The Bend Bulletin, Friday, May 27, 1955 Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cartmill, 1348 East 8th street, are the par ents of a son, born this morning t St. Charles Memorial hospital. Helen Marie Darcy, Juliet R. McClaran and Jennie Lee Woods, all from Bend, will be awarded the bachelor of science degree at graduation ceremonies of Oregon College of Education, Monmouth, June 3, in Campbell Hall audito rium on the campus. Donald A. Armstrong, ma chinist's mate second class, U.S Navy, arrived at San Diego May 22 aboard the destroyer USS Hope well, which has completed a five month cruise in the Western Pa cific. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong of Route 1, Redmond. The Ground Observer Corps will hold a food sale Saturday at the; Stipe Furniture store, starling at 30 a.m. Contributors may take their donations there directly, ac-: cording to Mrs. Charles B. Hinds Jr., civilian supervisor of the fil ter center. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Raeburn, former Bend residents now living in Baker, will visit over the holi day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Garold Reid, 405 Florida avenue. Jack Hoist, son of Mrs. Alameda Hoist of Bend, Is a member ol the varsity rowing crew at Oregon State college, and was among those who left by chartered bus Thursday morning for Newport Beach, near BaHboa, Calif., to com pete in the Western Sprint cham pionship meet. Jack has oar No.1 4 on the port side. The meet will be a highlight of the annual New-! Mercy of Court Asked by Wolf PORTLAND (UP) Victor Lau rence Wolf, 45, in what was de scribed as "a most unusual legal procedure," yesterday confessed the bomb-slaying of Oliver Kermit Smith and threw himself on the mercy of the court. Wolf, a railroad electrician, made his confession in Circuit Court. Wolf told the stunned courtroom he committed the murder in an attempt to win the affections of Smith's wife, Marjorie, who ear lier had been implicated by him and was similarly charged with the slaying. Smith, a prominent attorney, was ' killed April 21 by a home made dynamite bomb that explod ed as he stopped on the starter of his car. port Beach regi.'ta. The Red Riders. 4-H horse chrY will meet Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at Timbcrlane Ranch, home of the leader, Mrs. Dean Hollinshead. Mrs. Hollinshead requested that all memlers ride their horses to the meeting. H. N. Gilmore, father of Mi's. Jack Jeff ers of Bend, is a resi dent of Blackwe.!, Okla., which was struck by a tornado yester day. The storm struck the east side of the city, Mrs. Jeffers learned today. Her lather is a resi dent of the west side, and she as sumes that he was not injured. Mrs. Allan B. Lichens of Hood River and her infant daughter. Jennifer Lynn, are staying for a time with Mrs. Anna E. Hachtel, 510 Georgia, mother of Mrs. Lich ens. The baby was born May 12 at St. Charles Memorial hospital. Mrs. Lichens is the former Bonme Sue Hachtel. Mr; and Mrs. Lichens have another daughter, Pamela Dawn, age 2:,a years. Milton Ness, principal of Young school, left Wednesday by piano for Alaska, for a short visit in Fairbanks with his daughter, Linda. Officers of the American Legion Auxiliary requested today thai members take part in the Memo rial Day parade Monday. They are to meet at the National Guard Armory at 1 a.m., it was an nounced. Glen A. Hutchinson Jr., seaman apprentice, U.S. Navy, has com pleted a five-month cruise in the Western Pacific aboard the de stroyer USS Hopewell, which docked May 22 at San Diego. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Hutchinson of Route 1, Redmond. 5 ., T , i.. J Bend Hospital Lawrence Ballard of Los Ange les, member of the Byma Produc tions staff injured in an accident earl ier th is week, was released from St. Charles Memorial Hos pital yesterday. Admitted to the hospital were Lyle Leach, Rl. 1, Box 371, Bend; Mrs. William Hilgors, 565 Gen eral, Bend; Milton Dj'iggers, Mad ras; Miss Mary Cheney, 1835 West Second, Bend; James Gilchrist, 18 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilchrist, of Gilchrist; Mrs. Robert Jeffers, 244 Miller, Bend; Raymond Bennett, 178 Blue Lake, North Twin Falls, Ida.; Mrs. Dour las Johnson, 1616 Federal, Bend, and Richard Chester, 1668 Awbrey, Bend. Released from the maternity ward today were Mrs. Oliver Brown and daughter, Bend and Mrs. Lorenzo Bettelyonn, Sisters. HONORED BY LEAGUE Karen