The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 23, 1955, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. of Oregon Library
High yesterday, 78 degrees. Low
last night 3? drgrt-r. Sunset la
day, Sunlit? tomorrow,
Partly cluudy with a few scat
tered showers today; clearing
tonight; Friday generally fair;
low tonight SO 36; high Friday
52nd Year Two Sections
France Wi
Stick With
1'nited Press Staff Correspondent
Foreign Minister Anioine Pinay
answered a Russian "peace offen
sive" today with a pledge that
France will remain a member in
good standing of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
Pinay gave this pledge in a
speech prepared for delivery at
the 10th anniversary meeting of
the United Nations. His appearance
was awaited with eager interest;
by a world wondering how the Big
Four planned to cope with Russia's
latest diplomatic maneuver. -
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov launched the Russian
peace offensive yesterday on
schedule. In a 48-minute speech,
he scolded the West for building up
arms, establishing military bases
in foreign lands and taking other
belligerent moves.
Heard It Before
He challenged the West lo "make
the next move" in ending the arms
race and urged adoption of Soviet
disarmament proposals made in
London last month
Pinay said immediately after
hearing Molotov s speech, "I have
heard the same speech at least
10 times. It is always the same
thing. We are the bad ones and
they are the good ones. We want
war and Russia wants peace."
Today, he was more diplomatic.
He said in essence that regional
security arrangements, such as
NATO, were vitally necessary as
a defense against aggression in a
world that has not disarmed.
"In the present world, as long
as a general and controlled dis
armament has not become a real
ity, genuine security can be en
sured only In the framework of
regional agreements as .provided
for In the (U.N.) charter," he said,
: War Machinery Needed ,
"To be efficient, such agree
ments must Include, in times of
peace, machinery for military co
operation designed 'to bring about
a collective reaction, should an
aggression occur."
He said all collective security
arrangements the League of Na
tionsfailed between 1919 and 1939
because military cooperation was
Pinay was the third of the Big
Four foreign ministers to address
the United Nations meeting. Har
old MacMillan, British foreign sec
retary, and Molotov. preceded him.
U. S. Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles, asked to comment!
on Molotov's speech, said he would
"save my reactions for my own
talk on Friday."
''3 ' '
" ... . . i -4 .
4 ,t 4
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WHAT'S DOING MERE? Believe it or not, men dedicated to the protection of the Deschutes
forest from fires this season are pictured here calmly watching a fire. The brush blaie in the pine
land was started to provide suppression training for youths attending the annual guard school
at Pringle Falls. The afternoon was so damp tha t the youths had to wait until the fire got start
ed before they could go to work. (Bend Bulletin Photo)
Weatherman Offers Display at Fire School
Repeating a performance of two
years ago. the weatherman Wed
nesday afternoon presented a spe
cial display for Deschutes National
forest personnel attending the 12th
annual guard school at Pringle
falls on the Deschutes.
Lightning flashed from dark
clouds, bolts struck into distant
woods and gusty winds, of the
type that would whip fires into in
fernos, kicked up dust clouds.
The afternoon electric storm,
not 0i strong as the rt that vis
ited the area when the annual
guard school was held in 1953, oc
curred at a time when the young
Hells Canyon
Action Slowed
By Senators
ate Interior Committee today post
poned for at least a week and
possibly for the year action on a
bill to authorize the controversial
Hells Canyon Project.
Acting Chairman Clinton P. An
derson tD-NM) said a date for a
net meeting on the bill will be
set by Chairman James E. Murray
(D-Mont) when he returns here
July 1.
Anderson said there was a "great
deal of discussion" at today's
meeting that action on the bill
"might be premature." The dis-
cussion concerned the fact that the
Federal Power Commission is con
sidering an application for private
utility dams in the canyon, and
recent Supreme Court decisions on
water nghts.
He indicated that Sen. Eugene
1. Millikin (R-Colol led a group
holding that tbe bill should be put
off until next year. Sponsors have
sought Millikin's vote for imme-
diate approval of the bill
The committee adopted om
amendment intended to "bolster"
the rights of Idaho water users
upstream from the proposed dam,
Anderson said.
