The Bend Bulletin, Monday, May 23, 1955 2-Hour Border Duel Fought GAZA. Egyptian-Israeli FronlLr (UP Egyptian and Israeli forces fought a two-hour duel with m5r - tors and artillery on the border of the bloody Gaza strip today. The new outbreak of hostilities fcotween the two nations wcurrtd in the same area near Kissufim and Eir El Balah where Israeli f;oops last Thursday blew up an Egyptian outpost in u public'y proclaimed "retaliation" raid i.;r the death of three Israeli officers in a land mine blast on Tuesday. An Egyptian military spokesman said kRyptian forces suffered io casualties fn the sharp new batile this morning. , But he said the Egyptian Runs were believed to have inflict. 'd casualties on the Israelis, The Egyptian spokesman said the Israelis crossed the border hi six trucks and tried to attack the same outpost they hit Thursday. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL HTATKMKNT ft U f ndtal DaccuiUr HI. 1KS4 of the NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, PA. mt Pittsburgh, In lb HUl of Penniylvanli. tad U the Iniuraoto CoinrDlilitf of ttw HHU Of Ortron. tiurtuanl ta law; ADMITTEV ASSETS Blocks tt. 071.911. VI Uni mUI Tath ad bank djJOlt , Axfnti' balance or uncot)wttd prualuuu, Olvldendi and real MtaU 43T.O0O W I.I21.T1394 iiirotiie uua bjmI anTUMl ... ibt.ood n Other Mtftl 8.416.H8 St ToU admitted bmbii ....... f B0.9oa.aao.lfl LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNOB Lotica I.S3i.5MM ' lu adjutlraattt npnm 57.floo GO - Unarmd pr.mlum tT.BH.To: II All other lUbllttlM . D.TM.WtM Total llabllltUi. imtH capital f 4I.4St.IWOW Capital paid up ...J 3.UO0.O0U 00 Unaiilrned fundi duriiluil 15,1 U.OM 10 - Hurplui ai rciuda pulicjholdm f Ji.llS 00 18 . Titlal ... . ... t ntt.OW.tUiH STATEMENT OP INCOME SH.T4tl.S01 on M. .'&. (ITS 4 li.l3i.Tf)fl 1ft M.eia.ooa 4 13I..434 4J 1.0kS.T 48 I SSS 11 4T " I .on eniimifi Incurred Utttar uiulprwrllini eipnil Incurred ... Total underwriting deduction. Net un4errlilin gain or loo .... ' Inmuntut tncoin Other Income Total, nvforn fdrl lntom lata.. Federal ln"omo laifct incurred Net Inrome ... 134 010 OA ,..$ I.ICO.AW ufl I.OOO.OOd 0(1 Dlfldend to itorhrnldera 4'apltal chanfc Initl . Oiher Item affactlnf . aurpiui met f,5U3.5B M B.49I.HM 2 Total capital and lurplui Herat twit ... Increaw In itirplui (i regard Mil r y hold ir ... ... lt.Otrl BAN St HUVINtBS lJ OHEQON FOR THE YEAR Net premium raceltod f I'MH Of Net louei paid - UK h:h Hf Principal office In Oreon: 810 Wllcoi Ilullil iif. 1'otllaiMl I, Oteiun. - BYNOI'HIH OP ANNUAL RTATEMFNT a Uia year amltd lcttmtti 31. lkll at tha OENCRAL REINSURANCE CORPORATION of 90 John Street. New York 3N, In the Rule of New York, niade to Hi Inmranca Coflimu tuner of tbe Hir.t of Urrann. nrtut.t to law ADMITTED AHBETS Dondi ,.J -m.... 45.riO,0tfi. Stock! Cull and bank dapoilta Ajteota' lialancM or uncollected premium! IntecMi. dlridMkli and real otUla hiiuuie due aud scciurd . ,., . au.ri-'N.fl.ii ri 4.aB0.SS.0l 324,3:i.H uuier ancu I71.:fi II" Total ad tul tied aiwti lit.v;e.so4 7n LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS LotMt ,...$ Jl.Til.lTr tH- Luea adjuttmenl tipeiuoa S,4H8.:3T.