Austin, a member of this year's senior class at Bend High school, was named "Girl of the Year" at the Mother-Daughter assembly given by the Girls' League last Friday. Smith Receives Two-Yesr Term Norman Smith, who gave him self up for writing phony checks during a three-year probation was sentenced to the state penitentiary for a period not to" exceed two years by Circuit Court Judge Ralph S. Hamilton yesterday aft ernoon. Smith was given a three -year probation in March for issuing checks without funds. Early this month he did it again, but turned himself in to the sheriff's office on May 9. He was charged wi'ti obtaining money and property by false pretenses. Prosecution was prepared by'B. M. Martin in La Pine for am Hospital Board Eyes Repairs Tentative plans for the exterior repair of the original unit of the St. Charles Memorial hospital, ad jacent to tiie new building, were considered by directors of the Cen tral Oi-egon Hospitals foundation at their monthly conference Thurs day. , Feasibility of placing a protec tive stucco covering on the brick exterior of the building is being studied. In some areas it wis found that the brick mortar is dis integrating. Some preliminary es timates of the cost have been ob tained, but no action toward a recommendation tms yet (been made by the foundation. W. L. Stollmack, hospital man agcr, also repcr:. i on some exter ior changes helng considered for the old unit ol the hospital. J. Pat Meike of the grounds committee repen ted on progress of landscape work and told of the experimental planting of manzan nita en the east slope of the hos pital grounds. A further experiment in planting the manzanita in the fail is planned. Robert W. Sawyer presided at the luncheon conference, held in the hospital cafeteria room. Dr. Charles B. Hinds, Jr., represented the hospital staff at the confer ence, and Rev. Dean C. Poindexter represented the Bend Ministeri al association. Anglers Fined By LaPine JP Special to The Bulletin LAPINE Five persons were fined by Justice of the Peace District Attorney George F. Rake- straw. Court - appointed defense counsel, Harry A. English, repre sented the defendant. to make 4? ft Graduation Special WHITE BEADS AND ROPE BEADS ONLY 59c Plus Tax . 0 X 1 I EVE WANTS -ADAMS RSB' FOR GRADUATION Cologne & Perfume $250 up Don't forget o Hollmark Card to go with Your Graduation Gift! Contrast Noted Between Asian, U. S. Standards Spet-ial to The, bulletin RKDMOND While many Amer ican parents are concerned about the luxuries they can provide for their children the majority of Asian parents worry about even keeping their children alive. The contrast in living conditions, .was drawn for Redmond Rotarians Thursday nonn by Jack Ling of Bend who cited from his work with UN1CEF, the organization for children's welfare that is a part ot the United Nations. "A gond water system" would solve half of Asia's problems, he quoted the Asian director of UNTCEF as saying. Bad sanita tion, malaria, scarcity of medical assistance contribute toward the high infant and child 'mortality rate. UNICEF not only offers financial assistance for children, Ling said. but insists that wjien the assist ance ends the recipient govern ments themselves will continue the programs for 'belter health and sanitation. UNICEF funds are giv en only when requested, and are used toward long - term projects such as construction of hospitals, laboratories and plants and facili ties for producing insecticides and medicines. Ling commented briefly on his own background. He is a native of Shanghai, attended missionary schools, worked for Hong Kong newspapers, came to Synicuse, N.Y. where he received his A.B. degree-and went on to Stanford University for a masters degree. He is presently associated with ,The Bend Bulletin. ling in a closed area early this week, They are: Orville Donald George of Portland, William H. Tribe of Eugene, Jack L. Holmes of Bend Edward A. Philps of Bend and Finley Richard Shoan of Prine- ville. Each paid $25 fine and $-1.50 court costs. Eliza'beth Martin Brown of Yak ima was fined $15.00 plus $-1.50 court costs for violation of public utility commission plate uses, Graduating from the eighth grade will be Bradford Flanary, Jack Fletcher. Sandra Angel, Ka ren Carter and Nancy Lechner. Nancy Lechner has been named valedictorian and Sandra Angel salutatorian. A combined graduation of the high school and grade school is planned. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Askviken over the weekend were Mrs. Cora J. Saw yer and Don Sawyer of Portland They are Mrs. Askviken's mother and brother. Markets POKTI.ANO DAIRY By I'liitcd Press Double A' !..;"e eggs were up u cent from the 'iiside range today. hugs To retailers: Grade AA large. 52c do:i; A large, 47- )c; AA medium, 47-48c doz; A medi um, 46-480 doz; A small, 38 4& doz: cartons, I-3c additional. Butter To retailers: AA grade prims, 65c lb; cartons 66c; A prints, 65c: cartuns, 66c; B prints, 63c. Cheese To retailers: A grade cheddar, Oregon singles, 42'i- Ij'ac; 5 - lb loaves, 46" j - 49' sc. Processed American cheese, 5-lb. loaf, 3!Mlc lb. POTATO MAKKKT K1RTLAND (UP) Potato mar ket; Oregon local Burba::!:3 100 lb. sack No. Is 4.75-5; Central Oregon 'tussets No. 1A 100 lb. 5.50-6; live :unce minimum 6.2a -6.50; 10 lb window 55-60c; No. Ds 100 lb. 4.J5- 4.50; 50 lb. 2-2.25. OItTI,ANI MVKSTOCK By Hulled Press Calves and cows were lower this week. Cattle for week 3685; fed steers weak to 50c lower; spots 1.00 off; heifers and cows 50c - 1.00 lower; bulls steady: low- average choice fed steers 22.50-23, around 2 loads up to 23.50; good 20-22; commer cial to low good 17-19.50; utility 13 - 16.50: load low to average choice fed heifers 22: bulk good 111-21; utility- commercial 16-18.:0; utility grassors 13.50-15.50; utility- commercial cows 12.50 - ,15, few above 13 late; young commercial cows on heifer order 16-17 early; canners and cutters 10-12.50; util ity-commercial bulls 15.50-18; cut ler bulls 12.50-14.50. Ca'ves for week 400; vealers un evenly SOc-l.OO lower; good-choice 20-25; , commercial 17 - 19; utility 14 - 16.50; good - choice slaughter calves over 350 lb. 19-21. Hogs for week 1785; butcher hogs and sows steady to strong: choice ISO - 2.15 lb. barrows and gilts 19.50 - 20.50; closely sorted choice one 200-220 lb. 20.75-20.90; choice 2 and 3. 2-10-270 lb. 17.50 1S.50; choice 350-550 lb. sows 14 15.50. Sheep for week 22.50: spring lnmbs more active: demand indif ferent for old crop lambs; spring lambs fully 50c lower; spots 1.00 off; old crop lambs fullv j.00 lower; some late sales 1.5U off: ewes steady to weak: feeing lan.!,.i unevenly lower; early snles choice- prime spring lambs 21-22; closing at 21-21.50; good-choice 20-21; Inle bulk good old crop shorn lambs 13-14; few early sales 14.50-15.50- some Monday, up to 16.25; utility- good shorn ewes 4.50-5; cull-utility 2.50-4. mmmmmmf. TT i 1 it ,V;' GETS FIRST POPPY The first poppy of hundreds to be sold here by the American legion aux iliary Memorial weekend was given to Mike Miksche, president of the chamber of commerce, by, Mary Lou Pierce, president of the Junior auxiliary group here. The poppy was presented at the' regular meeting of the chamber of commerce this week. Others shown above are Mrs. Robert Harris, 1st vice-president of the American Legion auxiliary, seated left, and Ivan Chapped, sec retarymanager of the chamber of commerce. Mrs. Harris is also advisor to the Junior legion auxiliary. (Photo for The Bulletin by Walker Studio) . Tumalo Grange Holds Meeting Special to The Bulletin T1JMA1X) Twenty members and 14 officers of the Grange mot early this week. During the meet ing Master Henry Gassier named the fair committee which is com posed of Mrs. Cal Fouts, Mr. and Mrs. Del Dairs, Mrs. K. W. Put nam, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Becker. The committee will make plans for the coming county fair Grange booth, handle arrangements and decorations, and remind members' to raise produce and can fruits and vegetables to enter in the fair. Mrs. Ted Becker, Mrs. Herbert Scoggins, and Mrs. Cal Fouts were responsible for the program which consisted of songs, talks on finite and flowers, and conserva tion of birds and wild life. Serv ing refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen and Mrs. 1 lu bcrt Scoggins. Ne.vt meeting u scheduled on June 3 at 8 p.m. By a "cover," stamp collectors moan the ontiiv envelope with postage stamp adhering. School Groups i Name Officers SMx:lal to The Itulletin PIUNEVILLE-Sehoors end at Crook county high school finds new officers elected for the com ing year in various groups. The Pop club has installed Yvonne Raymond as president. Other new officers are Jean Berry, vice- president; Verda Smith, secre tary; Glenice MeG row. .treasurer; Jean Houston, parlimentarian; Joy Paxson, publicity chairman, and Jan Callantine as