' nvvv ,,y' "4: ' -i 'jJU liTOti . The Bend Bulletin, Monday, May 16, 1955 l v-.r-W -"V w 4 WIRED FOR WEIGHT This cow in Gateshead, England, Is : being waicnea an tne time. The harness on its back holds elec tronic equipment that records every movement the cow makes toll swishing, walking, bending and chewing. By determining the number of mouthfuls of grass that goes to each pound the cow gains, scientists hope to discover which type of grass does the best job of fattening cattle. Major Blaze Hits Brooklyn Area NEW YORK (UP)-One of the biggest fires in New York history destroyed two square blocks of a Brooklyn industrial area in a three hour rampage Thursday night, in juring 15 men and causing dam age estimated at 2 million dollars. Apparently caused by spontane ous combustion in a sawdust hop per of the Varick planning and molding mill, the fire burned with such fierce heat that it melted a ton of nails in' one of the plants. Fire Commissioner Edward F. Cavanagh Jr. said 400 firemen ard 70 pieces of equipment were used to fight the blaze, constituting tlie greatest concentration to fight a New York fire since the big Stand ard Oil fire in 1919. Eleven alarms brought, equipment from Brooklyn, Manhattan and Long Island fire stations. The fire, which for a time threat ened a terminal containing VSKw 000 gallons of oil, leveled' A rMB milling plant, two' lumber yards, a paint manufacturing firm and several small industrial' plants. None of the injured firemen were badly hurt and all were treated on the scene. Three employees in the Varick plant fought the fire with hand . extinguishers after the sawdust hopper exploded but it soon snread out of control. By the time firemen arrived, the heat was already so intense it forced them back several times. The bia.:c was brought under con trol shortly after 9 p.m. EDT but' the ruins continued to smoulder through the night. Four fireboats poured tons or water on waterfront buildings scv eral blocks from the fire to re duce the ' danger- from flying sparks. Pickle is Making Popularity Gain EAST LANSING, Mich.' (UP) Pickles have experienced a tre mendous growth in popularity in the past 25 years, according to th National Pickle Packers confer ence at Michigan State College. Dr. F. W. Fabian, retired MSC scientist, traced the development of the pickle's popularity at the meeting. He pointed to the rise 'n the consumption of pickles from' a few million bushels in 1930 to 12,000.000 In 1952 and predicted that the 1952 figures will be more than doubled in the next 10 years. Scientific research has led to more and better pickles, according to Dr. Fabian, and laboratory work rinne at MSC is credited with de veloping and improving many varieties. M.rftf.n.r' y - miT- ' i J"" fa aim T.nils.-! PARLOR "ROLLS" ALONG For only $20,000 you can buy this out-of-scri"s model ol the famed Rolls Royce on display in Turin. Italy. Traditional blocked radiator and huge headlight! re Mill, featured, but added are: streamlined windshield and fenders, hooded headlamps, telephone, TV net and bar. Rural Area Hit By Power Outage A power outage on lines of the Central Electric Cooperative left residents of a rural community east of Bend, served by the REA, without power for several hours last night and this morning. The outage occurred whan a power pole near Deschutes Junc tion was sheared off by ah auto mobile, and the wires slackened and shorted. A repair crew from Redmond set a new pole. Service was . disrupted from about 10:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. Three Are Hurt In Plane Crash ALBANY, Ore. (UP) A piper "Tri-Pacer" crashed on takeoff at the -.Albany airport last night, ii juririg its three occupants, one of them seriotisly. ' James R. Idlewine, 22-year-old passenger from Junction City, was hospitalized with a broken back. His condition is serious. The two others were less serious ly hurt. Max Wall, 37, Junction City, the