The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 23, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Lowdown
Ci-ntral Oregon should be well
represented on the professional
gridiron tills fall.
Recently Hon Aschbachcr, Ore
gon Slate's All-Coast tackle and
u member of the. Shrine West
s luad, signed with the San Fran
cisco Forty Niners. The former
1-rineville standout will thus Join
another Beaver, Doug Holland,
ex-Lava Bear.
The 4!lcrs plan to use Asriihach
(T, who reportedly turned down
more lucruttve offers from the
Ready for third yar
Canadian league Just to remain
on the conBt, at defensive end, a
position he never plnyed in col
lego. For Ilogland this will be his
third season with San Francisco,
Winners Told
In Women's
Golf Tourney
Special to The Kiillctln
RICHMOND Mrs. Mrixinc Hap
K'kkI, low, and Mrs. llnrold Hun-
wn und Mi-s. K, U Lewis tird (or
hlfih, won bnllfi In the women's
weekly tournnmrnl at Juniper
Km cliih lursday inorniiiK.
Women from I'rlneville will be
KiiestH for play and luiu lieon next
niesday. acrording to tournament
rhfifrman Mrs, Jack Morris.
Kijjhteen hole Kolfers will lie-in
Ipolng off at 8:30 a.m. Luncheon
fhairman that day Is Mrs. B. L.
Woldon, and on her committee
ilre Mendumes John Norlfn,
C;porne Hakestraw, Harold Povey,
Howard Sehroerier, Merle H(j;an,
Unl-ort Uner, flalph Windsor und
fmnald Wells.
The women's spring handieap is
under way now at Jimijrr jjolf Huh
wilh 'JO women signed up. First
round results are to ho In by July
2, Mrs. Morris announces. She Ik
donallne, the tournament trophy
now on display in Ihe pro shop.
The trophy niven by Mrs. Wil
llam (iifford for low net score for
Ihree consoeulivt Tuesdays is to
be awarded this week.
Treat the
to a
Take factory delivery of your
new Oldsmobile . . . help pay
your way on what you save!
NtMiretl tiiMtrlrli lliiil .iivinpiiiifnitnt
In .Mijov your vni-ittion this vrnr! Ytm
run llrlp p;iv vonr wav uilh mt
jvp by taking ifHivrry nf "IWVrt"
Uff TO I'ncinr OI,Um..l.ilr M laming. Mi. ln.
8"i! Slop in for drlaiN! IVIt ynnr
fnori(r Olilom.thile thru park up the
f.mtily for llip inol rxoitius. moat
rvouomirsl Titration you vrt Iiai!!
DYER'S AUTO SERVICE, 220 Greenwood Ave
r,:.,........ phonc 87- -
and possibly his lusi. fnc iiukk.v
gridder is still faced witti a mili
tary obligation, and could figun
alter a couple of years in the ser
vice that he is too old to return
to the grid wars.
Ilogland, who winters in Bend
left two. weeks ago for Californi:
where he will work until the 49ers
open training camp on the St
Mary's campus at Moraga, July
A third pro gridder from this
area could be Phil Ulllis, a Bend
boy who played at the University
of Washington. He Just Inked his
contract wilh the Washington Kod
skins. Gillis attended Washington tbe
spring quarter after his separation
from the army and Is now biding
his time until the Hedsklns set
up camp In California early next
month. While In the service, Glllls
plnyed football at Ft. Monmouth,
N.J., and in Japan.
Coos Bny-North Bend Lumber-
Jacks are having attendance troub
les, according to Ken Hess of the
Coos Bay Times.
"In the first tnree scries, paid
attendance has failed to meet
guarantees, cost of umpires, rental
and the other incidentals which go
along with the game
"For the TYI City series, 500 fans
per game would have handily met
the hill for an even break finan
dally. As It was, 377 showed up
Monday night and then ottendance
dropped to 232 for Tuesday night's
"Unless the attendance, takes a
definite upswing, It coit well
mean the end of the faster type
semi-pro ball and return to "town-
" ball of yore".