(H' Unearned pretnlumi , , ll.ssfl.sgj,i AH other llabllltlu i.bhS km id Total liabilities mcept capital $ Capital paid up....l .OilO.uoo.ot) Unaulfned fundi durplui) tT.046.H44. t!9 Burplui ai raiarda pollcybolderi $ 34,246.H44.9 TuUl 9U.9HMi fl STATEMENT Of INCOME Pretnlumi earned , , . , m.Hir.Tltt w Utaei Incurred ... ,..,.. B.r3.Hlo.4l Lom eipmiei Incurred . li Other underwrltlni eiperwea Incurred Total umlrrw riling deduct loiti Net undent rltl hi gain or Ion... Inteitinent intotna , . .. 10.2ttS.9dO.4i !0.1C1.7at Of LOW 1. 057 : I.U'J&.MU 3l Other tnromo 9.'?H li 3,777,81 4 1.S34.W-T s: 3 . !4 .itl . i: 1,111.1100 0t l.ino.ouo.m Total, before federal Im-oma tatea. rturrai inrome lain Incurred... Net Income , iMfldtnd to lUrklKildcri 1 aptiat rhaiiifi dicll Uther ttcmi affcitlna rurplui Total capital and turplui " Iteoui ineti ... Incrtate in turplui ai reiardt tmllnhdlilpri 4.50J.T r, 4.4SI.IMT 111 .T3t 17ti 0 DUSINFS4 IN OREGON roil TH vrti Vel premium recelied fp lei loiiea paid - in,. (W.4TI N BYNOI'HlA OF AN'M'AL RTATKMKNT tMt lite tut euJtnl ItettHiilitr tt. uf (lir ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY Of New lurk, in the ttiatt ot New Vorn. tiitili U Ue Inturaiu tWrmuiiiwer ot the mala ol vrrtun, pur mam 10 uw ADMITTED ASSETS Hd I ST OTI.OSK 11. B" I6.IHI ai4.0l t'ealt ltd tiaidl drpoilU a.3l..iio a. Agent!' baUuret or utuxlletted preuiluini Intoteii, dltldmdi aikt real mate iniwoe due aiul aicruJ OUier aeii .. . .. . 4 s;i law i' Total a lmlltrd atteli I n tiul.el J 0 LlAUIimta. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS -.- I II. Ml Mt 0. ' adjudmeni H petite . f.mj vM v- 1' ncarned iirenilums -T1..,v. Iti 7no v ' i All lialilllilei SiUm. I, Total Ilililliteli. ticept capital Sl OJu.ut) Capital paid up f i.JOO.nun Mil 8icilal lurplui , 'unJ' fl.l3S 05 I uattiined fundi tiuriJiuii 1S. 413 01 Burplui ai reiardi pollonolderi f 3! 1T1 SSO 0. fetal .. f Nu Oul.tJil ! STATEMENT OF INCOME t-remumn earned ai- n t LoMea Inrurre! 11. rs: KM i elfeoiei Incurred . I.WJW.I i3 1 Other ondf renting eieoiti Itnurted Tela) unlerf iilng deduction! Net undrrritiTij mn . , I'lieituiiiii tniutae - .. titlier iiiMirne Total, tiefore federal tnroio taiei etteral Ihtumr tai.t tn,-rod et Imoioe lHHdrnj. to tl kixtlder ""'l lapiial iliingri u.rtl ... Otiwr lten.i aileilina Orplit hrl Toi tapiiai ai-l turolut ' IS 4TH Iv.lKl 11 6 I. cri (..-j l.j; T. M:.i; ; i.)So.:a i i. sir, Jtn n i,u:.i.ii r. I Nt'U.UIItl ll i.:is.siiit' 1413.r. - t.tXt W9I U Inerrate in turpli i regard t;i. jt- " ' 'Ml T I AH .Net ijreu.Uta Tr.,.e4 . , 4M : (l .Net h( pa.. I ., tl. FOR THE AMAZING NEW BARD - MATIC "The Garbage Can You Don't Have to Empty" Ah aclviTllvd In Hip ciirrrnt Contact your local ncnlrr. Or Write or Fhon.'t INLAND (DfftlfTHhtpfl) P. O. U AI.IJV C svailablp ) Plan Spurned By Russians BEffMN (UP) Thi Soviets Fri duy rejected Western proposals to lifi Berlin's baby blockade and the three Western ambassadors an- nounced they will rctcr the prel)- lorn to their governnunls The amhasUors of the United States, Britain and France issued i communique after an unsuccess ful four-hour met'ting with Soviet envoy G. M. Pushkin. In it they snid the Soviets re jected