The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 24, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bend Bulletin, Friday, June 24, 1955
GETTING READY Dean Benson, Bend Athletic Club's only
representative, skims over a hurdle in preparation for the Na
tional AAU track and field championships at Boulder, Colo,
; Benson Seeks Victory
AAU Meet Under Way
Ifcwl Athletic Club's Dean Bt-n
m will he shooting for first place
ryirf a five weeks tour of Europe
i tigs Minuner when he lakes to the
Colorado University's cinders this
; jtfici'noon in the hU;h hurdle pre-
, Imtinanes of Ui-i National Ama
j fjjir Athletic Union Champion
. .skin.
; JThe, outdoor track at the univer
: aUy is in excellent shupe, thanks
tfT a KKKi May rainfall. Coach
: frank Potts predicted all the ath
letes would he satisfied with it,
ryjiortinR, "We've had workmen
,'ilUinK It ready for weeks. Every
horty will t)e happy about the fac-
: uiih'R in -Boulder,"
j Pitcher Credited
j With Two Wins
. .Wrn Kindsfuthcr had a profit-
iiWc cvi-iiini; in Northwest U'acue
J lilay last ninht ns the former Coast
' 1'iwr picked up two victm-ies m
' Jv-nnrwick.
, Klnristn1liPr iill-wnl hut two hits
' & Trl-CiPy hlankfd Yaliima 10-fl In
the m'vrn-lnniiiK nprni-r o( a twin
JliTll. Two -run homers hy Tom
.i'l-iez and nidi nnyrn' made
' iliniKs simple for h'hulsfalher.
In the niclm-ap, Kindsfather
rSmc on In relief in the elRhlli In
and the Rravi's responded
uniti a inree-run nitty in their half
$1 the frame for a M verdict.
Wenatchee nosed out in front in
thi' close race for top spot in the
.seven-team loop v.-llh n 7-1 triumph
over KliHcne. Hob Roberts went
the route, scattered seven hits and
picked 4ip his l'.'tli victory of the
J Herb Anderson homeri'd Willi the
(bases empty In the first and drove
Jin two foiirlh-inniiiK ruiw with a
(Single for Wenatchee.
Siiokaue and Salem split. Spo
Iknnc blanked the OiVRoninns 3 0 in
'the seven - inntiiK o)einr behind
effective six - hit hurling hy llcne
iKnsi'n. Salem toek the nightcap 7-,"
Jilespite a jiair of hnmerK hy Spo
. kane's Nai (Jluly.
; Cully hit hnmc'-s in the fifth and
iseventh but the sacks were empty
ion both occasions.
Nk,ISI..ut.W Mdnllntr 4
Leaves at... 12:05 Noon
PORTLAND . . . 81 mln.
SIATTll 3'i hrt.
SoulKbound Malnllntr D
Leaves at. ...3:25 P.M.
LOS ANGELES. ..6 hrt.
Foil, fvavrfevt tUoH iw
H "alt H fnil '
focal fimti Quoftof
f oharfl fhtd. ffvtfoiond Airpnrt
Col' KJmMl 760 Of mm $m4
tall Commifft 9933 (o tvH
charg). Or your rravl ounl,
Which all means that if the al
titude doesn't bo' her him, Benson
slKUitd approach his best time of
M flat, turned Jn three weeks ago
in qualifyiiiK for the NAIA meet
which he won handily in 14.2.
And Benson will have to bo at
his best to quality for one of the
three American teams that will
travel Europe ' iter this summer.
Besides most of the lop perform
ers from the re'jent NCAA meet,
he will also have to contend with
Ensign Jack Davis and Wiliiard
WriRht, a pair of ex-Southern Cal
ifornia aces, numerous other rep
resentatives from the armed serv
ices, and collegiate freshman
standouts who dd not participate
in the NCAA test.
Beside his 14 0 and 14.2 at Ab
ilene, Tex., Benson has done the
high hurdles once In 14.3, twice in
14.4, and four times in 14.6 already
this spring.
Benson gt off to a fine start
last Friday and led the pack to
the first hurdle. After stumbling
over that haiTic, Benson dropped
back to eighth phirc, hut turned on
a burst of speed to finish fifth
Benson barely missed qualifying
and was less than a foot behind
the fourth place runner who was
timed at 14.8.
. Last week was the first high
h 11 idle race that Benson didn't
qualify for and win since the Ore
gon high school state champion
ships in lO.'il.
BOULDKR, Colo. (UP) Wes
Santee, the Ashbnd antelope, and
Kred Dwyer renew their duel of
ndurance today, but neither hope
to approach the fotir-minulo mile.
