A- 9 If ii i-Arfft-iiiiiTririiViYirri-rig a i iwiii Hi' -a ' n-.CTtfraritiiS'awa Siamese Twins Die at Detroit DETROIT (UP) An autopsy will be performed today to deter mine the cause of death of Sia mese twin girls less than 34 hours after their birth.' The twins Joined by a six-inch strip of flesh from the upper part of the breast bone to the abdomen, were born to Mrs. Richard "Herring " 27, by Caesarian section Sunday. They died while physicians sought to determine how many or gans they, shared. Doctors said they were fairly certain the twins had separate stomachs but were unable to determine whether they shared the same heart, lungs and liver. Dr. Glen Hause, pediatrician in charge, said it was possible that their death resulted from lack of oxygen supplied by a shared set of lungs. BTXQPSIH Or ANNUAL, STATEMENT For Uia JM wlcd December 31, 1HS1 ot lh, COMBINED INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA T rhlr, In lilt Bttjo oT Illlnoli. mid. to Mm Iniurinc ConuUilooer of tbt Sliia at Ottgoo. putiutnt to taw;. ASSETS Bond! eJ.3-S.4919 Block! 1,308.911.3 12,500.00 -0.78S.9C 10g.lTB.Tl vhb and bank deposit-. Intcrcit and -lhr Innitroent lneomt din -ad -ccroe4 Other uhU i Total uiiu . ., -,80T.M(.IJ LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS) Rm-ttm for llfs and accident and health Dollciei 3,52. 030. 4T Policy and contract clalmi 8Ji.no. 00 All other llabllltlai T US, 37 8.38 Total U-bllltUa, except capltal.. .,lilQ,ai8.84 Capital paid up..$ 400.OU0.00 Unaiil-ned aurplui.. 1.187.308.89 Surplus at lacardc policyholders 2.681.309.86 Total ' , . f 6.8ui.ili.ll SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS (Accrual Bailt) rremlumi and annuity M08.534.41 Net InTeitmeot .neon 0:h lacoou, lUnuu. Total 69.lttl.ltt SI0..S a.466.flSl.(i .7za.a. 25.3 1 1. (Hi 35.0 8.3H.SS..TI 1.464.C13.TO . .40.000.00 roller baoeilU . Commissions, claim and icoeral imucan c expenses ana ui Other oparatlfls deduction. uiTiaeooa w Doucjaoideri Total Nat talo from opmtlaoa Dividend to Mockholdm..- Other lterai affecting tuiplua and aurpliu funds (net) lotai Increaia In lurplui and apactai turpi ui tundi... -.$ 1.1SM6S.2T BUSINESS IN OREGON fOR THE YEAR Or on prfinlumi and annuity ton-, Idem Hon oollectwl during tha rr . $ :.8(U. Droit tienffiti and elalmi. endow- 1 mend, ttirrrndera, and annultlei paid during the rtar... Principal offtra In Ornaon' Nnns. 06.2.0.OZ tiY.-.trttlH OK ANNl'AL 6TATEA1KNT For Mia year anded Ueccmber 31. 1954 of the CANADIAN INDEMNITY COMPANY of .V H;nipa. Canada, mada to , tha Insurance rommifsionei of tba Btata ot Oregon, punuani ta law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bondi - J.2.1M63.M Btorlta :.3.7:t.op 4'aih and nana depoilU SS8.820.0I Aictila' balance or uncollected premium! 30 Intereit,' dlfldend and real aitata . InratDo dua and accrued Other aiieti Total admitted aneta t 8.79 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 3, 414.00 341,144.00 1.M3.H04.50 I idjuitmcnt crpentei fncirnMl premt.ilii All other HaMlltiei... 3D1.I3S.I6 Toial liabilities aicent canltal t 5. 121. 208. 25 Capital paid up.S300,0OO.0Q t'nanljned funda (aurplual 9TT.fT4.OT Burplu a regard! pollcyholdera. 1.377.174. A? Total i.78fl,172.3? STATEMENT OF INCO ME - Franlumi earned f Lone Incurred i.o6,n.ei 3U.533.B6 1M.0T4.; 20.0(T.7 gl.M St 94.954.8 8(1.447.1 1B5.40I.95 49.187 .54 105.534.4 107. 148. H 10..24S.14 7.7.U i -on aipeniaa incurrao Total undenrrltlng dedurtlona. .Vei underwriting g"" ,. Imeiimeot income , Toul. before federal iname taist Federal Income uia Incurred m Net Income Increaie In lurplui u regard pollevholder . BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premluma recel red. .. . 84.970. on Net lone paid 10,117.80 Principal off I re In Oiagoa; Bay ummarllJ Agcncj. Inc. I'oitland, SOME EXAMPLES LISTED BELOW 1953 DESOTO. 2 door sedan $1695 2-tnnn -Teen paint, RAH, tip top muCor, a real buy 1953 OLDS 88, 4 door sedan $2195 Powrr brakes, p m-f r atrtrinft, Inw miletuze, one owner. 1952 PONTIAC CATALINA, 8 cyl. ..... $1495 Hvrlramalie, radin. htntrr, 2-tnnr paint . 1952 NASH AMBASSADOR. 