The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 04, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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An Independent Newspapnr
Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher
Phil F. Brofran, AsnocUta Editor
Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation
"(gUratf h aaa4 CtaM lUtUr. Juiiut . 1911 M Um fa CHflM u Bmi. On
n mim 4ux ot Hint, I. KM.
The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, June 4, 1955
Useless Advice
This Is the time of the year when Hpeakera and cdit-
oriul writers take delight in handing out reams of ad
vice to youngsters who have just graduated or who' arc
bout to graduate from high school.
Such advice often views with pride the accomplish
ments of past generations, and views with alarm some
jut the pecadillos of the present younger generation.
Z- Such advice is usually superfluous and quite often
worthless. The speakers and writers seem to have it pen
chant for forgetting that they, too, were once young.
We prefer to look upon high school graduation in
; another way.
It is the coming of age of another group of Amer-
!"Jca's greatest single asset, our youth. Their parents have
' Invested considerable sums of money in them. The comm
unity and the state have invested still other funds in
their education.
Such an investment is made willingly, and even
eagerly by both parents and the community and state.
It is made only in hopes of receiving an adequate return.
The return is not to be figured in terms of per cents or
- dollars, but in a richer, fuller life for the graduates and
all those with whom they come in contact in their future
We're proud of our Central Oregon graduates, of
their records in the past and
future. We're sure they will
us have for them.
Jim Donovan Retiring?
Over on the news side
Staffers reported that Jim
They don't know Jim Donovan. It is true that he is
giving up his duties as manager of the Lumberman's
hospital in Bend. And he is resigning as chairman of the
tri-county selective service board.
But Jim Donovan is not retiring.
Later, Jim Donovan will establish his homo in a new
community. There ho will face new challenges. When some
serious community problem comes up, a committee will
be named, and Jim Donovan will be a member.
And eventually Jim will head the group as chair man.
This has happened repeatedly in Bend in the past
four decades as Jim Donovan
thrt nnlli't rVtiftni) flrwrin iiin
ways ho finished his duties,
-uommittee chairman or board president.
- In his nearly 45 years in Bend Jim Donovan has been
i top citizen. We hope he will visit us often in the years
Ahead when he moves across the Cascades to join his fam
ily. But he may be too busy to make many trips. Jlu will
bq chairman of some busy community committee.
Do Something, Now
It probiibly would be next to impossible to make a
reasonable estimate of the number of graduates of private
colleges and universities who are employed by Oregon bus
inesses or who practice professions in this state.
Looking at the number of private colleges in the state,
though, and seeing the number of Oregon students regis
tered in some of the other private colleges and universi
ties outside the state, the number would bo considerable.
Oregon, therefore, can be said to have a big stake in
the future of private education in this country. And that
future, at the present writing, is the darkest it has been in
many years.
The reason is a simple one money.
Private institutions not having a tax base to fall
back on and having to keep their tuition within pretty
close limits have felt a tremendous financial pressure
in the past ten years.
Endowments from which many of them receive
large chunks of their income have increased at a much
slower rate than have expenses. Kvi-n though expenses
have increased greatly, the rise of faculty salaries has not
kept pace with the cost of living.
The private schools, then-Cure, have had to put in a
great deal of effort on unrestricted current gift pro
grams, in order to provide funds Cor current operating
Alumni of many institutions have responded nobly.
But business as a whole in Oregon and elsewhere
which draws many of the ultimate benefits from the pri
. vale schools and the education they furnish, has not done
its part.
The timo to do that part is here. now.
Quotable Quotes
My hunch ia that if wp are in fur ha.I times they
will nvsult in no miihII prt from our impntiemo to own
nvrrythinff today instead of wailing until tomorrow when
wo can afford it. Goorgo V. Holton, chairman, Sooony
Vacuum Oil Company.