Plans Opening
Here on Friday
Renovation of Heuly's Bend Fur
niture Co., including construction
of a new front, has been complet
ed ana the modernized store will
hold its formal opening Friday.
Members of the staff, headed by
William A. Healy as manager
were working behind closed doors
today, completing final details In
preparation for the opening. ,
Modernization of the store quar
ters, in the Bend Elks' building
on Wall street, was started seven
weeks ago.
The entire front of the building,
facing on Wall street, was recon
structed, with the original support
ing pillars removed and windows
recessed and modernized.
Also reconstructed was a new
entrance to the store from
the rear, adjacent to the city park
ing lot.
The interior of the store has
been redecorated and furniture
has been rearranged.
Grand opening of the modern-
ized store has been set for noon
Friday, and the store will remain
open until 9 p.m.
(See picture on page 5.)
trainees, most of them fromeasl-j
ern forest schools, were in the
One group was atop nearby Pis
tol burte, location of a lookout sta
tion. None of the lightning bolts
struck near the butte. Forest of
ficers in radio-equipped cars near
by obtained a clear picture of the
progress of the storm in other
parts of the woods
Light rain fell In the afternoon,
malting it bit difficult for crew
leaders to get fires started for , headquarters off ice serving as In-j Prinressr-s Tuiwlay evening. June
trainees. These trainees were dl-' structors. Ralph W Crawford, for-j 2S. at Bruin Field, and the pre
sided Into two-man crews, with! est supervisor, was a speaker asldnrk shows in Drike pirk eve--ach
assigned the task of putting; 'he school opened earlier in thej nings of July 2 and 3. preceding
out the training (ires. 'week. I the pageant.
Dr Stewart fok,UPPer Columbia
rost with Mate
Education Board
Dr. James H. Stewart, tri-coun-
ty Health ouicer, has been ap
pointed administrative medical
consultant of the division of voce
tional rehabilitation by the stale
board of education. He will leave
Bend on Aug. 1 to assume his
luties in Salem.
No successor has yet been
mined to head the tri - county
'leal tli department.
Filling of this position. Charles
Feike, director of the division of
voca t ional reha b il i t a t ion , sal d . is
;iie of the important steps of ex
pansion allowed by the state leg
islature for a more extensive state
wide program of rehabilitation
icn' ices to the handicapped. Hith
erto, only part-time medical con
sultant services were secured for
this division. 1
Dr. Stewart's responsibilities
will include technical advice and
consultation to the division with
respect to the physical restoration
phase of this state-wide rehabilita
tion program. He will represent,
the division in the development of
standards and policies relating to
the medical aspects of rehabilita
His duties will also include con
sultation service for the determin
ation of disability for the program,
in cooperation with the bureau of
old-age and survivor's insurance.
The out-going tri-county health
officer received his medical train
ing in Indiana and after practicing
medicine for-sevesal years served
with the Army medical corps. He
was health officer for Polk county
from 1949 to 1951, after which he
spent a year in Berkeley, Calif,
for a year's graduate work ii
public health at the University of
In July 1952, he was appointed
tri-county health officer in Bend.
Dr. Stewart Is married and has a
The slate highway traveling
crew has begun patching work on
Highway 97 that runs through part
of Wall street. The highway de
partment said that the patching
work within the city limits of Bend
will be completed by the end of
this week.
Training work for the men, 50
of thpm trainees, was completed
today and the young foresters
wire assigned to the various dis
tricts At the three - day school
I hey received cxiK-rience in map
reading, fire detection, smoke j
chasing, use of tools and, among
other things, the control of small
Call C. Raker of the Deschutes :
staff headed the fire school, withj
rangers and personnel from the
Bend. Deschutes County, Oregon, Thursday, June 23,
Panel Favors
Group to Discuss
Water Problems
Membt-rs of tiie Upper Columbia
Basin commission will serve as
a panel at a Bind Chamber of
Commerce forum luncheon tomor
row to discuss various aspects of
Central Oregon's water problems.
Marion Weatherford will submit
a general statement of functions
of the commission, to be replaced
by the new state water resources
board, and Judge Robert D. Lylle
will outline the commission's plan
to organize water resource groups
in eastern Oregon communities. I
Deschutes basin projects will
be discussed by Robert H. Foley
Bend, a member of the commis
sion. 1
The forum lunccon will be at
the Pilot Butte inn, at noon, with
reservations lo be made through
the chamber office.
