The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 25, 1955, Page 3, Image 3

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    Prlneville Hospital TheBendBulIetin, Wednesday, May 25, 19S5 3
104 Crook County Seniors
To Get Diplomas on May 26
Sjm-cIuI (ii The Bullplin
PRINKVILLE - F;ve babio
were born at the Pioneer Memo-!
rial hs-pita! Ih: past wwk. On
Mjy 18, a daughter was bjt-n I
Mr. ati:l Mrs. B:!J Welch and a
fM was barn It Mr. and Mr".
HtAcrt Yanwy. I was a dau;;hle:
f.r Mr. and Mi-s. W 1! e Stn'etmai
ai May 22. and a s-,n lor tin
ti -o?e Djnr.eilys o' .' -mie Civek
on tile same d::y. A :au:.;p'(r wa;
bj.-n May 23 u .lr. a:ij Mr
Djn York.
In o:lier hovp'tal news, Allien
Way ol I'r'ineville and Mrs. Mar
Eai-.M Carlson of Miljl.ell wire ad
milted on May lj. On May 20
Mrs. Ks:ej Chandler ol P.-inevill.
and Mrs. Raymond O'ark, also o:
Prineville wei-e admitted, as wen, daughter cf Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Madison and Sandn
daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. James
Kaiidt.ll. Those dismissed were
Mrs. LeP.oy Smith and baby, Mr.
W. K. Kin;, and M's. Janes Hop
P'M all of Prineville, Mrs. Huv
s"ll Ci'Uh.-r and baby girl of Mad
rr;s and Jack Ne.v.sijme of Powel!
.Mr. W. W. Wise was admitte!
on M.iy 21. d.smissi'd wen
Mis. Raymond Clark and Mi"f
diaries Marniless and son o!
Pnni'Ville. Harold Smith ol
Mitchell and John Patchan of Mad-
ras. I'istes Euchanan was admitted
m May 2.'l following a minor acci
dent at work. Olhci-s were Dolly.
daui-'hler of Mr. and Mrs. Milo
Must :i. and Harold Smith of Priiie
villc. and KIwo.mI Madden o
Frick Predicts
Rosy Future
baseball Commissioner Foi-d Frick
ran the gamut of controversial
questions with only a minimum of
hedging and pictured rosy times
for the national past time today.
"Baseball is in a sound state."
Frick told the United Press late
Tuesday. "As long as we have
America, we're goint; to have base
ball. We're just back to normalcy
following the boom period after
the war."
"Baseball today draws so much
more than prior to the war." he
said. "Five million was a great
year before the war. 'Even in a
bad year now we have seven and
one-half to eight million."
KmtIhI tu The HullKln
FRINEVil.LE - The gold honor
r A s syiu'juiU'.ng schlast't
tchieveinr..; wiii be wrrn by tc.
;ud.-nts in the Vjm yra'.ivia. ln;
-lass at L'rojk ty hih schoo
n Thursday, May 2iJ.. when 10
..uiors (V.I. receive tiu-ir d j!omas
Mary IU i ns, v.i It-air! or ian
I a :U tiu i'.ns, and Alinu Mat
icardon '.s .suiutatonan. Others ii
,ie hu.ior grjup are Kuy Tltomp
m, Carr.ill Kincaid, Jo Bolton.
vLuy Jo Httiniiiger. Jessica Nice
y. V Hard Grimes, Jac-quelyi
Matthews and Janice Byrd.
Mary H.iriis scored a grad
)o;nt averaye of 1 O.'iS for her luu.
year's in hiyh school. Close io he
nark was Alnrn Mae Beardon wit):
'.Mi. In addition, bo'h girl; havt
laken pari in numerous school ac
V'ties. Mary has served as ptvs
dent of the Girls' League, bei
i thi-'r n-Mto. "The Spark o
Ambition Lights the Flame o
chievemenl'' und at tlie gradu
ition exercises, the four student
Harris, who had a grade point
of 1.058 for her four years of
high school, will head Peine
viile's class of 104 seniors
when graduation exercises are
held there Thursday night.
active Mn the Pep club and has
been a member of the National
Honor society and the student
Alma Mae is also a Pep club
member, a member of the honor
society, and was a drum majorette.
