The Bend Bulletin, Saturday. May 28, 1955 Here and There A boy was born Friday after noon at St. Charles Memorial hos pital to Dr. and Mrs. M. O. Young. 15J5 W. Fourth street. The baby weighed six pounds, one ounce. Maurice Rasmussen, a sopho more at Oregon Slate Colleiie. has been awarded one of four Aero Club scholarships for study next yo-ir .He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. v. itasmussen, . t ranklm ave nue. The scholarships, valued at $200 each, are awaitled to students majorini in aeronautical engineering- "Aplicants must show enineer in aptitude and ability in physical science and mathematics. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis U. Hcdlund and son Douqlas are spending the Memorial Day weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wad dell. 2M Portland. Former resi dents of Bend, the Hedlunds now live in Salinas, Calif. A marriage license was Issued to Raymond H. Morris and Wanda L. Gassaway yesterday by the county clerk's office. Mr. and Mrs. John Duff left this morning for Springfield, to spend the holiday weekend with Mrs. Duff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Obert Pepin. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Brown, formerly of Bend and now of 6723 Kspanita, Long Beach. Calif., are parents of a boy born May IS. The baby weighed 7 Trip to Winona To Start Monday SMM-ial to The Hillletin KASTERX STAR Mrs. Marie Burns who is leaving Monday on a month's vacation that will take, her to Winona, Minn., where shel will visit relatives, was honored! by a group of friends at a party held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Roebuck Pinochle was enjoyed by those present. Prizes went to Mrs. Mar garet Smith, Mrs. Lottie Nelson and Mrs. Eugene Glazier. Others present included Mrs. Marion Du buis, Mrs. LeRoy Fox, Mrs. Emil Graham, Mi's. Rose Gibson, the honoree and the hostess. Members of the Grange Hall Ixidies Aid met Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Ran dall Moore on Butler road. Eight ladies wore present and answered roll call -with readings and house hold hints. Their next meeting will be at the home of Mis. 'Randall Heeler who lives School on June !lth. near Young Recent guests at the C. W. Ilitchock home were Mrs. Hilch ock's two sislers, Mrs. John Woollie, Wash. Gross and Mrs. Alec Freise, her niece, Mrs. M.iynaitl Sines and her daughter, Andrea, all of Sedro oollie. Wash.. Mr. and Mrs. Akin Jvte moved into their home on the Eagle Road on Sunday. They have done ex tensive icmxlclmg work in recent weeks to the h mse. Mr. and Mrs. David Mathews spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives in Springfield. 'Mr. and Mrs. Julius Steen and daughter, Norma, visited over the weekend in Klamath Falls with her hrother. M rs . J . B . O ' Kee fe and son. Leonard, were visi;ors at the Tim I-ine Ivmie last Saturday. Leonard has just completed serving his (rem in the U.S. Army. Mrs. E. W. Paul was hostess to the members of the Arnold Ladies, Sewing group fctsl Wednesday aft-1 ernoon. Guests included Mrs. Hoi-1 en Worland oi Los Angeles. Mrs. I David Mathews and Mrs. Walter: Prichard. Ten members were pre-j hiU. The annual picnic was d is- i cussed hut no dale set. Mrs. Har-i ry Kerns will be the hostess for the next meeting on June 8th. j Mrs. Otha Self returned last Fri-i day from a -weeks visit in Spring-1 field with her daughter. Chr-rles Swendig returned last Friday from an extended stay in Garden Grove, Calif., wi'h hi? daughter. Mis wife will return a little later in June. Mrs. Ran lall Moore entertained last Thursday in honor of her huslvuid's hirthdav. Guest.