The mile ought to lie the best
opening day event in the NatioiiiU
AAU track and liclri meet at the
University of Colorado. The esti
mated crowd of 10.000 should find
excitement also m the high jump,
the dashes, the tmad jump and
the middle distances.
The !,X0-foot a'lilude of Kolsum
Field should prevent any records
in distances from the mil and be
yond btvause the norma! baro-
nu'tru' pressure is Jl.Wt. compared
to M.92 at sea level. That means
nearly 2Q per cent Jess oxygen in
each breath a pinner takes here.
Santee. who held the AAU chain
pionslup for two years before
Pwyer won a year ago, holds the
Kolsom Field record for the mile
4;i:t. He said that the four-minute
mile "is out of the question up
here," so be jus! planned to "run
to win.' j
He'll not only have to beat.
Dwyer, but Billy Tidwell. a fellow1
Katwin; lU'l.A's Bob Seaman, ami
Jim Bailey. NCAA champion from
ision Due
In Johnson Case
No-No Game
Twirled by
VFW's Ray
m;n soi ihai.i, srMHMis
Pennsylvania Athletic Commission
heard oral arguments from six re
spondents today lieforo moving to
ward a decision in its investiga
tion of Harold .Johnson's "black
out" bout with Julio Mederos of
Cuba May 6.
New interest was focused on the
investigation after IU-p. Thomas J
Lane (D-Mass) called on Congress
laKt Wednesday ior a probe to de
termine whether professional box
ing is a sport or a racket. Lane
said the "most recent tipoff" on
the plight of boxing came when
Gov. George M. Leader of Penn-
sylvania stisjiended the sport fori
1M) days "following the strange cir-i
cumstanees surrounding the John-son-Mcdcros
Attorneys for the respondents
will dii-cel their oratory to Com-1
mission Chairman James H. Crow
ley and Commissioners Alfred
Klein and Paul Sullivan, who con
ducted a probe which closed June
7 and already Ins resulted in the
arrest of matchmaker Pete Moran
on perjury charges.
The respondents, including Mor
an, Johnson and Johnson's manag
er of record. Tommy Ijmghrey,
re accused of participating in a
sham or collusive" bout and
"conduct detrimental to boxing."
The three, along with Johnson's
handlers, Clarence Davidson, Joe
Rowland and Lou Gross, are
charged with knowing Johnson was
not in condition to fight but per
mitted him to enter the ring
against the, hard-punching Me
deros. The 20 year old Johnson col
lapsed on his ring slixil at the
end of the second round from what
the commission termed a drug
ging. The only clue Johnson was
attic to offer the probers was that
he had sucked on an orange given
to him by a stranger before the
fight and that it "lasted bitter."
Moran. accused also of having
a "piece" of Johnson while a
matchmaker in violation of the
boxing code, was arrested for al
leged perjury after conflict iii tes
timony while under oath.
Beavers Sunder Sud Skein
On Werle's 2 to 1 Triumph
The Portland Beavers were San
Diego's favorite ball club today
after the Bevos knocked over the
threatening Seattle Rainicrs and
gave the Padres some breathing
space in the Pacific Coast League
pennant race.
San Diego took care of Sacra
mento 11-3 with a home run bar
rage and the Beavers let them in
crease their lead to a game and a
half by rallying to down Seattle
Oakland outlasted Hollywood 6-5
and San Franci-xo beat Los An
geles 4-2 in battles affecting the
mid-section of the standings.
Bill Werle held the hard-hitting
Rainiers to six hits last night, but
it looked as if that would not be
enough. The Sudr had a 2-1 lead
going into the bottom of the ninth
but the Beavers ran through three
Seattle pitchers and scored the.
Pacific Coast league
W L Pet.
50 32
Skyliners Plan
Meet on Monday
Movies of local nIU meets and
hki actlviticM uill be Hhmvn at
the Skyliners general member
khip nifJitlnic Monday ut 8 p.m.
at the circuit court room In the
court bouse.
The tikyilncnf plan to outline
and comph'te plan for Mining r
time activities, including an
overnight horw-imck and enmp
big trip from Klk Luke along
the Skyline Trail.
(U'iw (jillis, a member of the
1!MU Olympic team, will discus
the yciir'tt activities and
line jjilims of development.
Medo-Land Holds
run mows iiiemuoig uiu udviuiu'i
ed smack. Kd Bailey and John, Q-) J-q 5 f PIqC
.lerson nil inc omer rounu iripj
Harry Bright homered for two
of the Solon runs.
