- OUT OUR WAY by J. R. Willlami OUR BOARDING HOUSE witR Major Hoople Expert Says Quality of U.S. Animal Proteins Declining A I'N'ITED PRESS EXTRA By DELOS SMITH I iilli d I'ms Science Editor NEW YORK (UP) - Medical scientists devoted to the nutritional approach to health would like every American to know the na ture of proteins at least as well as he knows the colors of the new cars. Some of them are frankly alarmed for the future because of proteins, but what can be done about it when Americans think one protein is as good as another? Because they don't know, Amer icans are kidding themselves when they think they're the best-fed people on earth, according to Dr. William Coda Martin, of the New York Medical College. He spoke out feelingly at a re cent meeting of the American Academy of Nutrition because the protein content of wheat and corn grown in America is steadily de- n j i j Ep?CKlup JioStrO I . . I E6AP.TWI6S6 WITHOUT VgU I'D ? '-Ji. V thats why we V but mv L sallop With mvnoss f " tME vOiLTJERMess - f PlCKgP THESS ) FLOWERS. f TUB OTi Jn uiOG A. HAR-ROMPH.'.f eLLM.YJ J FLOvveRSTO WON'T HAVE , . - - "P.? Sa3LWD, MAJOR, I,. a. ,p Ak,n Ci., y J fer, iA W1 CU5TOME2 R3R YXJK ( &SSW1 Boots and Her Buddies CfVSfc ,'-TOW I' ' ffnM--'" L I C? r3) bL-I' Station Sundays captain easy BrS"JLW 1HI&I&THES.5A0UICK...I MOMENT y C0A6T GUARD? THIS 16 TH& I I HURRY, YOU "RU5H HEIR..: JTlFy "Y THAT PlO IT-1 f-""-"'0"1 "-i .'.T"? gliM ioM I ill I J ....... ttniiunluvu nn Wi M-erj-lr firuonueff B!nrAtt"ftOMiiP liwilt 8&H IHMf.801 POLICE mf YOifee men' fMOMll Vole of " H?RANTICMLy FOR HONOLULU-! CTAC-TBSJ3 6S.W.CT SN PIESO'. CAPTAIN I THAT POCK IN TOO LWE.DMVSOW MAYIIW J p UBASyraiESTO lffiliTHE C0A6T FNl PAWSON AND CKEW MCE TWINS lfeL TO ENTER PORT WITH THE LS5 k T " F!Lc KJiV jY rT ' GfJS J lfJ'SKl Adventurer UArltfH 1 11! II Yuy 1 frVqa?. . T . . p., j isjjtS Vic F int " H:00-Sin Off Z1JJ ' SUNDAY, MAY S, 1955 , tX2?J'Zn) IAI6 ,M I T'N THIS THERE WS A )1 VSt SSk tSaSSr CTZu t'u n.,n,,. ..rrrf PliSLVSr?9WWREI' T8 PURSE PROM A CVWB fHW ""T " 'in TT CI II 111 Tl II ) ' :0-itadlo Blbl. CUw. V6AH, I tXJCKBlLL. MEET MVi. B SHOTS J- COWJS OUT OP THE: LTlSiH BElsl toSTTINefiUWAT A fillV 8 :.1-Voice of Prophecy MN0Br- TJr ' fKSiSirlS:, XTH JSft&CH.H.n SCenc. He.U ON YOUR MIW iTtnn rrjli HW SHOULD IKfTEREST VBU, iKSLKEEP IN FTASES-' UKB TO SEE lo;so-Franlc A Ernt ITTrrTrV" J 1 Vj4i COSTHSAMO-SCTHE W&SSnrr-i 1 THE PHOTO & 10i46 Miinlc f.r You I I TIAL. YiW'! n) N 11) IMTineMT an tlSA 'Wl ""'" J ll:00-Fir.t Bltl.t Church 1111 I ISr?S l 1 III I 'Sy HLj 7 i1 rgg 'V i 12 :00 Reilmond Hluh School IIIIIIJA' ftifi 1 FV -l:r"-- i3tl XKP'Vf I V 12:16 Hnrti Record PeU I il5?lifci T;A"'-' r L JS'' MfiHrX ' S:00-I'ubll'! rroutor I f,r iRi; -J wTeJ- liu!7 ,' I II J jf 1 rJllrn S 8-45 relom i Our Buslnera Martha Wavne elso-Rend'Hh'schooi mmiq .Toyno 6:45 The Editor Spenkj nm,. I I i J I . ' . ..i , , 7:00 Sunday Music W' C EWOMTHELMA HWED A gWBllgNERNETHINS .'THE MINUTE On THE KAYBWNE CAWUS... TcASOL.WHEN YOU? EWPIOVERS I'ltr" J'J""1" Prw"ra ; .SSrrJ 'PCENUEr0AFTEWCX3NS-RUTrl' TO REPLACE ME RUTH 16 QUITTING HEKUEWJOeWT IS- 8 :00-Wetruln.ter Orthodox Pre 'SiSS. Jf.SHE'SSOINa K'SERIOUSLXWEDONEEDJ MATT.HER VOICE LESSONS MmSW' :o-KrSphohn.. : PARTNER THELWA id vrfl '1 VSil i- .. 