MADRAS GRADUATES Busy with activities which will close their high school careers, the 1955 graduating class of Madras Union High School took time out to pose for their picture last week. Those shown are, from left, back row: Bob Miller, Karen McKimens, Mack Lochrie, Sandra Beasley, Lorrayne Adams, Terry Courtney, Gail Clowers, John Traven, Ellis Hudspeth, Stanley Murray, Edwin Blair, Larry Stone, Norman Nathan, and Ron Gunderson. T hird row: John Lydy, Gene Piercy, Ruby Scott, Cynthia Moody, : Doris Ike, Priscilla Nance, Shirley Moore, Bill Howland, Rachel Henske, Ardith Swanson, Grover Cannon, Valgene Eatinger, Bob --Surplus, and Bob Runge, Second row: Carole Mouret, Helen Links, Shirley Dulaney, Caron Beard, Marlene Kirksey, Muriel Hanne r man, Edith Taylor, Margaret Raver, Joyce Erb, Rudy Clemens, Corrine Griffith, Marge Pederson, Carol Eylor, and Bonnie Downs. First row: Marion (Bui) Callaway, Jerry Ramsey, Earl Anderson, Larry Fivecoat, Harold Moore, Gene Williams, Colleen Meacham, r Nancy Stewart, Marlene Pederson, Norman Nathan, Sharon Met calf, Chester Van Pelt, JoAnn Rodman, and Sharon Hatch. Not T shown are Jerry Green, Norma Lane, and Dick McClure. (Photo for The Bulletin by Bob Barber) Commencement Set at Madras j Special to The Bulletin i MADRAS Commencement will vbe held in the Madras Union high school gymnasium for 59 gradual ing seniors Friday at 8 p.m. Dr Clifford E. Maser, dean of the college of business and technology Oregon State college, will be prln cipal speaker. His topic Is "On- .portunity Favors the Prepare! Mind." . ' Processional and recessional will be by the Madras high band un der direction of Robert Brewer, music instructor. The Rev. R. A. Haskins, pastor of the Madras Free Methodist church, will give the invocation. ' A. S. Ramsey, chairman of the board of School District .No. U-l. will present diplomas. Seniors who will graduate arc: Girls: Lorrayne Belle Adams, San dra Beasley, Shirley Delaney, Bon- nie Downs, Joyce Patsy Erb, Carol Lee Eyler, Corrine Griffith, Muri el Lea Hanneman, Sharon Hatch, Rachel Elizabeth Henske Doris Ann Ike, Marlene Kirksey Norma Lane, Helen Linds, Karen McKimens. Colleen Meacham, Shuron Met cult, Carole Meuret, Cynthia Moody, Shirley Moore, Priscilla Nance, - Margie Ann Pederson, Marlene Pederson, Margaret Ann Raver, Ruby Faye Scott, Nancy Lee Stewart, Ardith Lee Swanson, Edith Mary Taylor, and Virginia Taylor, not present. -Boys: Earl Nicholas Anderson, Caron Nathan Beard, Edwin Blair, Marlon Callaway, Grover Cannon, Warren Rudy Clements, Gail Al ltm Clowers, Terry E. Courtney, Valgene Eatinger, Lary Fivecoat, .Terry Morion Green. Ron Morris Gunderson, William nnnrtnll MnwInnH Fllle HiirKtieMh Michael M. Lochrie, John Lester Lydy, Dick McClure, Robert Le Roy Miller, Haro'.d Homer Moore, Stanley Dec Murray, Norman Al len Nathan, Gene. Piercy. Jerry Ramsey, Robert Runge, Lawrence K. Stone, Arnold Slwyer, Bob Nelson Surplus, John Lee Tra ven, Chester Van Pelt, and Wil liam Eugene Williams. DKf.AVKl) CHUCK MEAD, Neb. (UP) The pay roll department of the Nebraska Ordnance Plant was somewhat puzzled when It received a cancel led payroll check one year after It was issued. Joan Winship said she didn't remember not having' cashed the check until she found it at home a year after she received It. A view from the new Luxury Liner E-Z eye window. aQ LOW FARES TO 0 FIT YOUR BUDGET i 9 To Chicago-one way $40.55 o ptus rax pius rax To Detroit-one way dIui tax 0 ) , 0 To Denver-one e Redmond Hospital SjmtU t i The Bulletin REDMOND Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Taylor of Redmond have named their new son Melvin Fred erick, Jr. The baby was born Sunday night at Central Oregon district hospital. A daughter was born at Hie hos pital Monday to Mr. and Mrs. George