Of Mother's Role A Tough One In June Rites Muthi r cf uie bride and mothet of the groom are positions that niaiy mature women will bo as suming this season. Many women M it was simpler to go through o m-uuuig as a unoe than assume one oi mrse touchy, demanding roles. iat-t ana acquiescence to the Dnde s wishes are all-important ii ie selection of w.mt to wear. If sue has a color scheme she wisher rarritd out all the way, it's best to bow to her desires than to pro test that burgundy looks terrible on you. If the inlawsto-be haven't met paci other, discussion, by mail or phone of what each is going to woar is a good opening to getting acquainted. Probably the most Important sin gle factor to keep in mind is that this is the young people's wedding Many relatives whom you have not seen for a long time will probably be present. Even though they are eager to gossip with you, they are ostensibly present to honor the bride and groom. Keep the family chatter until after the newlyweds have left. Kindness and graciousness are. of course, important qualities for this occasion. It is a good idea to keep in mind, therefore, that that j loud, obnoxious man may be the favorite uncle of your new son or daughter-in-law. Keep caustic re marks to yourself to ease your, child's way into good relations with his or her in-laws. Try to enjoy yourself, it's be coming. If this is impossible under the nerve-wracking circumstance, remember that it will soon be over and you can rest your feet and your tired lace muscles. Women Plan Busy Week Speelal to The Bulletin PR I N E VI LLE Two special ac tivities are listed at the First Bap tist church this week, according to Stan Irvine, assistant pastor. The Women's Mission group and the Marantha Mission Circle are joining to entertain the women of the Community church ladies' aid group on Thursday, June 16. at a luncheon. The meeting will start at 1 p.m. A film, "Souls in Conflict," showing the latest Billy Graham production, will be screened on June 18, at 8 p.m. in the Ochoco grade school auditorium under the Baptist church auspices. The film was made in London, and shows parts of the recent London evan- gelistic crusade conducted by Graham. Also starring in the show are Collin Evans and Don Moo maw. NAMKD KOK HIM Founded in 1706 by Francisco Cuervo de Valdez, Albuquerque, New Mexico, was named by him for the Viceroy of Spain, Duque de Albuquerque. ENDS TONIGHT GLEN FORD "THE AMERICANO" Also "AIR STRIKE" STARTS TOMMORROW! Km mmy ... PAYNE MURPHV ALSO JACK HAWKINS OlYNIS JOHNS Imjy outpost T0kf 0FTHE i nj TROPICS! am illD 1 4i WlW vfe 1 ! Interest I LA S. GRANT. The Bend Bulletin, Tuesdoy, June 14, 1955 Ma w 1 r... I UNUSUAL HOBBY Mrs. Car! Austin finds in her ham radio activities, opportunities tor fun and community service, (Bend Bulletin Photo) Bend Housewife Has Hobby Usually Dominated By Men Hi're in Bend . is a housewife, who tinds herself enjoying a hob by which is overwhelmingly popu laled by Uie male of the species. She is Mrs. Carl Auslin of 112" Federal street. She has been find ing both fun and community serv ice through her hobby since 1939, when she was licensed by the Fetv eral Communications Commission with the station call .letters of W7HIII1. I One of 600, she is a member of Prineville Women To Hold Carnival Special to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE Women of the Prineville Lions auxiliary will in stall their new officers at a meet ing Thursday, June 16, at the home of Mrs. C. C. McGlenn. Mrs. Ross Congleton, the retiring president, will act as installing of ficer. The new president is Mrs. Charles Martin. Other officers were elected June 2, at the home of Mrs. Darrel Frewing as follows: Mrs. Wilfred Burgess, vice - presi dent; Mrs. Larry Paglcr, secre tary; Mrs. Ed Wilson, treasurer; Mrs. Cal Weissenfluh, tailtwisler. The next special event being planned by the auxiliary is a "Cot ion Carnival," set for June 18. at the Elks hall. The auxiliary will entertain husbands at this carni val, and members of the Elks lodge and their wives will also at tend. Games will be played throughout the evening, and funds raised will be used to increase the