The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 18, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Lowdown
uont ue surprised if USC's Er-ionships. June u, ,t ,-ull-
niu Shelton breaks the world high , '""d 0l Club. Most o (lu- big
jump record in the NCAA finals inam,'s' lik'' f"'' Littler, hd Utr
today. The Zi-ycar old Trojan nrej"-".1; 'J'l f ary Middle-
, ' oil, Jack Burke, JoTni.s ftorus,
iMii uiii-uov iiikiti over au irii
at tin! mark ol 6 (1. in. owned
by Wall Davis, and a fellow as
good and as consistent as Shellon
is, can I keep jumping forever
without snapping it one of tin
It was in the NCAA meet at
Ann Arbor, Mich., last year
which Slielton won nl 6-111',,, thai
lie really thought he had t.'ic mag
After record again today
ic 7 foot jump with which lie has
become so obsessed. But a gust
of wind trickled the liar into the
Thus Ihc 11155 NCAA meet is
perfect setting for a world Slat
toring leap on tile part of Shellon.
While performing at the recent
I'CC meet in Kiigouo, Shellon gave
the fans quite a thrill as he barely
missed 7-feet on his final jump.
We were' talking with him nflor
wards, and he felt that he had
hit the har on his way down, lie
said that lately he hail been taking
olf too far away from I lie bar.
Last week at the Southern Pa
cific AAU test in the coliseum.
Shellon got up to (i-IIVi, just a
'i inch off Ihc standard.
II hardly seems Ihc lime tor
basketball, hut Mike Moran. Ku
gene's sis-foot eight-inch center,
will be playing in the annual
North-South high school All-Slar
basketball game at Murray, Ky.
Moran is the second representa
tive from Kugi ne, and only hie
fourth Westerner to make lb.'
dream team.
Last week liny held an All-Star
basketball game at Mississipni
Soulhern college, featuring Missi
ssippi's L'-l outstanding senior high
school players. More than I all
players were nonilnaled for the
Norlh and South 2-m:m squads.
Tie game was singed to prommo
greater state - wide interest in
basketlyill and to provide addilion
al incentive for senior players. All
proceeds went to I ho slate Society
for Crippled Children anil Adults.
The jiatinn's top golfers will he
gin drifting north from San Fran
cisco to Porlland early next week
for the Weslcrn Open golf rhatnp-
t 16, e
& .- IS.
nut mi own an. mshburh I '
mie:A mrw-wt-M - '
Uauw,iJ I4Ji5isi f BW."Tf
Now at lest you can take an 18 or 21 ft. Cabin Cruiser
to your favorite lake, river or bay, without worry
about loading or unloading of trailer. The new re
tractable trailers now installed in our cruisers make
if possible for one man to launch or take out of the
water any 18 or 21 ft. cruiser with ease of operation.
Wheels lift up
info specially
constructed well
and lowers on a
screw raising the
Cruiser an aver
age of 13 to 15
Inches off the
r . v
.lohnny Palmer, frank Stranahan,
Ted Kroll and Jerry Harber, have
already signed up.
Kinar Allen, Bend professional,
has entered the famous fairway
Bob Lubcke, Lundgren Red Sox,
smashed three round trippers this
week to keep his home run lead
in the Bend Softball league.
The husky first baseman has
smashed five at Bruin field so far
this year, one mure ihan Vr'W'3
John Newell.
Putting Contest
Held for Juniors
They iad a pulling nuilfst in
junior day at the Bend Coif eluh
Friday, and Stanley Norton won
honors with 15, while Mary Pat
Moty, captured girls laurels Willi
l(i putts for- the eight holes they
alayed. Pee wee Ann Moty hail
18 putts.
Bobby Hatch fired a SI) to lead
the hoys. Hon Moye had a 51 .
and John Wilson a at!.
Dickie Robinson, a ice wee golf
er. posted a three on the lough
No. 7 water hole.
(iirls honors went to Mary Pat
Moty with a M. Ililliary Hutchin
son had a 72, followed by Junet
Whitney 73, Susie Peoples 74, and
Ann Lammers 7fi.
Professional Kinar Allen demon
strated the fundamentals of the
ilf swing to ,'tr juniors at the
short clinic proceeding play.
Billly Joe Patton
In N. C. Finals
LINVJLLE, N. C. (UP) Billy
Toe Patton staked his "magic"
irons and experience today against
newcomer Charlie Harrison of At
lanta in the Whole finals of the
IDtli Southern Amateur Tourna
Botli Patton, Morganlon, N. C.
lumberman and Walker Cup play
er, and Harrison were gunning for
their first Southern .crown.