4-door $1195 On- owner rar. o"Ws like new. 1950 DODGE WAYFARER, 2-door $ 795 M"tor eompletrlr cvfrhauled. You Judge The Appearance We Guarantee The Condition WARD MOTOR CO. "YOUR FRIENDLY CAR DEALER" 1008 PONTIAC Ph. 1595 OND ST. . n,,GMC (or) 1596. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS The Bend Bulletin. Wednesday. May 1 8. 1 955 3e THE BEND BULLETIN Tba Band Bullrtln (Waakir) 180J-HS1. Tha Band Bullatin (Daily) Eat 1U16. Published Every Aftarnooa Except Sun day and' Certain Holiday, by Tna Band Bulletin, 138 - Iti Wall Suaat Band, Oraton. , i - By Matt la Oregon Tnrae Montha t 1.25 His Montha 6.00 On Year U.00 By Hall Oatalda al Oreeroa Threa Month. I .7& Six Montha a-ov Ona Year .'. 12.00 By Carrier Ona Month Six Montha Ona Year ., ..I 1.26 . . 7-bO .. U.00 SINGLE COPY 5c -Please notify tu of any change of ad ore- or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. All aubscriptiona an DUE and PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. BULLETIN CORRESPONDENTS Jdadraa Bob Barber nl aiofl -. OClAl Redmond Mm Martha Stranahan r none es. Eastern Star Mra. Walter Frlchard Phone 87-F-l Sis tare Mrs. Serge Coval ' ' Phone 1106 Tumalo bra. A. L. Cnriatopher fhona 600-L Want Ad-Rates and Information 4 timet for the price of 2 AdK BDOUV WJH rtU- iw auucu mimw and added insertions ; don't forget thd even lower rates if you run your ad fur iuu munut. 7 tim-B for Oie price of 6 ' Very Lovf Hatea for Monthly Ads 2-3-4 6-6-7 Word. . Op to 13 . 14 thru It 1 thru U Tima .76 1.00 1.2R 1.60 2.76 2.00 D.67 2.60 4.20 24 tnrv 1.60 8.00 6.60 Pi. Cmmh nr within 1 rfa. PHONE YOUB WANT ADS TO THE Ads received beforei 1 p-in. will appear in the ronowing uay uper. The Bulletin reserves the right to classify .edit or reject any want mi kvvj, anO Will Uti reSIHIIIDlUlO ,W VUII correct publication of any want ad. rull aojur.unenv 01 errur . added inaeruon 01 tna corrocwau w- HHemenK. Want ada in The Bulletin are arranged I or me neiieii. . riaaailietl into tnp iminwinK ui' Ixiet & Found, McctinuB, Personals, Spe cial nonces, eic. t . finvtinrrltirTH OA Qal Autos Wanted and For Sale. Accessories, Uoay wont, oerviii oi-wm Appliances, Buildinur, Carpentry. Electri cal,, Fainting,. Piumbinit, Upholstering UU EMPLOYMENT 80 to 84 Help Wanted, Baby Sittera. SituaUoni Wanted, etc. FINANCIAL 90 to 98 . Bum. Opportunities, Investments, Monty U Tan, etc. INSTRUCTION 100 to 104 Home JjiBtruction, Schools, ipeci-J Claa Legal Notice tAbu run niuo l umaio uratie ocikum, ivmi,. o.u chutea County will rt-cpive walH hidn tor me purcnaau ui new uu-iiui-.iii Bi-hool bus. Board by 'lhurpday, June 9, 19-r5 before p.m. Spevifioattnns fr the bus may be had I... ...r.i..ntn.. ha ai Vwivo -tliwl nt Run tan 2, Box 97. or callinit 267 L. lumaio v?raue r;nooi Terry Davis, Clerk 139-14&-C FA KM INCOME WASHINGTON (UP) Farmers in 1955 will continue to get about the same share of the consumers dollar as tney re ceived in 1954 according to the Agricultural Marketing Service. The service said the farmer will get about 43 cents of each dollar spent for farm goods, while mar ketine agencies will get about 57 cents for services they provide. LIVESTOCK PETS 110 to 11, Cattle Hones, Foul try . Babbita. fata. eta. MISCELLANEOUS 121 to 169 Appliance, Farm Producta, Fuel ' 4 Wood, Misc. r or nil. ana wantea, etc RENTALS 160 to 109 Apartmente, Homes, Rooms, Wanted to Kent, etc SEAL ESTATE 170 to 188 Houses, Farms and Ranches. Lota A Acreaitee ror Hale, etc. - 1 Lost and Found HOKSE COLLAR I'sd. Lost Thurs day between Roosevelt at Hob a TrutK Service on S. 8rd. St. Reward. Phoue lv34.W or call at 8il& McKinley. 5 Card of Thanks WE WISH to- thank our many friends and relations for the kindnesa In the loea of our son and brother. Daniel G. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Dorics G. Warner Ciatakanie, Ore. Mr. and Mra. Gerald W. Warner Oakricure. Ore. , Mr. and Mrs'. Charles Vaneta ' Spokane.' Wash. 11 'Personals; SpL Notices ALCOHOUCS ANONYMOUS can help you overcome your drinlsinv problem. Attend martins- Friday nisht 8 :80. Epis copal Church or writ P. O. -Box III, Send. If you tall ' to receive your Bend Bulletin by 6:30, Tele phone 56 and. a copy. will be sent you by special tjarrier. 