In contrast, the Bend Loggers
drew 1120 for the two game series
with the longshoremen, and 75f
for the Grants Pass games Inst
week end. These figures are total
attendance and include all the
kids admitted free.
Hodges Winning
Streak Snapped
The law of averages ond Rerlyu
Hodges met In a head-on collision
at Wrna tehee last night and the
oiKht-KHme winnhiK streak of the
Kimono lefty was badly bruised.
Wcnn'tehee bombarded 23 hits off
IUkIkpk and two successors lo salt
away an IS-10 decision to throw
the Northwest League race into a
don finht among three eluhs.
Wenn tehee tallied ten earned
runs in an inning and a third ofl
llodcs who up until last nilit
had a shiny S O slate. The Chiefs
eat two in the first and added
eight in the second.
Scheduled games featuring Eu
gene at Wcnn tehee, and Salem at
Spokane wore washed out by rains
which hit eastern Washington.
Moore Decks Bobo in Third Round
NEW YORK (UPJ-Light-heavy-weight
champion Archie Moore,
elated art Wednesday night's quick
defense of his crown, Baid today,
"I believe I'll knock out Rocky
Marciano when wo fight in Sep
tember." The 38-year-old Negro from San
Diego, Calif., who belted out mid-!
dlcweight champion Carl (Bobo)
Olson In the third round at the
Polo Grounds Wednesday night,
added, "I know it sounds an if I'm
talking big. Hut I've got a lot of
dynamite Mt I didn't use last
Charley Johnston, Moore's man
ager, said he had been invited to
confer today with promoter Jim
Norris aboul a probable September
Tl fight at Yankee Stadium.
At Brockton. Muss., heavy
weight champion Marciano said,
"I'll be glad to defend against
Moore any lime, Airangements
for the fight are up to my man
ager, Al Weill." Rocky. saw the!
Moore-Olson fight on television
and said he was impressed with
ancient Archie's prowess.
Archie, who floored 26-year-old
Olson with a final left book for
the full ten count al 1:19 of 1he
third round, said with a grin lo-
The Bend Bulletin,
Fighting Loggers Topple
Tulelake 'Steaders, 7-5
T'ic fighting Bend ' -loggers
lopped the invading Tulelake
Homesteaders. 7 to 5, in a tense
baseball battle Wednesday night.
And battle it was loo, wilh both
trams involved in a free-for-all a
home plate in the seventh inning
It took umpires Russ Kiel nn!
Marv Scott several minutes to re
store order. The two principals ie
the fisticuffs. Logger Curt; Jnnlz
isnruMS- Logger hut jiiiu
the VWitor's cal"h i Dav
nas were hot'i banished. Tb'r:
IiikI imrisini' followed a short skit
! mish in the thiifl base coach in
On the baseball side, the Log
gers look a 1-0 lead in the second
Dan Lovejoy, wearing glasses fo
the first time during a game
pulled one flown the third has
line t i.-it was frnr by just a fon
Golf Greats
Open Session
In Portland
nation's top shot makers, headed
by Tommy Bolt and Sam Snend,
tee orf under threatening skies 'to
day In the first round of the 52nd
Western Open golf tournament.
Snead and Molt were picked to
win the four-day, $15,000 tourna
ment after each shot an eight -undcr-par
61 in brilliant practice
Snead turned in his (il Monday
wilh a hot round that included
three eagles. Although bothered Ijy
puMer trouble since then, he re
mained a crowd favorite to walk
off with first prize when the 'tour
nament winds up Sunday.
After turning in a mediocre 71
in the final practice round Wednes
day. Slammin Sammy threatened
to "show up with an old stick to
morrow for a putter."
Roll put together his tit Wednes
day as rain began to fall on the
6,M0-yanl Porlland layout.
The course Is the same over
which Ren (logan dinl a 72-hole
tournament i-eeord of 'JUl for a par
72 course in l!lf. Tnurnameiit of
ficials have toughened it up. add
ing 17!) yard to its length, fur the
Western, but I he leaders weiv ex
pected to shave as much as 'JO
strokes off par during the four-day
evnt .