-; in eluded Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rey nolds. Mr. and Mis. Ilmvaid Cox. Mr and Mis. A. H. Lingerfe't. Mr. Mod Mrs. Corwm lle:n. Mr. an Mrs. Map Tiyliir an-1 Mr. and Mrs. Marion I'r. (nn;--e Ratnvirh was a patient in the St. Charles Menmnal ho Tmxtay and YMno$la when he underwent oh srivaii n. He is feeling smivw-ha: rrpro-ei. Min. Je, e pMurne-i Friday from Pendleton after visit ing with her -on f-ir a few week She makes h'T home with he; daughter. Mrs- Fn-i Tunvr, wlv has now tv'tivered from eye snr g i v -eveiai iivkU'u ago. The Pearsons Iti-dmoml Hotel Buildinic pounds, 7 ounces, and has been named William Thomas Jr. Christine Bliss and Nancy Dyer. Ixjth of Bend, have been awarded all-tuition scholarships in elemen tary education by the Oregon Statt System of Higher Education, ac cording to news from LaGrande where both are students at Hasten Oregon College. Ida Ruby Anno Passmore, 21 daughter of Floyd Passmore of Sis ters, enlisted in the Women's Ai Force, May 24, according to infor mation received from TSgt. Doi Adams. local USAF recruiter. Aft er taking the oath of enlistment it Portland, Miss Passmore wa flown by commercial air lines to Lackland Ah Force Base, Texas, where she will receive 10 weeks o: basic training. After basic, she-will receive a leave prior to entering training in an Air Force specialty. She was graduated from Sistei High School in 1950. Officers of the American Legion and Auxiliary have requested that members of both groups take part in the Memorial Day parade Mon day. Those taking pari are to meet at 10 a.m. at the National Guard Armory. City Announces Watering Holiday No watering will be permitted on May 31, Tuesday, City Mana ger Walter T. Thompson announc ed today. Watering is allowed on every but on tht 31st day it is prohib-i ited so that there would not be two successive days of watering, Thompson added. Loomis Services Held at Church Funeral services for Sadie Loo mis, 69. wife of John H. Loomis, 106 living avenue, were held this morning at St. Francis Catholic church. Mrs. Loomis dicdTuesday at her home, following a linRoriiifr illness. She had been a Bend res ident 32 years. Rev. Simon Coughlan officiated at the rites. Pallbearers were Lo well Jensen, Walter Hansen, II. j C Kerron. Walter Emard, Olw La miners and Vern Larson. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Loomis is survived by a son, Cot. Fred Loomis. in Palo Alto; two daughters, Mrs. Ted Sather of Ken uewick. Wash., and Mrs. Jim Speedling of Palo Alto; tour grand children and two great-grandchildren. Burial was in Pilot Butte corn el ery. j Kennedy Rites Held on Friday Funeral services for William F. Kennedy, who died here on May 2.", were held Friday morning m St. Francis Catholic church, with Rev. Roger Anderson officiating Pall bearers were Gordon Rand all. Ralph Crawford, Nelson Ice land, R. V. Klstrom, John Ed wards and Chester Lyons. Burial was in the Catholic division of tne Pilot Butte cemetery. Mr. Kennedv was the father of Mrs. E. J. Parker, of "Bend. He made his home here with his daughter and son-in-law. Word of Death Received Here Mr. and Mrs. Clark Price will leave Sunday for Sumner, Wash., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Price's mother, Mrs. Clara M. Moore, who died suddnely early Friday morning at the home of her son. Edward O. Moore. Mrs. Moore leaves seven daugh ters, three sons, 21 grandchildren and five gnsit -grandchildren. The funeral w:ll be held at 11 a. in Tuesday, May M, in Sumner. Bend Hospital Three children underwent hn sillectnmies this morning at S'. f'hai les Memorial hospital. Thev ire Jitnm:e Z'-hner, 7, and Dam!) ''.Winer. K. children of Mr. and Mrs. James ZeJmer, Kinua. and Susan Baehr. 12. duu-hter of Mr. md Mrs. Russell Ijarhr. 