V 6 The Bend Bultetin. Tuesday, May 24, 1955 Sadie Loomis Dies at Age 69 Sadie Loomis. 69, wile ol J.ihn H. Loomis, died this morning at the Looiris home at 106 living avenue. ' .Mrs. Loiimis was a native r,l Ncphi, Ulah, and hud been a Een.l rer'dent 22 years. In addiiiD) to her hu.'-and, rJie is su.'Vive.l by Alto; foui' Kraiidcliiklren and two jreal-grandchildivn. funeral arranKi'mc-iits have not boenvcomplptcd, according to tli '.'Iswcr.fr-Winslow chapel. nivosca si:c:ht Rc.nita McClanahan filed com plaint far divorce ai;ainst Albert McCanahan yesterday at the cir cuit curt. a son. Gen. Fred Loomis of Palo Alto; two daughters, Mrs. Ted I Salher of Kennewick. Wash., and! Mrs. James S.jeedling of Pab p if j r; f J v U 4 4 M&&StdM&a Mmmxf)kmi4iSii DRIVERS GET AWARDS Winners of fhe Joycoe-sponsored teen-ago Road-e-o received cash prizes. In fhe picfure, from left, are Arnie Swarens, general chairman; Bruce Graham, third place winner; Don Fuhr, first place winner and Russ Kiel, chairman of judging committee. (Photo for The Bulletin by Bend Polico Department) Road-e-o Here Saturday Won By Don Fuhr Don Fuhr, a member of nf-xl year's junior rlass ul Bend hif;" school, won the $20 first prize in .the torn-ace Road-e-o sponsored liv llic Jaycees Saturday, ' . ! Runners up weie lloger Wil liams, who won seeond place and $15, and Bruce Graham, who , placed third for the $! prize. They . will be seniors next year. Djn also wins un expense-paid I rip to Portland to compete in Ihe .'state Road-e-o in eaily June, lie scored a total of -11!) points in the .driviiifc! test and written examlni l;.on, out of a passible 500. ! Thirteen contestants, 12 boys and one uirl, took part, uoiiik through their puces before a large crowd of spectators. John Chris mor. driving training instructor ul the high school, conducted the written examinations. . Judges included City Police Oiiof John Truett, Albert Gussner of the stale police, Garold Real slate drivers' license examiner, and, Russ Kiel and Keilh Shepard of the Jaycees. Arnie Swarens was general chairman in charge of the contest, and Warren Sulllff was in charge of prizes. The Road-e-o is sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce on local, slate and national levels. The national finals will be held In Washington, D. C, with slate winners to vie for valuable prizes including several scholarships. Redmond Hospifal' ' Speclul to The Ilulletin KKDMOND Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Kuhn of Manpin are parents of a daughter born Monday at Cen tral Oregon district hospital. The baby's name is Victoria Anne. .Kathleen Patricia Is the name ot the girl born Monday at the hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Danno lUahnMVy of Sisters. llollle Rae Miller, !, Route 1, Redmond, was admllliHl Sunday night, and the following on Mon day: Chester Adams, (i. Bend; Leo nard Gorton. Redmond. Three oul- patlents wore treated. 1 Dismissed Monday: L i n d a George, 4, Warm Springs; James Connolly, Mitchell; Mrs. Chester Williams, Redmond, and liabv David Roger, from maternity floor. Park Clean-Up Made by Pupils A cloiin-up of Shevlin park by Allen school seventh tfratio pupil was under way Unlay as the yining ,'fers -complolej (heir slucly ot natural resources of the urea. The "workday , cleanup" is in lieu of a picnic for each section, in a move. V.i re .'lore some of the natural beauty of tlie Sheviin paik area. The picnic ku( undoi way itt mid-morning, and at noon the youngsters 'joined In n lunch. The cleanup continued early this after noon. Natural resources stud'ed by the ehMdieii included wildlife, plant life, water and terrain. Ultinute purpose of Ihe inslrue- tion is to Instill a sense of appre ciation of the value of the re sources and a feeling of individual responsibility regarding their pres ervation and perpetuation for fu ture generations, ford Hunnell, Allen principal