The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 21, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    Here and There
Mrs. G.M. Briggs will be hos
tess to the PAL dub Monday at
7i30 p.m. at her home at 180 Ir
ving avenue.
Because of unforseen complica
tions. Joe Egg will be retained at
Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land for at least two more weeks,
relatives reported today. He and
; Mrs. Egg had been expected to re
: turn to Bend this weekend.
' Knights of Pythias will meet
Monday at 8 p.m. in the County
Library auditorium, it was an
nounced by Claude Kelley, sec
retary. J.A. Hart of Rosoburg has been
.here, this week visiting his bro
ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and
' Mrs. Sig Skavlan, 1449 W. Third
: street. The visitor stopped here
' en route home from a business
trip East
A meeting of the City Softball
Association wiB be held Tuesday
at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. All
who are interested in the program,
especially team managers, are ur
ged to attend, it was announced
by leaders.
Army Pvt. George O. Pit
cher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Pitcher of Fort Rock, re
cently arrived in Alaska and is
now serving at Fort Richardson.
Private Pitcher entered the Army
last December and received basic
training at Fort Ord, Calif. He is
a 1951 graduate of LaPine High
Veterans' Group
Sets Installation
Disabled American Veterans at
their meeting Monday evening will
install officers for the coming year,
with B.R. Robinson, Grants Pass,
DAV department commander, in
charge. ,
The installation meeting will be
a dinner at Trailways Colfee Shop,
starting at 6:30. .
Heading the local DAV chapter
in the coming year will be Myron
Kjose, commander; Emu Olson,
senior vice-commander; W.A. Hig
gins, junior vice-commander; John
Layton chaplain; H.A. Starr and
A. A. Hunter, trustees, and Clyde
Wulsey, state committeeman.
Preview Held
For Parents,
1st Graders
'.' Spect:il to The Bulletin ' ''
REDMOND A preview of what
first grade will mean for children
and their parents was offered Fri
day afternoon in Brown school for
95 parents and 84 youngsters. Es
timated enrollment in September
is 120.
Mrs. John Sedell, representing
the parents, gave an inspiring and
sometimes amusing talk. "The
children are ready for first grade
how about the parents?" she
asked. , '
Elementary school principal
Hugh Hartman spoke on the legal
aspects of starting a first grader
to school. He introduced all of the
speakers. Mrs. Lavonne Johnson,
first grade teacher, depicteit some
of the situations that arise in the
first grade and noted how parents
can assist their children and teach
ers. First grade teachers especial
ly enjoy that level of teaching,
Mrs. Johnson thought, because of
the marked progress shown in the
nine month period.
Dr, J. H. Stewart, tri-county
medical officer, emphasized the
importance of medical examina
tions early in the summer before
school begins, and explained his
department s relation to schools.
The county school nurse, Miss A!
ice Riley, noted her daily work
in cheeking for illnesses in the
schools, and follow-up contacts
where necessary with the parents
Special education teacher Walt
er Thomas described his work with
children who may need some
speech correction, tests for hear
ing, vision, and the like, and the
services of homo education for
children whose health prevents
their attendance at school.
Mi's. Lawrence Eason, PfA pre
sident urged that parents belong
to and support that organization.
Second grade teachers supervised
the children while parents attend
ed the program. Refreshments
were served by the PTA with Mrs.
Eason and Mrs. Gene Endicott
pouring punch. ,
Guest Speaker
Set By Church
Dr. Rodney. C. Gould of Tide
water will speak at First Baptist
church at the morning and eve
ins services Sunday, May 22.
' His subject for the 11 a.m. hour1
will be, "How One Can Know Pos
itively He Is Saved." At the eve
ning service he will have as his
subject, "The Voice in the Night."
Rev. Roy H. Austin, the regular
pastor, is in St. Paul, Minn., at
tending the national convention of
the Conservative Baptist As
sociation. KNAPP
I'hone 1084 W
1351 Jacksonville
In preparation lor their part in
the 1955 fat stock show and tale
and the annual barbecue, Rotary
Anns will meet Tuesday, May 24,
at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ford
Hunnell, 34 Portland avenue.
Women of the Bend Golf club
will entertain Prineville and Red
mond women golfers at a lunch
eon Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the
club house, in connection with a
tournament. Mrs. Oliver Jones is
chairman of the hostess commit
tee, which also includes Mrs.
