1 ' . Rejuvenated Solons Climb From Coast League's Cellar By PKTEft HAVES I : nil ixl Prow SpurtH Wrlttsr The rejuvenated Sacramento So Ions humiliated the Los Angeles Angels in their 'own back yard for the fourth consecutive time lut niht to leap from last place t'j sixth in the Pacific Coast League. Nippy Jones hit a double and n ; single to drive in all of the Sacs' j runs in their 4-2 victory. It was the eighth win in 10 games for the Solons who led the league for the first 2 weeks of the season. Rookie John Briggs (5-5), lite enly PC'L pitcher to go the route list night, yielded eight hits, walked four and struck out eight in gaining the win. Angel starter George Piktuls (3-G) contributed to his downfall by Issuing seven bases on bulls. All four Sac runners who scored reached base on free passes. Pil: tuzis fanned 30 to extend bis league-leading total to 73. The de feat left Los Angeles a scant two percentage points ahead of last place Hollywood. Other GnnnB Elsewhere in the PCL, Oakland measured first place San Diego for the fourth time this week, 32, and San Francisco downed Seattle, 6-3, to gain a tie for second with fctie Rainierfi, Hollywood at Port land was rained out, with a double header scheduled tonight. Jn San Diego, Pndre Manager Bob Elliott got the heave-ho in the ninth inning for protesting a: railed third strike on Earl Rupp. Angry fans showered the field with cushions, delaying the game for several minutes. The Pads hud taken a 2-0 lead in . the second Inning on Ed Bail ey's sixth borne run of (be seuson after Itapp had walked. But th? Oaks broke thr nigh against Char ley Bishop (1-1) In the eighth as Spider Jorgensen singled home one run and George Metkovleh doubled across the tying and win ning runs. Karl Drews (5-4) was the win ner. loosing O round San Diego has lost six of it's last eight games but still held an ilght game lead over the tightly mnched PCL pack. Tony Ponce (4-7) won his first ;ame after six straight defeats in an Francisco as he came on in he fifth to relieve Don Fracohia who wrenched his shoulder diving or a pop foul. Bob DiPietro, Seal first base nan, rapped a single in his only official time at bat to mark the !5th consecutive game in which he has hit safely. In his other four trips he drew walks. The Seals collected 12 hits off Seattle's Howie Judson (1-2) and lehosie Heard. After losing a 2-0 lead, the Seals scored twice in the sixth to go out in front for $ood. Jim Moran and Ted Beard singled across the tying and go ahead runs. The MiHwores Oakland MO 000 030 3 8 0 San Diego 020 000 0002 5 3 Drews, Black (0), Ferrarese (9) and Neal; Kerrigan (8), Lyons (9) and Bailey. Seattle 000 210 000-3 9 1 San Francisco 200 002 20x-6 12 2 Judson, Heard (6) and Ginsberg; Fracchia, Ponce (5) and Rilchcy Sacramento 002 000 2004 7 0 Los Angeles 000 020 0002 8 0 Briggs (5-5) and Baich; Elston (7) and Pramesa. Hollywood at Portland, postponed. ruin. New Hoop Coach Set at Ontario ONTARIO, Ore. (UP) George Kcil, basketball coach at Ameri can Falls high school for the past three years, today was named head basketball coach at Ontario high school. Keil, who replaces Ken Moore,, Is a graduate of Idaho State Co!-1 lege and was captain of the 1950 Bengal basketball team. IVJP COME ,N AND SEE OUR No Money Down Up to 24Monfhs to Pay A Now Johnson Far as Little an $8.88 per month. 5'2 'Johnson World's first QUIET outboard now quieter than ever. ..and fitted for Ship-Muster Remote Control, look at these other big-motor features. Full Gear Shift Twist-Grip Speed Control Up-and-Off Motor Hood Mile-Master Fuel System 3 5i 10 25 h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. $151 $218 $324 $450 Complete Trailing Outfit $5.95 ftii ft. Glass Troll Hod 200 yd. Caimclty Troll M nO yd. llnitdi il Nylnn lino, nil for Ail Patterns, Famous Evans Flies 2 for 25c doz. '1.50 Steel Tackle Cox Complete CASTING OUTFIT Most trout trollers use casting outfits for trolling! Steel Rod Level Wind Reel $C 60 50 yds Line 3 Spin Tackle Box Single Tray Box Small 2-tray Large 2-tray Large 4-tray $1.50, $1.50 Evans Special Wobble Lure 35c BlnnVs, 2 for 2Sc FoltHhtsl, wh ?fto Nebco Torpedo $2.25 Spenninq Lures $3.65. Heri ft W hile or $5 95 'r,,llfv 'i,r,w ' i" 's " Glass Tackle Box $19.95 25c, 3Qc and 35c EVANS FLY CO. Toclilt Spotti Clothing V L Licmimi JohmM Motorl Boats tt?ti-l"' Oon Kloi ON IUS LINE 0,1 South KnhwaT. Phom IIS I OMN SUNDAYS The Bend Bulletin, Friday, June 3, 1955 Hunting .