Watts of Route 1, Red mond. She is named Julia Diane Jerome Loren Is the name se lected for the new son of Mr and Mrs. Fred McCullough of Madras. He was born at the hos pital Monday. A son was born Monday at the hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morrison bf Redmond. The name Is not yet reported. Admitted Monday: Ralph Bees- ley, Teirebonne; Mrs. Thelma Miller, Redmond; Mrs. F. T. Douglas, Route 1, Culver; Mrs. Shirley Pcurcy, Route 1, Redmond; Mrs. Lenorah Ililkey, Madras. One out-patient was treated. Dismissed Monday: Mrs. Kale Kukup and Mrs. Lilly Thompson, Warm Springs; Millard Tornsen. Antelope; Delpha Jean Hoffman, Redmond. DOI'BI.10 EOC.S GLENVIL, Neb. (UP) Mrs. Kenneth Motley has a hen thai works overtime.f ln a three-week period, the hen laid two ogs measuring eight inches in circum ference. Each of the king-sized eggs contained another complete, normal size egg. KYXOPH1R OP AN'NI'AI. STATKMRNT Fur lliu Jenr emled lieienilier 31. IU1 ul (lie CHURCH MUTUAL INSURANCE . COMPANY or Merrill. In the Nlale of Wlacoiutn, matle to llutiraiiie t uniml.iioiier of Hie male or Oregon, puriuant to law: ADMITTED A8SET8 llonill I m, 552.01 31.490 50 tl.TO.-M) 14U.H4U.02 1111.5111. 51 mix a. Monaaia loam on real eilate... Ileal Halo ill and liahh ileiioiHI Airrnti' balaueei or mirol leiletl premium. ..... Intereit. tlmrientla and real 1 T.S75.0S 4.01 4. OA l'J.144 T3 H5N.30ll.TI Income due and ai-rrued Oilier aiirn Tola admitted aiii-li . . I LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS tame 1ii edjoitmenl eipeniea - l-nearni-d ptrmluiul ...... .. All oilier llatillltkei Total llalillltlei, eleent capital 14.235.73 1)20,03 931.53 IT tl.THK OT S53.I73.2U iioaranlee r ond ...... 250.uou.uO I'naialaneil fondl Uurnlui! Ssit.IB0.Sl Hornlna aa reiarda pollcvlwulera (100. tun 51 Total .... J 35S.J0tl.TI STATEMENT OF INCOME Premlume earned , 1 205. HIT. 50 li.e. Inrurred .on eipen.e. Inrurred 12.0H1.I0 other underwriting eapeuiae In rurred M TT. 132 113 Tolal Uibj.-rwrttln3 dedui-lloni 1T0.T32 02 Nel tinderwrltlnt gain or loai .. 25.374.Hg Inrralment Inroine ... 1H.2U3 31 t.lher Income 20V 711 Tolal, before federal Income tatea 43.407.43 r'ederal Inmtua taiea Incurred 2.HHVHS Net lmme 40 531. 13 Ulrldendi to pollt-yheldere -3.TBU 35 Oilier Itema alfertlng luriiloa lotl 6.021.05 Tolal canltal and gliriilug Itema , " t.JM.TO Incrraie In lurploa ai rrgardi pollciliuMer. 41 H33 41 BUSINESS IN ORE00N roR THE YEAH Net mcmlnni. rerelred I T.073 do Nel lime paid o rrlniltial office lu Uregon; Urwki, Ureaoit. f $46.05 f "i , way - $25.80 plus tax We 111 i , mm Shipping Point Group to Meet The annual spring meeting of the stale department of agricul ture's shipping point supervisors will be held in Bend at the Pilot Butte Inn Thursday and Friday of this week, with Frank McKennon, plunt division chief, and W. L. Close, slate supervisor, presiding over the sessions. This will mark the first meeting of J. F. Short, new director of agriculture, with the full supervi sory staff from the eight shipping point districts in the state. These offices are at Klamath Falls, On tario, Medford, Redmond, Salem, Portland, Hood River and Milton- Freewater. Three national and regional leaders representing the federal department of agriculture in the shipping point inspection service will also attend. They arc Donald S. Mutheson of Washington, D. C, and D. C. Beeler and M. C. Erick- son of San Francisco. Karl Win- sor and Wilson Kellogg will attend from the Idaho state office at Boise. This group will review the year's operations to dnin on ccrf''ilion and Inspection of c:ir and truck moyements of fresfi fruits, vege tables and nuts. In so doing, they will seek ways and means for more efficient and economical service to shippers. The