Charles McCaffrey, Mrs. R.W.
Brandis, Mrs'. Jack Halbrook, Mrs.
L. B. Evers. Mrs. H. DeArmond,
Mrs E.A. Moody and Mrs. C. J.
McCusker. Local women must
make reservations with a member
of the committee not later than
1 p.m. Tuesday.
Sisters Ranger
Position Filled
Mervin F. Wolf, now stationed
at Paisley on the Fremont Na:-
tional forest, is being transferred
to the Sisters district of the Des
chutes National forest where he
will fill the newly created position
of assistant district ranger. '
Mr. and Mrs. Wolf and their
three children will move to Sis
ters from the Lake county com
munity the first of the week.
Jack W. Hawley, who has been
on the Sisters ranger district for
the past several months, has been
promoted to a timber management
position on the Rigdon ranger dis
trict at Oakridge. Mr. and Mrs,
Hawley and their two children are
leaving for Oakridge Sunday.
Joseph W. Clyde has been tran
sferred to the limber management
force on the Sisters destrict. He
comes from the Wallowa-Whitman
National forest at Enterprise.
Clyde will be joined by his wife
and their ,two children when the
school year is completed.
Final Charter
Safe-Teen Signup
Due on Sunday
Final sign-up for charter mem
bership In the local chapter ol
Safe-Teens will be held Sunday,
May 22, from 2 to 4 p.m. at thfi
City Police Department, according
to Capt. Herbert F. Frary, com
mander of the local Ground Ob
server Corps, who is administra
tor for the young drivers' organi
Teen-age drivers who wish to
join the organization are to report
at the police department with the
automobiles that they customarily
drive. Police Chief John Truett
will make a check of brakes, steer
ing, tires, lights, swipes, horn,
rear-view mirror and muffling
equipment, as required by the
Safe-Teen organization, a national
movement to promote highway
safety. Capt. Frary will assign the
membership cards.
Miss Evelyne Wipf represents
insurance underwriters m the pro
gram. ,
Bend Hospital
The following are new patients
at St. Charles Memorial hospital:
Mrs. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon ave
nue; Claude W. Baggett, 1936 S.E
Harold street, Portland; Joe Stev
ens, Downing hotel; Ronald Hill,
17-monrh-old son of Mr. and Mrs
David Hill, Burns; John Clinton
Crow, 1439 W. 6th street; William
St. John, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard St. John, 238 E. Norton.
Dismissed: Mrs. Frank Harrison.
Roseburg; Mrs. Floyd Lee, Mich
ael Kelley, Beverly Conner, Jny
Cook and Ronnie Anderson, all
Mrs. Robert Gardner, 308 Harri-
man, and baby girl, were released
today from the maternity Door.
Mrs. Jimmic Lands, Sisters, and
baby boy, went home yesterdify.
Husband Killed'
In Gun Accident
ASTORIA, Ore. (UP) Carl C.
Kenwisher. 35. was fatally wounded
at 9:20 p.m. yesterday when a ride
his wile was cleaning aiscnargen.
His wile, Norman, aDoui a, ioiq
state oolice she had been cleaning
a .30 caliber rifle at their home
in the community of John Day,
ton nvU Mil of here, when the
gun accidentally went off, striking
him in the cncsi.
Krnwisher wns rushed to Colum
hia in Astoria, but ditd
five minutes altrr arrival, at 10: !5
Mrs. Kenwisher was not held.
jTfrr: r
The Pesrenn
Redmond Hotel
LOS JAM BLASTED Clearing the way for th e filming of "The Indian Fighter" in the vicinity
of a replica of a western stockade, a log jam in the Deschutei near Benham Falls was partly blast
ed out Friday. This picture was taken just prior to the blasting operations. Two men, working from
a boat, can be seen at the edge of the jam. (Photo for the Bulletin by Paul Hosmer)
Redmond City
Budget Pared
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Tthe 1955-56 Red-
niond city budget, after careful
Dlannine and paring bv the bud-
itpI hnnivt shnwK pstimnted reeeiDts
and expenditures both a little less
than the current DUdget. City coun
cil will give final approval to the
hnHrnt u thpir regular meeting
Tuesday night and will set the
time for public hearing.
Tax levies total S46.365 plus J2.
