THE BEND BULLETIN Bend. Deschutes County, Oregon, The Bend Bulletin. Tuesday. May 17. 1955 YOUNG IN ART Kenneth "Butch" Mollner, 11, of Port Lavaca, Tex., ii a small boy with a big talent for art Here he displays some of his paintings, which won every major prize in his home town. Kenneth, who has been painting for five years, also takes dancing lessons, is a Tenderfoot Scout and collects rocks, which he cuts and polishes. No Peace Pact is Expected From Meeting of Big Four By I.YLE C. WILSON 1 'lilted Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON (UP) The fine print in the official statements made so far about the proposed Big Four conference of heads of state adds up to this: No peace pact will .be signed, nor any detailed agreements be reached. President Eisenhower does not expect that he and his three con ferees will be making decisions on such hot spot subjects as Formosa or German unification. "They would not undertake to agree upon substantive answers to the major difficulties facing the world," said the note to the Soviet Union suggesting the Big Four conference and defining the pur pose and conditions under which the heads of state would sit down together. 'Substantiate" is a technical word of definite legal meaning. When the U.S.-French-British no'e to Moscow ruled out decisions oi substantive answers to world prob lems it ruled out any Big Four decisions on principles or essen tials of the Cold War dispute. Work Sheet Of Problems Instead, the heads of state will whip up a work sheet of problems to be solved and the procedures of Graham Heard By Small Crowd LONDON (UP) London news papers took a long hard look at Billy Graham's east sire visit Sun day and agreed that something went wrong. Only 5000 persons turned up and 100,000 had been expected. Some papers blamed the weath er, others public apathy and oth ers said the American evangelist was trying too hard to sell him self. Only one, the News Chronicle, was optimistic about the meeting. It said the Sunday meeting and the Saturday opening meeting at Wembley Stadium constituted a "weekend of fresh triumphs for the preacher." Graham entered the troubled dockland area of London yester day behind a Salvation Army band which played "Onward Christian Soldiers" and picked up hundreds of persons in its wake. The American evangelist had opened his second "Greater Lon don Crusade" before at least 70,000 persons Saturday night. Sun day he moved into the grim and grubby east end at Dagenham, a factory suburb on the Thames River where Ford Motor Co., builds its English cars. Graham's services had the set ting of a circus until police liter ally pushed dozens of peddlers out of the park. They were shouting out their wares of "peanuts and Billy Graham photo buttons" and "orange pop" and "Billy Gra ham's life story" until police inter vened. "We've all been hearing about the new polio vaccine in the United States," Graham told his audience of dockers and auto workers. "They say it's 90 per cent ef fective. You may ask why can't there be a vaccine for sin and un happiness? Why can't there be a vaccine for the soul? ". . .God is the cure. God can cure all that right in this park right this very moment when you offer yourself up to him solution. A new group, probably the foreign ministers or secretar ies of state of the Big Four powers, .(resumably would carry on from there. These precautions against an other Yalta are a measure of th'j anxiety with which Mr. Eisenhow er approaches a conference which would not be undertaken in its present form if his advice we"e being followed. The Eisenhowet administration is offering solid, all out cooperation in the effort to turn the trend of world affairs to ward peace and mutual under standing, despite a preference for a different and more cautious ap proach. But the administration makes no claim of being parent of the proj ect now developing, whereas the Russians and both major political parties in Britain are ready to acknowledge applause and take a bow. . 1 The President's refusal to be put on a spot where he would sef k basic Cold War decisions in agree ment with Soviet Union Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin is attributed here to Soviet Russian welshing on promises made at earlier con ferences, notably at Yalta. Yalta's Bruising Experience Some observers suggest, how ever, that more than the bruising experience of Yalta has made Mr. Eiienhower cautious now. The Kremlin has talked peace and peaceful co-existence , with the West. But there is scant evidence that the American public has been convinced. On the contrary, the belief pre vails widely in the United States that the basic objective of the Communist Party, which controls the Russian government and op erates international Communism, remains unchanged. It was origi nally, and is widely believed now to be,, the destruction of what me Communists call capitalist Imperi alism. By capitalist imperialism the Communists mean any West-; em democracy or a representative republic, such as the United States. Mr. Eisenhower's assumption, until convinced otherwise, presum ably is that any Soviet Russian agreement to join in a Big Four conference will toe related to the world revolution which has been the basic objective. He is willing, however, to give Bulganin the op portunity of convincing him. The President does not want the American