PH. 56 - Your Tor Sale Miscellaneous' Want-Ad Need Not Be Costly to Reach Potential Buyers - PH. 56 p" fa IT' I' i' CALIFORNIA DEW Doing roadwork, Rocky Marciano demonstrates his defense against a wet spell that visited the Bay Area. The champion is training at Calistoga for the defense of his title against Don Cockell in San Francisco. Mav 16. Air Conditioned Chair Newest Furniture Item By II. D. QUIGG I niled Press Staff CorreXponilcnt NEW YORK (UP) Heavens to goodness to Betsy, it's a pity what they won t think of next. . They laughed when I sat down. They didn't know I already had been tipped off that the chair was air conditioned. Sample one of these and you Know that the days cf the hot seat are numbered. It'll be a joy to sit the summer out, in overstuffed ease. That's right air conditioned chairs, for summer wear, right in the middle of B. Airman's department- store. Now you can cool more than your heels if somebody makes you wait. Chills run up and down your spine and on down where you're sitting, to a point just aft of your knees. These are wee, pleasant chills, just right to take the steam out of the part of you that sinks into the upholstery. "How liocs it feel?" asked the salesman. "Cool, man," I replied evenly. without shivering a timbre. "How much does it cost?" , Two ModdH "Two models," said the sales man, "$199 and S249. How do you feel now?" "A little loo cool for comfort, at the thought of $249. Can you turn this thing down?" "Easy," said the man. "The act of sitting down throws a switch that turns the motor on. Standing up turns it off. Then, there's this little knob on the right arm. By turning it, you can cut the air flow off or run it gradually up to a maximum" of 90 cubic feet a minute of air between you and the cushion." ' The maximum flow, he added, is for very sticky, humid days. On ordinary hot summer days you don't need full power of the tiny electric motor (the power of 1-40 of a horse) to bring blessed coollh to the dorsal and nether regions it the sitter. A gentle breeze will Jo it. Kvuomtioa I'srd The rwre :s evaporation. The matters, SI: iv. .ifg. Co., shy away f-nrn calling the -ihair air con rtlii.wl because the air it shoves between your sitting parts and the upholstery is room temperature not cooled. But it's- moving fast enough to carry off body heat and provide the coolness that comes with evaporation of excess mois ture. They call it an "air chair." It works like this: Just under the fabric of both the seat and the hack of the chair is a thin, flexible, foam-rubber gridwork. This grid is raised 3-8 of an inch above a rubber base, and the air scoots through that flat space, part of it seeping through the fabric. Th" motor, with blowers attached, "s built into the chair bottom, where seat and back meet. The chair the repiHer tried was a sample. Sale mn-lels will arrive in a couple of weeks. The makers to put them in all major cities but figure they'll be able to supply only New York this summer. Nw. they're wo-Wng on putting the same moving-air grid into a routines. For the future sleep cucumber-cool. , . William Howard Taft was the first president of all Ihe 48 states, of the Union. Th Bend, Monday. May 9. 1955 PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS Legal Notice NOTICE OP FINAL. SETTLEMENT EfiUt of ELLEN MQEN. k KLLEV OPPtkJARD: In the County Court of th Stmt of Oregon for Deachuu County. Pi U HUB IB ULHhHI til V t&N. that the undersigned. Administratrix of the UM of tllen Hum ak Ellen Oddc ittrd. deceuad, hu filed faer final ac count in the above entitled court, and that June 2, 1955, at 2 o'clock p.ra. in the Court Room of the above entitled court haa been appointed bjr the court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, if any, and the Kiuemvni inereoi., Dated and timt published May 2, 19f5. Date of last publication. May 23, 11)56. ) Yvonne Steinley Administratrix of said estate MCKAY FAfiNfiK 122 Orevon Bend. Oreson Attorneys for said estate. 