. .1 Ixlrtn, SIH'KO. (CI 12 li-vel acres, 10 CUI. mol. hsc. $7,riHO. lll!SINl;Sf? IN'CDMK: (Al (Yntl.i! coinnicrclal fine. "f. fil e hl'li;. SI2.II"). 111 M li'llill altiacli'e Iim". 'J neat iipfs iin cnnie $llll SII'mKHI. (CI llo tel. livinK tujirlers, Sjrorl A Kcneral meichanilise slnre, S2.-i,nm (Pi I.unch room dwn lown.'$-'l.iKI. $1.20(1 down. 160 Apartments for Rent VERY AlTRAt:ilVE bedroom si-art- ni. hi. uuiurnuncu. utility room. na soiisble rent, lbd Vlcksburv. 10W. ! BEl)ROOM. COMPLETELY furnished Apartment to sublet until August ein. tiionc 1V06-M. CLEAN, FURNISHED A-witment. Rtas. ouuiim weekiy or nu-iiuily istui. ib L'loiado, I'none UsU-J. MODERN 8 room fuiniithed spariment. Neat it clean, waler & KUihuae iMilU. liij E. Irviiiu, 1'lione 1T0-J. 161 Houses for Rent HOUSE A DUPLEX, both with one IW- loiim, pailiy lurn.nheu, Ut turnialieti, nieu lawn. .'6 mnuth, 6, b, id Lava KU. BEDROOM HOUSEstoves, fenewi yaru. narSKf. Ibbt Uivwion, phone V'Jd-R a ROOM MODERN HOUbE. 1348 Feiler- al. phone liitoz-M alter p.m. ONE BKDROOM Hom-e. ksh range and phuiie 1044-M lieut. Ckan. j4J tttioiti 162 Rooms; Rdom & Board SINGLE MAN WANTS clean hounekcei) nin ioiii uy Juiy i.i. dune lu. B.im Bulkt.u B. ix iVJb. ROOM FOR RENT in iksiiulilv l'iilioii ir employed wmnun. Some kitchen pri iletioa if deMiritl. References reiiucet I. Cull tibH-W. NICE ROOM for rent, linn 6i Ctnirfrenn. Corner of LouUi- 168 Other Rentals MOVING? Save 60',i . Use BKE-HIVE U DRIVE TRUCKS. GR AFFENBERGERS ttr.ltVRh. Wi So. Jrd. St. Ph. 1041 THREE EXCELLENT OFFICE rooms. enter of town, J ml flour. Jt0 month as untL Can be priced separately. Pb. 169 Wanted to Rent S OR 4 BEDROOM llono with or with out option to buy. 1'k-aoe call Mrs. M. O. Young, 12 b. 2 or 3 BEDROOM. FURNISHED or part- iy. i fmniuiii. s auuiis. Airs, urake, phone l.iu. 1 till 2 only. IN PRINEVILLE hy Amrut lMh, teach er, 2 mi tilt iiih'.i i liiNiroom houttu. Kipiipjied ior auttmiHtie waher, urter, si ove. I'n-fer iintiiiii In htiv. Contael I h' fare or nfter Hummer school July A to 17. 2 houxed In Bend ltr rent to BY CITY EMPLOYEE: 2 bedroom hmiw befure July 10. unl urui.ttivd or partly 170 Houses for Sale BELOW APPR AjSAL, very nent 2 h.-d E. KeHiney. plioiu- li)3ll-J. 2 BEDROOM. MODERN, floor fu payment or ! car. Phone 7H8-W. 172 Farms & Ranches STOCK UANCIl f..r ImnmUat !... icrn 1. 1 ua ("ii nenn. h.l.m. arm- inn. nun nrrrs PHUIvalvtl. Vhliun pfr yrar. t slllo on share it dtMiro. Writs Bo 1172. Burns. Oregon. " OWNER TltANNKKJlHKIl; Must s.-ll HO .. ;i A. wiuor, a iir.lr.Niin miHivrn Ikhihv, iiiirn. 2 ncn iioum, niHinint fthed. imitiicf hli.i-k hem huunc. jmrt iililo bu hoUHiTt, IniRf rinlcrn and stork pi.rid. 10 A. iilfalfa, IT. A. peimniirnt paNttirf. 6 A. hurley. 4 A. rye. I.nnd layn level. 2 A. Hilnilimial heinic rlmrcil fur tirnin. On phv. m. nt, 6 nnl. a from Mend. Will fi ll stck and inHcliinvry. 