Defending champion Joe Conrad
of San Antonio, Tex., (he Air Foree
lieutenant who won the British
Open, was eliminated in Ihc open
ing round while seeking u record
third straight tille.
Toi it h:Nii;Nii:i
NKW YORK (UPI The United I
States weight-lifting team, which
tied a Russian s;piad last Wednes
day, was granted permission today
to extend its tour to July 1. The
AAUs permission gives the weight
lifters a chance In appear in Iran
iind Egypt.
Murray Bros. Construction Co
won their second straight Junior
league gaiiH1, blanking Prinevdl
2 0. at the municipal
Mewl It s Different!
These Coats Are Now
on Display at The
oat Company
1405 S. 3rd, Bend
Phone 608-W
BScaHausB huaca incut
Church Shatters
Javelin Record
Church of Oregon State College
unloosed the be it javelin toss of
his collegiate career yesterday for
a new NCAA record in qualifying
for the NCAA track and field
championships at Memorial Coli
seum. Church tossed the spear 232 feet
more than 12 feet heller than
his previous mark.
Other Oregon qualifiers were Cat
ey Cook of Lewis and Clark and
Martin Pedigo of Oregon in the
hroadjump, Cook leaped 2H feet 6
inches in qualifying. Pedigo
jumped 'p, feet 3 inches.
Keiixon Fails
Dean Benson, Willamette Univer
sity, who won the 120-yard high
hurdles in this year's NAIA meet,
toppled the first barrier in this
heat and could not recover in time
to qualify. He failed by one foot,
finishing fifth.
Two-miler Ken Keiscr wlio set a
new pCC rec:rd several weeks ago
was one of several favorites in
this event.
PCC 8f0 winner Jim llailey of
Oregon was a surprise entry in
the mile.
A field wlm-Jed ,ovn from 3i9
entries representing 90 colleges
and universities was to compete
in 10 events starting at 1 p.m.
Memorial Coliseum.
The varsity mile was hilled as
one of the most dramatic contests
since the Bon thron -Cunningham
days. Bobby Seaman of UCLA
Billy Ttdwcll of Emporia State
and Bill Dellinger of Oregon were
standouts in the field of 22.
Although Soulhern California
only qualified four men, it was
picked to capture the meet easily
through the extra points it ex
pected to pick up in the high jump,
pole vault, two-mile and possibly
the mile in which qualifying was
not held.
Jones Dumps
Ernie Durando
NEW YORK (UP)-Ralph (Ti
ger) Jones, fresh from a comeback
TKO victory over Ernie Durando,
said today, "I It start a serious
drive in August for a shot at the
middleweight title."
After his fifth fight of the year
Jones of Yonkers, N.Y., said he
will rest until mid August and then
'ickle Edunnlo Lausso of Argen
tina, Sugar Ray Robinson or cham
pion Bulm Olson, if Olson still holds
Hie HiO-pound crown.
Durando of Bnyonne, N. J., a
right-handed slugger, was battered
into holplossnos.
n the sixth round
at Madison Squa'-e (iarden Friday
night by the right fist of Janes,
a comparatively light puncher.
British Open golf champions Ed
Furgol and Pete.- Thomson have
announced that they will compft
in tin ttSOO l-abatl Open at Mont
real's Stimmetira Course. Aug.
2.VJS. Others who are in the tournu'
h.unond.ment are Mike Souchak. Oene Lit
tler. Billy Maxwell and Ted Kroll.
Stop in and In
quire about
a set in
TT II II ii i mil nil ii -'
The Bend Bulletin,
Bend Legion
Romps Over
Foes, ! 3-3
W L IVt.
Br nd 4 0 1.000
Redmond 2 1 .667
Prineville 1 3 .250
Madras 0. 3 .000
R -nd American Legion Post 4
backed up Southpaw Ron Ander
son's fine pitching with a 14-hit
attack as it hustled to a convincing
13-to-3 victory over Prineville at'
the municipal diamond Friday
Anderson, mixing a fast ball
with an occasional curve, was nev
er in trouble as he scattered four
hits. He -AtVCfe:! nine, striking out
the side in both the first and third
Bend jumped to a 2-0 lead
the initial frame on a walk, error
and singles by Sid Bauer and
Denny Lenaburg. It picked up
three more in the third when
Denny Olsen singled, stole second
and thin) base, and came home
on a passed ball. After Lenaburg
walked and Anderson singled
Stan Williams blasted a two-
run triple to deep right field
The Bend team; showing signs
of being contenders for state hon
onp at times, sewed the game up
in the fifth with a six-run uprising.