auxiliary treasury for charitable projects. ENDS TONIGHT! i Doris Day James Cagney "LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME" STARTS WKDN'KSDAY! m L - ' & M MO&ROW LWMsS-T' Flith DOMUGUE ALSO See The Brv Scouts in Action! "JAMBOREE" In Color with Roy Rogers as a Guest Star! XL to Women Women'j Director the international organization for women radio amateurs, the Young Ladies Radio League, which is planning to hold its first conven tion in Santa Monica, Calif. June 24, 25 and 26. Beginning in 1939 with 11 mem bers, the league has attained its present membership of women hams from the United Slates, Can ada, Alaska, Hawaii, the Canal Zone, England, France, Italy, Af rica, Belgium, Netherlands, Aus tralia and New Zealand. j "Bea," as she is known on the! radio waves, shares her hobby with her husband, whose call let ters are W7GNJ. Mr. Austin issued a challenge by telling his wife, jokingly, he knew she could never learn the Morse Code to meet the rigid specifica tions for an amateur license. His wife, who is, as she puts it, a "show you" girl, went on to get her license. She has a code speed, p.jf.eien y award to show she can send and receive at 20 words per minute, and has certificates to prove she has had two-way radio contacts with each state of the 48. and with each continent. No matter how long Bea may continue her ham operations, she will always be known as a "young lady" to her fellow amateurs. In the queer jargon of amateur radio, a woman operator is known as YL, or "young lady" whether she is nine or ninety. The men opera tors are called OM for "old man." One of her favorite radio activ ities these days is as net control for a YL radio network which meets each week. She serves as as the mistress of ceremonies, calling the roll of women hams, and then letting them talk to the rest on their own transmitters (one at a time, of course). Both members of the "Austin" radio stations are active in civil defense, with Austin serving as network manager for the Oregon Emergency Net. They can take their hobby right along with them on vacation trips, or while Mrs. Austin does the fam ily marketing, for there is a short wave transmitter and receiver in their car. This type of mobile equipment is of great value to communities, in the event that a disaster of some kind should in terrupt the power source for the more common modes of commu nication. Mrs. Austin has received three awards for public service work in communications. First Lutheran WMF Circle Meetings Set Hostesses have been named for coming meetings of First Luther an WMF circles Four circles will meet this Thursday, and one next week. Meetings will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. as follows: Circle 2 with Mi. Orval Barfknecht, 1235 Hartford; circle 3 with Mrs. Gun nar Bjorvik, W'A E. 8th street: Circle 5 with Mr?. Sophie Bjorvik, 37 McKay. Circle 1 will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Norman Sather, 1430 E. 8th street. Circle 4 will meet June 23, at 2 p.m. at !he home of Mrs. D. C. Dyer, Glen Vista. Pythian SMern will meet Thum day at 8 p m. in the Library Audi torium, for the final session until fall. Officers requested that all members attend, as there will be elects of a delegate to the grand temple session In Medford this coming October. Tinnin-Elster Vows Given In Redmond Speeial tu The Bulletin REDMOND In a quirt morning -cremouy, June 4, jn Community Presbyterian chuivii, Miss Karen Elsu-r and Robert Neil Tinnin were united in marriage. The Vide is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Ralph Elster cf Kt-druond. The bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Tinnin, live in Anchor age. Alaska. Tinnin was educated in pacific Grove, Calif, and is an announcer t radio station KJUN. His bride a student ut Redmond union him school. Rev. Robert E. Williams offi ciated at the nuptial riles and the bride's father gave her in mar riage. , ; The former Miss Elster wore ni dress of natural silk in empress style and a small pink straw hat. Her corsage was of pink roses and carnations. Present for the wed ding wese members of the family and a few close friends. A recep tion was held Saturday afternoon at the Elster home. The newlyweds are now nt home in Redmond. Silver Wedding Anniversary is Observed Quiefly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. 