pilot, was hospitalized with an injured ankle. Robert Etherington, 33, Newport, was shaken up. He was released from the hospital after being treated for a cut on the chin. The crash occurred, at about 6: E0 p.m., one-half mile from the air port. The plane's motor "conked out" according to Wall, and the plane nosed into the ground. The craft was leased from Mc Kenzie flying service of Spring field by Wall, Bartram and San ford, contractors. It was en route from Springfield to "somewhere in Washington," according to state police. Echo of 1933 Bank Holiday ROCHESTER, N. Y. (UP) August Kineman, manager of Ro chester's clearing house, has $8,111 which he wishes someone would take off his hands. ' ' The money is left -over from the "bank holiday" declared in 1913 by the late President Roosevelt Rochester banks issued $2,000,000 in- scrip, good only in the city. Most of the scrip was redeemed at the end of the holiday, but ap parently a few people forgot. Or, said Kineman, they may be keep ing some of it as souvenirs. At any rate, Kineman would ap predate it if those holding the scrip would come along and collect. He said he can't balance hjs books the way things are now. 3 Arrests Noted Superstitous Friday the 13th pro- ved to be relatively quiet and peaceful yesterday, at least as far as the Bend police record is concerned. Three arrests were made and four- minor complaints were re ceived. The arrests are: Louise Alfred Dunlap, 50, Rt. 2 Box 301, for failure to yield right of way to an ambulance; Edward Jack Self, 20, Rt 3 Box 130, for driving PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS THE BEND BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin l Weekly) IfHNMUSL. 1 The Bend ttuilelin Uaily' ltfle.1 PublUht I Evury Afternoon frUcept Sun day and Curtain hui.tiuvs by The Bend Bulletin, 'at. - 7?h nail Sueet Bend, Oretfoo. By Mali In Oregon rnrea Month $ 8.26 Six Munuia &ul One Ve&r 1UKI ' By Mail Ouuide of Ortcon Three Montiia S.76 but Month tf-ou One mr VLW By Carrier One Month IM Ms Uuntha 7 One iW 16.00 SINGLE COPY Be Please notify us of any change of ad arena or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. AU subscriptions art DUB and PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. BULLETIN CORRESPONDENTS Madraa Bob Barber Phone 2138 or 2U01 Redmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan 1'iione 621 Eastern Star Mm. Walter Prichard Pboue SJ-F-11 Siatwa Mrs. Serge Coval Phone 2196 rumalo Aura. A. L. Christopher f none "600-L Want Ad Rates and Information 4 times for the price of 2 Ask about the rates for added spao ana aduwu insertions; oon't forget Uim even lowvr rates if you run your ad Iit a lull month. 7 times for me nrlce of 6 - Very Low Xlaie lur Aionthly Ads I Times 6-6-1 Words Up to 18 U thru 18 iy thru d 24 Uirv 'j Times 1.6U 8.00 . 2.6 U 3.00 Tune 2.76 8.b"( l.fO l.f0 4.ZU 6.d0 ' Prices: Cash or witSln 7 ttk" PHONE YOUR WANT A US TO THB BEND BULLETIN, PHONE 66 Ads received before 1 p.m. will appear m tne following day's paper. The Bulletin reserves ' the right to classify ,euit or reject any want ad copy, ana will be responsible, for only one in correct publication of any want au. luli adjustment of error wili be made by in aoticU insertion of the corrected adver liaeinent. Want ads In The Bulletin are arranged for the benefit of toe reaa-tr, and are ciaiMiiied into the following groups! ANNOUNCUMttNiS 1 to is Ixt & hound, Meetings, Personals, (Spe cial Notices, etc. AUTOMOTIVE 20 to SB tutos Wanted and For Sale, Accessories, Bouy Work, Service Stations, etc 4 BUSINESS SERVICES 40 to 70 Appliances, building. Carpentry, Electri cal, Painting, Plumbing, Upholstering ttC CMPLOYMENT 80 to 84 Help Wanted, Baby Sitters, Situations Wanted, etc FINANCIAL 90 to 98 Bus. Opportunities, Investments, Monty to ijoan. etc. INSTRUCTION 100 to 104 Home Instruction, Schools, Special Cla ""'LIVESTOCK & PETS 110 to 119 