Dr. Can- Middleenff. the golfing
dentist, pivdieted a score of '2i'i
ould lake (op money if fair
oalhor held up. 11. wt pm Iirn-
lnnlHM-ger said a '27't tot;d shouUI
be got! enough to win.
llogan. .lack Klcek. the new Na
tional Open champion, and Lloyd
Mangrutn. defending Western Open
kmg who won the title in a play
off at Cincinnati last year, arc not
competing thK year.
More Swimmers
Urgently Needed
Molt swimmer and diver aiv
iirynily needid for the Heed
i miming team.
The first trvmifs were hild on
Vednesday at tiie jvnil and onh
few wei-e prrsent. Trouts will
'm ield again Friday noon at the
(XX 1.
(lene tiillts is cojiebing lining.
liUc. JL"'w jlurpolc ts UusUuctim
"When nocky and I fight, we'll
both be playing with dynamite.
And something's sure to happen to
some one. I'm pretty confident it'll
happn to Rocky. I believe he'll
go out because I m punching
sharp and I h te at my natural
Bring on Rocky Marciano
weight of
about 185 or
It was in I he second round that
the smart, hard-hitting light-heavy
champ took command. Using his
unusually long 78 - inch reach, he
shook Bobo with left ubs and left
Ipoks to the head and landed three
hard right smashes to the body.
Near the close of the round, he
Thursday, June 23. 1955
as it passed over the left field
Tulelake Hed it up in the fourth
on a single and double, and took
the lead, 2-1, in the sixth on a
double and single.
Then Mend stormed hack, dene
Slot! doubled. Phil .lantze singled,
ind Curt .lantze singled both run
ners home . hit he seven t h SI ot t
singled, nnd P-'iil Jantze homered
tver the 'center -field wall .just be
ore the rftubaiU
7'le -Igjfers picked up their win
ling runs 4n the eighth on singles
y Tommy Hunt and,, lvejoy, j
assed ball and sacrifice fly b
'urtis Christensen.
Prineville's A r I i e Aldermai
titehed fine l)all. striking out V2
until he tired in the ninl'i. Alder
nan struck out eight of the firs'
0 batters to f;iee him. But aftr
walking two, giving up a three J
un homer to lly Hatfield, nnr'
walking another he gave way to i
'.ynn Mubler who struck nut tht
last two baiters.
lulebike alt h it
Conner, s 5 0 0 0
Taylor. 2 -12 0 2
Dawes, 3 4 I A 2
Whitney. Ih 4 1 5 0
Kaymond. 1 2 0 2 0
Hatfield, m-c 4 1 4 1
Sunnings. m 0 0 0 0
Thomas, c 3 0 7 1
MeCarty. r ... . 2 12 0
Williams, p 2 0 0 0
C.eorge. p 2 0 0 1
Totals . r H 21 7
Itettil nh li o n
Pederson, s 5 0 1 2
liuwen, 2 . 10 13
Stott, m . ... 3 2 1 n
P. .lant.e, lb 1 2 !) 1
C. .lant.e. r . I 1 0 0
Lijtz, r 0 0 0 0
Decker. I 2 0 0 i)
1 Hunt. I 2 10 nj
lnejoy. e , 2 2 VI ;'.
j Christensen. .1 2 1 1 2j
j Alflerman, p 10 11
1 Mohler, p 0 0 0 0
Totals 112 '.) 27 12!
Mrandis defeated Bifco. 15 to 10.
in an American httle league game
it Harmon Wednesday. Paul
c.ruh.-mi led Itrnndis wilh five fnr
five, while- ItnMiv IVtrie paced
Biteo wilh Ihree for four Mike
Kilry whs Ihe winning Ivirler.
On A NEW 1955 Chevrolet "210M Sedan
As a leader for the last ten day period in the
Chevrolet Pacemaker Sales Contest wc are
offering this car at
Regular Price is $2257
l-:iiiliiiient Im-lmff Airflow Heater, SlgtuiU and Kltvlrlc uip
enf Ht liKV l-OK TIHS (iUKAT VAI.I K
Bend Garage Co. Inc.