12B-131-187.HS-C NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby iriven that the under. Sts-ned has filed hu final account at fcxecutor of the Entate of E. total le Kills, deceased, and that the 28th dav of May, i, rb, at the hour of 10:00 a n. o'clock in the County Courtroom of the Courthouse at Bend, Dsechutea Coun ty, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hear ins of objections t- the said Final Account and all persons interested in said estate are hereby ,-e-quired to appear and to show cause if any they have at said time and place wny saio. iinai account should not be ap proved, the estate settled and closed. Geo rue Wlnslow, Executor of the Entato uf Ki telle Ellis, D ceased. Charles B. Boardman, attorney lor the bxecutor 11 8-1 24-130-1 86.C NOTICE TO CREHUTORS Estate of PAUL C. WAHBKI.OW. In the County Court of the Slate of Utwon for ueschutes Vounty. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thm the undersigned. Hazel Lanir, has been appointed as Administratrix of the tnte of Paul C. WarMow,- deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the .same, dulv verified, as bv law re quired, to the undersigned at the office of DeArmond, Goodrich. Foley & Gray. 1044 Bond Street. Bend. Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice In the Daily Bend Bulle tin. Dated and first published April SO, Mfifi. Date of last publication. May 21, 1965. HAZEL LANG, Atl mi it intratriv DeArmond, Goodrich, Foley & Gray Attorneys for said estate. 12 4-10-136-14 2-C THE HARD WAY Mrs. Mary Ann Hamilton of Thornton, Colo., has taught herself to type. A polio victim, she can't use her fingers in the conventional way. She strikes eacH letter with a wand held in her teeth. EXCLUSIVE NEA PHOTO. Steel Workers Expected to Take Tough' Attitude NEW YOIt (UP) The steel industry's current prosperity has placed labor in its best bargaining position in years and steel labor will take a "tough" attitude when wage negotiations open soon, Iron Age said today. The steel union will press for all the traffic will boar since wages are theonly issue, according to the national mctalworking weekly. The magazine said the steel un ion may settle for eight to 10 cents an hour "but will put up a stilf fight for more." On the steel out look, lion Age said there will be at least a $1 per ton average price increase if the wage raise follows Ihe pattern. The nation s steel companies nat urally will fight to keep wages within "reasonable bounds." The magazine observed that 1D5.YS first quarter earnings were "exception al" but it stated, "management is striving to increase stockholder dividends, which have lagged be hind other industries, and is in ne mood to absorb more operating costs." No Strike In Sight Iron Age said no steel strike is in sight, and judged that both la bor and management stem willing to settle the single issue wnges at the bargaining table. The maga zine granted that "there will he sharp words" but added that "a good relationship now exists be tween steel labor and manage ment." The result will be higher prices for steel users, the magazine said. Producers will not be under as THE BEND BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) IBM-SMI. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est Mil Published Every Afternoon Except Sun day and Certain Holidays by The Benn Bulletin, 788 7M Wall SUeet. Bend, Oregon. By Mall U Oreson Three Month t Six Months 6-00 One Year 1L00 By Mail OaUide ef Oregon Three Months t .TP Six Months 6.o0 On Year 12.00 By Carrier One Month .........I 1.26 Six Months ?.iu One Year 16-00 SINGLE COPY 6e Please notify us of any change of ad-, dress or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. AH subscriptions an DUE and PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. BULLETIN CORRESPONDENTS Madras Bob Barber Phone 2183 or 2901 Rjimond--Mra. Mnrtha Stranshan Phone 621 Eastern Star Mrs. Walter Prichard Phone 67-F-ll Riatara Mrs. Sere Coval Phone tltt riimiln-.krL A. L. Christotther Phone 600-L Want Ad Rates ancl Information 4 times for the Dries of 2 Ask about the rataa for added snacs and added insertion, : don't forget the even lower rate, if you run your ad for mil montn. . 