Pirates Powered to Victory By George Freese's Homer By MILTON KICHMAN United Press Sports Writer : By far the proudest guy In base ball today was George Freose of the Pirates, who neither roon-s with his kid brother, Gene, nor runs around with him, but openly roots for him with a passion that surpasses even brotherly love. The 28-year-old George had a grin on his face a mile wide when 21-year-old Gene bashed his first major league grand slam homer Tuesday night in an eight-run eighth inning that powered Pitt . burgh to a 9-6 victory over Mil waukee. " ' Actually, big brother Freese'a bases-loaded single in the eighth drove home the two runs that put the Pirates ahead but George was only interested in Gene's subse quent wallop which moved Pitts burgh to within four percentage poinnts of the first division. "My only concern is Gene," says the husky George "quietly. 'Whether I make It or not doesn't bother me so much, but I'd, give anything In the .world to see him come through, j . ', Standings i Major League Standings . By UNITED PRESS American League W. L. Pet. OB Cleveland i - 18 7. .720 ...s. Chicago 15 8 .652 2 New York 14 9 .609 3 Detroit , 14 11 .560 4 Washington 10 14 .417 Ihs Kansas City . . 9 14 ,391 8 Boston 9 17 .346 9',i Baltimore 8 17 .320 10 Tuesday's Results Baltimore 11 Kansas City 1 (night) Washington 7 Detroit 4 (night) Cleveland 9 New York 6 (nigh) Chicago 4 BoBton 2 Wednesday's ' Probable Pitchers Detroit at Washington . Carver (2-4) vs Stone (1-3). : Kansas City at Baltimore Kell ner (2-1) vs Kretlow (0-2). Cleveland at New York Wypn (2-0) vs Turley (5-0). Chicago at Boston Trucks (2-2) vs Sullivan (2-4). ' Thursday's flames '.. Chicago at Baltimore, night. Kansas City at Boston Cleveland at Washington, night. (Only games scheduled) Nntlonal League W. L. Pt. GB Brooklyn 22 2 .817 New York 12 11 .522 9, Milwaukee 12 12 .500 10, Chicago 12 14 . ,4f IT Pittsburgh 11 13 .158 11 St. Louis 9 12 .129 lUv Cincinnati -' ' 9 15 .375 13 Philadelphia , . 8 16 .333 14 Tuesday's Results Brooklyn 3 Chicago 0 New York 8 Cincinnati 4 (night) St. Louis 5 Phlla 3 (night, 10 inns) Pittsburgh 9 Milwaukee 6 (nlidit) Wednesday's Probable Pitchers Pittsburgh at Milwaukee Kline (2-2) vs Nichols (2-0).. Brooklyn at Chicago Meyer (2-0) vs Andre (0-0). New York at Cincinnati (night) Henrn (4-1) vs Nuxhall (3-1), Philadelphia at St. Louis (nltfit) Roberts (3-3) vs Jackson (1-0. Thursday's flumes . Philadelphia at Cincinnati, night Brooklyn at Milwaukee, night. Pittsburgh, at Chicago New York at St. Louis, night. IT mm The Terrific Bargains AT BEND FURNITURE During Their REMODELING SALE! BEND FURNITURE Values- Save $1.55 on this FOAM RUBBER CUSHION PAD Reg. $4.50 Salter Special 255 VMH I WKHOt UM y i i i i I L 916 Wall "After all," the older Free iiins, "if he makes it and I don't, lie can always get me passes to the ball games." George Needn't Worry From the way it looks, however, George needn't worry because he and Gene, who is only putting in his third year in professional base ball, both loom large in Pitts burgh's plans. Meanwhile the ' lowly Phila delphia Phillies dropped their 10th straight game when they weie beaten, 5-3, by the Cardinals on Bill Virdon's 10th inning homer. Roikie southpaw Luis Arroyo lim ited the Phils to five hits, including a homer toy Del Ennis, in snap ping St. Louis' seven-game losing streak. ' Brooklyn kept rolling along with IU- 22nd victory in 24 starts as big Don Newcombe faced only 27 men and pitched a one-hitter in beat ing the Cubs, 3-0. The shutout was the first for Newcombe since Sept, 29, 1951 and ran his lifetime record over Chicago to 11-0. Duke Snider's ninth homer in the sixth inning was all the margin Newcombe needed. Gene Baker's fourth inn ing single wns the only hit off Newcombe but Baker was erased stealing. Two homers by Willie Mnys and another by Hank Thompson helped the Giants beat the Redlegs, 8-4. Southpaw Johnny Antonelli