OUT OUR WAY by J. R. Will! OUR BOARDING HOUSE wrfhMaforHoopie jTn Meet In Bend I 111 I ii IktSs. OP THAT W TWO OF US- - cJpfmCUEO.Wh -CKfi " eB VS iiEPT X . jmmmmw' 7!Heun wuhwe j-- otr'mi at tue switch am let 1 ilfll I 'I'll! Il'yil RWDTrlE If WeHOLPINS ? &&-t TH6 CRAW TISAIM ''l1-- lilllfi1'; . I START OP A THE UAPDK V -r NAK'HAKf A T coll. RV2T MOST OUFXGeW, ft vOTHSJ'l V- k; 4Sbft ifti T VWhi We clutch rf u'k . why mothers, aeragly ,,HW,wt JM sRAWCBMSiSs" -33d 731 lata ' Boots and Her Buddies 1 fT" a t I rWfr VI I M rl I M Sccoow Of we & cctv A w30ow I ixxvb fvv wM vost '.vvtftSS Y ft; "WKSW. Kl MM , ' ftVVlirnP N SWiiW6,.)'WMi A CrNftNCi'. "SVDt. -fr-fr JORlY ' IT ftNWffiftS SOW L, , ASOWE WPec i h-frlT SWt iWVrrirh ( r ? ) ff jpjsjftUffljMv &g;.t5i a TTLW21 Wcc-J vftLwi n ? nxnTiTm yv .Wrrnvr rJ- TT"' tTTT fs5-- t - i TvS:1' ill riSlAl I 1 I (I mJ I I ' I (-1 I I II I " I I I II I IIUr,1IM't'UrlV t.M ! U WI.I I lllffiMgMf Hfl I I I I I I I I I I I Captain Easy V v( PUNNO WHV I KlkPlOEP TMM" W8 POUND OHi THEM B100WN1 1 1 IP Y6R MBN WILL V THAT MM Y SE6 WOT iTl v-VCW''N PWSONCOCK AN' BULL STORy, 5IR.il TIED UP IN TH6 (kCKPOTe? THB HOLP OFF Hlft CHEW S66NI A BIT VWEAN.PAL? f?f IR I R6(5KETS I TH' M0MENVjr COVERED WITH APPIBO WOT BRAIN . T DECK WITH THI J -ER-APWRAL. I f fl&lfj. I , YOU WA PUT TO lyrtfYS L v" HAD.SO WB"rZ W00SB-PACED, UNT- BUT IP APOREV I i116'! ! W ALL TWA TROUSL SK?! " TUB.ad KL J''s jVflENERAL. UMnen. POiwu IH) A TO set it! V SIKJi kOVBRNOTHIN'l CAMIST loue PIRATt! 1 ' 7 ikiiiiiiiBi.iie--. fuirii iviLJuyWikw.aagv- i vie rnnr - . - - - " , i, ' ' ' ' rtXi&& MM AVW HMft TALL DARK AMD CUBVBSOMB. i HJ I , . , " , 1 15LiST Ll?5 1 PE3yS(?JV QUIT VMDRKW6 HBSS, LTWAT HfiRsj ALL BffiWT.., jTjl pfr A' , ' , J SURPRISB TURN5 TO s KEiTiOJiI. AV HER THAT BUNPLB I fRrWlFi 1 1 1 1 II III -I r f Hzi Slf Ji fnPtrWH1! a Martha Wayne . ; ' . I'i ' .im- - ff """ , . Wl.miH 7WATHAWHILIY0IJ WEIEAT f WAT Ap .. E.E.PRiOOY, THE PLASTICS CfMTERVILLE'S (MEEKSR.IlirWWICe) FORMDUAT BOBERTS.OUR NEW PACT-TWE V NAME.. YlfSl BUYUSOUT WITH H ER O0D AN0IND6 COACH INSISTS.'anO THE BPRIN ) V OAL CHICKED INE.CAROL X THELWA-T If jl 7 Srr W"M) CL ' Rugs Bunny ' Alley Pop I y" MSaiJfc'L'AN'r Bfc! lVIHKf5Jlai:,vl..,.AN' THEY ' "lUKJES PO"T"lHl'iS7AN" V"" ,.., WM. BOYS. S Ilr5; NOB0PV WEARING ...TWEKE JUMPEPOC TKML ftlMiS ONLY PF. ONE VikiSlS. NtE SONC ! .11' A FY GO5H.00P SHOES IN IVIIS MU5T BE... IUWSGLC... AUAV...NU1HIN! EnANMU.iN.. J'Vk VE'WIR . 'iff7 r'iJ 'THOSE SIJRIi ) MILLlONlS-OF-l AN' NOT JLCT BUT 1UW 3 I DON'T A TH TIME- rMf-:;r'l-SL vf"'n S ! 'I f l ACE ;Ht'l:" OX NEARS-CLP ONE. BUI TWO S VVUERE IT , 5AVW IT.' MACHINE tjtfl' riv" 'Ti(TP5Axn Frecklos and H Prjnd ; ! f!' f IlkATAM EVAM KIT OMC 1 AM FRAR WITH X TWATS A SlirT.P. T WASTFD AII.LAGr , , A4, I WMAT 1'S JIFFT POCKPTMIR- IOO MA6IC WOPOS &IZMO , BAJOO. N'Ur CR.MNllNo Pssriveoor . MVA ? ft ror. a penwim , -m ir a mani- I BurtouKE too foe wi tKAMi ' &OM6TMIWO" MOT KJT'JrVV BUILT-IN SLIDE , fYlNtj GUM TO , I ATP V " 1 ton CAHT rvpS yif t-tt,fe V RULE r7 . READ WE tWStR.' V-Nr.-.,pP . J -we ships to mset, the Ai!L-mf I Ll A XrZXr ca :VtI i r ' I f iC Jl3 LA GRANDE (UP) R. Eupne Morrison. Salem, Monday was elected president of the Oregon Slate Association of Letter Car hers at the group's annual con vention here. Bend was chosen as the next convention's site. Other officen elected at the close of the two-day meet were WilJiam Corey, La Grande, vice Secretary; Jack Gr?nz, Albany, treasurer; Larry Rose of Medford, chairman of the executive board; and Gilbert Jones, Portland, and Edgar V. Amo, Salem, board members. Fret Sample at your Drue Store SQJJRDC3 FOR THE RELIEF OF RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIC PAIN an t IrMtmnltnm trfat hit, Mbrtf fmnntf sfa nttM Dai is swirr-DiiKTiNamurtow pain, o tn 8UKIN1 