Your Chevrolet lKlir Mmv 101 7
709 Wall St. Phone 193
knocked Bobo back on his heels
into a corner with a left jab. Bobo
had a slight cut on his left brow
when he went to his corner.
In the third round, the stalking
Moore knocked Olson off balance
with a left-right-left. Then he stag
gered him with two hard straight
rights to the head, hit him with a
left hook that started him back
wards and landed a terrific left
hook to the face that dropped Bo
bo on his back in Moore's corner.
Bobo rolled over onto his stomach
and tried to lift himself up. he al
most made it at "nine" but failed
Bobo's handlers helped him to a
stool which had been pulled out to
mid-ring. Dr. Vincent Nardiello,
helping them, said, "He was grog
gy for more than five minutes; and
it was about 15 before he was able
to walk to his dressing room."
Manager Sid Flaherty said the
fighter would continue his career,
but would fight . only among the
middleweights. He hopes for Bobo
to defend his 160 - pound crown
against the July 15th winner of the
Sugar Ray Robinson-Rocky Castel
lani fight hi San Francisco.
Padres Edqe
Past Idle
Seattle Club
I'nited Iress Sport h Writer
The San Diego Padres could
thank John Merson's big ba't and
a rainstorm in Portland for their
clear title to tlie Pacific Coast
league lead today.
The Padre infielder smacked a
three-run homer in the eighth in
nnie last night lo bring his mates
from behind for a 6-4 win over the
Sacramento Solons. Meanwhile.
Ihe Seattle Rainiers, who had
climbed into a tie with the P&ds
after winning their 10th straight
Tuesday, were rained out at Port
land. Bobby Del Greco blasted a two
run home run ir. the ninth to give
Hollywood its second in a row over
Ihe Oakland Oaks, 4-3.
San Francisco replaced Los An
geles in the No. fi spot as Ihe Seals
enioyed a three-run ninth frame
while Don Fraechia was shutting
W I. Pet. (Ill
San Diego 49 32 .60.1
Seattle IS 32 .600
Portland 37 37 .500 8.
Hollywood 39 40 YM lO1
Onkianri 36 43" .456 12
San Francisco 36 43 .456 12
Uis Angeles 36 44 .450 12'-j
Sacramento '35 44 .443 13
out the Angeles on seven hits for
a 3-0 triumph. 1
It was a big eighth inning,
which produced five runs in all,
thai put the long-time league
leading Padres back in front by
half a game.
Krmrs Mart
With the Pads trailing. 4-1. Milt
SmHh started off the rally with ft
single. He was safe at second on
.Jerry St reefer's error and scored
on Kvarl Uapp's single.
Julio Bccquer, who also got life
on Streeter's miseue, sVorcd when
Eddie Kazak singled That set the
stage for Merson to power his
third homer in four games.
Al Dyops, who came in for the
Pads in the eighth, was the win
ner, Mud Daley the loser.
Oakland was in front on two dif
ferent occasions in the first and
the eighth hut despite 10 hits off
Roger Bowman, the Oaks went
down to their second defeat at the
hands of the Stars in the current
The setback was Al (Two Gun)
Gettel's ninth against seven wins.
Bowman, a lefty who worked in
Acorn flannels two years back,
registered his third win against a
single defeat.
Oakland's Jim Marshall pumped
field wall al the 3W fiwtt mark in
Ihe fourth.
HKTItniT iirpi The ivimil
I, inns h.ive stened two more rnnk-
ies for Ihe 10.VS National hoolhnll
Leaeuo season. They are former
Michigan quartorlvlek Ted Topor
and end Iimoine Holland of Hire.
Flag Tourney
Held by Women
Bend ladies held a flag tourna
nent at the golf club Wednesday
ind Mrs. Verr. Larson took top
honors in class A, while Mrs. II
. Davis won class B. In the nine
lole group, Mrs. Ray Forrest was
the victor.
The annual spring handicap was
:ompleted b'lis week. Mrs. Mel I
-Vauge defeated Mrs. A. L. Schatz
o win the championship. Firat
iighl laurels went lo Mrs. Avery
jrimslcy wlio beat Mrs. Vern
Next Wednesday will he blinr
partners play, where foursomes are
nude up by the players. It wil
)e the fifth week of UWGA tro
;ihy play.