This year's graduating class is
the first to complete four years in
the new high school. They chose
ieasoh Opens
In The
NEW! In 11 shades, plain brass to 14K Gold
plate. Super Trout Trolls.
Half-Fast Troll Spoons
$1.55 o J3.95
Also a complete selection of trolls such as
Ted Merrill
Ford Fenders
Flexi Trolls
yibralite Fenders
Hot Shots
Lucky l.ody
Diamond Jim
Aluminum, Floating
Boat Landing Net
only $2.95
And Half-Dollar Bill Braided Nylon 50 yd. spools
Fisherman's Knife
Abolone Killers, 50c
only 65c
75c 95c
Level Wind Star Dreg
from ?,75
Hood' for Men and Women
Ike Walton Boots s12.75tos15.75
In Bulk, Cortland or Veoo
Monofilament Lines
All Wright us fill your reel
Masterson- St Clair Hdwe.
"A Pleuure To Serve Yon"
Bond & Minnesota Phone 88
f.cakej's will center their talks on
hi :htme.
SiurtK at '
The program w.ll commence it
! 00. w.ih a presaonal cy th
Jrjok cjuniy high schol Land
.nd an invocationa.' by th' Kev,
Udrance Huitlette. CV-il M. Sly.
utity sawrin'end 'tit . intro
uee tlie speaki-re T.ov w.ll bu.
n order o! abearance M.iiy Har-
s. Alma Mae euitkn, Ray
"hempsen, and V Hard Grimes
i has beer. slu.Iciit bjdy p:-esi
.ent. Jerry Pollard. rla;s presi
lent, will act as narrator.
Musical numbers will be presen:
ed by Byron Meadows and Krea
iruriniu-j". The presentation
i wards will be niade bv W.lfi-eri
Burgess, principal, with the excep-
ion of a number of specific scho!
rships and prizes. them
vill be the Carls' League cup. g:v
n by MiVi. Marvin Katon ; thf
American Legion ctsp by Kolx i"
larris: the American U'gion anx
iaiy cup by Mrs. Dal
Crog; the Lion s uuxil
iry schc!::r.shi' by Mrs. U)ss Cm
tfit-m; the B.P.O.t:. award by
"ierald Krjg. Scholar h us wilt
Uso be givi'ii by the Soroptimists
nd the P.E.O, group.
Only two scholarships have beer
announced to dale f.:r recipients
Mary Hanis will go to Oregor
College of Education at Monmouth
'ind Carrol Kincaid is l-eeipient o
i scholarship to State col
lege, where she will siudy heme
Candidates Listed
Candidates for graduation at the
May 26 exercises are:
Arlen Alderman, Larry Alder
man, tugene Anderson, Marie Ap-
uleton. Donna Ashbacher, William
Bailey. Charles Bartch, Alma Mac
Beai-don, Carolyn Becerra, Jnnel
Beeson, Jo Bolton, James Butler,
Shirley Broadsword, Lila Brown
Frederick Bmmmer, Janice Byrd,
Albert Carder. Gene Carlson.
Billy Caudle, Mary Caudle, Wilma
Caudle, Marilyn Chalfont, Patricia
Cole, Robert Coop, Lewis Crain,
Freeman Cross, Tina Cross, Jimet
Cumberland, Barbara Dake, Don
na Lee Davis, Michael Decker,
Ruth Ann DeSelm, Belly Jean
Donaca, Dolores Dooney, Donna
Dorn, Janet Durkee.
Jerry Evans, Stanley Fin!ey.
Carol Anne Card, Robert Gerke.