a Western proposal that the problem of exorbitant tolls levied by the Communists on truc't traffic into Berlin should he re ferred to German experts for set tlement. The communique added that t!.e Soviets muinlained bluntly that the matter was "s.ilely within the com petence of the East German auth orities." The communique added that the three Westi'rn ambassadors then "decided to refer the problem to their governments. BYNOI'HIH OF AN'M'AL RTATKJIKNT Fur Hi tir fiKlrd lt(iubir Ji. iai4 of the NORTHWESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY f Mltineaiiolli, In Hie Stale of Jrilnnrtota. made to Uie Iniurante 4onimlulanr f (lie Kialo at Oregon, punuant la law; ADMITTED AflsrTH S.i:3.5(J3.4 I citato . L'OO UU T.tluo.uu I'atb and litnh dtfioilli Jnlerrit, dlildrndi and real utile liiiume due and an tueil Dilit-r aivti Total admlltod aneta f LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNU8 loii adjuttment eiprtuei S3T.T10.4N 1,731. i?4 31 iiamiuiea. eirejn cafMlal J.3uU,t,l0 73 t Mlui paid up II .iiuO.Dtiu no rliicrlal aurplua '"t"f J.OfUi.OUO.Ot t'nitdgncd fundi (urpliit) .., 5.370 inn i Kitrpini ai rcuardi fMiih jiiol.Jeri . I 6.3:tfl.lfin.;B "' - S T.4j.:ui n STATEMENT OF INCOME 'reniluini eartinl ... 4 mj TlH -a ime liumrpil ..-it .1.. Iii ettieiiM-i Inriirred""' ui':ti:ii tlur uiLlvrwrltina n;iciti hurtful Total uii'lerMrltlng deduct Ion et tllKlcnirltlne eatu m TMi tioi (in iin.ri.N.i-.' 463 VJ7 3 ims.r'j.'i Imeitmrtit lmuiu Kilter In 1 uni Toial. Iit-fure frdrral Federal liirome incurred ...T .el Incuinc i-t Dhldrnda to itoiklwldtri 1 j.i. H ilfl iiiiai ctianye (tirii , , iti.'r lirnti ffciiiiii inrplm (111-11 i Total capital and aurptui Menu rfpate in niriilui ai rtaurdi p"!I(!io!iiti :..lni..ii' ,mi .a; 1 "71 731 KB nUSINESH M OltEOOM rnn mt vno Kt Iomoi paid lo liU I t " BYNOPS1R OF ANNl'Alt RTATEJIKNT VtH lltr m Ui'lnl Unniilpor it 1'J"4 uf 1 he NORTH AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY REINSURANCE CORPORATION ul llil r.A 4jnd Kirrel. N Voik 7. In tli' rttai or New Voik. made to lite tniunin t'om mlttluiier ol llir Ktate uf Ociaui), purnMin tu law ; AOMITTCO ASSETS Kondt I flS.aSft. 1 4ft . fit Hiotki . .,... il.HJB.aaj.M Alurtuaae loan on real eilate... ll.3T.a I aili and nank ueiK)illi...,.w Agrfiti balancn r uiuulletled premlun.i luiereil. dlrMrnda and real aataia I.OSI.SflS SI Incutue due and eurunl MA SK II Total adnillleJ atteU T, JVd.jul.4i LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHtR FUNDS Uiiea a.a.V3,314 TB i4ia adjuitnieiil eiinuiei l,300.7ai.40 l:nrarnrd preiiilutm , 18,7 All other lUhllltlei 8.744.ti:iK.ft4 Tula! Ilahllltlci, citcpt cattllal M.Ua.87 l.JS Cat'llal iniil up S 4,U(lu,ilut).0U I'naiilgneil fundi (tutiiluil'JH0 Aurpiui ai rcaardi pollcjlwldi'ii-...! t(1.lu3.3'J.8l Total $ OJ.aUtt.liOl.M STATEMENT OF INCOME I'ramlumi earned $ a4.H4W.St6.SS jiei imuireu ) ll.JUt.J7,.; Incurred... tliliet uii.lerHrillng el peine Inmrred Total u:ulcrrllliii dedutllot Net utidem ruing gain - . , ,, ... Iniedfiifm Itiiuiur Total, brlnre (elrral Inmuie littn Krderal lionine laiet ttuurred..... Set liunnir I'lH.lcniU to itmhlmMort f Olhrr tii-ui ntreitliig tneit S,4M,4'(7.0H l.WJS.HT.Clt 