000 estimated in uneollectable tax
es, for a total of $48,365, compared
to $50,852for 1954-55. In the 1955
56 budget $22,490 is inside the six
per cent limitation and $25,875 out
side." :
Trfnl nil funds estimated re
ceipts is $187,810 and expenditures
$234,175, compared to $245,640 and
S294.492 for the current budget.
However, an item of , $55,000,, is
shown in both estimated receipts
and expenditures for 1U34-&5
for library ; development; wnicn
never materialized, so actual com
parable figures would be $190,640
and $239,492.
The $."i5 000 was a sum the
riiv had honed to realize from sale
of property and which would have
been assigned exclusively to iiDra
ry construction and development.
The library, however, is still
among civic improvements upper
most in the minds oi city councu
men and the Chamber of Com-mon-p
Aernrdinolv S1.010 was
budgeted for library operation for
1955-56, compared to in me
nil-rent hudect. and the sum ofi
$3,000 is set for library improve
ment. This is the amount estimat
ed in income from the veteran's
housing unit which was sold this
spring. AH proceeds in monthly
payments from that unit go to
ward the library-
The expenditures, itemized by
departments, follow: for general
hind. $109,533. streets JU,Jdu, lire
wi nark 15.175. bond $7,952,
and water $70,825. Receipts are es
timated: general $89,013, streets,
$20,000 (this is the state tax street
fund bond, $7,942, water $70,825.
I The fire department runs on spe
cial three mill levy ana parxs on
mill and a half special levy, so
these departments have no oxner
income. The fire department bud
rot fimire is ud this year to $10,-
350, as against $6,900 last year
owing to increased valuation.
City indebtedness is reported as:
$125,000 water bonds, $24,500 im
provement bonds, and $7,875, wa
ter deposits, for a total ot $157,-
Serving on the budget board
were: W. L. Pierce, Russell Wash
hum Jack Morris. Gordon Bent-
son, Ralph Hector and Keith Par
kinson, in addition to city oouncu
men and clerk of the board city
superintendent John Bcrning.
Circuit Court Judge Ralph R
Hamilton granted a divorce yes
terday to Nancy Ellingson.
Mrs. Ellingson will ret $75 a
mnnth from Louis Ellingson for
the support of their two minur
Also granted a divorco yeste--dav
were June C. Bryan and Ro
bert E. Bryan.
rne Course Special
Roast Prime Ribs
Baked Ham Roast Turkey
Strawberry Short Cake
Served with All Sunday Dinners
' V""C
S - at -
Student Work
Put on Display
The Bend High school, wood
working department, under the
supervision of Paul A. Smith and
Roy Lively, has arranged a sem-
esterend display In the Pacific
Power and Light Co. window. This
display shows a few of the many
projects that were completed dur
ing the last semester of the school
Projects include coffee tables,
end tables, magazine racks, meat
blocks, serving trays, and a head
board for a bed.
In addition to the many projects
that were completed by the boys,
are articles that were made by the
four senior girls who are taking
wood working this last semester.
The display is under the manage
ment of Ken Ries. .
Brothers Get
Word of Death
Speela! to The Bulletin
REDMOND RalpTi and Don Mc
Lean were notified that their bro
ther Max was killed in a car
accident in Independence, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McLean
and Don left Redmond yesterday
for Independence. The accident
vichm lived with his brother, Don,
when he was out of work on
Route 2.
Takes, New
EUGENE, (UP) Gordon A.
Sabine, dean of the University of
Oregon school of journalism, will
resign to become dean of the
school of communications arts at
Michigan State University.
O, Meredith Wilson, Oregon pres
ident, said Sabine's resignation
would be effective July 1. Sabine
had been at UO since 1950.
The Michigan post, according 'o
Wilson, is a new one, and includes
such posts as journalism ani
speech with other units plannci
Bend Community Auction Market
Located At The
Beaver Warehouse Between Forest Building
and Union OH Plant on Scott St, Across from
. The Bend Iron Works
3 - BIG - DAYS
MAY 20 . 21 . 22
Friday, May 20th Evening 7 p.m.
Saturday, May 21st Afternoon, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, May 21 st Evening 7 p.m.
Sunday, May 22nd Afternoon 1 p.m. till sold out
We need new and need furniture, toU, appliances, farm mirhlnerr far,
truck, plrkupe. mUr. artklca, Hring as -what yon don't need. We turn It
In' cah, i( It a saleable we can sell It for rash.