It would he u (lanjji'roiis misconception to asMime
that our superiority in modern weapons has reduced our
need for Hllies. Admiral Arthur W. Kadford. chair
man Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The basis of all existence is co-existence because we
all live on the i.ame planet. Kussia's Xikitu S. Khru-shiicv.
the hope they hold for the
live up to the hopes all of
of The Bulletn the other day
Donovan was retiring.
served his community and
,'n tt..Mir . ....,1 ..1
after long years of work, as
I, Ml- 1 JT- jL n ML. J
Edson in Washington
Renewed Confidence, Salk Need
By rKTf-IK KIISON ages. But it is still too early to
NKA Walini;tmi 'rrrs.iideiit j tell what the effective rate of pre
WASHINGTON - (NKAt i vention wiU be.
What's needed in the polio vac-
cine situation right now, says Rep. !
Charles A. Wolverton (R-N.I) isj
that, "We have to build up the
confidence of the people. If it is
true that no vaccine is perfect, we
have to let the people know this1
in sucn a way mat iney won l ne.
This situation einerued as the
House Interstate Commerce Cum-
m.ttee under Hep. J. 1'oivy Priest ',
D-Trnnt bean its investitialioils
Into where we are now and what;
to do next. ' -
Technically the committee heal-1
iiuis are on a couple of new lulls
In Rive the Department ol Health,
Education and Welfare better con-i,hp
Irol over similar emergencies,,
nrisitiK in thr limiro.
But after healing Asst. Sec. Ros-
well Perkins pinch-hit for Sec.
Oveta Oilp Hobby, tiie comniil-
tec forgot all about the bills. In
stead, it wont rifjht to work try
ing to find out what had happened
in the mix-up of the last six weeks.
My wife told me not to come
heme." said Rep. Arthur G. Klein
U) NYl "unless I had the .an
swers to these thinizs."
Representative Klein h.ul t. r
home without the answers. But i
Mrs. Klein's attitude is typical of
the uneerlainty f most peopn
r tlie safety of polio vaccine
md whether inoculations should bo
Surgeon General Leonard H.
Scln-elc, head of thp U.S. rubiie
Health Service, has cleared up one
K)int. ,
Many parents have the idea, ho
says, that one shot o nhk polio
vaccine made children more suo-
ject to the disiMse.
This is not true, says Dr.
Scheele. One injection will tfivo
more immunity than none. And the
third shot, seven months after the
first, will e,ivc still more.
How lotu? 'ho immunity lasts,
scientists don't yet know. Rut chil
dren who were inoculated two ami
Uuee years aj;o still have anti
bodies in their blood to prevent the
tlisease. If this immunity is not
last int;, booster siiots can be given
What has been largely forgotten
in the rapid developments since
the results of last year's tests with
the vaccine were announced on
April 1J. is that It") per cent im
munity is not guaranteed. Indeed.
it was wvor claimed.
There were two ma.ior tests last
year on l.S.)!V.M6 children in -II
slates. They were the largest tests
of Uus kind ever conducted By all
past medical sl.nulanls, they
should have provided un
Index to the vaccine's reliability.
In the lirst test the vaccine was
found to he tin to 80 per cent
etteclive against Type I polio, Til
to SO per cent elfechvo against
Types H and 111. In the second
lest the aceme was divtared Ml
to TO per cent effective against
jl'vif I. to !Nt per cent against
lypes II an.l ill.
So far this ar. experience h.i
I'.'en bftti-r than these percent-
Accordion t uriiMinl
Bond M KMC I O.
(101 It.. nil SI. l-liuiic 7I
So Far, So Good
km fe-SrvA
i' , MS!,.
The 90-odd cases of jxilio re-
ported so lar among the live mil-
lion inoculated children are after
only the first shot. It will be neces
sary to wait til the end of the sum
merthe season of worst polio
inciilence Ix-tore the true percent-
- - --'" -iniuum.
There is as yet no proof, says
Doctor Seheele, that the liO cases.
reported from children inoculated
with vaccine prepared at the Ciil-i
trr Iiboralorii
polio trum'J
the inoculation.
, nut it takes 28 davs to run a
,,..,,, i,v jnoculallnir n mnn.
kn, aml ,hon nwkint, c.
.,, W1n ,)P (,a,.y Jun(1 ,,(,.,,
c11(,r ,sls .... ..0,,...ed and
final iilik-ment ran he marie
As Dr. V. II. Sebivll, director
of tiie National Institute of Health
explains il, each vial of Ihe vac
cine, prepared for physicians' use,
contains doses for nine children.
