THE BEND BULLETIN Bend, Deschutes County. Oregon. Wednesday. June 22. 1955 ft !" : 1 " ' T - St--, jrr y.. . . - . ttmim CHURCH RENOVATION UNDERWAY A $40,000 project calling for the complete renovation of St. Francis Catholic church in Bend from basement to high steeples is now under way. Pictured here are workmen "pointing" bricks preparatory to exterior renovation. (Bend Bulletin Photo) , Serving Central Oregon The world's most effi cient furnace cleaning equipment Capacity greater than 200 large portable furnace clean ers. nl Ira in ill hIFnE . & Mm . jwhej CLEANING f Residential: Chimney & Furnace, hand-fired $12.50 Chimney & Stoker Furnace $14.00 Chimney & Oil Fired Furnace $12.50 Chimney & Oil Heater .. $12.50 Chimney & Floor Furnace or Wall Furnace $15.00 Ducts Cleaned in connection with Furnace Clean ups, Each Register $...50 Commercial Jobs Quoted Before Beginning Work Oil Burners can be Turned off After We Arrive Oil heaters, floor furnaces, stokers and hand-fired jobs should be cold at time of arrival. KLINK'S FURNACE CLEANING Bond, Oregon Phone 1312 Renting of Dress Suits Good Business in Capital By HARMAN W. NICHOLS I'nited Press S:iff CorrepoDdent WASHINGTON (UP) Some odd things about Washington For one thing, some 2000 rented dress suits, dinner coats, and cut aways are in constant circulation in the capital. This business is better in the winter. But in the summer, some senators and congressmen, who are not used to dressing for an evening out, rent the summer : suits. A white coat, black pants, and a soft shirt with studs, and shoes and even a phony carnation tor the buttonhole if necessary. The price per coat, shoes or col lar runs fur whatever the traffic will bear. A coat may be $5 for the evening, returned in the a.m. A whole suit double that price. With the flower pitched in if you return it in the morning with coat, pants and studs. Do It Yourself Time was around town when three outfits rented evening dresses for government gals, and also the ladies of Congress. All three went out of business. It seems that the gals would run down to the rent people, try on the pretty gowns, and run home and think it over. A lot of them had' been trained in the needle, thread and sewing machine busi ness, and many of them went straight to a drygoods store, bought a bolt of frilly stuff and showed up at a party with a dupli cate of whatever looked good at the rental. Back to the men. One of the renters has in stock, for instance. pink shorties, like they wear In Britain, with navy blue coats to match and flashy sport shirts. All for $13.50 for a weekend. There have been no congressional takers on this deal so far. I got a lot of other information from Eleanor Early. The lovely Eleanor is an old hand at research on such business in the capital and other cities. Famous Corsets One of Eleanor's favorite stories Pageant Group Attends Meeting Of Kiwanians Bend Kiwanis club members bought quantities of water pageant buttons offered by princesses of the mirror pond court at the club's noon luncheon at the Pine Tavern Monday. Pageantarians Dick Chester and Owen Panner and Mrs. L. A. Hulls, official chaperon, were present. A short address by Chester forecast ing another "bigger and better" Fourth of July celebration for Bend preceded the button sate. Princesses Ponna tee Davis, Prineville, and Pat . Crawford. Jeanne Drost. Gail Thompson and Lynn Schrock, all of Bend, at tended the luncheon. Gordon Randall, speaker, dis cussed insurance agency organiza tion and operation and its functions in relation to community business. He was introduced by W.T. Moura, program chairman of the day. Use Classified for Results KBND iOOO Watts Serving All Central Oregon 1 is one about the Fotger Shake spearean Library, located near fli. Supreme Court and Library of Congress. There rest the corsets of Elizabeth I. Miss Early dug up the fact that Henry Clay Folger, who founded the library, learned that the cor sets of the Queen who served dur ing Shakespeare's time were on sale at auction. - Folger dispatched a cable call, made a bid and before he knew it, he had a bunch of ran1 corsets on his hands. And for a long time, they were right out in the open. As of now, though, they are underground. down in the basement of the li brary with other relics. Every year the capital enter tains some half mllliun kids. All of them frisky, but someday to grow to voting age. There Is pres sure from the hill to be nice to all