supervisors will present their annual "guesstimate" of commod ities going through their districts for the year beginning next July 1. Elmer Johnson of Oregon State college will meet with the group for a discussion of grading on cer tified seed potatoes, and Robert Eaton of Portland and Merrill Webb of Redmond will be present to discuss federal marketing agreements as they relate to the shipping point Inspeclors" work. Decline Noted In Net Income KUCENK (UP) - A national weekly nrwspawM oosl study just oomplotrcl by Curl Webb, assistant nrofessor of journalism at Hip Uni versity of Oregon, showed an in crease of 6 per cent in total in come f'r 1051 over 105-1. Rnl net Income declined fotir tentlis of 1 per cent, Webb said, because other expenses increased more rapidly than income. The survey drew reports1 from 2-18 weekly and semi-weekly news papers in -10 states. Michigan was organized as n territory in 1805. LUXURY TRAVEL ON A TRAILWAYS LUXURY LINER It's the NEW way Air conditioned Luxury adjustable chairs Hide on air suspension Large picture windows 1!-Z I've vision glass Finest scenic views Short, interesting stops Courteous, helpful driven relax on a Luxury V1gS5-TT- -g?5 TI.MK CIIA;rc NOTED Special to The Bulletin ft K DM ON D The Community church uuud meeting will be Fri day at 7:30 p.m. in Westminster hall. The time is changed this month from afternoon to evening. Mrs. Hurry Gobelman will lead the program on "Christianity In the Midst of a Revival of Non-Christian Religions," Mrs. Justin King and her committee are arrang ing refreshments. ', TNOP8IS OF ANNUAL BTATEMZNT For tit rtar tiided DcDb 11, Hit of lh MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH ft ACCIDfNI ASSOCIATION of Omiha, Id tti But of Ntbraika, midf Imurcne Commliitonar of ma BUM Vinton, puriuant to law: ASSETS Bondi , ; 101.SII,ll.l Btot-ki ,, 8MM.ilT.8J Caih .and bank dpoilti. ia.i3S.MMt Iutmtt and oilier iiiTeitintnt Incorna dua and wrumi , ,. 6(4, 1 6 J. 71 Olher aiieti I,1I0.5I.8I Total anrti I14B.15M41.4) LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Reierrei for Ufa and accldant and lieiitb nollclei 1L. f 5B.T81.488.Tf Policy and rontract clalmi J2.8I0.TSO.84 All other llahllltlii B.KSJ l U Total llabllltlaa. aictat capltal-l UAHA2.i Sneclal lurului fundi .15. 000,000. 00 UtiinlKned turplui.. 45,674,112.5 Hurplui ai mtfardJ pollcjholdari 4.0.8T4J1.(B Tttlal - 1149,119,441.41 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS Accrual Bail) Premium and annul u ronaidvra- k.tluni MMST.MI.St- Nel Inveitinent Inmur . 1,209 4T 91 Other Im-oioa linn lo'sSLOl I'elliy bfnnflti It ( oniiiiiiiiotii. claim and central liuuraiir aipsiitea and laia. (O.iSl.llO.l Otht-r ottrrallitg deductloni 304.4SI?I Total lSS,lB4.l7ii3 .Net aaln from operatlona..-. $ 3,718 3o SO inrrtaie in nirplui and ipeclal BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR TMt V Groi prcmiumi and annuitr con-iiti-ralloni collated durlm the rear . j 1 1 J Droti benefits and clalmi. endow- ' ' inwiti, mrrcnderi. and annultlw paid during Hit ;ar 1,110 S85 SI I'rlnMital offl. In Ortgon. H. K. Caitn A liwrlaiei 1001 S W. in lb fa.. Ponland ' 8TV01'SIS OP A.NNCATi STATRMFXT for Hie vriir ended lceiiib!r 31, IBM of the KANSAS CITY FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or Kamai City. In lh Rtnte of Mliionti, mad to the Iniiiraiu-e t'oiiimtiitoner o( Itit Hute of Urei&n. puriiianl to law:,s.M.s: 2.1V4.48S.00 ll.iii.00 Ie001l.2u8.3t 1.0118.488.00 i or uncoHeitcd iiremlumi . , lniiTi-il. (tlviiiPtuli ami real Mill liiconni due and accrued 1.04 OlIiiT aiteti 210.020.40 Total atltiiltti'd aiifi i 10.0(18, S:c.9l LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1-oiiei m .823.00 lA)t al ml tn rut eipemei... 