Out Our Way KtTCHFM HP. HOWL3 ALL NI3HT, faWMWWi W Mm A &usvBODywG around up M 1 1 if T H0M& HE'geeM 0gea SADirTM H5UfNv 1 -1 imfimr ih&Y n- r b tm fa ' m, -$j v sx?&tmu urn -' - - - ; - . 1 Captain Easy J SEE W TOPS OP 1 1:-" , ' re.- T.c.t Vt'. 1 1 SAP W 7 TneRt'5 E(k&y, I ! n THOSE corxoNA'Ocps .M vevee l crvtif-.-! ri- I rmr that I sarss: he I ! M THM HIDE TH' VN FftO - -' . 1A fit T Wft hAI y VJ XXI TCaW.V SEEWS TO BE- J ' M W R04.P &EVOND 6W1 K VTSL. UJ rr BJ OKAy! .T ill we cam approach f'l J.-; "JTTf'iVJ ,r IllIHllirV -ir ; Boots & Her Buddies I ' &. VtDS OKJO W.H -HVKiVJ ? SUMS MISS HGH LI, f . 5, 1 si HPWe. PR(KiC (Vi W WVt I JMI j i V lj r-C .r,7 Vic Flint P'l''.J!- C LOCKED I f 7iV"?7. T'V - T !l ' "' 1 I WHAT X don't knowthe noisewakeb hap I MI65 harper, dip VOU ) I Martha Wayne Sf" tjKHM Mf TO INTUODUCf KEEP VOU! " SEE, WATT, V HE'LL NEEO wELL WHAT S LOCAL BOY AGAINST WOKlD1 S?gSrti AVSELR.RICHAI?CIP.M01?SAN, CHIN UP, .VV VOU HAVE I THEM ALL TOOJT OOVOUTHWk:?) FAWaSTYCOON.TH'SISANEW f ATTQgNEy AT LAW, gEPEESEOTINS T CHI)I ( ROOTEJS i rrJ. CHAPTER OF OAVIOANO SOUATH. I rTatif --" II mE DEFENDANT IN PRIODY VERSUS B ALREADY yl I I 1 W fs' V I JST HOPE IT HAS THE OLD , I :mAittrtSJ'kJM YrrrlA I II 1 frv VtL enq1ns ; Lid I Nl 1 Bugs Bunny fRW.VJ1""11 wake up, vou r.tKryc. vvrrP Ktvb waj?neo you focI I yo'x HJ Alloy Oop I j fisSL T '3f NO,tk)Mfc- VHXJIXN1 THECtS NO I Vj lfTav IHlNiiJUr-T kNJtWWVlLATfcLUN WHAru'J ftwT I PIPNT CV LEV TO. . BUATHAr'S SURE J VuVTEN TO y I W -ANYTHINli 10 I PONT J FINE fVOLA. FOR if I N TV TAMW.E IHL I K.N0W tfrA THING.. I K f AT'3AkEViLlL praeltUt And Hit Frinndt . . ' loin PN.KITtTNS... 'So ,' A sum-1 . :j I You Mi f D A MAN 6UANr )i ficr wy irira km E Really OUR BOARDING HOUSE L J KJUN IWJL1, Ml rtVtfcl, YOU MufT m t.v.xio-t:uM-W Or JUPITER! NBrX HAE I 5kLN THE ttiNin HOLD fiO STEAPV c:c TUC TtllM .11, 'men n Jiftrmr'rM y. 7 with Major Hoople tOj PEE, W MY CAPTAIN. V P T T.li r xjiT. i f.v u YOU cla iitf YTK Vev Increasing That Ike Will Accept Another Term By IAI.K C. Wll-SON I'iiMm! in-s Stuff C'jrn'fciMimli'iit WASHINGTON fUPl-The re turns are in on President Eisen hower's min-politiru swing through New hnglund along with his news confereiK-t' explanation that his coy reference -s Ho a second term wen just funning. Practical politicians around town are not buying any 01 mat. in something more than two White House years, Mr. Kistuhowcr has shown himself to be a natural-born baby kisser. A congenital politi cian, despite an Army background, Moreover, the President shows much evidence of liking his job The frustrations of office which raised his blood pressure during the first 12 months no longer s(om to do so. The President and his charm in, Mamie have worked out a routine of living which gives due considera tion to the fact that Mrs. Eisen howeras most women is not up to the daily grind of politics. Of recent first ladies, Mrs. Etsen His Dream Paid Off PITTSBURGH (UP) Ray A. Hammcrstrom, a roller at the Pittsburgh Works of the Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. here, had a dream worth $15,000. Events leading up io his happy dream began in the summer of 1953, when a new 10-inch bar mill was installed at the works. The mill worked fine, except for a switch that controlled the delivery of straight bars to the cooling! beds. Company engineers altered the1 