The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 04, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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    Malmberg Gets Key Blows
As Tigers Bump Baltimore
United Preu Sport Writer
General Manager Muddy Ruel 01
Detroit, who has betn running
around frantically trying to obtaiii
a second baseman In the trade
market, might do well to look ritfltt
under tils nose today and "dis
cover" Hurry (The Call Malm
berg, the Tigers' newest hitting
The trouble Is that the skinny,
28-year-old Malmberg never rated
serious consideration from Detroil
officials because he failed In two
nrrvinits big league tests with
But he's doing a bang-up joij
around second base for the Tlgei
now with a IQ-gume hitting streak
and a .315 batting average un
matched by any other second sack
or in the American League.
Malmberg, who stems from Fair
field, Ala., the same town as Willie
Mays, paced Detroit to a 7-2 vic
tory over Baltimore Friday night
with three hits that proved the key
bluws in the ball game.
Oarver'8 Fourth Victory
With Malmberg's help, Ned
Garver recorded his fourth vie
tuiy, giving up only six hits.
Southpaw Mickey McDermott o(
, Standings
Natiunttl Iagiin
w. I., rd. en
-Brooklyn 35 11 .761
Chicago 28 19 .m V,i
New York 25 23 .521 11
Milwaukee 22 24 .478 13
St. Louis li) 24 .442 14'i
Philadelphia 20 26 .4.15 15
Cincinnali 19 25 .432 15
PitthburKh 15 31 .326 20
Friday's ItmulU
nrooklyn Yi SI. Louis 5 (nlghtl
ChieaRo 4 New York 1 (night)
Milwaukee 4 Philadclpia 3 (night,
10 innings)
Pittsburgh 7 Cincinnati 6 (night)
Saliirday'n Proltahle I'ltrhfra
St. Louis at Brooklyn Jackson
(2-1) vs Newromho (8 0)
Chicago at New York Mlnner
vi-ii vs uomez (2-31
" Milwaukee at Philadelphia
Snalm (3-6) vs Wchmeier (3-31
. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh Min
arcin (2-11 vs Kline (2-7)
I Sunday's Raines
St. Louis at Brooklyn (2)
Chicago at New York (2)
Milwaukee ut Philadelphia (2)
Cincinnati at Pltlshurgh (2)
American lnagu
'. I Vet. (ill.
New York 33 14 .702
Cleveland 29 IB .644 3
Chicago 28 16 .Kill 3!i
Detroit 25 20 .556 7
Washington 18 26 .409 13i,
B'Wlon 19 29 .396 14 Vi
Kansas City 17 28 .378 15
Baltimore II 34 .292 19',i
Friday's Results
Chicago 3 New York 2 (night)
Detroit 7 Baltimore 2 (night)
Kansas City 4 Boston 3 (night)
Washington 3 Cleveland 1 (night)
HaturUay's I'rolmhlo Pitchers
New York at Chicago Loiwl
(24) vs Kcegan (0-21
Boston at Kansas City Sullivan
(4-61 vs Dilmar (2-1)
Baltimore at Detroit Byrd
(3-1) vs Ijiry (4-5)
. Washington at Cleveland I'or
terlicld (6 5) vs Garcia (3-5)
Sunday's 4)nim
Roslon at Kansas City (2)
New York at Chicago (21
Baltimore nt Detroit (2)
Washington nt Cleveland (2)
Cleaner Sales & Service
1104 K. Third I'hont UH-jl
'Ksuii4 VA. I'aL Off.
H, f Vi 8 ) mi.. t.i ii- i 'Pi1 r r r'va-i r, - a
f-'TTf" - - v 1 lift nil rnVirrihiiH r.s... iWjgrJy.; , , ,w..'-y.f . :.. - .
Washington turned In the best
pitching Job in the majors Friday
night, limiting Cleveland to three
singles in 3-1 triumph over the
Indians. Roy Slevers' sixth homer,
coming all Bob Lemon in the sev
enth inning with one on, proved
the game-winning wallop.
Screwball pitcher Jack Harsh
.nan ol the White Sox helped his
jwn cause by driving In two runs
n a iri victory over the Yankees,
.licked lor homors by Bill Skow
ron and Mickey Mantle, Harsh
nan singled home Chicago's second
;un oil Bob Turley in the lourth,
.hen accounted lor the winning
i'un In the sixth when he lilted a
iucrilice (ly with the bases full.
