The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 22, 1955, Page 1, Image 1

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High yesterday, 87 degrees.
Low last night, 43 decrees. Sun
set today, 7:51. HunriM lomor
row, 4:22.
Fair with variable high cloudl
Hess thrmiKti Thursday; high
today 85 90; low tonight 46-50;
high Thurmlay 83 88.
52nd Yeer ' Two Sections
Romulo Asks
Gen. Carlos P. Romulo of the Phil
ippines today asked the Unite-d Na
tions to adypt a statement of "re
dedication" in which all members
would reaffirm that they stand for
Romulo. who had said lie wanted
to beat the Soviet Union to the
punch with any peace proposals,
made the request in a speech pre
pared for delivery at the 10th anni
versary meeting of the United Na
tions. Russian Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov was 'the next speaker on
the agenda. tj1p Filipino leader
sak although no formal business
wlfc supposed to be brought up at
the commemorative meeting he
thought the "sense of history and
opportunity we all now feel" should
be expressed here "in some sort of
rededication for -the United Na
tions." Must Convince People
"I have been impressed with the
growing feeling that this anniver
sary meeting should, in some wav,
produce the words that will enable
people everywhere to be convinced
that we are not only all for
peace. , . hut that we pledge our
governments to the achievement of
peace, with security, justice and
freedom for all mankind," Romulo
"We are not here to propose or
approve resolut ions. " he contin
ued. "But certainly after we have
heard , all the spokesmen for the
GO member nations, we can some
how give expression in what may
later be known as the San Fran
cisco declaration."
Romulo said that the statement
would contain a "rededication of
ourselves to our main purpose,
which is nothing less than a planet
made fit and safe for all members
of the human community."
Reference to Soviets
Then, in an apparent reference
to the Soviet Union. Romulo said
pointedly, "and please notice that
have emphasized the word 'all'.
Romulo, who was president of
the General Assembly in 1949, has
been considered one of the most
influential powers in the United
Nations, particularly in his role
as a link between the Western pow
ers and the Asian-African people
Russia has been trying to swing
to Communism.
The little Filipino general's stir
ring plea for the "rededication of
peaceful intentions" obviously was
designed to counteract any propos
als Molotov planned to make for
propaganda purposes. ,
City Assesses
For Violations
Nine violations of watering re
gulations were cited by the city
police on Monday and Tuesday.
Violators each paicl $2.50.
They are: Ray Cronin, Jack
Corbett, P. M. Philbrook. Fred
Sproule. H. E. Gifford, W. Samples,
John Mole, F. W. Esfelt, and
Dean Karish.
Tift V V '
114-.' -V
CENTENARIAN CELEBRATES Th Jun birthday party held lait night at Sunset Home wa a
very tpocial occasion. Mrs. Martha Davis was honored on her 1 00th birthday anniversary. Mem
bers of the Bend Soroptimist club who calabrata birthdays this month were hostesses. The club
gives a party 'at the horn each month. (Bend Bulletin Photo)
McKenzie Pass to Be Opened
To Travel Thursday Morning
McKenzie Pass, considered one
of the region's most scenic
routes, will be opened to travel to
morrow morning at 8 o'clock, and
will be preceded this afternoon by
an intercommunity celebration
near the summit.
Residents of the McKenzie river
area telephoned to Bend and other
mid-Oregon communities last night
to report that a group would meet
at the summit this afternoon, then
would go to a resort on the Mc
Kenzie for a dinner this evening,
at which time plans for the fur
ther popularization of the pass re
gion would be made.
It was announced that the Bend
Chamber of Commerce would be
Opening of the pass will un
heralded by the unlocking of the
gates that have served as barriers
to the mountain section of the!
tran;; -Cascades highway since the I
Formal Opening of Filter Center
In Bend is Planned for July 14
Formal opening of the Bend fil
ter center on Julv 14 is to be
arranged as an all-eastem Oregon
affair, it was decided at a con
ference here yesterday afternoon
between city officials, civic lead
ers and Air Force officers.
Tirig.-Gen. Romulus W. Puryear,
a former fighter pilot who now
heads (he 25th air defense com
mand at McChord field, Wash
will be here for the dedication,
and will cut the ribbon which will
mark the opening of the new fil
ter center and the start of an
operation which will make all of
eastern Oregon the responsibility
of the new center.