In no cases so far disclosed have
two infections been traced to inocu
lations from the same vial.
The cases of polio that have
veloped in inoculated children thu
far may have come from two
Kirst in coincidental infection.
A child may have a low resistance
to Ihe disease. This child may
have been infected close to the
time of inoculation. Immunity
I from inoculation builds up slowly.
i ne inoculation may not have act
ed fast enough to prevent th '
.Second is massive infection.
Polio epidemics break out in ir
recular patterns in unpredictable
places. The cause of the tlisease is
not known. A heavier infection in
some areas could bring on an inci
dence of the disease that the im
munity in first shots
cope with.
' How
is your
for home ownc;ship?
When every monthly payment not only covers in
terest and insurance but also reduces the amount
you owe on your loan . . . then you KNOW your
plan for homo ownership is safe and sound and
sure to be crowned with success. Investigate our
Direct Reduction Mortgago Loans today!
Vacation School
Starts Monday
Vacation church school will be-
Kin Monday morning. June 6, at
Kirst Presbyterian church, to con
tinue through Friday, June 17.
Classes will be held daily Monday
through Friday, from 9 to 11:30
Kmphasis this year will be on
creative art work, t homed on the
"Life of Christ." A large quantity
of materials is on hand for proj
ects, and film strips depicting all
,nas s 01 -"" .vrtrs
s',mvn; tM,Kra",s 1S. thf suh;
... ... . . ' r ' .
film on this subject will be
shown June 10.
Mrs. George Marshall is general
.-.'lujcriiilciiili'nl of the school, with
Mrs. Leo Bishop and iMrs. Stan
Blair as' administrative assistants.
The staff for the kindergarten
department includes Mrs. Dona'd
Seeley, superintendent; Miss Mar
gie Thomas, musician; Mrs. Glen
Payne, creative art; Mrs. Dolph
Kllingson, Mrs. Gail Baker and
Mi's. Thomas Laidhiw.
Primary department; Miss Faye
Craw ford, superintendent ; Mrs:
do-:,,iam Sn)i;h mu,ioian:' mis.
B:!' Lorton and Mrs. Um Gist.
.lunior department: Mrs. Ted
Shoup, sui'orinlendent; Mrs. Owei
P. oiner.
Junior Hiu;h Department; M:s.
Lewis I linger, superintendent ;
Mrs. Robert Messing, musician.
J'?i-ry Bishop will he play super
visor for Uie junior and junioi
high departments. Mrs. Jack Thorn
ton will be music supervisor for
the primary and junior dopart
ments the second week, and Mi".
A. B. Gassner for the first week
A well-designed shel t erne-It of
trees and shrubs is likely to catch
:'i times as much snow as the best
atraivrement of snow fences, ac-
couUI not, cording to Department of Agricul
tuie tests.
4'! tederal Savings
Trip Planned
By Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Clare T. Taylor, executive
secretary of the Deschutes county
Red Cross diapter, will attend a
trainini; conference for Hed cross
executive secretaries next week in
San Francisco.
In her absence. .Mrs. J. W. Wer
ner will be in charce ol the of-
lice, on a part-time basis. Hours
next week will be from 12 noon to
1 p.m.. Monday through Jriday.
The office will be closed on Sat
urday and Sunday as usual.
In case of a real emergency.
Ihe number to call when the of
fice is not open is 3.t-.M.
Mrs. Werner was assistant in
the local P.ed Cross office when
.Mrs. Max Millsap was executive
Shower Given
For Mrs. Mann
Special lo The Bulletin
REDMOND Mrs. Richard
Mann was honored at a pink and
blue shower Wednesday evening in
the home of Mrs. W. L. Pierce.
Co-hostesses were Mrs. Samuel
Tows, and Mrs. Kenneth Scholz
of Prineville.
The list of truest included Mes
dames Derrell Sharp, Douglas
Messenger. Card Eriksen. Ben
Durkin. Morris Dalton, William
Miller. Horry Smith. James Far
leigh. Ilarley Van Hise. Leo Dav
is. Charles Porfily. C. E. Strana
han. James Brown, Earle Hallock,
Andrew llurnny. Miss Alice Riley,
Miss Ann Swall, Miss Jean Shum
way. Miss Kay Keegan of Red
mond. Mi-s. Don Rogers and Airs.