3 I ill. MS I I'. THE YEAR t a?jirjM 131.31 ft. Ton I capital and lunilui Item (nell liureaie tn turplui ai icaardi twUi-lMilpTa . BUSINESS IN OREGON FOf Net prnulufti revelled Sel lutiri paid , HTvorum or anni al rtatkmkvt Kur Hi )rir lintmlier 31. li Ol the GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY f New Vol a, In tle Ktite ol Nm Yuik. made to the Intutame rmtiniliiioiier vl Die HI at of Orvtiuli. purniitil ti l A0MIT1ED ASSETS lluh.ll Sll,ir..3ll.flS H'.Mk. 1 WH 'AD t'U t aili and dank dtiMtlli 113 y .lii nl laUtii'a ut uiuvlleited pteniluiu .BI4.JS9 '.3 lin. .i,rldt'i.1 and teal ettata liuoma due and aurur.1 1: .TM SO t ( KH S IM.IJtl ! Total admitted anttt I .lu.3.7 LIAitlLlTllA. SUi;i'LUS AHU OTHER FUN US Louei . . SI IISSMOO Urn adlmtmeiil n peine . ... 2.:Vi.lT3 on rneariiej (iremhiiu t! ftfiS.WT a All otlur llitnlitle a.HJ'J !' '!. I TituI llllllltel. etcri'! rai!ll f IH.SJI.l'dJ UO ('aimal paid op ..... a.SUO.OUU 00 Ml Hi tli III mull StW.fitS.ill I imjihii'iI fundi l.iiriHuti ... 2T.Tn.7 4T 041 Hi-n-ln. ai rtaardi itoll.MMl.tert I 3P T4 .'P.' i'7 Total I Siiti.j-. :7 SIATeMtNT OF INCOME li-, d d liiier i;t' titvtrlHiie eiieiue Til uiul.TwTilliit tli-ltl.on iet u'itcr(itliia lain T.Xtl tirl.ire rtslrftl In.Kiur lai ft'nli'ral Imoioe lair liiitirett . .cl Uit-ome iHilden.H tn tlocktioMeii t'llll clianie tnell Ulli. r Hrn MfetUrif iiiroJu inrtt ...... T'al ritHlal and aurpiui Itr-i.e ineti .. . Irurraie In iiirplu at regard 3 377 IS m i r- Mo si i.'.'.-i st a m isi i;r 31 t .1.1 573 3 t-.n.oMi-ri 4 -v ir BUSINC&S IN OflfUON FOR THE YCfl Nrt l.i. Ifin. fori Ian fal otltc ta Urrton; Wliv EMPIRE DISTRIBUTORS Box Oil Vhoiw 2113 HALL A, W A-SHI(,TON L8FE MOWER FUN THAN A PICNIC That's what Jerome and Mary Weiss of Cleveland, Ohio, say about the remote-control lawn mower they demonstrate to handirapped friends. Crippled by polio since babyhood, the Weisses actually don't even need the mower, as they can afford to hire a gar dener. But they use the "magic" mower to boost the morale and-general interest of other handi capped persons. "1 don't even own the mower. 1 borrowed It,' Weiss confesses. .HOT ROD COI.'ltTKSY DKS MOINES (UP) Youm; "hot rod" drivers are trying to build up a reputation for courtesy here. After a teenager pushed couple's stalled car, lie handed them a card reading: "Dedicated to safely. You have received assis tance through the courtesy of Hip I Knights of the Road Hot Rod Club." The bakers of Bruges, Belgu.un, piOpare loaves each day for the town swans. City firemen pedal round and feed the birds, wide hem the city's mark on their beaks. BVS'OHUS (" .INNIMI, RTATKMKVT For Itie Jir emlc.1 M.-t en.lier 31. J.'"'! uf tl.e QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA New Turk, In Hie Hiate uf New York, made to Hie Imurame rgmiiilnlutier uf Hie flat of ' tlrcaun. uotitti.t tn law: I ADMITTE0 ASSETS (lii.l.l , f i:.592.30.Jil ' HiL'.kf i;..3.-.ii.?"i n rah anil liar cjeimill I .H-1S.MM.4U A (tent i' halmice nr iinnillecUI iifeinluiiia 2.0na.STS. 