switch 11 times, but it still wasn't right. Hammerstrom thought a lot about the problem and even made some rough sketches of a new de sign. But he had no success until one afternoon when he lay down for a nap. He dreamed about the switcn and, in the dream, it worked perfectly. When he awoke, he sketched his dream design. When company engineers tested it they found it worked like a dream. His visionary cat-nap won Ham merstrom a check for $15,000, the largest award the firm ever made to an employe for an idea. FREEZER SPECIALS See Ub For Special Trices on MAYTAG AMANA ADMIRAL 'm 05 MAYTAG APPLIANCE STOKE "Buy Where You Got Service" 722 Franklin Ph. 271 ABC Network The Favorite with Central Oregon listener -.'j SATURDAY 6:0O Happy Howit? Jubilee 6:25 World Newt Rounilup 0:30 Happy Howdj :BB Farm Fact 7 iOO Penecostat Hour 7:IS Martin Atcronsky 7:30 Yawn Patrol 7 :f.f. Stm.lay New. Special 8 :00 No School Today :MV Nit Srhool Today 9 :0O No School Today y No S-hoot T.Hlh- . 10:0ft Tesaco Neva Reporter U:ft llnir J'int i'anrl 10:30 Amerrcan Farmer 11 :m liiway v Jamborf 12:0O Twxaco Newi Reporter 12 :un lliwny 7 Janilre 1 :O0 Tfxaro News Reporter 1 ::. tliway t'7 Jamtmrtf 1 :16 Feature Hon Race f. Central Oregon "" 1VDML,M Kiloeyclm TONTOHTS PROGRAM ff :(10 Gabriel Heatter 6:1.1 Pinner Mu.ic 6 ;30 IVhlnd the Sr 6:45 8nm llayiv S:BS 1 Greene News 7 :00 F-nnlea Notebook 7:15 Preview or GoM Reading 7 :30 Hend Garaee Newa 7 :4ft Remember When 7:B0 F.venin Melotliea 8 :Srt Pnpnrt U Dreania 9 :0 Newa 9: 15 Fulton Iwia Jr. 9 :30 Off the Reeird 9:45 Off the Record 9 B5 Five Minute Final lOMUV-Off the Rerortl 10:30 Countenpf 11:00 Sin Off ATl KHAV. Jl l.Y 2. 19S5 :00 Triple T Ranch 6:16 Town and Country Time 6 :30 County Aent :48 Kami Reporter 7:00 lleminaway Newt 7 :1B Preakfaat Oatif 7 :0 Mornm Mlo.llea 7:40 N-va 7:45 Morn in Roundup f:00 aporti Parable I: IB Newa 8:30 Haven of Real 9 :M - N 9: IB The Three Sun t:S0 Mornln SpeelaJ :4B Top Tune 10:00 Satunlay Newa 10 IS--4-H ("lub 10 :S0 KeaMon Teenda 10:36 It a A Wotnan't World 10:4 Newa 0 :4A Time Time 11 :'v -Tune Tim 11:15 Tun Time hower is about average on the score of political activity and hostessing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If pretty Grace Coolidge ever per formed a political deed during the late Calvin's term of office, none about recalls it, other than she vas just her gracious self around .i;e house. And the L'ooiidgcs were great ones to travel for long week' ends and long summers away from Washington. Mrs, Hoover was active in the affairs of her husband's Quaker church and in the Girl Scouts. She was a woman of rare intelligence and wide reading, and shared with President Hoover the problems o! power and office, but never in pub lic. There was Mrs. Roosevelt, of course, but her like had not been seen before, nor likely again soon Homey Bess TVuman spent about as much time back there in Inde pendence as M rs . E; isenho wer spends on the family s Gettysburg farm. She had no taste for Wash ington society, but clung closely to her pre-White House friends, a trait which is strong with Mrs. Eisen hower as well. Mrs. Eisenhower's health surely would be a factor in any decision the President might make about a second term. But there is no show ing that she is other than in good physical condition, if something less than a robust lady wTestler. I!undy