y Snider Gets Three Homers, Double in 11-8 Dodqe'r Win By FKKD IMlW l'nltd Prciw Sportx Writer Duke Snider' s thunderous bat was wiping out the memory 61 Ins di.sappointniK 19M finish today white his iirooklyn Dodger team mates were well on their wuy to wiping out the ail. time club rec ord ol 'III homers in one season. Snider, who lost the National Leugue batting title to Willie Mays on tne linal day of last season, drove in six runs with luree hom ers and a double Wednesday night as tne Dodgers wulloped tne iwil wuukeu Braves, 11-8, with a six homer outburst. he 2i)-year-oid slugger thus took over the major league lead with 15 home runs and 4 runs batted in, in addition to raising his sea son's average to .319. The six home runs gave the Dodgers a total of 67 In 44 games a pace that would give tiiem u season's total of 243 The 1947 New York Giants set the all-time record of 221. CurloiiH Surprise The wild slugfest was a curious surprise for the 18,380 fans who expected a third pitching duel be tween Milwaukee's Gene Conlcy' and Brooklyn's Carl Krskine. Con ley and Krskine had engaged in two 12-inning duels previously this Padres Resume Winning Ways Ity I'KTKR IIAVKS United I'refs Sports Writer . The San Diego Padres rcsunvd their wlnninK ways in the Pacific Coast League last night hut it took 11 innings and a crucial Oakland error to do It. Beaten ill tour of their last fivi. games after winning 25 out of 26, the leugue-leadinR Padres edged out the Oaks, 1-0, wilii an un earned run In the lllh inning cet up by shortstop Russ Hose's error. Wilh no one out and men on first nnd second, Karl Rnpp grounded to third luiscmun Billy Consolo wlio threw to Hose at sec ond. Rose took the tnrow hut failed to touch second and the bases were loaded. On the next play, Rose took Kd- dlc Kazak'n grounder and nailed Builily Peterson at the plate for one out. But the next man, Julio Hccqner, filed to right und Milt Smith easily scored with the win ning run. Klsewhoro In the loop, Seattle stormed back in the ninth inning to down San Francisco, 5-3, and rccilaim second place; Portland climbed into fourth with an 8-1 win over Hollywood, and Sacra mento came back to beat the iyig ginj; Los Angeles Angels, 4-2. In San Francisco, Bill Glynn cracked a two-run single in tlw niiith Inning to lead the Rninicrs to -victory. Glynn earlier had scored two runs nftcr hilling sin gles. Elmer Singleton (7-5) pitched noJiit ball for 5 1-3 innings hut San Francisco pitcher Ewell Blackwcll broke the Ice with a single in the sixth and scored on Sal Taormlim's homer. Blackwcll (Ml took the loss. Htrcuk Continues One of the six hits Sun Francis co- collected off Singleton was a triblc by Bob Dll'letro to run his consecutive gnme hitting streak to L'l. Joe Taylor's Ihree-nin homer in the third Inning off ('holly Nuranjo (3-l in Porllnnd sparked a five run util ising lhal led to the Hevos' win. All five runs were unearned however, due to Star shortstop Dick Smith's two crros. Taylor also diwe In a run wilh a sacrifice fly and lielted a triple to help Bob Alexander gain hi second win after one defeat, ficorgo Prescotl drove In three ol Hollywood's runs wilh three sin glc. Si over Stacks 100 PAIR ARRIVED TODAY SNUGTEX WAIST BANDS All Wool (no mixtures) Blue Hard Finish Grey Long Wearing Brown Tan THEY SELL REGULARLY AT $17.95 SPECIAL NOW $10.95 No Charge For Cuffing To Stover-LeBlanc Our Best Ads Aren't Written . . . They're Worn! season in which a total of five runs were scored. When the smoke cleared there had been a total of 2o hits, Including five doubles, two triples and the six homers for 52 total bases. Jackie Robinson, who hit one of the homers off Conley, revealed it was none other than pitcher Don Newcombe who set the stage for the slugging bee. "Don watched Conley warm up before the game and noticed he wasn't masking his curve ball, Kobinson explained. "He was right. And, as a result, we knew every pitch he was throwing." Erskine received credit for his seventh victory of the season but was routed when the Braves scored five runs In the seventh inning and needed Jim Hughes' shutout relief pitching to preserve the verdict. On top of everything else, the Dodgers picked up a full gome on both the second-place Chicago Cubs and third-place New York Ulants, . Roberts Hurls Wx-Hltter Robin Roberts flipped a six-hit