'JO Int-rcit. illviilenili anJ real tl liiwine lue and ac.rueJ 223.Ml.iH Oilier aiieti .inm.:ir.i 7 Tutal arlmlltr.) mi.'ti $ 7 !l.r.Dl lil LIAOILI Tl EH, SURPLUS Afl D OTHER FUNDS l.aiei S i:'-ii ,,) ln ailjuttnent evne I T V.I J 12 'in 1' nca mill iirrtnlniri i'. nTJt.J.'l All nthcr llalillillr a.ls7.t:4i: Tola I lln'illlUc. eneiil catl!al f 4i.S(j0.0j3. IS l"llll nahl Hp . .. i.UOO.iJUil.HU lal (Utplill fiimti . I19.UU.7B VnaailidFi fiiiul) Hiiri.Uul 31.415.93.11 Hum 1 in ai rminU iiollolailiUr . I UO r.3.04fl.t Total . f Tl.:nJl.iiH.l STATEMENT OF INCOME Premium! earned ... f 3:t.llfi.r)M.4l Uitiei lnrtirre.1 17.IM.M 41 !.iii eineme Incurred ... .. ir.Ji'.l.lKiO. IS Ultter iiiulurwrlllnx emeinc liiciirrnl 15. " 'l 11?1.?2 Tolal unrlrrurllliif Uidui tturu ... 3.ii-n,"'3 .ut Net nnilerartilnr f iln . 1 STS.H.' m liivesliiidil Iritume I. Ml. f! (Hiier Imntne 1 1 Tulal. defore releral Inrome laxei STI1.7i:tll Kcl.rl itiiotn lae Incurred l,."3 n;:.;o Net Income . S,S3 !i-lS 4t Dlihlend to ilw ktHildrri $ -ii-i'.m.ii iki I'anlial rhatiKi-a Ineti S.lfll .I'.i.'i MS (.liiier It cm affectliK .11 nil in (nelt 113,331!. 23 Tm ul caiillal and niriilui llcmi (mt) 2.4;-i.SI(t 11 Increate In iuri!tii a rcKanli IvnllivlMiMfTt . .. 4 '17 I'.l DU8INE63 IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Nrt ii.iiuhiini rrceUeil if. M'.t -3 Xi'i Um-'i phi.) :t.t it::i :3 I'rlit. o(l lit iu UMk-un: VVkkot liulldlea, Portland. BYNOPSia Or AVN'fM. PTATI'.MKVT rir lliv )t't enjtil lH;rmlirr 31. If.'.t ut Ilia NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY ur Hj.rliitjncUI. In Ul Mime of IMataitliiUfll itiale ta Hie I m lira nre runiiuliiLoiirr uT tlie Htate of Ori'uon. imrtnant to Ian : ADMIT TED ASSETS in ni .MM aaite luan vn teal aalal aili and liana deHi,it AkciiH' lialauie or um-ollnted lirvnilmii Inirrftt. dutdend and real ritale I'l'-uiiie due ami act run! 407.USS V? 4 31- .5T!l ne Tutsi a.liiilllol aiirla .. . f 5 tiMl.SIS3: LIABILITIE8. SURPLUS AND OlliEH FUMOS iMift f I.M7.I7I Ot a-miitnieiil aiveiie 1 ihi 1 iirartiiii nrrii.lviiii . ft.DTn. 1 1 l.s:. All oihrt llallllili . ;ut 3" Total liaHHllr, encjit (aMtal f 0 titf'i 1"H NT racial up . ... II.miii.Oihi uu CnatiUneJ fund liiiriilml . T,nuo.Ki) 14 Hurnlii, it retard ullc)tKilJer t O.ISnssiMt Tl I ir-.ssij.MH Jt STATEMENT OF INCOME Premium rarm-d I & .mi. us 1 i mure Uu utml - S.T'J.l s.i: Incurred .. .".'S li Olhrt uiulrriarlllii enrir lii.nrrcl . ... Toial iiihlrrwriuiix tlnlmt Urn . Net utLlrrHrttltie. (alii or lu .... Iiirrttnimt In.uine t'lher in.nriie Total. Lelore fnletal Ilniuiif laxei "literal Ittiwiie laxe ImurtrJ ... t mi av v$ nrnl'u Ineti .i:7 Oil!) M luial catnial and luriilu llemt Mini 1 0;; , In.rrate in mrpl'i. at reerJi BUSINESS IN OHtfiON FOR THe'veVr -1 l.l 11'. 1 1 1)S I (tank IKl.Jn.a. Tuniand. Uiri YMtl'Slil (e V 1 u( il tn en.l.v PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY et I'f.H'il .11, 111 lt. Slate of Miluaii ni lit Me lniori' 1 1 ninUiiuricr ot tlie Slule ADMI11EO ASSETS 1 i:i v 7 ikj I nil and bank deivaltl' l;jrnrl ur 1111. vile. lr,l ikrrni.uliil . .1,14 HIT ' till. 3M t will aln.itleil atni I ll.JJ.."-! LIABILITHS SURPLUS AND OTHER fUNUS u.ei iM :r 1. if ljtlil"win rii rmrt .... All l.rr llalill t"'4 :iW 9i 1.V4U,ltVJ.M Tgial llal'lilliei. ct eiK rrlll f ( t:niil mm it tl.uJw.ihO Hit '.ife. lal lurnlui lu.u 110. .'13 14 1 na-iiC-eJ fund u. M'.' i' J 117 41 a i.uivuitn f Tulal Valwnlrr rte for unreal lf appr laden STA1EMCNT OF INCOME rrrd . 