7 times for tnc price of 6 Very Low Kales for Monthly Ads 1 2-S-4 6-6-7 Words Times Times 'Time. Up to 13 .76 1.60 2.75 14 thru 18 1.00 2.00 3.67 19 thru 23 1.25 2.50 4.20 24 thrr j 1.50 8.00 6.50 Prices: Cash or within 7 days. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE BEND BULLETIN, PHONE 66 Ads received before 1 p.m. will appear In the following day's paper. The Bulletin reserves tbe right to classify .edit or reject any want ad copy, and will be responsible for only one in correct publication .of any want ad. Pull adjustment of error will be mndc by me added insertion of the corrected adver tisement. in Bargaining much pressure to go easy as they were last year, when a 12 cent wage package brought a $3 a ton price increase." It noted that om er operating costs have risen and "the mills feel they have to re cover these costs to maintain a good earning position." The least of any steel consum er's worries at the present time is the wage-price prospect, accord ing to Iron'Age. The steel consum er "has his hands full rounding up his tonnage requirement" and "h.; realizes that the chances of relief from the pressure through the third quarter are slim. The metalworking publication re ported that many steel customers are nnw finding their inventories out of balunce and are still strag gling with the problem oftelayed deliveries. "Small ;r.v Market" "But even when deliveries are on schedu le, urgently needed size: and analyses may not be availa ble. Iron Age stated, noting thai this is happening in bars and will also occur with other important products. A "small gray market" exists in some products, it is being admit ted by some people in the steel business. The magazine said con iitions now are "right" and so called brokers are offering tnn lagcs at "fancy prices," with some takers. Iron Age concluded that Im practical purposes most steel prod ucts are now booked through the second quarter of 12i3. II PenonalB; SpL JoUce ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS can help you overcome your driukinff problem. Attend meeting rida night 1:110. Epis copal Church, oc write 1'. O. Boa ial. Bend. .T PAYS YOU TO USB CLASSIFIED ADS ruH SOLVING EMSKYDAi fMUb UMS. S&LLINU. HUNTING. HIKING. - WANT AIM DO IT. CALL M. CAREFUL DRIVERS can save money with State r arm Automobile insurance. Sea E. M. Bueknam. Agent. 1021) Brooks St. or Phone 8V0 for information WILL Receive sub-bids for the construc tion of Bend High school. CaU 17, Mav I. GALfi M. ROBERTS, General Con tractor. If yon tali to receive your Bend Bulletin by 6:30, Tele phone St and a copy will be 'iil you by special carrier. 13 Convalescent Care WII.I. CARE Tor elderly person in my hitmc. Ph. Redmond 461X or write Box 1056. 2C Tires Repair & Recap WANTED I Your casing should qualify for our lZ-to-18 month guarantee. UK. RUBBER WELDERS, Bend. 28 House Trailers 1053 MODERN 27' SCHULT House Trailer. Excellent condition. Ivan Richfield, LaPine. Phone 252. 30 Used Cars for Sale SEE IT DRIVE IT BUY IT 10A2 BU1CK SUPER RIVIERA Hardtop RAH, dyne., scat covers, two tone psint Special this week elhtfo. Dee ART KUE11L at the Ford Used Car Lot on E. 3rd. St. next to the Midget Drive-in. GOOD HUNT1NO FISHING Car. 1046 Oldsmobile in good shape. Call I610-H. FOR THE BEST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SKK REND NASH CO. 134 GIIEENWOOD PHONE 700 IFYOU ARE"SHORT of down paymrnt to purchase the new car you'd like to buy, call COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORP. Phone 2260, 315 Greenwood, Bend. A.AlwHva B-Better C.Cara Special Clean-up Sale I 40 to 48 models at clearance prices. Get that hunting and fishinir car. TOWNE MOTORS PACKARD-WILLYS DEALER Used Car Let. Ph. 005 Corner of Irving A Uarrimas) KEEIT DRIVE IT - BUY1 IT 11164 MERCURY MONTEREY Sun Val. ley Coupe. Radio & Hosier, Mcrcomatic trHns., (tower brakes. 