The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 13, 1955, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Betid Bulletin, Friday,
Additional Sports
First RdundGolf Results
In Redmond Handicap Given
; Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND First round match
results in tlie Men's Spring llan
dimp golf tournament at Juiiij.-er
Oolf club were reported this week
by, club manager Fred Sparks.
Pairings for tie second round are
made and matches are to be com
pleted by Sunday evening and
scores reported, Sparks advises.
Results in the championship
flight follow, with winners named
first in each ease: Fred Sparks vs.
Alton Mooney 3-1, Ray Rogers vs.
Herb Gunther 5-3, E. G. Mansfield
vs. Merle Hogan 1 up after 20
Pairings Ready
for Tournament
Pairings for the Women's Golf
club spring handicap tourney, with
the first group to complete play
by next Wednesday evening, have
been announced.
Pairings in the championship
flight follow:
Mrs. J. S. G rahl man vs. Mrs.
Kenneth L. Hicks; Mrs. J. R.
Aeheson, bye; Mrs. Delbert Hale,
bye; Mrs. E.. C. Sullivan, bye;
Mrs. L. J. VanHuffel vs. Mrs. Vern
I-arson; Mrs. M. W. Wauge, bye;
Mrs. W. E. Naylor, bye; Mrs. Mel
Raper, bye; Mrs. Arthur Stipe vs.
Mi s. Don Dyer; Mrs. Avery Grims
ley, bye; Mi's. R. P. Robinso
bye; Mrs. Don Williams vs. Mrs.
Rick Goodwin; ' Mrs. George
Thompson, bye; Mrs. Al Schatz,
bye; Mrs. Charles Boardman, bye;
Mrs. D. G. Norton, bye.
Nine-hole group pairings:
Mrs. Omer Summers vs. Mrs.
Stacy Smith: Mrs. Don Thomp
son vs. Mrs. Norman Gilbert; Mi's.
II. A. Davis vs. Mrs. Brace Culli
son; Mrs. Ray Yarnes, bye; Mrs.
Gordon Randall vs. Mrs. Frank
Wonser; Mi's. W. D. Ward, bye;
Mrs. George Warrington vs. Mrs.
Jess Briggs; Mi's. Bert Hagen,
Mindful of the slogan that the
mails niust go through, postman
Wilfred Moi'in wasn't stopped
when his truck was halted by an
accident. He completed his ap
pointed rounds with a horse and
buggy " borrowed from a nearby
At Cashman's
The Best
Clothing Value
America Today
May 13, 1955
holes, Berwyn Coyner vs. Dr. R,
L. Lewis by default, Harold Povey
vs. Sam Johnson 3-2, Russ Stan
ard vs. Lloyd Davis 4-3, John Hole
check vs. Jack Hartley 4-2, and
i-arl Boothe vs. Pete Nersetti by
Paired ' for the championship
flight, second round, are Sparks
vs. Rogers, Mansfield vs. Coyner.
Povey vs. Stanard and Holechek
vs. Booth. First flight matches
will pair Mooney vs. GUnther, Ho
gan and Dr. Lewis, Johnson vs.
Davis, and Hartley with Nerseth.
Second flight matches scored
the following winners as of May
9: R. M. Voils vs. Dick Silton 3-1,
Leo Rennolds vs. George McKin-
non 5-3, Jim Kasserman vs. Hal
oid Albrich 5-3, Al Tilse vs. Paul
Cook 4.2. Bill Pierce vs. Phil Dahl
1 up, Boyd Simmons vs. Jack
Christensen 4-3, Dr. Charles Dud
ley vs. John Currie 1 up, and
Harold Hansen vs. Don Lehman
2 up. Second round pairings are:
Voils vs. Rennolds, Kassermari-
Tilse, Pierce - Simmons, and Dr.
Dudley vs. Hansen.
Third flight results: Gene Stran
ahan vs. Justin King, default, C. J.