Peron is Lauded
By Gen. Lucero
As Great Leader
(UP) War Minister Gen. Frank
lin Lucero hailed President Juan
D. Peron Wednesday night as "the
most excellent president ...and
commander - in -chief of all the
armed forces."
Lucero was named by Peron as
chief of all military and security
forces in Argentina following the
abortive navy-led revolt last week.
DlDlomatic observers interpret
ed Lucero's praise of Peron as art
attempt to squash reports emanat
ing from outside Argentina that
Peron either already had been or
soon would be shorn of power.)
The war minister lauded Peron
in a brief speech to the armed
forces over the Army's radio net
work and rebrondcast later to 4he
nation by the state radio.
Lucero said the army had proved
itself worthy of the "high honor of
being conducted in such difficult
circumstances by the most excel
lent president of the nation and
commander in - chief of all the
armed forces, General Peron.
Lucero was appointed command
er-in-chief of the "forces of re
pression" Thursday night follow
me the abortive revolt led by na
val officers. His command includ
ed security as well as military
The last of the army troops were
withdrawn from Buenos Aires dur
ing the day and returned to their
barracks. Authorities said the with
drawal of the troops demonstrated
that "absolute calm reigns through
out the country."
Peron held his regular Wednes
day meeting with the cabinet
Wednesday morning at his resi
dence, according to the state ra-
dio Wednesday night. It said that;
Peron also received Lucero andl
National Defense Minister Gen.
Humberto Sosa
Molina among
The broadcast apparently was
aimed at quelling reports that the
entire cabinet had resigned
Debate Date Set
October 8 has been set as the
date for the debute in Bend be
tween Sen Hirhurd Neubcrgcr anil
Rp. Sam Coon, under auspices
if the Central Oregon loriim.
In a telegram to The Bulletin
'oday, Kep. Coon said he and Sen.
Neulierger had agreed on the Oc
tober date.
Rep. Coon and Sen. Neulieixer
will debate the merits ol the pro
posed John Day dam on the Co
lumbia river.
Talent Tryous
Planned Tonight
Try-outs fur home tah-nt shows
in connection wiih WM(T Pageant
festivities will tie held tonu-ht ul
,7: 30 In the library auditorium,
I rather than in the hieh senool
hand room as announced yestcr-l
Entertainers are to be chos-n
to take part In Ihe Parade of
Program Gets
8 to 3 Approval
From Scientists
WASHINGTON (UP) A panel of
top polio scientists endorsed 8 to
3 today the safety of the Salk vac
cine and recommended that the
nationwide inoculation program
The vote was taken before a
House Commerce Subcommittee.1
Thus, a majority of the nation's!
top polio experts rejected the rec
ommendation of three prominent
authorities that production and use
of Salk vaccine be halted until it
can be made "safer '
The eight, experts voting in fav
or of the vaccuie included Dr.
James A. Shannon of the National
Institute of Health who represent
ed the Public Health Service at
the unique round table congression
al hearing.
In the final voting, four scien
tists on the panel abstained. One
of these was Dr. Jonas E. Salk
whose enthusiasm for the vaccine
he developed is no secret.
The recommendation of the three
scientists late yesterday whipped
up new clouds of confusion just
the program seemed headed
for clear sailing after two months
of uncertainty and stop and go
No Change Seen
But government officials said
the Public Health Service is not
now considering n change m its
basic position that vaccine releas
ed under rigid new federal stand
ards is safe for public use.
The service has known for some
time abou'. the r'xibtsi of some
experts. But it had felt (he "great
preponderance" of scientific opin
ion supports the decision to go
ahead with .the program.
The House Commerce Subcom
mittee swung into the second
round of its unique "Round three"
hearings on the vaccine's safety
and effectiveness today.
Expect Criticism
Fifteen of America's leading
polio authorities are serving as
an informal advisory panel for the
Dr. Albert B. Sabin, noted Unl-j
versity of Cincinnati researcher,
and a member of a government
vaccine committee, kicked off the I
safety dispute by expressing doubt I
that the present Salk vaccuie Is suf
ficiently safe for large scale use.
