The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 26, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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An Independent Newipapnr
Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher
PHI F. Brogan, Aacodato Editor
Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations
bUnd M Saooo4 CUm tUUm, Imnmxr MT Uu Port OKlM Brad, On.
too maim A of Hank I. law.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Tf Bend Bulletin, Thursday, May 26, 1955
Introduced Again
Once annin Oregon's Senator Wayne has in
troduced with other senators his bill to provide fair
play in committee hearings before the U. S. Senate.
The bill seems sure to run into some opposition. The
opposition, however, does not detract from the essential
soundness of the measure or its virtue.
The opposition comes from those who favor a somc-
what similar proposal but who disagree on the strictness
of the measure. The Morse bill would establish a fair
practice code and make it mandatory upon committee
chairmen and members to follow the code.
Those opposing the Morse bill would have such a
code established, but would not leave it up to individual
committee chairmen to determine whether or not the
code was observed.
As Morse says in his current "report":
"It is unfortunate that legislation such as this tends
to bo considered only when some emergency situation
arises. Yet there is a continuing need for a code of pro
cedure in line with the Bill of Rights of the Constitu
tion." When the bill was introduced in the last session of
Congress, Joe McCarthy was riding at the peak of his
' power. McCarthy felt the bill was a personal attack on
him, and apparently was able to stall action on it.
According to Morse, the measure provides for the
elimination of one-man investigations, requires advance
notice of charges of improper activity, provides reason
able time for. testimony on behalf of those accused, pro
vides for the cross examination of adverse witnesses and
gives the absolute right to be represented by an attorney
at hearings.
Although these safeguards may seem far-reaching
to some of the higher-riding members of congress, the
proposal is certainly not at all out of line. Provisions of
the bill would adequately safeguard the rights of those
, l miszLm xwmxm
apr wwm
xiivsr. l rt ymxi
NEA Service, Inc. U
Edson in Washington
More Strikes in '55 Feared
NEA Wash iuj; (on On-resoiulriit
relations exjwrts now fear that tiie
United Stales mav be headinir into
who in the future might be caljcd before a senatorial a season of More strikes. Secretary
m Litor James P. Mitchell has
pointed out that last year was a
record low. Only ')0 strikes were
reported, involving 1,.'00,000 work
ers. For each of the two years be
fore, the number of strikes was
over 5000. involving 2,:00.000 and
3,500,000 workers.
This year is sized up as Jxin;
more normal meaning that it is
natural to expect there will 'bo
more labor disputes.
There was a mild recession of
rolling readjustment of some sort
or other leported in VXV2 and VX'A.
Traditionally unions don't strike
when jobs are searee. With bust
And it's not at all hard to get yourself in that spot
Pay Off the Outfielders
A Seattle baseball fan has offered $100,000 to any
player who bats a ball through a specially-built "knot
hole" in a fence 360 feet away from home plate. Says
he's covered by insurance. A wise insurance company
might arrange a payoff to opposing outfielders who
pull in hits destined for the hole.
At the Crossroads '
The newly-elected state chairman of the Jlepuhli
can party, in his first talk to the party faithful in Cort
land Saturday, said the Republican party in Oregon was
"at the crossroads."
The chairman, Wendell Wyatt of Astoria, went on to
discuss the 1956 senatorial race, which quite probably
will pit Gov. Paul Patterson against the incumbent Sen.
Wayne Morse.
If the Republicans are going to win that race they
are going to have to work, and work hard, he said.
Jlc's right.
But the Republicans had better not lose sight of the
other races which will be on in 1056. The Democrats have
a whole stable of good candidates available for the state
offices which will lie opening then secretary of state,
state treasurer and attorney general.
' The Republicans will have to start "running scared",
and start soon, if they expect to keep what they've got
now, much less win offices they don't have.
Nothing New Has Been Added
The junior senator from Oregon says that opposi
tion to a basin account scheme will spell the doom of
future irrigation development in Eastern Oregon. We fail
to follow his reasoning, since such a system never has
been used in the past in Oregon. i
complementary. Tile employes' ap
proach to Ihe proMom of miloma
lion has so far been (o ask for
Kuaranleed annual wae, y,roaler
unemployment benefits and high
er minimum wae. This is con
sidered insurance against loss of
For the employers' part, their
solution so far has been a bland
and blanket denial that there is
anything to fear from automation.
Automation isn't going to be
slopped. The unions admit tha'.