4 way power scat, elec. windows, this is a lor-Hlly owned - ono owner car with only 8000 miles. Priced this week only at SZtMUHl See ART KUEIIL at the Ford Used Car Iit on E. 3rd. St. next to the MIDGET DRIVE-IN. Wra DESOTO-2-bR. Custom. Two time paint, tip-tne milt ic trans. S 1 tiur WARP MOTOR CO. 1008 Bond St. Ph. ludli 32 Used Trucks Trailers PLENTY OP PICKUPS: All makes vi to 1 Ton. DESCHUTES CENTER, Phone ZD09-W-2. 39 Automobile Display BUICK SALE GREAT VALUES IN THESIS BUICKS. ALL WITH ROOMY, SOLID BODIES AND . DEPENDABLE VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES. '50 Buick Super 4-door $895 H&H. Dynuflow. '50 Buick Special 4-door $845 RAH. Dynaftow. '49 Buick Super 4-door $595 R&H. Sid. Trans. '48 Buick Super 4.door $315 R&H. Good Tires. '48 Buick Roadmaster 4-tIr $345 R&H, Royal Mstr. tires. '48 Buick Roadmaster 2-dr. $395 R&H. Dyna.. green. '47 Buick Super 4-door $295 R&H. LiKht Grey. '42 Buick Special 4-door $195 R&H. Dark Blue . SALE PRICES TEMPORARY ACT NOW FOR GREAT VALUE OVER 60 TO CHOOSE FROM Bend Garage Co. Chevrolet-Buick-Cadillac Home of "OK USED CARS" 704 Wall Ph. 193 52 Excavating Grading I.AHS STKINLEY DRILLING, BLASTING & DRAIN HOLES Ph. 231 or 208-1V Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, Blasting, Top Soil and FU1 Dirt, Cinders. Cat and Trac tor Work. Phone 574 or 1003 59 Services Offered PAINTING Interior & Exterior. Apart ments & Resiliences. WAYNE 11AKI Kit, Phone BM-W. OIL FORCED AIR HEATING. We sr.e eiullr.e in all types of Sheet Metal Work. BEND SHEET METAL, Ph. tea. SAW SALES AND-SERVICE CHAIN SAWS RENTED BEND CHAIN SAW Ph. WJ LAWNMOWER GRINDING Many years experience with all makes assures you of a perfeet erimlinn job. or your money hark. We grind ben. knife. Rrinil reel, adjust mower and hearings, lu. bricate. 12.50. CARL AUSTIN, Bond & Greenwood. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS end Wrinirer Rolls for all ma,. I'bone 274. MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORE 131 Farm & USED TRACTORS CASE, Model VAO, 1919 wplow and mower CASE, VAC, 19.9, new paint, wplow CASE. VAC, 1940, new paint, wplow Allis Chalmers, Model B Oliver "70", 1948. row crop, excellent, just overhauled Knrmall "K-20", Good condition ; KORD, 9N, wplow CASK, "DC", 1951, wf.irm hand CASE, "DC", 1951, excellent, new rubber just over hauled 30 CAT, wlivdraullc dozer AR JORN DEERE, new rubber, good LOVELL EQUIPMENT COMPANY Madras Hwy. Prineville, Oregon YOUR SHUR-RANE IRRIGATION DEALER PHONE 7138 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE SHEET METAL Bring your heating proulenag to us. fnone 72. 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. PH1LCO HOFFMAN TV Authorised Dealer Radios and Hi-Fi Equipment R1ESBADI024 Franklin Ph. 101 RADIO e RECORD PLAYER REPAIR . Kaulo TV Tubes Fur Sale Prompt Service C.KUKC.kS KA1IIO 4 ' bl'OKTlNli GOODS RADIO TV TUBES Complete stock for all ramos. Philco and Other Makes BEND FURNITURE CO. 70 Septic Tanks; Cesspools LAKS 8TK1KLEY SEP rlO TANK SERVICE Ph. 231 or u-W CARTER 8KPT1G TANK SERVICE, ruone U4b or 147 785 W. 12th. 74 Upholstering ALL KINDS of Car Seata Also any kind ol eanvaa work. LEVITTS UP HOLSTERY, a;t Uurnside. 