I.. II. McPhctridue from Prine
ville. Mrs. Jack Shumway of Pow
ell Butte, and Mi's. Robert Hag
erly, Tumalo.
Bend Hospital
Two children underwent tonsil
lectomies this morning at St.
Chailes Memorial hospital. They
are Linda Fish, 4, daughter of Mr.
and M.-s. Theodore ish, Madras,
and Susan Brabham. 8, daughter
of Mrs. Melva Brabham,
Oilier new patients at the hos
pital are; Mrs. Jess Smith, 505
K. Kmerson; Mrs. James Tread
way, Notree, Texas; Mrs. William
Selken, Route 1, Bend; Eli Alis
ner, L'tfi Yew Lane.
Dismissed: Patricia Ferguson,
Prineville; Mi's. Lee Snider, Gil
christ; Mrs. Krwin Homey, Cul
ver; Vickie Nash, Spray; Daniel
Ilornrfby, Mi's. Kenneth Brown,
Timothy Mealy and Sally Van
Horn, all Bend.
Kills Woman
dcidti ANn ft IP) A 42-year-
old Portland woman was shot down
in front of her home last night By
I.. fnrmr hudhand. who then at
tempted to take his own life.
Dead was Ethel Been, sne wab
hnt three times with a .22 caliber
revolver in front of her home. Hen
ry E. Beck, Jr., turned the gun
on himself, but was not mortally
hurt. r
Dtlir. culH Reek was taken to
rJM.ritnnri hncnilfll. Where his COn-
dition was said to be "satisfac
tory" The bullet entered one jaw
and came out the other. It missed
the brain.
Neichbors said the couple had
feorl -cme tmnhle" the last few
months. The Becks were divorced
last September. They had a li
year-old son.
John McDonald
Dies at Age 82
John McDonald, g2, died Friday
afternoon at St. Charles Memorial
hospital, where he had been a pa
tient only a day. He had been in
ill health for some time.
Mr. McDonald was a native of
Montana, and had lived in Bend
12 years. He made his home on
Route 1. In World War II, he was
a shipyard worker.
No survivors had been located
today. The body is at the Niswon-ger-Winslow
mortuary, where fun
eral services will be held. Ar
rangements have not been com
The Lutheran Churches of Bend
Federal and Galveston
Robert Becker, Pastor
Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.
Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
Sermon theme: "Let God Be
God". Friday evening devo
tions at 7:30. Summer Vaca
tion Bible School begins Mon
day morning at 9:00.
Sometimes the big one gets away,
sometimes he doesn't it's all a
matter of the fisherman's luck,
or skill. That there are fish to catch
isn't luck. Managed Tree Farms
protect watersheds for America's
favorite fishing streams and lake
Wood is a silent partner on
every fishing trip.
Awards Given
Eighth Graders.
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS At the graduation of
the Sisters eighth graders special
awards were presented to seven .
of the graduates. Diane Miller re.
ceived the valodictorian s awanl
Sunny Smith and Denny Rene
were recipients of salutatory
awards. An award for third pta
honor student went to Lee Tlwm.
as. The citizenship award for the
girls was awarded to Dixie Caver.
hiU and for the boys to Jim Mis
Athletic awards were presented
to Denny Reese and Dune Caver,
hill. Activities awards went to
Marilyn Miller and Donny Mom.
er. All awards were presented by
the grade school principal Hon
er Matson.
There are 19 species of oak tree
in Illinois, eleven of them black
oak varieties and the others white.
The oak is the official tree of III-
Dr. K. H.Oakley
Eye specialist ot Bend, Ore.
gon, "111 not practice Satur
day until after Labor Day,
This will not inconvience
parents of school children.
Evening appointment can
be arranged for any patient
unable to come in during
regular office houm.
Idaho and Wall
R. E. Ylvisaker, Pastor
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
Award Sunday for Ihe Sun
day School. Sermon Theme:
"The Seed ol the Word" Chil
dren's Day on Monday morn
ing from 10 to 12.