Croghan vs. Geoi-ge Rakestmw,
4-2, Bud Miller vs. Jim Short de
fault, Persh Andrews vs. Ralph
Windsor default, Howard Schroe-
der vs. Don Rogers 5-3, Lou Smith
vs. Don Gunderson 3-1, Dr. James
Smith vs. Don Gunderson 3-1,
Harry Sly vs. John Norlin de
fault, and Hugh Amsberry vs. W.
G. Lehman 6-5. This week's
matches are between Stranahan
and Croghan, Miller and Andrews,
Sehroeder and Smith, and Sly and
Amsberry. -
Incomplete results in the fourth
flight show Bob Weldon won from
Cal Butler by default, Alex Clem
ents winning from K i e r a n
from Kay Shopshire by default.
Allen Mills defeated Dale Charl
ton 2-1 and Lloyd Satterlee won
from Ivan Ivancovich, Sr. 3-1.
Scores in the John Beming-Art
Edmonds match and that be
tween Joe Brown and Gene Endi-
cott had not been turned in. Wei-
dom and Clements will play in the
second -round. Other matches are
not yet paired.
P. M. Houk won from Dr. Rob
ert linger by default and George
HiUgen defaulted to Ken Munkres
in the fifth flight. Dr. Roger Stack
won 8-6 from Gus Hagglund and
Dr.' Samuel Toevs won from Fred
Bear 4.3. Ed Kelsey and Don Wells
were matched In the first round.
Hik and Munkres are paired for
the second round.
Smart Clothes for
Young Men
By Style-Mart
You're iur
of yourself in a Style-Mart Sport
Coat and Slacks. You'll find just the
right combination for you'
master-tailored In luxury fabrics, 1
A wide choice of patterns and
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perfection. Come in today.
Sport Coats .... 2495
Slacks .... '1295
Compare the Dollar Value!
Ooublt-cinnl ttMt for bwoywqi
itoMd trdMift for wppoft i
StMl Mkfrstrr))tl,
Ak-ctlM onMm for comfort
14.95 & 15.95
Spokane Drops
Emeralds 9-3
Whatever it was that happened
to his hitters last night, Spokane
manager Eddie take hopes it is
still with his outfit tonight as they
open a series against Salem.
Spokane salvaged the final game
of a four-game series against Eu
gene last night, 9-3, with a 15-hit
attack featuring heavy hitting by
Joe Porter, Nap Gulley and Eddie
Murphy. i
Porter collected four hits in five
trips, including a double and a
triple, Gulley had five-for-five, all
singles, and Murphy had three hits
in four trips for the Indians.
The Yakima Bears also came
up with a good hitting attack, col
lecting 12 hits to take Tri-City 11-4,
A five-run outburst in the eighth
featuring doubles by Sam Mitchell
and Ted Edmunds did most "( the
Lewiston got four runs in the
seventh to snap a 2-2 tie and
take Salem 7-4. Don Frailey belted
a two-run homer in the Salem
eighth but Jim Benton held tin
for the victory.
Cockell Asks
Bigger Ring
Simpson, manager of heavyweight
challenger Don Cockell, was slated
to appear before the . California
Athletic Commsision today with
the ultimatum: "Give us a 20
foot ring for Monday's fight or
we'll appeal as high as President
Before Simpson's appearance,
co-promoter Lou Thomas told re
porters: "Cockell will fight Rocky
Marciano in the 16'4 foot ring we
have erected at Kezar Stadium,
or he'll have to fight him on the
bare grass of the gridiron."
Thomas and Jimmy Mumy of
San Francisco are co-promoters
with the International Boxirg
club. Thomas has charge of the
stadium layout.
Simpson claimed he was verbal
ly guaranteed a 20-foot ring when
he and Cockell signed for the Mar
ciano fight. Since Cockell de
pends much on footwork, we need
the large ring. The 16Ms midget
would be a great handicap to Don
and a great help to Marciano."