80,ltBl.So t'tiftinutl premium 4.720.62A.TV All Dtlicr llahllUlei 1.1S8,B3.5 Total Ilit.Hlllm, eti'rtit rijiltal 8,033,27 i.ii Capital nald ui $1.000,OUU.UO I'naiitviitKl fundi Uiiniliul 2.433. S9H.0T Snrtiliii ai rcaardi poUryltoldari.. I 3. 433.596. 0T Tolal .. t Hi.iM.&UM Bl Al LHtNl Uf- INCOME I'remlunu earned 4.9U.5M.BS leoaiei HiLiirred eMiciitet Incurred Dther uiulcrv riling expenjai llit'iirtml ... , Tolal underwriting deductloni. Net u'tderwrltliii gain Iiivfltiriit-nl Income OUter Income Total. heTore federal Income tan Kerleral Income Iiin Incurred.... Nel ItiruniP . niridendi lo ilockholderi Other 1 1 tm i (feeling mriiltu (net! . TdinI capital and iunliii liemi (netl Itirrcue In urphii ai regardl puUr.tlH-lileri 2.312. 27J.T2 29 , 61 1.91) i.n 8. 330. 01 4. HUB. 355.18 2.104.35 191.440.27 -67.80 J0O.6Tfl.82 22.185.4S 178, til, 34 1UO.O0O.OO 4 (11. Slid. 01 311. 90S. 06 1:3 409.40 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE VFan Net ire i 1 1 mi rnelred 6.Bit0.6S Nel toiiea paid S, 830. II J to Travel Liner CAB Favoring Slash in Rates WASHINGTON (UP) The Civil Aeronautics Board called today for a $5,336,000 slash in rates paid Ihe 13 major passenger, airlines for oariying mall. It ordered the air lines to show cause why it should not put the lower rates into effect retroactive 'y to April 1, 1954. The government paid almost 33 million dollars to the 13 air lines for mail carried in the 12 months ended last June 30. The proposed new rates are this spring. They were recessed when it appeared that all line! based on hearings held earlier lad agreed on n."w rates. The proposal affects paymentr 'or actual domestic transportation of mail and does not apply to ubsidy payments received by Ion if the 13 so-called "trunk" air Mnes. The air lines involved arc American, Eastern, Trans World United, National, Northwest, Capi (al. Delta, Western, Braniff, Col onial, Continental and Northeast. The last four are the air lines eligible for subsidy. Regatta Court Set at Astoria ASTORIA (UP) Court for the Astoria regatta has been completed with the selection of Patricia Mor rison as the third 'princess. Other princesses selected were Carol Leicht and Susan Randoz One of the girls will reign a? qupen of the regatta next month All three are students at Astoria high school. Firm Accused Of False Labels PORTLAND (UP) E. F. Rur. lingham and Sons, a Halsey ware house firm, was accused yesterday of false labelling of three 600 bat; shipments of rve erass seed sent to Alabama. The information was filed by as sistant U. S. Attorney James Mor- reii wnn f ederal judge uaude McCollooh. It chnrcepH that tho firm failed to state on labels that the rye grass seed also contained seea oi sneep sorrel, a noxious week. THURSDAY Special! Infants' reinforce rj training pants of soft ribbed knit combed cotton. Double thick body, triple thick rroteh, elastic af waist and legs. White; 1-3. 4 for $1.00 Special! Tots' ear Mat with Its own steering wheel, horn and gear shift! Permits youngster to sit or stand, washable plastic covering. Folds flat $3.00 Symonds Body En Route Home MANILA, P.I. (UPlThe body it Cene Symonds, United Press manager for Southeast Asia, left '-.y plane for San Francisco Tuer Jay night en route to Dayton, Ohio lis home town. Symonds was beaten uncon cious last Thursday while trying 3 get an on-the-spot story of riot- us strikes in Singapore. He died he following day. His body was lown here from Singapore on the 'Irst leg of a trip to the United Itates. Anti-Trust Suit Aimed at Firms MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UP)-Thc 'ederal government filed a civil ntl-trust suit in federal district ourt today against the Crown Uerbach Corp. of San Francisc--), he American Linen Supply Co. of hicago and princiqal officers in he firsis. Wayne Brown