Melvin Gillette. Jay Grimes, Wil-
lard Grirres. Gary Gumpert, Rae
Gumpert, Marilyn Hale. William
Hardin. Mary Harris, Brian Hn
I worth, Mary Jo Henninger, Clyde
Holliday, Glen Houston, John Huck,
Raymond Hulse, Harriet Issacson,
Nancy Jones. Carole Jonlan, Car
rol Kincaid.
Zona Larkin, Dar!ene Lawrence,
Erie Lawrence, John I-p, Stan
1 p. Gordon McFee. Colleen
Mar'i" Gerald Martin.
Deanna Martinson, Byron Mead
ows, Jacquelyn Matthews, Alice
Montgomery, Jim Morse, Carroll
Morris, Jessica Nicely, Marie
Nordstrom, Rolnrt Orendorff,
Robert Page, Jerry Pollard. Caro
lyn Puckett, Ralph Reynolds. Ron
ald ScBilcn, fVnna Gae SatterU-o
Rirchell Shed. Richard Shook, Jo
Shoun, Jr.. Marjory Simmons. Al
fred Smith, Issac Strand, Sophie
Strand, Jessie Strckton, Gordon
Strmbel. Goldie Sweet.
Raymond Thomoson, Russell
Thompson, GeraWine Bishop,
Frank Tussing, Rivnard Tyler,
Ronuld Wachs, Maivin Wagner,
Marilyn Washington, Lyle Whit
sett, Forrest Wilson, Edward York
and Larry Johnson.
Additional Sport
Juniper Tourney
In Semi-Finals
Sr-vlal to The Bulletin
REEMOND Si'mi -filals in tin-
men's spring handicap tournament
ul Junii:er Gulf eluh ure under
.vay tiiis weex. Maiched in the
d amponship tight nre Kied
luarks vs. Bi'rwyn t'oyner. und
larcU Puvey '.s. Jo!in Holechek
o;;urs are to be in ty May 30. ks had delea ed Ray Rogers
i-4. Covner won from E. G. Mans-
ie!d 3 J, Povey tojk his match
'ro.n Rut's S'.anard 2-1, and HjIc-
:hek and Karle BDOlh played, the
"ormer winning 1 up cn the liil!
hole. flight results how MeHc
lgan winner from Dr. R. 1.
.e.vs ':v de'ault. U.iyd Davis wot1
'r.)m Sam Johnson 2-1. und Jack
'tartlev de.'eatei Pete Nerseth ij-l
avi.s und Hartley are paired anil
lo.'a'i will play tne winneit of the
n-ttch b;'lwen Allon M;)oney and
lei-'j-'ri Gumher.
Si-eoiid fiitiht, winnei-s first
Duten" Voils vs. Rennolds.
1 un in 19 holes; Al Tilse vs. Jim
Xasserman 3-2, Boyd Simmons v
Hill Piei'eo 1 up. Harold Hansen
re. Dr. Charles Dudley 5-:t. Thi
-airs Vo'.ls and Tilse. and Sim
mons vs. Hansen for the semi
Wnners in tlie third flight
named tint were: C J. Croi'lvi"
vs. C. K. Stranahan i3. Bud Mil
Vr vs. Pei-shing Andrews 2-1, Ui'i
Smith vs. Howard Schroeder 4-2
ind Huidi Amsberry vs. Harry Sly
by default. Craghan and Miller are
matched, and Smith and AmsDer
ry will play.
Alex Clements defeated Bb Wel-
don 3-2, in the fourth flight, Allen
Mills won from Art Edmonds 6
Earle Hallock took the matcn trom
jh Davis bv default, and Gene
Endicotl defeated Lloyd Satterlee
1 un. Pairings: Clements vs. Mills
and Hallock vs. Endicott.
tn the fifth night P. M. Houk
won l un on tne linn iruin iwu
Munkres and Walter Kleen default
ed tn Dr. Roeer Stack. Dr. ham
uel Toeve will play the winner of
the Munkres-Stnck match.
Purine Coast Leupie
I, Pet.