Gettysburg Farm Much of her time now is spent on the Gettysburg farm which is as handy to Washington for herself and her husband as Greenwich, Conn., could be to a commuting New York tycoon or Twin Pealis to a San Franciscan. Someone said recently that when an ade quate small airplane turned up to flit the Eisenhowers to and from Gettysburg in a matter of minutes, the biggest obstacle to another nomination for President was re moved. All of this adds up. If the Presi dent really were sour on his job and wanted out, he wouldn t be funning in New England about the possibility of another term. It is a fact that he becomes annoyed from time to time and snaps at intimates that it's a tough job from which he'd like to retire. But so do most men and women get fed up, occasionally, with the work they do and often love. The old timers will remember the constant sighs and laments ut tered by FDR at the fate whLh kept him In, and away from Hyde Park. On the other hand, Mr. Roosevelt devoted one of the keen est political minds of our times to maintaining his leasehold on the White House. And there are in town those who say, if he could get a fourth term, why not a fifth? Had he not died it would have been a fair and interesting ques tion. DO IT YOURSELF ; PORTLAND, Me. (UP) "Do-it-yourself car repairing" has come td Maine. Michael and Hazel Kear ney opened up their commercial garage to motorists who want to do their own repairs. The ama teur mechanics pay only for spare parts and the equipment they use. !3 1240 kc SCHEDULE 1 :30 Saturday Platter Show 2 :00 Twiaco Newi Reporter 2:0f Saturday Flatter Show 3:00 Texaco Newa Reporter 3 :0B Saturday Platter Shnw 4 : 00 Texaco Newa Reporter 4:05 Saturday Flatter Show 4 :30 Bob Finnlean Sports Report 4 :46 Lt'a Go To Town fi :0O PreM Time 6:1B Let There Be Liffht 6 :S0 KJUN Hit Parade 6 :00 Texaeo Newa Reporter 6 :0B KJUN Square Uaoca 8:80 Trt County Boya 7:00 Texaco Newa Reporter 7 i06 Tremaury Show 7 :S0 Lawrence Wek Army Show 8 : 00 Reaver Baaeball 10:00 DancinK Party 10:30 Final Edition 10:36 Final Edition It : SO Panorama Tim 12 : 00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Claw! fled 12: IB Sporta Review 12:20 Noontime Melodies 12 :4S Farmer'! Hour 12 : 30 News 1:00 Redmond Dlsest 1 ; 16 Realty Newa 1 :20 Redmond Difreat 2 :00 Northwest News :06 Saturday's Star 1:10 Central Oratron Nsws 2 :15 March Muaic 4 :00 Eehoea of the Gay 9Vt 2 :SO Haneball Bend v. Drlain 4 : SOSnm Coon 4 :40 Son of the Day 4 :4ft Wayne More B :l0 Meet the Artist fi :KO Silt. Prenton Brio wk to the Sklesl B :B6 Social Security : 00 Meet the ArtUt t:IB Miwte Coaat to Coast Rhthm Khai.odU-a 5 :SB- Stial Security 7:00 The Ray Bloch Show T:1B Welti Tim 7 :t0 Island Berenad 7 :4S Remember When 7:60 March Tim 7:65 Warm Vp Tim I 0i John Steele S St-Ianoe Uutif t :tH News :1B- Miwte 9:30-Mnie Whalen tf lanre Time lO-Panc Tim 11:00 Sisn Off The Bend Bulletin, Friday, July 1, 1955 SWEETIE PIE T. H U 8. Pat ON. - Cr. 1S r NA Srvic. Int. J Si 'Why don't you go back to raising rabbits instead of bees Gets Awards From Abroad GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (UP) Norman MacPhail, Grand Rap ids ham radio operator, has received awards from British and French societies for the record number of fellow "hams" he has been able to contact in parts of the world. MacPhail received the BERTA