1 1 JSBu&t TVJy. 9:4r,-sdy Mu.i. Ruqs Bunny s Alley Pop S ' '" " . Vvl ( (aE, 1 UNk..THANkS I I LYlMNk NOT, EHf GCBH, I'D UkE TQ - I I j7ilrijii I CTVk5 RXGEniN' ME 1 YLXI'hiN WELL, STICK BUT HONESTLY mJL, NOlV'S i-N ll I CONTEST! I V I MY" AX... SORRY I ) REALLY ) AR0UN0 A I JUST HAFTA OU MENTION IT, Z. 'Jk v, iJv. - p'V- 1 V CAU9EP 'YLXJ SO I NOT SUCH 5TELL AN' GET GOIN7 A MEPiSE A LITTLE ) MJimi WrmS V MUCHWM3URE A RWO (3UY SELL THAT TO trrfV0' V TKAVELIN' UOULP -WwlUl IZX-Vfi3jiS!LSi3 .A S VlNrH A1 THAT W SUBJECTS! A.Wffl BE GOT FOR . '''3" B CXS' mmim fO&jf dream home Freckles and His Fronds ITS '"INH- I STREET BY HEART a. ;, ' HIT THAT DIP' --". clinlng even as the bushel-yield of grain per acre is increasing. Protein Slrurturo Remade Animal bodies, human, bovine, or whatever, do not make protein they merely remake the' protein structure which is first put to gether by plant life, he said. The plants take the chemical parts of proteins out of the soil add such elements as calcium In fair amounts, and add traces of such minerals as magnesium, man ganese, copper, boron, zinc, and molybdenum. A man eats these plants and his body breaks down the proteins into their many parts and puts the part together into man-protein. Or the man eats the cow which had eaten the plants and whose body had remade them Into cow-protein. And so the man's body remakes cow protein into man-protein. Which is as it should be. What isn't as it should be, Dr. Martin said, is that in the United States the vegetable protein, upon which animal protein depends, is becom ing of lower and lower quality. This is so because the soil of "two-thirds" of the country he excepted the Middle West is no longer able to supply plants witn everything they need to make high quality protein. Yet "protein produced on infer tile soil deficient in trace minerals is considered an incomplete pro tein or a protein of low biological factors as compared with high quality protein from fertile soil." Centrel Orgon .. 1 DI1 W . .1 KHoeyeliil 7:4R Mornlnv Round Up 8 :00 Tmlay't Tunes 8:20 Northwest News 8:26 Kraft Five Star News 8:30 Bible Institute Hour 9 :00 Bulletin Board 9:05 Morninsj Special 9:16 Kraft Five Star News 9:20 Mornin Special 9 :S0 The Suwr A The Star 9:40 Top Tunes 10:00 News 10:16 Tello Teat 10:30 Fashion Trends 10:35 The Three Suns 10:40 It's A Woman's World 10:46 News 10:50 Man About Town 10:66 Northwest News 11 :00 Florida Calling- 11:25 Kraft Five Star News 11:30 Queen for a Day 12:00 Noontime Melodies 12 :10 Today's Classifieds 12:16 Sports Review 12 :20 Noontime Melodies 12 :30 News 12 :46 Farmers Hour 1 :00 News of Prinevllle 1:05 Harry James - Betty Gra Show 1 :4 6 Listen intr Time . 