We Hove Consigned to Us Now
fytla of new fornltura Bedroom sets, I. (vine room sets, lamps, end tables,
coffee tablet, chroma dlnetlo sets, wkri, mattress, box sprlncs, mUr.
furniture, tarps, sleeping bain, tots, fishing mde, reels, tools, bm-m4 sets,
end wrenrhea, power tools, sa drills, etc. Other auKfllsiMWu articles loo
numerous to mention.
Bring Your Consignments Early
Fun for All
Door Prizes
V.. J
- '
Logs Blasted
In Film Area
A log jam in the Deschutes
river near Benham Falls, where
filming of a western picture will
get under way this coming week,
was partly removed yesterday
when dynamite was discharged
under the tangled mass of water-
soaked logs.
Five boxes of explosive, which
had been drifted into position un
der the logs, were exploded sim-
ultaenously. Debris and water in
termingled above the explosion
To reach the log jam, workers
under the supervision of Orville!
Murray, Murray Bros, shop super
intendent in Portland, went into
the churning white water in a boat.
The five-box blast did not re
move all the log jam, and in a
second shot three boxes were dis
Some logs still remained in the
area following the blasts, but these
will not interfere with Iilhun;
The log jam, just south of the
stockade area, was within range
ot the Cinemascope lens.
Owens Burial
Due. on Monday
Military rites" for Sgt. Richard
Owens, who died in action in Kor
ea, will be held Monday at 2 p.m.
in Greenwood cemetery, with Ve
terans of Foreign Wars in charge.
Sergeant Owens died Nov. 30,
1950, in Korea, at the age of .21.
He is survived by his father, El
mer B. Owens, formerly of Bend
and now ot Klamath Falls; a sis
ter, Lorenda Owens, Los Angeles,
and three brothers: Lester, Lan
caster, Cal.; . James, Yakima;
Eurton, Madras.
Ray Summit of Portland was
fined $10 Thursday by Jus
tice court for following too close
to another car while driving
For Information Call
BEND 1415-M
Set at Culver
Special to The Bulletin
MADRAS A class of six, includ
ing four girls, will take part in
baccalaureate and commencement
next week at Culver high school.
The six are Sharon Rodman,
Charlene GladwiU, Audrey Leh
man, Margie Ditmore, Leonurd
Wa'.demar,' and Kenneth Starnes,
Keith Jacob, superintendent, an
nounces. Baccalaureate will be held Sun
day at 8 p.m. in the school gym
nasium. Ase Rice, minister of the
Culver Christian church, will be
principal speaker. His topic is "It
Is No Secret.
Commencement, planned Tues
day at 8 p.m., also in the school
gym, will feature an address by
Mrs. Joy H. Gubser, assistant
state superintendent of the state
department of education.
Herschel Read, school board
chairman, will present diplomas,
Redmond Hospital
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Williams, Redmond, have nam
ed their new baby David Roger.
Their son' was born Thursday
night at Central Oregon district
Admitted Friday: Ramona Ad
ams, 9, Glen Dryden, Route 1, both
Bend; Janice Downing. 4 months,
Metolius; Walter Meyers, Sisters;
Mrs. Marjorie Marshall, Route 1,
Redmond; Frank Solter, 8, Warm
Dismissed Friday: . Mrs. Leon
ard Downs, Mrs. Prior Smith, Red
mond; Mrs. Lenorah Hilkey, Mad
ras; mi's. F.T. Douglas, Route 1,
Culver, and from maternity floor:
Mr. Perry Morrison, Redmond,
and son Michael Leon; Mrs. Ed-
sel Crablree, Bend, with baby
Cathy Jne; and Mrs. George
Watts, Redmond, and . daughter
Julia Diane.
Phlloo Radio - Fhono - TV
930 Wail Phone 271
No Money Down 14.76 Per Month
Includes Antenna and Installation.
85 Oregon S-I80 I'hone 173
10:00 Sunday TV Theatre
11:00 Lamp Unto my Kent
11:80 lull's Take a Trip
12:00 Now and Then
12 :80 Lone Ranger
1 :00 American Week
1 : 30 Adventure
2:00 Fitrhtlnir Devil Dos
2 :80 ArtnchHlr Theatre
4 :0O Lucy Smw
4 :80 Annie Oakley t
6 : 00 You Ara There
' B :H0 IjihwIp
6 :00 Privet SocrUry "
6:110 Whitfa My Line
7:00 Tonst of th Town
8:00 G.E. Theatre
8:!W StaKB Seven
9 ; 00 Appointment with
9:30 Thia Is Your Muio
10:00 Sunday News Sim.