711 311 M imirrr,! : llMurrr.1 iKKlritttmiii eii'fiuei ict . . un.lrrriiiM deductlwia idrmrii.'ia aaln em Income 1 .n 4.M : ta t-oi :i 1 (tt 4t-( 1 ; r 4f aM.1 J 13 li l.ll (I l.4tl i3 II I .'il t .V fvl 41 it.itr 4i it.ur fi Dlhrr Ittux a'fxiinf aurplu mr.. TuUl capital and aw lleiai tnet In- tti la turplua ai reaard MiirirM'.uri Mr i' i BUSINtSS IN OR ICON FOH THE tffl Vet prrtriium rebelled .. 5 ' i'- i tri leaara fij a 41 rriiMiai etnra iaj Oatiianr. riiU4V VOOl, IS RACK PAWNEE CITY. N'b. (UP) Merchants hope repeal of a 70-year-old ordinance prohibiting bil liard parlois here will spur busi ness. The shopkeepers figure that with men spending more time playing pool or billiards women G an you tell any difference in todays gasolines? Yes... when you switch to MeM&fft-Mmm the one kind of gasoline that ends the biggest single cause of engine trouble Balanced for: "Detergent-Action" Quick starting Area blending Vapor-lock prevention Full power Smooth acceleration Anti-knock Economy mileag fast warm-up Rust and corrosion protection STANDARD OIL will keep busy in the stores until time to go home with their husbands. Every normal working day more than 1,000.000 tons of revenue earning freight Is carried on Brit ish railways by 20, 000 freight trains. This is a substantial in crease over prewar records. SUPREME " Barn in England By ROBERT ML'SEL I'nited Prow Stuff Corrrpondefit JORDANS. England (UP) There is a shabby, old bam In this little settlement of the Society of Friends, the Quakers, that is either one of the most important relics or American history or just a shabby, old bam. Practically everybody agrees that the framework of the barn was made from the timbers of a ship named "Mayflower" sold for alvaee to farmer William Russell in 1G28. But was it THE Mayflower, the one that took the Pilgrims to Massachusetts in 1620? I wish I knew. All I can say after checking around is that some people think it is, but more think It isn't. The story begins when Farmer Russell bought the ship hulk for what was then the equivalent of about 500. He upended it on his property in Ihis backwater of Lon don and it made a very service able barn indeed. Property Sold Some 30 years later he sold all his property to the friends. It was in his original farmhouse that Will iam Penn and other Quakers were arrested in 1670 and sent to prison even though they argued they were only worshipping as conscience dictated. As time went by the barn be came a community center for the Friends, some of whom began to wonder whether the similarity of name might be more than coinci dental. One of these was Dr. James Rendel Harris, curator of manuscripts of the John Rylunds COMPANY Once Said to Be Library in Manchester and a well known scholar and author. . j He wrote a book in the 1920's which argued that a crack in om of the beams arched across the barn checked with a similar cracK ni one of the Mayflower beams afc reported in the journal of William Bradford, governor of the Plym outh colony. Tongue In tlieek Dr. Harris convinced a lot o' people, but