82 MaieHeiiTWanted BOATMAN WANTED. Writs to Odell Lake resort, Crescent, Oregon, or phone Odell 2. MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh business. Sell to 1600 families. Write today. RAWl.EIUH'S, Dept. Ore - 260 SA, Oakland, Calif. DIESEL MEN NEEDED EVERYWHERE See our Ad on b ports Paget APPLICATIONS are being taken for Bulletin routes. Boys 12-16 only need apply. REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING This growing industry has advanced ao rapidly, it has crested a iiortage of men for repair, operation and mainten ance. We will train 10 men from this area for this work. Many jobs in this field pay excepUonally high salaries. If you are between the ages of 18 to 61, a good steady worker and not making a satisfactory salary, write us giving time and place where interview may be held regarding your qualifications. Write Buz 160, Bend Bulletin. 83 Femait) Help Wanted WOMAN WANTED for general office work. Ph. 644 Bend or 22U4 Madras for further Information. WOMEN FOR MOTEL work, not over 40. Call between 11 & 2. Ph. 17. Pilot Butle Motor Court. WANT EXPERIENCED CAR hops. Ap ply at A&W Drive In, Orecnwoud At 0th. after 11 a.m. 84 Situations Wanted ROOFING-SIDING-CARPENTER work wanted. Free ustimute. Ph. 1814-W ur 210U-W-1. 110 Cattle & Horses FOR SALE 2 Saddle horses & saddles. Ph. 2041 after 1 p.m. or see at RL 1, Bos 144 ABERDEEN-ANGUS DISPERSAL SALE Mny 16, 1 p.m. Josephine Co. Fair grounds Grants Pass. ure. 60 Keg. Ang us, Eilcemncre, Unmlollef breeding. '.own with calves ft t calve soon, bred & open heifers, 2 proven herdah-es,, 4 young bulls. For Catalogue, write KI.OSB ANGUS RANCH, RL 2 Box 426C, Grants Pass, Oregon. SADDLES! New-T,nd used. HEEIVS .EATIIER SHOP, 1606 Galveston. I'hone I667-M. 112 Pets of all Kinds BABY PARAKEETS, normals, all colors at .6.00. Also rare oiiallncs, canes iiuu fresh feeds. Locally raised. Wholesale or retail. Call Redmond 7:ill.o, or first house north of Powell Buuo Granee, TWO PART-SHEPHERD Pum.lcs to give away. Route 1, Box HW-A, Uutler mar ket road near Airport. 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Live Poultry Fresh Eggs HKND EUli & rUULTHl UU. 740 E. First St. Ph. 8ii5-J BIG, YOUNG, GRAIN-FED Fryers. Dressed .16.00 per lloten, I'reo Deliv ery. Phone 2101-J-2. 1 16 Other Livestock WEANKR PIGS Jim Elder, Deschutes Tumalo Hoad ,1'h. 2111-J-L 117 Livestock Wanted WANTED ALL KINDS ol Livestock. Hiithest Cash Prices. Will lot-k up atl Ranch. L. J. HUSTON, Phone Iia8-W; 21 Appliances; HH Equip. Suuare tub MAYTAG wahher. Perfect coiulitinn. Cost Vim, sell 101.60. AN DERSONS APPLIANCE. Slate and Tu mslo. HALF PRICEI1 8.11. ' washers. $16-7.50. 120-10, $:io-lfi. $10.20. Two Ironrrs. $7.60 and $5. MAYTAG APPLIANCES. RECONDITIONED 4 GUARANTEED USED APPLIANCES Wringer Washers $14.60 and I'll Automatic Washers $6U.r,0 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. Ph. eB 123 Building Materials PLYWOOD FOR IJRAINIIOARtIS 4 Ta i c Tons. I Inch and 1-18 inch tliirk unsanded, only 4c su it. I'lywissi lor Kiihfloors & slirnlhinK. I'lvwoou lor ciiih Inets sml wnlls. Ciniunp prires lit O'DAY'S SALVAGE & SUPPLY YD. Ph. 6a. CloBI Sun. A M,m. LUMBER FARMERS - BUILDERS - RANCHERS CUT YOUR LUMHKH COST SEE CLAUD McCAU'.EY Leonard Liinderen Lumber Co. 760 1) Ave. K mile east of Kvani Fly Cu. Ilcnd, Oregon Ranch Equip. $ IKVl.OO 7.WI0 595.00 22UH) 950.00 195.(10 795.00 2100.00 I5rr.':'i 795.1 i 133 Fuel & Wood HAVING PURCHASED Claud Uanta' wood business, we are now delivering clean buoy wood in any IcnglA. Oreu Lrossgrove. m HEAVY TIMBERS. 110 single. $10.60 double load. lAdCAUs, IKANSrOKT. 1'aoue 142-J. 134 Specials at the Stores SEVERAL TABLE LAMPS. 17.06 & uu. BEND BARGAIN HOUSE, 2 Rear ney across from depot. COLORFUL BEAD ROPES. All designs and shapes. $1.00 plus tax. ALPINE Llr'1' I1UUS&, So. 3rd OL 76.000 BTU OIL Sluva "New" cost plus 10V - was sioo.wo. Now GAM ULES WESTERN AUTO, 46 Wall FOR YOUR GARDENING NEEDS Tools. Plant Poods slid Seeds. Come in to the WEST SIDE HARDWARE. Your Home Town Hardware. 