28 House Trailers lir,2 VIKING TRAILER House. 86 Ft. modern. . Best olfer takes. Consider smill trailer as part payment. , Phone 2198-J. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. You can own this 26 ft. modern trailer home. New oil heat, new electric water heat er, propane RANGE, electric brakes, license, taxes paid, sleeps 6, for .8698.12. Vj cash, balance payable at 817 per month. See across from old Carrol Acre Store. Ru 1, Box 126A, Bend. 28 House Trailers ' 196S MODERN 27' SCHULT House Trailer. Excellent condition, lvan'a Richfield, LaPine, Pbone 262. . 30 Used Cars for Sale SPECIAL FOR TODAY 1062 PLYMOUTH Sedan. RSH. 'This , la a dandy for tho price. 8996. . HUNNELL MOTORS '. 836 Bond St. Ph. 26 A-Always B-Better , C.Cars '62 DODGE - COKONET. -4-door sedan. Clean and loaded with 'extras. Priced to sell. TOWNE MOTORS PACKARD-WILLYS DEALER Used Car Let, Ph. 906 ' Center of In in a A Harrimam 1950 BU1CK, 40 series. 4 door sedan. 8760. Phone 822 alter 6 p.m. MUST SKI. I. THIS WEEK. Good 1941 Nash coupe. 643 E. Norton, Pbone 236-M. IF YOU ARE SHORT of down payment to purchase the new car you'd like to buy. call COMMBRCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORP. Phone 2269, 816 Greenwood, Bend, WHY BUY SAFE BUY 1953 OLDS MOBILE 98'HOLF DAY COUPE. THIS BEAUTY HAS EVERYTHING, SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE Hydrnmatic Radio Heater Power Steering rower Brakes Power Sett Power Windows ... Actual mites 21,000 White Sid Wall Tires TuTone KetlrJlk Top. Previous Owner now a proud Lin coln owner. Hare Buy uuarantce. -'.ii, r ITZr ATKafJIt UNCULN'HfiKlUl.1 105 E. Franklin Ave. WHY BUY SAFE BUY 1919 CADILLAC 61. 4-door, two tone. clean, KAili. hydramnuc- new w.a.vf, Tires. Gateway Motel No. 2 .cabin. 11162 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA, Hard top. RAH, Dyna., scat covers, z-tone paint (maroon A Ivory). This car ia VKKY SHARP. Call Art Kuehl Ph, 1338.W between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1948 FORD STATION W.son. 12 ft. Durchcraft car ton boat- boat carrier. 8426. Will trade for 4-wheel drive Jeep station waiton. Phone ibhu-w. 1949 Packard 4-door, perfect shape. 1918 Trailer house. 14 ft. 1947 Cadillac hearse. Rood condition. Inquire at Times Gas Station on North Hwy. 07. FOll THE BEST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SF.E BF.ND NASH CO. 134 GREENWOOD PHONE 700 1964 CHEVROLET 210 sedan. Radio, heater, extras. Like new. 81.000 cheap er. In Prlneville, 848 East 6th SL or Phone 6767. 1946 CHEVROLET COUPE hew motor, leather upholstery. See at 1616 W. 2nd. 39 Automobile Display GREAT "48" SALE We are loaded with 1948 models and are slashing prices drasti cally. Look at these terrilic bargains. i '4? Ford 8 Cyl. Cpe $248 '48 Kord 8 Sup. UIX. -Ur. . .5H '48 Buick Super 4 Dr. &34S '48 Buick RM 4-Dr. S348 48 Kaiser Sedan .$148 '48 Frazer Sedan S148 i'lH Nash Convert .-.$248 '48 Olds 66 Sedan $218 '48 Chev. Aero 5318 48.48 48 48 48 Bend Garage Co. ChevroIetBuick -Cadillac Home of "OK USED CARS" I709 Wall Ph. 193 The Quick, Simiile way to soil anything ia through a, CLASSIFIED' 32 Used Trucks Troll txs 19411 CHEVROLET 1 ton Flat Bed pick up. Excellent condition. 1600. 881 Mar aluvu. phone UaV-W. 1948 CHEVROLET 4a ton panel. Equip ped with overload aprinaa. If sold to. day, 8146 Cash. Ht, 1, Boa liitA. Bend. 1960 GMC Dump Truck for sale. Will trade for a lata modal car or pick-up. Inquire 1447 Kingston. PLENTY OF PIOKUPS: All makes vi to 1 Ton. DESCHUTES CENT K. Ptwoe 8009- w-a. 52 Excavating Grading LARS STEINLEY DRILLlaii, BLASTING 4t HOLES Ph. 281 or 108-W Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION OrUling, Blasting, Top Soil and r ill Dirt, Cinders. Cat and Trac tor Work. Phone 574 or 1003 64 Landscaping; Gardenlns FOR LAWN CUTTING Ph. 2226-M. or' yard work, ;9 Services Offered PAINTING Interior Exterior. Apart menta A Reaidenoaa. WAYNa) 11ARP- i.K, Phone 864-W, - FORCED AIR HEATING. We ape- cialtsa in ail types of Sheet Metal Work. BEND SHEET METAL, Ph. 468. SAW SALES AND SERVICE ' CHAIN SAWS RENTED BEND CHAIN SAW Ph. (88 LAWNUOWER GRINDING .Many years experieneo with ail makaa aaaurea you of a perfect arlndinj; loo. or your money back. We grind bedJtoife, grind reel, adjust mower and basuinge. lu bricate. 