Cattle & Horses, Poultry 4 Kabblta, Pets, etc. MISCELLANEOUS 121 to 160 Appliances. Farm Products, Fuel Wood, Misc. For Sale and Wanted, etc RENTALS 160 to 16 Apartments, Homes, Rooms, Wnnted to Rent, etc. SEAL ESTATE 170 to 188 Houses, Farms and Ranches, Lota A Acreages For Sale. etc. ' Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of LOUISE HARTLEY HAN ER. In the County Court of the State of Oreirnn for Dwichutcn County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the underxlKncri. rKANK haki l,r.i HAN Kit. has been appointed as Executor of the lant will and textamcnt of Loufoe Hartley Haner. Deceased, by the above entitled Court. All iternons having claims aiiAinst sstd fwtatc are hereby notified and required to prewnt the snme, duly verified, as hy law required, to the un- rierKiirnfd at hU. attorneys. Men a i e PANNKR, 121! Orwion Ave., Bend, Oro jron. within iix months from the first publication m; tins notice ,in tne uaiiy lU-nA Bulletin. Hated and first published. May 16th, 19f,6. Date of last publication, June 6th. 1056 Is) Frank Hartley Hancr, -F.xeeutor McKAY 4 PANNER 122 Oregon Ave., Bend. Oregon ALLornavs for said Estate l7.H3-U!MrH-C Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Kfttate of ELLEN MOEN. aka ELLE1V Ol'l'l-XiAHD: In the County CmirC of the State of Orpiron for Dmchulffl kuntv. NOTICE S HKREBY (! VKN. that the umlrrsipned, Adrainintratrtx of the extatc of KH-n Moen aka Ellen 0tpe- uard. riet-eaned. han fiM her final ar count in the tnve entitled rouri. and that June 2. Mh, at 2 orlork p.m. in; the Court H'nm of the atv entitled i court hait Keen appointed hy the eourt I an the time and pla-e for the hearinn I of flijttoiin thereto, If any. and the etUement thereof. Dntni and firnt published May 2. 11. i Date or ltv.t publication. May 2, !&.: Ul Yvonne Kteinley ! Arlmineitratrix of aji estate : MrKAY A PANNER 122 Oreiroa , i Rend. Oregon Attorneya for said ertate. l-lill.in.UiVC) Legal Notice NOTIC'K Wriftn HnU Iwtntr arreitH f"f atnall. I HB ittodern home kiralni 12'. Hart ford. C royner. Admin i"triuir, Ftatf of Nannie Pari". O'Kat Hld . f hVnd, Ore. On Friday, 13th a vehicle without a muffler;, and Roy Bice, 36, 116 Federal St., for intoxication.' : ' ARRESTS MADE The city police made two ar rests for speeding in 25-mile zones early this morning. They are Thomas Gerhard Step.' kamp, 24, 33 Gilchrist ave., and Calvin Bruce Ray. 51, 1125 Al bany ave. 9 Meetings BEND LODGE NO. 218. ..O.O.F. Meet Every Monday Night, I. O.O.F. Temple. Lind.ll Wits. Nobl. Grand Sherman Dearth. Vic. Grand D. Ray Miller, See. 500 Stat. Street. Ph. 107U-W 11 Personals; Spl. Notices I WILL NOT be reiponalble for anv debt, other than my own. Mary Thomaa ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS can help you overcome your drinatns problem. Attend meeting Friday nisht 8 :30. Epie. copal Church or write P. O. Box HI. Send. if yon fall to receive your Bend Bulletin by 6:30, Tele phone SS and a copy will be sent you oy special carrier. 28 House Trailers GOING OVERSEAS: 27 ft. Trailer hoiwe. furiimhod. Mut aell my euuity. Excellent opportunity (or young couple. Phone 0(14.. 19S3 MODERN 27' SCHULT Trailer. Excellent condition. Richfield, LaPine, Phone 262. Hutue Ivan 'a 30 Used Cars fox Sale 1952 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE. Equfpiied with double Eagle life ffuurd white wall tires. Radio A Heater, back up lights, electric windows. Beautiful 2 tone paint (Aqua green and Castle grey). A beauty and a real buy at only llUUfi.OO. Your Friendly Car Dealer . WARD MOTOR CO. 1008 Bond St. Phone IMS or 1596 SPECIAL FOR TODAY 1062 PLYMOUTH Sedan. RH. This is a dandy for the price. SVUo. HUNNELL MOTORS 835. .Bond St. Ph. 2fi 11)48- FORD STATION Wagon. 