1006 Gelveston. CASTING ROD Reel and line. NOW Ib.uS. B&W HARDWARE, 263 E. Greenwood. USED 24" BOYS BICYCLE. A-l condi tion. UUUev-VAN ALLEN STORE. Ph. H60. We Buy Sell - And Trade GOOD USED FUKN1TURE 8ho RAINEY'S 201 E. Franklin Phone 1160 SINGER CABINET ELECTRIC Reg. Price .. $209.95 Sale Price $ 99.95 FIVE ONLY ROUND BOBBIN REVERSE STITCH . LIKE NEW SINGER SEWING CENTER 831 WALL ST. PHONE 1826 fltlNEVILLE 6712 135 Furniture & Household Greenwood Furniture Many trift aunKwtlun; Kor wcdtlinm. ttlmwem and birthtJuya, liuiluet jiricvtt. 4 uivci.vvihx1 Ave. 139 Miscellaneous for Sale ROAD GRADER Model ,42. A. C. Tandem-drive. 12 fL bluile. Model M gas engine. $1400. D. J. Wilkins, Cald. well, Idaho. Ph. 06071 ROCK-FREE TOP SOIL Fill dirt, black and red cinders. Dump truck and tractor-loader work. Ph. 78-J. WOOD RANGE With coiir167 AVmTu' heater with lilies, I6. I'll. 2016. W-l. tUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE pa.ilt. Spec ial $2.08 per gal. Only iimitou supply on hand. I1ENO SUPPLY CO. 022 Bond SHOP RAINEY'S 201 E. FRANKLIN FOR GOOD USED FURNITURE Hcfrinoratorn - Klec, riinKim - Elcc. wiinhfjiM, WikhI amt coal rannctt - 5 piece dir.etlc Bet . 8 piece tltiiiiiK rinim nets (walnut). . Buds, atirinm anil mat trtauM-ji (new and umhI). New and Utted coffee and Inmp table 'j price. Daven port and ilRvcnoa (new and uaed.) WE BUY, SELL & TRADE Phone 1160 189 Real Estate Display ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon Ave. SACRIFICE SALE: J20 A. ranch, G5A. COI. 3 bdrm mod home, 8 stanchion hain, ma chinery. . $16.0(10., $3,000 tin. Trade for property Bend, Red mond or Prineville. ON RIVER. Very mod hoi-j, carpeted. 2 frplcs, beautiful lawn. $25,200. Will KHA. IDEAL FOR BUSINESS find home. Main si, close in. 3 bdrms, 2 baths. $17,500. CITY WATER, close in. 3 A., 4 bdrm home, well-built milk ing parlor. Reduced from $11,000 to $9,500, terms. GOOD TV RECEPTION. THE LAND MART CARROLL D. PIERCE REALTOR I'lionc: 8H6 Real Estate & Insurance Bud Russell, Associate 1021 Wall St. . Hup Taylor, Associale Broker In Capitol Thoatif Ride. Aflnr Hrs: Phone 1020 - 1C67 FOR ACTION : List With Bend's Largest Advert iser Central Oregon Headquarters for home, ranch & business properties. THE HOME COMPLETE in ideal location with 3 lots. 3 bdrms, frplc, hdwd firs, auto piped frnc, only 4 yis old. . Price $14.5X. Tms. NEW LISTING Attractive 3 bdrm home, plbd & wired for Idry, auto frnc, storm win dows, built-in dressinR table in masler bdrm, wall to wall rugs. .Sprinkling systsm. 2'k lots. Price $12,000. Tms. LOVELY OLDER HOME In choice residential district. 3 bdrms, music room, sop din rm, Idiy trays, piped frnc, hdwd floors, fireplace. Price S12.600. Tms. LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 bdrms. baths, sop din nn, mil. Close to schools and town. Price $8,750. Tms. THE VALUE IS HERE 3 bdrm home with part bsmt, mil rm, new batn fixtures. Also guest house. Price $7,500, Tms. DO IT YOURSELF Some In terior finishing to be dune on this 4 bedroom home Willi bsmt, pijK.'d frnc, very gonil const ruction. Located at edge uf town on 4 lots. Price $7,000. Tms. SOME LUCKY GI will get this 2 bdrm home in choice west sirie (list, on 2 ifirner lots with patio, playhouse, sprinkling system. Lrg liv rm, util, piped frnc, built-in re frig and range. 2 car ga rage with bedroom. Price $10 000. Tms. COMFORTABLE & NEAT 2 Ixlim home wilh guest room See iih for Hunches, Acreages, A pit, Unplex and Itustness Opportunities. Licensed and affiliated with Oregon, Calif, & Idaho broker. 139 Miscellaneous tot Salt LIGHT FIXTURES Larueat display in Central Oreyoa LOWt&T FKtUt A CuniplvU tttuck ol IV U to repair and build lamp - BILL'S KLfctlHiO 42 HtU near liracawood Fh. &6tuj 11 Miftceuaiittou wattleo WANT TO BUY pair of water kin. Fh. .. .J aitor 6 p.m. WILL FAY 25c each for live common piueunft. J'b. KuOlM-i, WK WILL UUY your UMd building ma berwla, jumK batlrM, tuetai. anu ecra, irvMu A pounu ur a carload. UsJAK'f &AL,VAU4 t ti L. Pi' Lit 1AKU. i43 Musical dPINET PIANO Famous make. Will aacrificfl. Term or may store with de pendable parly. Credit Dept. 024 FearJ street, buuene. 