Jim Marshall crashed his 20(h
homer of the year and Joe Brovia
his 13th as the Oaks built up a
lead over Hollywood. They needed
the padding in the ninth when
the Stars got two runs back and
San Diego
San Francisco
Los Angeles
134 j -.,:. 1 r. J-b
needed two runs for victory. Dick
Whitman's single brought home
the winning run.
Bill Kennedy, recond Seattle pit
cher, got the loss.
Tour Homers
Meanwhile San Diego bombed
Sacramento with four home runs,
one a grand slammer to win with
ease for John Carmichael.
The Pads scored five runs in the
first inning to sew up the contest.
Dick Sisler hit two of the home
Elks Salt Away
Seventh Victory
W. I Pet.
Kagles ....
Pace - setting Klks salted away
their seventh victory of the San
son with a 13-run outburst in tti
fifth inning to crush Lundgren's,
li6 to 14, in a National little league
contest at Juniper park Thursday.
Both teams had 12 hils, but Klks
touk advantage of nine errors and
II free passes.
George Cleveland with three for
three and Mike Genua with two
for two led Klks. Wally Doanahm
had three for five for the losers
Lundgren's . 4(0 02314 12 11
Klks l.'tt 613x-26 12 :
Arledge. Pederson 4. and Peder
son. Arledge; Genua and A. Cleve
Slops ex-mates with 6 hits
put Hie tying counter on thin!
base. However winner George
Bamberger fanned pinch hitter
Curt" Roberts to end the game.
Bobby Del Greco clouted a ho
mer for the Stars. George Munger
got the loss.
Men Mentors
Home runs also decided the San
Franc i sco-Ios Angeles battle.
Steve Bilko garnered all the An
gel runs by homering with a mate
ilward off Gene Bearden in the
fourth inning. Sin Francisco tied
it up in the fifth and Jim Moran
licked his first homer in .two
years with a mate on base to
break the tie 'ind send George
Piktuis down to defeat.
The Portland victorys napped a
ten game winning streak for Se
Meanwhile the Padres approa
ched a league record for consec
utive errorless grimes, last night's
was their sixth straight and one
more ties the loop marks set by
San Francisco m 1910.
Annual crop loss for tobacco in
the l ulled States is alnil 3:v
ixm.unu xunds.
Jeffers Dumped
By Pilot Butte
Pilot Butte trampled Jeffers. 1!
to 6. in a Junior league baseball
game at Harmon field Thursday.
Andy Warrington only gave up a
third inning double to Leonard
Sholes and a fifth inning single to
.laek Waniehek in hurlin;; the win
Tim Cady. Roger Bjorviek. and
Warrington all collected two hits
for the winners.
It i;
Jeft.-rs nni it - 6 2 it;
Pilot Butte rH.i 271!" in :
Grant ,im 1 Haugen; Warrington
and Acheson.
In the p;ist six years, tree plant
ing in the' Tinted States has in
creased 133 per cent.
Lund. Sales
Lund lied Sox
Bill's I'ond'Tosa
VFW's Tom Bay twirled the
first no-hit no-run soft hall game o(
the season as he blanked Lund-
'Iivn's ISr-l Snx VJ In 0. ;it 1'irilin
ti.-lil Thin s1.iy iui:lil.
It:iv tlto-l only Ihivr IviIIits I'l
i-iy inniMi; I'ut tlir M-tuml wln-ii
hi- w.ilkiil .Inn I'nmcll Mr Ktmi1,
mt iniii- in llu' livi- innmi; tanir
I, .lin N.wiH .in.l Kxl WyiiM t-n'i'l
tin- n-lors vitll thn-i- luls iiir-r
I .iiml Ui-il S.. ! m- " 0 '-'
VKW ll-H S- U' 111 1
Krniin, t'l-iim-ll I. ami I'urkrt?,
1 Ihs I. l;.,v ami Valt.
Cascade Transport
rhour I fit-. I
A.MKKIC.W J.mi.K l.E.MifK
Mi do-Land
. 5
. 1
Mike Fetchik Takes 'Early
Lead in Portland Tourney
PORTLAND Ore. (UPI Mike ; two stroke penalty because his cad
Fetchik of Mahoiac, N. Y., a rela-idy picked up his ball two inchei
live unknown wlo carded a siz- from the cup on the seventh green,
zling four under par 31 on the and tossed it to Boros.
oDeninu nine, ledd the pack today'l Ater Boros shouted "Don't touch
as 175 hopefuls entered the second, j it, don't," the raddy trudged to
round of the Western Open.