ter for his eighth victory In pac ing the Philadelphia Phillies to a 3-1 decision over the Cubs while Joe Nuxhall's five-hitter and Ted Kluszewskl's 14th homer helped the Cincinnati Redlegs down the Giants, 5-2. Rookie Luis Arroyo won lus sixth straight game as Die St. Louis Cardinals beat the Pitts burgh Pirates, 6-2, in the other Na tional League game. In the American League, the New York Yankees swept the Kan sas Cily Athletics, 3-1 and 6-1 to increase their first-place lead to three games over the Cleveland Indiuns, who downed the Balti- more Orioles, 5-0. The Chicago White Sox edged out the Boston Red Sox, 4-3, and the Detroit Ti gers muted the Washington Sena tors, 9-0, in other games. Rookie Johnny Kucks won his fourlb game and veteran Whitey Ford his seventh as the Yankees made it 18 wins in 21 games. First bascmun Bill Sltowron tied the opener with u pinch-hit homer in the eighth inning and drove in three runs with two singles and a double in the second game to raise lus season s batting average to .475. Andy Carey also homered for New York. Wynn Shuts Out Oriole F.arly Wynn pitched a four-hit ter for his second shutout and sixth triumph us the Indians scored their sixth victory in seven games. Al Smith started a three- run, first-inning rally with a single and homered wilh Wynn aboard in the second frame. Lrv Pulica dropped his sixth decision for Baltimore. Cliico Carrasiiuel's eighth-inning single eiiased home the winning run for the While Sox after Sher man Lollar's three-run homer tied the score in the seventh while Billy Hoeft pitched a two-hitter for his second straight shutout nnd third of the season for the Tigers. Redmond Golf Team Triumphs Kperini to The. Itnlletln REDMONLV-lIonors in the nine man team matches between Onk Knoll golfers from Ashland arH p'.ayers from Juniper Coif club were won -by the Redmond men, 17 1o 10 on Sunday. All mnfehes were played with handicaps. Luncheon was served at the club, house after play. Results, with local names listed first, follow: Sam Johnson 2 points to Uiarles Nillivan 1 point, HaroM Hansen 2 vs. Ken Lush 1, Rav Rogers 1 vs. Bill Tallis 2. Don lhinan 0 vs. Adam Ro(t 3, Earl Booth 3 vs. 1). U Uibbros 0, El ton Moonoy 0 vs. Homer Sullivan 3, Bud Miller 3, vs. A. Christian sen 0, Al Mansfield 3 vs. loe pon nelly 0. Iahi Smith 3 vs. Cliff Ad dison 0. LeW. anc You Must See These Realize This Terrific Value 2? BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin, SPORTSMAN'S DIGEST GREASED LINE FLY FISHING IN A LAKE Mu can pish from shore. BUT IT'S BETTER TO CAST TO WARD SHOHB PROM A BOAT, AN CHORKO BBVOND SHORBLINB'S ZOUe. THIS IS LIKE STILL-FISHING: CAST A NYMPH BETWeeN DIMPLED RISKS ALONS SHORE WHERE BMS,TROUT,rrc,CRUISe NEAR EVENING. THEN WAIT FOR A FISH TO FIND IT. WATCH LINB FOR A SISNAL. STRIKE SOFTLY.' Grease line and all but k of leader so it floats, tub 12" end of leader and wymph must be 6reaseless TO SINK. Pafton Leading At St. Anne's ST. ANNE'S, England (UP) Hard - hitting Billy Joe Pat ton. frankly wondering just how much longer he could dare the lightning to .strike him, led 11 American vors inlo the fourtound ofthe su survivors into the fourth round of the . British Amateur golf cham pionship today. Patton, the year-old Morgan- ton, N.C., star who is rated the top U.S. hopeful for Ihe title, has been forced to come from' behind in alt three of his victories so far. lie admited he thought he wis a goner" twice Wednesday, but both times he stnged spectacular rallies and delighted large galler ies as ho scored one-up victories ovr h.dwarn Bromley-Davenport of Scotland and Cpl. Ken Venturi, lormer U.S. Walker Cup player from San Francisco. Both fourth nnd fifth round matches were scheduled today, which would cut the 32 survivors to just eight for Friday's quarter-1 finals. Patton, the .13 year-old Morgan- fourth round against Jackie Jones of England. I Senators Swamp Leaders 17 to 2 By UNITED PRESS The sigh-scoring ball games and r gang fight were featured in Northwest League baseball play Inst night. The Salem Senators swamped league-leading Wena tehee, 17-2. and Yakima catne out on tot), 18-13, in a slugfest with Lewiston. The League's third game was a conservative 5-4 Tri City win over Eugene. The rhubarb erupted in the eighth inning of ttie SHlemWenat chee game when Chuck Lnndgren of the Chiefs