Some Offers Spurned By Betty Grable ,5 By BETTV OR ABE Written for the United Press HOLLYWOOD (UP) I'm very very unpopular with a number of producers right now. I've turned down their picture Offers. Not that I didn't like the i script, the directors or the money they offered me. X just reiuse to leave home, and most of the of fers have been for pictures to be done on location. It may sound corny, hut my hus band, Harry James, is the bread winner in our family, and I'm the wife Hurry leaves behind when h-' has to take his band on tour, and I'm the mother of his two daugh ters, Vicki and Jessie James. Close to Children i just aon it Deneve in turning my ktds over to strangers to take care of. I don't happen to helievn taking them out of school at me drop of a contract, in the mid dle of a term and transporting tnem nere and there. When they're a little older, trav , el may be a great thing for them, they'll be old enouqh to appreciate it. Right now I -think the security of being in the same school, with their own friends, of being at home Avith their parents, is the most im portant thing I can do for their future and Harry agrees with me. Have Fun Together They're wonderful kids, happy and healthy, good, intelligent, un spoiled and undemanding. We hava fun togefher. When we go shop ping they pick out their own clothes, and they have good taste We're real pals, and I want our ; relationship to stay that way. I : don't think it could if I were 'a 4- part-time mother. That's for the - birds. We've never spent even a vaca r tion apart and we never will until 1 they're grown up and want to. : all go to Del Mar every summer because they love the beach there and Harry and I enjoy the races, so the whole family has a good time. People wonder why I've made only two pictures the last two years, "Three for the Show" at Columbia and "How to be Very,; Very Popular" at 20th Century-: Fox. Won't Leave Kids The answer is I wouldn't leave; them long enough to do even a! two-week stint at as Vegas. I! did some TV shows here instead,! because I could still have dinner with my kids, play with them. Maybe I'm just getting lazy. Bm really, my children's happiness and mine and Harry's means more to me than my career. Sure, I'd enjoy goi ng abroad I ' ve never been. But I'll never go until Harry; and the kids can go with me. In other words, I'm a happily mar-; ried woman, not just a career woman. , Regional Meet On Handicapped Gets Underway The Pacific regional conference of the National Rehabilitation as sociation is meeting jomtly with the regional President's Commit tee on Employment of the Physic ally Handicapped in Portland June 8-10, Bemie Price, Bend, chair man of the employ the physically handicapped committc, . nounced today. Purpose of the three-day session to be held in the Multnomah Hotel is to focus community attention on problems involving the physically handicapped and to permit neigh boring state committees to ex change ideas. Price' said. Local NEPH committee workers- are be ing invited to the conference as are others interested in rehabilita lion. Theme of the conference is you and rehaibilitation," and the key note address was to have been given by Governor Paul L. Pat lerson. The session will attract leaders front the fields of vocational re habilitation ami handicapped em ployment in five western states and Washington