The manager from London
stressed that there is "a perfect
20-foot ring" in the Municipal Au
ditorium. "We mean to have that
ring," he. declared, "even if we
have to appeal to Gov. Goodwin
Knight or to President Eisen
What if all appeals were re
'Then I still have a card up my
sleeve," he said grimly.
That reply was interpreted as a
possible threat to pull Cockell out
of the fight.
Cafe Renovated
At Redmond
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Completely reno
vated and with seven booths add
ed, the Brand cafe, operated by
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair reopened
for business here this week with
the management offering on the
first day, hamburgers at the same
price they were sold 10 years ago.
It was a decade ago that the cafe
opened for business here, and was
known through the years as the
Tumble Inn.
The Brand Cafe is adjacent to
the Odem theater.
Set at Sisters
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS Baccalaureate serv
ice will be held for graduating
members of the Sisters school
school Sunday, May 15, at 8 p.m.
at the Sisters Church of Christ
The ceremony will be held for
nine high school graduates and 22
grade school graduates. Rev. Z. R.
Potter, pastor of the church, will
deliver the baccalaureate address.
Graduation exercises will be
held for the Class of "So at 8 p.m
Friday, May 27th. Nine senior stu
dents will receive their diplomas
Kessler Cannon, of radio station
KBND, will be the principal speak
er for the evening.
The graduating seniors are plan
ning their trip for May 22, 23 and
24. Principal William Edwards will
chaperon the group on their
An awards banquet for members
of the Sisters high school is being
planned for Thursday, May 19 at
6:30 p.m. in the dining room of
the Suttle Lake Lodge. During the
course of the evening awards will
be presented to students who have
made outstanding achievements in
athletics, dramatics, music, and
other school activities.
Members of trie Zlppo club held
an election of officers on May 4
Officers elected for the coming
year were: President, Sharon
Day j vice-president, Judy Reese;
secretary, Sondra Reese; treasur
er, Kathleen Larson, and point
keeper, Judy Ullmann.
AKfcA OF RESPONSIBILITY. MjSgt. William 6. Corpe. field operations NCO, points out
the area of responsibility of the newly created Eastern Oregon filter center. In the picture, from
the It ft, are Sgt. Corpe, 2nd Lt. Donald E, Rose, rvSgt. Russell Chase and MjSgt. James D. Kerr.
Lt. Rose and Sgts. Chase and Kerr are new mem- bers of the local staff. (60C photo for The Bul
letin.) . , i '
Ha S. Grant's
This morning I got up when the
alarm went off, prepared the
breakfast grapefruit without cut
ting a finger, made the toast with
out getting burned, and soft-boiled
the eggs to just the right degree
of half-doneness. Not only that, I
drove to town without getting ar
rested for a traffic violation, found
a parking place -In my favorite
lane on the lot, and met the dead
lines all morning long. And all this
good fortune on Friday the 13tli!
Funny, isn't it, how much good
luck it takes Just to get through
a day?
In case you got caught with
your superstitions down, you may
be interested in knowing that you
are suffering from an ancient
aversion. The Greeks had a word
for it . . . "triskedekaphobia." It
Sisters High
Names Officers
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS Tom Reineckcr has
been elected president of the Sis
ters high school student body for
the 1955-56 school year. Vice-presi
dent will be Ronny Phillips: sec
retary, Sondra Reese; and treas
urer, Judy Reese.
The student council approved ex
penses for Tom Reinecker and
Sondra Reese to attend the stu
dent council workshop to be held
on the campus of the University
of Oregon August 14-19.
The purise of the workshop is
to discuss student council activities
of the schools In Oregon. The
young people will discuss the va
rious problems which arise with
other student leaders from all of
The council workshop will be led
and supervised by college profes
sors and by educational leaders as
sociated with trie Stale Depart
ment of Education. A $25 fee per
member attending the workshop
will cover costs of the meetings,
room and board for one week.