& Fishing J: . i ,v.!. .; I. : Ik !j GETS BIG ONE Darryl liams displays 20-inch trout. By VIlUilL KITP Paulina and East lakes will be the hot-spots this weekend. On I uesday Paulina was open and George MeCormack, East lake on-i etalor, said the ice tnore was hon eycombed a nd should Ibe com pletely gone by tbis weekend, fjiv ing fishermen a chance to go after the big ones. The fish in Paulina were hitting! anything offered to them; worms, eggs' p'.'Jgs, flies, wobblers .in st so it looked like a menli after the long hungry winter. The fish" in East lake should bo as hungry. Limits were being taken from Paulina in an hour and a half or less. I'Yank Rutledge, Bend, went up and was back' in town with a limit by 10 a.m. Thursday, Bait fishers have had the best luck at Crane Prairie. .Tim Vincent of Bend fly-fished at Cow Camp early this week. The water was very low, "hardly enough to cover a big fish," he said but he did have good luck. Crane Prairie should be good this weekend if the weafher holds. , Wickiup has been fair. Fisher men who know how to fish the water have hnd good luck there. Easlern brook trout are oiling on worms In Big Iava. The lake is murky and trolling is poor but siill-Iishing is good. The road is open to Gales Ijinding but the oth er two landings are unavailable. There is some open water near the shore in Utile Lava and bank fishermen htive h;id good lurk with worms. The mads are open to Big mid Little Cultus but that is as far as you can go. Davis lake has been fair to good fly fishing for rain bow. Rainbow and kokanee angling in Odell lake has been fair to good The fishing in Suttle lake has been spotty and Blue lake has been good. Ochoco reservoir has been fair to good for rainbow. Nor'h and South Twin lakes are still excellent. Worms nnd wobblers hnvo -been best in; the Little Deseliules and 'CpVscent 'ei-eek but fishing is onlv fair. The Deschutes from Little Lava to Deschutes bridge has been good on wet flies and from Wicki up to Bend bait and troll haw been best. The Deschutes below Bend and the Metolius have been good on eadilis nymph. Darryl Jiams asked his mother and father for a new spinning out fit recently. , "I can't catch fish on this old one of mi ne. " he told Mr. a nd Mrs. I. E. Iiams. 2421 E. 2nd street, his mother and father. They bought him the outfit, just in time to go fishing over the Memorial Day weekend. DiUTyl will be a fisherman Hie re of his life, now, for the first fisn he caught with the new rig wiif a 2'i pound brown that meas ured 20 inches. The Roid school oupil picked the trout up with worm bah. The week .before he hnd caught three smaller trout using his moth er's tackle. Now he's got his own and is sure he's on the way to big ger and better fWh. 4 Bend Women In Tournament Four Bend women were anion; those competing in tile Oregon Women's Golf Association tour of three Eastern Oregon courses Uf- diiy. The Bend loam, competing against other OWGA teams, play ed in Ui Grande Wednesday for the first matches of the competi tion. They were scheduled to com oete in Pendleton Thursday and will finish the series of matches in The Dalles today. Memlvrs of the Bend team are: Mrs. J. S. Grahlman. Mrs. E. C. Sullivan, Mrs. Doug Norton and Mrs. Mert Wauge. Women Capture Golfing Honors !Mrs. George Thompson was tbn winner ot A group tn a match piny against bogey trmrnameit held Widnesdny afternoon at the Rend G"lf Chili. Mrs. Tltompson scored egbt over par to win the match ten up Mm. (mer Summers scored V' over par to wm the B group runtch five up. The Stiret of the Cat Who Fishes nnd the Street of the Sail ed Fafhei hit streets m Farts, Vrjim't BODY WOOD rUOMPT UEI.IVEKY Phone 767 Brookings Wood Yard Birdcage Walk and Eel Pie line are names of streets in Lon don, England. Snider Batters Par on