sergeant-at- arms. Outgoing officers are Rao Gum- pert, Janice Byrd, Shirley Broad sword, Jano Durkee, Sharon Wil son and Donna Aschbacker. In the Girls Athletic Associa tion, the new president is Glenice McGrew, president; Hheta Chase, vice president; Marilyn Lynch, secretary; Joy Pnxson, treasurer; Pat Wendt, point keeper; Janet le Moore, sergeant-al-arms and De anne Bekkedahl, sports chairman. TKANSIKNTS NAItlll l) Tho city police arrested two transients early this morning. They arc: William Roderick Fin- nery, 41, The Dalles, for failure to stop at a stop sign; and Joseph v. Effman, 19, Millican, for iuloxj cation. SI KVU KS SET Funeral services for Mi's. J. II. Loomis, late of 106 living avenue, wUl be held Saturday at 9 ajii. at St. Francis Catholic church. Recitation of the rosary will be tonight at 7:30, ait the Niswonger Winslow chapel. (Vodka in orange juice) mi Ic leaves you breathless 8 THKl'T ItKI'OKTKI) Mrs. Mary E. Loundree ol the Midget Drive Inn reported to the police Thursday that the telephone 1 u nd enin hnx nl Uin rai-nor nt V. 3rd street and Burnside avc. were stolen. ai the Qrcait&t name -VOUKA 8Dprnn(. Madcdom 100 drain neutral spirits. I Sic.l'ieituSmirnotf Fli.Inc.,Hauford.Conrt. Minnesota has' 30,000 .mllosi of I fisliing streams in addition to J(s;J 11,007 lakes. Parties Given j For Mrs. Elliott i i Special to Tho Itulletin , REDMOND Several friends have entertained recently honor, ing Mi's. Marsden Elliott who with her family will be leaving Redmond in July for Wisconsin. Mesdamcs Fred Sparks, 11. W. Allen and Wade Short entertained at a luncheon in the Pine Tav ern. A luncheon and bridge was held in her homo ihy Mrs. Maurice Lynch, and Mrs. Hugh Amsberry entertained Mrs. Elliott and friends for dessert and two tables of bridge last -week. Friday morning the PEO hon ored Mrs. Elliott and Miss Edith Bork at acoffee and handker chief shower in the home of Mrs. Jack Hartley. Memorial Rites Set in Prineville PR1NEVIELE - The rhythm of drumbeat and bugle will sot the lempo for Hie annual Memorial Day parade through downtown Hnncvillc, Monday, May .10. The pirade is being organi-ed by the Pnnmlle V.F.W. and Carl Mc Donald, commander, has issued an invitation to all organizations to bo represented in the line of march. The parade will organize- at Pio neer park shortly before 10 a.m. and will p roc w I f rom t h e re to Third and .Main streets. Music will 1 furnished hy one of the Crook county school bands. From the center of Pnneviile, the line ol march will I urn noi-th to the hndje across Orhoco rnvk, where the traditional naval cermnnifs wi'l be hfld and a wreath will be dropped on Uie sin -am. The marching group will be driv en from thn bridge to the Prine ville ceni'1ery. where special Me morial Day services will be held. Tne full rosier or groups who v.-ill lf in the parade had not yn Iwen prejKtn-d tfxtay, hul the Eagles lodge, Bluelmds and Camp fire girls will be am(ng those who will nn die painoiif organizations fur Uie piirode. WHEN CSSEOSSSMk VOU BUY SaveMoney, on Automobile Financing wiffc FARMERS BANKPLAN Before You Bay another car, consult fhlt agency. We offer Low interest rates with a local bank Low insurance rates with FARMERS Together It's lowest cost auto finance plan obtainable. F. Keith Shepard DISTRICT AfiKNT Ml Orrjjon Ar, I'Iioiih 331 IX'AL AfiKNTS IIKI.MKK WAI.I.AN IMioim 15IX .M or Ml .IOV IIL'CillRANKS ni'Mil K'wlmoml. rhoiie 478 From Symon's Bros. 1'; lA GRADUATION SPIXIAI, SINGLE STRAND PEARL MXKLACI-S Re, 7 50 NOW$295 tax 8 BRAND NEW WAY TC5 KEEP MONEY I Other Styles Ladies and Men's Buxton Billfolds From $3.95 plus tax THE LADY BUXTON FRENCHFOLD HillfolH with rxrln.ive Miipic Pur?- invi.ihlf; coin llnw you In nlip moiH'ir n(fly in-iilr witlioul opening piirM.' Hill HiHpfn'T lets you liilU out our. nt a linm Without tinfrl'jins purse. Window fur photol, rrrls. SYMONS BROS. JIIWIIKI :RS 'The ll'iiis - of B..iit.v" hill (ireiii Slalilim Gift Suggestions for Your Graduate FOR HER: Costume Jewelry from $1.10 inc tax Sterling Silver China Elgin American Compacts Billfolds Watches By Elgin, Bulova, Hamilton or Gerrard Perraguax FOR HIM: Cuff Links Tie Bars Ronson Lighters Electric Razors Billfolds Watches By Elgin, Bulova, Hamilton or Gerrard Perraguax Bulova Portable Radio 30.95 tax Inc. Bend High Girl Graduates Iliive Iheir Sli-i hnR I'alicins Ungi.slerrd Willi lis. Choose a piece or place sotlinp for your Qrl fltit'luiile