10:16 John Kerinn's Knleid.
10:30 First Hun Theatre
8:20 News H Hi tot
8:ifS Mr. Weatherman
8:30 Arth. Gmlfrry Time
0 :30 Welcome Travelers
10:00 It's Fun t Reduce
10:16 Valiant Lwly
10 :30 Link let It'h Hscparty
11:00 lliic Faynff
11:30 Hob Crowby Show
12 :00 HriKhter Pay
12:16 Love of Lif
12 :30 On Your Arcount
1 : 00 On try Moore Show
1 :R0 The Inner Flame
1 -AH Rond of Life
2 :00 Rohor. Q. Iewia
2 :0 Strike it Rich
3 ilift KOIN Kltnhen
8:80 Snr'h for Tomorrow
8:46 (Juidin Llsht
4 :0 Armchair Theatre
4:30 Mr. Moon
4 :45 Cartoon Time
6:00 Red Itunninit Bhow
5 :R0 Dmur Edwards News
6:46 IVrry Corno Show
0 :00 Mr. Weatherman
6 :06 Sportscene
d :10 Nrws Parade
6:16 LinkMter Kids
6:30 Rin Tin Tin
7:00 Biime Allen
7:30 Scienco Fiction Thea.
8:001 Love Lucy
8 :30 December Hrlde
9:00 Ufa of Riley
9:30 Studio 67
10:00 Studio One
U :00 City Desk
11 :0f Showtime on Six
8 :80 Spectacular Promen
6 :00 Meet the Press
6:30 tar Maker Tfilent
6 :00 People Aro Fjjnny
6 :30 - It's Common hVnae
7 :00 Atirnrls Theatre;
7:80 All Star Theatre
8:00 BrueJi the Bsnk
8:30Lffe with Elizabeth
B 00 Frank ie Laine
9 :S0 Sunday Showtime
4:00 Pinky Ie
4;0 Howdy Doorty
6:00 Hi Roundup
Emerald Duwhsll
6:16 News-rinort. Wvath
er 8:30 -Rin-Tin-Tin
7:00 Sid Cesser's Hour
8 :- -Mwlie
8 ;30 -Itndir 7)4
9:vtt This Is Your Musie
The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, May 21, 1955
Vacation Bible School Planned
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE Plans for the
yearly vacation bible school are an
nounced by the stuff of the First
Baptist Church. More than 35
workers will conduct the classes
and other activities. Opening day
for the school is May 31, and the
daily school will continue through
June 10. For elementary school
aged children, the hours are from
9:00 a.m. until 11:30.
A new class is planned this year
for high school students, and this
group will meet each evening at
the church from 7:00 until 9:30.
As In former years, the church's
Campfire Girls
Set Council Fire.
Sperlnl to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE The a n n u a 1
grand council fire for both Camp-
fire girls and Bluebirds, will be
held this evening at 8:00 in the
junior high school gymnasium.
About 235 girls will be present to
receive awards.
Mrs. Lewis Gillam, director of
Campfire work in this area, said
that Prineville has nine Campfire
and 14 Bluebird groups, with 34
leaders. These groups, and their
leaders, will stage the ritual con
nected with the annual council fire.
Groups will meet at noon, Sat
urday, for a sack lunch, and to
practice the singing and ceremon
ial. Not Stolen, Just
In Another House
John DeBoer reported to the po
lice yesterday that . larceny had
been committed in his house, 2
Scott st., but later found that the
missing refrigerator, washing ma
chine and other properties were in
another house of his, 206 Canal st.
DeBoer himself, however, lives
at ius Irving st. .