12 ft. Burchcraft car top boat, boat carrier. $-125. Will trade for ..wheel drive Jeep station wagon, rnone leou-W. SEE IT DRIVE IT BUY IT 11)54 MERCURY MONTEREY Sun Val- ley Coupe. Radio & Heiiter, M.rcomatic trans., power brakes, 4 way power seat, elec. windows. This Is a locnlly owned one owner car with only 8000 mllea. Priced this week only at S2750.00 See ART KUE1IL at the Ford Used Car Lot on E. 3rd St. next to the MIDGET DRIVE-IN. A-Alwaya B-Better C-Cara 52 DODGE CORONET. 4 -door sett. Clean and loaded with extras. Priced to ell. TOWNK MOTORS PACKARD-WILLYS DEALER Used Car Let, Ph. .04 - Center of Irrtiig A UarrUaaa WHY BUY SAFE BUY 1953 OLDSMOBILE 98 HOLI DAY COUPE. THIS BEAUTY HAS EVERYTHING. SO MUCH ' FOR SO LITTLE Hyciramatic Ratlin Heater Power Stearin Power Brakes Power Sot. Power Windows . . Aciiml mile 21.000 White Side Wall Tires TuTone RelHLX Top. Previous Owner now e proud Lin coln owner. Safo Buy Guarantee- 12215. FITZPATKICK LINCOLN-MKKCUKY 105 E. Franklin Ave. WHY BUY SAFE BUY FORD 1 12 ton truck. Good motor e tires. Price S250. Trade for pickup or car. Bend Realty. Ph. 1171-W. 1949 Packard 4-door, perfect ahane. 1048 Trailer house, 14 ft. 1947 Cadillac hearse, good condition. Inquire at .Times Gas Station on North Hwy. 07. 1946 CHKVrtOI.Fr COUPE new motor, leather upholstery. See at 1616 W. 2nd. IF YOU ARE SHORT of down payment to purchase the new, ear you'd like to bur. call COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORP. Phona 2269, 815 Greenwood, Bend. FOR THE BKST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SEE BEND NASH CO. 134 GREENWOOD PHONE 700 1064 CHEVROLET 210 sedan. Radio heater, extras.-Like .new. tl.OOO cheap. er. In Prinevflle, 348 East; 6th St. or rnone 677. 32 Used Trucks Trailers 1050 CMC Dump Trurk for !.. Will trade for a late model car or pick-up Inquire 1447 Kingston. to 1 Ton. DESCHUTES CENTER. Phone l 2009-W-2. USE BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADS1 189 Real ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon Ave. BREATHING MT. VIEW from this 560 acre ranch with DcLuxe home, new machin-cry- crops in, 75 hnnd capa city. Only $35,000 terms. Part' trade for Bend home. YOUR $ $ $ Worth: No. 1 Newly ilprnrated 3 bed. auto matic hPBt, paved st. $').S2.'), 5700 down. No. 2 -Near Knwd wh, 2 Ixvl, elei'tnc rge wir ing. $1(100. $100 dwn. No. 3 Pved sir. LRe liv. 2 bed, ga rage, work shp. Reduced fr 39 Automobile Display YOU Can Buy Quality At Bargain Prices, TOO 52 FORD 8 Cust 2 Dr. .... $1195 KaH, Foniomauc. 26,000 . miles. '51 CHEVROLET Dlx 945 1S--T. Liabt grey. Power Glide trans. '50 PLYMOUTH Conv. .... 795 Llgnt blue, Htri, very clean. 49 BUICK Super Sdn 595 ItstH. signals, back . up lights. 48 FORD 8 CI. Cpe. 245 '48 NASH Conv, H&H .... 3S5 '48 BUICK Super 4-Dr... 345 Ram 48 KAISER Sedan 175 Keill '47 NASH 600 Sedan 195 47 CHKV. Dlx. 2-Dr 295 Ruill '47 DODGE Sedan h&H.. 295 '47 BUICK Super 4-Dr 295 Rata '46 NASH 600 Sedan 145 '46 CHEV. FM Sedan 175 '42 BUICK Spec., 4-Dr. 19a OVER 60 TO CHOOSE FROM Bend Garage Co. Chevrolet-Bulck-Cadlllac Home ol "OK USED CARS" 709 Wall Ph. 193 52 Excavating Grading LARS STEIN LEY DRILLING, BLASTING & HOLES l'h. 291 or 208-W Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, Blasting, Top Soil and Fill Dirt, Cinders. Cat and Trac tor Work. Phone 574 or 1003 54 Londscaplng; Gardening FOR LAWN CUTTING or yard work oil Services Offered PAINTING Interior at Eaterlor. Apart ments at Itesidences. WAXNtt UAttf. t-K, Phone IIM-W. OIL FORCED AIR HEATING. We spe cialise in all types of Sheet Metal Work. BEND SHEET METAL, Ph. 468. SAW SALES AND SERVICE CHAIN SAWS RENTED BEND CHAIN SAW Ph. CBS LAWN MOWER GRINDING Many years experience with all makes assures you of a perfect grinding job or your money back. We grind bed-knlfe, grind reel, adjust mower and bearings, lu-iw-r brlcate. S2.60. CARL AUSTIN.' BavMPtaVVY ec ureenwooo. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and wrlnxer Rolls for all makes. Phone Z7, MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORE 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE & SHEET METAL Uring your heating problems to us. Phone 72. ' 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. PHILCO HOFFMAN TV Authorized Dealer Radios and Hi-FI Equipment RIBS RADIO 624 Franklin Ph. 101 RADIO ft. RECORD PLAYER REPAIR Radio A TV Tubes For Sale Prompt Service GEORGE'S RADIO A 8PORTING GOODS RADIO A TV TUBES Complete atock for all radios, Philco and Other Makes -BEND FURNITURE CO. 70 Septic Tanks; Cesspools LARS STEINLKY SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Ph. 281 or 208-W CARTER SEPTIC TANK SERVICE. Phone 154S or 1647 Tit W. 12th. 74 Upholstering ALL KINDS of Car Seel Al any kinds of canvas work. LEVITT'S UP HOLSTERY, ST6 Burnside. Ph. i:3.M. 81 Male. Female Help WANTED: fL'redit Manager for Seers Roebuck order office. Credit experie helpful but not eascntial. Typing ncces. sary. Apply in persun. Ho Wall St. 82 Male Help Wanted "WANTKH Amhtlioui man who would like 3.W iK'r hour an an authorized WiitklnK f7nler in Dettchutp Ounty. Kitx-rnl crHit provide!. I'rotluctt. Na tionally AdvertiHod. Kciulremrnlji : Male, betwrcn '21 and 60 with mr or liulit trurk. Write The J. Ii. WhiMiih Com pany, 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle 9. Wnh- itilMrin. CHKVUOl.KT CAR A Truck Salfflman. Salary plus comm. Apply KhIh MHna- kit, Bt-nd Oarane Co., Chevrolet Deal- er ntnro lit 17. OPENING FOR GOOD, hnrdworkliirf, .autn tialman. Kxrelient earn Inn upnor tun It le for enertretic man. Thoma hales A Service. Phone 2ib5, Mudr, Orenon. ATPMCATIONS Bulletin routes, apply. are being; taken Boys 12-16 only nerd Situations Wanted DEPENDABLE 'U ) r.YZk ith hand or power mower. Phone I33.J alter 6 p.m. or weekends. school boy want odd 110 Cattle & Horses SADDLES: New and used. REED'S I.KA TIIKR SHOP, 1666 Galveston. Phone 1667-M. Estate Display Phone 36W $")200 to $1200, $fi00 dwn; No. 4 Klsh fr bck vd. 4 rm house, hen hse, $4500, lims. COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE. 40 acre, 16. C.O.I, unlln., 2 hd, mt view, $0500 trms. IlKAtnirULLY PLANNII) NKW 3 bed. ilin rm, o- fiizctl nf, fllahwHUhrr garb. flispnMl, $18.50f) trms. CLOSE IN Ranch. W) a(TC Pvd hi. 3 bml hoiiw. 311 I Id st-k, machinery. Only $17, 500 ti ms. 112 Pets of oil Kinds REGISTERED German hortyhair Point vr uut ol proven bunttntr tock. Ca'l 42i-X or in at 1024 South Uin, R4. muttd. BAUY PARAKEETS, normaU, all oolora at W.0O. Alto rait onalino. cagoa and frli fwKla, Locally rawwl. Whulwutie or rviaU. Call Redmond iS-K-6, or iimt doum north of Powell Butt Qrare. 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Live Poultry Fresh Ek BKMl t.iM FUULTRY CO. H0 K. r lrst St. Ph. 666-J 116 Other Livestock WEANER PIGS Jim Elder, Deschutes Tumalo Road ,Ph. 117 Livestock Wanted WANTED all kinds of livestock. Hiitheit cash prices. Will piek up at ranch. 1. J. lluatun, Phone 1128-W 118 Feed & Stock Supplies CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES. 100 Sacks, Thone 2100.J.6. 121 Appliances; HH Equip. 1M.6 MOD. 30 dn Elec. raiute. With bis oven. Retr. 1200.00. Sale price (142.76. ANDERSON'S APPLIANCE CENTER, State & Tumalo. ONLY S LEFT at 109.06 Special dea'. type machine. Lou of drawer space. 3 years old, automatic tension, extra fash ion feet. Kit. sewina courses. $0.00 down - Easy terms. SINGER SEWING CENTER. Bill Wall. Ph. 1825. SEWING MACHINES Easy terms. Wo nave tlve pertect sinner sewing ma. chines, only $1111.50. Lota of drawer apace. SINGER SEWING CENTER, 831 wall, Phone 1826. RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED USED APPLIANCES WrlnKcr Washers' $14.60 and r-p Automatic Washers Iti9.AU OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. Ph. e 123 Building Materials LUMBER FARMERS BUILDERS RANCHERS CUT YOUR LUMBER COST SEE CLAUD McCAULEY Leonard Lundgren Lumber Co. 760 D Ave. 14 anile east of Evans Fly Ct -' Bend. Oregon 127 Cameras Supplies CAMERA, 8 11 x 4. 