of New York, as sistant vice president of the Cali ornia firm, and Frank G. Steiner, iresident, and Jonas H. Mayer, 'ice president, of the Chicago firm vere named as defendants. The suit charged the defendants vich conspiring to restrain trade ind commerce in paper towel cab nets and towels in violation of the Sherman act. "The Department of Justice Is letermined to eliminate unlawful -estraints imposed upon ditribu 'ors of products in interstate com merce," Ally. Gen. Herbert Brown ill Jr. said in a prepared news release. "In this case the alleged re strains operate on the distribution if paper towel cabinets and paper twels from manufacturer to job ber and from jobber to custom er," he said. "This case seeks to open up those channels of distribu tion so that the public can ulti mately get the benefits of compe tition." AMONG GRADUATES Special to The Bulletin REDMOND Douglas Kam- merer will be among the eighth grade graduates f rtm John Tuck school on May 31, although his family is moving from Redmond to Klamath Falls. His name was inadvertently not reported on the list of graduates published Tues day. 9:30 - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Store Hours: NEW IMPROVED Folding Aluminum Lawn Chair In choice of Saran or Duck back and seat. Duck in Green, Red, Yellow or Blue. Saran in Green or Red Plaid. Folds for Easy Storage Water Resistant Seat and Back Seat 19" Wide Deep 32" Overall Height Dacroii-Fillcd Bed Pillows 19 x 28" FINISHED SIZE The popularity of Dacron as a pillow filling is growing J fast. It makes a very practical pillow because it's free of conventional pillow allergies not affected by changes in climate or humidity and it's washable. Ideal for summer camps and cottages. Lightweight COTTON A wonderful summer blanket 72x90." Clear pastel colors Neatly wrapped in Pliofilm Hand washable. Cherry, Lemon, Pink, Lt. Green, Blue, Whit. S - The Bend Bulletin, Rebels Stalking SAIGON, Indochina (UP) Reb el snipers stalked the streets of Saigon today in what officials said was the beginning of a large scale terrorist campaign against American-backed Premier Ngo Dinh Diem. - Two loyal Viet Namese officers were shot and killed ana two others gravely wcunded by the ! roving terrorist bands last night. The gunmen were believed mem-j bers of the Ninh Xuyen gang of ex-river pirates whose private army was driven from Saigon by, iem's loyal troops after violent I PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIAL At Houk -Van Allen KALAKT FOCUSPOT FOR ROLLEIFLEX -REG. $ 29.95 NOW $ 20.00 MEDIATRON CLOSE UP CAMERA OUTFIT REG. 512.50 NOW 275.00 SUN II STROBE LIGHT . . REG. 89.50 NOW 65.00 PROJECTOR FOR VU SO. SLIDES REG. 74.50 NOW 59.00 BINOCULARS 16 x REG. BINOCULARS 16x30 Domestic REG. 89.00 NOW BINOCULARS 7x35 Import REG. 45.50 NOW EDITOR 8 MM MAGNIFYING REG. 57.95 NOW 45.00 Slightly Used AUTO FOCUS ENLARGER REG. 175.00 NOW 99.50 TDC PROJECTOR 2x2 Used ' 24.95 23 SPEED GRAPHIC OUTFIT, Used 129.50 LEICA 35 MM ELMAR 3.5. Used 89.00 ROLLEIFLEX 3.5 AUTOMATIC SOLENOID, used 139.00 FILM OUTDATED POLAROID LAND 1.39 FILM ANSCO 35 MM 20 Exp. Tungsten 1.25 FILM ANSCO PLENACHROME 50 ASA 3 for 99c S & H Green Stamps HOUK-VAN ALLEN 916 Wall Street DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE N FOR EXTRA SAVINGS! jways.' am. 5:30 p.m. With Floret-Printed Binding BLANKETS 2 FOR Wednesday, May 13. 1955 Saigon Streets street fighting. The new "offensive" game came even as Diem pressed urgently for talks with the United States, France and firitain to bolster his sfiaky regime. Informed sources sa'd the Big Three almost cer tainly would reject Diem's oropos als for a four-power meeting. LOWES OIL BURNER SERVICE PHONE. 181 76.00 NOW 59.00 plus tax ' 65.00 plus tax 35.00 plus tax Phone 860 4 1068 Bond Phono 500