82.60. CARL AUSTIN. Bond 4k Greenwood. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and Wringer RoHs for all makes. Phone 874. MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORK 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE k SHEET METAL Bring your - heating problems to ua. Phone 72. 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. PHILCO A HOFFMAN TV Authorised Dealer Radios and Hi-Fi Equinment RIES RADIO 624 Franklin Ph. 801 RADIO A RECORD PLAYER REPAIR Radio A TV Tubes For Sale Prompt Service GEORGE'S RADIO A SPORTING GOODS RADIO A TV TUBES Complete stock for al) raoloa, Philco and Other Makes BEND FURNITURE CO. 70 Septic Tanks; Cesspools LARS STEINLEY SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Ph. 281 or 208-W CARTER SEPTIC TANK- SERVICE. Phone 1640 or 1647 786 W, iztn. 74 Upholstering ALL KINDS, of Car Seats Also any kind of canvas work. LEVITT'S UP HOLSTERY. 876 Burnside. 82 Male Help Wanted STANDARD- STATIONS INCORPORAT ED HAS Job Oneninas for 3 men in Chcmult for Bummer work. Cabins at luminal rent for single men or trailer apace available. Approximate wage 8300 per month for 6 day week. Chance for permanent position. Also want two employees for Bend. Contact Standard Stations, Wall A Greenwood. Friday 9 a.in. to 11 a.m. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT nt Redmond. Lubrication experience, per manent. Top salary A all fringe bene fits. Do not phone Snoop A Schuise Truck service. - "WANTED AmblUoua man wbo would like 83.00 per hour as an authorised Watkina Dealer - in Deschutes County. Liberal credit provided. Producta Na tionally Advertised. Requirements t Male, between 21 and 60 with car or Hunt truck. Write The J. R. Watkina Com pany, 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle 0, Waah- Inirton. - CHEVROLET CAR A Truck Salesman. Salary plus comm. Apply Sales Mana ger, Bend Garage Co., Chevrolet Deal er aince 1917. APPLICATIONS are being taken !or uulletin routes, tfoya 18-16 only neeo apply. 83 Female Help Wanted WANTED: AMBITIOUS WOMAN for part time work in motel, ror further Information, please write Hox oil. Bend Bulletin, giving age A experi ence. 84 Situations Wanted HOUSEKEEPING for one person, city or farm home. Write Bend Bulletin, Box No. 618. 100 Home Instruction SACRIFICE I.A.S. accounting course leading to C.P.A- ete. Phone 227-15 Redmond, or see at 8.12 North 9th. 110 Cattle & Horses BULL SERVICE. Artificial (nomina tion. Central Oretton Dairy Breeders. Weekdays phone Rend, 8H6-L till 8 a.m., Redmond 186 till 10 am. Sundays A holidays, .. Bend 3:10. L till 10 a.m. SADDLES : New and used. REED'S I.KA- TIIER SHOP, 1565 Galveston. Phone 1557.M. 112 Pets of all Kinds REGISTERED German ahorVhsir Point. er out of proven hunting stock. Ca'l 423-X or see at 1024 South 12th, R-4. BABY PARAKEETS, normals, all colors at 85.00. Also rare opalines, cages and fresh feeds. Locally raised. Wholesale or retail. Csll Redmond 7H-K-6. or llrst bouse north of Powell Butte Grange. 189 Real Estate Di.ploy ANNE. FORBES, REALTOR 36 Orrgon Ave.1 BREATHING MT. VIEW from this 5fi0 acre ra.-irh with DoLuxe home, npw nmrhin pry, crops in, 75 head rapa. city. Only $15,000 terms. Part trade for Bend home. YOtlR $ $ $ Worth: No. 1 Newly dororatrd 3 bed, Hiito. mHtln heat, paver) St. JKi.Sii. J7T)0 down. No. 2 Near Knwd fteh, 2 bod, plrvlrtc rge wir ing. $1000. Sum dwn. No. 3 -Pved str. Lge liv, 2 bed. ga TUge, work shp. Reduced ir 114 Poultry A RobbiU BIG. YOUNG GRAIN-FED Fryers. Av erage 2V iba. eacn. 610 a ooaen. Fret iwlivery. Pnona ilulJ-2. WANTED -Live Poultry Freeh Egga BUD LuG a POULTRY CO. 740 . First bt. Ph. 866-J 116 Other Livestock WEANER PIGS Jim Elder, Deschutes lumaio ttoaa .Ph. 2U1-J-L 117 Livestock Wanted WANTED all kinds of livestock. Highest eaan prices. . will piok up at rancu. i,. J. iiuaion, Phone 1128-W 118 Feed & Stock Supplies CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES. 100 backs. Phone 81U9-J-6. . 