14 series p. Cra nes. r4.6 Kodak Anastlttmat Lens, au tomatic diaphram, 4 cutfilra holders, pack adapter, Holland flash. Excellent condition. $160. Also 4x6 DeJur En- larger. F4 :6 Anastixmat Lens, condens ers at neat absorb glass. A steal fir TU. 1ZU4 East Hrd St., Phone 150. 132 Farm Products SEED POTATOES I I U Inches to 2 inches Hyde & Keyte Ranch. Ph. 221 W-3. 133 Fuel & Wood TIMBERS. $10 single. $10.60 double load. CASCADE TRANSPORT. I'hnnfl lti4Z-J. FRED MEYERS Is announcing the new location or the downtown office of the UNION I1UUNEK Oil, SERVICE. will now be located at 020 E. Krnnklin Ave. Our new location will moke it. mure convenient lor our customers Pi Place orders and make payments. We are continuing to handle the same liii" of quality products and service. As we have done for the past 10 years. On P. O. Box is still No. SOU. l'h. 76-J. HAVING PURCHASED Claud Gents' wood business, we are now delivering clean body wood In any length. Oren Crossgrove. Ph. 2147-11. 134 Specials at the Stores LAWN MOWER SHARPENING - 2.M. Pick up and delivery 60c extra. HOUK. VAN ALLEN STORE. Phone Hl'.U. 76.0110 BTU OIL Stove "New" cost plus 10-1 . was $inr,.!l5. Now $KH.8K. GAM III.ES WESTERN AUTO, 846 Wali. FOR YOUR GARDENING NEEDS Tools, Plant Foortu and Scrds. Come id to the WEST SIDE HARDWARE. Your Home Town Hardware. 1006 Galveston. nrsKDWRTrIN(i DESKS .lT $111.60. BEND BARGAIN HOUSE, 2 Kearney across from depot. COLEMAN TABLES . $12.06. II4W HARDWARE. 263 E. Greenwood. COLORFUL BEAD KOI'ES. All doir.ns anil shapes. $1.00 plus tax. ALPINE GIFT HOUSE, So. 3rd St. I USED TABLE and four chairs. $10.06 BEND BARGAIN HOUSE, 2 Kearney across from depot. STOVE STANDS - $1.06. BW HARD. WAKE. 2r3 E. Greenwood. We Ruy Sell And Trade GOOD USED FURNITURE Shop RAINEY'S 201 E. Franklin Phone 1160 135 Furniture & Household Greenwood Furniture Many gift suggestions. For wedding, showers and hi-thdays. Budget prices. 24 Greenwood Ave. 139 Miscellaneoim for Snip 1 SET GUARDIAN SERVICE wnts'-'.cir. cooking ware. to 'j off. Sec at I lio Ochoco Ave. Princvlllo, Ore. l'h 7200. PRESERVE BABY'S FIRST Shoes. BroiiKrd A mounted on beautiful metsl mounts for only $10.05 rurplilrle. Ph. 2IHS-W, 137 , St. Helens I'lsre. SCREEN 1 tiered chicken :ns. 1616 GalvrsUin. Phone 18MI-M. CEMENT MIXER. Commercial sire. R0. O'DAY'S SALVAGE 4 SUPPLY YDS.. l'h. 603. TENANT? Man, ..eellrnt! j " classified . 189 Real R. D.KERR PHONE 2215 REALTOR ONE OK BEND'S NICER 2 BEDROOM HOMES East Side In. cation. Iirge hctlrdoms, lots of closets, firpplnce, automiitlc heat, breezeway, attached garage. Price $13,000. O.I. Low Dn. Terms. VERY GOOD 3 R-lrm. Home, Bath & Half, all plastered In terior with hardwood floors, separate dining room and util ity. $9750. G.l. or F.I I. A. NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Comfortable 3 lidrm. In excellent West Side location. Plastered, purl basement, forced air oil heat and Fireplace. $7050. Terms. NEW ' Bdrm. East Side. HardwocKl flours. Fireplace, Oil Heat, fjixvl Mountain View. F.H.A. Priced at $11,750. 2 UDRM. East Side LtKation on Pavement. Hardwood floors, plastered. Priced below appraisal at Sx'fiO. MODERN 2 Bdrm. Inriitrd oI.wp to Alien School. Pl.-isternl, tiled bath, attached garage. $7U50. 100'f, G.I. Call Arnie at 1581-W 139 Miscellaneous for Sale SHOP RAINEY'S 201 E. FRANKLIN FOR GOOD USED FUHMTUKsfc. . Refrivcraton . EJec. rmnss - Eic whr. Wood and coal raniiea - ft piece dinette nU . 8 piaea dining room WE BUY, SELL & TRADE Phone 1160 TOILETS . TOP GRADE. 