. -4a The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, June 2, 1955' W2 At LaPine Home 1 PS !. .V St t !' 'of it 2 -a PICKLES ADD VARIETY TO MENUS ALL YEAR ROUND Wondering what to serve for Spring mcalx? Try Ground Horn and I'irkle Steak, a main lili that's sure to he a hit with grownuns and children alike. A garnish of pii kle fans and pineapple rings give this reciiie eye appeal aa well as templing flavor. Green brain, cooked widi a dash of garlic salt, and buttery fan tan rolls add the (minding touches to a nienuthat will irove to he a year round favorite in your home. It isn't necessary to have a dozen assorted items in the pantry to garnish food attractively. One or two varieties ol piikjes and eomc imagination can do the trick. Their ver satility makes them adaptable to many uses, and so economical of money and time. You'll find the tang and texture of pickles teams up with many foods to flatter flavors and add the spe cial zestincss that makes a meal successful. Ground Ham and Pickle Steak (Makes 4 servings) 2 )2unre cant rhopicl bam, 1 No. 2 ran sliird piniij!c, ground ilruiiH'il M cup clioppril onion '5 ii-uiotu prrpurtil u.iiMurd I 1 j cups Ml bn-aJ rriiiulM lYpjwr tit lantu i c"P clioppwl dill pirkln 4 Hliole small dill pickles , 1 epl, slightly bcatrn - Combine ham, onions, crumlH, chopped pickles and egg Keserve 4 slices pineapple for top garnish. Chop rcinaiuinj pineapple and add to incut mixture. Add rctnuiiiing ingrcdi ents, except whole pickles, and mix well, Shape into largi steak about 1-inch thick. Until about 5 inches from source o heat 10 minutes, or until browned. Top wilh reserved pine apple and garnish with dill pickle fan-. Continue broiliii 3 minutes, or until pineapple is browned. To make dIH pickle fans, slice small dill uitktcs leuctumae. withou rutting all the way through; spreud slir-ca. ; Yellow Cake Recipe Given By (.AVNOK .,llOX - NEA Food nd Marlcrta KHlor r Muybc Dad in sLruKKHn? to keep his waistline down. t Here's a won T derful yellow cake made without any shorlening. Cola, used as li-'-quid, helps to give volume, lijcht- ness ol texture and delicate tla- - vor. FuthiT'ft l)ny Cake ,. Five eggs, 'A teaspoon salt. U -teaspoon creum of tartar, 1 13 cups sugar, I tablespoon lemon - Juice, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 2-3 cup bottled cola, lvi cups silled oak" 'Hour, X teaspoon baking powder - Turn on oven at 325 degrees F. - beparale whites and yolks of tug into your two largest mixing -bowls. Aild .salt to whites, beat "at high speed until foamy. Add criu-m of tartar, continue (beating at high speed for about 3 minutes "of until stiff. 1 At low .speed, gradually heal . In HUgar until blended. Set bowl aside. Don't wash beater. I To the egg yolks, add lemon -jqico, vanilla and half the cola. "Beat at high speed for 2 minutes, I add remaining cola and beat 2 minutes longer. Sift tngi'ther the sifted cake flour and baking pow der three times. Fold in hghlly by hand, alternating with 'beaten Ze-$ yolks, into beaten ei;g whites. A wire whisk is best for this. "Fold m air as you work. loi.r baiter into unyreased 10- men tube pan. Bake at 32fi de agrees F. for M minutes. Cake is -done when ttp is firm at hhi toueh of finger. Itemnve fioin .oven and turn pan upside down at once. Leave until eake is com "plelely eoltl, about l'i hours. Uiose n sides with spalula and slide cake out. Frost top with ,(la-Chocolate Icing, lot linn it drip invitingly down the sides. " ; ( oln (itorliite leiiiff: Makes enough for top of 10-inch caiu. "Tliive laltlesoons cornstarch. 