Williams' single, two walks, an
error and catcher's interference
accounted for four runs. Then
Bauer gained life on another mis
cue, Lnaburg singled, Anderson
walked to fill the bases and Gary
Joanis bloopcd a liner to left to
knock in two more runs.
Ken Segerdahl singled witfi one
out in the fourth for Prineville s
first hit. They spoiled Anderson's
shutout in the fifth when Bob
Holden singled, was sacrificed io
second, and came home as Joanis
threw wild trying to nip him steal
ing third.
Prineville put together two more
hits, along with a walk and
Bend error for their final twoi
runs in the last inning.
Bend plays second place Red
mond next Tuesday.
it ii i:
Prineville 000 010 2 3 4 G
Bend 203 161 x 13 14 3
Blackwood, Davis 5, Pollard 5,'
uid Logan; Anderson and Joanis.
3-1 Win Twirled
By Royce Lint
Sparkling pitching highlighted
Pacific Coast League play last
night as San Diego's John Car
miehael threw a two-hitter at Oak
land to hold the Padres' one-game
lead over Seattle and the llainiers'
John Oldham likewise set down
San Francisco on two safeties.
Carmichael's effort led the Pa-
divs to a 7-1 victory and evened
their series with the Oaks at two
games apiece. Oldham's two-hitter
spelled an H-l win for Seattle, the
team's sixth in a row.
Only a shade off the hot pitch
ing pace was southpaw Koyce Lint
of Portland, whose three-hit per-
Pacific (Vnist latnie
v i, ivt. ;
San Diego !' 31 .Wl
Seattle -11 3'J .r,7! 1
Hollywood :!d ;u .t;i;! 7'a
Oakiand 'M .'IX .1 8
Porlland 31 3(5 ,-ISfi S
Los Angeles :w -10 .1(17 ll'u
San Fr.mcisco 31 10 . 1..0 10
Sacramento 32 12 .132 12 ,
(n ili;ilit-o was the e.ituiv ol the
Heavers' 3-1 win over Hollywood.
The win was the Rose City nine's
third in a row over the Stars.
Angel lown Solon
Los Angeles' George Piktuzis
imvo up seven hits, but was the
master all the way ns the Angels
handed the Sacramento Solons
their second consecutive shuhmt.
30 The lively contest also snort
ed a second inoing display of fisti
cuffs at home plate and a ninth
frame triple play by fhe losers.
Old pn I'liMige Melkovich was
tho only thing that stood between
I'urmu-hael and a no-hitter. Tho
fleet outfielder beat out n drag
bunt in the fourth Inning and
smacked a h a s es-emply homer
into Kmrryville s right field stands
in the ninth.
I, nit walked only two men and
-et down IS baiters In a row to
pp third place Hollywood 7 1-2
yatnes nt'hiiid the leaders.
The Heavers broke a 1-1 tie m
the fifth when Al Robertson sin
gled, was sacrificed to second, ad-1
vunced to third on a boot by Jack I
Saturday, June 18, 1955
Only football this year
Shaw Passes Up
Chance to Play
With Portland
PORTLAND, Ore. (UP) George
Shaw, ace football quarterback
who has signed a contract with
the Baltimore Colts, indicated to
day he probably would not play
baseball for the Portland Beavers
of the Pacific Coast League this
Shaw, a four-year football and
baseball star at the University of
Oregon, said "the risk of injury in
few weeks of baseball is too
great a chance to take. Besides,
I don't think I would help them
(The Portland Beavers) enough to
warrant a hasty decision at this
Shaw must report to Baltimore
in mid-July.
The 21-year-old athlete was
star centerfielder at Oregon and
was the number one choice in the
football draft. His Colt contract al
lowed him to sign with Portland
if he so chose.
am not particularly interested
short form baseball lark,"
Shaw said today. "I would rather
go to spring training with them
next, year and take my chances
with everyone else. And that is
something that can be talked out
He said he felt he nwd it to
the Colts to "present myself to
them in the very best physical
Joe Ziegler, general manager of
the Portland Beavers, had ex
pressed interest in Shaw, who bats
and throws right-handed and hit
around XiO for Oregon this spring,
Tennis Players
To Meet Monday
AH yomurstiTM intrrrMtrit In
li'iirnlng him to piny tennis are
urged tn report to the high ti nnli irts Monday nt
9 a.m.
l'''ttur- nliins, ini-hiihui; n lnd
d -r t'iiirn:imi-tit, will hr outlined
nt IIiIh 1 tnd:iy ninniing mi-i-tlug
Hot Rod Races
Seh al Prineville
NpMi:il tn The Bulletin
PKINKVILLK A "grudge deal'
is the way .lack Rhoden of the
!hn( rod rarinc association de
scribes the cir races to be held
at the Prineville track Sunday aft
ornoon. Several racing ears havr
been coming to Prineville races
and copping honors. Prawn-ill.
drivei-s have set this Sunday';
event as the time to break th
Salem winning 'steak.