151 Sporting Goods 12 FT. KLAMATH ALUMINUM boat, trailer with winch. 'iU H.F. Scott At- water. One avaaun, perfect. Fb. lttVO evcnuiKa. 160 Apartments for Rent ONE NICELY furnished one bedroom 8 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Wa ter, it urbane paid, t lotto in. Corner of Minneaota ami luava rload. I'n. otH. DOWNTOWN. MODERN, furnished apartment. All electric Weatintchouse kitchen, Kroehter furniture, ganuie. Fh. FURNISHED APARTMENT: Clone In, Day. week or month. Laundry facilitica uaraite. bZl franklin, i'hone 63 L LA ROB UNFURNISHED 1 A 9 Bedroom Apartments (60 $65. Refrigerator, Ka nue. l.arbave Water included. TUUKACfi AFm, tttto W, 6 in. Fh. 224. 161 Houses For Rent 3 HEDROOM Modern house, unfurnished bice trie range, oil heat. Fh. 666 J. FURNISH ED, modern, electrically eqiup. ped, oil heated, four room house. Han fireplace hot water upstairs 6H3 Hill &U 1 HEUHOOM, modern, furninhed, auto mm ic heat t& hot water, electric ei-uior Phone 12UU. 1 BEDROOM niiHlorn house. Inuulre 1707 W. tttt or phone U-ti-H. (A) CLOSE IN 4 Heilroom, fireplace. .r)0. U - 2 UKUKUUM, GAS Kantie. oil furnace. S4o. IC) FOR LEASE. itiO A.. 7 miles from Bend, naved ronii 110 C.O.I. House, Dairy Ram. ANNE l'ORHES, REALTOR. 36 Oregon Ave.. Ph. yti-W. OR LEASE i HEDROOM. Modern, tin- Ittrninhed hoiiHe. Neat & clean. New piped Riilomiitic furnace. 1074 Albany! 'Ii. aitlti alter 0 p.m. 168 Other Rentals COWER SHOP at Petersen's Hock Gar den for rent I For information, sec Mrs. Petersen at tiardens. MOVINl'.T Save Rll'.i . Use HKE-HIVE U UU1VK TIIUCKS. GHAPFENBKRU. EHS SERVICE. 6UU S. Ilrd. Ph. 1041. AVAILABLE JULY ist. 8econd floor office rooms in Hfiid's most ceulral lo cation. One suit; 2- large, 2 small rooms, plus batluiMim, IbG.UO, 2 Keom Suite. 196.00. Call 232. 169 Wanted to Rent THUEE OIL Company men ft Families nccl one A two bedroom homes to rent. I'hone 84. ( Phone 3GW New 2 bdrms. Chrfl compact ktchn, htlwd floors through out. Lge. lot. Qualifies for GI loan. $8,950. RENT SAVERS: (A) Pvd st., W.S., near schools. Lro lv rm, 2 bdrms, garage, work shop. $4,200., $400 dn $55 mo. (B) Furn'd 2 bdrms, 2 lots. $4,700., $350 dn, $50 mo. (C) Pvd st. Newly decorated 2 bdrrn. Elec rge wiring. $4,. 000,, $300 dn. LOTS: (Al E.S., 4 level lots. $1,000., terms,. (B) CIs In, W. S pvd. $(500. (C) 2 lge lots near Nazarenc Church. $450. In attached garage. Bsmt, piped - frnc, hdwd floors. Chicken house, 3 lots. West side dist. Price $8,750. Tms. WILL TRADE for larger home. Remodelled 2 bdrm homo on west side, plbd for auto, extra lrg kit, good built ins. Price $7,500. Terms. THE DOLL HOUSE Cute 2 bdrm home with extra room in garage, situated among the pities. Util rm, new aulo frnc, insulated. Price $7,050. FHA or GI tms. LITTLE DANDY 2 bdrm, util, auto frnc, insulated, wired for range, only 5 yrs old. 2 lots on West side Price $0,185. GI or FHA tms. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Furnished 2 bdrm home with 1 baths, frplc, wired for range. Clow In location. Price $-1,250. Tms. Business Opportunities 11-UNIT MOTEL Service Sta. tion and 2 bdrm home. Com pletely equipped, ready to op erate. 19 Acres with 11 acres water, 513 feet highway frontage. Very neat well kept. Prl'-e $57,500. Tins. MKTOLJUS RESORT 10 cut tages and new 2 bdrm homo. Prli'e $48,500. Tms. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Pumice block bldg. 4.000 sq. ft. floor space. 