General Puryear, according to
tentative plans outlined at the con-
Arc? Begins
Taking Shape
Steel for the framework Is now
in place and the arch that will
glow in rainbow hues on the nights
of July 2 and 3 when the litoS
Mirror Pond pageant is presented
is- taking shape on the "Deschutes
This year the huge arch is be
ing erected on permanent piers,
tops of which are just below the
water level. The strengthened piers
will make possible a heavier arch
than in earlier years.
Work is also under way on
floats, with the framework for one,
to be sponsored by local oil com
panies, already completed, rloul
bases have been placed in the
river and readied for their spon
sors. With the Fourth of July holidays
only two weeks away, the Mirror
pond will be the scene or much
activity for the remainder of the
This year's pageant will be pre
sented on Saturday and Sunday
nights, July 2 and 3, and will be
the central feature of a three-day
celebration being billed this year
as an all-Oregon attraction.
- jt
tr .Tiff.:-- jS"
. r
road was blocked by drifting snow
just prior to Ciristmas.
Crews worked for just short of
a month tins season in removing
First motorists over the moun
tain route tomorrow will find the
road in good shape, highway of
ficials report. For the past several
days rotary crews have been en
gaged in road widening work in
drift areas.
There was some water on the
highway west of the lava beds,
but this was reported to be drying.
Because it serves as a shortcut
between Central Oregon and upper
Willamettte river points, the Mc
Kenzie highway sees heavy use
through the summer season. Many
of the users are tourists.
Geologists say the pass area
"lolds evidence of spectacular vol
canism unequalled in America.
ference, will also be speaker on
July 14 at a chamber ot com
meree luncheon at the Pine Tavern
and that evening will be guest
speaker at the July Central Ore-
-gon lorum at the Allen scnooi
Dedication Set
Dedication of the center lias
been set for 2:30 p.m. on July 14.
There will be an open house in
connet'lion with the program, and
visitors will see in operation a fil
ter center that will be the only one
of its kind in America other than
the Columbus, O., unit.
Ground observers from all posts
in the new filter center area, com
prising practically all of Oregon
east of the Cascades, will be in
vited to join in the all-day pro
gram and to inspect the center
that will serve their posts through
a network of telephones.
Plans are being made for the
flights of jets over Bend as the
center is dedicated. If arrange?
ments can be made, a plane will
land at the Redmond airbase and
be. towed here at night over U. S,
Highway 97 for display in down
town Bend on July 14.
Banners are to . be placed on
Bend streets, and a representative
of the governor will be invited to
attend the ceremonies.
Mayor Hans Slagsvold Is to Is
sue a proclamation setting aside
the period of July 10 to 16 as a
special week.
Near Library
Lt. William H. Godwin, Infor
mation services officer from Gei-
ger field, Spokane, Wash., was
here Tuesday afternoon to confer
with local residents relative to the
Joining in the conference were
Mayor Slagsvold, Mrs. Charles B.
Hinds, Jr., civilian administrator
of the new filter center; Lt. Don
ald Rose, acting commander of
the detachment in charge of the
new filter center; Jesse L. Yardley,
county GOC coordinator; Walter T.
Thompson, city manager; Marion
E. Cady, representing the cham
ber of commerce, and Don pence
of Central Oregon college.
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Wednesday, June 22, 1955
Italy's Scelba
Submits His
ROME (UP) Italian Premier
Mario Scelba and his pro-Western
government resigned today. ,
The Premier handed the resig
nation of his middle of the road
coalition to President Tiovanni
Gronchi this afternoon, plunging
Italy into a political crisis at a
critical stage of world affairs.
Scelba was toppled by his own
the grounds that coalition rule in
Christian Democratic party on
Italy is dead. The Christian Demo
crats charged that Scelba's gov
ernment, in its 16 months in power,
had "done nothing" to cure the
nation's numerous problems.
The left-leaning Gronchi was ex
pected to ask Scelba 'to remain
in power as a carmaker until a
new Premier can be found. The
new Premier is expected to be
another Christian Democrat.