U woriu wttkMl ftowck apxa wlildi am bt mm bj 1- 4otlos...yo imm imou m auKin a llw pot of palabMUM H HaMi I act imu u o appv ...tmtm U1 ran IMMIITi,WHIHr Mwlll Drue Co. Menon Arrives In Red China HONG KONG (UP) Indian dip-' lomat V. K. Krishna Mennn reached Red China Tuesday on a mission that might set up talks be tween the United State and Com munist China and bring about the release of imprisoned American airmen. Krishna Menon flew into Hong Kong and then crossed the border of the British colony inti Rol China en route to Canton and Peiping. The Indian United Nations delo- gate who is a roving ambassador lor Prime Minister JawaharUl Nehru said he was going to Red China at the invitation of Premier Foreign Minister Chou En-lai. Chou invited him to make the visit to continue the discussions they start ed at the recent Bandung confer ence, Krishna Menon told report ers at Hong Kong airport. He denied he was going to Pei ping as a mediator trying to settle the Formosa dispute and refused to disclose the exacLpurpose of his trip. 2a Tht Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, May 1 1, 1955 SWEETIE PIE by Nadine Seltzer POOR FftRM CLOSED JAMESTOWN, N. D. (UP) The Stutsman County poor farm has gone out of business. Officials said there were not enough resi dents to make it profitable. Vote, of .4 Central Oregon ? V, if,(, . . .p TONIGHT 8 PROGRAM S :00 Gabriel Heattr 6:16 Dinner Metodlei 1:80 Behind the Story Hum Nwt l;66 Song of tha Dy :00 Crime Fitrhten 7:80 Bend Garage Mem :46 Kemember When r :60 Eveninic Melolirt 1:00 Siiinir (Jo Snort 8:80 Royal Crown Show 1 :4fi rwiort to Dreams 1 :00 Newi 9:16 Fulton Lewla, Jr. 1:80 Off the Record i:30 True 1-totectiv Mysteriet :ou Siirn Off THI RSDAY. MAY 12, J955 5:00 Triple T Kanch 1:4ft Farmer Reporter ' :00 h rank Hemingway Newr :16 Breakfast Gang :ao Morning Melodies 7 : 40 News 1 :ib Morning Roundup 1:00 Clifr Enale News 1:20 Northwest News -Kralt 6-Star Newaeast 1:30 Haven Of Rmt 9 ;)' Mwlo-ljind Bulletin Board 9 :0o Th. Mirning Special :1J hralt fi-btur Ncwacant H:2i)Morninir Special -The Konu ec lhe Star :46 Top Tuna I :(H Nows :lf Tello TeHt ratihion 1 rtrmU il:Hf,--Souk of the Day 1:40 It's A Woman World -Ni'Wi l:B0 Mun About Town -Northwest News :0O Floru Calling i :26 Kraft 6 -Star Newnnurt - (Jut'on for a Iuy 12:00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Classified 12:16 Sports Review 12:20 Noon Time Melodies 12 :30 News 12 :46 Farmer's Hour 1 :00 Red-nond Digest 1: IB Realty News 2:00 Platter Preview 2:16 Bend Ministerial Assoc tat'on 2:80 Platter Preview 3:00 Platter Preview $:1R Northwest News 8 :20 Central Oregon News 8:26 Kraft 6-Star Newscast 8:80 You Win 8:45 Tello Test 4 :00 Popular Demand 4:16 Frank Hemingway News 4 :S0 Here's the Answer 4:46 Sam Hayes Nws 6:00 Sirt. Preston 6:80 Melody Way 6:46 Bill Brundixe, Snorts 6:55 Kraft 6-Sb.r b'inal 6:00 Gaorlel Heattn 6:16 Songs of Our Times 6 :30 Evening Melodies 0 :46 Sam Hayes 6 :f6 Song of the Day 7:00 Muhic for Powerland 7 :H0 Bend Garage News 7 :46 Remember When 7 :60 Evening Melodies 8:00 Camera Club 8:06 Pattspurt to Daydreams 8:30 Eddie Fisher Show 8 :46 Musical Portraits 9 :00 News 0:16 Fulton Lewis Jr. 0 :80 Island Serenade 9:45 Off the Record 10:80 O'ficial Detective 11:0081 t Off It tj NU StnKa. bK. ' . tv' I efeinrm. 