The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 30, 1955, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, June 30, 1955
Chicago Group Has Common Bond
In Fighting Fear, Frustrations
Vnitnd Prewt Staff Correspondent
CHICAGO (UP) A young
housewife cleared her throat with
a trace oi nervousness and told
the group she was worried about
"things 1 know I can't change,
A young man In a sports shirt
arose and said he is troubled by
anxiety over his forthcoming mar-i
"I'm not afraid," he said. "Just
anxious." I
Members of the group lauyhed,
and so did he.
It was the weekly meeting of a
group known as "Fight Against
fear," composed of mental pa
tients. Some are under treatment
while others have "graduated"
and no longer require therapy.
But they've found a common
bond in their fight against fears
nd frustrations, and they've
learned to help each other. i
The meeting was held at the
Oak Park Neuro-Psychiatric Clin-!
ic operated by Dr. Melvin Blaurj
rock. It was strictly informal. One j
pretty brunette wore slacks and
most of the men wore short
sleeved sports shirts.
Young Group
There were about 35 persons
present, from various walks of
life. Most were fairly young, in
their late 20's or early 30's.
The topic for discussion was
"worry." A woman in a blue-and-white
striped blouse called on oth
er mcmbars for their comments
or experiences. I
A blonde woman ventured that
the best way to avoid worry is to
"trust in God." A suburban house
wife named Helen said she wor
ries about "how people feel to
ward me."
A man named Jack said he tries
to overcome worry "by meeting
my problems head on."
One woman had been hospital
ized recently with a "breakdown'
and had returned to worn only the
day before. She was worried be
cause she had forgotten some de
tails of her job.
"But I've decided if I can't re
member something, I'll just ask
somebody, ' ' she said " If they
think it's strange, I just can't help
How To Accept leole
The talk switched to what the
group meant to individual mem
bers. One woman said she was
learning to "accept people as they
"Maybe I won't always be walk
ing a tight rope," she said of her
own tensions.
A man in his late 40's said the
group had taught him there were
others with similar emotion prob
lems, "and that makes me feel
less lost and helps me stay on an
even keel."
The meeting was adjourned and
the members flocked to the cor
ner soda fountain for refreshment
and conversation.
Joyce, a pretty, red-haired of
fice worker, said the group is
"more or less a social affair, with
picnics, square dancing and that
sort of thing."
"But the group therapy part of
it has helped a lot of us," she
"You probably noticed the
things we were talking about to
night weren't our problems alone.
They're everybody's problems.
"Only some of us get thrown by
Shakespeare Wrote His Own Plays, Expert is Convinced
United Treat Stall Corrtpondeut
LONDON (UP) Dr. Leslie Hot-1
son has come up with the Interest
ing. If unfashionable, theory that
the works of William Shakespeare
were written by William Shakespeare.
Right now this means he is
bucking the trend. American critic
Calvin Hoffman is in Britain to;
open an ancient tomb which, he
says, will help prove his argument
that Christopher Marlowe really
wrote the plays and sonnets fiake- formed. He tells the results in a
MEN DON, Vt. (UP) Tha Tim
othy Murphys recently cut short
a Florida vacation when notified
that their ' daughters, Julia and
Jean, were hurt in automobile ac
cidents. A short time later, an
other daughter, Helen, fractured
her ankle and a son. Timothy,
suffered hand burns while burn
ing rubbish. The Murphy's are
keeping their fingers crossed.
They have two other children.
speare gcta emit for.
And the Bacon Society is further
creating a Itir with demands that
in any movie based on a Shake
speare play screen credit be given
to Sir Francis Bacon, who is the
society's candidate for Shake
speare's laurels.
Hot son, on the other hand, has
come up with a prodigious bit of
research on the play "Twelfth
Night" and he considers that no
one but Shakespeare himself could
have written it. t
KliiHbeth On Hand
What s more, Hotson is con
vinced that Shakespeare turned
out 'Twelfth Night" quickly and
under pressure. Peering over his
shoulder, so to speak, was Queen
Elizabeth I herself.
Hotson went to Italian, German,
Russian and English archives in
search of documents that would
help him recreate the circum
stances under which the famous
comedy was written and pcr-
now boov he titled "The First
Night Of Twelfth Night."
The play had Its world premiere
before the queen, her courtiers
and distinguished guests on the
night of Jan. 6, 1601. Hotson found
that certain characters and lines
in the play naa a special meaning
In terms of the people .in the au
Seated near Kllznbeth while
"Twelfth Night" unfolded was the
handsome Virginio Orsino. Duke of
Rarcciono, who was visiting Lon
don from Italy and had made a
big hit with the queen. It was no
coincidence that the leading char
acter In the play was called the
Duke Orsino."
Fur Hatted Huh dan
Another guest was a "tall, very
fat" Russian, Grigori Mikhulin.
He was an envoy of the Czar Uor-
is Goudonov, and a fur-h a 1 1 e ;l
wonder around the court. Hotson
has picked out several references
to the czar's ambassador in
"Twelfth Night."
"Twelfth Night," as Hotson sees
it, could not have been written by
some hidden genius and attributed
to Shakespeare by accident.
And who, would the queen turn
to for a workmanlike job of play
writing? To William Shakespeare
of course, says Hotson.
WEEK-END SPREE wiUj chases. The boy was
uwtiNBHUKU, Ky. (UP) Ken
tucky state police arrested a 15-
year-old boy here on a Sunday
afternoon on charges of breaking
into six cars, stealing three and
wrecking two of them after two
home on a week-end leave xrom
the Kentucky Village detention
home for juveniles. He received,,
the leave as. a reward for good J
mcreial photographer John Foster j
has a camera collection that In
cludes a Clack camera patented
in U(41, Other cameras In the col
lection are a 3B Quick Focus of
1891 vintage, Eastman cameras
from 1896, 1903, 1901 and 1907 and
a 1902 view camera. Foster also
has a Cycle Graphic Panorama
camera that takes pictures 84 In
ches wide and 4 feet long which
he uses occasionally.
The Republic of the Philippines
was proclaimed on July 4, 1916,
In answer to the many telephone calls recently re
questing information about Greenwood and Pilot
Butte Cemeteries, we should like to say there is an
abundance of choice plots available in both Ceme
teries for years to come. . . and they can be pur
chased at very reasonable prices as needed when
compared to other Perpetual-Care Cemeteries in
Oregon, ,
Management of Above Cemeteries
Now She Shops
"Cash and Carry"
Without Painful Backache
NaicgitiK bnckache, headache, or munculnr
aches and pains may come on withover-excr-tion,
emotional upsetH onlay to day stress ami
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If you are miserable and worn out becnuno
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So if nuBKing backache makes you feel
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Action Pleases
Owen Lattimore
Owen Lattimore said Wednesday
he was "very surprised and very
happy" that (he U. S. government
had dropped its three-year-old per
jury case against him.
"I did not expect the decision
so soon," he said when told of
the decision by United Press.
"But on the other hand, I think
that they should have made a de
cision a very long time ago."
Lattimore is vacationing in Swe
den after a lecture tour in Britain,
Atty. Gen. Herbert Browne". Jr.
announced Tuesday in Washing
ton that the government was
dropping its charges that Latti
more lied when he told the Senate
Internal Security Subcommittee in
1952 that he was not a follower
or promoter of Communist interests.
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