70 ft highway frontage. Prire $35,000. Tms. GARAGE & AUTO WRECK ERS one brick bldg. one frame. Full pi ice Including equipment & inventory -$32,500, or will sell business and lease bldg. 170 Houses lor Sale OWNER LEAVING BEND. WUJ mU t y? old, I bearoom bouse lor Ul mtmnm al. Heatalator fireplace, f oread air oat furnace, natural ifaaippine Mahotany panel kug In tivms room n4 hail kurtf ty put kitchen and bau. 4Su lar anue wtU atoraie apace In rr. Uoaea situausl oa it euttw lota on .East aid Assume Ol loan, will arrange tarn on balance with, right tarty. Fbona 1K61-MX after t p.m. for appointmanu TWO BEDROOM MODERN lniulaUd; paymant, 4.0 per month. Phorst ONLY $60 MONTHLY. Low down pmi mant, . bearoom boua. on paviiaiens, furnaee. heirtcorsl waaM and -.out. 0l tiersi. , MOllKKN t BKOROOM bouse. oU furn ac wired for electrte rana. A waUs heater, larae bath room, garag.. with attached lucht housekeepinx apt. Lot 1U0 x 110. Owner belne- transferred: 724 E. 8th or phone 2164-W. ONE BEDROOM, modern, partly turn. ished house, tmt. I16U down. Vhona lb." or 2007-R. ONE BEDROOM HOUSE on 100x100 lot. City .ewer, electric heat, berries and (lowers. 16800 with I2UO0 down. Meed hlgner altitude. R. P. Brimrs, 4Z0 Eaat Howland. Myrtle Creeh. Oregon. 174 Business Propeitf - DRIVE-IN CAFE for sale. Excellent local tion, east end of town, on Hwy. 0, for Information write W N Alilrldg. . rtoi East 2nd St Th. Dalles, Oregon, or ptiune U076 before 7 p.m. - ..-.'' WILL LEASE 84 hour gas station, r will sell Hwy. 97 business, includtng property. Writ. Box 24, tihaniko, Ore gon , or phone Shaniko 4. - 180 Reed Estate Exchang WANT TO TRADE for farm In Bend. Redmond, Culver, or Madraa area - lor, ely new 8 bedroom, brick home In Kalao, Washington. Near school, churches .4, city bus. Write to Dal. Bundy, 700 Bui Kelso. Washington. jl 8KLL THE SURPLUS THROUGH CLAS. eiflED ADS. LAND, UVItdfucK, as. CU1NERY, ANlTHINU. PHONE U PUat A BULLETIN AD-WRITER. ' 182Real Estate WantetT WANTED TO LEASE with Option V . Buy l 2 or 9 Bedroom Horn, with 1 ts ' 10 acre, or more. Can b. located up to 15 miles from Bend, E. P. McBrida, Ph. Wt. - ' . -, 189 Real Estate Display ',' ! BEND REALTY-- 2 bdrm eastside location, Good TV area, will FHA or GI. FuU price $5900. :Ji, 3 bdrm. Walking distance to ci5 center. Full price $3500. $500-tm 8000 Acre ranch. Take -pajj uuue 1U1 lliy iiume;. ,. u 3 Acres. Nice 2 bdrm home; Jutt price $7950. . ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT2 -5 Small restaurant, center of Bend good location, low rent, firlr , price $3500. $1250 down. -- . 9 unit apt's, plus 3 bdrm home,! Owner say re-zone for motel. Lo cated on 97 fringe of city cere ter. Garage in valley town, on UJS aa. to trade lor rancn in central , Oregon. ,. y Motel In central Oregon,' to trade lor ranch or other prfr; erty In the Willamette yaUeyd Niglits-1171-W -BOB-JSl 1225-W JESS!" Days 620 ; STROUT REALTY eiVfe No. 4S8. 16 lots. Garden niiot, chicken, house. Modern 2 bdi-m homo. 8 'miles from Bned. 16.600. Term.. REDMOND PRINEVILLE - " i Classified. Ads z: Buy It Sell It Trad:ltR We welcome the people of Red mond, Prineville and victnlty. Into classified. If you want tT sell, buy, trade or announce,call our Redmond correspondent,' Mrs. Martha Stranahan, (Red mond 521) between 8-9 A.MH 12 to 1 noon or 5 to 6 P.M. or - .', Our Prineville correspondent, Phone 5124. - 20 Accessories Repairing For that IIIKSKI. TRUCK IU,air J.,bL oo UN. THOMAS A THOMAS liAltAlit,.., Corner of Mi-lrue it Comb's 'Flat, r-HINEVII.I.K. NOW I I.ll-'K-I.ONI! Ilattcrlw and Mli-ri'. IlrntlKi- Oil Kiltors. Ollaralltcml Forever ' at KKI,SKY'H KI.KCTHIC. Redmond. 30 Used Cars mm l-Ollll VII rlub cniliw. Kxri-llsnk' motor, new iialnt job. 4 new white wall-tir,-.. low miluaite. KII. K llallix-k, I'h. 4W, Hnlmond, Ore. 59 Services Offered IIKAI) STOCK removed free. Il..rei. row., eslvee, hous, sheep. HKDMONU; HKNDF.HINC. CO. Ph. 414 Collect., n. 114 Poultry & Rabbits -1 I'AR. PlIt.I.BTS on band, two, Ihfii ' ! t 4 weeks of ant. O ILL'S IIATCllKfU, , Redmond, . ,. 134 Specials at the Stores SOLID OAK. LBATIIKR, uphnhtm-d" arm i-hair. I'ri.-e 7 ..',0, HINNARD'-J KUHN1TUKK. 5th Kvarjrcen. '"' IIRKiTtARLk' MoiiKI. Radios. ItaUery i' rl.TlrK I; .'.I lip. SINNARD'S 1 HIHNITIJRr 5 th t Kverareen. - - The Quick, j Simple way to sell I anything is through a; CLASSIFIED gj