Scelba, an implacable foe of
Communism, was tumbled by a
party revolt lead by a strange
combination of left and right
wingers who seek to steer Italy:
along both courses at once. j
The powerful right wing and left:
wing rebels in the Christian Dom
cratic party, who engineered Scel
ba's downfall, hoped to piece to
gether a one-paity government
which wouid rely upon left wing
and right wing parties for voting
support In Parliament. Five pre
vious attempts at such a govern
ment since the June, 1953, general
elections have failed.
Jackpine Mill
Operation Due '
Operation in ,the LaPinc area of
Deschutes-Klamath county of a
jack-pine operation with a daily
capacity of 60,000 board feet will
get under way in the near future.
The new firm will bear the name
of the LaPine Forest Industries,
Inc., with Alfred S. Oatman, for
mer general manager of the Guer
rier Lumber Co. in Springfield to
serve as general manager.
Oatman has purchased the for
mer Horskotte residence in Bend,
at 463 Congress.
Six Jackson Lumber harvesters,
portable mills, are to be used In
the LaPine operation. Work on the
plant is already under way, with
the concrete for the foundation
Panel board may be added later
to the operations, and experiments
are being made on production of
lodgepole veneer for plywood.
The new company was organiz
ed by Oatman.
WASIIIOT() (IT) Senate
Republican Leader Wllllnni F.
Knowland and Ken. Jwtcpli It.
McCarthy, clashed angrily today
over McCartliy's resolution to
"dlNCUNH the Soviet slave Mutes"
at the Four conference.
McCarthy said ho wan "sur
prised, shocked, and disappoint
ed" when Knowland opposed his
resolution. It would ask that
President Eisenhower discuss hii
tellfte nations at next month's
conferenee with leaders of Kus
sin, Ilrltnln, and Frunee.
McCnrthy told Knowlnn.I "It Is
not the position of the Kepuhll-
run party to backtrack, whine
and whimper when It touches the
hot stove of Communist axKres
sion. Thut Is the position of the
Democratic party."
Ills face (lushed, Knowhimt
shoutfil, "The senator Is not go
In j? to say I whine and whimper.
I'll Ih,v my record of opposition
to Communism nlon side
his . .
Forced fo Land
On Sports Field
GIjASfiOW, Scotland (L'P A;
helicopter carrying the Duke of,
Kdlnburgh made a forced landing!
football field today. The j
Duke, husband of Queen Eliza
beth II, was unhurt.
The American designed S51 Dra
gonfly helicopter piloted by Flight
Lt. A. Lee flapped to earth In the
soccer stndium at Bathgate on a
flipht from Kdinburg to Glasgow
Buckingham Palace said
Duke'B pilot made he emergen-j
cy landing because weather closed by wns showing home movies of j announced by Owin Psnner, Pa
in and blocked the (light route. I his first wife clad in shorts. jgeant chuirman.
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STOCKMAN'S DAUGHTER Lynn Schrock of the Water Pageant court likes all sports, espe
dally horseback riding, Western style. (Bend Bulletin Photo) -'. . . ,......
Spotlighting the Princesses
Lovely Princess
Hulletlii Staff Writer
Remember the song that Rudy
Vallee used to sing about a lovely
girl? "Oh, Lynn! You're a beauti
ful thing!" It had a catchy mel-.
ody that was a natural for a saxo-
phone obligato. The words went on
to tell about the various charms
of the young lady in question.!
They might have been written j
about Lynn Sehrock, except that!
she was a very tiny miss when
the song wns popular. Now she's
a popular Fourth of July Water
Pageant princess, and the song i;;
forgotten. Maybe the municipal
band should look it up and learn
it. !
Lynn Is 18 and the dnughtcr of
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sehrock,. 1546
W. 3rd street.
It takes more than a song to
describe our Miss Sehrock. It
takes color photography. Hlack
hair brown eyes olive com
plexion. And likely you'll see her
wearing a tailored casual outfit in
dark blue or pink, both perfect for
Stover Named
To Forum Board
The' Central Oregon Forum
board of directors has been in
creased to five members through
the addition to the board of H. A.
Stover, Bend, Mike Salo, chair
man, has nnnouneed.