decided he'd been blushed tot) close by a pitched ball. He charged toward Bill Whit son on the mound for Salem, but was knocked down on the way by Salem shortstop Geno Tanselli. Before umpires got the melee broken up. players had rushed into the brawl from the field an I the dugmtts. I The Senators' baseball rout of iWenatchee was highlighted by an eigiit-nm fifth inning. Four of those runs cama on Tommy Agos- I In the lwmton-Yaktma game, Broncos Jim Barrett. Raul Dieppa and Cabby Williams hit homers, hut their efforts Just weren't enough in the face of consistent Yakima hitting like Dick Hogan'J homer, triple nnd single which drove in six runs. ANOTHER ENTRY IMRTLiANP tUPl-The name of Bob liiiry. Washington Slate's IXC 100 and 200-yard dash champ. vis tddiM today to the list ol entries I (or Mn Oregon AAU track vnd field meet here S.iturdny. SHiNft CONTRACT (TtRVAI.LIS (IT Ron Aseh fticher. all -ovist tackle at Oregon State last full, yesterday signed a contract to play professional tool Kill with the San Francisco Wers ORATHLETES 66f Ve T-4-I. for 8 in ft day. WnU ti the old tnlntrd Mn 1ouiih off leaving- healthy, hnrtly klit. If not ideated with IMmevful, httnnUlryliiir T-H Thursday, June 2, 1955 Elks Batter Eagles, 23-6 The Flks walked all over th' Eagles by a score of 23-5 In win their Little League game v'ayd Wednesday night at Jumper jiark. Elks batters got a total of 13 hits, but they added 11 walks and took advantage of seven Eagle errors to run up their impressive total. Lee Wick pitched six-hit ball an-i allowed only six walks to hold down the Eagle score. His team mates committed four errors. Second baseman Mickey Foley. Wick and catcher Andy Oeveland led Elks batters. Foley got two for three. Wick three for five and Cleveland two for five, including a homer. Eagles second baseman Brfcby Rollins got two for four to lead the losers. Bob Rosengarth was the losing pitcher. Willie Pep Wins 4th Round TKO Over Joey Cam BOSTON (UP) Willie Pep said today that young Joey Cam is a "fighter with a lot of guts who knows a lot of tricks of the trade." but t h e former featherweight champ apparently knows a few more. Pep won a fourth round TKO victory over the 24-year-old Bos ton fighter Wednesday night when an apparent butt, which Pep ac knowledged, opened a deep gasn over Cam's left eye early in the third round. The scheduled ID-round national ly televised bout from Boston Arena was stopped after the third by Referee Eddie Curley because Cam was bleeding so badly from the cut. After Curley stopped the bout. the 3.1-year-old former champ from Hartford, Conn., came to tiie edge of the ring and explained to news men that the head-knocking was "purely accidental." It was Cam's sixth loss in 38 professional fights. Both weighed in at 129 pounds. Michigan has 500 inlands, most of them in Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron, Michigan and Superior. f's rfie new kind of hardtop- The 4-Docr Riviara T PHPRB seemn to be some contusion about what a hardtop really to set the mutter straight. A hardtop is a car that looks like a Convert ible with the top up-hut bus a solid steel rno( overhead and nn center frosts in the side window areas. X p until just recently, it could he built in volume only with two doors -not more because it would take wholly new struc tural principles to hinge another set of doors without floor-to-roof center posts. But lluick catne up with those new struc tural principles and is now building-in volume hardtops with four doors. ' HiitoN ion s tot wjiet. "Drtvp from Fwtory Your Buti'k DMilrr" SMI. 4O?fl0 up to Snead Draws Favorite Role GREAT NECK, N.Y. (UP) Defending champion Sam Snead, only three-time winner of th unique event, was favored today to win his fourth Palm Beach Round Robin golf championship as 16 hand - picked professionals opened a 90 hole grind of match medal play competition. But the colorful slammer, now 43, ran into his toughest nvals of the tournament in the first round and a bad start could mean his ,'inish as a title contender. Snead drew Masters champion Ca'ry Middlecoft of Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., PGA champion Chick liar-) bert of Northville, Mich., and lead ing money winner Mike Souchak of Durham, N.C., in the feature' four-some of the opening round. Middlecoff. a former Round Robin winner, indicated