The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 09, 1955, Page 8, Image 8

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    The Bend Bulletin, Monday, May 9, 1955
15 Crook Counfy Teachers
Fiesign Official Reports
Sped! to The Bulletin
. , PRINEV1LLE The new (each.
ing. roster was outlined this week
bt a meeting of the Crook county
school board. Cecil Sly, county
school superintendent, stated that
at present, the list of teachers
showed about 15 who had resigne
Witt) replacements hired for about
iv vacancies, ine major airncui
ty, he said, was in adequate re
placements for first grade classes
and in the rural areas.
. Five teachers have resigned
from the faculty of the Crook coun
ty high school, with new teachers
hired for four of these positions,
In addition, an extra teacher is
being sought to handle the extra
classes which will evolve with th
added enrollment in the fall. The
high school is expecting a total
enrollment of about 600 pupils In
September. The enrollment has
grown steadily this year to a pres
ent total of 584
Teachers who are resigning from
the high school staff, and their
replacements, arei Henry Aiken
mathematics and science, replaced
by Richard - Mace, Oregon State
college: Joan Morrison, Journal'
, ism, english and speech, no re
placement; John Needham, En
glish and math, replaced by R
C. Niehaus of Portland Utiivirsity
Irene Paquette, girls physical ed
ucation, replaced by Donna U'Ren
of' Oregon State college. Sly said
another teacher Is being sought
for Hie added pupil load In the
freshman and sophomore classes,
but none has yet been named.
Special teachers' who are leav
ing are John Seltmann, conductor
of the grade school band, and Wil
liam Williams in charge of spec
ial education. Seltmann will be re
placed by Donald Springer who
is now teaching at Lexington. Wil
liams has not yet been replaced.
Two changes will occur at the
Junior High school. Rosemary
Reed, social studies, is being re
placed by Gwendolyn Rapier from
Vanderbilt college who has been
teaching in Michigan, and Mabel
Weberg's post will be taken by
Vandora Dixon who is moving to
the junior high school from the
Crooked River staff.
Seven teachers are leaving the
Crooked River grade school staff,
with two vacancies still unfilled
for the first grade. An extra teach
er, Ruth Gabriel, Is also being
added to handle the heavy pupil
load In the fifth grade. Teachers
leaving are Inez Ranford, Ruby
. Brown, Sylvia Warren, Irene Behn
ke, Marie Smith, Glendora Dixon,
Morris Richardson. New teachers
at the school will be Francis Orm
sby of Madras, Betty Council,
Southern Oregon College of EdU
cation; Nova Felkins, Eastern Or
egon College of Education; Bar
bara' Lee McRae and Margai-et
At the Ochoco grade school, only
one change is contemplated. Clau
dia Taylor is leaving and will
be replaced by Eldonna Tillman
of Southern Oregon College.
In the rural areas, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace who have been teaching
at the Lone Pine school are leav
ing. They will be replaced by a
young couple who are to be mar
ried this summer, Benjumln Hoo
ley of Oregon State and Carroll
Johnston who has been teaching
In Redmond.
The Bailey school, in the outly
ing districts of Crook county, has
not yet been claimed by a new
teacher, following Miss Lulu Mont
gomery, who Is retiring this year
ing in central Oregon schools. Oth
er vacancies, as yet unfilled, are
left by the resignation of Thelma
Miller who has taught music and
the 3rd and 4th grades at the
Powell Butte school, and Ardis
McLean, who resigned a few days
ugo from her position as third
grade teacher at the Crooked Riv
er school.
Band Boosters
Make Award
Special lo The Bulletin
REDMOND Larry Pedcn was
given the Band Booster's musi
cianship award at the RUHS band
concert Thursday evening. Recipi
ent of the service award in recog
nition of work in staging, assisting
with equipment and similar "be
hind the scenes" help, was Steve
Kassermun. Larry is first trom
bone and Steve plays cornet. Di
rector Clyde Moore made the pres
He also gave pins lo four grad
itating members of the band, Shir-
'ey Starr, Loletla Rand, John
Dorsch and Larry Peden.
