The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 21, 1955, Page 3, Image 3

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Of Interest to Women
Mortar Board
Worn Level
Is Correct
SKA Beauty Editor
Of all the festivities surround
ing high school and college grad
uations, the acmal commencement
believe it or not, is the most
Imoortant part.
This is the moment at which one
is graduated and the other par
ties, show and class nights only
serve to celebrate this happy
The cap and gown is the an
cient academic garb. It probably
daes back to the twelfth century,
. when scholars wore the wool gown
and hope to keep .warm. Many
gowns are still wool but the hood
has become a long drooping af-
a fuir that symbolizes a particular
academic degree and a particular
school, rather than warming the
The academic gown and mortar
board can be very becoming to
women, iney snouia, nowever, nc
worn correctly if a graduate is to
look her best on this important
The lengf.i of your gown depends
upon the length decided upon at
your school. But make certain
you're hemmed up to the correct
distance from the ground. Plain
pumps are' the best shoes to wear.
A medium heel will be most com
fortable. Hair that does not trail down
the back of the collar looks the
best. If yours is very long, you
may want to put it in a bun or
chignon for the occasion. If yours
is getting shaggy, get a trim so
you won't have trails on your
white collar.
Make-up may be more than the
Campfire News
By Shirley Butter
We received our wood gatherers'
rings at a party Tuesday at the
home of Sidney Harlan. We pre
sented our leader, Mrs. L.M. Rnss.
wUh a gift for her birthday. Mrs.
Claude Sell examined our memory
The Kenwood sixth grade had
a year-end skating party Monday
evening at the Bend Roller Rink.
Twenty-eight members of the class
and the teacher, Jack Lutz, were
Club Selects Scholarship Winner;
Announcement to Be Made May 27
Applications for the scholarship
given by the Oregon State College
Mothers' club were reviewed at
the club meeting Wednesday eve
.ning, and the . winner way deter
mined. Announcement, however,
will be delayed until the individual
award assembly May 27 at the
high school.
Mrs. Robert Nelson reported on
the board meeting and luncheon
which she attended with Mrs.
Ralph Crawford and Mrs. C. V.
Rasmussen, the club president,
last week in Corvallis. Speakers
at the luncheon stressed the need
for closer cooperation between the
local and state units of the Moth
ers club, and between the Dads
Start Home Plans Winging . . .
with Systematic Savings!
Launch your home plans with a systematic savings account
at Deschutes Federal ... '
THEN send them on to realization with an easy to repay, easy
to arrange Deschutes Federal Loan. Ask us for details soon!
ILA S. GRANT. Women's Director
emic gown is not the most or
iginal outfit, but worn correct
ly it is handsome and flatter
ing to the graduate.
usual, if your , graduation Is it
night under stage lights. Give
yourself enough make-up to show
up will in photographs, but don't
put on the evening look. Be sure
to tuck tissues around your collar
before you powder. Trickles of
powder . on the collar and shoul
ders look sloppy.
The mortar board is worn ab
solutely straight and looks best
this way. If you note that a friend
looks dashing with it at a sailor
hat angle, you'll find she looks
out of place in the procession.
Flowers are never worn on an
academic gown. This is a uniform
symbolizing the long tradition A
scholars and the tradition of your
school. A corsage is not fitting.
Do not carry a handbag In the
procession. Leave it with your
folks and collect it afterwards II
you need it. Keep your hands free
to receive that long-awaited dip
loma and to shake the hands of
your proud teachers and family
club, the student body and the
alumni association. They pointed
out that more students than ever
will require help because of the
increase in tuition, yet the money
available will support fewer scho
larships. The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. Pete Klobas, in the
Richardson district east of Bend.
Hostesses were Mrs. Cecil Duff,
Mrs. Kenneth Cruickshank and
Mrs. G.L. Gless.
The meeting was the last of the
year for the local club. Activities
will be resumed in the fall,
shortly after classes are resumed
at Oregon State College.
Mirror Pond
Club Installs
New Officers
Mrs. Lester Walt in of the Juni
per Garden dub ins nl'c i new of
ficers of the Mirror Pond club, at
s meeting Tuesday a'ternoon at
the home of Mrs. F. A. Starkey
403 E. Revere avenue.
Mrs. Claude Wanichek is the
new president. Other new ofHcerr
are: Mrs. Gordon McKay, vice
president; Mrs. Elsie Dunn, treas
urer; Mrs. Guv Plumb, secretary:
Mrs. Joe Griffin, corresponding
Mrs. Francis Stokerberrv, the
retiring club president, thanked
the members for their coioeratior
during her term, and presented
"ach outgoing officer with, a gift
She was in turn presented a gift
from the club. Mrs. Starkey made
the presentation.