record ed this third victory even though he was nicked for homers by Chuck Harmon and Wally Post. Indians Beat Yankees Cleveland remained two namT In front of the American League race with a 9-6 victory over the Yankees. Don Mossi's hilless relief pitch ing after he entered the game in the eighth inning saved Bob Lem on's sixth victory. Lemon allowed nine hits but was supported by a 14-hit attack that included homers by Bobby Avila and Dave Pope. Home runs by Jim Rivera, Chico Carrasquel and George K e 1 1 brought the White Sox from behind to a 4-2 victory over the Red Sox. Tom Brewer held Chicago score less until Rivera homered in the seventh. Relief pitcher Harry Dnr- irti was the winner aitor relicviig Bob Kecgan in the sixth. An eight-run rally in the sixth, touched off by Gus Triandos, hom er olf loser Lou Slealer, gave the Orioles an 11-1 decision over the Athletics, who suffercjt their tilth straight setback. Sleater wns do!rg 'well until the sixth When he left fnllnwine- Triundos' homer, n walk and two more hitsthat tilled the bases. Hairy Byrd as the winner although relieved by Ray Moore. Bob Porterficid npeded help, too, but ,was credited Mill his fourth victory in Washington's 7-4 tri umph over Detroit. The Senators struck for four runs in, the second and clinched the game with an other pair In the sixth. Whitman Downs Lowly Pacific By UNITED PRF.SS Whttmnn flrinllv won H came Oil Its Willamette valley swing but the Missionaries still were trailing Willnmcttc for the Northwest Con ference baseball lead today. Wliltmnn downed lowlv Pacific 15-7 at Forest Grove yesterday to boost Its record to 10-5. But Wil lamette blanked College of Idaho 12-0 to stay on top with an 8 3 mark. Defending Champion Llnfield suffered a serious blow to its title hopes by dropping a 10-9 decision to Lewis and Clark. Li nil old dropped to third place with an 8-5 murk by the loss. A rotNTKK BLOOMINGTON, 111. (UP) Roger Coppcnbnrger, filling sta tion attendant, scared ott two men who pulled a gun on him and de manded his money, simply by pointing a finger nt a squad ear that had just stopped for a traffic signal across the street. The men fled. at Houk-Van Allen TRADE Fully Chars! CnrflPwH OuaranfM spi) If S & H Green Stamp HOUK-VAN ALLEN Street BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin, Weekly Fishing Forecast Made Central Oregon anglers this weekend will, find Crooked river high and muddied by melting Ochoco snow, but with fishing con ditions on the Ochoco reservoir somewhat improved. Some good morning catches have been made on Lake Ochoco .tins week be tween the hours of 7 and 9, game commission personnel report. The Deschutes river in Ihe Warm Springs, Mecca and Trout creek areas was muddy this past weekend and with Crooked river moving silt from the east is ex pected to continue muddy over over the weekend. . Fishing at Wickiup reservoir, which yielded meager catches on the opening weekend of the sea son, is improving, and the Des chutes river south of Bend is re ported fair to good. Best angling has been obtained through use of worms as bait. Spinning lures are meeting with fair success. Fair angling has been reported from the Little Deschutes, level of which is now low. There have been dally bug hatches. Kokanee angling has been good at Qdell lake. Suttle lake has pro duced good catches of kokanee and rainbow. Davidson Park To See Action Special to The Bulletin PRINEVtLLE The Davidson ball park will take a powerful drubbing this summer, according to the various baseball schedules that are being outlined for a wide assortment of ages and leagues. The largest group is the Little Leagues, with more, lhan lit) youngsters between tin ages of 9 lo 15 having signed uf for a sea son of baseball. Jesse Woolridge, Cloak county sheriff, is in charge h( the Little Leagues, the Peewoes and the Junior Leagues. He Is being as sisted by Vernon Boyer and Henry Linens. Woolridge