He urged an immediate halt in its I
production and use until it can be
made safer, perhaps by winter.
Two other scientists the great
Harvard virologist. Dr. John F.
Enders, and Dr. William D. Mc-
Hammond of the University of
Pittsburgh, took the same view.
Favor Surrender
Of Formosa
To Red Chinese
Njkolaj Bulganin and Indian Prime
Minister Jawahnrlnl Nrhm mllnrl
today for the surrender of Formo-
sa to the Chinese Communists and
the admission of Communist China
to the United Nations.
The two premiers, in a declara
tion of sollderity issued at the end
of N 'hru's hist ory-ma king 15 - day
visit to Russia, proposed a ban on
the manufacture of atomic and hy
drogen bombs and an end to exper
iments with the bombs and en lied
for world disarmament
They reaffirmed the fi1endnhip
letween the two nations under
Nehru's five principles of peaceful
co-existence which include non-ag-yression
and non Interference in
the internal affairs of other nations
and outlined a program of further
cooperation between the two na
tions. Supervised Hike
Due on Friday
A supervise hike for children
eii'ht vt.uta nl.t ansl on uill !
h..M rl.u n,l-r ,.i thJ"" entrlfs Irom 4-11 and K. K. A
City Recreation Department. Oe.i
nartt.r. h ii,.., ii.i.i I
at 9 a m., with return scheduled I
for about 3 p.m.
Miss Margaret Hotmail of ' the
Recreation Department summer
staff will he In charge of the h:ke. I
The group will climb Awbrey Butte
and will circle around to the west j Communist China today on the
river tank north of town, for a I first leg of a tour that will
picnic. Each child Is to take his him to Soviet Russia I'eiping Ha
own sack lunch and beverage.. Irilo reported.
1 r
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SCRIBE OF THE COURT Miss Nancy Stewart of Gateway, Jefferson county representative
on Bend's Fourth of July Water Pageant court,-is planning a career in journalism. (Photo for The
Bulletin by Bob Barber)
Spotlighting the
Pripcess Nancy
IliiUflln CorrcHuomlcnt
Time on my hands" Is
phrase which doesn't have much
meaning for Nancy Lee Stewart.
Jefferson county's addition to the
ranks of Bend Walcr Pageant
The 17-year-old Gateway resi
dent Is a 1M) Madras Union high
school graduate. She has managed
to keep busy with both scholastic
and extra-curricular interests in
recent years.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Stewart, Gateway, she combines
the attributes of an outdoor girl
with those of a better-than-average
She was on the all - st;tr honor
roll all four years of high school.
two-year member of National
Aid for Roundup
Voted by Lions
Kpwinl to The Bulletin
PKINKVILLE The Lions club
met Tuesday and discussed busi
ness ranging from the Crooked Ri
ver Roundup to the annual Lions
picnic. The group voted to assist
the Roundup board in promoting
dances on Friday and Saturday
nights, August 26 and 27, during
the rodeo.
Date for the annual Lions' pic
nic was set for July 17. Officers
of the organization are In chnrge
of foxi preparations nnd Carrol
McCord is president. Each year,
the officers and the trustees meet
before dawn to bi'tnn preparations
for the picnic dinner. The picnic
will be held, as il has been each
year, at the Orhoco rnnger station.
A lawn swing and two lawn
chairs were slo selected for the
Pioneer Memorial Hospital, for the
use of ambulatory patients. These
w'lt be bought In the near future
by the club.
Ken Wfiud, assistant county
ugent, was present nt the meeting,
and further discimiion wan held
on plans lor the fat stock sale to
Ik held nt the conclusion of the! Ized by McKeniP river residents,
comity fair, on the weekend ofjwas to urge stcidy completion of
August 19 and 'JO. Lloyd Hudspeth.
whi has recently established
wholesale meat business, offered
guarantee of market price t
Kro''l at the fair, as a lse prtce
'r the fat slock sale. T!w I.ions
club ta Vmrint Ihe event
TOKYO (UPl Ho Chi Mlnh.
Moscow . trained leader of Corn-
munitt Viet Mlnh. arrived in
Eighteen Pages
Fit :k ,l.:: - j .j1 )
Lee Has Lots to.
