Texas Panhandle i Leaving 3 Dead ll WiW.U MU SS I. ill''- Uijd iiUpim V.'iliiK 1 i kill'd rSr - 1 I 'I i f I i 1 f n I-..., h d 1 luda ! in- HinmI. sf.(.rn-; f. II uftm h 'tv.r- Hill a of i-mniiy in i'k i fx I t l! i i II 1 Mied.-V n, 'lit M'! I'M iu j l'W;v 'id v sM'iiil "v,!vml ;n ! f '.r ;w'id li;r(iiit'ii i.iis. Iu;n!i-'j l-jrt V.orih ur,d Wat o in th ,r 1 .1 i H l I'-.- .uV h - w; f uihe ! vusst. M'ji-' lir-in :i ryj runs .' ( j i J I ft t f rii': ihl I'. ' f,;::, ;vj. w-ii Arv- f.,or '.- r were ' i- w'1 r r.-l r-ff - from Full Worth In IX-nvcr. Culn . w -s ri'iitiiiif no u ti-n- .mm: late. I - 'ii ...... fj inlo ;i s-un-f" center ;it Kll.'i. Tex . where Il'ii Ki nri' V his wifr-. and four children h:id ta ken ivfui.T (luriii;; a dilute of five inches' r.'i in in just one hour. k-rmcv noli e e d w il r s i jnii' j under the s'unii ei-IIir cuor ;ttr ' 00 'lied il lo have a too'.. A w ill of water .swept 111 ch ow nine- h1' small sun ami lw daiiihlej:. K.-n lii'V ws haivlv ahl" In rescue ins uii nun anoiiii'i nine k'i'I- Meanwhile, farjners in a 110 mill' shvtrh from Aniartllo almost lo I.uhlHu k emerged from tln-ir hal tered homes loday to see their cotton, wlierd and snndmm cious pounded flat y hail, wind, and rain. Tin' farmers hail already re planted Ihi-tr rot 1 011 (wire. It w is .k laic in t'lr season In slaj-i aain. Winds reached near - Tiiirrirrme force in the storm area Sunday nljhl and hail stones stacked up six Inches deep for two miles be tween Amnrillo and Canyon, 17 mill's away. Rainfalls ranged from Klba's five inches to three inches, elsewhere in the region. I Harman Receives Some Tips From Young Feafure Writer K.V IIAKMW w. NK IHHS I'nlleil I'reNN Shift Corretpitnleiit WASHINGTON (IIIM--The prcl- ly lillle hlue-eyed hlonde greeted me In her father's office. "I'm I'ully Pat'i'." she Raid. "I'm a h-ature wilier," Of course I wanted to know what Pally I'alrli -in Anne I'ane fealuri'-WTiite a linu I. People, dutfs, little kids, hones hroken the hard, or unusual way. . . that sort of Ihinu, she said. "I have Hie '! ll' youth." she said, whatever (hat means. To tin H year old, if you can under sliiud the lino, it must mean' something. I Win Mnny Trophies "I would like lo say." she sail. ! "thai 1 am 110 net of kin to Till-.'; Pally Pnv,'f who is 11 'f p' singer on lilevislon. Ih thai Uid she has il made." Our Pally Pane, a lillle sweetie, sinus also I an alto. She was Ki aduated f r o m Inmru iilala SchiHil here just n few days ar,. Pally has a Implry case al home. Her pappy, Paul Pane, mire! a wheel in the lenal section of tV Maritime Administration, and now a y.ic sslul lawyer in p: ale praehce. sas that Pally tins won. A lot of honors for puhlir speak ini;. A scholarship to SI M irv of the Woods, I111I.. for her rollrne pn ppinn Was offered four olliers Leadmn her class from Ihe sand hox on up, most of the way. "The only thinn nwiinst me," Pally lold me. "is my weinhl I'm Wild about the irny my Plymouth perform with entirely new unuh' Mohil.i;as Niiw 1 i.il nf i-vitv ."". i-"1 I'"' I'Mnuiitli muil ni.mv otliiT iai K. I miiikiIIi. kn.K-k fr.f iml.