131. SO. Nor ru-1 uermador Close cuuiilea totiet witn beaiis aeamless seat. U'uAl S HAu- VrtE e sul'l'LK YAKli, l'h. et,. Closed tjUNuAtf & MUiMuAY. BEHIND on that spring sewing! Call ir4 and rent a Btivoali machine, only to.uv per niontn. Si.lhtt oEWING CENTER 231 W all ' .n. 1825 Sl'leic;!' OltGAN of superior quality will oe sold at a sacritice. ,o oowu payment on approved creuiu A besutllui oeai BENSON PIANO CO., 6b uilcnriat St, GOOD ELECTRIC AMERICAN Meat Slicer, resuiuranLaise. Reasonable. Call 11S1-J. NORGE Refrigerator, desk, chrome din. ette set. Sparks oil healer, miscellaneous items, rn. xiiu-w-o. ROCK-FREE TOP SOIL Fill dirt, black 'and red cinuera. Dump truck and tractor-loader work. Ph. fUTdlDK WHITE HOUSE pot. Spec ial x.wa per gal, only llmiteu aupuly on hand. BEND SUPPLY CO. 022 bonu LIGHT FIXTURES Largest display in Central Oregon . LOWEST PRICES A Complete Stock of Pa.ta to repair and build lamps BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill near Greenwood Ph. 16J-J 141 Miscellaueoun Wanted SIX CHILDREN to enroll for weekly riding ecnool. Gentle snellanas lurnist ed. I'hone 216-L. WE WILL BUY your used building ma terials, ju.ik batteries, tnetals, and scrap iron. A pound or a carload. O'tlAY'S SALVAGE k SUPPLY YARD. 143 Musical NEW SPINET PIANO Bargain: this instrument is high grade, famous mako. ResiHinsible party may purchase at sub. stantia! discount: low down payment or your old piano bal. Easy terms. Write Piano Dopartment. American Mu alc Company. Hood River. Ore. SPINET HAMMOND ORGAN. Like new. low terms. Call 403. 160 Apartments for Rent LARGE UNFURNISHED 1 Bedroom Apartments $50. Refrigerator. Range. Gnrliage ot Water included. RIVER TERRACE API'S., 162a W. 6th., Ph. 224. SMALL APARTMENT, furnished. Close in. Utilities furnished, washing facil ities Phone 1028-M, 6 Irving St, ONE NICELY furnished one bedroom apt One partly furnished 2 bedroom apt. Ph. 1300. 8 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. W. ter, garbage paid. Close in. Corner of Minnesota and Lava Road. Ph. 684. FURNISHED APARTMENT: Close In. Day, week or month. Laundry facilities Garage. 627 Franklin. Phone 631. i61 Houses For Rent SMALL. UNFURNISHED, one bedroom house In Northeast Bend. Phono 2230-J. BEDROOM Modern, furnished house at 1350 Lexington. $60.00 ier month. Call 636.J after 6 p.m. A 8 rouma, gas range $27.60. B I bdrins, gas range, oil furnace. $-10. C 8 bdrms elec. range wiring. $50. D Furnished 3 room apt. $30. ANNE FORBES REALTOR, 36 Oregon avi. Phone 8B.W. OR LEASE: 2 bedroom, modem unfurn ished house. Neat & clean, piped for automatic furnHre. 1074 Albany, Phon-i 2136 after d p.m. 162 Rooms; Room & Board rilREB SISTERS ROOMS, under now management. Board It room or rooms only. Rcnsoiiuble rates. Anna Ward and Irene Harris. 744 Colorado. 168 Other Rentals RENTAL EXCHANGE, 2 bedroom duplex furnished, in Hollywood, Cslif. Will ex change rental for 4 bedroom house, fur nished, in Rend. 6 Months. June 1-10. Phone 964.W. MOVING ? Save 60. Use HEE-HIVK U DRIVE TRUCKS GRAFFENBEHG ERS SERVICE. 602 8. 3rd. Ph. 1041. 169 Wanted to Rent 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Mother 4 8 chil. drcn. ages 1 1-6-7. Pay up to $50 a month. Country prefrrri-d. Please write Hard Weir, 261 W. Oak St., Hillslsiro, Ore. ; 2 BEDROOM modern unfurnished house with automatic washer plumbing. 1776-J. $ OR 4 BEDROOM, modern unfurnished house in good location. Permanent rcn er. Call 1000 days or 2346-R evening! or weekends. HF.hlinriJ,: HOUSE, formalin!, Family I 4. June 1. 10, Phone II64-W. THREE OIL Company men A Families need one ar two bedroom nomas to rent. Phone 84. 170 Houses tor Sale FOR SALE Hy Owner: 3 bedroom, mod ern home. 0 years old. rlos" In on paved .tret. 10'JO fert plus full base. mi-nt ar gsrsge. Automatic oil hot water h-at. wired lor range and hot water, plumbed automatic washer. Separate large .ho.. extra gsr.e. 220 V $12..,00. Call ,0J. "!"' : raee wire,) for for in.pec- Estate Display REAL ESTATE HOME 783-J 170 Houses for Rale " EASTS1DE LOCATION - t bedroom. maple floors, 2 .loves, near school!, stares A town. $4000. Small down pay ment. Phone 1166-J, 436 E. Kearney. ; ONLY $2,600 (twenty-live hundred, that isj sown tor tnia newiy redecorated, loar bedroom home in excellent location. Ful ly landscaped, patio. Value $21,250. Will aell fur $17,800. Sea at 720 Riverside or phone owner, 1706. S BEDROOM home, sewing room, din ing room, larga living room Wfireplaea, Pilwd furnace, range wiring. Will GL Ph. 2S23J after 6 p.m.. all day Sat urday or Sunday. . ' 172 Farms & Ranches ' VALLEY FARM, stock or dairy. I rm. modern house. For information, Phona 10.3. 