Honor society, and won the Sen
ior Citizenship award. '
An active 4-H member, she
plans to take her Aberdeen Angus
to facitic International this fall.
The 5 Y'.i princess reports
bust, waist, and hip mensuremenls
of 36-26-37, und weighs 140 pounds
Her hair and eyes are soft brown.
Favorite school subject is music.
Art Is another Interest, and she
works in both watercolors and
Journalism was a major school
interest. She was cditor-in-chlrf of
Hi-Sage, school annual, this year,
and worked on the publication two
previous years.
She was on Uie staff of the
White Buffalo, MtlHS semi-monthly
paper, three years, and was as
sistant news editor. She was pres-
Gates Opened on McKenzie
After Ribbon-Cutting Rites
Cates were unlocked at ap
proaches to Ihe McKenzie pass
mis morning at 8 o'clock, marking
the opening of the scenic moun
tain route for the 1955 season.
The gale was opened for gen
ernl traffic following a ribbon-cut
ting ceremony at the McKenzie di
vide In which representatives of
McKenzie river and mid - Oregon
communities took part.
Passing through gates unlocked
for members o( the party, drivers
of some 40 cars and their passen
gem checked In at the summit for
the ribbon cutting.
Uend was represented by a dele
gation of three, Ben Funning,
president of the Central Oregon
Chamber of Commerce; waiter T.
Thompson, city manager, and Ma
rion K. Caily, manager ol the lo
cal committee.
The trio Joined delegations from
Redmond nnd Prinevllle In the
drive up the east slope for the
party at the summit.
Following the ribbon culling the
group went to Phil's restaurant al
Hlue River for a dinner attended
by about CO crsons.
Purpose of the meeting, organ
Salk Make-Ups
Sei for Friday
One hundred seventy-six first
jwi second graders h:id their si
)nd Injcrtiori of Snlk anti-polio
vaccine this morning at Thomp
son school.
Any children wIkj were sched
iled for today but were unable t"
tttend may get thir shots Fridny
it Thompson school between 9 and
n m . It wns announced by t)r
J. H. Stewart, medical director of
th Tfl-County Htralth Department.
No. 16?
Keep Her Busy
dent of Quill and Scroll, national
honorary journalism fraternity,
.his year.
Last year, she was a Jefferson
county fair and rodeo princess.
Miss Stewart received a lour.
nalism scholarship to Pacific Un.
versity. Forest Grove, which she
will use this fall. She is engaged
to John Lydy, another 1955 MU11S
Stewart is a plumber and Mrs.
Stewart drives the Gateway school
uus. in addition to chores nt homo,
Nancy assists with cleanup work
it the Gateway school.
the Mcwtirta moved from the
princess' birthplace, Attica, Indi
ana, seven yeurs ago,, and have
since resided In Gateway. Thcit!
nre also two boys In the family,
uonaia Dean. 14, and Michael
Clcllan, 11.
the Clear lake shortcut as a year
around route and to seek tha
earlier opening of the pass sea
sonally. Motorists driving over the newly-opened
road today found the
pass route In excellent shape.
Flurries of wet snow beat over
the summit lust night.
Roads Opened ,
To Crater Lake
All enlranees to Crater Lal;e na
tional park with the exception of
the Kim drive will be open to
travel by June LTi. Thomas J. Wil
Ihrns, P'irk superintendent, an
nounced Irom his Medfnrd head
'pinners tnday.
The north entrance, which
s-Tves as an Important feeder lno
U.S. Highway !)7 of visitors to th
nrk. was opened t' past week,
and by this weekend the east en
trance, via Sand ereek, will t
Superintendent Williams said
hat demreiKus rock slides from
Million riffle will cause this one
nile t'ctim of the Itmi drive lo
Ik chmed temporarily. DiiMmi
rid-je is immediately smith of
Kerr notch, nt which point th?
east entrance ro'id Joins with
the Rim drive. In fie meantime,
visitors may trt'-el nil but ona
mile of the Rim drive.
Favored approach to Crater lnke
park for visitors travelinu over
The Dallrs Cilffr-mn hiifhwny
from the nnrth is the north en
trance, via the Diamond lake cut-
iff Distance to the park from
Bend il just under 100 miles.