5-ia ""W-I Co. 1966 bv NIA SarM. kw. of "Sweetie Pie put bubble bath in itl" Actress Has New Husband LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP) Ten years of life as a single woman ended Tuesday for actress Joan Crawford when soft drink execu tive Alfred N. Steele, 54, took her for an airplane ride that turned out be an elopement. Miss Crawford, 47, and the pres ident of Pepsi Cola Co. were mar ried in a quiet civil ceremony aft er a spur of the moment flight in Steele's private plane from HolWwood. The actress' marriase to Phillip TerT, her third, ended in 1945. Steele, who divorced his second wife, Lillian Nelson, this March in Acapuleo, Mex., has escorted Miss Crawford for three years and their marriase came as no surprise to friends in- Hollywood. The couple were dining at Rom anoff's restaurant in Hollywood last night when Miss Crawford remarked she had never flown before. Steele at once offered to take her up in his private plane, friends said. ' Steele of New York, hired an American Air Lines pilot and the whole party flew here. En route, the couple decided to make the trip their elopement, and a few hours after they arrived, they were married by Municipal Judge John Mcndoza in the penthouse of the Flamingo Hotel. Burt Knighton, Steele's assistant, acted as best man. Other friends attending were Mr and Mrs. Andrew Fuller, of Fort Worth, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goffstein, of Hollywood, and Dave Schiller. Miss Crawford wore a black, off the, shoulder silk dress and a fur stole. The clerk who issued the wedding license described her as "perfectly beautiful." - Malheur Scene Of New Drilling ONTARIO, Ore. (UP) Drilling in Malheur county will start soon on a new cNploratory well for gas and oil, Ray Ranger, Texas oil man who will do the drilling, said today. The site of the new shaft will be 10 miles north of. Vale. It will he done in cooperation with the Oroeo Cll and Gas Co., which struck gas in commercial quanti ties in a wall near New Plymouth, Idaho on April 26. (iOOO 1KKU BACKKIKES OMAHA (UP) Two men in a stolen station wagon stopped on a highway near here to aid a stranded motorist. It was the mo torist's description of the men and the car that led to their arrest the following morning. SO MUCH MORE CAR... AT SUCH A LOW PRICE'. Plummiltt itirlnerl SHk "Ani.rlca', Most Beautiful Car" by famous professional artists, tho Society of Illustrator. Have you compared price tags on Plymouth and the other two low-price cars lately? And, have you checked prices on the medium-price cars that claim they cost as little as Plymouth? If you have, you've discovered three facts of great importance:. BEST BUY NEW; BETTER TRADE-IN, TOO V 1 Model for model, all low-prire car arc priced about the same. But the Plymouth price includes such items as electric windshield wipers, an oil hath air cleaner, resistor-type spark pings, and a high output generator; items you have to pay rxtrn lor on the other ears. ( And don't ho fooled by the claims, of medium-price cars that they cost as little a Plymouth; add total prices you'll seo the difference quickly.) Prices of llic liig, tirauliful Plymouth arc surprisingly low ! At Plymouth's low prires you get a car that's not only larger and roomier than all the other cars in Plymouth's field, hut actually fcipgcr lhan some cars costing trtany hun dreds of dollars more! And when it conies to endurance, Plymouth leads them nil! That's why there are more Plymouth used us taxi cabs than nil oilier cars cumhined! When you compare VAt.l'K, Plymouth is like the high-price ears in everything hut the priec tag! It's the only low-price car this year with all -new. Forward -Look styling. In powcrplants, Plymouth offers the thriftiest, smoothest six, and the most powerful standard V-8 in the lowest-price field. Inside, il's the roomiest, most comforlablc car of "all 3," and has the greatest visibility of any low-price car. A lot of people arc finding out that Plymouth's low price offers the most value per dollar o any car in its field. So many people, in fact, that Plymouth sales have been record-breaking this year. See your dealer today, and you'll sec why the big suing this year is to PLYMOUTH. PLYMOUTH i i i i i 1 Plymoutn dealer m jwhe.tdqujrters tor Jjf ftmouth Dealer are ItittrJ In yovr dawned fsJsphvrw Dtrsxhwy