8:20 News Hilltea
8:26 Mr. Weatherman
8:30 Arthur Godfrey time
0:80 Welcome Travelers
10:00 It's Fun to Reduce i
10:16 Valiant Lady
10:80L1nklctters Useparty
11:00 CnpLain Harts A if m
11 :06 Vlnllln' Time
11:30 Bob Crosby Show
12 :0O Hrinhtor Day
12 :1B Love of Life
12 :30 On Your Account
1 : 00 (lurry Moore Show
1 :30 The Inner Flame
1 :46 Road or Life
2 :00 Robert Q. Lewis
2:30 Strike it Rich
3:00 KOIN Kitchen'
8:30 Search for Tomorrow
8:46 Oulrtimt Liirht
4 :0O Armchair Theatre
4 :30 Mr. Moon
4 :4R IxHiney Tunes
6:00 Red Dunnlntt Show
6 :80 Douir Edwards Nrwa
6:46 Jo Stafford Show
6:00 Mr. Weatherman
6 :06 Sportaccns '
6:10 New Parade
6:16 Ames Drothera
6:30 Sue It Now
7:00 Life with Father
7:30 Halls of Ivy
8 :00 Offline Archer
8:RO Krtl Skelton Show
9 iflO Dnnner
9:301 Led Throd Lives
10:OO llig Town
lo::xvniy Honk
10:86 Showtime on Six
8:20 News llllitee
8:26 Mr. Weatherman
8:30 -Arthur Godfrey Time
9:30 Welcome Travelers
10:00 It's Fun to Reduce
10:16 Valiant I-ady
10 :30 Linkletter" Hieparty
11:00 His: Payoff
ll:Xft.-flob Crosby Show
12 :00 Hrltthter Dsy
12:16 t-we of Life
12 :?.0 On Your Aeeminl
1 :00 T.arry Moore Show
1 ;30 The Inner Flame
1 :46 Road of Life
2:00 Robert Q. Lewis
2:30-Strikp It Rich
8 :00 KOIN Kftchm
3 :H0 Search for Tomorrow
8:46 Guiding Lutht
4 :0O Armchair Theatre
4 :30 Mr, Moon
4:46 Cartoon Time
6:00 Red Dunninit Show
6 :80 Douir Edwards News
6 :46 Perry Coma Show
6:00 Blue Ribbon Douts
6 :46 Red Barler'e Corner
7 :00 Mr. Weatherman - .
7 : 05 Sportscene
7it0 News Parade
7 :16 Munical Momenta
7:80 nxslo A Harriet
,8:00 'Hie Million nl re
8:30 I've Got a Secret
9:00 Arthur Godfrey A Ills
10:00 Demwret Golf Show
10:16 The Llttlo Show
.J:80 Cily Dimk
10:36 Showtime on Six
8:20 News Hilltea
8:26 Mr. Weatherman
B:0 Arthur Godfrey
9 :30 Welcome Travelers
10:00 lt'a Fun to Reduce
10:16 Valiant Lady
10:30 Linklettcr's Hseparty
U ;00 ViMltin Time
11:80--Bob Crosby Show
12 :00 Brighter Day .
12:16 liove of Life
12 : 0On Your Account
1 ;Oo (tarry Moore Show
1 -30 The Inner Flame
l:4r.--Hod of Life
2:00 Robert Q. I-wis
2 :8M Strike it Rich
8:00 KOIN KiUhen
8 :X0 Search for Tomorrow
3:1F. tinl'llna M-ht
4 :00 Armchair Theatre
4 :?10 Mr. Moon
4:16 Barker Hill's Cartoon
6:00--Red Pannintf Show
R :30 Douir Edward News
6:46 June Kromnn Show
6 :0 Mr. Weatherman
6 :06 Sportscene
6:10 News Parade
6:15 This Week in Sports
6:30 Willy
7:00 Ray Mitland Sho
7 :3G -Climax
8 :30 Four Star Playhouse
9:00 Public Defender
9:301 Search for Advent.
10:00 Mr. Jayree Reports
10:30 City Desk
10:36 Showtime on Six
8 20 News Hilltea
8 :26 Mr. Weatherman
8 :30 Oarry Moore Show
9:30 Robert Montgomery
10:60 Famous PlHyh-mso
4-00-Plnky 1m
4 :0 Howdy Drtody
6:00 Hie Roundup
6 -30 -6 :30 Data
6 .00 --For Your Informa
tion 6 : 16 -News- Sports-Weather
6 :30 .St"viat Krittlirette
7 i-Siar P lay house
7 30 Curtain tall
8:00 Mtorios ot the Cen
8 .30 I'm the I jw
9 0O--Star and tii Story
a .?mTV A
oo It s A Great Life
to :30 Kuirenn hr re.