121 Appliances; HH Equip. LEAVING TOWN: KELVIN ATOK Re. trucerator, 8io. Wringer washer, 826, fcola good condition. Phone 1790-W. 26 FT, UPRIGHT Deep Frene. Like new. 676 cash balance of 8460 in terms. Phone. 1C82-H or see at 124 Hawthorne. - MONARCH FOUR-BURNER apartment Btae electric range A ihor convention al type washing machine witb pump. Phone 1499-W. RECONDITIONED A GUARANTEED USED APPLIANCES Wringer Wasliera 614.60 and t'p Automatic . Washers 669.60 OKMiON EQUIPMENT CO. Ph. 888 123 Building Materials LUMBER FARMRrUi . UU11D1KS . UANCUEB& UUT YOUR LUMBER COST titOi CIaAUU MdJAUUbY Leom-rd LijUaXtgi-en Lumber Co, ,60 JJ Av. mil ast, of Jbvaua Fly Ou -send, Omcoo 131 Farm & Ranch Equip. vm VT. OV B" Sprinkler Pip with Couplers. 2200 Ft. of 4" Pij)0 .with tuupleiB, Stout System. 25 HP Genera) Klectnc motor with '4 phase. 4x5 pum,.. otner acccuHorleiit t'liune Culver s-Bi. mail. nit' atluress. Robert Henske. Mad ras. Ore. ii . FARM MACHINBItV 160 T. Int. kjUinH tye baier, 1 Potato JiKKr sacker, 12 unit aurfie milker complete, 1 8 can milk cooler c ae rator. Albert . Campbell. Route 1, -fox Z4U. rn. zuuz-w-3. 134 farm Products GOOD. UNIFORM. SKBD Potatoes. 11. W. Kerna, Arnold DitttricU Ph. 2auOJ-l 133 Fuel & Wood HKAVY TIMBERS. 810 tingle, 819.60 double load.- CASCADE, TRANSPORT. Phone 1642-J. FRED MEYERS is announcing the new location of the downtown office of-the UNION rjUHNEK OIL SERVICE. We w-lll now be located at 620 E. Franklin Ave. Our new location will niaKe it more . convenient for our custotnera tu place ordera and make paymenta. We are continuing to handle the same line of quality producta and aervice. As we have done for the past 10 yeara. Ou-r P. O. Box is still No. 803. Ph. .76-1. HAVING PURCHASED Claud Cants' wood business, we are now delivering clean body wood in any length. Oreo Croasgrove. Ph. 2147-R.-r 134 Specials at the Stores MINIATURE animal . knick-knacks. In beautiful ceramics and copper. AL PINE UIKT fiQUSIS,, S, 3rd, ., HOOVER TANK VACUUM cleaner, Heir. SKI). Hu e Fr ee tr,7.66. 1 On V. ANDERSON'S APPLIANCE CENTER. Mate A iumalo. THIS WEEK ONLY 7 cu. ft. Rcfrig. crator. Nationally advertised free unit on to- 8189.96. Special price 8169.96. WEST SIDE 1IAUUWAKK Your Home Town Hardware. 1006 Gal veston. - SEVERAL USED- WASHING Machines. 8111.96 and up. BEND BARGAIN HOUSE, 2 Kearney across from depot. 2 1IIJUNKK CAMP STOVE 816.95 114 W HARDWARE STORE,. 258 E. Ureenwood. TAKE OVER 85.00 paymenta on Whul pool Washer. GAMBLE'S WESTERN AUIO, 845 Wall St., Ph. 470. RECONDITIONED USED 24" A 2o' Bicycles. Bicycle Repairing. HO UK, VAN ALLEN STORE. Ph. 860. We Buy Sell And Trad GOOD USED FURNITURE Shop BAINEY'S - E. Franklin Phone 1180 135 Furniture & Household 1 DAVENO. UJ'RICHT PIANO, Electric rafiue. Console Sew i nit Machine, Ifed- room set. trarih burner.- refrlaerator. WaHhlnK machine, dinette act. Cole man heater, baby crib, springs lt mat- trenacs. IT 14 Mncoln road, rrtnevuie. Greenwood Furniture -. Many gift augeestlons. For. weddings. ahowera and birthdaya. Budget prices. Z4 ureenwood Ave. 139 Miscellaneous for Sale NEW McCULLOCH Chain Saw, M.47. 8200. Phone 1604-J. ' . . 14 IT. '-BOAT 6t'' 'b.iam.4 Irsll.T. motor, oars A tackle. Maytag wanher. excellent condition. Cheap. Phone 689-W. ELECTRIC WATER !IEATKKeV42 gala. Only 87.50. Carries 10 yi gusrsnteo by Collins. Table model 887.50. O'DAY'S SALVAGE 4-bUlTLY YD. Ph. 668. . . . PRESERVE BABY'S FIRST I Bronsed A mounted on beautiful metal mounts, for only 810.98 complete. Pb-2018-W,- 137V4 St. Helens Place. . . SCItEKN 4 tiered chicken pens. 1646 tisivevton, rnone lBse-M. RKI.I. THE SURPLUS THROUGH CLAS BIFIKD ADS. LAND, LIVESTOCK, MA CHINERY, ANYTHING PHONE 66 PGR A HVLI.KTIN AD-WRITKK. rhone3W $5200 to $1200, $W)0 dwn. No.' 4 Kish fr hck yd. 4 rm house, hen hse. $4500, trms. COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE. 40 arre, 18 C.O.f. unfin,, 2 hd, mt view, $65(X) trmx. BKAUTIFULLY PI.ANNEll NtW 3 bed, din rm, over, sized lot, ,di"hwasher & garb, disposal, $18,500 Irms. CLOSR IN Ranch, 80 acre. Pvd III, 3 bed houae, 30 Hd utock, machinery. Only $17, 500 trms. . . . : , . 