says mat coaches for the 24 teams are be ing selected now. Players for the teams, filed with the exuberance of spring and the prospect of base bull, were divided into squads at a meeting Monday night. The learns will play four days n week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and sched uling of competition will start in about two weeks, according to Bill Stryker. He Is chairmen of the hall park for the Lions club which nunmges the affairs ol Davidson park. Other playing dates for use ol the park will be named for nn older age group, just out of high school, who have organized into the "Prinevllle Babes." Norman Sweet is manager of "The Babes. He says that he hns a number of recent grads ready to start lirnctire including Gil Schneider, Ray Hall, Ron Pnrrish, Marty Howard and Steve Martin. Sweet hopes to have the first game of the season on May 24 and has been negotiating with n Portland ball loam for the game KKOSII WIN 16-13 CORVALLIS (UP) The Oregon Frosh nutshigged the Oregon Stats Rooks Ui- 13 in a wild baseball gume yesterday that saw U errors. Don Lane. Fresh pitcher, hurled until two were out in the ninth and Ron Whitaker finished up by striking out the final Roik batter. - IN - SALE Firestone Motor King BATTERY MOST CARS 9 95 and Your Old I ONLY 75c A WEfKl Phone 860 Wednesday, May 11, 1955 SPORTSMAN'S DRY-FLY FISHING ACROSS CURRENT FOREWARNS FISH jS543 Dry-fly fishing across cur rents IS THE MOST DIFFICULT method; FLy's natural drift IS short before line begins drag on flj causing an un natural "v trail. prevent "v" forming by "mending" the. cast; flipping bowed line upstream without moving fly. this requires skill. It's easier to cast dry fly to upstream side of a dim pled rise, and pick it up beyond the. - rise. this is --r SPOT-FISHING 10---DRIFT -X EACH RISE. - Panthers Edge Sisters 4 to 3 Special to The Bulletin SISTERS The Sisters Outlaws were recently hosts to the Red mond Panthers on their home dia mond. The Panthers beat Sisters 4 to 3 behind the four-hit pitching of Cooper. Redmond got three runs In the second inning off three hits two Sisters errors and one run in the fourth inning off three hils. Willis Winkle allowed only' six hits in Ihe game. Sisters was hold scoreless until their half of the seventh inning when they capital ized on two hits, two bases on balls and a Redmond error to bring in their three runs. The Outlaws had the tying run on base when the last out was niadel Cooper struck nine men out while Willis Winkle struck out eight Jin the baseball game. xirtinr If HnrfV For ?lay Day Special tn The Bulletin SISTERS Members of the Sis ters high school track team met nt (lie Redmond track for a dual meet with Culver on Wednesday, May 4. Sisters won first place in the meet with a total of 71 points while Culver garnered 5.1. Gene Harrison took first place In the high hurdles, the low hur dles, the Ravelin and ran on the winning relay team. Carroll Raines won first place in the 100 yard dash and in the 2'.'0 - yard dash and ran on the winning relay team. Ronnie Olmstend took first in the broad jump and first in the mile. Ronny Phillips won tirst place in the javelin and was a member of the relay team. Willis Winkle took first place In the shot put and second place in the 880. Leon ard Langliers took a second place in the high hurdles and was n member of the relay team. Dave Barclay was second in the 220 yard run. Gordon Mouser was first in the pole vault, third in the 410 and tied for second in the high jump. Stanley Passmore took third places in both the shot put and the discus. Mike Smith took third place in t lip 880 and also in the pole vault. The , Sisters high school track team will wind up the season with the district truck meet at Bend, May 14. COACH NAMKD KLLENSHURG,' Wash. (UP)-A. II "Abe" Folfenroth, former fool ball coach nt Eastern Washington College, has been named head football coach at Central Washing