said. -Language classes prepared skits dranurtiwng the proper and im proper ways of using and preserv ing scenic spots. . The school unit on natural re sources carne as an outgrowth of the in-service training conducted prior to school last fall on a county-wide basis. Teachers faking part in the park beautification project today were Mrs. Othor Scott', Wallace Van- llise and Henry Hall, seventh grade instructors. College Finds Mastodon Bones NKW CONCORD, Ohio (UP) -Officials ut: Muskingum College have been informed hv the Smith sonian Institution that bones of a prehistoric animal recently un earthed near St. Clairsville were "almost certainly" those of a mas todon. Archaeologists said the bones weiv those of the American masto don "ma'nmut Amerieanum," h? longing to the Pleistocene or glaci al age. Rones recovered wen the 1owt portion of the upper fore limb nrd the ipper part of the inner bo:t' of the fore limb. They were un earthed in strip mine operations at Pague's Run and were brought to Muskingum for identification The college plans to preserve the briies with a hardening solution and display them. The screw propeller was invent ed by John Kricsson, who de signed the Muni lor of Civil War fame. BYNUI'SIS OF ANNUAL HTA'f KMENT tor 1 lie vear einletl Iecember 31, ;tM. ut thfl UAUHHK ma hi n a i ' -it' ; :i)MJNY. .IMITIIU ut XI4 Cullfornla Street. R'lfi Frnn clued 4. In Hie State (if California, n;:i'le to the 1 mum nee i'ommin D:niier of t'.u Htuts of Urecuti, ttur-, i;i;tl to Ihw A I M ITTED ASSETS H'if'fti $.ir,n.47in8 Klijc!, mI-.tI .ut:e loam o it rn!i i-stnte H:j: eKiiiie ieu en i t.'Mbraticea Oivh ii nd liank (Ic Mrllt Ai'pntu' In la fu-eit or un roll wii'U uri'Nilums I tcri'hl, (Iii.Icih1h ami r. h) e' Into Irroiiie dii" and nrcriied OH er uHHfl b - UOI.SIB 00 Noli 287 88(1.75 61. -188 28 T till udiiilltcil as- 0cta 52.822.202 K8 Li ABILITIES, SOHF'I.l'S A.'VD OIIIEIt KUNDil I .t sues H 02.502.10 L'l-i. iitliiiHtrntnt e.- uiinfls 4.501.2G liili'inii'it tiR'niiumn 308.2;iS02 All ulhur ili tJ Ut iff ,1 IJ.301.49 ex- 'L'lul Hiiii'liiH funuH None U ti u k s I u ii eil fundfl ItliriilUHj 1.715.500.11 Bur plus as regards imlicyliotdvra $2,215,500.11 Total - $2,822,202.88 STATEMENT OF INCOME I'rpinlutiii turned S U:i;i,S01 21 -osHt-a ineiirred $ l l 1, 580.71) J.yi.n fXiieiiHfs Incurred 18,197. C9 Otlifr uiHlerwritiriK ex imiaea Incurred . 230,040.02 Total ur.derwrlUriK tludnctluiiB $ 390.428.37 Net inidei wrltliiK ruIq it Iohh 50.!:i7.1B Invpitint'tit income -14. U'i Other lncum N'jimi T!al. ' heforo federal liicomo luxett 28.887.40 Pitderal ln.'iiiiie tuta liRiiried Nuni Net Income $ 2S,S87.40 Dividends to Block hoidvra - None Mlvidi'mlg to H3ltcy- liciliii rs Notie Oipllul nliniififn (netl 82.306.10 Oilier It eiiiH HffertliiK . biirnlUH i net ) ninii- ' litiico to head office 35,30(1. 15 Total cntiltal and aitrplua Items (net) $ 40,070.01 Inorenno In surpina ntt rvKardK jnOli-vlioldemS 75.857.47 HUMINKSH t.N OltEOON KOH THE YEAH Net pr'iiiliima re- elvul $ 47.1(10 Oft Net IcftNca paid l-l.G-i5.50 Dividends paid or r red It ml to iMJllcy. tioldera Nope T'i ilii ial office In Oregon. t09 V'aillni; MulldiiiK, Portland. Oregon. S.IOI.STO.T'J M'.&.iPll!! ;,tu.ti'iu.iu tJM flu B.T Hl.T'Jl.iB a. Tso.tnit. mi 1M a i on l.tita.c:; a'. SHOP FOR YOUR Why pay more when you can borrow $500 and repay only 1(26.44 per month at Portland Loan. Up To 24 Months To Pay! Bor iw $1000 Repay $52.88 mo. Borrow $ 750 Repay $39.65 mo. Borrow $ 400 Repay $21.15 mo. WHY PAY MORE? PORTLAND LOAN CO. 85 Oregon Avenue Phone 173 ' (MM , ,' Lonns above $300 made bv ,:. Portland Industrial Loan Co. of Rend Under the Industrial Loan Companies Act HWni'HTfl OF ANN PAL 8TATKMKNT r'ur I in' tr tiukil li-iuiliL-r Jl, I '.' I nl l lie GUARANTEE INSURANCE COMPANY ol irii ArniflM. Iii Hut of faliloriiU. iiiidr to inu lniuTn't) rotmiiiMluner u( llt) Htain ul orritmi, nutminil in ' AUnil I t.u noot i a lliimU U.'iil elte I'n.h Htul hank drfuiiil A i' lialMtii t-a or iiiixitli-iti-d itri-inlunii . lnlin , di i l.li ritl( md ri-l eiUto Iiiiuiiik due and itiirtivU Uilu-r .'