Jespito the loss, the Yankees re
mained three games ahead of sc-md-place
Wilmer Shantz' seventh inning
homer snapped a seven-game los
ing streak lor the Kansas City
Athletics and gave them a 4-3 de
cision over the Boston Red Sox.
Winner's older brother, Bobby,
started for the Athletics but was
forced to leave because his arm
"felt tired" although ahead 2-1 in
the sixth. Johnny Sain came on
and permitted the Red Sox to tic
the score on Norm Zauchin's hom
er but he wns credited with the
victory when Shantz homered witn
one In the seventh.
Eight Pitchers used
Harry Walker, the new manager
of the Cardinals, used eight of his
pitchers to tie a National League
record but they all looked alik
to the Dodgers, who hammered
out a' 12-5 victory and remained
7ft games ahead of the field.
Duke Snider led Brooklyn's 13
hit attack with his 17th homer, a
double and two singles. Reliever
Gem Labine was the winner and
starter Tom Poholsky the loser.
Kddie Miksis, Bob Speake and
Gene Baker each hit homers and
Bob Rush fired a five-hitter as the
Cubs downed the Giants, 4-1.
Bill Bruton's 10th Inning home
gave Milwaukee a 4-3 victory over
Philadelphia, Lew Burdette going
the distunce for his third triumph.
A ninth-inning single with the
hoses full by rookie catcher Hani
ng Peterson gave the Pirates n
7-6 win over the Redlegs. Reliever
Vern Law was the winner.
Thomson, Paces
Golf Journey
Peler Thomson of Australia, six
under par (or three rounds, threat
ened today to make a runaway of
the Palm Reach Hound Robin golf:
cliampionship as he opened the
fourth round on top by nine points!
with a score of plus 22.
The 25-year-old British Open
champion,' who has been cam
paigning In America since 1053
without a victory, tackled second
place Mike Souchak of Durham,
N.C., ns one of his fourth round
foes, and on even break with Sou
chak could Icnvo him clear sail
ing to his first title n these
In addition to Souchak, second
at plus 13, the hot-putting Austra
lian met Jolwny Palmer of Char
lotte, N. C, tplus 6) and Julius
Boros of Mid-Pines, N.C. (minus
Doug Ford of Kiamesha Lake,
N. Y., with 70-ti8, picked up a total
of Hi points In the two rounds for
a score of plus 11 and defending
champion Sam Snead of Whito
Sulphur Springs, W. Va., held on to
fourth place with plus nine. Other
trailers had little hope of catching
1 lioiuHon.
Drive fo Our Yard
Largest stock of
South End of Columbia Street ,
The Milier Lumber Company l
"Your Home First" Free Delivery
125 Oregon Yard at Foot of Columbia St. Phone 166
XUaUiMJi.l..lCTWBHW 0. . I.i )!,. II..J'1J
The Bend Bulletin,
Salem Defeats
Yakima 7 fo 4
Don Frailey smashed a three
run homer in the third Inning at
Yakima last nlfjht to spark a four
run rally that carried the Salem
Senators to a 7-4 Northwest League
victory over Yakima.
The victory enabled the Senators
to pick up a half game on llie
league-leading Wcna tehee Chiefs,
who saw their scheduled game
with Eugene called off because of
rain on the Emeralds' home
Spokane and Tri-City engaged In
a wild, 29-hit slugfest at Kenne
wick that saw the Indians finally
emerge on top, 14-11.
Sdem was trailing 4-1 in tie
game at Yakima until the third
inning came along and Frailey's
big blow put the Senators out in
front to stay. Salem added insur
mce runs m the fifth and seventn
nnings to sow up the contest.
The affair at Kennewick saw
three four-masters clear the fence.
Manager Eddie Lake's home run
vith two on was the big blow of
Spokane's five-run rally in the
fourth. That gave the Indians a
7-2 lead and they increased it to
14-3 before Tri-City came to bat
in the seventh.
The Braves then proceeded to
score seven runs on seven hits.
including doubles by Frank Stra
zullo and Matt Kcllumrose.
Bob Murphy hit a bases-empty
homer for Spokane in the fifth,
and Kllnger smacked one out of
the park for Tri-City in the third
with one on.
Tonight's schedule mntches the
same teams again Salem at Yak
ima, Wenatehee at Eugene, and
Spokane nt Tri-City.