ton, Dr. Robert E. McConnell, president ol Central said today. Pyramid Paid Us $294.00 We Are Happy With ?a SELMA, ORE. "We are very liuppy to thank the Pyramid Life Insurance Co. for their , check for $294.00, which we received on our recent claim. I don't know what we would have done without this check. Our friends will certainly hear from us nbout this won derful Pyramid Plan." So writes Mr. nnd Mrs. Willinm ; R. Stepp or Box 232. . If you do not have insurance to help meet the expenses of I hospital and medical bills you should get all the facts on the Two in Ninth Gives Bend 7-5 Win Over RUHS The Bend high school baseball team squeezed in two runs in the top of the ninth and set the Pan thers down in order to .win a 7-5 contest played In Redmond last night. The Redmond squad jumped to an early lead over the Bruins in the first frame and pushed three runs across on three hits and an error. The Bears came back shortly in the third and scored Gentry from third after loading the bases. Crowell made the sacrifice to score the run. Bend returned to the plate at the top of the third and put Bon- sell on base with a single. Lena burg walked and a passed ball put runners on first and third, fionsell crossed the plate on a fly ball to right and Lenaburg advanced as far as third. Copenhaver singled to right to force in the tieing run. The Redmond nine were not easily dismayed and after lying scoreless for four innings brought a run in from third with a hard hit single. In the seventh, both teams be gan to put on the pressure. Bend started the scoring with a single by Bonsell that pushed Copenha ver in from second. Bonsell stole third and crossed home on a passed ball by the Panther catcher. Redmond took their last turn at bat In the regular game and quick ly loaded the bases on two hits and an error by the Bend center fielder. The eighth, and first extra in ning went by uneventful, but as the Bears took to the bat at the lop of the ninth the team look to life and brought in two runs and then set back the Panthers in or der to finish the game. The scoring came after Crowell singled to third and then stole second base. Bonsell walked and both runners moved up one bag on a passed ball. Another passed ball brought Crowell in to score and pushed Bonsell all the way to third. Ralph Tollen laid one down the third base line to squeeze Bon sell in to make the score 7-5 and end the scoring for the afternoon Both hurlors, Ed Lindstrom of Redmond and Bend's Denny Lena burg, threw for the full nine-inning set-to. With this win under their belts the Bend team has a Central Ore gon record of five wins and; two Several times through the con test the pitchers were faced with situations that could have com pletely thrown up the game, but they always came out of it in fine shape. The next game for the Bend nine is set for Friday in Albany with the Albany Bulldogs. Qualifying Due For Golf Meet The qualifying rounds for the Bend Golf Club's annual Spr-ig Handicap will get underway Sun day, May 14, at the local links. Sign-ups for the event are pres ently being conducted at the club. Male members arc eligible for competition. The pairings for this Sunday's qualifying rounds will be made up Thursday evening and will be post ed for all members to see. Seven Straight . For Webfoots MOSCOW, Ida. (UP) The Uni versity of Oregon won its seventh straight Northern Division base ball game and Idaho suffered its loth slmight loss yesterday is the Duck-, downed the Vandals 15-9. Idaln led 7 - 2 until the sixth inning w hen Oi-ci;nn scored 9 runs. ,lim .l'llinsw had three hils and Dick Sehlnsstein. George Shnw and Neal Marlett two blows each lor Oregon. Jim Howard had three hits for Idaho. Bill Blodgett was the winning .Oregon liuvler while Dave Ander son took the loss for the Vandals. SEATTLE WINS SEATTLE (UP) Seattle t'ni versity downed Seattle Pacific Col lege 15-5 and 5-1 in a college baseball twin bill here yesterday. Pyramid Plan. We have pre pared nn informative booklet on this typo of insurance which should help you decide what you need. Send to Pyr amid Life Insurance Co., 727 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City 1, Kas. and we'll mail you your free copy of "What You Should Knou ylbout Health and Accident Insurance." Pyramid's liberal protection at low cost can mean security and peace of mind to you and vour family. Get the facts today. 