10 :6- -famous PI)
4 :10 Pinky I
4:'Mt -Hnwily .Oondy
6 K -Hik Hi'indn
6 :ao--4uet H"k
6 :li0 - -Snip's Reporter
6:16 News Sports-Wrath-
6:30 Jan Murray
6:16 Ames Brothers
7 .noGrand Old Opry
7:30 Disneyland
8:30 Life of Riley
9:00 Science Fiction Tha.
9:30 Madison Square Gar
den 10:00 Greatest Furr.
10:15 Channel 18 Theatre
4 06 - Pinky Le
4 30 Howdy Doorfy
r. :0O Hi(f Roundup
6 :30 6 :30 Data
6 :io Industry on Parade
6:16 News - Sporta Weath
er 6:30 -Western Marshal
7:00 Ymi Het Your Life I
7 :80 Liberate
8:00 Amos "n Andy
8 ;m Ford Theaire
9:0O -Mr. DUtrict Attorney
9:30TMen in Action
10:00. City Detective
10:30 Famous Playhouse
Sunday School bus will follow a
regular route each day to trans
port youngsters who live at some
distance from the church.
Various types of activities are
planned, and the staff reports that ,
excellent material has been gath
ered in handicrafts, for stories,
singing and workbooks. The theme
this year is "Marching On."
Through the .
Gates of
To worthily mark
the passing of a be
. loved spirit, a fun
eral should express,
as eloquently as
possible, the heart
enlng promise at
the life eternal.
Pledged to
Perfection In Every
Sparton Radio-TV ;
850 Bond Phone 88
Wolcor and Capehart Kadio Phono
TV Installation and Service
621 Franklin , Phone 801
9 :30 Welcome Travelers
10:00 It's Fun to Reduce
10:16- Valiant Lady
10:30 Llnkletter'a Hseparty
11:00 Biff Payoff
11 :80 Bob Crosby Show
12 :00 Brighter Day
12:16 Love of Life
12 :B0 On Your Account
1 :00 Garry Moore Show
1 :30 Tha Inner Flame
1 :4B Rosd of Life
2:00 Robert Q. Lewis'
2 :80 Strike It Rich
8:00 KOIN Kitchen
8:30 Search for Tomorrow
8:46 Gutdlnir Light
4 :00 Armchair Theatre
4 :80 Mr. Moon
4:46 Cartoon Time
6 : 00 Red thinning show
6 :80 Dous Edwards New
6:46 Perry Coma Show
6:00 Mr. Weatherman
6 :06 Sportscene
6:10 News Parade.
6 :16 Northwest Outdoor
6:80Person to Person
7:00 Mama
7 :30 Topow
1:00 Playhouse of Start
6:80 Our Miss Brooke
9:00 The Line-Up
9 :30 First Theatre
10:00 Conrad Nag-el
10:80 City Desk
10 :36 Showtime M Sbt
7:1SCartonn Tune
8 : 00 Contest Carnival
8:30 RFD 6
. 9:00 Captain Midnight
9:30 Buffalo Bill. Jr.
10:00 New York Giants VS
1 :0ft Handy Man
1 :0ft -Jim my Wakely
2 :0 Armchair Theatre
4 : SO Showtime For Ham
6:00 Renfrew of the
1 :80 Beat the Clock
6 -.00 Professional Father
6 :10 Soldiers of Fortune
7:00 Jackie Gleason Show
8:00 -Two for the Money
8:80 My Favorite Husband
9:00 Meet Millie
9 :30 Dsmon Bunyoo
10:00 Champion Wrestling
11 :00 Showtime on Sis
4:00 rinky Lea
4:80 Howdy Doody
4 : 46 Birthday Party Tfaett
6 :00 Big Roundup
6 :8o For Your Icformat.
5:48 News, Bpte. Weather
6 00 Cavalcade of Sports
6:46 Piano-Orran Punch
7:00 Lucky Sport Tfma
7 :aolts Go Fkthrnst
7 : 16 Sportsmen s Club
6 ;00 Famous Playhouse
9 :3 -The Big Picture
10:00 Charlie Chan Theatre
4 ;0ft Kastafda Kids
:00 tttars of the Westeri
6 00 Walt's Workshop
6 ::io For Your Infornut.
T : no TV A
7 :80 Soldier Parade
8 :0O Imogen Coca Show
8:80 Famous Playhouse
9 :0O- Oeortre Gobel
9:30 Your Hit Parado
10 ; 00 Request Playhouse