Keeney Resigns
Chamber Post
Kperlal tu The Bulletin
MADRAS Waller II. Keeney,
president of the Madras-Jefferson
County Chumber of Commerce has
resigned from the post, because
he has left his position as Madras
manager of Bend-Portland Truck
service and is moving to John
Day, where he will be employed
by Morgan Truck service
Because Jack McBride, vice-
president, declined to move up lo
the presidency, members elected
Kenneth McCaulou to the office
for the remainder of Keeney's
Morris Priday is Keeney's suc
cessor as Bend-Portland manager.
George MacPherson, who left the
Bend-Portland organization at me
same time as Keeney, is now em
uloyed at Earl's Super Food Mar
Special to The Hulti-lin
MADRAS Interested Individ
uals may nppear before the Mad
ras city council at the group s
regular meeting, Tucsdny, to dis
cuss the city budget for 1355-51),
Joe Pulin, clly recorder, slates
Voting on $41,123.16 outside the six
er cent limitation imposed by law
Is tentatively scheduled May 23 in
the Madras fire hall.
Special Election
Set for May 20
S-HM ial to The Bulletin
MADRAS Jefferson county res
idents will vote on luxes for the
1955 fiscal year and a serial levy,
during a special election Friduy.
May 20.
Voters will decide on the sum
of J98.083.90, which is in excess of
the six per cent limitation im
posed by law.
The other item is to allow Jef
ferson county to levy taxes serluily
during two years, commencing
with 1955-58, not to exceed $25,000;
for each fiscal year, the total sum
to be raised not to exceed $50,000.
Funds will be used for the pur
pose of a jail building and emer
gency courthouse repair fund in
efferson county.
Bend Yesterdays
From The Bulletin, Muy 7, 1903
An election to determine wheth
er the Bend district will issue
bonds for a new school house will
he held on the last duy of May.
The district will request a bond
issue of $3,500 for the building.
The 600 pound bell for the Bap
I'sl church arrived this week. The
church has offered the city the
use of the bell for fire alarms.
Freighter Bill Hoagliind arrived
in town yesterday with his 10-horse
outfit pulling three wagons, lie
left Shaniko with 17.500 pounds of
freight, but unloaded some at wuy
The DIP Co. is now employing
all laborers that come wanting to
work in the ditch camps at $2 a
A daughter was born lo Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Downing at their
homestead near Bend this week.
K. A. Salher's new storeroom
addition is rapidly nearing com-
The case of James Merrill vs.
the Cornell Stage Co. for per
sonal damages resulting from the
upsetting of a stage near Anlel-
one last summer is on trail in
Prineville. It is charged that the
stuge driver was drunk.
pwer Traffic,
Prineville Aim
.Sneelnl to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE If traffic along
Third Street, (he main highway
which bisects Prineville from west
ro east, appears to be moving
slower, it. Is neither an illusion
nor happenstance, according to Po
lice Chief Al Perry. The city po
lice department has been waging
strenuous campaign to slow
down Ihe flow of cars and trucks
through the residential and down
town sections.
Chief Perry stales that 87 ar
rests were made for speeding in
the month of March and that Ihe
effect could be noticed materially
in April, when only 36 speedsters
were halted. He expects the bene
fit to continue, and that Ihe citv
Report Issued
On 'Galloneers'
At the Bloodmobile visit Tues
day in Bend, four donors became
'galloneers for the second time,!
and eight became "galloneers," it!
wus announced trom the Kea
Cross office.
The two-galHneers include Mrs.
George W. Huettl. Merville W.
Moore, Morris Clarl: unci Jnseih
The following gave Mood for the
eighth time: Mrs. Wilfred Ford-
ham, Mrs. Kenneth Arnold, Mrs.
Carroll M. Mudsen, Mi-s. Klara
Larson, D. C. Amundsen. Lowell
Jeasen, Mrs. Melvin O Day and
John Truett.
police rolls for Mnv will show
after more than 40 years in teach- even fewer names.
Speeders Draw
Madras Warning
Soeclal to The Bulletin
MADRAS Traffic regulation en
fnrdement will be stepped up in
Madras, Al Dent, chief of police,
announced late Wednesday follow
ing a series of complaints on
speeding within the city limits.
Comp'aints on drivers in liolh
residential an. I business atea
brought iiliout Ihe announcement.
Hp asked the cooperation of local
residents in cutting down the "dan
gerous practice of speeding."
p '
-ss&?dsrr i
Look for this sign ., .