5-1 Victory by San Diego Lifts Padres Info 2nd Spot By PETER HAYES I'nlted Praw Sports Writer Rookie John Carmichael. fired a four-hitter at Hollywood last night for a 5-1 San Diego victory that lifted the flying Padres into sec ond place in tht Pacific Coast League and ran their win streak to eight straight. It was the longest victory rec ord for any team this season and hoisted last year's champions past Los Angeles to -within one game -t the 1 e a g u e-leading Seattle Hamlers who downed the Angels, 1-1. In other games. San Francisco 'ook two from Sacramento, 2-1 ind 1-0, and Oakland outslugged Portland, 9-8, to drop the Bevos from fourth to sixth place. Carmichael's victory tended to substantiate' his pre-season no tices. Reputed as slow to reach top vform, the 25-ycar-old right hander won his first game after one defeat last week when he hurled a three-hitter against Port land. I'nde-r Control His cracking curve ball won him 20 games with Yakima of the Western International League last year and, except for one lapse, tie had It well under control last night. That was in the sixth when Gail Henley socked his first homer of the year. Carmichael fanned seven and walked two. The Pads collected eight hits off Cholly Naranjo (2-5) and Cal Hogue and won It with a three-run rally in the bottom of the sixth. In Lbs Angeles, Monte Bas- gall's two run homer in the sec ond was all the margin Larry Jansen (3-0) needed although he Emeralds Bang Out 15-0 Win By UNITED PRESS That old home atmosphere must be just what the doctor ordered for the Eugene Emeralds of the Northwest Baseball League. The Emeralds clobbered Spokane 15-0 at Eugene last night to take over third place in the loop as lefty Bcrly Hodges tossed a nifty three-hitter. . Eugene supported Hodges with a 12-hit attack including a three- run homer rn the fifth by George Huffman. The Emeralds" scored eight times in the first inning and added their other seven runs in the lifth'. Tri-City scored twice in the sixth tc edge Yakima 3-2 with richer Dale Bloom quelling a ninth-inning Yakima rally in which the Bears got one run and almost pulled it out of the fire. Dick Bergen's sacrifice fly drove home the de ciding run. Tom Agosta was the hitting stilt is Salem scuttled Lewiston l-2. I!;s single in the fourth sent two runs across and ' his sixth-inning single plated the final Salem run. Don Frailey's homer in the third with the bases empty accounted for Salem's other run. EPEAT CENTRAL Ves, last week's Ad was so well accepted by you folks that we are continuing this Special price on NYLON V. S. ROYAL 8 TIRES AT LESS than the cost or Kayon fires. Yon don't have to wait for those 4th of July Specials to buy your SAKE TIKES for hot summer lime driving. THE ONLY NYLON TIRE ON TMF MADVCT witu ah ...... .:.v.."". ' neat H WUNUtKhUL 1 Totally New Ride Bumps Level Out! 2 Totally New Steering Easier Handling and Control! 