42 Haw thorne. Otiier new patient"; f t the hnw ufal are T:mothy Haly, II. son; f Mr. and Mis. J;nies Hcaly. lrw W. Tith sirret. and Capt. Her- Mit Frary. L. Franklin ave nue. iv-rr-n'e J; f;lona Montmiery. p tiid r,? ;Tnes, Kathleen Gil ley tnd Joe Stever.-i. ail Bend: Willi am Hojet. Burn; Charles Wnlker. ""!. !'t ;si ; Mis. R'm Brown, Warm Five Course Special 5UNDAY DINNER Roast Prime Ribs Baited Ham Roast Turkey KKI.ISH ri.ATKS And Strawberry short Take Serwil Willi All Sunday Dinner IllilNG VOL I! I AMII.V 9' - u - f,..,. rti nnl-. -YTJBffi--iT 1 1 r if ii ii i n1 1 1 TriTi 'in' CHEESE QUIZ-Gina Loilo brigida, who burst into movie fame in ragged but revealing peasant costumes, shows to just as good advantage gowned in a flowing creation of lace and ostrich feathers. The Italian beauty, shown here in Rome, recently answered queries about her measurements with, 'Why do you need by the num bers what you can see w itb vour eves?" Brandis Wallops Medo-Land 25-8 Brandis poured 25 runs across! the plate compared to 8 for Medo Land to taKe a decided vistory in Little League play last night at Harmon field. Fred Cristenson was credited with the American league win. I Kurt Yancy was the leading Hit-1 ter for tlie evening contest with a1 total of five hits for six times at i bat, two of which were lor cxtrij bases. j The game was nip and tuck for the first three innings and then the Brandis nine began began to pull away. In the first frame Ricky Ols was hit by a pitched ball to get position of base. With Ricky on second Tom Kirkelie blasted, out a double to bring him in. Kirkelie was next to score on a single by Ronnie Carter. - , , With Medo-Land leading by Hie score of 2-0, Brandis took to the hat and tied the score with two runs of their own. Medo-Land got two more, but their lead was short hold and the final few innings were a walk away. Visitors Noted In LaPine Area Sprrhil In Tin- Bull-till LAPINE Mr. William Mm of Piiinvicw is visitint? at the home of her tlati'htrr find soti-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Nance. Mrs. Harlan Kirkland of Cres cent City. Calif., is visilinu Mr. and Mrs. Lennaixl Flanary. Mi's. Kirkland aame up for Hie gradua tion of her son Brad Flanary. who was graduated from the LaPine tirade school. Guests recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. We'liirn Parker were their niece and nephews Jerry, Nedra nnd Milo Hardcn brook of Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Stalberg nnd daughter Daryl worn in Eugene Thursday. Mrs. Jess W. Buck and son Boh of Redding. Calif., arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jess Buck. They have arrived in time for the gradua tion of Mrs. Buck's nieco. Sandm Angel, from the liPinc grade school and tlie gradmhim of her sister, CJcta Baker, from th" Bend hi-h school. Mrs. Burk is the daughter of Mrs. L. Baker of Bend. Guest Speaker Due on Sunday Splint trt The flullrtin RKDMOND Rev. Richard CVh'-nn. (W ttfudont who h iravolnd and studirn in "Iraq, wi!' trP mirt rv;iktT SinfctV ' H n m. worsh;p in Community Prvs rivterian rhunh. H will 1ilk on 'T1i" Church in Iniq." Mi-s Mary Ann Nrlsrm. John Tt"'rt vh-ol muir nrvrvivr. will en,- "In rdiirrt CT'id" fmm Hay dn''; "Thf Cr"n1inn " Th'-r will (I-.') hn srMT!;i! music by the dvm rvl rtntir. AI H pm Sunday thm will hr ;in npn mr-fiin irr flu rhurch tt wfvh t:m" Rrv. Crvhmn wfll 4i -w films ho ffv.k in Iraq on lifo n that onnry H will alo Wwl d inn lesions fir tho 6 p.m. mooting ,1'ininr 1 1 ' iH ? 1 1 .