New gas stops knocks-saves, tool
ye?SinThegDr?eIr?bi,KafS 'm 7 Ut of 10 P'1955
rw a ? 6 r?nge of re8U,ar- Ferndale refining plus Mobil Power
Compound produces this new grade Mobilgas which gives smooth K
Mobtlgas Economy Run course, a 1952 Ford and a 1953 Ford avS 239
miles per gallon on new grade Mobilgas. averaged as
11 tJ405'
WW ! What Values !
Doors Open at 9 A.M.
Here it is the sale event you've waited for and WE'VE REALLY SLASHED PRICES TO
THE BONE! We're overstocked! We need the cash! ... so IT'S YOUR GAIN! Hurry and
choose the bargains YOU want while stocks are complete. Starts tomorrow open 'til 9
tomorrow! .
s& t
1 1 l ' V
Some all wool, some 50 wool and
50 dacron Irr the latest colors and
fabrics many to choose from, from
our regular stock.
Reg. '50 $3 $8 8
Our Famous "500"
You know the quality come see the selection,
and save one-third on the finest suits In Bend!
Reg. '65 $J,6j,88
Look! Finest Quality, Guaranteed
White T-Shirts 3 for 1.49
High Nylon-reinforced neck
Companion, guaranteed, nylon reinforced cotton
Knit Briefs 3 for 1.29
Choice of Nylon or Rayon Vals. to 2.95
Boxer Shorts pr. 88c
Large Assortment
Regal & Wembley
Vals. to 2.50
2 for ICO
1 group wool, Terrycloth, Rayon
ROBES 7.98
Values to 18.50
Sanforized Broadcloth, Reg. 5.95
200 Pairs of fine
All colors! All materials, 100 wool and wool and ny
lon blends. Take two pairs and save twice!
Pr $10.982 Prs. $20
One Big Rack, All Wools, Corduroys and
Rayon Boucle, Values to 37.50
Sport Coats, Now 13.93
Whites and Colors, Values to 5.00
Arrow Shirts, ea. 1.93
Discontinued Styles
Reg. 3.95, Broadcloth, Seersucker
PAJAMAS Pr. 2.98
Reg. 10.95 Long Sleeve
Lambs Wool Sweaters Now 5.98
Washable Nylon-Quilted Lining, Reg. 14.95
100 Nylon Jackets Now 7.98
One Group, Values to 19.95
Wool Jackets Now 9.98
Some Milium Lined, Good Colors.
Regular 24.95
Alaskan Parkas Only 17.98
Heavy Quilt Lining Fur Collar makes into a hood
Reg. 4.956 only, light weight
Denim Jackets Only 95c
1 Group, Long Sleeve, Washable
values to 9.95
Sport Shirts
Only 2.98
Reg. 3.95 & 4.95
Short Sleeve Sport Shirts 1.98
Latest Styles ind 2.9S
For your convenience, we'll bo
Open 'til 9
Tuesday Evening
Catalina and Arrow, Reg. 3.95 & 4.95
Swim Trunks
Brief Style
Only 1.98
Reg. 3.69, 7 denim, 18 chambray
Western Work Shirts, 2.49
Discontinued Styles, Values to 19.95
Florsheim Dress Oxfords p 10.98
SHOE Rce' 1905 Sco,ch Grain
assortment Oxfords pr. 11.98
Freemnn and other makes
Nylon Mesh Crepe Sole "
Oxfords Casuals-Shags Heavy Sole, Leather Lined, Plain Toe
Tink and Hello Saddles and n Pairs Reg. 19.95 West Coast
many others. Look them '
over! You can't miss at this LOQQCrS 7.98
price. m
1 1 7 Pairs to 8" or 10" Tops
Choose from
Values to 16.95
Your Choice 1 Groi,p Asst-Vaiw i 1698
I 'M8 Work Shoes, choice 7.98
Reg. 2.49 tan or grey
Army Twill Work Shirts 1.59
Reg. 3.95, pegged, 10-oz.
Faded Danim Slacks pr. 2.49
Pink Twill Peqqers pr. 1.98
Buy 'em and Dye 'em
Regular cuff, Sizes 29-32, Reg. 3.95
Green Denim Slacks Now 1.98
Values to 3.95
Western Hats, Choice 1.C0
Felt or Straw
Values to 4.95
Dress Straw Hats, ea. 1.98
Dozens of other values at