3 Totally New Traction Stops Faster, Straight er! 4 Totally New Mileage 250 Extra Miles per 1000! the totally new tire. U. S. Ro BUY NOW BUY THE NEWEST BUY THE BEST Z50 EXTRA MILES IN EVERY THOUSAND Shoop & BEDMONP & Hwy. 97 1291 Wall gave up nine hits. Seattle chased Angel starter Bob Zick (1-21 in the ninth as Bob Balcena singled home two more. Sarrnmontn's John Bnetrs (2-3). like Carmichael a right-handed graduate of the Western Interna tional League, lost a heart&reaKer in Knn Francisco when he lost the second game to Steve Nagy (2-4) definite giving up only tnree mis. Nagy yielded six. The Seals' lone run came in the fifth when Briggs walked Mike Baxes who moved to second on an infield out and scored on light- hitting Jim Moran s single. Gene B e a r d e n, veteran left hander, allowed only four hits in the seven inning opener to' regis ter his fourth win without a set back, the best record in the PCL. The win stopped a five-game los ing streak. The Seals scored two 'n the fourth after 21 scoreless in nings when left fielder Pete Milne lost Chuck Stevens' easy fly In the early evening sun and it fell for a double. ' Joe Brovia s seventh homer in tho icrhih with Billv Console and George Metkovich aboard gave the Oaks their comeback victory ; T3-tlunri n.iklnnd collected 14 fiifo -Ihe Reavers 13 with reliefers Bud Black (1-0) the winner and Earl Mossor (0-1) the loser. Moilmvieh had the best night at iVia nint with a homer, two dou bles and a single. Portland's Don Eggert drove in five runs wim a single and a double. The Linescores: . flot Gnme 7 innlnesl Sacramento 010 000 01 4 1 Son Francisco 000 200 X 2 7 1 Jones (0-2) and Baich; Bearden (3-0) and Ritchey. (2nd pnme) Sacramento 000 000 0000 6 0 Sun Francisco 000 010 00X 1 3 Briggs (3-2) and Baich; Nagy (2-4) and Ritchey. Hollvwood 000 010 0001 4 3 San Dietro 000 003 Ux 5 8 0 Naranjo, Hogue (8) and Man gan; Carmichael (2-1) and Ayl ward. Seattle - 020 000 002-4 8 1 Los Angeles 100 000 0001 9 0 Jansen (3-0) and Ginsberg; Zick, Kuncl, (9) and Pramesa. Oakland 013 002 0309 14 2 Portland 110 132 000-8 13 1 Van Cuyk, Strahs (5), Zabala (Hi Rlack 17) and Neal; Lint, Mossor (6), Anthony (9) and Cal deront. Wolves Blank Vikings Twice MONMOUTH (UP) Oregon Co' lege of Education blanked Port land State twice yesterday, 1 - 0 and 5-0. Ted Owens held Portland Stae to two hits in the first game and scored the winning run on a sing e by his brother, Gene. Kelley Hoy held PSC to one hit in the second game. A pulled muscle forced him to retire in the sixth. PERFORM For Afl "mi ADVANTAGES. 5 Totally New Safety Against Blowouts, Punctures! 6 Totally New Silence Squeal and Hum are Hushed! 7 Totally New Styling Streamlined "Continen tal" Look! A Tntallv N Valno No Premium In Price mi i t Schulze Tire Service ON ALL RETAIL SALES "Your Tubeless Tire Specialist" Gate V Seen for Fight SAN FRANCISCO (UP) Co- promoter Jimmy Murray smilingly declared today "this fine weather piactically puts a SaOO.OOO gate in tht bag for Monday's fight." Murray made that statement as 15 workmen were setting up the ' ring and field seats in Kezar Sta dium, where Don Cockell of Eng- ". land will try to take the heavy weight crown from Rocky Mar--ciano at 11 p.m. EDT Monday. Z The co-promoter said he wee "practically certain" that more' than 40,000 fans would swarm into the concrete and stucc nv, where the football Fo.-ty KLicrs Play. . , Standings Pacific Coast League " W L Pet GB Seattle 21 14 .600 . San Diego 20 15 .571 1 ' Los Angeles 19 15 .559 I'd Oakland 16 18 .471 - 4'i ' San Francisco 16 18 .471 4't Portland 15 17 .469 4'3 Sacramento 15 19 .441 5'i Hollywood 14 20 .412 6is Tuesday's Results San Francisco 2-1 Sacramento 1-0 Oakland 9 Portland 8 Seattle 4 Los Angeles 1 San Diego 5 Hollywood 1 How Series Stand San Francisco 2 Sacramento 0 San Diego 2 Hollywood 0 Oakland 1 Portland 1 Seattle 1 Los Angeles 0 SAVE MONEY en your FIRE INSURANCE! WHY... pay your present fire in surance premium for ?' ' -years in advance .... WHEN ... yon can pay it "continuous," or perpet ual annual basis like lite V 0 insurance? ' v; YOU CAN . . . reduce your cash outlay by TWO-THIRDS by in suring with the Fire Insur ance Exchange, the mod ern, up-to-date way. ' K. Keith Shepard DISTRICT AGENT SO Oregon Ave. Phone SSI LOCAL AGENTS HELMER WALLAN , Bend Phone 1548 M or 331 JOY IIUGHBANKS Trailways Depot Redmond, Phone 478 ' IS S tlnu T.Y anil Vnur Old Recsppable Tire FRINEV1L! t: East Ochoco Hwy. BEND "iv rc. ""CI m WrVJC ,1 A