Ore. Equipment
Clobbers Foe
Oregon Equipment tallied 13
times in a wild first inning and
went on from Uiere to score a 20-to-5
win over Lundt-on's in a Jun
ior league game at Harmon Wed
Bob Thies smashed out five for
five, including a double and tri
ple. Jim Aim clouted tw-o doubles
for the victors. Ray Jacobson col
lected two of the losers hits.
Ore. Equip (13113 1220 11 2
Lundgren's .... 050 00 5 4 4
Haugen, Turner and Towner:
Deel, Carpenter and Jacobson.
NEW YORK (L'PI First base
man Joe Collins of the New York
Yankees was in Lenox Hill Hos
pital today for treatment of an in
flamation of a vein in his ankle.
Uv -vj i m . i
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FU LI VALUE for the unused
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PLUS a special extra trade-in allowance
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Dodgers Assure Themselves
Of First Place on July 4th
l ulled I'rehH Norl Writer
Shoot off a premature firecracker
today for those booming Brooklyn
Dodgers because Ihey a re now
certain ill first place on the
Fourlh of July, the dale which
means an eventual pennant accord
ing to tradition.
Since 1000 teams in first place
on July 4 in the National League
have gone on to win the pennant
.15 times and lost out 20 times. But
could there be one bad omen? The
last lime a July 4 leader failed to
win the pennant was in 1951 when
the Dodgers blew Ihe flag to the
Giants in the playoffs.
The Dodgers assured themselves
nf the lead on the holiday Wednes
day when they again defeated the
second-place Cubs, 3-2. lo go 13
games in front. The Cubs have 12
games to play before. July 4 and
if they won all and Brooklyn lost
all of the 11 it has before that
date, the Dodgers slill would be in
Five-Team Fight
Any of five American League
teams conceivably could lead the
pack by July 4 but the Yankees,
as of now, still were in command
by two games after anolher vic
tory, 6-1 over the Athletics. If the
Yankees hold their margin they
will be an even better bet to win
the flag on past performance be
cause in the junior circuit the
Juty 4 leader has gone on to finish
on lop 38 times as against 17
Chicago topped Washington 3-0
on a four-hitter by Dick Donovan.
It was Donovan's ninth win, pretty
good for a pitcher who never had
s KOVal O KioW A
Schulze Tire Service
"Your Tubclexs Tire SieclaUU"
a major league triumph in four
previous years in the majors.
Cleveland defeated Baltimore 5-0
on Early Wynn's six - hitter in
which he also accounted for two
tallies with a double. It was his
linth victory and third shutout and
Baltimore's sixth shutout in nine
The Red Sox moved to within a
game of fourth place with a 12-7
triumph over Detroit in which Ted
Williams smacked three doubles
and Norm Zauchin hit a three-run
homer. Jim Piersall and Simmy
White also hit Boston homer:; rnd
Al Kaline hit two for Dclrjit while
Ray Boone got one.
Giants Knd li-i'ir; Klreak
The Giants finnlly ended their
six - game losing streak be h i n d
"stopper" Sal Maglie, beating Cin
cinnati, 4-3, on the margin of hom
ers by Hank Thompson and Bobby
Hofman in the ninth. It was Mag
lie's eighth straight triumph.
Warren Spahn pitched a six hit
shutout for his fifth victory to give
Milwaukee a 6-0 decision over
Pittsburgh. It was Milwaukee's
sixth straight win and Spahn and
catcher Del C'randall contributed
homers. Spahn drove in three runs.
Robin Roberts stuck it out for
his 10th victory, 9-6, over the Car
dinals even though he was tagged
for two homers and a ' triple by
Stan Musial plus homers by Red
Schoendienst and Rip Repulski.
Stan Lopata homered for Philly.
Sid Gilman. new head coach of
Ihe Los Angeles Rams, was rec
ommended for the position by
Frank Leahy,
jr """v V
cmd. tit