139 MisceUaneoui foe Sal SHOPRAINEY'S 201 E. FRANKLIN FOR GOOD USED FURNITURE Refrigerators Eles. raageo Slae. washers. Wood and coal ramrea - 6 piece dinette seta . f pieea dlaing rooaa sets (walnut). Beda. aprlnga and mat- treasea Inew and uaedl. New and need coffee and lamp tames price, uaven- porta ana dsvenos tnew ana aeea.; WE BUY, SELL A TRADE Phone 1160 1 SET GUARDIAN SERVICE waterless cooking ware. H o ft off. See at 1890 Ochooo Ave. Prlneville, Ore. Ph 7290. T.V. FOR SALEt Beautiful 80 tuba console- Cascade tuner, latest tubes, dual IP system. This high-grade per fect T.V. for 8160. Terms. See 11' at 1187 Federal. A GIVE) AWAY at 8496. Bought In January, 1960 like new. Dodge Cor onet. All extras. Truly a vacation bar. gain. See at Wall Sb Service Station or Pbone 2102-J-4. BEHIND on that spring sewing? Call 1826 and rent a SINGER machine, only ao.uu per monin. SINGER SEWING CENTER 281 Wall Ph. 1825 GOOD ELECTRIC AMERICAN Melt Slicer, restauranLsixe. Reasonable. Call 1181-J. ROCK-FREE TOP SOIL Fill dirt, black and red elnders.- Durap truck ana uactor-ioaaer work. rn. TB-J IUTSIDK WHITE .HOUSE paint. Spec ial 82.98 per gaL Only limited supply on hand. BEND SUPPLY CO. 98. Bond - LlflHT FIXTURES Largest diaplay in Central Oregon LOWEST PRICES A Complete 8tock of Pluto to repair and build lamps BILL'S ELECTRIC 941 Hill near Greenwood Ph. 6B6-J 141 Miscellaneous Wanted WE WILL BUY your used building ma- teriale, junk batteries, metals, and acrap iron. A pound or a carload. O'DAY'S SALVAGE A SUPPLY YAKP. 143 Musical SPINET ORGAN of superior quality will be sold at a sacrifice. No down payment on approved credit. A beautiful deal. BENSON PIANO CO., 66 Gilchrist St. NEW SPINET PIANO Bargain: this Instrument is hiah nrade. famous make. Responsible party may purehase at sub stantial discount ;- low down payment or your old piano bal. Easy terms. Write Piano Department, American He ale Company. Hood River, Ore. SPINET HAMMOND ORGAN. Like new, low terms. Call 498. 160 Apartments for Rent NEW MODERN FURNISHED Apart ment. Suitable foi. 2. Part rent, care, of property. Handy to store. 2408 E. lit St. On N. Hwy St. Phone 16P-W. MODERN 8 ROOM, Nicely furnished. Garbago A water paid. 860. inquire 38 Irving. i-j WHY BB A TENANT? Many excellent norae-niya si eaay tanas la the c lass ii lee 1 89 . Real THE LAND MART CARROLL D. PnCRCE REALTOR rhone: 888 Bud Russell, Associate Real Estate & Insurance Hap Taylor, Associate Broker 1021 Wall St. After Hrs: Phone 1020 - 1667 In Capitol Theatre Bldg. FOR ACTION: List With Bend's Largest Advertiser Con. Ore. Headquarters for home, runch & business properties SUMMER HOME on Mctollus River, completely, furnished. !River frontage, road open yr around. Price J6.500. $1,000 dn. TODAY'S BARGAIN 2 bdrm, with extra rm 15x20 unfinished. TJbl gar,' West side loc. Price $3,950. Tms. PRICE REDUCED on this 5 yr old 2 bdrm with util rm plbd, auto frnc, insl. 2 lots, Exc construction. Price $6,000. FHA or GI tms. EAST 3RD ST 2 bdrm with huto heat, util rm wrtays, Insl & 'vstrlpped, lg gar. Price $7,500. FHA or GI tms. HANDYMAN SPECIAL 3 bdrm with liv rm 21x15, bsmt, util w trays, pined trnc, hdwd firs. In terior needs some finishing, very good construction, 4 lots, on edKO of town with City water. Price $7,000. Tms. WHERE ELSE can you' find a 3 bdrm with pt bsmt, util rm, new bath fixtures & guest hso on lot 100x200. Price $7,500. Tms. DON'T BE CROWDED See this . fr bdrm wilh 1 Ipls, 8ep din., rm, util, close to town & schls. Price $8,750. Tms. TOP QUALITY HOME Lovely 3 Ixlrm on E Iskle, plbd & wired ' for ldry, auto frnc, slorm win--dows, wall to wall carpet, sprin. kling system. Price $12,000. Tms. i WE JUST LISTED this home . on . E Oth St. 3 bdims. fi-plc, ' auto piped frnc, equipped for ldry, hdwd firs, plastic glass covered concrete patio, new 5'i ft fenee. Priee $12,200. HAS EVERYTHING incl 3 bcl-, rm, 1 baths & shwr, dinette, frplc, util rm wtrays, elec heut, irtsl, hdwd firs, gar. Price $13,400.1 DESIRABLE HOME - op E Jtth St. 3 liflnns, frple, new auto frnc. hdwd firs, dbl gr. Only 4 yrs old on 3 lots. Price $11,- SOO. Tms. ' ... liOVELY & SPACIOUS 5 hdrm- , home with l'i baths, frplc, auto piped frne. Full, fount, with out-. into entrance, snowcr It liny m. I)hl giir wilh work shop, also chick house with nmnL floor, flood loc on 4 lots. Price .1.1..H81. Keti us for Raiir.he, Acrengpaj, OpportiinlUeM. Licenw'd slid c loano oroKcrs. 