the young. They have pillow fights in hotels. That is a nuisance to the hotels. The Willard Hotel, for one, has started using foam pillows. The same hotel has start ed to weld room numbers on the doors. Some kids bring along their own screw drivel's to take home a souvenir if room weldd on. Suburb Installs Control Device CHICAGO (UP) - Suburban Maywood, III., has become the first community in the world to install a new radio control traf fic signal system which automa tically clears the route for emer gency vehicles. Mobile radio transmitters, mounted on each of the emergen cy velucles. transmit radio signals approximately one-half mile ahead of them, The radio signals are picked up by special receivers connected with traffic lights, which automa tically turn red following a three- second period of rapid flashing amber. By stopping a!l traffic at each intersection along the route of the fire truck, police car or am bulance, drivei-s will be able U muneuver at high speeds in re sponding to emergencies. V. Lee Cook, president of Elec tronic Protection, Inc., Chicago, manufacturers of the equipment pointed out that the system warns emergency vehicle drivers of oth er emergency vehicles approach ing the same intersections. While traffic lights for four blocks in advance of each emer gency vehicle remain red in all four directions, signals along one route also flush yellow at the same time. Thus drivers of other emergen cy vehicles proceeding to the same scene are warned of oncoming numbers aren't emergency vehicles crossing their route at that comer. mi ' t$3b -. 'J MASKED MARVEL The U.S. Army's highly trained war dogs are so important in combat that they have their own gas masks to be worn in case of enemy attack. Here a scout dog and his handler participate in mock gas attack during maneuvers in Germany. Not; Responsible For Everything SIDNEY, Neb. (UP) The mighty good country long before ditois of the Sidney Telegraph1 recently published an open letter to a stute senator who had said (hat, due to rich oil deposits in the area, Sidney residents owned more Cadillac cut's than residents of any other Nebraska city. Admitting that wliat the semitor said about the expensive cars may be true, the editors denied that oil was entirely responsible. The letter read in rart: 'Ve had 'em (the cars) before anyone found oil in western Ne braska. This comity is and was a (hey found black gold. We tilled the soil properly, conserved mois ture and saved our money." TIKE TKOUtl E 1.AWRENCEV1L1.E, 111. (UP) A tire blowout disrupted tele phone service here for about nine hours. Frirtion after tiie tire blew out 'ignited a fire that destroyed the truck on a road five miles south of here. The fire occurred close enough to teUphone lines to dam age the wires and foul phone service. SO THERE! - . HARTFORD, ' Conn." (UP) The Connecticut Safety Commis sion reported that women and teen- aged motorists accounted for only a small percentage of M.00U warn ings issued to poor drivers lust year." The number of women in volved was only six per cent and the number of young drivers even less. NO ACCIDENTS SPRINGFIELD, III. (UP) Four of the 10U counties in Illinois had no fatal traffic accidents in 19f4. The counties were Edwards, Hardin, Pope and Putnam. The first three are in southern Illinois, Putnam in the nirth -central section. I: ' J fill , The finest ' ' ifefl ' in. 71 years 1 i fi Century w ! iLssy BTRAIOHT BODTRBON j I now in. tnis ' handsome new paokaga l S Wml J II J package the Finest Century Club evel ' 'J. JflScTlft bottled in its 71 year history. No t : :1Viy ijiri increase in price! Enjoy it tonightl f nil IlKr- ' -- i: Stretight Bourbon "WiiiBltey S& Pi-oof itTatlonaJ. IDiBtillera Procluota Corporation New Yorlc, IT. Y. J V-Vi V jjr ViJ Lil sh 1110 KC Mutual Don Lee LOWEST PRICES I Now many models of Dodge trucks are priced lower than all other makes I Yet with these low prices, quality-built Dodge trucks are dependable as everl HIGHEST POWER 1 Power-Dome V-8 engines, with 169 to 202 hp., are the most powerful of any leading trucks. You'll save time, save on operating costs, wilii these modern, short-stroke V-8's. Thrifty 6 s available, too. SMARTEST STYLING I The biggest wrap-around windshield of any make I New Dodge trucks give you brilliant, Forward Look styling. One test drivo will toll you they're best for your business I DODGE 'Mffafed"Wm, with The Forward Look HUNNELL MOTORS 835 Bond Street Phone 26