public to expect from his meeting with Bulganin, Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden and Premier Edgar Faure the miracles which great numbers of British and French men and women ap parently do believe may come to pass. He is hoping for the best, but promising nothing for sure. Bee Population Faces Starvation ITAHACA, N. Y. (UP) New York state's bee population is in danger of starvation this spring. Entomologists at Cornell Univer sity say the threat of starvation is a result of a poor honey crop caused by storms and extended pe riods of wet weather in January and early in February. The experts suggest that be keepers set up two or three pounds of dry granulaed sugar on the inner hive cover. This is called winter feeding and keeps the bees from starving. J)wf . ran Phone LOCAL CARTAGE WAREHOUSING STORAGE of your Y" mtrchondin hounhold goods L') MOVING MOTOR 5l! loco! or long FREIGHT ft diiton SERVICE CONSOlDATiD Soviet Troops Prepare to Quit Austrian Ground VIENNA, Austria (UP) Soviet troops prepared Monday to with draw from Austria within 90 days under an Austrian state treaty that rolls back the Iron Curtain for the first time and promises the long awaited break in the .Cold War. A high American official said the Soviet withdrawal from Austria marked a trend "which is going to have a profound effect on the rest of Europe" and predicted it was a "general modration" of Soviet poli cy toward the slave nations under its thumb. The four foreign ministers who signed the state treaty giving Aus tria its first freedom in 17 years were dispersing to their various capitals to plan "within week or ten days" a meeting of the Big Four heads of state. But Western diplomatic joy at winning the treaty after ten years of haggling with the Soviet Union was tempered by Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov's statement on Ger manythat its price of reunifica tion would be Austrian-type neu trality. Molotov flew Monday to Moscow, leaving behind unconfiimed ru mors this might have been his last major international conference and that he would be succeeded-as -for eign minister by deputy Andrei Gromyko. French Foreign Minister An- toine Pinay was flying to Copen hagen to join French President Rene Coty who is paying a state visit there. British Foreign Secre tary Harold MacMillan was flying to London to resume his election campaign. A high Western source said the time and place of the meeting of the Big Four leaders would be set during the next week or ten days through diplomatic channels. Vien na and Berlin were reported defi nitely out as far as the Americans were concerned, with some city In Switzerland, or Stockholm, favored. Austrians were still celebrating their new-found freedom as they began their first full day of Inde pendence. Many stayed up all night in a celebration that began when bells throughout Austria pealed the news of the signing shortly before noon Sunday. Heifetz Quits Brazil Tour RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (UP) World - famed concert violinist Jascha Heifetz broke off a tour of South America because of illness Sunday night and left by plane for the United States. A spokesman for the Municipal Theater said Heifetz was suffer ing from an "Intestinal disorder" but gave no further details. Hei fetz was scheduled to appear be fore a sell-out audience at the theater tonight. "flj So smooth it leaves you breathless mirnoff tht maittt namt " VODKA 10 proot Mid from 1 00 train omml ipirita Sit- Pitf re Smirnoff Fit. Inc.. Hartford, Cona. Blackjack Oak Gets Kind Word NORMAN, Okla. (UP) -Many a curse has been flung at the blackjack oak tree by Okla homa farmers, but a University of Oklahoma scientist has taken the tree apart molecule by molecule and says the wood may have some value after all. professor of chemistry, ' said he bought 20 acres of the poorest land he could find near Norman. It was covered with blackjacks. He burned the blackjack wocd and spread the ashes as fertilizer in his garden. His potatoes grew big and thrived, paying little at tention to the dry weather. There is one other use for the blackjack which Dr. Shead Is not recommending for Oklahomans. It provides an excellent fuel for cer tain distilling processes that occur in a well-known home Industry. But federal revenuers frown on moonshine stills. Calls Off Trip SEOUL, Korea (UP) President S y n g m a n Rhee cancelled the scheduled departure Monday of the Korean delegation to the Asian Peoples' Antl - Communist League conference in Taipei because of a dispute with Nationalist China over Japanese membership. Korea demands that unanimous vote of league members be re quired to permit entry of new members, Nationalist China wants only a majority vote. Togliatti Said 'Gravely III' ROME (UP) The neo-Fascist newspaper. II Secolo said Commu nist Party Boss Palmira Togliatti was rushed to a Rome hospital Sunday "gravely ill" with a brain condition. It said Togllatti's condition re sulted from a cranial operation he underwent after his attempted as sassination in 1949 and a sun stroke he suffered in Trieste two weeks ago. There was no confir mation ot me report. I Hoover Report Hits Competition By (Government WASHINGTON (UP) -The Hoover Commission told Congress Monday that the future security and prosperity of the nation is be. ing injured by unfair government competition with private business. The commission said tlie De fense Department alone has 15 bil lion dollars invested in business competing with private enterprise. It urged elimination of at least 1.