award from the Radio Society of Great Britain for establishing two way contact with 50 broadcasting stations in British posessions in North America, South America, Chemical Intake Report Issued MIDLAND, Mich. (UP) Do you remember buying 175 pounds or sulfuric acid of 40 pounds of caustic soda, or even only 35 pounds of chlorine recently? According to Lerand I. Doan, president of Dow Chemical Co.. this is the per capita consumption of these three basic chemical prod ucts. "Most of the products of the chemical industry are channeled into other industries to emerge unrecognizable as a chemical ma terial, or perhaps not to emerge at all but only to assist in the pro duction of a non-chemical prod uct," Doan said FOLKS HERE HE IS! DAVY CROCKETT EVANS 33 WE HAVE SOME "MIGHTY-NICE" USED CARS HERE NOW! COME IN AND LOOK 'EM OVER. 1953 Poniac 8 4-Door $1595 Radio & heater, standard transmission. 1952 Pontiac 8 4-Door $1395 Radio & heater, Hydramatic. 1952 Nash Ambassabor 4-door Sedan $1295 Radio & Heater.Hydramatic, Power accessories. Low mileage, A real beautiy. Priced right. 1950 Pontiac 4-Door 8 $ 795 Radio & heater, Hydramatic. "Look 'em Over. Pick the Best!" 1951 Studebaker 2-Door $ 745 Radio & heater, overdrive, motor Just completely over, hauled. "Miles and Miles Left in This Car!1' 1952 Lincoln 4-door $1995 One owner. Looks like new. has a complete new motor. Has radio, heater Hydramatic transmis sion. Here's a lot of car. 1952 Chrysler New Yorker 4-door Sedan ..$1595 Radio & heater, automatic transmission. A real road car that will go and go. A vacation special. 1951 Plymouth 2 door Sedan $ 895 Radio heater. Very clean. This car has never been hurt Come and see it. '36 TO '48 MODELS ALL WORTH 3 TIMES OUR ASKING PRICE HURRY! GET IN ON THESE LOW PRICESI '48 Ford 2-door $250 '48 Packard 4-door, $350 '48 Plymouth 4 door $250 '47 Olds Club Cpc. $195 '46 Hudson 2-door $195 '46 DeSolo 4-door $150 '46 Nash 4-door $125 '41 Pontiac 2-door $ 95 '36 Chev 4 door . $ 75 '47 Ford Pickup $295 "DAVY CROCKETT EVANS" WARD MOTOR CO. USED CAR LOT Used Car Lot Located on Oregon at Lava Road "ASK FOR DAVY CROCKETT EVANS" Ph. 1 595 by Nadine Seltzer i ,r Europe, Africa, Asia and the South Pacific. The DUF. diploma from the Union of France, is issued by the Reseau des Emitteurs Francais for working 10 French colonies on five continents. MacPhail said he has started work on five awards from Arigen tina, Brazil and Canada. The task is a long one although a hobby he said, because confir mation letters are needed and "I'll bet not more than 75 per cent of hams send out in writing what they promise you over, the air." IX) AS I SAY MINNEAPOLIS (UP) A police man lectured elementary school children recently on traffic safety and told them to report anyone violating the rules to the princi pal's office. The first person re portedthe officer, himself. One of the youngsters noticed he jay walked to 'his car after making the speech and turned him in to the principal. MUCH IN ONK Idaho's area is larger than that of Connecticut, Delaware, Mary land, Massachusetts, New Hamp shire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia com bined. YEP HE WAS BORN ON A MOUNTAIN TOP IN TENNESSEE DAVY SAYS "Folks, back where I come from they call me "Honest Davy" and I aim to be Just that Just bring your used car troubles to me and you'll be treated right."