he was on a hot streak by picking up a total of $1,200 in preliminary con tests Wednesday. Medo-Land Tags Bifco Medo-Land thumped Bend Iron Works by a score of 7 to 4 yester day in a Little League game play ed at Harmon field, following a duel between two left-handed pit ehers, Jim McCarthy of .Medo-Land and Bob Lorrance of Bifco. Medo-Land garnered seven hits off Lorrance's offerings, and man aged to turn them into seven runs Jim Hawes banged out a homer and a single for the winners, wi'h McCarthy slugging a triple and single in his own cause. Jim Doug las hit a homer for the winners. Joe Lintz of Bifco walked off with the hitting honors for the los ers. He got a double and two sin gles for the only Bifco hits of the game. Lintz scored twice lor the losers, while Glen Jorgenson got on with a base on with a Isase on with a base on balls and Lor rance reached base on a fielders choice. Both later scored. Bottler Suffers Broken Arm PORTLAND (UP) Ron Bot tler, the promising young catcher who was farmed by the Portland Beavers to Columbus, Ga., of die Sally League, has suffered a broken left arm, Bcvo General Manager Joe Ziegler said today. Bottler ws hurt on a play at the plate. Ziegler said Bottler, who had become the team's No. 1 catcher, would remain in the South while the arm mends. Rabbits are found as far north as land goes. for this wide -open beauty is, and we'd like BEND 709 Wall Portland Track PORTLAND (UP) The Port land exposition-recreation commis sion Is studying a proposal to b'ly Portland Meadows and the speed way as a possible addition to the proposed Vannort recreation site. No final decision has br yet been Ralph Noel at Slioop !c.:ii'iww'll,IU",l if. " 1 ( 1 1 II 111 fetfiarttfcJ Sjsssa business. LET US MAKE YOU AN OFFER-We Need Used Tires." Join The Switch To The Truly Modern Tire, Tube or Tubeless the tubeless that's totally new T " U e This is your chance don't miss out! Get 8 totally new advantages as you switch to tubeless tires. The U. S. Royal 8 Tubeless is the only tire specifically developed for today's safe driving. Don't settle for less see us today! Shoop & REDMOND S. Hwy. 97 1291 Wall 1 'oii see one pictured here. It's the 4-Ooor Riviera. And it's taking the country by storm . . . Because here, al Innt last, is an autnmohile with the sleet and jior.r jtylinf of a true hardtop hut wilh separate doors for rear seat passenaers, plus the added room of a full-w'.-c lluki Sedan, On top of that, this beauty is all Ruick with the buoyant ride of Mnick's all-coil springing - the walloping might of Buiek's record-high V8 power the whip-quick Thriil of the yozsr s? EuicJfc -WHIN BttttH AUTOMOIIKS GARAGE St. Purchase Eyed made on the site for the eirfit mil linn dollar center. But the stuilv would be made to determine how much rental could be obtained from auto and horse racing, and possibly dog racing, and how much the two sites would cost. Says, "Now is he time to get EXTRA CASH trade-in allowance on your present used tires. We are now paying the greatest czzh allowance for used tires c::d un- J safe reccppcble casings cr.er of. V f ered in the history of the tire tire ic It'i tha tlr that corns en 1933'i finest nw cart. fc If coitt no mora than a ragutar tlra end tvbo. It fits your prastnt wheals. Schulze Tire Service ON AIX RETAIL SALES "Your Tubeless Tire Specialists" jjcsrr getaway and sizable gas savings of Buiek's spectacular Variable Pitch Dynaflow. And it's available in Buiek's two lowest, priced Scries -the budgel-tagged lSS-hp SfKCIAL, and the high-performance 236-hp CENTVRV, illustrated here. Come visit us for a first-hand meeting wilh the 4-l)oor Rivicra-and sec how quickly and how easily the lust word in automobiles can he yours. txtrd con on fnhtt Senei. AM IUIII BUICX Will tUUD THtM COMPANY , RECEIVES AWARD CORVALLIS (UP) - Jay Dean, Oregon State's star first baseman, last night became tne first double winner of the Victor D. Brown memorial award, given to the baseball player who contribulei the most in inspirational leader, ship and sportsmanship. & Schulze We allow full value for all unused mileage In your present tires. k Pay as you ride on terms so easy there's no point settling for a tiro of less quality. PBINEV1LLE - East Ochoco Hwy. BEND dmdittr, oplioitsl Inc. Phone 193 your 4w hack al any unig More Today at Bend Dru$ Cuir.iaiiy