The Student Union will -be the
headquarters for the workshop. A
complete round of activities is be
ing planned for the high school
leaders with picnics, dances, golf,
swimming and so forth to take Hie
spotlight. Principal William Ed
wards will accompany Tom and
Sondra on the-trip.
' ' ' , 'J
, ..'
i r i A
Ufs , X ' "
f in.m.i.iM nti 'iil A '"-rTrMb ninr J
KJUN is giving away FREE, 50 of the Latest Western
Recordings. As 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prixes for the best
, Names suggested for Franks' New Program. Entries
Must Be Mailed by Midnight Sunday.
means "fear of number 13."
Helen Hemingway, backstage
helper on the "Blithe Spirit" pro
duction stuff, says that her dra.
uatirs career him deteriorated
from leading lady to a patch over
Uie fireplace. She's not bitter, but
she thought they should let her
sign her work "Patches by Hem
ingway," in fluorescent paint. "Oh,
well," she mused, "at my age
you can enjoy being a psycho-ceramic'
(Translation: Crackpot.)
If dieting doesn't do some folks
much good, at least it gives us
something to talk about.
And when the results begin to
show, we can get into all those
clothes we' accused the cleaners
of shrinking.
IJ's no simple matter to keep up
a wardrobe while losing weight
H. isn't only that things are too
big around They're long-walsted,
and the hems are uneven.
There's just one solution that
seems feasible. Use the savings on
the grocery bill to buy new
Speaking of clothes this Iu7y
spring weather is the season when
the earning can't ciilch up with
the yearning.
The newest item on the grocer's
shelf is miniature mnrshmallows.
Funny someone didn't think of it
I have a good many recipes call
ing for "quartered marshmal.
lows," and I avoid tlicm like the
plague. (If you've ever quartered
marshmallow, you know what
I mean.)
There are several schools of
thought on how to accomplish
the cleavage. One calls for a
sharp serrated knife, dipped fre
quently in powdered sugar. Anoth
er prescribes scissors, dunked in
water. Still another suggests tear
ing the marshmallows apart with
the fingers. All three of these
methods leave something to be
desired, (a) They're messy, (bl
They're time-consuming, (c) They
leave the marshmallows in unat
tractive hunks, certainly less than
uniform. Besides, when you put
them In a howl in preparation for
adding other Ingredients, they all
stick together again anyway. The
cut edges of the marshmallows
arc stickier than glue.
Now that we have miniature
marshmallows, our worries are
over. What next?.
Dr. Hemingway
Named Speaker
Dr. Max Hemingway, Bend phy
sician, will be a featured speaker
at the Pacific and Rocky moun
tain area regional meeting of the
American Heart association May
19 and 20 in Santa Barbara, Calif.,
Oregon Heart Association head
quarters bave been advised.
Dr. Hemingway, whose study of
rheumatic fever in Bend public
schools has been supported by
giants from the Oregon Heart as
sociation, will speak May 19 on
the subject, "A Physician Ex
plains the Rheumatic Fever Prob
lem to the Citizen,"
Medical science has found that
rheumatic fever is almost always
preceded by a streptococcal Infec
tion, and Dr. Hemingway's study
amiyig Bend school children Is re
lated to rheumatic fever control by
means of routine throat cultures
to determine the presence of hem
olytic streptococcus.
The association reports that 90
per cent of the heart cases among
ciuiurt-n can utr iracea 10 rneu
matic fever.
Meeting Purpose Told
Purpose of the Santa Barbara
meeting is to plan for the devel
opment of effective programs for
the prevention and treatment of
rheumatic fever. The American
Heart association and the U. S,
Public Health Service are current
ly conducting a "Stop Rheumatic
Fever" campaign, designed to
make rheumatic fever a rare dis
ease through prompt and adequate
treatment of the streptococcal in
fections which precipitate both ini
tial and repeat attacks.