At the recent district meeting in
Prineville. the club placed second
n bird book comDetition. it was
announced. The c'ub also was
warded the traveling g-ivel for
the next six months, for ' the best
"lifh attendance at the past two
dls'nct meetings.
Mrs. Wanichek reported on the
olanting of shrubs at Thompson
Seventeen .women were present
Mrs. Walton and Mrs. George Wil
liams were guests.
After the meeting, the group
toured the gardens at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elder, on
the old Bend-Redmond highway.
4-H Club News
A social for all 4-H club mem
hers in the county will be held
the second week in June. Arrange
ments are being made to present
an Internaiional Farm Youth ex
change student as speaker.
Plans for the affair were made
at the last meeting of the Des
chutes County Junior Leaders, last
Saturday afternoon in the court
house assemble room. Keith Cot-
trell, Patsy Frakes and John Pri-
chard were appointed as a com
mittee to complete arrangements.
Shirley Frakes was appointed to
take care of the float for the Des
chutes county fair parade this
year. The chairman for . the 4-H
float in the Fourth of July .paradej
in Bend will be announced later.
Standard report forms for the
national contests and scholarships
were explained by the leader, M's.
Walter Priehard. Mrs. George Ell
iot was a guest.
By John Priehard
The use of fertilizers and insec
ticides was discussed at the last
meeting of the Young Farmers
Garden and Crops 4-H club at the
regular meeting held at the home
of Roseann Curtis last Mondav.
Some of the members reported
that they had started their gar
Mrs. W.T.Curtis gave each mem
ber a start of chives. Refresh
ments were served by Jackie and
Maureen Burton.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Herry Smith, 1303
Newport avenue, at 2 p.m., June
By Mary K. Priehard
Unabeth Westfall gave a demon
itration on how to put on a poc
ket, at a meeting of the Merry
Stitchers 4-H cloth:ng club last Sat
urday at the home of Mrs. A.W
Westfall. Corrine Mellott and Carol
Krog gave a demonstration on care
of clothing.
Plans were made for a mother'!
tea to be held May 21 at Brooks
Memorial hall.
At the close of the meeting, Un
aoein westiau served re
By Don Corwin
The Tumalo Shepherds met May
11 at the Vance Corwin home. Don
and Denny Corwin gave a demon
stration on fitting and showing a
sheep. "Manners for Meetings'
also were discussed.
Punch, gelatin dessert and cook
ies were served by the
Corwin boys.
The next meeting will be July C
at Jackie Martin s home. Jackie
will- give a demonstration, and
'here will be a drill on conduct
:ng a meeting.
Circle Members
Make Programs
Fourteen members of the Ever
green circle assembled programs
for the Royal Neighbors' conven-
tion, at a meeting Thursday after-
'iwn m uie name oi tvira. rtaoen
Anderson. Mrs.' Henry Merritt was
assistant hostess.
Mrs. J. F. Egg, a member of
the grown, will return from Port
land this weekend, it was an
nounced. Her husband has been
hosnitalized there. .
The next meeting will be June
2. at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Lucy Billadeau. 214 Colorado ave
nue. Mrs. J. C. Culler will be as
lant hostpss. and Mrs. Kathryn
Winters and Mrs. Roy Allingham
will have charge at entertainment
The Bend Bulletin, Saturday. May 21, 195S
m m inn liiminm ihmmm
LOOK-ALIKES Flattery for mother and daughter lies in the
new long-torso dresses for summer. Daughter wears dress of fine
cotton broadcloth with linen collar and tucked-torso top. Full
skirt stands out over its own petticoat. Mother wears compan
ion dress in same fabric witl, neck and sleeve border of Irish
linen. .
NEW FOR SUMMER The squaw dress, for many years a
part and parcel of colorful life in the Southwest, is blossoming
into a fashion for every part of the country. Both models above
are actually separates, given the glitter treatment. Outfit at left
is cotton, with gold melton braid emphasizing the surplice clos
ing. Cotton georgette separates (right) in turquoise are lavish
ly trimmed with silver and gold braid.
Ladies Auxiliary
Holds Meeting
Eleven members of the Ladies
Auxiliary of Canton Deschutes,
Patriarchs Militant, attended the
state meeting of the Association
of Ladies Auxiliaries, earlier this
week in LaGrande.
Mrs. Emma Zemke was the of
ficial delegate. Also in the group
were Mrs. Ruth Barnes, pres-;
ident; Mrs. Leslie Ramsey, pastj
president; Mrs. George McQuinn.j
chaplain, Mr. Ben Evick. Miss
Charlotte Easton, Mrs. D.N "n-j
ham, Mrs. W.V. Merchant, Mrs. I
Carl Johnson, Mrs. MB. Smith;
and Mrs. Arthur Faria.