-iii.f wtii-ii - " i"'1''" '"'f "' I I ....1 I... lli silMl. .t,M... ..V. The Bend Bulletin, Monday, June 20, 19S5 ii GOING UP A 57 foot smokestack rises on a new industry in Rodmond. B jblor Co. s big crane steadies the stack to po sition on the roof of Eberhard Creamery Co. building off East Evergreen Street. The creamery has added the manufacture of powdered milk to its butler industry. (Photo for The Bulletin by Giles.) Initial Batch of Powdered Milk Turned Out at Plant K)i-rlal to 'Die Hull, lin -:i)t()'l 'I'lir. fircl fu.i.,1 u milk was liinii d oul at Itcdinotid s liherhaid ( 'iVami ry Co. last week. It was (pule satisfactory, reports mummer Jo'm Fherliard. A lit tle more aduistini' and workiiiL' It's 1(1!!. This coiTesniideiil, who puts a mnsiderahle crimp in the sprinns of any scale coiildu'l sec anything wronn wilh UH pounds.. I'lcks l i (ios-lp I asked Putty how she kh ahout writing a feature story. Shi said thai erformance isu'l easy, even willi ihe very yoiinn. "You have lo n't an unusual lead." she said. "The sisters ed iled my ropy. I wrote a column called 'Under Mv Hat. liv Pally. " 'I would j;K'o a lot of the nossip around the school. I would say who w,e; dalinn whom etc." PaPy said. "The sisters would say Ilia! that wasn't nice. Well, I knew what I was talking about And T wnn't tell you how. hut I no it printed It didn't hurl anlniv " One thinn ahout ihe hti-aness i f workinn as a cnhinmis! on a hirh school p.tper. Pally slid, is that yen don'l hae to w.trrv nie 'i ahmit the a-v of 1.I "So lonn as yo.i don't make any hody (no mad," she s.-od. "or sa ihmns ahout ficir mu-rsiors. or their ranarics. ou dno'l Ii;ic too itiiich lo worry ali.tul " i iii:i.k mn s WINPSHlt. Conn -U'Pi, -II was oovitixely the lasl straw for .Mm 1o chnk. dm; w ar Icti. n tin ' third lime within a few weeks, the v;iine collie hil him as he wasj w ilkin,: on a street This time. ; Movclnik found the dc-, s owner and made lorn pay the dorlor lull j -4 v r-r 1 with Ihe nssistani'c of Hurry Lar son of Cray's Paver, Wash., and f-llicrhard expecls lo have Ihinns roMiun. He purchasi il his eipup menl from Larson. "Kollinn" is the literal descrip tion of the most important part of Ihe production of owdered milk. Near the end of ils process t'iroiinh the plant Ihe heated, Sep arated milk is sprayed onto two HMl x -l' inch atmospheric rollers heated much hotter than boilin.n point, where it dries immediately. The rollers make 21 revolutions per minute and can dry up to :i,(MH) pounds of liquid milk per hour. ( ne hundred pounds or li quid milk make nine pounds of dry or powd. red milk. The product is then sacked in luu pound lots, much of it for marl .-linn Cen tral (Jivnuli to ha!'ries, for re- constilution in icr cam, to farm ers for reconstitulion, some to Portland markets. Fherhard buys clean, i;ood wad" milk with low acid contenl from any farmers in Ihe Iri cou.-ity area who wish lo sell to him. Tho five nation cans of milk are brought to Hit.- plant by rontracl hauler Karl Fox. Il is poured into a stain less steel holding vat atid pumped thnninh stainless steel pre heatinn tubes, separated, and run into the SPil nallori al where it is lu-ab-d o lT.'i de.;recs lemneratiire. From there it is sprayed on the roller ihii'is. The fusl and last of ea- h run noes into stock f.ed. Fher hard says, until Ihe roller heat is properly ad lusted lo produce the consumer product. Tie creamery will now make sweet cream I. utter from the cream separated oft in Ihe powder ed milk manufacture, and Will con tdiue lo huv cream for the ivnii 1 ir s .It' .l hint' r marketed under Ih -lit of On-con trade name. The Mav pritdnetion of the latter was trurlv :.ll.iHn pounds according to the inaiian r Planl employiTS besides Fher hard aril Fo are Mrs. F.herhanl. U-eir son ltob.it, h'lticr mak-r Hamlin Perkins. ' Milford Wallcn hum :md Ftnil Henske. At pns enl one shift is oper atinn but the nti-i -prisint: Fhcrh.irds would like lo s--e the day w lien I hey have ' I hour operation i;ri:Nsi r. vv.u in s ATLANTA (UPl Pvcsideuts nf Ihe "Peach Staty." their crop wiped out by a h'te freeze. Satur da paid Voa bushel or roughly LT cents a uracil