Representatives from eight
states, Alaska and Hawaii will
participate in the two-day discus
sions at Santa Barbara.
The studies in Bend have been
under the supervision of the St.
Charles Memorial Hospital Rheu
matic Fever committee, with Dr.
Hemingway as president, Dr. J.
II. Stewart, medical - director of
the Tri-county health department
as vice-president, and W. H. Sloll-
mack, manager of the hospital as
secretary. 1
Coon hunters were up In arms to
day over a law recently enacted
by the Legislature to protect deer
from unleashed hunting dogs dur
ing the fawning season.
Legislators said they hadn't no
ticed that the law would virtually
abolish coon hunting, a favorite
sport here, and promised to repeal I
Howdy Pardner
For Western M usic At Its Best
Hear Frank Smith & His Bullfrog 'Pedro1
(Originator of the "TRIPLE T RANCH" Show)
Monday thru Saturday 6 to 7 a.m.
On Central Oregon's Favorite Radio Station
Hospital Budget
Accepted May 10
Special lo The Bulletin
REDMOND Estimated expen
ditures and receipts for Central
Oregon district hospital for 1955-
56 are both up, according to the
budget accepted Tuesday night.
Analysis of estimated tax levies,
however, show less than a $1,000 in
crease over last year because- of
estimated higher receipts.
Estimated expenditures total
$326,281.50 and estimated receipts
total $287,710.62, leaving a balance
of $38,570.88 to be raised by taxa
tion. This figure plus estimated
$6,806.62 In uncollectaole taxes for
1955-56 makes the total estimated
tax levies $45,377.50. This dividend
$17,990 for the operating fund and
$27,387.50 for debt service on the
districts bond Issues; Comparable
figures tor 1954-55 are $27,425 and
$16,972 for a total of $44,397.
Budget board members adopted
the proposed 1955-56 budget with
less than an hour's deliberation,
Wages generally show an increase
in nearly all departments of the
hospital. Cost of supplies vary con.
siderably, more or less, in the
several departments. Total expen
ditures of $326,281.50 compares
with $313,705.23 for the current
year. - -
In the estimated receipts the
largest anticipated increase is In
medical rooms. X-ray,, laboratory
and pharmacy estimated receipt
figures are up somewhat. Surgi
cal rooms and kitchen are down
a little. The budgeted item for
collection of delinquent taxes is
$5,000 compared to $2,000, and es
timated collections on 1952-54 ac
counts receivable is $7,000 com
pared to $15,000 for 1954-55. Total
estimated net receipts is figured
at $287,710.62, and for the current
year the figure was $274,862.54.
' Joe Brown was budget board
chairman and B. L. Fleck was
secretary. Others serving were
W. A. Hughitt, C. E. Thompson
and Dr. John Dorsch.
Meeting with the budget board
were regular board members E.
Wade West, D. L. Penhollow and
Mrs. Ethel Smith. Also present
were accountant Lee Rennolds, at
torney George Rakestraw and hos
pital manager Fred Baer. The
public hearing on the budget is set
for Tuesday, June 14 at 8 p.m.
WOW What Shows for Fri. 13th
See Both These Shows
L Thriller.
3-D Glasses - 15c A .Pair
& J m tumum 'mum
A Special Spook Show for
Knights Select
New Officers
' Special to The Bulletin .
PRINEVILLE New officers
were elected this week at a meet
ing of die Knights of Columbus.
John Vossen was chosen as grand
knight; Mike Kasper, deputy
grand knight; Vernon Pound,
chancellor; Frank Yazzalino, re
corder; Al Neville, Warden; Emll
Dreher, advocate; Russel Vernon, :
inside guard; Robert Staley, out
side guard and John C a r v.
treasurer. ,
Vernon Staley, acting grand
knight and Vossen were named as
delegates to the state convention
in Portland, May 13-15. Alternates
are Joe Thalhofer, and Vernon
Pound. ' - ...
' XI
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