The local women were among'
100 who participated in the flag
raising Sunday. Tnat eveifing theyj
ittended services at the Methodist
church, and the association ses
sions were held Monday, conclud
ing with the decoration of chivalry.
Tuesday Auxiliary mem'iers vis
'ted the Rehokah Assembly.
The local proim conducted the
balloting on Monday.
Circle 2 niemliem, Catholic Altar
wclety, will meet Tuesday, May
!4. at 8 p m. at the home of Mrs.
Merbert Wilcox, 53 Louisiana ave
nue. Sunshine rlub will meet Tuesday
May 24, at 2 p m. at the home
if Mrs. W.F. McFadden. 115 Del
aware avenue, with Mrs. A.E.
Scbuman as co-hostess. Mrs.
George Lynch will be In charge
of the entertainment. All Pvthian
Sisters are Invited to attend.
WSCS Executive Board will meet
Wednesday, May 25, at 2 p.m. .n
the ' Fireside room at the Metho
dist church. Both the new and re
tiring officers are asked to attend.
Retiring officers are to take their
guides and the May issne of the
Methodist Churchwoman, It was
announced. Mrs. George Conner
and Mrs. G. W. Hilgers will bet
hostesses for tea.
Sat. Nite Special
Come at 8 p.m. See Both Features
and Stay for Our "BONUS SHOW"
It's a Technicolor Western!
BtllT uKADLt' marge & gower LnAMrlUN- jack lemmon :
; gv,.,v
A Co-Hit You'll All Fnjoy
Allen Wins School Honors
Bulk-tin Staff Writer
If heredity and environment are
as important to one's intelligence
and ability as the psychologists
say, Bend should be "right proud"
of Caro'. Lee Allen, granddaughter
f County Judge J. C. Allen apd
daughter of State Senator S. Eu
gene Allen.
Grandpa AHen is a Bend resl
tent and Father Allen is a former
Send resident.
Carol just won a $500 scholarshii
loonsored by the Oregon State
Federation of l abor. She is the
only girl among the three winners
chosen from some 500 - odd appl!
cants from 60 schools all over the
4tate. She has recently beer
named editor of the 19115 Cardina
yearbook of Lincoln High School
in Portland, where she is a gradu
ating senior.
Eimay Winner
In addition, the 16-year-old g'.r!
won the third prize in an essay
con'est on "Importance of Selling
to Our Economy" sponsored by
the National Sales Executive and
The Oregon Journal.
Mrs. Mahle Southworth. a fac
ulty publication adviser at Lincoln
calls Carol "a wonderful editor.'
The Cardinal, Lincoln's school pa
ncr, describes her as "friendly and
She was knighted in the school's
1954 Mav Fete assembly for the
outstanding srrvice she has con-
trlWi'ed to the school.
Besides her honors and laurels,
she 4. . . . lust look at her pic
ture. What else can a 16-year-old
4-H Scholarships
Now Number 27
- SwIrI to The Bulletin
REDMOND Scholarships for 4
II summer school now number 27,
according to 4-11 agent Douglas
Messenger. Forty boys and girls
'rom tl.e county will leave June 1-1
for Corvallis to attend 10 days of
classes wilh 4-11 young people
from all over the state on the
O.S.C. campus.
Donors of scholarships, not pre
viously named, include Terrebonne
grange. Brooks-Scanlon extension
unit, Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.,
U.S. National Bank in Bend, Turn
alo grange, Redmond Lions club
auxiliary. Pomonn grange, Mnuill
Drug and Cashman's In Bend, La-
Pine home extension, Redmond
grange, Oregon Bankers and Ore
gon Wool Growers.
Graduation Set
At Grade Schools
Sneelnl to The Bulletin
MADRAS Graduation for
eighth graders of various Jeffer
son county schools will be held
early next week, Asa Eaton, coun
ty school superintendent, an
nounced Thursday.
George Rufener,. sole Grizzly
grad. will take part In Madras
rade school commencement,
May 23. Benny Friend will gradu
ate from Ashwood school, and ex-
relses are nlanned Tuesday, with
Willis Keithley, Madras grade
school teacher, as speaker.
The only Camo Sherman gradu
ate this year will he Terry Moye.
Three youngsters, Charles
Hatch, Davd Stewart, and Alice
Strousc. will graduate from Gate
way school. Eaton will speak, at
an 8 p.m. program, Monday.
Sand-laden winds from nearby arid
areas whipped through this town
and one strong gust knocked down
the screen at an outdoor theater.
The picture being shown was "The
Living Desert.
Grandfather Allen has been in
the Bend area for nearly two dec
ades. He has been Deschutes coun
ty judge since 1939. He also owns a
farm at Tumalo.