'Beat the Champ'
Play Underway
coast to coast, Hie nation's clu'i
and public links golfers teed :off
today in the fourth annual Nation
al Golf Duy campaign to "beat
the champ."
Their tniucts are scores to be
posted Inter todny by National
Open champion Ed Fursol, against
the men; and all-time great, Patty
Bertf, against tile women.
Miss Berg and Kurgol. will be
playing the San Francisco Olym
pic Club, site o( the l!)r5 National
Open two weeks hence.
More than 200.000 golfers in
United Stales, Canada, Mexico and
England will try to better what
ever scores they post.
t.aeh of the competitors around
the world pays a $1 entry fee.
which goes to charily. It he beats
the champ, he gets a medal so
I 'SO Bonis I'roano
California's Trojans took the open
ing game of the NCAA district 8
playoffs today hy belting Fresno
Stnte, 11-2, as Vic Lapiner scatter
ed eight hits and riht fielder Gerry
Mason smacked two home nuts.
Caterpillars have almost four
times as many muscles as do hu
Look Over Central Oregon's
up-to-date Building Supplies!
Saturday, June 4, 1955
net to lano a heavy fish,
grasp the hoop opposite its
handle so hoop won't bend
or break when lifting the
fish out of the water.
Net a fish tail-first if it '
r5 hooked on a lure having
treble hooks outside fish's
mouth. this prevents the
hooks from snagging in the
net's top before fish is in
the net for a possible es
cape, be sure the net is
completely submerged un
der the fish, and holo the
fish's head above the sur
face as you lift the net.
Results Awaited
In Tournament
Spwlal to The Bulletin
FRINEVELLE Women of the
Prineville golf and country club
are waiting the outcome of the
final match' for decision in. the
spring handicap tournament.
Those paired in the finals are Va
dis Kirhy and Ann Drcher for the
championship flight, and Velna
Lewis and Olive Beimdiek in the
first flight.
At the regular golf luncheon
Wednesday, June 1, golf balls were
presented as prizes to Mrs. Lewis
and Mrs. Ureher for their work
in the, May eclectic tournament,
when till entries were .judged on
tne oasis or. improvement ol game,
During Hie Wednesday golf piny,
the scores were rated on the bas
is of law net play, with Hazol Lis
ter winning top honors with a
score of 30 and Vesta Picrcy in
second place with 33 Strokes. Com
mittee for the day's luncheon was
Ruth Hudspeth, Golda Mills, Or-
pha Daggett, and Leo Marie Gray.
On Saturday night, June 4, the
club will have its monthly dance,
summer cottons for the women
and sport shirts for the men will
be the apparel for the event. Bet
ty Beimdiek is chairman of the
dance committee.
Game Called Off
Again by Rain
PORTLAND (UP) Wet grounds
forced the postponement of last
night's scheduled Pacific Coas;
league doubleheader between Port
land and Hollywood.
The two clubs will meet in a
single game tonight at 8 p.m. It
was the second night in a row that
bad weather stopped the teams
Pitching duties for Hollywood to
night will be handled hy George
Munger (5-3). Bill Werle (52) was
named to pitch for Portland.
iniers Down
San Francisco
By 7 to 2 Count
United Press Sports Writer
The Seattle Ra iniers were cook
ing on all three burners pitch
ing, hitting and fielding last
night as they downed San Fran
cisco, 7-2, to move ahead of the
Seals in their leap-frog battle for
second place in the Pacific Coast
Left handcr John Oldham, pre
viously used only in relief, started
and finished the game for Seattle,
He blanked the Seals until tho
eight when Joe Kirrene connect
ed for a two-run homer. .
The former San Jose State col
legian gave up nine hits in regis
tering his first win since April 17.
His record is 4-2.
The Ralniers backed him in the
field with three double plays, each
one coming with none out and two
men on base.
Seattle Gains IS Hits
And at the plate Seattle rapped
out 13 hits off Bob Greenwood
(2-5), Jim Melton and Tony Ponce.
With the exception of Bob Balcena,
everyone in the Rainier lineup hit
safely at least once.
Also hitting safely in the game
in San Francisco was Seal first
baseman Bob DiPietro who now
has connected in 26 consecutive
In other games, Cal McLish
tossed a five-hitier as league-lead
ing San Diego downed Oakland,
4-2, and Los Angeles beat Sacra
mento for the first time this week,
3-2. Hollywood and Portland were
idled for the second straight night
due to rain.