-h i p a nd Srmnr lh?h KHl'wip s4 7:0 P m. A Ktv&.r can travel heff on a roij'h surface and can make lit tle prHjrcss on a smooth on Soil Service Issues Report . SHHiiil to The Bulletin REDMONl The importance of land leveling to increase crop pro duction is pointefl out by the Mid state Soil Conservation Service in a summary report on Deschutes county farmers who have under taken land leveling projects thi spring. Seventeen farmers have leveled a total of some 250 acres, with SCS engineer Glen Burch- field doing the engineering. The fanners, all Midstale cooperators, assist the engineer in this work by staking their own fields and holding the surveying rod. Land leveling and relocation of ditches are aimed toward better control of water on the farms. Ir rigating rough land is not econom ical and when water cannot be applied evenly to the soil the re sulting crop production is low, While tlie cost of land leveling may seem high the cost is usual ly returned to the farmer in a few years through saving of la'bor on irrigating and in increased crop production. Some fields in the dis trict after land leveling have in creased crop production as much a-s 200 per cent and paid for tlie land leveling in the, first crop after leveling. Farmers who have done land 1 evel i ng tli is spri ng are C. E . Moore at Deschutes, Gordon Steph en, Bradetich Brothers, J. W. Campbell, Glen Thayer, Tom For ester, Gerald Lanier, and H. B. Webb in Alfalfa: Glen Dry den. Eastern Star; Ben Davis, Wayne Clemens, John Manning and Ralph Laird in the Redmond area; F. J. Brennan, Tumalo, J. R. Carno mide, Cloverdale; John ' Hansen. Terrebonne; Sam Holmes, Bend. Driver Suffers Broken Ankle Swcial to The Bulletin MADRAS Julius Binder of Madras suffered a broken ankle when his sedan was hit by a two- wheel trailer running loose from the opposite direction of the old highway between Madras and Cul ver Thursday at 3:40 p.m. The trailer belonged to Mrs. Mary Schroeder of Melolius who was driving north about 2Vi miles south of Madras. .She was not hurt. Binder's sedan was badly dam aged. Binder himself was hospi talized in Prineville. Leader Named For Red Cross Speelnl lo The 15 ill le tin MADRAS The revived Jeffer son county chapter of the Ameri ean Hed Cmss is again funelion inu under a formal chairmanship, Kverett Van Wert, chairman of an interim steering committee re vealed today in announcing that Joe Palin, city recorder, has agreed to function as the chapter head for tlie remainder of tlie yea r. The steering committee, includ ing, in addition to Van Wert, Amos r me. Waller McCauIou. Ned Cox, Hill Robinson, and the Rev. Char les Kerr, will continue to act as a supporting group to the chap ter chairman. Van Wert said. The county chapter is "bark in business", having recently finished a blood drawing which topped by three pints the county quota of 100 pints, and having finished a membership and fund raising drive which fell only slightly short ot the $107.1 quota. Itlltl) HOdSINa WINTIIIIOP, la. (UP) Twins Merton and Burton Doyle have a bird community called "Wrenville. It is a collection of large nnd small hird houses clustered atop white posts which annually attract a flock of wrens, martins and utiher variel ies. REDMOND TELEVISION SERVICE REGRETS TO ANNOUNCE discontinuance of free local TV Testing There will ho s SS.OO rharRC for tlliiK ill fhree channels within 20 mile radius slorn (Kcdmonri or Prineville). $ 10.00 for (! 10 miles; $15.00 for 10 . 