The problem fs how it can be
adopted by an increasing number
of industries with a minimum dis
location of Ihe labor force. It calls
for a new approach in industrial
No major employer has yet conic
forward to say in elleet: "Yes.
automation will cause some cm
iiess resioreo, me siock market tinloyes to lose the jobs they now
and profits booming, the heal Is on, (have. But we are working out a
While the union demands will
iry from case to case on pav.
fringe benefits and working con
ditions, two niaj-.r issues will be
f.iund in the background of nearly
dl eolleetive bargaining. And they
ire apt to set the patlern for de
mands in many negotiations still
U3 come.
One is the guai-untcrd anmrd
wage which the auto workers are
pivgrnm of job retraining and un-
grading, so that employes dis
placed by new machines will g"l
better work at iH'tter pay."
It is liclioved that an approach
of 'his kind might knock much of
the wind out of the sails of union
leaders who go puffing alout 0:1
the need of "CAW" guaranteed
annual wage.
The I'.S. Department of I.ilior ir
demanding in a pioneering effort : planning studies i(, see whal can
lor other unions. Ihe other is the;ho dno in ,.(,,,,inig workers for
threat of automation the now ; h, -hol. vi.jiu
technology of automatic tuetorv
assembly which many unions
will reduce tiu numljer of iots
nd replace men wilh machines.
Milrhell h:is nsked Congress for
$10.0110 to iK'gin these studies. The
House has approved it, but tile
Senate is still considering. It would
These two faelors are in a sense! seem to lie little enough for
a proi-
Quotable Quotes
Let me say that it (most thrilling moment) came
when 1 was promoted to first lieutenant. 1 waited
five years for it. tien. (ieorge (V Marshall.
The J6t qurstion is: litis the Communist leopard
rhanged its spots and carnivorous appetite and now be
come a milk-fed pussycat? Senator William Know
land (R-Calif).
The Chinese people ate friendly with the American
people. The Chinese people do not want to have a war
with the United Stales. Red China's Chou Kn-lai.
To learn, just listen and absorb. Kthel liany
mnre. We have cars that will go -n miles an hour. Hut
where are they going while going? They are going to
the courthouse to answer a charge or maybe to meet
their Maker. Andrew .1. Sordoni, president c:f the
American Automobile Association.
Lr. (Hilly) Graham, with his va.-t .
is timing into the Johnny Kay of religion,
young people at Wembley (Stadium) wrr
Hoxers. .Infill Kedfern. neusma
. . following.
A lot of the
Cilile bolil.v-
Vision, understanding, moral character and the gold
en rule mining from Christian faith are Africa's hope.
-Methodist Jiisliop Richard C. Raines.
u , mums mamram mmfrmirintFEZ wvnrmmngn
mw miii; avjxj&w mum
1 5 I .
' Pi 1
From BEND, Oregon
Effective May 28, 1955
9:10 AM 7:10PM
SPOKANE: 11:30AM 7:10PM
PRINEVILLE: 9:10 AM 12:45 PM 7:10 PM
CORVALLIS: 4:30 AM 9:20 AM
AND COAST: 4:30 AM 9:20 AM 6:55 PM
EASTBOUND 12:55 PM 8:45 PM
To: Boise, Twin Falls, Salt Lake City, Omaha,
Denver, Pueblo, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Chi
cago, St. Louis, Memphis, Now Orleans.
W. C. Crooks
1068 Bond Street
trt of this magnitude and impor
tance. It is no exaggeration to say this
is a second industrial revolution
that has to ibe met. The test ol
modern society is whether the rel
adjustment can be made without
at! (he hardships of the first in
dustrial revolution, when mechani
cal looms replaced hand weaving
in British mills.
One important parallel develop
ment in today's situation must he
noted. This is the great shortage of
sraduate engineers in America.
To the Editor:
In the Crocter Art Gallery at
Sacramento is a priceless pioneer
oil painting. It is "Sunday at the
Mines," by Nahl. An intoxicated
youth is pictured as casting his
Kola dust lo the ft'Wds. This paral
lels the '49er story ol snowballing
with nuggets.
A Bible - reading tno illustrate
the olt repeated lact that the God
fearing, lawabiding e 1 e m e n t
among the '49ers was strong. The
Humorous element is added by a
miner clad in only a long shirt,
trying to wash his clothes. It em
phasizes the sending ot Gold Rush
laundry transpacific to Hong
Americans pioneered for 10 gen
erations since James River. Ply.
mouth Rock. These Irontiermen
were famed for their elasticity,
their inventiveness, for their abil
ity to adapt themselves to an ever
changed environment. Selection
was fierce. The weakling, physi
cally or mentally did not live thru
the many reproductive yean. Now
that the Frontier has reached the
Pacific, must we not be watehfu.
to avoid the beginning oi decay?