D. C. Save Time 8 Your town with omozing Flying Fish Liquid Fertilizer Just Phone 644 nd ,vou rim lve a velvet smooth nI jrrwn ten Tor little B JJ.50. (averase cost $10.) I Congressman SAM COON WASHINGTON, R a During the past week I have had quite a numoer of visitors from home iMr. and Mrs. Elmer Ben son of Milton Freewater, ' whose niece, Florence, is in the office of: the Secretary of Commerce, were in and aiTanged lor them to at tend a session of 'Congress. Mr. and Mis. Harold Turner of Port land were in Washington for a week or so and slopped by the office. So did Owen Fanner of Bend. Owen is one of our very able young lawyers. As I have said so many times, it is really good to see the home folks Recently I appeared before the Committee on Agriculture in be half of ail of the Production Credit Associations in CSrvonn R rtha r-f Lister of Prineviiie was scheduled! to testify also, but was unable to be here. The bill under discussion was H. R. 5368, which is the Farm Credit Act of 1955. The Production Credit Associations of Oregon were opposed to passage of Title 2, amending Section 201, This per tains to the purchase of Produc tion Credit Corporations, I very strongly urged that this portion o the legislation be deleted. Since my iast letter to you I have also appeared before the nopa u committee on Interior and Insular Affairs in support of my own bill. H.K. Sold. This is legislation grant- ing the consent of the Congress tol!I hates the Communists, and the me negotiation of a compact be tween California and Oregon and providing for an equita'ble appor tionment between those states of: the waters of the Klamath River and its tributaries. Congressman Engle of California had introduced an ideniieal bill and also appeared before the Committee in behalf of the California district. I was veryj happy that Ihe subcommittee re-; ported the matter out favorahlej right then, ft isn't often that you got such prompt ai-iion, ami it realiy is a good leeling w5ien yvu do. j Ever trfneo my John Day bill; was put in the hopper, 1 have been getting letters from peopEej over the whole state of Oregon! about it and I am happy h report i that the great majority of thesi have been in tavov of the legisia-i tron. I have also received a num ber of resolutions from civic or ganizations, not only from our Dis trict, but from the rest of the state "as well, resolutions support ing the John Day bill. It is true that 1 have gotien let-i ters from a few people who don't: like the toiH. I have tried to an-i swer every one ot these because; I know that the people who wroie tho Ifflers nro honest and sjtwvrp in thfir Mmrfniion Rt nuwt them have a basic misunderstand- ing about this legislation and what it will do for Oregon. The fit- hw noini in kefM n mind, is that the Northwest must have more eiectric power. Unless we get some NEW PLANTS ON THE LINE WITHIN FI V E YEARS, we will have a serious power ahoitage. - We certamiy wont get the Jo ( done if we insist thai the Federal i Government do all the wk and foot a!r the expenKc, nor wI we il we insist that local agencies do it ? ftwk!nd vara!ionUy JOB wl bwome police chief." a . Both groups, lederal and non- HPEnnin? me w varijyon . j '?'