Races will start at L':00 pm I
time trials at 1 o'clock. The mat! '
event will have cars speeding (( !
laps around the track, with .'O tar;
entered. I
Chemicals added to the trad .
surface have been effective in con
'rolling dust that p!",Lned Im:1
drivers and spectators last yar
iHabel Herman, former Rrooklyn
Dodcer star, has siimed a a scud
with the Philadelphia Phillies. Her
man, upon being signed by Phils'
General Manager Hoy Harney, an
nounced the acquisition o( Idty
Kd Hotell, liVy ear-old freshman
University of Southern California
pitdier. Hotel! was signed to a
Syracuse contract but will report
Bolt, Ward Pace
National Open
Snead, gunning for his first Na
tional Open title in 16 attempts,
toured the front nine of the
third round in a one-under par
today to close in on the early
Bobby KoKburg had a 33; Al
Mengcrt 34; Mike Souchak 3fi;
and Juliun Boro. who waft
only one stroke off the puce
veHterdav, a 38.
quest for gold and glory that goes
with the National Open champion
ship rolled into the final 36 holes
today with veteran professional
Tommy Bolt and youthful amateur
Harvie Ward one step in front of
a star-studded pack that includes
the likes of Ben Hogan and Sam
With the original field of 162
trimmed to 58 for the last 36 holes
today, Bolt and Ward had scores
of 144 four over par for the dis
But only one stroke back of them
came Hogan, former champion
Julius Boros and a pair of com
parative unknowns, Jack Fleck and
alker Inman. Snead, Jackie
Burke and Bobby Harris were only
four strokes from the leaders at
Youth vs Ago
Actually, it may boil down to a
case of youth vs age on an exact
ing, rugged course that takes a
tremendous toll on stamina. On the
older side are four-time champion
Hogan, aged 43; Bolt (37, Snead
(43), and Boros (35). For the
youngsters it will be Ward (28),
Inman (25), Harris (26), and Gene
Littler (25). Littler is in conten
tion with a 149 total.
Hogan has been shooting the
most consistent golf. He has had
rounds of 72 and 73. This compares
with a 67 and a 77 for Bolt; Burke
has had 71-77; Boros 76-69; Fleck
76-69; and Snead 79-69.
Three Outsiders
At the 150 bracket came such
outsiders as Max Evans, Smiley
Quick and Art Bell. There were
eight in the 151 listing, including
Byron Nelson, Frank Stranahan,
Doug Ford, Billy Maxwell, Shelly
Mayfield, Fred Haas and Charles
It was a disastrous day Friday
for the hopes of some big names.
When the cut to 58 came, among
those who failed to make the final
36 holes of play were former Open
champions Lawson Little and Lew
Worsham; former PGA champion
Walter Burkemo and Porky Oliver,
Chandler Harper, Art Wall and Al
Among those who barely made
it into today's competition was de
fending champion Ed Furgol, who
had a big 79 Friday and a total
of 155 blows.
Almost two-thirds of Michigan'
'ital pnnulitinn is urban. The sta'd
'ms 3 451,867 urban residents and
1,801.239 rural residents.
It will transform the aca.ranc of your home and save you money. No more
perlndic upkeep expe'iw! Johns Mamllle Asbestos Siding never new), pointing to
preserve It. Choose from white or soft Permaloiic colors. '
Ron Weber Loses
To rival in Finals
Of Junior Meet
di-irti and HIP) Gary Hval,
r.jin t Knhinr. David Munro
and Fred Taylor wound up cham-.
pions here yesterday in me inn
annual Oregon junior golf tourna
Hval, a 17-year-old Portlander,
defeated Ron Weber of Prineville,
6 and 5, in his second trip to the
junior finals.
Cnma Ir TTnMnr 17 Sutherlin.
inif th dirU' HHp for the second
year running. She scored a i and
2 victory over Sue uevoe 01 meo
Mnnrn Pninori thp hoVS Cham
pionship with a hot third nine
which gave him a 4 and i vie
trtrv over Pnrllanrier Bill Lovett.
In the peewee class, Fred Taylor
of Portland halted Gary sneigrove
of Salem 4 and 3.