Aside from Salo and Slovrr, oth
er members of the jjoard are Don
P. Pence, Hugh K. Colo and Cliff
Three f n ums, all of whkh will
be held in k' Allen school and
itorium. have been lined up foi
the summer and early fall seas-tn
First of these vill be a forum
planned for July H, in con nee
ton with the oitening of the Bend
filter center. Riiif, Gen. J'omuhiti
W. Puryear, who heads the 25th
afr defeiis" eYunmand Ht McChor''
Field, Wash., will be the sneaker
ater, Jesse L. Yardley. les-
chutes comity GOC coordimlor.
1 b- a furiirn speaker, t;, r;-
port on the atomic bomb deslrue-
ion of "S-irvival Town" in Nevada,
One of the major forums of th-
year will !f uponsored In the fall
when Sen. Itii hard Neubrrger and
It p Sam Coon will meet in n
debate relative to the proposal
Joi-.n Day dam.
Rye, 25, won a divorce from Kr-
nest Rye. 33, by testifying hi
Lynn Leads Active Outdoor Life
her vibrant coloring. She is a
"just right" height of 5 feet, G'4
Incfiea, and her 128 pounds are all
in the right places, as you can tell
by looking. If you need statistics,
the measurements are 35-25-38.
The role of royalty Is not a new
one for Lynn. She was prom queen
this spring, has served as queen
of the Bond Jobs Daughters beth
el, and was May queen in grade
school. (She was born In Okano
gan, Wash., and the fumlly came
to Bend Bix years nt?o, She at
tended Duley Lake and Grainger
schools in Okanogan, and Kenwood
and high school in Bend.)
In her senior year at school,
Lynn was class secretary and;
president of the senior band. She;
belonged to the National I lonor
Society, Ski club, Pep club, rally
squad. Letters Iris and Internation
al Relations League. As a junior
she was student body paymaster,
and last summer she was chosen
as a delegate to the Girls State
encampment In Salem. At gradua
tion time she received the KlkK
Swimming Pool
Attendance Runs
Ahead of 1954
The Hty reereatlou department
reported tliltt morning that the
at ten (I a nee at the HWlmmlng pool
dining the. flrt three d:in waK
1,912, HOI pentmiH more than
during the firnt three day htxt
On the opening d:iy IiihI Sat
urday, (Wfl peneinH vlniled the
pool; on Sunday 5:5; and Tue
day 7KK. The pool clone! every
Tht Hltlendnnee on Tiiemlity
ua hlKher lhan any day during
the entire mhuii lat year. The
highest Hingle day ntteiidanee
hot year xhh VA. The weath
er In the pitt fi-w d-iyn cimlrlh
titi d to the high record.
Talent Tryouts
Due Thursday
To line up enterlaincrs for lh
Parade of Princess 's next Tues
day night and the pre-dark shown
in Drake Park preced;ng the Wa
ter Pageant, talent tryouts will I1
held Thursday. June 23. at 7: 30 i
pm. In the high school hand room, j
Entertainer of all types will h
used, and there are special spots
for good vocal talent and an an
hob-jihentlc Charleston routine, It was
Twelve Pages
leadership award and the Kiwanls
citizenship award.
Lynn likes all outdoor sports,
and especially enjoys horseback
riding at her father s stock ranch,
where she s one of the "hands
this summer, when gaps in thr
royal schedule permit. She keeps
a family scrapbook, and ft seems
likely that "Summer, 1955" will be
one of the most important sections.
This fall, the dark-haired prin
cess will enter Willamette univer
sity, where her brother, Tom, re
ceived his bachelor's degree this
spring, (lie will study law on a
scholarship at New York univer
sity.) Lynn plans to prepare for n
career as a physical therapist. In
high school, economics wns her fa
vorite subject.
Lynn likes the movies, and lists
June Allyson and Bill Holden as
her favorite stars. When it comes
to boy friends, she likes them
dark and athletic, but says that
thoughlftilnoss, friendliness and
ambition are more Important than
physical appearance.
Second Vaccine
Shots Given
The Tri-Counly Health Depart
ment reported this morning that
89 Ji ffrrson county children and
104 Crook county ehildreti wen
given the second Salk polio vac
cination shots on Monday anr'
Tuesday. '
They represented more than 9
p'T cent of those who receive!
the first .shots. Dr. James II. Stew
a rt expressed sa t isf act ion ovei
the turn-out. The second shot wil
be given In Redmond t inlay an
in Bend tomorrow and Friday.