. "lCina'Sri" "r ISUmfpolice S ollli iiS.ts . (k Ki., Archie Oinslonher who is nowifs peak, fievoiuimn was a clear slrucUon o! the biS projects , og threat. SceSba mrsanfeed the en- we have gM o buuU Now to ".J Srem! vacation1 tire nationai ,hee and formed e s exactly he J 1 , Mr and femouB anli-rfat sqnads. purposes, tins legation nwfc ;es ,1 L.;j MnJ!m 8!sd Slimjiv wrJ Kve.-y 1W not was smashed. to help financing, as a matter of facX to carry the burden of finance ing, the construction ot the Jtiha Day Dam-without it in any way be coming an owner, or a proprietor, of the Dam. H.R. 37S3 makes this possible by allowing the power, which wiit be Keneraied in the fu ture, to be sold in advance. Ksiifnpies of banihtxi and tn)wc-c-o iwve been grown Bt Lewiston. Ma., only 2fK miles from the Ca nadian border. Cost Effort! Let A! Nielsen SPRAY FERTILIZE The Bend Bulefnt Wednesday, June 8, 155 ARMS AND THE GIRL Roller-skating showgirt Edna Scott can hardly believe her finger tips as she teeis the muscular arm of Henry Dowas in London, EngSaud. Duwns was a finalist at lite "Mr. Adonis" contest held in London, Victory in Sicilian Have Saved Scelba's Premiership By CHARLES M. MCCANX l!i.itl Press Staff rorresnondent ntio,, Pvomiw Marin Sneite . . . r . . may nave saveu n juu uy victory in the Siciiian rcgioiial election. . . If so, it is good news for the United Slates and its ailieS. Seeiba is a firm friend of litis country. Communists hate him. Scelba has been in trouble for several months. The coaiition which he leads is shaky. Rebels in his own Qiristtan Democratic Party have been gunning for him. He suffered a loss of presiise when Giovanni Gronchu one of'feis party enemies, was elected presi dent of ftafy on April 29. Gronehi ts a member t the tell wing of fh ChrisUnn Democratic Party. Sceitja's leadership is op- Tumalo Families Report Guests Stueeioi to Th Buftetin TUMALO Mr. and Mrs, Wit- burn Coehron of Eugene were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waikms. . iMr. and Mis. Ben Luthie and family and Ruddy Schevnius spent weekend vacation ai Crane Prairie. Luthie is the principal of the Tum alo gra de school , Mr. a nd M rs. Jack Wilson and daughter Eveon of Portland spent the weekend hol- lirfay w M. Wilson's parents, Mr- anrf M BiU Marti" a(ld sis- Mr. and &lvs. Hay Ilsrfts of TOiHffl M 4M-H?"1 ciW Ths Tumaio hiblc school brim -UI"" rtl( 1 u " " , " , . w fe. J Rrfert " "M " , ' Wiiliams ot Redmond. . winnay 8ww ana Mrs J"1 YT . rJ' Dei- ShuU and ol stmn daughter Wash. Deiene of Vneiver You'H hova BETTER TiMES with ARLY TIME $ PINT $480 45 91. KEttTutxr trsiSNr sobssoh wHisitf s phobf SLT TIMES OlSTlllERT C0fST . lOUiSViUt 1, CUT Vote May .posed also sy a strong group of gM 'ing members of the party. Everybody agreed to let things vesi until after iast Sunday's elee- timl ih Siha-S native Sicily for a regional assembly of 30 snem- Uons awnied Ihoir Ttseslay bers. . luncheon to the e.bservEim'e if June N Cmfitl;ttee Threat Dairy month, with Milton Shunt- ifnd the Cliristian Demoerats way in charge a!d with teva lies suffered a defeat, Seellsa's enemies ehuies "dairy maids" as speakers. planned to Intraduee a motion of confidence as;ainst him at tile opcniiig of the Italian Parliament next Monday. , fn the oid Sicitian assembly, the! Christian Democrats heid 0 seats and the Communiss and ieli wing S;dalists held 30. The Christian Democrats ruled with the suppor of smalt groups. The Oommunisls, who ! lnsinBijpm,a!ltS tor w.hijta2 cmlm-sa;!ls, strength