Sacramento. California
.May 23, 1955 -
To the Editor:
I have no malice In my hearV
toward anyone but 1 think H
would be sound business In both
money prt and" Kvei vd t
thnv innk the moMV to our JO'
venile officer and ev it lo the
recreation department wfi
cutting their budge. . i
I'm not young woman W"
more but it does my lie-art good
to see those youngster ijrw
ball, etc. across from my place--;
Juniper park.
Very truly youn.
Mrs. J. C Scott
Bend, Oreco
The Thomas Alva Edison Founda
tion has just concluded a meeting
in Washington to stimulate the edu
cation of more young scientists.
Communist propaganda has
made a great point that Soviet
Russia is now graduating more
engineers than the U.S. The threat
is that Russian technology may
eventually beat out America's in
dustrial superiority if the trend
This presents a challenge to
American skilled and semiskilled
workers. It is no longer going to
be good enough for them to remain
in these job classifications. For
those not too old to learn, skills
will have to be stepped up so that
they become something more than
just intricate machine operators.
No labor union has yet done
anything to meet this new chal
lenge. The old craft unions have
their apprentice systems for the
training of journeymen. But no
union has yet come forward wih
any incentives for its members to
retrain for the good jobs that are
going begging at the lop.
The unions and the employ
ers may yet find that they have a
joint responsibility in meeting this
new demand, instead of just fight
ing each olher over its after-effects.
If-YWKt 1
WE HAVE IT! The Biggest Selection Is Tow
Trolling Spoons - Spin Lures
We'll Show You Lures You've Never Seen Before
nAnC Spinning-Casting
fJUO Trolling-Fly
DCCI C Spinning-Casting
Kingspin" 60c
The Flying Saucer Lure
And Complete Selection of '
Landing Nets Fish Baskets :
Boat Cushions Life Preservers
Converse Hip Boots .Tackle Boxes
Kampkold & Little Brown Ice Chests '
1 & 2 gal. Vacuum Jugs Thermos Bars.
Coleman Stoves & Lanterns
Service at ail times V
"Your Home-Town ISetdwwe". , ' -0H-n
Daily 8 a.m. (o 8 p.m. Sitndaya 9 a.m. to; t p.m.
1005 Galveston -'.- . rbone tit
TMs'55 Buctt
" 4 WV - Pgr 1 S ..
il n
Two nionllis ngo, in the public print, e said this looks like Buick's biggest year and
vc weren't fooling.
ltnt what has happened and continues to happen
is ntniON-t beyond belief.
1'cople buy up these stunning new Ituicks practi
cally as fasc as we Set them from the factory. Huick
production already revised upward several limes
keeps forging uhcad to new highs every month
to meet Ihe mounting demand.
And liukk sabs keep soarini hither and hither and
' hither nutstripfiinZ by for the phenomenal success of
last year-Ihe success that moved Buick into Iht "Bit
Three" of A mtrica '. best sellers.
W hat is it about the '55 Buicks that folks by the
Local Delivered Price of
the 1 955 Buick SPECIAL
2-0aor. 6-Potinget Sdan, I
Model 48 illustrated; it I
hundreds of thousands Just won't do without? It'f
many things.
It's styling that's boldly distinctive and fresh at
tomorrow. It's beauty of line and beauty of interior
decor. It's a ride that's level, firm and steady, lt'a
a new sweetness of handling. It's great power
walloping new Y8 power of record might..
But above all, it's a new kind of perforin snt,f rem
a new kind of automatic transmission that Wit -boria
of flight thinking. ' r; v
It's Variable pitch Dynaflow-entinertd fr&m
the principle of the modern plane's switch. -pitch
propeller-and what it brings you in tbe.Mylo
pure thrill, mere words can't describe. ; f. V
Just you drop in on us this very week M4 fr it.'
That way you can see what a terrific automobile
and a terrific buy -the hottest-selling Riiick of all
time really is. ', , ,
. i . ; " -
'Dtiutow Drin it U4U4tl on RalntiHr,.apluimt 0 Mn
on olbtr Stritu
" CN YOl' Ft Ud liHWt
Thrill of the year is Butcit
" Drive fnim l-'ftrtorv
See nir Itiiielt lenlrr"
Save fM -JO'XI
mi to iua
709 Wall St.
Phone 193