Ebbets Field 'Course' By MILTON KK'HMAX United Preffi 8portn Writer Duke Snider figures he "loused up" his baseball swing by playing golf two weeks ago, but if he keeps teeing off on enemy pitch ers, he'll put the Dodgers within a nine iron shot of the pennant in no time. For the second straight day, 'Sni der battered par on the Ebbets Field course Tuesday with his ltill' homer and a pair of singles in a 13-2 rout of the. Braves that moved Brooklyn 7' games ahead of the straggling National League field.. Thursday's performance by the Duke, coupled with the three honv ers he clouted against Milwaukee Wednesday, is pretty fair hitting, especially for a guy who insists, 'T haven't really felt right at the plate since I went out and played 18 holes of golf while we were out Going Like Sixty west last month." refers to, but he's been going like 60 for the Dodgers, boosting his oatting average from .2 to within the space of a week. H.s two-run homer off Bob Buhl helpcc Snider nao an W on tne day he the Dodgers to a 3-0 lead in the third inning and then he singled twice in the eighth as the Dodgers poured across 10 runs. Billy Loes was nicked for homers by pinch hitter Ed Mathews and Johnny Lo gan but he had easy sailing for his sixth wm. The Phillies defeated the second place Cubs, 8-4, with the help of Andy Semmick s grand-slam horn er in a five-run first inning. Soutli- paw Curt Simmons, who yielded Ernie Banks' 13th homer, was the winning pitcher although he had to be rescued by Bob Miller in the seventh. Warren Hacker was the loser. Johnny Anionelli of the Giants got back in the winning column with a 6-3 decision over the Red legs. The Giants pooled five of their nine hits for three runs in the third inning, a frame in whiuii Willie Mays doubled home one run and Sid Gordon double in two I more. Mays also connected for his Mth homer ih the seventh while Don Mueller hit his swSbnd homer. Ted Kluszewski cotlecled three of Cincinnati's six hits, including his 15th four-bagger. Big Dale Iong drdve in five runs with a homer and two singled toj lead the Pirates to H 12-3 victory i over the Cardinals. In all, Pitts-j burgh blasted five St. Louis pitalf- ers for 17 hits, including a homer.' by Frank Thomas. Max Surkont: was the winner while Harvey Had-' dix. tiie ace of the Cardinal moUnd . staff last year, suffered his eighth1 loss. Rookie Herb Score of Cleveland i fnnncd 10 baiters in beating Balii-j more, 9-3, but the Indians re-! mained three games behind the American League leading Yankees who rolled to their 19th victory ; in 22 games with a 12-6 decision! over Kansas City. i Score's 10 strikeouts, all of which were registered in the first four: innings, gave him a total of 92 j seven more than Bob Turley of the Yankees. The Indians gave Score all the runs he needed in ! the second when they scored six, times with the aid of Dave Pope's. grand-slam homer. I Gil McDougald, Elston I Inward and Hank Bauer took advnnta! of Kansas City's "short porch" in left field, each smashing a homer to help Bob Grim register lite fourth conquest. The Yankees sewed up the contest with a si- nm barrage in the seventh. Jim Finigan homered for the Athletes. Mel Parnell of the Red Sox was 'Beat Ed Furgol' Cry for Golf Day Central Oregonians have been invited to participate in National Golf day, to be observed through out America on Saturday, June 4, with proceeds to go to the Amer ican Red Cross. Bend golfers have announced their -intention to Hake part in the annual tplay, Einar Allen, pro at the local club, has announced. This year, men will compote, against Ed Furgol and women with Babe Zaharias, who will be in ac tion on Sunday with Allen Geiber ger, international Jaycee cham pion, -and Gene Andrews, reigning public links champion in this country. Medals will ibe awarded only to the golfers beating Furgol and Babe Zaharias. Women will re ceive a replica of the men's medal in the form of a ibracelet charm. Scores of all entrants will be computed less handicap. Entry fee will be SI lor men and women and 25 cents for caddies. Contes tants may play any number of rounds against the champions