steadiiy on tile ittilian mainland, threw everythine they had into the Sicilian campaign. Tiie cteetion, however, proved b i clear victory for Seriha. The Kedsi kept their 30 seats. But ihe Chris tian Democrats gained seven at the expense snhnter parties: to make their tutai in the assem-: toy 3T. Also tiie Commttnist popular vote1 declined for the first time since Work War II. Sceiha's pro-Amerienn, anii-Rcti policy has been strengthened, and he 1ms been slrengtheaed person - ntty. Future ltfon RriM There is to he a Cliristian Demo cratic Party caucus Friday. What witt happen there remains to in seen. But the stocky, smiling, 53 yoar oid pnn)iir may he expected in 'fare his erfiies hfjhHy ami in ask no favors. Ai ihe nifwneni, his chance of riding out it tii.-entened crisis looks govwl. Seelha has had a Iojjk, speeia- cuiar career in polities. He atiend- . Uitt fitstft ,fi,Mc vift -W h was W. He was a protege of Don I,u?yi Sturo, founder of tiie Popu- far Party which has now become the Christian lenwraiie Party. UHIp Mario went to an opposition poJittaJ nirrtins. He reported so efficienily on ihe meeting that Don Stwrzo S!)id: "Vofrnt; man, if yojf krep on iis- I eorne, nmi Seettm iider iweame premier. HANDY PtMT StZt TOOAYt s lisy r&thlehem, Republic Steel Firms Join Bargaining ti.S, Steel Cora, at isinraimtitr ta- Hes with the CIO Uititt'd Si i- 2803, ami hundred c iahneai- ivorkers today to hear the utaoahug firms, emptying 680, gi state its case for a sizcahie wace inciase. . While the UbW contmued talks with U.S. Sieei mt opeued the! McDonald formaHy began bargain seiwdiiled to meet with Republic lilSrr today. jil is nut at issue Shis year since Joseph LariUn, vice president in conlmet Hmits bargauusg to charge of industrial relations, baarty wages. h.i.i , S5ti,!i,. .,iinJ frsw-nvMS Steel fniiHslry and Thomas Fattott, Republic's in-i itesMaS relaSioiK chief, was his -' ,,ve fnpreiifciiii'd Mhbvt In an unprecedented maneuver, anj j the USW Is iwgotiating with i t ittsbatgh Has wees, to enter ihe -iiiiks wen Jones & l&ngnmi"" ' , . e, YouHKstoft'fi Sheet and Tube and midmht JttIie afJer Inland Steel. (Dairy Promotion peard by Lions They were Mj-s. Waiter W. Smeai and Mrs. Betta Q. Nelson. The speakers ured an increased pise ot datry prodttcis ny aduns m men quest tr eommi-ed goofj hratlih. Speakers remimieti the chjhtiien thai Central Oregwn dis tributors are fifosen'JHg dairy mmitk hv ratline the m-L'e ot whin- nins cmtm 10 ils tHlr pin! Httflf five eertts fiiilf pinis. Jf in. , ..,, ,(..i a,,.,, y Cihmen were ser-vrft with mfjk, and jime Haii-y Month liieratnre k"bs rtislribiito!. ' Bend represcsitcrf C'a)l. K. f. Frank 11. i-nKSMtt poi;i!cfi to tlic Fniry, wiso hearts Use eastern Ors imrmrtanep r the sSairv infiiiotrv SO) UWiinil (SW sajaaitrail. in Ihp D(s-!n!((!s arr-a,' wait m iopai Snrome from fhis pSmsc of aw-teulture estimated at S5 ,, lie also nai Ivihuie to laiik nvwin wrss of CVnlmt Oregon area wha :hBve won recognition over the en- sraie. Pk!e:S, hs S-' W Tavern, FOR JUST A IITTL.E IVIORE YOU CAM CtiStmsiiM ivptr "" Bstiioy f of , T' ' tf-.. . hiTiii"" tOCftt OEHVEREO PRICE OF OtDSMOBitE "88" ?