34 16 .680
29 22 .569
25 .500
25.4 90
25 .479
24 .478
29 .408
30 .388
(toon DI.KI)
Wien Mr. and Mrs. Julian Siok
won a S500 down payment on n
house in a lottery, they turned over
the money to Hany Harvey, whose
home had been destroyed by fire
a few days before.
San Diego
Ios Angeles
San Francisco
Tuesday's Results
Hollywood 3 Seattle 1 '
San Francisco 8 Portland 2
San Diego 6 Los Angeles 1
Oakland 7 Sacramento 3 (1st)
Oakland 7 Sacramento 2 12nd)
How Scrlex Mtiinil
Sa'n Diego 2 Los Angeles 0
Seattle 1 Hollywood 1
Portland 1 San Francisco 1
Oakland 2 Sacramento 0
Wednesday's Probable Pitchers
San Diego (John Cnrmichael
t4-ll at Los Angeles (Dave Hill
man 0-01.
San Francisco (Gene Bearden
(6-0) at Portlund (Royee Lint
Hollywood (George Munger 3-3)
at Seattle (Ryne Duren 2-1).
Sacramento (John Brings 3-41
at Oakland (Skinny Brown 1-0 or
Bob Cain 3-3).
PCC Reverses
Itself on Spring
Football Issue
.nac:.'ic Coast Conference, reverv
ing a decision made last year
has decided to continue xprin;
fo';tlall practice.
II. P. Lverest, PCC s-okesman
said tiie mive was decided upon
"in ail fa'rne.-:s" to West Coast
athletes wlu compete agains
:eams fri:m other sections of the
ciuntry whei-e spring workouts au
the rule.
The PCC had voted last yenr
f abolish spring practice ir
Spring practice will remain un
der present rules allo wing 20 dayr
3f workouts in any 30 consectl
live days.
In other action yesterday, the
-:econd day of the PCC's spriiu
meeting, the conference named
dlree men to an athletic code en
forcement brjrd which w II hole'
investigations, call w' lie -ses am'
recommend action to the PCC
Named to the b"ard were Ever
est. University of Wash'nglon fac
ally remvsentHtivc, for H're
vears; Glenn T. Seabon;, Califor
lia, two years; and Dean Orlandr
.1. H .His. University of Oregon
me year. Rixford Snyder of Stan
"ord was named as alternate.
The hoard will be empowered
o hand e elig'bility and enforce
ment protilem;. It was g:ven n
lew set of rules by which it car
bar athletes for any period, such
six months or a year. In
stead of for the rest of his aca
demic career.
Everest said a special commit
tee will be named tomake a re-
portw interm eeetin gint hehtate
port at the winter meeeting in the
San Francisco Area on .cost-of-
living work now allowed uthletes
at PCC schools. There is now a
$75 monthly limit at $1.50 an hour.
There was no official mention
yesterday of the . controversial
Ronnie Knox case.
Saddler Upset
By Joey Lopes
erweiKht Champion Sandy Saddler
was the victim of a unanimous up-
ei decision lusi niyiit in u non
title bout with Sacramento liyht
wxgM Joey Lopes.
The champion Irani New York
was looking for the 100th knock
nit or his career, but a furious
last round assault on the badly
Mattered eye of his opponent could
not even gain enough points io
.ake the decision.
There were no kii'jckdMvns, but
.opes iiad liie champion staggered
n three separate rounds. Lopes
scored on the distunce shcts, whih
aking an iiside beating from tlie
agile Saddler.
Lopes made his nnst tc1li::g at
'ack in the ninth, knocking out
"(tiddler's mouthpiece early in the
ound. He scored fiwly with both
hands. Hmvevcr, Lopes' rip'it evv
'hich had been swollen bidlj
since the second round, l;rot.
open und bled freely.
In the final round, S Midler''
lu'.Kni; white trunks were st:tined
villi blood of his omwnent's evo
Lopes suffeivd a severe eve le
"ury when he lust a decision to
"armelo Cosln in New York two
wit'm '-ut the Oilifornia
M'lletic Commission declared it
healed for the fkhl.