160 Apaxtments fox Bent LARGE UNFURNISHED 1 Bedroom Apartmenta 860. Refrigerator, Range. Garbage A Water included. RIVER TERRACE AFT3.. 1628 W. (ta.. Ph. 224. ONE NICELY furnished on bodrotxa apt una partly xurnlaaed I bedroom ape rn, 1890. ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Wa ter, garnage paia. close in. ivner ol Minnesota and Lava Road. pa. n. FURNISHED APARTMENT t Close In. Day. week or month. Laundry facilities Garage. 627 Franklin. Phone 8L 161 Houses For Rent SMALL HOUSE FOB RENT. Complete ly furnished, electric range A .auto matic oil furnace. Call , 1S8-R. - BEDROOM UNFURNISHED or part, ly furnished. 866 a month, if rented 1 year. Last month rent free. K. D. Keer Real Estate. Phon 2216. SMALL. UNFURNISHED, on bedroom house in Northeast Bend. Phon 2239-J 1 BEDROOM Modern, furnished house at I860 Lexington. 860.00 par moota. iu eoo-e alter e p.m. 168 Other Rentals RENTAL FOC CHANGE, bedroom duplet furnished, in Hollywood, Calif. WiU ex change rental for 4 bedroom house, fur nished. In Uend. 8 Montha. June 1-19. rnone 964.W. MOVING T Save 50. Use KEB-HIVK U DRIVE TRUCKS. ORAFFENBERG ERB SERVICE. 608 S. 3rd. Pb. 1041. 169 Wanted & Rent Would like 8 or 8 bedroom home, furnished. Phone 10B2.R. 1 BEDROOM HOUSE. Mother A 8 chIL dren. anee 11-8-7. Pay un to 860 month. Country preferred. Please write Haxel Weir, 261 W. Oak St., Htllaboro, Ore. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, furnished. Family of 4. June 1.10, Phon 964-W. 170 Houses for Sale FOR LEASE: Spaciou unfurnlnhed 8 bedroom house with child rent) play area Larva Itvlnif room t dininu room. Lo cated on Mirror Pond, Phone 1668 afternoons- or evenings.1 FOR SALE By Owner i 3 bedroom, mod trn home, tt years old, close in on paved street. 10-0 feet plua full base, mcnt A Karaite, Automatic oil hot water heat, wired for range and hot water, plumbed automatic waehar. Separate large shop A extra garage wired for 220 V $12,600. Call 708-W for inspec tion. . PHONE, MAIL , OR BRING YOUR WANT AIM TO OUR. OFFICE. BK- Hlll.TH ARK CERTAIN WITH LIT TLE SPENT. CALL 66 FOR AN Alt- TAKEK. MODERN 3 BEDROOM HOME. Auto. tnatlo furnace. low down payment, easy terms, 8,51 Federal. KASTHIUE LOOATION . 2 bedroom, maplo floors, 3 stovce, near school,, stores A town. 84000. Small down pay menL Phono 1166-J, 435 Hi. Kearney, I BEDROOM home. Bewlng room, din- Inn .win. larva livinu- nnm wflrenlacO. Plnl ftimnaa nnm wlHnir. Will Gl. Ph. 2328-J after 6 p.m., all day Sac- unlay or Sunday.. Estate Display ACREAGES & RANCHES 40A . 6A WATER Veiy nice ' 3 bdrm mod home. Good barn, chick hso, brooder hse, 2 car gar. Price $8,500. Tms. , 8A 8A WATER Lg 3 bdrm mod home with att gar. 800 ft hi-way ftg.. Price $12,000; ' 30A 30A WATER Pasture & alf. 5 rm mod home, 2 bdrms up, unfinished. Equipment Incl tractor, 21 hd sprinkling Bysm & Vi hp motor & pump. Price $13,250. . , 40A - 30A WATER Pasture & alf. 3 bdrm mod home, 9 stanch, ion barn, chick hse. Price $8 700. Tms. 200A - 35A WATER 15' A pas ture, 10 A alf, bal spuds & grain. Lg slock pond, lateral runs thru dry land. Good 3 bd rm mod home. Equipment Incl. Trade for home in town. Price $12,500. Tms. 200A 100A WATER 50A alf, 25A pasture, bal open. Lg barn, new much shop, new 2 car gar, sprinkler sysm with 800 ft pipe & portable Willys motor. 4 bd rm mod home with frplc & new hot water htg sysm. Mod ten. ant hse. Price $28,500. Tms. 200A CHICKEN RANCH 34 ml river ftg. Exc equipment. 9 rm mod home, could subdivide for summer homes. Price" $35,000. Tms. 5MA C5A WATER 10 A olf, 8A wheat, 15A nomad grass, 9A experimental grasses, 50A rye, New much shed A puhl hse. New 2 bdrm mod ranch type home. Prit-e $:',5.000. Tnis. . ' 320A 126A WATER; V) lid grazing permit, will run 100 hd, 05A alf, 10A wheat, 50A pas ture. 14 stiinehlon barn, mnch shed, chick hse. 3 hdrm home. Much inel in price of $42,500. 