Senator S. Eugene, Carol's fa-
Wins Scholarship
iher, was brought up In Bend and
was graduated fi-om Bend high
school. He is a Republican law
maker representing Multnomah.
Judge Allen, however, is a Dem
ocrat. As to Carol, well, she says she
plans to attend Stunford Univer
sity in Palo Alto, Calif., and may
major in education or English.
She hopes to become someday an
English or art teacher. Politics
may eventually catch up with her,
however. "
Social Calendar
7 p.m. Rim Rock Riders,
lly dinner, club house.
8 p.m. District VFW meeting,
IOOF hall. Prineville.
8:30 p.m. Buck and Wing cluh.
square dance, Terrebonne Grange
1 p.m. Potluek dinner and
shower for Jennie Lee Woods,
Pine Forest Grange hall.
2 p.m. Ham dinner for public
at St. Francis Parish hall, given
by Circle 4 of Catholic Altar Soc
iety, until 8 o'clock.
8 p.m. Jaycee Auxiliary wi'h
Mrs. Mack Fogle, 1325 Harmon.
1:30 p.m. Circle 3, Catholic
Altar society, wilh Mrs. ; 11. Mc-
Daniel, 640 Congress.
2 p.m. Sunshine club with Mi's,
W.F. McFadden, 115 Delaware,
4 p.m. Weavers' Guild wilh
Miss Helen Butler, 530 Georgia.
6:30 p.m. Boy Scout troop 24
family potluek dinner, St. Francl:
parish hall.
8 p.m. Circle 2, Catholic Altar
society, with Mrs. Herbert Wilcox,
53 Louisiana.
p.m. DeMolay installation,
Masonic temple.
Bend Weaver Guild will meet
Tuesday, May 24, at 4 p.m. at the
home of Miss Helen Butler, 530
Georgia. The possibility of em
ploying an instructor for a demon
stration of new techniques will be
Sunday Kl
Priemi This Show Only Adult 80c
Children 20c
Fishing In The Wilds of Alanks
. A Cinemascope Short
Ten Candidates
For Court Named
At Bend High
Ten Bend high school senior
girls have been named as candi
dates for places on the royal court
of Bend's Fourth of July Water
Pageant. Redmond, Prineville, Sis
ters and Madras each have been
invited to enter a candidate, and -Bend
girls to fill out a court of
seven will be selected.
The Bend girls,, chosen by vote
of the senior 1iks, are Ruby An
derson, Pat Crawford, Dorothy De
Rushia, Jeanne Drost, Donna
Gumpeit, Shirley llawes, Pauline
Kiesow, Lynn Schrock, Gail
Thompson and Tonya Wolf.
A committee will select the Bend
candidates next week, according to
Richard Chester, who is the Pag
eantarlan in charge of the court
selection detail. ,
As in past years, the queen wilt
be named at a Parade of Prin-
cesses, wich will be one of the
highlights of the pre - celebration
festivities. The queen selection
ceremony will be held this year
in 'connection with a free barbe
cue for Durchasers of Water Pag
eant buttons.
The 10 Bend girls were finalists
from a group of 27 who signed up '
to take part in the election.
Diplomas Given "
At Indian School"
Special to The Bulletin
MADRAS Diplomas were pre
sented to 13 eighth graders at tho
Warm Springs Boarding school,
during the annual award day, Fri
day. The program was held in the
school gymnasium. .
Those who .received diplomas
from Asa Eaton, Jefferson county
school superintendent, and who
will enler Madras Union high
school as freshmen ncxl fall art?
Gerald Charlcv, Elaine Clements,
George Dnnzuka. Cleta Danzuka,
Mirie Miller. Byron Patt, Billy
Palmer, Charlotte Pitt. Kenneth
Quenhpamn, Denna Smith, Janice
Sun-vih. 1'n Mae Thompson, and
Gera'dine Walsey.
Vtr'ous awards, including rec
ognition for housekeeping ability.
spor's. and citizenship, were made
by faculty members. .
REDMOND The Northwest
TirMmn Cnllece sineers. a male
nuartet. will sing Saturday even-
following a notluck dinner in
"oHmond Christian church, and
Sundnv morning during 11 a. rn.,
wnrshlo service.
The young men from the Eugene
college are bass Harvev Ruegseg-.
ger. first tenor Richard Speck, se
cond tenor Enrl Gibbs and bari
tone Marion Castle.
Sao Pnnlo. mushrooming at the
rale of 35 nc" h"ildlni?s a day,
now l ""llengin" H'-nzll's largest
city, Rli de .T-melro, home of 2.650
000 peon'", ft hois eventually to
nimnss B"eno 's, Argentine,
en"""' nnd South America's'
'nrgest r'W. -.
Dciry ''Pen
Orange, I.Ime, Pineapple,