'i cup twilled cola. cup sugar. cola In saucepan. Cook, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Boil gently for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. .Stir in dissolved cornstarch and continue to cook and stir until thickened, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add vanilla and beat smooth. TOMOICKOWS IIINM It: Tiy Shrimp cocktail, broiled sirloin steak, French frid potatoes. corn on eob, club rolls, butler lettuce and tomato salad. Thou sand Island dressing, Father') Day Cola cake, coffee, lea, milk Very Handy For Outdoor Eating Days Very handy h have on hand f' the outdoor eating days ahead is this Palio Relish Sauce, and hero's why. Wherever a flavorful sauce with tomato overtones is indicated, iliis zippy blend of onion, garlic. catsup. Sherry, lemon .to ice, ti - ter and Worcestershire will pNase. It stmuld In- seized hot over ham burgers, frankfurters, frinl chick en, fish, to name a few nf the foods it will accompany with last Special to The Kullt lin LAI'INK Memlwrs of the Little Deschutes CJrange 939 held a vis itation meeting et the home of Mrs. Charles Ferns last Thursday noon. There were eight ladies from the Redmond grange. A total of 17 attended. Mrs. Berthu ShuKs, home eco nomics chairman of the grange, was in charge of the turkey din ner. Mrs. Kate Ferns and Mrs. Inez Skidgel had charge of the en tertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milten berger attended the dinner in Red mond last Thursday evening for Postmaster Art Tifft who is retir ing July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Townsend and son Richard visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sknh;el and Mr. and Mrs. Uss Cagle and family. Guests of J. K. Mcrtz of Pau lina lake were Ins sisters Miss Julia Mertz and Mrs. Leo Mar shall of Sha kopec, Minn. They were en route home from San Carlos, Calif. Recent guests this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ishmael were 'Jim and Frank Werne of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Wellwrn Parker ind family attended the wedding of Shiriey Steams to Keith Brown ing Sunday at the Baptist church in PrineviHe. Mr. and Mrs. Carev Stearns also attended the wedding. The 'bride is the niece of Stearns. Mr. and Mrs. William Lowry and children arrived at he Stearns ranch at Paulina Prairie for a tew days. Miss Donna Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mis. D. W. Carter, lett Saturday evening to return to Los Angeles, Calif., where she works. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Askviken for the holi day were Mrs. Askviken's brother. Don Sawyer. M'ss Jo Hull of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. John Roy of Oregon City. Mrs. Askviken and Don Sawyer received word late Sunday after noon of the death of their brother-in-law. William D. Stewart of Ful lord Harlwmr. Salt Spring Island. British Columbia. Sawyer left for Canada today. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Horning and son David were called to Del-nke on the death of Homing's mother.- Ray Garrison was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker and son over the Memorial Day holiday. June Begins Like March Ity I'MTKI) I'lti:sS June began like March Wednes day as snow, hail, thunderstorms ind gusty winds hit parts of the nation. The mercury dipped fo the 10s in the western third of the coun try The nation's low today was chilling 13 al Kly. Nev., where nearly an inch and a half ol snow fell in n 21-hour period. Central and Northern Plains stales were pelted last nitwit by widely scattered hail siorm. Thunderstorms drenched a few areas while gusty winds kicked up dust in the Southwest. I Heavy rain hit New Fnglaed, i u i tli Burlington, VI., reeonlin.; I is a good "keeper," when place 1 ' more than an inch in six bonis. overed jar and stored in l he refrigerator. I'atlo Itetish Siim-e 1 mithum-sir'erl onion, gm1d 1 clove garlic, grated or put through garlic press ti tallesxons butter or marga riue ;,i cup catsu ' j cup California Sherry Wine 3 lalilesp.i ns lemon juice I teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Sail to tasle Saule