! lulal n.liiilllrd )iflt S LIAUILITIES. SUHPLU8 AND OTHtH IUNU8 ... lux d)uitll'i'llt ri)lllvl I iicariiiHl iirriiiluuia AH t'llivr tialillllli'i . 'llil llHlillllli-i, eticiit lanital t 6.11. ('Si,1(l (.Nld up -.. $.111. -HO. 00 l'lltllKlll flllldl liurtdu) :iBU3t '.t tturi'lut m rtiaidi lHlli'lHlUlvM ".ll Toul I ti.Ut STATEMENT OF INCOME Prnitilumi arntd fl.SC Uxin Imurrrd S TT1 hi'iii-i Incurtl . li) iHlift iiinUrtltl!i tpetiiM liu-iirred .. . , Tutal iitultfrwrltliK ditlnctUtna N'tl uinkrwrillng galit of io . i Inti'ittiient Puuiiia Oili.'f iiiivmc T0I4I. Iirfum ffdiral tlliOIII . Prdiral hiiuina lain liirittrnl Nt Ituunie ; Dlriilrn.li hi t.kltilJi'ri . : HirliUiiilt lu twin) lioldffl u. 1 Cat'ltal vlm'ttn (nrt . To lid i-ai'ltal and nifi'lui j 11 tin i (m-li .. iH-rrt in nirplui as rrtHfiU lilli".tkli1rt HUSINEB8 IN OHE00N FOR THE YEAH Sri li'liituiilt ri'irHvd . $ .I'l.HtHtl Nft lixici !ld . 2 !:ii '. I'rlnrlitat tirfl In Outhii ltav S in'nrt Akmi.v Inc., H. , HU Ain.ut, J'urilan 4. Ukimo. 1 IV CULVER HIGH SENIORS These six Culver High school seniors, chown with their advisor, will be graduated at commencement ceremonies, Tu esday evening at 8 p.m. in the Culver High school gymnasium. Shown are, from left, Audre y Lehman, valedictorian, Sharon Rodman, Ken neth Starnes, Keith Jacob, Culver school superintendent and senior class adviser, Leonard Walde mar, salutatorian, Marge Ditmore, and Charlene Gladwill. (Photo for The Bulletin by Bob Barber) Tor Ssptle Tcnks and Cesspools ACTS-ZYME The Balanced Enzyme and Bacferla Formula It will save you money because . . . IT RUMINATES SEWAGE PROBLEMS IT ELIMINATES PUMPING IT ELIMINATES ODORS IT ELIMINATES INSTALLING NEW DRAIN FIELDS Remember ACTI ZYME Must Work or Your Money Refunded 318 East 10th Dalles Janitor Supply Phone 2934 5 tur. oi,v e,i;x.,tnr. r. n vi 81,1 la :i ai.'j:w I ..m:. t -in m . ttt.it; (Vodka in orange juice) It loaves you ijpy breathless Smirnoff " vuunrt jopnxl M .le (mm loo Rriinnrun il virirt, Sif I'tfiuSniirnuriHli Inc., Hittfotd, Conn, (it, fciatt WILLIAMS TIRE SEHViC Announcing Our Big Fawn Williams Ray Williams We're One Ye jr Old this month and we say "Thank You Central Oregon," for your friendship and patronage with this Anniversary Special. THUS WEEK K1ILY NEW (While present stock lasts) Won . . . RIDE ON SMARTER, SAFER GOODYEAR Jj nnmnri n mm fllL-tJVLflf GOEiO by. NOW. priced no higher than many blackwalls! FREE FREE FREE AT KAY N PRICES ! BONUS SPECIAL! FREE Dynamic Wheel Balance with each set of Goodyears Sold this week COFFEE and DON? UTS for EVERYONE, Saturday p.m. 3ALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES (Accompanied by Parents) Merchandise Awards Saturday, 2 p.m. Register any day. Nothing to buy You need not be present to win let 5 Talk Tires! WIS AD MAY HELP YOU SAVE MONEY! How many times have you asked yourself, "What tires should I buy and how much should I pay?" The tires for you, of roune, are Goodyears, because they're first in every important respect quality, safety and value. That's why more people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind, and that's why you should insist upon nothing less than the finest Goodyears. TRUCKERS! Here's news! Lower prices on the new FAMOUS You may also purchase these specially priced Goodyear Tires at your local garage or Service Station featuring Goodyear Tires and Batteries. fffHMVIILERRIB flicdlowaf by GQODYEAR 95 mm till 1" 19 Now you can got flu's famous Goodyear for the lowest prices in its history. Stop in see it today! Plenty of Fawn and Ray FREE PARKING WILLIAMS TIRE SERVICE Your Cenffal Oregon Distributor for Goodyear Tires Phone 1216 183 E. Greenwood Ave. Plenty of FREE PARKING