In San Diego, the Padres raked
Al Gettel (7-7) and George Bam
berger for 13 hits to shake-off a
week-long batting slump in which
they made only 22 hits in iiw
games. j
Dick Sisler drove in three San!
Diego runs with his second homei
of the year in the second inning, !
a sacrifice fly and a single. Buddy I
Peterson hit three singles.
McLish was tagged for solo hom
ers by George Metkovich and Jim
Marshall in the fourth inning to,
account for all of Oakland's runs, j
The win was his fifth of the sea-1
son, his fourth in a row since coin
ing to the Pads from Los Angeles. !
lie has lost three.
llillman Wins
Dave llillman, who reports to
the Chicago Cbus today, held Sac
ramento to four hits in Los An
geles although Turk Lown was
needed in the ninth to force Nippy
Jones to hit into a double play and j
end the game.
Steve Eilko's l-1th homer of the.
year with Hal Rice aboard in the;
fourth and doubles by Gene Mauch j
and Rice in the sixth provided the ;
runs needed to give the Angels;
their first win aflcr four straight
losses to the Sacs.
Richie Myers homered for Sac-!
ramento in the eighth but the;
bases were empty. Rex Jones (1-4) '
was the loser.
The IJnescores:
Seattle 000 121 03ft 7 13 0
San Francisco 000 000 0202 9 0
Oldham (4-2) and Ginsberg;
Melton (ft). Ponce (8) and Tornay,
Ritchey (5.
Oakland 000 200 000-2 5 0
San Diego 011 001 lOx 4 13 0
Gettel, Bamberger (7) and Neal;
McLish (5-3) and Bailey.
Sacramento 001 000 0102 4 0
jn& Angeles 000 201 OOx 3 6 0
R. Jones, Brazle (8) and Sheely;
llillman, Lown (9) and Funning.
Hollywood at Portland (double
header), postponed, wet grounds.
Junior Legion
Schedule Set
Special to The Bulletin
L MADRAS A schedule wtiich
pits the Junior American Legion
baseball team sponsored by John
Sloss Post No. 125 against Legion
teams from Bend, PrinevHie, and
Redmond, is announced by Vjc
Crawley, team manager.
The season will last lor six
weeks and Central Oregon play
ofts will be held in July.
Contests carded are: June 7,
Redmond, there; June 10, Prine
ville, here; June 17, Redmond,
here; June 21, Prineville, there;
June 24, Bend, there.
All games, with the exception of
die Bend tilt, will be played start
ing at 5:30 p.m. The Bend con
test will start at 8 p.m.
Easy Ring Win
Scored by Young
NEW YORK (UP) Saddle-nosed
Paddy Young, an ardent horse
player, declared today his fistic
future would be as bright as Fri
day night's easy triumph over light
heavyweight Billy McNeece indi
cated, "because I now have a
horse-trainer grooming me."
Young, scaling 1634 pounds to
McNeece's 167'a, won a lopsided
decision in their TV-radio 10-round-er
before 1,200 in Madison Squara
Young, 26, gave his 23-year-oid
opponent from Central Islip, N.Y.
a thorough beating after closing
red-haired Billy's right eye in tho
fourth round.
thief added insult to injury when
he telephoned Joseph Fazzone in
the wee hours to tell him his au
tomobile had been stolen. The cul
prit also took the two evergreen
trees that were on Fazzone's front
Phlleo Radio Phono TV
930 Wail Phone 271
No Money Down 14.76 Per Month
Includes Antenna and Installation.
83 Oregon S-188 Phone 173
10:00 Sunday TV Theatre
11 :00 Lamp Unto my Feet
11 :80 Let'a Taka a Trip
12:00 Now and Then
12 :30 Lona Ranger
1:00 American Week
1 :30 Adventure ,
2 :00--FUthtlnii Devil DorfO
2 :30 Armchair Theatre
4 :00 Lucy Show
4 :30 Ann Oakley
6:00 You Are There
6 :a0 Luaaia
8:00 Private Secretary
6:30 What'a My Line
7 :00 Tst of the Town
8:00 G.E. Theatre
8:30 SlAM Seven
9 :00 Appointment with
9:3(1 Boss Idy
10 :O0 Sunday Nrwa Srw.
10:1K John Kerian'a Kale id.