174 Business Property 10 UNIT MOTEL In Redmond. New con dition with ownera 2 bedroom apart mrnt. Completely modern ft furnished. Ready for the tourist season. Income potential. 10-12 thousand yearly. Will accept real estate or contracta in trade. Asking $50,000. Box 811 or Phone 168-11 Redmond, Oregon. 178 Other Real Estate H NOTICK Due to Illness and other lntereata. will accept tent oner, witnin reaaon. -for our property located at 4th and Lo cunt 8t. Prlnevltle. conaUtlnir of 8-pex and furnlnhinira. Also 3 bedroran. 2 bathroom home. Call 62H81, Prinevtlle, tor appolntmenta. 182 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO LEASE with Option Buyi 8 or 8 Bedroom Home with I 10 10 acre or more. Can be located tip to 16 miles from Bend. K. t. JseBlWa, Ph. 6. 189 Real Estate Display MIDSTATE REALTY CO. REALTORS ' 106 Minnesota Ph. 495 HOME & INCOME. Enjoy life In this new home and collect $140, per mo. from 3 rentals. You can buy this with $8,750. cash and pay balance from income. Full price, $17,500. . SPARKLING BEAUTY 2 . bed room home, carpeted floors, as neat as can be, near school and stores, beautiful yard on fencfd 50 by 140 ft. lot, double garage. Will sell for "GI" appraisal -of $7,900. IDEAL FOR LARGE FAMILY. 5-bedroom home, close in, excep tionally nice Kitchen, large cor ner lot, new enrage. $7,000. Terms, or will ,rGI". 40 LEVEL ACRES WITH Fine Home. 1 mi. from city limits in fast growing district, 34 acres irrigated, mostly In permanent pasture, new, 3-neuroom home with fireplace, wall to wall car pet, fine TV reception. $17,500, Terms. - fSEE DtlDREY.HILTON Realtors, 10',d Bond, for home, farms, ranches, busi ness opportunities. Northern laku euun ty lands. Ph. 1827-W, Bend. BEND REALTY 'Stf : 2 BEDRMS. Modern Home. WEST SIDE Furnished. $4,800. Or will trade fur. trailer. - STROUT REALTY NO. 442 2 rooms, modern. nlcelv idett- amall home. Refritr. tlaveno A chair act, bed, tal. Irs. dinette not. All 12100 Terms. Urlve by 4B6 Ho. 4th. GILBERT'S THE HOME OF THE ! NEAR COMPLETION, A 1 1 rooms large, 2 bedrms, clay tile' ktchn & bath, fire pi, sep dining rm, oak firs, attach gar, utility, shop rm, location tops. $14,700.00 2 LG LOTS: Two bedrm mdn w utility plmhd & wired for' wash er & drier. Insulated, wrd for. rnnge. Shop bldg, flrd chick hse. priced right. S45uuuo, terms. , -YOU'LL AGREE This is a sac rifice, 2 bedrm mdn, oak firs, wrd for range, S. tank & drain. Forced sale price $2200.00, terms ACREAGE: Good TV reception. 29 acres, 19 COI water. 3 bdrrri nome, Darn, some equip. Zft miles out. Owner leavlne. price reduced rock bottom, $6425.00 terms. NEAT & CLEAN: 3 rms plus utility, plmb for washer, wrrj for ranee, nice yd. DVd St. $3950. $500.00 dn. . Real CiiaU REDMOND PRINEVILLE Classified. Ads Buy It Sell It Trade It! ' We welcome the people of Red mond, Prlnevllle and vicinity into classified. If you want to sell, buy, trade or announce, call our Redmond correspondent, Mrs. Martha Stranahan, (Red mond 521) between 8 9 A.M. 12 to 1 noon or 5 to 6 P.M. or . Our Prlnevllle correspondent, Phone 5124. " 20 Accessories Repairing NO W f MVeVlibNcTleaUeTiei. and Micro llronxe Oil Kilters, tiusranteed Forever at KBIJIEY'S ELECTRIC. Redmond. 59 Services Offered DEAn STOCK removed free. Horses, eows, eslves, linffs, sheen. REDMOND KENtlKKINO CO. Ph. Hi Ctdl.fl. - U4 Pouitry & Rabbits PAH-"pm.f.ETfl .on hand. two. tiTss " 4 weeks of ae-e. (DLL'S HATCHERY, , Redmond. 134 Specials at the Stores : COOir ilSEll ROME Colorrt tiaTetio, " Prlrrd a. onlr M7.H0. SINNARD'S . CKN11 URL, Mh tl.vxo, --.', " . . .' '. ."'t hSHWS.l'.