Berg Maintains
Grossinger Lead
fending champion Patty Berg car
ried a five-stroke lead into the fifth
and final round of the Triangle
Round Robin Golf Tournament to
day, but anticipated trouble from
longshot hopefuls Marlene Bauer
and Betty Jameson.
Miss Bauer of Sarasota, Fla.,
pulled into second place in the
unique tournament Friday when
she fired a two-under-par 70 for
a new women's record over the
Grossinger Country Club Coarse.
Miss Berg of St. Andrews, 111.,
carded a 77..
They were followed by Jackie
Pung of Honolulu, Louise Suggs of
Savannah. Ga., Pat O Sullivan of
Orange, Conn., and Miss Jameson
of San Antonio, Tex.
Despite the fact she stood 20
points back of the leader, Miss
Jameson was given a good chance
of winning the tournament because
of the weak opponents she drew
for the final round.
Under the round robin scoring
system, wherein each player can
pick up points by beating the other
members of her foursome, Miss
Bauer's 70 Friday enabled her to
gain one point on Miss Jameson
and four points on Miss auggs.
Kiel's Doubles
Lead to Victory
Russ Kiel smashed two doubles
to lead Lundgren Sales to ah 8-1
win over Bill's Ponderosa ih the
only softball game at Bruin field
Friday night. Howard Whitson
only gave up three hits in hurling
the win, but one of them was a
home run by Gordon Monieal,
VFW forfeited to Prineville in
he second scheduled contest.
H If K
Ponderosa 010 000 01 3 3
Lund. Sales 430 001 x 8 4 I
Mills and Blucher, Bassett, 1,
Whitson and Kiel.
1 t M . I' T l M l - II l F . 1 I I I I'l I
with Johns-Manvilio
Chisox Shade
Yankees, 2 to 1
Casey Stengel was second-guess
ing himself today and all because
George Kell has been second-guessing
himself for the last two months
Stengel was chagrined because
he changed his mind about pur
posely walking Kell Friday night
when the Chicago White Sox' third
baseman fouled off a ninth-inning
pitch intended to be a fourth ball.
Stengel ordered pitcher Whitey
Ford to pitch to Kell and the vet
eran third-sacker hit the next pitch
into left field for the blow that
gave the White Sox a 2 1 victory
American I-'iir,u!'
W. I.. Pet. (iB
Now York 40 22 .645 ... .
Chicago 36 20 .643 1
Cleveland 37 24 .607 Vi
Detroit .- 31 27 .534 7
Boston 29 32 .475 10'i
Washington 23 36 .390 15'i
Kansas City 23 37 .383 16
Baltimore 20 41 .328 19',i .
over the New York Yankees.
Kelt's hit came at a crucial
stage. Nelson Fox had singled olf
Ford to open the ninth inning and
moved to second on Minnie Mino
so's sacrifice. With the count 3 and
1. Stengel decided to walk Kell but
changed his mind after George
sliced the intended fourth ball foul.
Home runs by Walt Dropo and
Mickey Mantle had produced a 1-1
tie before 33,744 fans at Yankee
Billy Klaus knocked in five runs
with four hits, including a three
run homer, to lead the Red Sox to
a 6-5 victory in the afternoon por
tion of the "doubleheader."
Na'lonal league
W. L. Pet. tIB
Brooklyn 45 15 .750
Chicago .-.34 27 Sm 11'.,
New York 31 29 .517 14
Milwaukee 30 30 .500 15
Philadelphia 26 31 .456 17'
Cincinnati 24 31 .436 18'i
St. Louis 24 32 .429 9
Pittsburgh 20 39 .339 24
The Baltimore Orioles beat the
Detroit Tigers, 3-2, in 11 innings
and the Kansas City Athletics
downed the Washington Senators, ,
4-2, in the other American League
Dodgers Crush Cards
fn the National League, tho
Brooklyn Dodgers ballooned theij
lead to IIH games when they
crushed the St. Louis Cardinals,
12-1, under a barrage that included
two homers by Duke Snider and
one by pitcher Don Newcombe.
i i Tho Philadelphia Plullics handed .
the second-place Chicago Cubs
their eighth loss in 13 games when
Stan Lopata hit a ninth-inning
Danny O'Connell singled home
George Crowe in the 10th inning
to give the Braves their triumph
5-4 over the Giants while Ramon
MejiPs' seventh-inning double fea
tured a two-run rally that enabled
the Pirates to beat the Redlegs,
1'hone 1M
Lohrko and canv
in on an inlield to Salt Lake City ci the Pioneer
124 Oregon Street
ingle by Carl Powis.