10:30 First Kun Theatre
8-20 Newn Hilitea
8 :2fi Mr. Weatherman
8:30 Arth. Goiifrey Time
9 :3o Welcome Traveler
I0:OO Snotliaht Revue
10 : l.i V aliant lauy
10 :30 Link letter"a Hiteparty
11:00 Bin Payoff
11:30 Bob Croaby Show
12 -.00 lh-iKhtr Day
12:111 Wove of Life
12 :30 On Your Account
1 :0O Carry Moore Show
1 :80 The Inner Flame
1 :4I Boad of Life
2 ;(M Robert Q- lwto
2:(VStrike it Rich
8:00 KOIN Kttchm
3;jlo search for Tomorro
5 ;45 Ouidir.K I.itfht
4 ;00 Armchair Theatre
4:S0 Mr. Moon
4;iftrartoon Time
B:0O Red DnnninK Shnw
5 :3( Doutt Edwards Newa
f ;4S. IVrry Crma 8hnw
a ;on Mr. Weatherman
8:0S SporUcene
8:10--Newa Parade
:! LinkMter A Kidt
6:30 Kin Tin Tin
7:00 -Hiirnn A Allt-n
7 -SO Science Fiction The.
8:001 l-ive Lucy
8 :80 Dmbr Bride
;00 Life of Riley
0:30 Studio 57
10 :(W Studio One
U :t ry Deck
tl-ftri- Showtime on flit
5 .30 Faith For TMay
4:00 --Star Maker Talent
4 30 - Boy Scout Show
6 00 -Meet the rrea
6 :30--Thi la the Lif
6 :0O Pwde Are Funny
f :Sft--Ifs Ommon Sonvt
7 :00- -Surprise Theatre
7 30 All 8tar Theatre
8:00 Break the Rank
9:90 Life with Elitabeth
5:00 Franki Line
9 .50 Sunday Showtime
4 :00 Pinky Lee
4 :AO Hnw.iy lip-wlr
8 rto Rte Ronn4up
8 .30Stiterman
OO- F.merald Raaebatl
:li Newsporu. Weath
er 80 Rie-Tn-Ttn
7 of Caeer H"ur
9 no Mut
I sohaf :i4
1:00 Grand Old Oar
Standings '
Paclfle Com lW
W h Pet. CB
San Diego 22 .64d -
Seattle :
San Francisco 30 30 .500 9
Portland -"
Oakland 29 31 .483 w
Los Anseles 28 3J . -a
Sacramento 2T 33 .430 1-
Hollywood 26 32 .448 12
Pridnv'a Reaulta
Seattle 7 San Francisco 2
Los Angeles 3 Sacramento 2
San Diego 4 Oakland 2
Hollywood at portiana, ppa, ci
Haw Series Stand
Oakland 4 San Diego 2
San Francisco 3 Seattle 2
Kn.-rnmcnto 4 Los Angeles 1
Portland 2 Hollywood 1
Saturday's Probable Pitchers
MniivwnnH fRed Muncer 5-3) at
D.,..ilH mill Werle 5-2).
Seattle (Bob Kelly 3-2) at San
Francisco (Jim Walsh 1-1).
Sacramento (Marino nereni
(5-5) at Los Angeles (Bubha
Church 0-1).
Oakland (Bill Black 3-3) at sail
Diego (John Carmichael 6-2).
SFOIIL. Korea (UP) Deputy
Assistant Secretary of the Air
Force Lewis Thompson arrived in
Korea Thursday night. He was ex
pected to meet with U.S. and Re
public of Korea military leaders on
the buildup of the South Korean
air force.