up on payment of an additional SI for each round played. (Persons unafble to compete on National Golf day may use their scores from Memorial day week end play or any day of the week preceding the event. National Golf day is co-sponsored by the Professional Golfers as sociation and Life Magazine, in co operation with the United States Golf association. beaten, 4-2, by .the White Sox in his first appearance of the season. Sidelined with an injured knee since spring training, Parnell gave up two runs in the second Inning ad another in the third before leaving after pitching the sixth. George Kell homered off reliever Tom Hurd. Virgil Trucks regis tered his fifth victory. Detroit rallied for three runs in Ihe sixth inning with the help of a two run homer by Jackie Phil lips to beat Washington. Steve Gromek was the winner although he had to leave the game because of a back injury in the eighth. Pete Runnels homered for the Senators. Standings American League W. I Pet. OB. New York 33 13 .717 Cleveland 29 15 .659 3 Chicago 27 16 .628 i'.S, Detroit 24 20 .545 8 Boston 19 28 .404 1414 Washington 17 26 .395 14'a Kansas City 16 28 .364 16 Baltimore 14 33 .298 13'i Thumday'8 Results Chicago 4 Boston 2 Detroit 4 Washington 3 Cleveland 9 Baltimore 3 New York 12 Kansas City 6 (night) Saturday's Games Washington at Cleveland Baltimore at Detroit New York at Chicago Boston at Kansas City National league W. I.. Pet. on Brooklyn 34 11 .756 . .. Chicago 27 19 .587 V.k New York 25 22 .532 10 Milwaukee 21 2-1 .467 13 St. Louis 19 23 .452 1314 Philadelphia 20 25 .444 14 Cincinnati 19 24 .442 14 - Pittsburgh .-. 14 31 .311 20 Wednesday's Results Pittsburgh 12 St. Louis 3 Brooklyn 13 Milwaukee 2 New York 6 Cincinnati 3 Philadelphia 8 Chicago 4, night Friday's Probable Pltehers Saturday's Games St. Louis at Brooklyn Chicago at New York Milwaukee at Philadelphia Cincinnati at Pittsburgh Pacific Coast League San Diego San Francisco Seattle Oakland Portland Sacramento Los Angeles Hollywood Thursday's Results San Francisco 6 Seattle 3 Sacramento 4 Los Angeles 2 Oakland 3 San Diego 2 Hollywood at Portland, ppd., r How Series Stand Oakland 4 San Diego 1 Sun Francisco 3 Seattle 1 Sacramento 4 Los Angeles 0 Portland 2 Hollywood 1 W L Pet. Glf 39 22 .639 - 30 29 .508 3 ? 30 .508 8 29 30 .492 9 27 28 .491 9 27 32 .458 It 27 33 .450 ll'a 26 32 .448 ll'.a A flea is a small, wingless in sect, about 500 species of which are known. Portland Jockey Gets Suspension PORTLAND (UP) The Board of Stewards have suspended Roy Leigh of Portland from racing mounts at Portland Meadows pending review by the State Rac ing Commission. Leigh, who appeared before tho board yesterday, owns the horse "Picnicker" which allegedly was stimulated before its victory In the fourth Memorial Day race. Leigh testified he. had left the mount unguarded m the stable area shortly 'before the race. Stew ards suspended both Leigh nnd his trainer, Ed Crosson, for "fniltira lo exercise sufficient care" In guarding the horse. Racing commissionc-ii will hear the matter June 11- The horse's winnings have been impounded. Cecil Edwards, racing commis sion steward who originally an nounced discovery of a stimulant in the horse, said Mrs. Leigh joint owner of the horse, was not in volved in any of the stewards' rulings on the case. So smooth it leaves you breathless 8 mirnaff ik qrvaiest vawe '"VODKA During The Month Of June We Willi Give Ycu IF YOU MEED humpin' paintin' or polish. n' COME IN TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE EXPERT SERVICE WARD MOTOR CO. PONTIAC . GMC Bond & Oregon Phone 1595 V IN EXCHANGE FOR RETREADABLE TiRES Hunt tbrouirb ibe ffHrajfe and basement Cheek with Dad and Ihe neighbors Find those old automobile tires! We need them BAD! Treads can be worn Hmooth, but tires must be retread able. Bring 'em In Get your brand new baseball equipment riRht now. I s ,, PRIZE 1 U-Louisville Sat $35 I 1 IvRcwBngsJ I I Reders 1 I -r"ll-lRay Smalley) s8.S5 ' I I J Rowlings Fi Shoop Et Schuize Tire Service REDMOND S. Hwy. 97 1391 Wall ON Al.t, KKTAIL SAI.K" "Your TuhelcM Tire .Him-tallst" rBLNEVILI.E East Ochoco Hwy. BEND