60 miles; and JiCOfl for over K0 mill s. This amount in refundable within f0 dayss if applied fo home antenna Installation or purchase of any new TV ef In stock In our ihops al, Redmond Television, BSJ H. th. Redmond, or rrinevllle Television, .1!tl W. Hrd, rrinrvllle. Information on your rlianrra for (rood TV reception In your area ran le supplM, sine we have made over HHl free lesls from rrinrvllle to Summer Ijikn In Ihe last 1H monlha. PHONE 311 REDMOND or 7527 PRINEVILLE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Dairy Queen Sale Reported Sale of the Dairy Queen on S. Third Street to Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Ohrling of Eugene was an nounced today by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jetfers, who acquired the business in 1950. Ohrling assumed management Friday. His wife and three daugh ters remained in' Eugene for the present and will join him here as soon as he obtains suitable hous ing. The children are Linda Sue, :1; Shelly Ann, 6, and Dawn Eliza beth. 3. Ohriing was employed as a buil ding material salesman in Eu gene. He had his education there. and served for three years in the Navy, in World War II. He likes mtdoor activities, and is looking forward to some fishing in Cen tral Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffere, who own their home at 1317 Harmon, have not made definite plans for the fu ture. They have two children, Pa tricia, 14, and Michael, 13. The Dairy Queen was estab lished in October, 19-19, by Brent Deitrick. , Meetings Set By Fair Board Special to The Bulletin MADRAS Regular monthly meetings from now until fair time are planned by the Jefferson coun ty fair board, on the first Tuesday of each month in the county ex tension office. Madras, Harry Car penter, secretary, reports. Membership of the board, which is planning for the fair, Septem ber 1-3. and tlie rodeo, Septem ber 3 and 4. includes Gordon Mon roe, chairman, and two new mem- bei-s, Phil Farrell and Dave Law Jr. The board is considering a flow. er show in conjunction with the fair. It has 'been suggested that the community hall be used for the show and for home economics exhibits, but action has not yet been taken. Arrangements have been com pleted with Are-Way Shows, Rose burg, which will bring five riding devices and from 12 to 20 conces sions during fair time. Carpenter said the fair board is trying to stimulate interest In open cla.-)s exhibits, both in livestock and homo economics categories. Redmond Hospital KKDMOND .Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Goin. Redmond, are parents of a daughter born Thursday at Central Oregon district hospital. Newton C. Ader, K. L. ClarR. Redmond, and Mrs. Hazel Ames, Rnule 1. Madras, entered the hos pital Thursday. One tonsillectomy patient was treated and dis charged. Dismissed Thursday: J. B. Stur- gill, Madras; Jimmy Srotl. 18 months. Warm Springs; Jane Hud son. 8. Portland: and Mrs. Les lie Kaip. Redmond. Mrs. Stanley Sturm, Redmond; Boyd Stevens, Sisters: Mrs. Al-iH't-la Nichols. Madras: and Rick ey Staley. in. Gilchrist, entered Central Oregon district hospital Friday. Five out-patients were treated. Discharged Friday: l,eonard Gorton. Redmond: Mrs. Mary Hill, Portland; Mrs. I). D. Starkweath er, Fveretl, Wash.; nnd from ma ternity floor, Mrs. Danno Mahaf fey, Sislers, and daughter Kath leen Patricia. AKKKSTS MAIIF. Tlie city police made three ar rests yesterday and this morning. They are: Ted Lyman Nelson, M, 10!) W. 4lh si., The Dalles, for following too closely another car; William C. RillinRs. 20. 