for Ihe fruit. The peaches came from t an - f .niia .VI v. DAYS OF POWER Ceo. N. Ttiylor Tim Jt'nisiiloin leaders, r eaner fur power, saw tin people n"in over to 1 iinsr. ai hi.u ihev inn-sled Him to tirim; Him to irial. Could they prove lhat He had s.iid He was the Son of Cod. then He must ihe So thev put Him on tna! and He not onl said that He was Ihe Son of Cod but also thai tue would see 1 hm 'I'oininn back In the cloud 1 nlory. H.i ins so 'aid. Christ w as H 11 i 1 I y in their slight and nuwt the So He was delivered over to he ciuoified. On the ihinl day He arose fiom the dead. After forty days of more miravles and deeds or mercy, He nsmvt-Ml back to Henen. From thonoe He Is to rome to rme His own people tip to glory. The lost are then to come under the wrath of Cm!. John 3:M. Having Christ as your own Lord mid Saviour, then by Bible ISisters Firemen Control Blaze Special to The fl.ill.-lin SUni.lcS U'al firtnun were vuU d to the fKipc-urn machine iv ar the .Shell Service station oi Wit mth. by h -;;iinKuish a smad fiie. Tti" Ladis Auxiliary of ttm VFW held a food sale Friday at tush's) Ci'.K-eiy Prif.-t cd.s fnm the sale will K'-j to tb- Ci-fi?o:i Cottjt fund for Ihe ben. fit of orphans of vet (.runs. Mr. iud Mis. Kozs B. H.unmoud Irivo n turned to Uif ir rnueh for tlr suiamer. Mr. and Mi's Serge Coval ant' nirls hav returned eftcr spend tiiK a week wilh Mrs. Coval's fam ily in Idaho. A fhe notice was issued to ltxal r -';n.s r,ial n ;als cs follows: "It H;iall be the duly of erteh antl every p-'i'STi whose premises a iv s rved by City watrr for irri '"ji'ifi'i nia-tKiS' s lo immediately turn tiff nny outlet then htttiw uswl for urination or sprinkling imme flialely upon the sound in); of the fire abrrn, and the same shall no! anii in bo turned on until the fire is fully extinguished." A regulation pilo field is 300 yards lonn, HiO yaiiis wide, with a jiolo being 2-1 feet wide. r I BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Featuring Jeannie Cheadle as Peter Pan in one of the six big lavish production scenes in the two hour "Holiday on Ice of 1955" coming to the Portland Meadows July 19 through 26. but RMs I If a friendly, mellow flavor is the taste for you, Blitz is your beer. Next time you're enjoying a long, cool glass of Blitz, notice how it combines clean-tasting lightness with the full-bodied flavor of a real old-fashioned beer. That's mellowness! When you look for a mellower beer... BETTER BUY BLITZ! V Better tuy the MELLOWER Blitz' BLITZ WE1NHARD Oregon's Own Blitz Weinhard Co., Portland, Council Adopts Watering RuJes S.M-oiiil lu III- B.ilMin j ix'i wuis living soulh o( Ihe highway SlSTl-.li.S-- A', the r.-u!ar in.ri-tall irrisale on-odd number days in of l!if Kislu-s Cily (V.im-il ,! lln' mt-ntli only. June 13. the ej11n.1l adoof-.! I " j "On U 31st from 5 a.m. to 1 following ivsul.it;-! r.-quirn.i! nljpm-. fPle nh ot llie high-l.-nutc iirir,'..ti. n: way may irrigate and people "Il hHbv n !!: i ir.-. iiv-I :....it!i of the highway may irri-.Inn.- 15 all is..;? Ivi-ii; nor" j,; I.- fram I P m until P of H i- hi.;liay .l.-ill in ii-oK- .- I Tins s i 'l! b.- in . ffoet until Seplein-evi-u days uf the nioii!! only. AlllVr l'.lh " Save TinipCosi Effort! Your lawn with cmaiing Rylr.g Fizh Liquid FeriiSiser Just Phone 444 and yon ean have a whrl snioolli and ureen lawn for as little as $7.r(l. (average Vox! $H.) Dr. Moi Zimmermonn, famed brewing authority, now Blitz Weinhord b'w maiter. Dr. Zimmef monn't me'fower beer it available at your favorite grocery ttore or tavern Tryitioon and fa jit fh eMft renct. Fine Beer Ore. Let A! Nielsen FERTILIZE e. I id