Fetchik surged into a one-stroke
lead at dusk Thursday with a
31-3S 9 when freak penalties
hampered two o'. his closest com
petitors. Smiley Quick of Los An
geles. Calif., and Julius Boros mi
the Pines, N.C.
Meanwhile, pre-tournamcnt fa
vorites Sam Sn.aa ana lommy
Bolt were far back of the pace
setters with 73 and 74 respectively.
Altogether six competitors, ln
Uiding Dr. Cary-Middlccoff, were
tied at 6!), as more than 20 golfers
broke the par 72 Portland course
in the $15,000 tournament.
Quick fired a 6S but suffered a
two stroke penally when an extra
'sun! club was" found in his bag.
Modn-I.and preserved its Amer
ican Utile league lead by clobber
ing Moose. 22 to 8. at north Har
mon Thursday. Jim Ilnwes only
ave up three hits in twirling tin
Quick did not discover the
strange sand iron until the 1211)
hole when he immediately tiu'ned
it in to tournament officials. He
was not disqualified.
The Los Angeles golfer said he
thought the club was stolen from
win and pounded out the game's j Eddie Ilogan in San Francisco.
only home run
Tom Kiiley and Mike Hillis with
three hits, and Jim McCarthy ami
Hawes with two safeties paced the
13-hit attack.
Medo-Land 262 17122 13 8
Moose 023 1112 8 3 13
Hawes and Birge: Wauge, Bloil
gett 6, and Haugen.
Here are the past attendance
figures for four pro football games
played in Portland: 1952. Rams
vs. Chicago Cardinals 29.122:
I953. Rams vs. Chicago Cardinals
2(i.7Sll; mi-l. Ranis vs. New York
Giants 25.777: 1951 Rams vs. Car
dinals 18.2110.
So smooth
it leaves you
tte qreaiest name
.0 proof Mide from ion--; Ruin neutral ipinti.
S(e e,crrrSmirnoil Ht. Inc.. Hirtford. Conn.
Must have been slipped into my
bag during the rain." Quick said.
Boros finished with a three-iindcr
par 69 but was forced to take a Prineville, 90.
the next tee with tears in his eyes
Boros later told tournament offi.
cials "Everybody makes mistakes.
He's a darned good caddy. I'd like
to keep him."
Clustered at 69 were Robert Mc
Kendrick of Lake Grove, Oiv.;
Gene Littler, Palm Springs, Calif :
Paul O'Leary, Bismarck, N. U,;
Mike Souchak, Durham, N. C;
Ralph Blomquist, Glendale. Calif.,
and Middlccoff.
Kendrick of Lake Grove, Ore.,
topped Uie Nor'iv.vsl entries in the
first round of fie Western Open
Gnlf Tournament yesterday with a
69, good enough for a second place
Other Oregon scores included:
Bob Donnelley, Portland, 73; Kd
Oldfield, R o s e b u r g, 73; Dick
Stearns, Portland, 74; Al Williams,
Medford, 75; George Harrington,
Medford, 77; Alex Weber, Prine
ville, 78; Dan Strife, Eugene, 77;
Einar Allen, ' Bend. 83; George
Beechler, Ontario. 80; Ralph Dicli
ter. Gearhart. 80; Ron Capcrna,
Warrcnton. 82; Fred' Hudspeth,
tM to look for when x
you buy auto
seat covers
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Here's wty.
Take it from the company that's oldest
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the secret of non-wrinkling, longer-lasting
seat covers is perfect fitting. No
matter what make or model of car, the
Howard Zink cover for that car is made
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Why take less? Buy Howard Zink covers
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Bend Garage Co., Inc.
Home of OK Used Cars
709 Wah St. Phone 193
01M ma,?
When You Can Borrow for Less At
up to 24 months to pay
BORROW $1000 REPAY $52.88 MO.
BORROW $ 750 REPAY $39.65 MO.
BORROW $ 500 REPAY $26.44 MO.
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I-it. ANno ftiVix M,V It
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162 n V8
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Roo that, fine fat mountain yonder?
You can iron it out, flat as a flounder
. . . and easy as whistling! ,
Just point one of Chevrolet's special
hilUlatteners at it (either the 162-h.p.
"Turbo-Fire V8" or the 180-h.p. "SuKT
Turbo-Fire") . . . and pull the trigger!
Harr-r-r-r-o-o-O-O-OOM! Mister, you
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... At least it feels flat. For here are
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So most of the time they loaf. Even at
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An engineer can understand why they
are so hyper-eflicient. But you don't have
to be an engineer to know that these are
the sweetest running V8's you ever
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Optional at ettm corf.
Bend Garage' Co.. Inc.
709 Wall Sr.
Phone 193