823 Dela ware ave., for speeding In a 25-mile-zone; and Doffie James Bay kin, 47, 11-15 Cumberland ave., for intoxication. Wheat Farmers Planning Vote vShh-1ii1 to The BulMln REDMOND County wheat growers who will have more tlian 15 acres of whent (or harvest as grain in 1956 are entitled to vote in a referendum to determine whether the wheat marketing quota program shall continue in operation for the 1956 crop. This word is from county ASC chair man Peter Hohnstein who advise? that local voting places will be announced in advance of the i-of-erendum which fe scheduled to be held in the commercial wheat states on June 25. A two-thirds fa vorable vote will fee necessary to continue the program. In his proclamation calling for a wheat referendum secretary of agriculture Ezra Taft Benson also announced the national wheat aavage allotment v for the 1956 wheat crop would bo 55 million acres, the legal minimum, and that the national average support price, based on latest supply in formation, would be announced be fore the referendum. The mini mun average support for the 1955 crop in Hie commercial wheat states $2.06 per bushel, based on 824 per cent of parity. The noncommercial wheat tates, where the support will be 75 per cent of the rate in com mercial states and where acreage allotments will not be in effect, are those with 25,000 acres or less of wheat in the preceding year. For the 1955 crop the states of Ari zona, Alabama. Connecticut, Flor ida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Maine, New Hump- shire, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Vermont were designated as noncommercial." Mount Rushmore -National Me morial In South Dakota is the largest piece ot sculpture m exist ence. Weekly BEND FURNITURE CO. l'hlloo Radio rhono - TV MAONAVOX RADIO . PHONO i H11ICS AND 11KPAIHS 030 Val Phone 271 OWN A TV SET ! No Money Down 14.76 Per Month Includes Antenna and Installation. PORTLAND LOAN CO. 85 Oregon 8180 Thone 173 KOIN-TV SUNDAY 10:00 Sunday TV Thwitra ll;0OIip Unto my lrt 11:80 Let's Take a Trip 12:00 Now and Then 12 :80 Lona RnKT 1:00 Amar lean Waek 1 :SJ Advvntura 2 -Flirhtlnii Drvil Dorfa 8:1(0 Armchair -Thvatrc 4 :00 Lucy Hnw 4:80 Annie Oak try 6:00 You Ara Thera a :80 Ijuuiii A :00 PHvata Scitary C:H0 What'a My Line 7:WV T.-ast nf tha Tovm 8:00 (I.E. Thmtra f:a0 Sinjra S-cn 9 :00 Ai.-lntment wilh A'l venture P;S0 Thta (a Ynur Muato 10:00 Sunday Ncwa Siwt. 10:Ifi John Kn-ian'n KakitL 10:80 Flrt Run Theatra MONDAY :20-Ntna HIHIm B:2r. Mr. Wftirmn 8:30 Arth. (odfrey Tima fl :3( Wrtlrome Travilara 10:00 Kun to Koduca 10:15-, Viiliftrit Idy 10:80--Link Irtlw'a llietiarty 11:00- RiK 1'ayff 11:80- B-.b nnmliy flhuW 12 :0O--ftriKhtrr Day 12:15 Iiva of Lffa 11. H0 On Your Acrmnt 1 :('.t- Gurry Miwt Show 1:'--TIia Innwr Klama I :4B Koftd of t.lfa 2 :00- Knlnv. g, l.fwla 2 :80. Strike ft Rich b:00KOIN Kitrh.-n 8:30-SMrch for T'traorro 8:45 Ouldlnff t-tht 4 :'tO Armrtialr Theatra 4 :!10- Mr. Moon 4 :4B Trtiyn Tlma K:0rt Hl Dunninn HVif 6 :10 Dmur Bdward Nfa II :45Prry (mo Hhnw 4) :0O--Mr. Wf-atharman R :0ft fltorUHia 6:10-Nr'i Parade 6:U -UnkMtar Ktda 6 :SO- Hin Tin Tin 7 0O Horn A AlUn 7 to a-um ivtion TVa. 8 On I Love Lury fi in DorambfT Brida 0 .00 Life or Rilry 0 10 fl turf to K7 tft 00 -Rtidin On 11 :0O City D"k 11 -or fthowlime on Ft KVAL-TV SUNDAY 8 :8ft Fatti For T"dy 4:00 Star Maker Talent Show 4 80 Roy Scout Show fi :00- M-et tha Freaa 6 SO -Tiu la th l-lf 8:00 Pal Are Funny 8 sn-Now Yotj Know 7 on irprUe Theatre 7tiA--A1l Ktar Theatre 8:00-Rreak the Rank 8 -.KO !,(? with FJinabeth 0:00 Martha Rave 0 :O0- Rnnday Hhowiima MONDAY 4 of -Pi Roflndup t. H Willi lllrkn 8 SO 7 no 8.00 - tury 9 80 9 no - 9 .80 A no 8 ftO Kinerald Raaeoall 6:16 -Nrwa-Wporu- Weath er 8:80 Rin-Tln-Tin ;no The Movlea 8: IKK Krankle llr I ti) Ikirln 714 0 .00 Orand Old Uurr 4 00 4 80 6 ;('0 6 10 6 00 4-H Youngsters j Set Dalles Trip Special to The Bulletin MADRAS Jefferson county Fu ture Farmers of America and 4-H clubbers will take 18 head of beef, four hogs, and one lamb to the FFA and 4-H Fat Stock Show and Sale, sponsored by tho Oregon Wheat Growers league at The Dalles, June 6-8. Madras FFA members showing beef are Arie Hitbrands, Terry Brown. aul SBne, Alan Steven son, and