1625 Galveston, observed their silver wedding anniversary Saturday. June 11, at their home. With them for the occasion were their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.. John Norris of Madras. The cou-: pie also have a daughter. Mrs.j D. N. Cook of North Fork. Va . and two grandchildren, Anna Ma-j ria and Keith Cook. The Bend couple were married at a Methodist church near Fort Smith, Ark. They came to Bend 12 years ago. They have toured the United States extensively, and last year covered 27 of the 4tf states. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, parents of Mrs Norris, in Fayette, Ark., and with their son-in-law and daughter in Virginia. Norris is employed as a body and fender mechanic at the Mam, Street Garage in Madras. Mrs. i Norris, a licensed practical nurse, i is employed at St. Charles Memo rial hospital. Social Calendar Tonight 7 p.m. Circle 5. First Presby terian women's fellowship, with Mrs. Hnrley Curl, Route 3. 7:30 p.m. t- Deschutes Pioneers association, county judge's cham bers, court house. Wednesday 2 p.m. McHiOriist WSCS circle 1 with Mrs. P. M. Madden, 151H K 8th street., 2 p.m. Circle 2 with Mrs. Hub dert Bartlett, 6 Irving avenue. 2 p.m. Circle 3, with Mrs. M M. Shumway, 429 State street. 6:30 p.m. Daughters of the Nile. Fieldines' restaurant. 8 p.m. Central Oregon area of OLPNA, St. Charles Memorial hospital cafeteria. 8 p.m. American Legion Auxil iary, court house assembly room Thursday 2 p.m. First Lutheran WMF Circle 2 wfth Mrs. Orval Barf knecht, 1233 Hartford. 2 p.m. Circle 3 with Mrs. Gun nar Bjorvik. 1154 E. 8th. 2 p.m. Circle 5 with Mrs. So phie Bjorvik, 37 McKay. 8 p.m. Circle 1 with Mrs. Kir man Satiier, 1430 E. 8th. 8 p.m. Pythian Sisters, Llhrary Auditorium. Session Held By 4-H Leaders The Deschutes County 411 lead ers Association held its monthly meeting last Thursday evening at the Redmond fairgrounds. Doug Messenger reported on the Bend fat slock show. He and six association members also went I The Dalles for the fat stock show there. The association dided to form a commM(H to rhoose one boy and two girls as camp counselors at summer ramp. Mrs. Robert Pe'ersen and Mrs. E. G. Rowley were named on the committee. The 4-H scholarship quotas have been filled, according to the sum mer school committee. At the meeting, it was decided that Pioreer Park, if available, will be the site for the regional picnic to be held on July 31. THREE YFAR TRIP It took the Magellan expedition three years to complete the first circumnavigalon of the glob. Mag ellan was killed in the Philippines and only 18 survivors returned to Spain with one ship. If: - ft I l IN CHURCH RITES Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neil Tinnin (Kar en Elster) were married June 4. (Photo for The Bulletin by Tull's Photo Shop) Geologists Plan Potluclc Dinner The Deschutes Geology club will have a pot luck dinner at the up per meadows of Shevlin Park on Thursday. June 16. at 6 p.m. A field trip for agate, netrified wood and arrow heads in the Powell Butte area is planned for June 19. The caravan will leave the City Hall at 8 a.m. HKKAKTHIKH (ill NKAIt j The rotary crew from Sisters. working towards the Cascade sum mit, plans to break through the big cut blocking the Mckenzie highway tomorrow. There is still 7.1 miles of snow between this crew, and the one working up the west slope from Eugene. CiUARDH' MEMORIAL The fanlous statue, Lion of Lucerne, is a memorial to the Swiss guards who died defending'!! eats, driving its three-inch bill Mane Antoinette and Louis AVI. from n mob during Ihe French revolution. "Tool chi'Mt on wIum-Ih"1 purl of tjood telephones iervlee. Fast, reli able telephone service takes A-to-Z plan ning. A good example of this is the con struction truck above. It's fitted out with every item that could possibly help its crew work more rapidly, safely, and effi Rule Dropped By Airlines Starling Wednesday, June 15, passengei-s of United Air Lines and other