THE BEND BULLETIN wrd, Deschutes County, Oregon, Tuesday, May 31, 195S Gleason Has Supreme Confidence By GHrge (Bullets) Durgoni As 'I old To Dick Kleiner SEA Staff Correspondent NEW YORK (NEAj Jackie Gleason has always been a star. At least, he's aiways acted like he was a star, even when he wasn't working very regularly. He lived like a star. He spenl like a star. He entertained like a star. He did everything but earn like a star. It make it a little dif ficult to figure out his finances, but he never worried. He knew all along that some day he would be on top. , . . And now lie is. Now, when could be living like a star, he doesn't. He's still expansive and generous and flamboyant, but he played thel star's part much more before he actually 'became a star. He used to borrow money. Now he lends it. A while ago a. man who had once loaned him $500 (which he paid back) came in, asking for a $500 loan. Jackie let him have $2,000. "Ef he needs $500." said Jackie. 'who rememfbers what it is to need money, "he gets two Gs." I said he was expansive and flamboyant. He Is. But, to me, the most amazing thing about Jackie Gleason is his mind. I think he is a genius. Let me give you a few examples of how his mind works. He thought it, would be good tol have an overhead camera shooting down at the dance routines of the June Taylor girls. We called CBS and said we'd like to have an overhead camera, please. They said it was impossible; they'd been asked for the same tiling by Ed Sullivan and other shows. , "Impossible?" Jackie asked.! 'Why?' They told him what the techni-l BEND Mon.f Tues,, June 6 - 7 Stoats Addition Matinee and Nlglit BEND SHRINE CLUB ftNINEWARD-BELL WORLD'S ONLY TRIPLE-WIDE FLYING RETURN ACT I' 1 r i . J. GLEASON AND DURGOM: Jackie got bored, went home. cal pixjiblems were. Tlie best en- gineering minds at CBS hadn't been able to lick them. But, in side of a week, Jackie had rigged an overhead camera that works fine. We use it evei-y show. Another example of his bril liance happens each time we have a conference with our crew of writers. And that's every week. One of them will start to outline a situation for a "Honeymooners" plot and get maybe the basic idea out when Jackie will interrupt. 'If you're going to tell me that such-and-such will happen and it'll end with this-and-that, forget it,", he'll say. The writer will just! gawk; Jackie, time after time, will be far ahead of the writer. He never finished high school. yet he has a vocabulary that (.s fabulous. He got it, of course, through his reading; he'll read two or three books a nights He likes to read everything he can get his hands on about a subject that arouses his curiosity. For a time it was law. He read Rumor proves true for homemaker La NORMA DAINTY DANISH DARLING OF THE AIR HUBERT CASTLE King of the Bounding Wire ANDRE FOX'S Champion PALOMINO LIBERTY HORSES TREMENDOUS CONGRESS OP FUN-MAKING Clowns MILITARY BAND AND CALLIOPE Lavith and Br.othtakina Sp.clacit "CIRCUS ON PARADE" Dolly Jacobs AND HER INCOMPARABLE HERD OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS Howard and Wanda BELL Acrobatics in the Modern Manner Mm, E. B. Gflnc) Portland "I heard that new concen trated Vano Liquid Starch was the ticket for even the heaviest starching. I tried it and by golly it works! Even on my hus band's collars and shirt fronts (and he's so particular). Con centrated Vano goes fartnertoo. A bottle lasts longer." Get concentrated, heavier Vano Liquid Starch today if you're not using Vano, you're working too hard! complicated legal books. Now he knows so much about law that his lawyers ask him for advice. I've learned never to argue with him; he has all the answers. At the moment, he Is reading a lot about psychic phenomena, re ligion, hypnosis and medicine. Those are his current interests. He's developed a wonderful sense of discerning the public's taste. A perfect example of this is his venture into music. When he first said he wanted to lead an orchestra and make records, I must admit I thought he was nuts. He wanted me to be a partner in the deal, but I said no. He went out and made the mas ter records, anyhow. And I had to try and sell them to the record companies. Tin? re was only one company Capitol that wanted them. The others felt, as I did, that he was out of his element. And Capitol bought 'the masters for only $1,000 jut to cash in on the value of his name. They didn't think the records would sell, either. Well, everybody was wrong but Gleason. The public loves his rec ords. They're always at the top of the best-selling