John Swanson. Richard Weiser will show a hog. Culver 4-H boys taking beef are Bill Mishey, Ray Youngs, Vic Youngs, Estell Read, Lyle Startles, and Steve Carlson. Bob Frazler, Vic Youngs, and Rich Youngs will show hogs. Local 4-H members displaying steers will be Doug and Gregg Mncy, John and George Rufener, Caron Beard, Lynn Marie Holmes, and Dennis Tingle. Barbara Jef ferson will show a Iamb. Egg Marketing School Planned Special fo Tho Bulletin REDMOND An egg marketing school for all Central Oregon egg producers and handlers will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Red mond high school. At that time Noel Bennion, OSC poultry spe cialist, and Charles Fischer, poul try marketing specialist from the college will demonstrate egg can dling and grading, egg cleaning, storage and handling. Slides will be shown to demonstrate Rood and poor merchandising practices for retailers. Everyone is welcome to attend. VEKD1CT APPEALED Arnold Lester Krueger filed pa pers in circuit court Thursday ap pealing a Bend municipal sentence of $lf0 for driving under tlie in fluence of intoxicants. He was ar rested March IS and sentenced May 3. SPONSORED BY PORTLAND TV Lo0s TUESDAY :20 Newa Hilitra B:M Mr. Weatherman 8:80 Artriuf Godfrey time 9:30 Welrome Travel era IOiOO It'a Kun to lUnluce 10:1a Valiant LAy 10 :80 LfnklctUr'a liaepar'y 11 :00 Captain HarU A I' Pfla II :0K Vinitln Tima 11:80 Bob Croaby Show 12:00 BrWhter Day 12 1 16 Love of Life 12:80 On Your Account 1 : 00 Garry Moora Show 1 : 80 The Inner Fuune 1 :45 Road of Life 1:00 Robert Q. Iwil 2:80 Strike It Rich 8:00 KOIN Kitchen If -.80 Rnrrh for Tcmiorrow 8:48 Ttulriina- Llitht 4 :00 Armchair Theatre 4:80 Mr. Moon 4 ;4ft- Ixny Tunoa A :00 Hed Ihinninsr Hhow 6:80 Dour Kdwarda Newa ft :4rVJo RUf fnl Show 8 :00 Mr. Weatherman A :(lf- Hiiortjirc-ne 8:10- Nt-wa l'aralf 8:15- Amra Ih-othera 6 :80 Hee It Now 7 :00- Life with Father 7:80- Hull of Ivy 8:00 CorllM Archer 8:80 Red Hkelton Show 9 :0ft- Dantter 9:80-1 L Throa Livea I0:00-Ili Town 10:30 Tlly Deak 10:86 Hhowtlme on lis WEDNESDAY R:3fWNewa llilitea 8iA-Mr. Weatharmao 8 ilio- Arthur ixl(rey Tima 9 :80- Welcome Travelera 10:00 It'a Kua to Re-luce Id;!, Valiant lady 10:80 -LinktrtWa Henparty II :0) - MiaT Payoff l:301ioli Crhy RhoW lt:00-Hrieh(er Day 12:16 t-ove of Lif 12:10 On Your Account I :ftn Curry Moot Show 1 ;80 The Inner Klamej 1 :4& Road of Life 2 :0A Robert Q. Lewta 2 do-Strike It Ri-h 8 ao-KOIN Ktichm :XO-S-areh for Tnowwrrre 8:46 Guiding- LIkKI 4 : 00 Armchair Theatre 4:30 Mr. Moon 4:48 Cartwa Tim 6:00- Red Dunning Show 6:80 Dour Edwarda Newa 6 :4t Perry Como Show 8:00 Front How Center 7:00 Mr. Weatherman 7 :06 KiKrrtaccne 7:10 Newa Parade 7 :I6 Muaieal Momenta 7:80 Odie A Harriet 8:00 The Millionaire 8:80 I've Got a Heeret 9:00 Arthur Godfrey Hla Frienda 10:00 Demaret Golf Show IO:lft-Ttia Little Show :o:8( City l)k 10:86 Showtime on Six THURSDAY :20 Newa HillUa 8:2K Mr. Weatherman 8 :30 Arthur Gotlfrey 9:80 Weleoma Travalerg 10:00 It' Fun to Reduce 10:15 -Valiant Iady 10:80 Linklnlter'a Haepartf 11 ;00 VUitln' Time 11 :80 Rob Croehy Show 12 :00 -RriKhtrr Day 12:15 lvv of Lire 12 :80 On Your Account 1:00-Garry Moore Show 1: HO -Tim liin.-r Flam l:4&-Hoad of Lit H'.lH-rt y. l.wla 2:S0-Ht.r(ke It Rich 2:00- KOIN Klirh.