-0eftf Sftdaa tt v 2564' 3 Dyer's Aiiio Service 220 Greenwood Ave, Pbne 87 ' : SO AHSABTHSSiVS IT YQU8SEIM THE GOING'S SEAT ifi "ROCKE ' Bt Table Sessions Utw5 tniiii. iHHti(ivtti4r imoitiprrf. , t i , nsw jtwmhpps. The trnknt, u-ttiuait sjweity ing the sixe of tfte increase ii wimi&J has saw its target wotrid he jUmted Auio Workers in the Fem teekK!fid ! lljese talks, but Th! USWs major avsaiKeats forSd mnr .,T Z , I birztelSi: f- . .- . : iUviiv of workers in the industry As the taiks ojiened Ttawday rfo -S" Ste5eas, Rie Steel's inditstrial rciiif ions vrce , -' Stephfflts stsirf U S Slee! desired a Sr rStr ide S to the public." Sice! industry leaders have said Ibat no matter how great or stnall increase lite gess, use price of steel wiii rise, largely be - cause ot a mwssjiy lor expansion. Arlington Opens Observer Post S)se'iai to ntlm Ba&rtiK p Alli,It.;TOS This icrferW M!!,v fawn near 11k? Culnmbia ( river ojwned iis Ground CSism'e!-j fat earlier (his mnvtth with monies ewhielixi iy llie U.S. Hw Bd 1 ceater, ami iy ai- isefals. tnliwliieert Sty S-Ssl. Jsmra Ov: bra, Artwstoa wctor mwwt. MiiTOr ,UiA llartni sssnml the stawatelies-s the support ssl ihsm cily. Kinsf U. liimim anse a-m:v,m Tiw new iVKit mii r-srf !hKfta liie 8xl iiiler center -! iSiaU lissit is piaiwl in osteratioii. " E - KAttttitff, Sr V MT. Cl.RMsSS, Mk-li. tOT iucr wv !y ! r-w a boy in a Uaveyi puce bat" from ins pe tnj ROCKET AWAY ! Stttnf ot . OLDS IS1 O SEE TOUR NEAREST i LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF f (X&t, t ts as, em i sat. ef oewi ft ecjits com?. wtiS it 4 pS1 fiwTpi&Hsfcrf. &Uy 25 asss. ut j S j5 ioiti- i p P .p Tj ,ear-a siS voa ba u vt .tm , , - g perfect UtsfcrtttaJOs of tea BUY ANY HE S sen-lCid af ter yoa UJSt kKOW the Jae(s tG surs rf a I - W S SonateBe wiU BBswer is!! year jjBesttoBK ftsSSy and isamsdi' m ste!y. Be stsre yo are fsssyliig ftciB a respssssibie as-gasikatisJJ gf ( don't let hearfbg faSJ yoa agasjjf J y jg Wh wsfc Us heoflflj -old? 5Iow tsa$ Jsi5 ti jnswwsSac-- I hi p&fey tior and j-o-sotjJ? fte- 5rk-vv ffjm twa it ffvj or ffiea jt tran J& give qricit ei- jtert aervte xvheuc ctj. xvitccevec y uwty nettt itf WH ttt fearfog Are yow Jwjiwjl frw bis oJBt jwrnv in yti ltiiy? is maa y&a tieaJ wtlit ttaitieti tt ive yo jwtqwe Stiing; aud cstra imptj- ft "rmim wtta etts foeisritij aSiSs"? Jo.f er f fu it ait tiie pewei, good (otta and ci3-v-.'iiU'oe yea rtMjHire tt'it etf- ttwre eay it? WfiK(( frjowiy Cart &mt-$tJv feaadjim tacKt 5st Wfttnt?4 GtlftCAKtCf assure c-3tii(iS jwrfofBi- Hi-e? Wiit f iws jmtsiwi wii sii yr insfrujwwit jbysif jsipert with ywr tnstswiwtut,. ptwa csnttnuto gstdftnee fittriiij4 cntcilittff ftd service spitca yaa JM(f it? Viiit lis- sir his spatiSc scryiiif Jjj SjIs frftfci iffaafffv? mmrnmmrnimmtMwm S i s 9 ( for raiiabin information aee L, R, WittOUGHBY, MANAGER Hiwiti& fit Wsdta WaSa Wtit 5 ist tSso riiot Bsstte toa. 1 June f i- 10th , diJffrPMfp in tim(p ih rfaj-x. JWaHJw wow -jMt eas put ymtTlf tit Hitmiml of 8ahhtjf "Un -kC , , irtil to hri.hitttt "iJvioj! rt&tt" Itr-anty twJ itixory f asd siV thaw jitt dmator-dJ Atwaiiy a my doiJf ftwH-s Btottiit rtw-Wtx yow rtjjiit twit tf iiw twdtwary it ifflr? any ear, t,j i wtr gt twrtt ajijtraiwH Siih'-c w Ot&SMG&UE OEAtlR "fAifen. Rcfespt F, Hkfcey, com. SKssxfer aE iS. ateeraR earr operatiom dariHg Ui& ietat yeaE-a Minor Blf HNS Relieved Cliffy I sppiy st once. Eaies jainfespj 3sveai 5SsSf, ssSckss haKBg,- RESINOL FORE YOU I ARING AID ! Wit .&CU&t f I ? ' . 5 to vatsfiife. tt marfeatti- - t , - , m JttU iaivaaisfaei?otittals