album lists. There's another aspect to Glea son. That's Jackie, the practical joker. There's nothing he likes bet ter than a good, clean practical ioke. Once my wife and I were going to meet him in Europe. He'd gone over on a combination busi ness-Vacation trip and we were to meet at his hotel in Paris, then go on together. We'd made all our plans on the basis of meeting him and traveling the rest of the way together. . We got to the hotel all right. But instead of Gleason, there was just a note: "Sorry. Got bored, Went home." Another time he was giving 9 big party. The Invitations were sent out as a form, all stalling the same way: "Dear Friend. Well, Jackie's good friend, Toots Shor, got a little upset by that. Toots thought he-should have had a per sonal invitation, and he told Jackie so. ' He hired a huge truck, and had BEAUTEOUS MID-AIR SKY BALLET OF FEMININE LOVELIES Norden Trio OF INTREPID HIGH WIRE ARTISTS WARBEL TROUPE OF TRAMPOLINE ACROBAT EXCITINGLY FUNNY NORBU GORILLA PARODY Produced hy Ward Bell C ircus Attraction. Ticket on Saie at City Drag and on Show Ground Circus Dy Wonderful New Kind of ALL-IN-ONE CAPSULE FOR Science Now Helps You Take Off Your Fal While You Eat The Foods You Choose Too fat because you eat too much? Just can't (teem to diet because you're a real glutton when it cornea to butter. gravy, poutoes? Have you spent dollar after dollar for pills and Utbleta and in'spite of everything you're atill too fat? COUNTERACTS HUNGER Recently iclenco discovered and compounded a new tiny capnule combining nil the recognized proven aidB to reducing found in all the products offered today, proteinn that build energy but burn oft execs fat, viuminn and min erals often lost when cutting off fattening foods, vegetable celluloie food with no calorie yet gtve the feHing of a full contented stomach. These tiny capsule actually equal ana exceed many a meal, Fat Goes Fast From All Over The Body See fat disappear from ntomaeh, bust. lace.cnin, necK, arms, legsandanklfli. You'll AT UST: A MEAL of VITAMINS, MINERALS and BULK ALL-IN-ONE EASY-TO TAKE CAPSULE I A t.L-IN-ONE Ctptul, than Ml at rotwb Ttiu n.d to tmti'fr yvar hntin r. Yuo won't J' - Inn for Ijib n?el. AND IfiE I.U3 I f AMOlUtHT notnltiR on lm you itruw "11(11, mot youthful lrtn. i r ha.lth. A1.I. IN-ONB be surnriserf at Lh pounds you lose trio (-'- first Week, the inrhPl thatHiunnNr .r.onlr Wit jfuur dmi Kt on th, fu.rtrt. ,l. " .i trL ' r TWJ moil b. tUAtr) with th wi(M you the first month. There g no starvation , Morn fur Joar mn t r dieting hunger, 00 drugs, no exercUo. riiift aUin OIklaslu:biW HiOVLAH SIZE $2.90 LAXGE ECONOMY SIZE $5.50 AT ALL BETTER DRUG STORES The FRIENDLY Brandts Stores THRIFT-WISE DRUGS 1020 Wall Phone 371 S & H Green Stamps ECONOMY DRUGS 801 Wall Phone 323 the sides painted with a spechl Invitation, reading, "Dear Toots, Come to my party." And the truck parked in front of Toots' res taurant all day. A more usual Gleason stunt is to cook up a fantastic scheme and spring it on his associates at a meeting. Some of his legitimate schemes are so fantastic that we have a tough time figuring out whether he's kidding us or nqt. Recently, I was the goat. He told me about his latest idea. He was going to hire Cameg'.o Hall, and give a concert. But not. an ordinary conceit. He wanted tol install a pool on the stage and have the orchestra play in rath ing suits. "Let's get moving on this. Bul lets," he said. "Before somebody else gets the idea. Better call up the swimming pool companies right away." And I would have, too except that Jackie's publicity man, Nat Kahn, just could n t contain him self any longer. He gave it away by bursting out with laughter. Jackie Gleason, the star, gives his friends and associates only one problem trying to keep up with him. With Gleason, the only worry what next? Changes Taking Place in Homes For Old People. Air Line Fetes Its Secretaries MILWAUKEE (UP) Some 1 secretaries took a day off from the office recently here and flew around the city and state while their bosses worked. The trip was a gesture of thanks by United Air Lines to the women who make the reservation but oft en never see the inside of an air plane, A cocktail party and orchH corsages were part of the day's treat by the company. By KLIZAllKTll TOOMKY 1' ni ted k'resM Staff eorrettpomient NEW YOKK tUF-The men and women who sat on the leather bar stools were white-Jiatred and not so young as they'd like to be, but they were gay us they sipped be fore-dinner cocktails. The setting- An old folks home 1955 version. The scene was