Th Pearsons
Redmond Hotel
TUESDAY 8:45 Guiding LiKht
8:20 Ntwa Hilitea
8 :25 Mr. Weatherman
8:80 Arthur Godfrey time
9 180 Welcome Travelera
10:00 Spotlight Revue
10:16 Valiant Lauy
10:30 Linkletter'a Hbeperty
11:00 Captain Harti ft V
11 ;0B Vlaitln' Time
11:30 Bob Croaby Show
12:00 Briahter Day
12:18 Love of Life
12 :80 On Your Account
1 :00 Garry Moore Show
1 :SO The Inner Flame
1:46 Road of Life
2:06 Robert Q. I-wU
2 :S0 Strike it Rich
8:00 KOIN Kitchen
;30 Strch for Tomorrow
S:4fi Guidirut Liaht
4 :00 Armchair Theatre
4 .no Mr. Moon
4 :46 Lonney Tun pa
5 :00 Rt-d Dunning Shnv
8:30 Doug riiwnnln News
5:46 John Ki-r.nn r. Kaleid
6 :00 Mr. Wentliei man
6 :05 Sportarcne
6 : 1 0 N we Parade
8:16 Amwt Itnttnura
6:30 S.-e It No
7 :(Mi Life with Father
7 :M - Hal In of Ivy
8:00 ('orlha Archpr
8:;t0 Rpd Skflbm Show
9:0o--rlt.0(K qiKtion
0:a- I wi i.irve livea
lfl:fti -Bin Twn
10:0 -4'ity IVk
10:36 Showtime on Sis
8:20-New Hilitwt
8 :2ft Mr. Weatherman
B:i Arthur tiodlrry Time
0::t0 Wi'kom Travelera
10 :iHt -p..tlihl Revue
10:16 Valiant Lady
10::m -Lfnkletter'a Hiepartr
11 :! Rut Payoff
11 :H0 Ihih frtwhy Show
12 :W--liritihler ly
12:18 I-ovh of Life
12 T.H0 -On Your Ai c.mnt
1 ;iiO--(iHrry Moon1 8 how
1 :oThe Inn Flame
1 4ft- Kad of t.iie
2 ;00Kibcrt Q I.e.wU
2 :K Strike It Rn-h
S:00KOIN Kitchm
X :3 iwarrh for Tomorrow
4:00 Armchair Tlieatjre
4:0 Mr. Moon
4:46 Cartoon Time
6 :00 Red Dunn inn Show
6 :80 Dous Edwards Newa
6:46 Perry Cumo Show
6:00 Baretta of Wimpole
7:00 Mr. Weatherman
7 :0S Sportacene
7:10 News Parade
7 :15 Musical Momenta
7:U0 Ozzie & Harriet
8:00 The Millionaire
8:50 I've Got a Soeret
9:00 -Arthur Godfrey A His
lft:00 Demaret Golf Show
10:16 The Little Show
!j:30 City Desk
10:36 Showtime on Six
8:20 News Hilitea
8:25 Mr. Weatherman
8 :30 Arthur tkxif rey
tt:30 Welmnw Travelers
10:00 Spotliuht Revue
lu Valiant
10 : 30 Link letter's Hearty
11 :0O Vi-itin Time
11:30 Boh Crosby Show
12 :00 Briehter Day
t :!.-, of Life
12:30 On Your Account
1 :0O- -Garry Moore Show
1:30 The Inner Flame
t:4S Rnad of Life
2:00 Ruber. Q. lewis
2:SO-Strik, U Rich
8 :00--K()IN Kitchen
.1:30 Search for Tomorrow
3:15 Guiding Likl.t
4 :CiO--Armchair Theatre
4:30 Mr. Moon
4:46 Barker Bill'a Cartoon
5:00 Ri Dunning Show
5 :30 Douff rewards News
R:4nV Jane Froman Show
6 :00 Mr. Weatherman
6:05 SpoTtarene
fi:10-News Parade
8:15 - This Wetk in Korts
6:30 Willy
7:0O-Ray Millnn.l Show
7 :-t0 Shower of fiiHs
8:30 Four Star Playhoiue
fl:0O Puhlln Iffender
ft :30 I Search for Advent.
10:00 Mr. Jayree Rnorti
10 City UeK
10 :36 Showtime nn Sis
8:20 Newa H'litea
8:2ft Mr. Weatherman
8 Garry Moorr Shnw
9:3ft Robert Montgomery
10:80 - Famous Plavh ie
4 on Pinky l.oe
4 .iO--H"wOy DivmIj
8 00- -Biir Ro.m.tup
6:305.30 Date
6 :0--For Your Inform a.
6:15 News. Sporta-Weath-er
6:3ft -Watch Mr. Wiiard
7 :Oo--K"iir Htsr P.ahM:
7 ao-Cirta.n Call
6:00 8toria u the Cen
tury 8 30--I'm the lw
9:On-Sur and the Story
9 o - THA
10 oo-It a A Great Life
lrt;IO Eutme Scene
10 . JA- -Famoua Ptayhnyn
4 on -r.tiVr It
4 3o Howdy Doodr
6:oo Bit Raunduft
8 SO GuMt Bo-k
6 .00 F'r Your lnforwe
:18 New SporU-Weat
6 ::t0- Industry on Parade
6:45 Ames Brothers
7 0 I t H 3 l.ivM
7:J0 Disnpyland
9 Life of Riley
9;0O-Sc(pnee Fiction Th-.