some of his old asso ciates in in the Quakers wonder whether he was writing with tongue in cheek. "He was a great leg-puller," said Stephen Thorne, recording clerk of the Quakers. Speaking for Die ' Quakers Thorne said they made no claim that the old barn was the origins!; Mayflower. And the ancient buildings pres ervation trust, under whose juris diction the barn would come if it were the Mayflower, reports th-jt although the main timbers appear to be ship's timbers, there is no evidence they came from the col onists' boa.f. A Replica Planned Project Mayflower, which plans to sail a replica of the Mayflower to the United States next yeur hs a gesture of Anglo-American unity, is building its craft from plans by naval architect William A. Baker of Hingham, Mass. The model of the Mayflower from the Boston State House, has been sent here so the builders can duplicate it. exterior decoration. Why not measure the old bam if an exact replica is wanted? j.y ' -', - js ' ' "t ; r -rffirra.. , Cci "I'm gelling his more power" says Max Moml- sclieiu of Seattle, Wash. "Detergent-Action" un leashes extra power by cleaning out carburetor de posits. What's more, you prevent new formations as long as you drive on Chevron Gasolines. No oilier gasoline gives you this power bonus along with high-octane balanced performance. "My engine doesn't slall anymore" reports Wanda I. Murray, San Francisco, Calif. "Detergent Action" tunes up your motor while you drive. Car buretor repairs once accounted for 1 out of 3 repair bills; now you can do thut job by switching to Chevron Casolines. A few tankfuls wash away de posits that strangle your engine . . . end stalling, give you a smoother-running, more responsive car. Ill L """ Si "Longer gas mileage now" savs Kohi-rt 0. Trcviotdale of Portland, Oregon. "Detergent-Action" saves money every mile by keeping carburetors factory-clean lo provide correct fuel mixture, prevent ga waste. Put this economy into your driving with: Chevron Supreme for ping-free perforniance in high compression engines, or Chevron Regular for peak power from engines with lower octane requirements. VV talc Jbtffar care of your car OF CALIFORNIA Pilgrim Vessel "We don't regard the barn as the original Mayflower," said Michael Mordaunt-Smith, one of the officials of the project. So the weight of expert evidence is against the barn. But here's something to think ibout: Johanna Jones, widow of Christ jpher Jones, master of the Pil grims' Mayflower, received per mission to sell the ship as sal vage in 1621. Four years later a "Mayflower" became a barn in Buckinghamshire. Were they the same? FIRE SPOTTF.R INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. (UP) Clove Costley, South International Falls fire chief, doesn't forget his job even luring flying lessons. While taking i lesson, Costley spotted flames 'icking the roof of the Thomas Cobpy home. Costley landed his jlane, rauncd on Cobey's door, and informed him his house was afire. Bowers acr usually gentle to ward human beingi. Kven if hand died tlmy are likely to use flail ing tails ri'her than chisellike teeth in self-defense. DR. R. D. 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