major scheduled car riers no longer will have to re confirm plane space which they al ready have purchased. The so - called "reconfirmation rule" which inquired passengers to reconfirm their space at other ban their point of origin finally is being dropped by most of the na tion's airlines. The purpose of the rule, adopted In July HK2, was to reduce the number of "no show" passengers. United and some of the other airlines had opposed the re.le as being an imposition on those air travelers who had evei-v intention of using the space which they had purchased. SKillT VNSKKN KATINC1 The woodcock never sees what into the mud and using the highly sensitive lip to feel earthworms upon winch It feeds. ciently. And it's operated by men who've had the boat training possible. Providing good equipment for people who know their jobs is one sure way to bring you depend able, low-cost service. And this is the con stant aim of telephone men and women all along the line. Pucific Telephone. Engagement News is Told By Parents Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Nelson, fj02 Lava ro;ui, aimoimre the en fliigenunt of 1 Vir tb.uhler, A-'.-Mary June Ni'L;:in, V.'AK, to S Sj;t Ronald II. 1'ii.e. :un of Mrs. H.i el G.'use uf Sp:rtanburt;, S.C. Hu'.li young ptople art1 members if the heaiuiuai tcis siundixm, 3!s! lir division stvt um, at Snellin1, ip Fuive Station, St. Paul, Minn Tho pivrrl.- jf will ti-Ue place July IIS in Mason City, Iowa, and the couple will make thfir home in Si. Paul Miss N els. in was graduak-d from Bend high school with the class of of 1W4. an I attended Nor"iw st ern S-.'hnl of Cnmmeree in Port land before enlt-ring the Women's Air Force last July. Ex-Bend Resident Married Friday In Springfield A Springfield marriage of inter est here was solemnied last Fri day evening at t'ie Springfield I.u theran church, when Anna Shirley Mosen became the bride of Floyt' Vyke. The bride is a fnrmr-r Bend res! dent. She attendid school here moving away following her fresh man year in high school. She was graduated from Springfield High school with (he 1H54 class. She is the daughter of Mrs. Margaret Mosen of Springfield. Miss Chrissie Blakley of Bend was the bride's only attendant. Richard Alexander of Springfield was best man. The bride wore a white shan tung dress in princess style, with pink accessories. She carried a IwuqiK't of pink rosebuds. Miss Blakely was dressed in blue linen. She chose white accessories and carried a bouquet of pink carna tions. After a honeymoon trip to the coast, the bridal couple will be ut home in Eugene, where Vyke is employed as dental technician. His bride is employed at the First Na tional Bank in Springfield. ACTION FILED Peal E. Quito filed suit for di vorce yesterday in the circuit ourt against Charles 1. Conto. KINKS UKrOKTKI) The .lust ice Court yesterday fined Everett Mt Gilford of Sisters $'29.50 for driving a vehicle while his operator's license was sus pended. The court also fined Loy D. Tracev $!t.:i0 for throwing burning substance on hiiwav. j tferfsO iff i BRIDE-ELECT Mary Jane Nelson, WAF, will be married in July. Kathy Thurston Off for Europe !:!thy Thurston. 2-10 Idaho nv mn daujjhti r of Mr. ami Mra. K1- .ml T.iurstun, l. ft this morniiw for New York mid Hoslun en roult to Hurop" U'lu-iv slii will nll"N.I I..' world iMnfirinri. of YW'CA lust two wim'I:s jn Julv rs n Vlifjutf of thr University of Ore- Hon. She will sail tvom QiieU'r. Can- tida. on July 1. li. foiv the ronfer- nee, she will visit Knuhoul, Kr.inee, (li-rtnanv nntl Sviler hmd. Approximately JiO.OOO persons sleep in Pullman cars on Hie rail roads of the United States each uighl of the year. Mrs. Klose doses door on work . Wanda Kloie, Oakland "Hot Rtarching used to be such a chore ... I dreaded it. I switched to Vano Liquid Starch . , and now starching is easy ua turning down the bed. The new concentrated Vano Liquid Starch goes farther too. I starch everything, but a bottle lasts a long time." tiet concentrated, heavier Vano Liquid Starch today if you're not using- Vano. you're working too hard! The telephone people of Bend work lo make your ti lt-phone a bigger value eery day I 'V I