the little bar al the Mary Manning Walsh resi dence for old people in Manhat tan, ooerated by the Catholic or der of Carmelite Sisters. The faces reflected In the mirror behind the bar were just a few of the 750.000 men and women ir old age institutions who have ben efitted from the spreading theory that a home for old folks help them enjoy life not just stay alive All across the nation equally startling departures from rockinr ejiair routines can be found Churches, lodges, labor unions, lo cal governments and private citi zens have built homes of all sizw and designs in the past 10 years They ranged from those free of charge or based on the ability to pay to luxurious institutions where a wealthy older person may turn over 525,000 in return for a guar antee of complete care the rest of his life. The problems of agincr have be come one of the nation's No. 1 con cerns as the life spun is lengthened by science. There are almost 15 million Americans 65 or over and the rate goes up by 400,000 each year. , Poor Houses Change Most of them are in their own homes or living with children or relatives. But an ever-increasing number are living In homes for. the aged that bear little resem blance to the once dreaded "poor house." "The 'poor house was the gate way to oblivion for old people," says Dr. Murray Federber, assist ant professor at the University of Pittsburgh and a leader in plan ning one of the nation's most mod em county homes for the aged. It is a 20 million dollar home and hospital which will be com- nU 1 ......f TUn V., ,11, linn Motorist Told To Get Haircut MINNEAPOLIS (UP) Bruno V. Berg was told either to get a haircut or quit driving. Berg was arrested after offieei-s saw his car swerving from One: side of the street to the other. When the arresting officers pulled up alongside his car, they suw Bei'g in the driver's seat combing his ! hair with both hands while his j wife held the steering wheel. j Berg told the traffic court judge 1 his hair kept falling in his eyes. The judge told him to get a crew cut and fined him $25. months ago in Bensenville, HI., ties Review in their auditorium by the evangelical Reform Church. Apartments Completed In Portland, Ore., an eight story building containing 240 apartments was completed six months ago for tenants utto average ti9 iu age. The first ones paid from $4500 to S15, 000 in advance for lifetime resi dence. They have a river view, their own theater, a library and horseshoe courts. At the Walsh home here there is careful attention to keeping tlie senile or chronically ill from the ictive men and women who are ncouraged to keep busy. This week they gave a Gay Nine- It was written, produced and per-; formed by the residents. They have instructors in pastel paint ing and needlework,' a room for carpentry, looms for weaving and weekly movies. ' ' Performers , from New York night clubs entertain them. The owner of tlie Copaeabana sends his performers to the home. Mar tin and Lewis put on a skit fn the small auditorium. Joan Weber sang two weeks ago. And when the home's only 100-year-old resi dent celebrated her birthday, Den nis Day dropped by to sing. New Vessels Due for Lakes MASSENA. N. Y. (UP) Af least half a dozen new ships will ply the Great Lakes this summer. The Finnish-American Line is put ting on the Mariefors, the Hamep. tors, and the Helaingfors, each 2, 500 tons. The French Line is add ing the Ville de Quebec and the Vilie de Montreal. The Oranje line will have a new vessel to replace the Priiis Willem V, which was sunk last tall. He'll Take Yesteryear's Glamour Gals By JACK GAVEK United Press Staff Correspondent NKW YORK (UP)-So, you like Marilyn Monroe. Paul KiUiam will lake the glamour queens of yes terday's movies Nita Naldi, Bar bara LamaiT, Clara Bow and the like. Or so he says. KiUiam calls himself a "dis located lawyer." He got side tracked into show business, in the process of which he -began to ac- process of which he began to ac quire a collection of ancient mov- IVe spent years studying more tan 2000 old films," e said, "and it's amazing ow glamorous and talented some of te early screen sirens were. "People wo tink Marilyn Mon roe is alluring just never saw Pola Negri or else tey don't remember And no one sould ave tat bad a memory. And did you ever see Billy Dove in slow motion? Well, te code wouldn't let tern get away wit tat today." Lucrative Business Killiam. as parlayed Is experi ence wit old movies into a lucra tive television business. Byeoup ling a sound track carrying is action wit clips -from te silent is designed so that 