20CA 115A WATER Appx 340 A leased grazing bind fenced to deeded. Grade A dairy 517 lb quota. Exc set up for 2 families, one place 80A with 52A water has 2 mod homes, other 120A with 63A water has 7 rm mod home. Complete set of mehy iml HD 10 Cat, 51 lid dairy crws, 1 Reg .bull ft 19 hd beef stock im l. Will sell 80A place for $17,000. or both for $65,000. Apia, Duplex and Bilsineis Affiliated with Oregon, Calif, , 174 Business Property SELL OR TRADE for good ear. Niea amaii nualneas, une can handle. Nee. aioaern living quartera. rent. Box 617, Bulletin. DIRT CHEAP BUT NOT CHEAP DIRT THAT IS the way we think about our Cosy Court on Bouth ltd. St. W have told you before we ' are anxioua to transfer our Real Batata buainaaa to Red mond, before we can do ao ' we must sell thia property. 0 unlta with 8ft lota front ing on three atreeta. We who did not have any mon ey and while we are offer have - had several buy era ; tna It far below He true value we must have aotnau thing more than "conver eatton." If you have 120,000 we can and will act you up the beet buy In Bend today. We misht take Rood house for part. NOW If you know vaiuca and have a speaking aquai" tance with tome eaah tt will pay you to look thia -, offering over. WILLIAM B. SHELLEY 520 SOUTH 3RD BEND, ORE. 182 ' Real Estate Wasted WANTED TO LEAS- with Option ea Buy i t or 8 Badroora Bom with to 10 acree or more. Can be located up to It mllae from Band. X. p. ate Bride. Ph. 869. 189 Reel Estate Display STROUT REALTY Vn,,"' NO. 2 roomi modern, nicely aided email home. Refriit, daveno ehair ot. beda. UMm. dinette tu-t All ixilUk Terms. Drive by 456 8. 4th. Excellent locatloh,- pvd st,' walks, fenced yard, 2 Ig. bertrm mdn olus utility. closed porch, , burnt, ' garage, , SSOOO.'Ob. Bargain ; price .with. term. . .. . , T- .- QMvU'i RU ZitU ,016 Wall - ',' Ph. .l4 WE NEED SEVERAL- . ; -4 more good farms arid busi ness property listings. We . are in touch with out ol state . buyors and it you have what they want We can get fast v action for you. Phone 2066. v William b. shelley 520 SOUTH 3RD-: BEND, ORE. v Yern Larson AGENCY 135 Oregon Ave. . . Fix. 32 '2 BR. mod., garage, storage & wood shed, 2 lots. At 1469 New port $2,000.00 $350.00 down.- 2 "BR. mod. 1 lot at 2045 HlTl Street. $2510.00 $360.00 dovvn. HAVE Client who would like to trade 1954 Chevrolet, with only 7,000 miles, or a 1954 Ford with plenty of extras, at Blue Book." Also have 21 ft. Trailer house. . Would trade either car and trail er house as down payment on good 2 BR mod. home in medi um priced bracket. This won't e last TWO new 3 BR mod. oak floors, furnace, fireplace, mahogany run, hi 6L,ouu.uu eacn. - 4 BR mod. on 5 acres, furnace, fireplace $13,500.00. 2 BR mod. close In. Will accept commitment. Motels, ranches, farms, acreages, business opportunities. After hours call 2337-J BEE DUDREY.HILTON Realtors, 1060 Bond, for home, farms,' ranehee, busi ness opportunities. Northern lake cuun ty lands. Ph. 1327-W, Bend. BEND REALTY 746 Bond Ph. 820 8 1IE0HMS. Modern Home. WEST SIDE Furnished. 84,800. Or will trade for trailer. REDMOND PRINEVILLE Classified. Ads Buy It Sell It Trade It! We welcome the people of Red mond, Prlneville and vicinity Into classified. - iftyou want to sell, buy, trade or announce, call our Redmond' correspondent, Mrs. Martha Stranahan.-I Red mond 521) between 8-9 AM. 12 to. 1 noon or 5 to 6 P.M. . or Our Prlneville correspondent r-none am. 20 Accessories Repairing NOW I LIFrvToNO Batteries and Micro mouse Oil hntore. Ouarantearl Forever at K HUSKY'S ELECTRIC, Redmond., 59 Services Offered DEAD STOCK i removed free. .Horses, rows, calves, hogs, sheen. RKDMOND RKNIlKIUN'l CO. Ph. 444 Collrvit. 114 Poultry & Rabbits r,R. PULLETS on hand. two. th's. A 4 work, of age, GILL S HATCHERY, 118 Feed & Stock Supplies POTATOK.S DROP SEKD. Not eerll. fird. 82.60 per sack. Phone Redmond 7-K-K,. 134 Specials at the Stores NEW OCCASIONAL CHAIRS - Anrl. ed Color.. Come see these. SINNARD S FURNITURE, Oth A Evergreen. IT PAYS YOU TO THE CLASHIPIKB ADS FOR SOLVINIl EVKHYDAY PROB. LEMS, HEI.I.INd. RRNTINfl, HI RING, ' WAN t AIM DO It. CALL e. .. .1.;