Judw Merle Zle;ler sored the
'wut 58-51 for l-ones. while Jud '.1
?red Hot turn and Rferee John
lasinetli called It 57-52 fir ltes.
"he United Pix'ss caixl had Lope;
n fnint 57-52.
The referee disolaved little na
ience with Saddler's aggressive
'nfighting tactics, bivaking the
fighters freely and slapping Sad
dler's hands for holding.
In the fifth round, Basinelli took
one point from the champion for
belling Lopes with a solid right
well after the bell had sounded.
In his dressing room, Lopes said
that Saddler was by far the tough
est fighter he had ever been up
"But he has to bo," Iopes added.
"He's the champion of the world."
The gate for the capacity crowd
')f more than 4500 was $1G,'271.
Lopes weighed 1X1 1-4, to Sad
dler's no i-2.
Prices Thts S!iow Only Adults 3Gc
Children 20c
A Cis:emctscope SEiorr
Trbuble Came
In Triplicate
Trouble came in triplicate for box
er Eddie O'Hara.
'After losing a decision in a light
heavyweight bout at Kdgerton
Park Sports Arena, O'Hara 1quv1
two detectives welting for him In
the dressing room. Four warrants; be this one will slick."
were served .three for illegal park-, Mrs. O'Malley shrugged and
Nina O'Malley, 44, went to court
Tuesday to have her divorce from
husband number 13 finalized so she
can marry Gabriel L. Avery, 44, n
parking lot attendant.
Superior Court Judge Elmer D.
Doyle told her, "who knows, niay-
ing and one for speeding.
Then when the fighter left the
arena, he found his car had been
towed away. More illegal parking.
smiled, "I always hope so.'
Scientists know nearly 1.1.000 dif
ferent kinds of atoms.
SJ -- 2,"IS ""' sitmiHt "Tim oavio"
On The Same Program
mm iMrtM imii " 111 A - . I
i:ii;iviivnirCTib w- it, n m -RNI !
Out o-f h ordinary
Into an
Formosa Ixrasts a 65 per cent
literacy rale, high by Asvin stand
ards, says the National Geographic
Society. Total enrollment in the is-1
lnnd's 1. 500-odd schools, including
one iinivei-sity and eight colleges,
is estimated at more than 1.250,000
. si ' ! : I
, .jrn it A A h; i i , i
II II 11
Company Coming?
We'll help you take care of those out-of-town
guests over the holiday weekend Just Phone 100.
We Rent
Folding Beds
.O 6-Year Cribs
Hospital Beds
O Wheel Chairs
O Floor Polishers
A. C. Stipe Furniture Co.
821 Wall
Phone 100
1 I "
7 ti. f
'JAW KKieW.v-r
Ntrwtr-ttghf OtluM HotMaf Smmi. A Gwwrot Molott Volu,
Discover the difference
makes !
the "Rocket"
$ 2564.62
Takr a glamorniii new body ityle and add 01dmli'Irii dttihirtive
Itrauiyl Add, too, the mighty power of Oldwiinibilr'i "Hoekct Engine!
What hove you got? YouVe got the Mtnartrnt, tmwttfunt, "flinft,
1 hi rig on HheHs! You're driving a nor with new personality, vitality,
originulityl You're driving Oldnmohile'a Holiday Sednn, a fuirdloft uith
fftiir dftort . . , the wrrttMt conihination of grare and spare, of giHHl
lookn and comfort, in all motoring. So go ahend . . . and get nut of the
ordinary 1 Co ahead ... get our ajtpraual and get into an Ulda-suon
CJBi.IV ft U lot
tout ek rftindt upon cholca of modal and bodt iM,
Op'tonol tquptiMl and o(iiwlt. Frt mt) vary
thahrtv In fidiwnwtg commur.ilivi l)tiuit ot tfnotuna
chj'gi. AH prit tub ) I to thong without nu Ik.
Can loo 5n, Slr. Slop JoMrf Clwtt four Cor-Chl AccMnhl
220 Greenwood Avenue Phone 87