Dr. Stewart xaid that July 2'
will probably be the make-up da;
for those who missed the nn;uln
5 'hedulejf for the second Salk shot!
The clinic will be in Kdwin Brow
s''hol in Redmond between !) a n:
and noon.
Postcards arranging more sp '
eific time for the shot will be
mailed by the health department
to the parents of those ehildrej
who missed the regular second
shot seheduli H.
DALAS. Tex. (UPt Cot don
Srndcrs, news director of radio
station KGKO was at work Tues-
day night when hi wife called and
atked If he wanted an exclusive
story. When he replied yes, Bhe
sold: I
"I don" know how to say this,
but our house is on fire."
No. 168
Governor Has
Stevens' Job
dent Elsenhower in switt sequence
today accepted Army Secretary
Robert T. Stevens' resignation and
appointed Defense Department
General Counsel Wilher M. Bruck
er to succeed him around the end
ol July.
Both men had been embroiled
with Son. Joseph R. McCarthy
(U-Wis). Stevens, who became a
nationally known television figure '
during last year's bitter Army-
McCarthy hearings, had been dis
cussing his resignation with Mr.
Eisenhoser for weeks.
But Brucker, Gl-year-old former
governor of Michigan, had no
inkling of his promotion until
about an hour before it was an
nounced. There was no Indication
that either man's relations with
McCarthy had anything to do with
today s events.
I-auKtird At McCarthy . .
In the course of an appearance
before the Senale Investigating
Subcommittee during this spring's
Peress hearings, Brucker laughed
in McCarthy's face on one occa
sion and chortled on another that
he was "getting under" the sen
ators skin.
High Pentagon sources disclosed
yesterday that Stevens' resigna
tion, long rumored, wns actually
in the works. But Presidential
Press Secretary JameR C. Hager
ty told newsmen it had not reach
ed the White House.
It did today, In the hands of
Defense Secretary Charles E. Wil
son who brought It to Mr. Eisen
hower shortly before the President
took off on a speaking-fishing trip
to New England. Stevens' letter
disclosed Jie had been discussing ,
Wie matter with the President for
"a few weeks." He said he was
motivated by "compelling per
sonal reasons."
The President lost no time, once
the resignation was in his hands,,
in accepting It and naming Bruck
er as Stevens successor. Then he
invited Brucker, Stevens, and
Wilson to ride with him to National
There Brucker told newsmen he
knew nothing of his promotion
"until an hour ago." He said ho
Is "supremely happy." The official
nomination of Brucker was sent
to the Senute at noon.
Vacation Period
At Mill Begins
This Week End
Mill and woods employes of
Brooks-Scanlon, Inc., will begin
their annual vacation this week
end. Full-scale operations at the
mill will close down after tiie Fri
day night shift, and will resume
Monday, July 11, at 8 a.m. Fallers
will start their vacation two days
early, because of a surplus ot logs,
and will leave the woods after
work today.
While the mill is down, extensive
repairs will be made throughout
the plant, according to Freeman
Sehultz, general manager. There
will also be some clean-up logging
nd fire control work in the woods.
Workers who are not entitled to
paid vacations will do this main
tenance work, Sehultz said.
Ktnployes who have been on the
company's payroll three years or
more receive two weeks off with
oay. Workers who have worked
H0() hours in the year preceding
mention, but less than three years,
'eceive one week paid vacation.
3-Man Junta
Being Predicted
For Argentina
HUKNOS AMIES, Argentina.
UI'I All members of the Aden
ine rnliinct sulimiHi'd their li'SlK
mtlon to President Junn I). Pcnm
toon utter lie had conferred with
wn other military lenders, nu
horilatlvo sources said today.
The stale radio said Peron re-
-eived Army Minister Cien. Frank
lin Lueero, chief ol all military
Hid aei'iirlty forces in Arnenllna,
iral Vice President Alliorlo Teis-
;ilie, a retired rear admiral, ot the
presidential office
(Diplomatic reports In Monte
video. Unmuny, predicted forma
tion of a three-man military Junta
in Anrentlna wllh l.ucero as atront;
man, Peron an No. 2 and Teisalru
a DmwiMe third member. The
nourcej unlrt this may be part of
a move to ease Peron out of power