1'lmnc i 174 Business Property I i K N K li A ", S Tl ) 1 1 K .T VMyvilttbrvwrn. hiKhwHy 211 lHlw.-n OiivhIIU N.'w ".rl. I.Nrk'e Krli,Hl. A mill.. N'. rlH. riinuiplilion. i'Hrkflv,. Iw.-r. I&ldyvJIlp Slr... Kllyvill, Ormi.n. Real Estate THE LAND MART CARROLL D. I'IKRCK REALTOR I'linnn: 8KB Real Estate & Insurance 021 Wall SI. Hop Taylor, Associate Broker In Capitol Theatre BW. After lira: Phone 1020-1607 I'or Action: l.lsl with Bend's Ijtnrcst Ailvnrtiu.r ivnini OreRon lldidrs for home, ranch ImisIikwn oniKirtiinltlcs. OUlt KKATI'RK LISTINO In. IIKRES A BARGAIN 2 bdi CIUIICS il Sllll IC!.1 O IHMI1I home on K. mh wilh 100x110 foot lot. Premium l(Katlon A best of construction. In addi tion lo the home, there is a very attractive puest apart mcnl. Full price $1-1,200 and well worlh II. NKW & LOVEI.Y 3 bdrm home wilh liv. rm size 1Sx20, din rm, clec heal, healalator frple, 1 haihs, utll rm. 2 corner lots on K. 12th St. Price $1.5(X). Tins. I.AHCK 5 HKDROOM Willi 1 baths, full ismt with out side entrance iv shower, fr ple, auto ptiK-il fine. 2nd floor could he apartment. Ubl lar. with work space, also chick house with cement fir. Piice SI.I.WKI. Tins. THIS IS A IIONKY Situated on 3 lots In new (listi-iil. 3 bdrms. frple, new frnc, 1.200 s(. ft floor space, only i yrs old. Price $H,"00. Tins. DKSIKAHI.K LOCATION on stale Street. 3 bdrm home with frple, bsmt. auto frne. hdwd floors, Insnlaicd. Cor ner lot. Price SI0.5HO. Tms. FIRST TIMK AHVKHTISKn 3 txlrm home In choice west side location. Auto fine, pllxl 6 wired for Idry. lulwtl llrs, insulated. Price SHUnO. Tmii. 3 HDRM BARCAIN on west side. Utll rm. p-iit lisml, cum pletely insulated. Price $Ti,2riO Tins. TTII-: IIOMK COMI'I.in'K. KverylbinK destrahle in a home incliiiliiiK frple, full bs. ml with iiio'ty r.oto, sep din rm. aut( pllicd f4ne, fiaflo. 1.1X3 sq. ft. floor space. 2 lots in liest location, ItillTS A drapes Included in pi Ice of SI I. .TOO. Tins. ON K. FRANKLIN V"ry nice 2 Ixlrin borne wiih auto pipiwl frftc. hardwuiKl floors. Price $KiO(). KIIA or (11 Inn. NK.Atl Yi:W LANK SCHOOL 7 year old 2 lidnn home with utll rm pllvl, lani.'e wiring. In snlaicd! Price reduced lo $7, 7r)0. 1T1A or (11 I ms. Sep lis for AimrlineiiN, Motels, Ruslnes Opmr1llnHei and Ranches. Llcrnsi-d Affiliated with Oregon, Calif li Idaho bmUem. 176 Lots & Acreage CORNER LOTS on bth HU Near new hum Bctiuol iocauon, Lueap. iius-vt-). . after 6 p.m. t CORNER LOTS East. 6th 4 Lai ay- , ettv. iiicu view, road, builmnu .H'. , t'ric i,tuu, casn or terms. Writ Mary ' Claa, ikix Granite FaiU, Wat- inn ton. 180 Real Estate Exchanges ; TRADE FOR COAST SENU US IrttOKniA'llON DORSE REAL EST., uht.ikhE. ORE, 189 Real Estate Display BEND REALTY VlbST SIDE, mouern bedroom Turn 1 Iniie.l. lull babcinent, garage. terms or will consider small trailer " house. (A, 3 BEtROOM, close in 1 10. Ill) 1 lir.UKUUM. gas range. 4C. (CI S Btu ROtlM, some furniture. Sh. (D) OF riLE aim nving quarters. 160. ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 OREGON" AVE. l'h. 36-W. 5beal tlte 2ap LIV1NO KM witn fireplace. large kitrh- cn. 2 oedniom, bath. 2 lots, puved U $4000 with (HIII0 down. QdlvU'i Real CUaU ;: .016 WU l't. l4t EAST SIDE, close to schools, paving, 2 nice bedrooms, living room, dining room, utility, ex ceptionally good auto, furnnco, fully insulated, wstrlpped Large corner lot, garage wlth- shop. Priced at $10,500, $1,000 down will handle. DUDREY HILTON, Realtors 1050 Bond, Bend Ph. 1327-W - ur - Harry 2088 STROUT REALTY Jr no. U&UKOOM born, cor. lot ou r lornia. ace us tor di-tails. NO. 467 Zh A. 7 water. 8 room cabin, close In on pmvomenb 1 A A straw, lurries, 84 A. Clover, bauuica opn. 18,660. Cash for quick sale. ----- . REDMOND - PRINEVILLE Classified. Ads Buy It Sell It Trade Itl We welcome the people of Red mond, Prineville and vicinity Into classified. If you want to sell, buy, trade or announce, call our Redmond correspondent, ' Mrs. Martha Strannhan, tRed. mond 021) between 8-9 A.M. u to 1 noon or S to 6 CM. or Our PrlnevlUe correspondent. 20 Accessories flepairlng NOW! I.II K-I.ONU nmirrlo nnd Mle. ... ..r..,,w wi. r r .,uitrnntri4 for. i-vrr at KKIKV'S KLKCTKIC, Ked- 59 Services Offered l)KAI STOCK removnt lm. H,.rm. IIKNllhHINIi CO. m. 4-H, collect. 134 Specials at the Stores Cl(ll)l) USKIIPAINT Si.rav Outm. Cm. I'miVm.m u.n",,Hr- HINNAKD'a . v ...... un., oin m avorKnyn. Display Bud Russell. Associate m home wilh Irg llv rm, ep din rm, pantry, utll rm, part bs. ml. Dbl (jar, workshop size 10 x20 with storage room. 2 cor-' nor lots on west side. Price $(i.!)00. NKW LISTING 2 bdrm home inlshed In knotty yine.. Rue wiring, plbd for auto, now lin oleum, garage. Close in loca tion. Price $5,D00. FHA or CI Hits. WHY PAY RENT when you (:an move Into this cute 1 bd rm cottage with utll rm. plbd, wired for range, only 6 yrs. old. for only $500 down. Full price $4,750. Tms. Acreages A Ranehea 5A -3A WATER All fenced and In grass. 3 room home.. Price $3,250. 3A- 3A WATER 1A pasture. 2 bdrm stucco home, only 4 yrs. old. Priee SK.300. WIA-3UA WATKR 10A Alf, -IA rye, 15A pasiure, 6A bar ley. 5 rm modern home, flood outbuildings. Price Including tnach, ciiuipmcnl & Stock, $13,H50. Tms. KMIA -1II2A WATKR 1.0R0 leased grazing. 2IA Alfalfa, HA oats, 42A pasture, 14A spuds, HA fallow. Newly dec orated 0 room home with au to beat A frple. 2 barns, milk house, mach shed, root cellar, givid f'necs. 22 head sprinkler system. Price with crops, $29, 500. Tms. 320 A - 110 A WATER 20 head preference grazing iermlt. I'lA Alf. HA wheat, 1.3 A grass, OA experimental, IVIA drv land rye. New ranch type home, very modern and in A I condition. Price $.'i.00O. 3'.!HA I2HA WATKR ("iA Alf UA wheat, 50A pnslure, 50', no grazing iiermn. H stanctv Ion barn, mach slud, chk-k he. 3 bdrm home. Mitch In eluded iu price of $12,500. Tms.