- uuo of the 2,500 business facilities operated by the Defense Depart ment. Former President Herbert Hoo ver heads the commission which presented its latest in a series of reports on government reorganization. The commission acknowledged that while its report was being pre pared, the Defense Department re viewed its efforts to reduce com petition with private enterprise. The Defense Department revamp ing resulted in discontinuing 97 facilities. "This action of the department." the commission said, "Is most con structive." But it said there still Is much to be done. One of the projects singled out by the commission for sharp criticism was the fertilizer sales .and re search program of the Tennessee Valley Authority. It recommended transfer of the TVA fertilizer re search facilities to the Agiculture Department. The commission also recom mended that the postmaster gen eral seek a further increase in par cel post rates sufficient to cover the cost of the system. 'Bandits' Killed In Colombia BOGOTA, Colombia (UP) An army detachment killed 22 "ban dits," including, a notorious guer rilla leader, in a clash Saturday in the Communist - infested Villa rica area, the newspaper Diario De Colombia reported Sunday. There was no official confirma- tiou of the report. Ii 11 1 wv? - nil 1 1 i TTM LOSING WEIGHT BUT NOT TIME This gal catches up on her reading in New York City while lying down on the job of losing poundage. The mechanically operated reducing table lets the customer relax, fully dressed, while the oscillating pad, center, helps melt away unwanted weight. Customer lies with whatever part of her body on the pad that sht wants to slender In above case the hip. . ' 'Fingerprinting Of Weather Set MADISON, Wis. (UP) A meterologist at' the University of Wisconsin has announced plans for "fingerprinting" weather. Prof. Reid Bryson said "Opera tion Fingerprint" was begun to find a series of code numbers to appiy to wavy pressure lines on weather maps. As in crime detec tion, the code numbers would be on hand to identify a recurrence of a particular type of weather. The technique Isn't new, but Bryson said the system never has been worked out fully. Delegate Favors Trade With Reds TOKYO (UP) Warren Lee Pierson, head of the American delegation to the 15th biennial con gress of the International Cham ber of Commerce, said Monday the non - Communist nations of Asia should trade with the Red bloc in non-strategic goods. The congress held its opening session Monday, with some 1,000 top business executives from 42 na tions outside the Iron Curtain on hand. Children form habits of eating at home and school that set a pat tern for later years. Make certain that your children form the habit of drinking enough milk each day. NEED NEW TIRES But Short of Cash? Let Portland Loan Finance Them for You! NO MONEY DOWN! NO MINIMUM FINANCE CHARGE FIRST INSTALLMENT NOT DUE FOR A MONTH AND A HALF. For as little as $650 per month you can put a new set of tires and tubes on your car Simply ask your favorite tire dealer for i PORTLAND LOAN FINANCING PORTLAND LOAN CO. 8-188 85 Oregon Ave., Bend Phone 173 jL You dont haw to look twice) ' u( f " w MrourV ' 3'"-" " j r a ji MERCURY CONSISTENTLY LEADS ITS FIELD t IN TOP TRADE-IN VALUE! look of the record before you buy MERCURY COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK, This big Mercury Custom 6-paeiigcr Sedan, shown above, cotls leu than 13 models in the ."low-price" field. No other car offers you 3 bigger reasons for buying it J. EXCLUSIVE STYLING SHARED BY NO OTHER CAR. There's no mistaking a Mercury it's distinctive from every angle. The unified bumper and grille assembly, the original use of color and chrome, the massive tail-lights ... all say "Mercury." Mercury offers 11-models In 3 series. You'll find a Mercury that's just right for your needs. Regardless nf (lie one you select, you get the dis tinctive styling that makes Mercury America's most advanced new car. 2. NEW SUPER-TORQUE V-8 POWER AT EVERY SPEE0. Mercury puts high horsepower to work in a new way not just for high speeds but for everyday driving. You get far more pickup at every speed reserve power for safer passing, hill climbing. And "hlgh-prlca" car fmturas are yours in Mercury at no extra cosl 4-harrel carburetor, high-compression anti-fouling spark plugs, ball joint front wheel suspension, and dual exhausts on 8 of 11 models. 5. CONSISTENTLY HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUE IN FIELD. Mercury is cham pion of its class for resale value, according to independent market reports of used-cur prices. Year after year, Mercury has consistently held that distinction because it's styled to be years ahead in beauty . . . powered to be years ahead in performance. You'r ahead when you drive- a Mercury, too, because of Mercury's traditional low operating cost. lald on romporiion or mamitatlvHtt' mogmiUd fJif or rotrory rraif pr'rt. IT PAYS TO OWN A ITIERCURY FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER Don'l nlM Iho big tlvUion hit, Ed Sulllvan'l "TOAST OP TUB TOWN," Huiular ortnlnf. to 8:00. Sutton KOIN-TV. n,.,intl t. 7n HTZPATRICK LINCOLN -MERCURY 788 105 East Franklin Avenue Phone 359