9:30-- Madwon .S'tuare fWir
den lo:00-Crcatest FiehU
10:16 Channel is Theatre
4:on p,r,ky 1m
4 I--Hwdy Doody
ft:Oft--Bir RntlMlup
5:30 Date
a no ijry on Parade
6: 15 Ntw . Sport-VS rath
er 6 3ft-Wrtrrn Marshal
; 0" You rVt Your Life I
7 -liL'Vrar
6-OO-Amria n' Aniy
8 :.'o f .ifd Theatre
1 w .W..rfr,
9 SO T- Men in Aiton
l0:O" City Detective
! :50 Famoua Playhouae
Conrad Reaches
Tourney Finals
ST. ANNE'S, England (UP)
Joe Conrad, a cocky, young lieu-
tenant in the United States Air
Force, promised to bring the Brit
ish Amateur golf championship
back to his native Texas as he
faced Alan Slater o( England today
in the 36-hole finals.
Conrad, a native of San Antonio
and now attached to the Gary Air
Force Base at San Mai cos, Tex.,
gained the title round by whipping
Phil Scrutton, a British Walker
Cup star, 5 and 4, after clinr.
ting England's Roger. Bayliss, j
and 3, in a morning round.
Some experts anticipated an All.
American final his ynnr. I-M that
possibility was smnr,liM Friday
when Billy Joe Pnlt n i( Morgan
Ion, N.C, and Do ' Displinghoff ul
Orlando, Fla.. 'vora eliminated in
the quarter-finals.
Ring Remodeling
Jewelry Repairs
Bear's Jewelry
Benson Blilg.
Five Course Special
Roast Prime Ribs
Baked Ham Roast Turkey
Strawberry Short Cake
Served with All Sunday Dinners
Spartan Radio-TV
856 Bond , Phone 88
Webcor and Capehart Radio Phono
TV Instullution and Service
621 Franklin Phone 801
9 :30Weleome Travelera
10:00 Spollinht Revue
in ilb Valiant Lady
10 :30 Linkletter'a Hsepauy
11:00 Bin Payoff
11:80 Bob Croeby Show
12:00 Brighter Day
12:16 Love of Life
12:30 On Your Account
1 :00 Garry Moore Show
1:30 The Inner Fiame
1:46 -Rad of Life
2:00 Robert q. Iswia
S:80 Strike It Rich
8:00 KOIN Kitchen
8:50- Search for Tomorrow
3:4i Guidinit Light
4 :00 Armchair Theatre
6 :0fl Red Dunn inn show
6 ;30 Doug rXwanla Ncwa
6 :15 Perry Co mo Show
6 :00 Mr. Weatherman
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6: 10 - News Parade
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9:80 Firt Tlieatre
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10:30 City Dek
Ifl:;t5-Showtimo on Sii
7 :4ft-Cartoon- Time
8:00- ('mil." t Carnival
8:.i0- RFl) H
f iiu I'm IVsitvnl Par.
li 2U The Mamlvman
1 ;0(l .lininty Wakrly
'i :uit- nn nmr 1 a're
4 ::tu -Sho'vtime For Motn
6:00 Ronfrrw of the
8 ;30 Heat 'he Clock
6:0OPrureHi( mil Father
8:30 Snliliera of Fortune
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9:30 - Damon Runyon
10:00 Chiimrton Wrtlinit
1 ;00- Showtime on Six
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4 30 Howdy Doody
4 :45 Birthday Party Time
6 ;00 fit Roundup
5:30 -For Your Informal.
5 46-Newa, SpU. Weather
6:00 -Cavalcade of Sports
7 o0 -Lucky Sport Time
7 :1ft- I-efs Go Fishin
7 :4ftSportsmen'a Club
8 :0ft Famoua Playhouse
9:3ft -The Pi Ptctu-e
10:00 Charlie Chan Theatre
4 :00 Fatatde Kid
6 OA star of the Wetrn
a nn - Sfceial FeaturHte
6.3" Your Information
7 00 (irxnd Old Opry
7 yn .SoldW Parade
9 oo Im'vene C r a
1 to - tn, it p'nthouse
9 on 0-rve Go bet
9 Hit Parade
0 00 Request Playh"Ue