-n 8 t!t0 - Hi-arch for Tirniorrnw 8 :4V-Guldtnir Llht 4:00 -Armchair Theatr 4:80 Mr. Moon 4:45 Barker BiH'a Cartoon Time 8 :00 Red Dtinnlnr Show 8 :80 DotiK lwardi Newa 6:46--Jane Fromnn Show 8 :00 Mr. Weatherman A :0ft HporUcme fl:10--Newa Paradn 8:16 Thla Weak la P porta 8:80 Willy 7:0-Ray Mi land Show 7 ;10- Cilmax 8 ;80- Firtir Star riayhnma 9:00-Piiblfe Defender 9:301 Search for Advent. in :00 LwiVin for Plewnuia 10:80 City liMk 10 :8t "Showtime on Its Friday 8 :2ft Nw Hllllea 9 :26 Mr. Weatherman 8:11 Garry Moore Show EUGENE Robert M'-nta-omery - Fanwma Playh-iaa TUKSDAY Pinky Lea - Howdy Dondy t'lttg R'nindup I 6 :80 Dat i For Ymir Informa tion - Nwa. Sporta-Weaih- 8 80- Indnatrr on Parade 8 48 -Amea Jlrrahcra T (Kl- Where Weca Yo 7 80 Dl'rieyland 8:80 Life of Riley 9 ;00- ieoca riction Tha. ater 9 80 Maditon Sniara Oar 4n 1ft Oft Greaft PifheJ lft:16-4nnH 18 Tbeatra THURSDAY 4 OA Pinky Lea 4 89 -Howdy toody i f - Ulg Rnrndup 6 HO -6:80 tat 6 ."0 For Tour Informa tion 6:16 -Newa porUWtfV er 8 19 -Wwlcrn MiraliAl 1 09 -You Ret Your Lifel 7 :X0 Lllraca 8 ftO Amoa 'n' Andy P:3-K-.r4 Theatre 9 0--Mr. District Atntay ft :8ft -T-Men In Aetioa fl:no-ri1r IWecttve 10:80 Famuua Playhouea Hiwtal Faturetta M.lf.n fV-ie HunM of the On. the La tar and Ihe Story Tlia Hia Pictiirc It'a A Or-al Lift F.ueone K ie Femoiu PlavhouM WRDNFJtDAY Howdy M-iody 1)1 Ro'indiio fiUMt Kok Fw Your Information GOLF VISITORS DI E . , Special to The Bulletin REDMOND Juniper Coll dub will be host to a 16 man team from Oak Knoll club In Ashland Sunday, Eight foursomes com posed ot 16 men from each club will tee off, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Dub manager Fred Sparks reports the 18 hole matches will be han dicap medal -play. The Oak Knoll players will be accompanied by C. L. Sullivan, former Redmond pro. Homeward Wing the Spirit To mark the home-1 ward flight of the spirit, a lunerai should express that faith in eternal life that alone can comfort and sus tain us through the, darkest r.surs. Pledged to Perfection In Every Service Phone 118 Niswonger and Winslow Morticians MASTERSON-ST. CLAIR HDWE, Sparton Radio-TV 850 Bond -' ' Phone 83 RIES RADIO & RECORD SHOP CAPE IF ART A PHIT,CO TV Wolwor and CaiM'liart liadlo Phono TV IiwtaJIution and Service 624 Franklin Thone 801 CHANNEL 6 9:80 Welooma Travelera 10:00 It'a Pun to Raduoa 10:15 Valiant Lady 10:80 Link letter 'a Haeparty 11:00 Ui Payoff 11 iSO Rob Croaby Show '. 12 :00 Brishtar Day , 12:16 Love ot Ltfa 12:90 On Your Acoount' 1 :00 Garry Moora Show 1:80 Tba Inner Flame 1 :45 Road of Ufa 1 1:00 Robert Q. Lewia 8:80 Strlka It Rich 8:00 KOIN Kitchen ' S : 50 Search for Tomorrow 8:46 Guiding Uht 4 :00 Armchair Tkntnt 4 :80 Mr. Moon 4 : 45 Cartoon Tima 6:00 Red Dunning ahow 8:80 Dour Edwarda Newt 8 :48 Perry Como Show 8:00 Mr. Weatherman 8 :05 Hxirtacene 8:10 Newa Parade 8 : 16 Northwest Outd.wra 8:80 Peraoo to Peraou' 7 :00 Mama 7 :80--Topior 8 :0ft Plavhouiw of Start ' 8:80 -Our Miaa Brooka 9:00 The Llna-Ilp 9:80 Firat llieatre 10:00 Conrad NatfeJ I0:0 City Deak ' 10 186 Showtime on Six SATURDAY 7 :4R Cartoon Time 8 :00 Content Carnival :.m-RFD 9:00-cHuiin Mldnurht 9:30 Huffato fnll, Jr. 10:00 Big I'iciura I0:a0 Now York Yank" v. Chlcauo WtaU Sox I :00- Handy Man 1 :05 Jimmy Wakely 1 : 00 Armchair Theanra 4 :80 Showtime For Mow 6 00 -Renfrew of tha Mounted 6 -80- Boat the Clock 8:00 ProicuUmal Fattter 8:0 R'lldiera of Fortune 7 00 Jackie Olaaeon Show 8 :00 Two for -it Money 8:80 My Favorlta Huebaad 9:00 Mret Millie 9 : 50 I a moa R unreal Theater 0 ;fto Charatton Wreatllng 11 :00 Showtime on Hla CHANNEL 13 FRIDAY 4 OA Pinky Lee 4 to Howdy Doody 4 :A rHrtbday Party TtiM 6 'Ort nc RounOwy 6 itO For Your In format. 6:4ft New. Spta, Weateer 8 :00 Cavalcad of 8 pott 8:46 I'taBo-Orran Punch 7:00 ItQcVy Sport Tima 7:89 Lata Oo PkrhinR 7 :4ft 44portamen a dob 9 -AO Pantona Playhoue 8 80 WretJln 9 :80Th Rkf Picture 10:00 Charlie Chan Theatre SATURDAY 1 :00 KeataMa Kid 1 :0O-Stan of th Waalen Rany 6;00 Wall'a Worlwhott 8:80--The Movtea 7 i80-- -S'-UHer Parade 8 :on Rincwt Playhoiti , 9:80 Yfrtir Hit Parale 10 m - Saturday Nite Movie