onum and garlic gently in .Scattered tain muainvlnle fol- lowed snow in Nevada. The snuw had piled up to two inches deep on the ground at K no, Nev. At lluc Canyon. Calif., three incho-i of snow was measured on the ground yesterday. The cold air swept down from Canada and moved over the cen tral plateau and Central Roc;.y Mountain region. It dropped tem peratures "JO to IK) degrees nvei Nevada and puts of Utah, Wyo ming, and Idaho. The cold front moved eastwaid 'J', squares (2 ounces) unsweeten- hm ter tint il golden and lender. Add during the nfghl and was to efl ctiocolatr, k teaspoon salt, a remaining iii.'tvdienK; mix weU N,in-.,.ka by tonight, nushmg "teaspoon vanilla. land heal lo suumei in-.;. Serve 1 ,,r ,,v.r Western Minnesota and -Blend cornstarch with cup mg lit as a s nice for hamburgers. ! j,.m stunvers and thundcishow the cola; set aside. Put sugar, , tr.mklurters. fried chicken, tried. (,rs .lll,,.t f jt -ciUH'iH.iie, sail and ivmauung prawns or an planu-ioked nn 1 BEND MEAT CO. The Working Man's Meat Market Loin 3 J lb. Average Pork Roasts ib49c :Plate Boiling Beef lb 1SC .Home Rendered tqrd Ib15 Home Cured Jowl Bacon ib2.5( BUD HUSTON, Owner 4 Free Deliveries 933 Wall St. Tie south was having more June-like ue.ilher with the mei -eurv hitting !l yesterday at Mi ami, Kla., and hi, at Presidio, Te. ( lenerall v clear skies were forn al for Ind iv. 10,000 Anglers Visit River Area S'-nu Hl.iHK) pcple. mostly f'.sh ei'men in the uvper Deschutes coii!itr, e?-. on the llend dUnet of the PoselnUcs National Foivst nun' the uiN'keod, R.inger K, J. Parker estimated toda . , Heavies! concenlrati'Mi of xirA tors was in the Wickuip, Crane I'laine and Smiih Twin l ikes area. 'Hie heay cin'eniralion of an g'eiN in tin' n;';v r I ti"chu(cs iv g:on was ittr;! ule.J to tnc (act that the Now! tern crater count r was s,iMrt.t'laulo-ted. with the lakes VU ti lMen. Cutis p-mder is a hieed of pi different spice The include tur meric gi'!.;er. hi ti k pet'per. rsv enne pepper, p.twd.-l ei Hove I. tvid'"-el c.travvav vc-is. p.iwi.!' ed c nd,im-M s. e,i,s ,tnd powdt r e C"l latld'T .seeds Ta Muni cent ! ..N.-d til" firsl 'ts-i-s on Ahi1 J. Medo-Land Bend Dairy Butter iu CQ( f Tillamook ., rv I MARGARINE M do. 55 hB??! W ,umatO JUICE $ ISJ" 5for JLI Bend Dairy 3 qts. I ICE CREAM Ml I FlliV "oz. 5Cc All Your Favorite Flavors Available Jl I Medo-Land, Pint Cottage Cheese 25 AA Large ggs Locally Produced Guaranteed Fresh Bend Dairy, Helphrey, Medo-Land Homogenized ilk qal id 5' ai aaaV Domedary, White, Yellow, and Chocolate ake 19 oz. Pkg. Sunshine KRISPY CRACKERS AQt 2 lb. box " .-.sh Coarh.-lln Vlli-y Sweet corn . . Mc- For Sliclnif Cucumbers . . Contaloupe . Strawberries Hix- ('iilifornitt T4noc . . . W1.H.- U"- N. C U 27 C toes ........ 2 cups 49c ' Sunshine Cup Custard COOKIES OCc 1t oz. bag Sunshine Candy ORANGE SLICES OQc 141 oz. bag Pennant Ice Cream 7 oz. TOPPINGS 2 27c Assorted Flavors for Finer PAPER NAPKINS 1 flc Pkg. of 150 1 w Finer WAXED PAPER 1 Qc 125 ft. roll B Finer CUPS Pkg. 1 Ac Hot or Cold 1 u 1 Oscar Mayer, 10 oz tin Weiners 45c Blue Bell, Foil Bag Potato Chips 49 French's 5 oz bottle Barbecue Sauce 21 c French's 6 oz bottle Mustard 10c Hot Glo 10 lb. bag Briquets 1 30 Hot Glo, 20 lb. bag Briquets '20 White King Soap or Detergent Lge. Size 29' White King LIQUID SOAP vr 39" White King Cleanser 3 cens Kwality Kash Market Phone 303 , Where Your Money Really Buys More! Grain Fed Steer Beef DEEF POT ROASTS lb 45' Lean, Mild Cure SLICED BACON lb 45' Our Own Home Cure BEEF BACON 55' Nicely Seasoned, Veal, Pork and Beef MOCK CHICKEN LEGS 3 foy 25( Cooked, Boneless, Ready to eat PICNICS-- each 2,59 From Steer Beef BEEF SHORT RIBS We Specialize in Cutting and Wrapping your 4-H Locker Meat to your personal specifications. Also Curing and Smoking your Hams and Bacon. Phone 2 tialf cent ivp;vr t..1. . i- ".n the :v,