1100 of the films, e as created two TV sub- 2000 residents will have rooms ac-jnatnaUy"to under (c cesible directly to ground level. Hues "Movie Museum" and "Te Those who aren t bad patients will paut Killiam Sow. live in "colony" style and have a "i consider actresses solarium, snack bar, shuffle board rooms, TV rooms, beauty parlors and an auditorium. That huge project contrasts with the 46 old timers living in a: one- story, ultra modern building ot glass and brick completed two ELECTROLUX Authorized Cleaner Sales & Service PHIL PHILBROOK ISM S. Third Phone I96S-J Kecl.tred U.8. Pat. Off. Semi-Portable SAWMILL For Sale or Trade To See Contact, Mr. Flaherty at Flaherty Welding Shop Bend Jane Russell and Cina Lollobrigl da one-dimensional as compared wit a girl like Mae Murray," Kil liam said. "Mae ad real' fascin ation. And none of tern' today as le versatility of Mable Norman. Se could take a pie in te face in one scene and in te next play a love scene wit te spirit and fervor of a duse. 'And tere's less glamor in te names alono of some of te old stars were enoug to stir romantic Laroque, Valentino, of course, Ric now? Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter and names like tut. Prefers "It" I'd back te 'if of Clara Bow against watever tey want to lable te fascination of Monroe or Ava Gardner. Te casual observer. of old films may tink I'm exag gerating, but if you wate tern closely enoug you'll see wat I mean. old-timers may miss tis appeal because of a mecanlcal reason. I'm trying to correct tat now wit some of my films." NOISE FILTER SOUTHBRIDGE, Mnss. (UP) A soft vinyl foam pad that fits snugly over and around the ears filters out high-frequency noises but allows voice to pass through. Tlie device was designed (by the American Optical Co.) for use In noisy manufacturing plants. Santa Claus, . Ind.. handles about 2,000,000 pieces of mail in the five weeks of the Christmas postal rush. (Vodka in orange juice) It leaves you breathless 5 doWtf aretrkst Mutt tJti qr&rrtst ttame VODKA SOproof.Midefrom 100 grain neutrilipIrJn, See. PieneSrairnotf Fli. Inc.. Hinford. Conn. Kf UNITED Ij SJair LINES j Northbound Malntlnor Leaves at. .12:05 Noon PORTLAND . , . 83 mtn. SEATTLE 3 hr. Southbound Molnllnor Leaves at.. ..3:25 P.M. SAN FRANCISCO 4 hra . LOS ANGELES... 6 hri. fart, foxurrbm ffofrf to "a0 Iho Edit" m focal tfmii quolod Roborti Fiofd, Redmond Afrporf , Calf ftodmond 2o0 or from Bond raft Comfflsrco 9923 (no foil ; chorgo). Or your travel agent. Megir&st thing to FjK. oKwr . inn n.iiiMfttfiBIMaMMUIMwMMBrinWIWWn yCTWOTWW do fez 2 ZJ 7fie tentcp wiefwr Doors Htro'i thi now hit In L I N A land vehicle, there's never been any thing like the magic a pilot gels with his variable pitch propellers. He can angle the blades of his propellers for performance as he heads his plane down a runway to get quick hike-off and climb. He can switch the angle of those propellers for economy aloft- to get more mileage from the fuel in his tanks. As we said there's never been anything like that in a land vehicle. Hut there is now. It's in a liuick with Variable Pitch Dynaflow and you can take the word of thousands of excited owners of new lSuicks that it's the closest thing to wheeled flight... Because sou have twenty broteller-like blades whirling in oil Inside jour Dyrtajlow unit . . . Hecause you can switch the pilch of those fro teller blades from high-economy angle that gives you tot gas mileage in cruising to high performance angle that gives you action plus. . . And because, when you call for that action by pressing the gas pedal way down you get it split-second Quick and silky smooth an instan taneous power response for getaway, or fur a sudden safety-surge of acceleration when needed. It's a solid, soaring, pulse-quickening thrill -unlike anything you ever felt beforu-und robustly bolstered by walloping new horse povcr raised to record might. It's something you definitely ought to try just to know what's really new in auto mobiles and to see for yourself why Buick sales are zooming to an all-time best seller high. Drop in today or tomorrow and we'll gladly arrange matters -show you, too, the prices that are keeping Duicli in the tight circle of America's top sellers. 'Dynaflon Drip it ttonttard tm Roadmutltr, opllvital al tslra ml m tthir Sirin Thrill of the y&ar is iSuicte -can tou Jtf ' snt ut wure cuter rout pi-ouci ArciOfwts" -wmfn trrrn automoiius am tuur suick win iuiid imim- "Drive from Factory See Your iititck Dealer" Save 140000 up to I" BEND GARAGE COMPANY, Inc. 709 Wall St. Phone 193