2:15 Home Demonstration Agent 2 :0 Platter Preview 3:00 Platter Preview 3 : 1 6 Northwest News 3:20 Central Oregon News 3:25 Kraft Five Star News 8:30 "You Win" 3 :46 -Tello Teat 4 :00 Popular Demand 4:16 Frank Hemingway 4 :30 Here's the Answer 4 :45 Sam Hayes 6 :00 Tune Vendors 6 :15 Sports Parade 6:80 Melody Way 6:45 BUI Brundigs 8porta 6:66 Kraft Five Star News 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:16 Music Coast to Coast 6:30 Behind the Story 6 :46 Sam Hayes Newa 6:56 Song of the Day 7 :00 Passport to Daydreams 7 : 80 Bend Garage News 7 :46 Remember When 7 :60 Evening Melodies 8 :00 Broadway Cop 8 :30 Sentencde 9 :00 News 9:16 Fulton lwui Jr. 9:80 Off the Record 9:46-Off The Record 9 :55 Five Minute Finale 10:00 Off the Kecord 10:30 Top Secret Files 11:00 Sign Oft TWiCE-A-DAY adventures of 0 t-.'j www asr nsMtt T I 3ST Stirring tales of a coura geous dog In the untamed, early pioneer West I Sunday, 2 P.M. lrf.li,, i. .l.ili.n &biW WHITE KING "NAME the HOUSE'CONTEST! WIN this rheem DREAM HOME 1110 KC "QUEEN FOR A DAY" mm Serving All Cenrral Ortgen 1000 Watts The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, May 7, 1955 SWEETIE PIE by Nadine Seltzer "She started out with just a piggy bank then one thing ' . grew into anotner!" At Least Nine Lives Snuffed Out In Tlop House' Blaze in Chicago By GRANT SIVERTS United Press Staff Correspondent CHICAGO (UP)-A flash lire raced through the lobby and squal id cubicles of a Skid Road "flop house" early Friday, snuffing out lives in just 10 minutes. Deputy Coroner Harry GIos said at least nine men were known dead and 12 were Injured, two critically. A search was launched to discover whether more persons were trapped and killed in the flaming hotel. The blaze flared suddenly and trapped the victims as they sat sleeping on benches In the Comfort Hotel s second floor lobby and in the tiny cubicles which served as bedrooms. In a matter of seconds flames shot from the windows and en veloped the narrow, five-story building at 919 West Madison Street. Massed fire - fighting equipment roared down tawdry West Madison Street almost immediately and the fire was out 10 minutes later. But the blaze had raged long enough to sere and suffocate the victims Overcome By Liquor Officials said many of the dead men might have been so overcome by liquor that they never woke up when the fire broke out. From 75 to 100 Inmates escaped, rushing down the front stairway or down a fire escape at the back of the bu'lding. Many of them wore the traditional pajamas of Skid Road long underwear. Al Reese, 50, the hotel's night clerk, said he was sleeping at his desk in the hotel's lobby when the flames roared up. He fought his wav through the smoke to safety, unaware that men were dying only a few feet away. Another clerk, 79-year-old James A. Casey, was also sleeping when the fire broke out. Flames and smoke blocked him from the fire escape. He and another roomer were eventually rescued by fire men on ladders. John Bertram, 64, one of the men who escaped from the second floor cubicles, had a hole burned through his underwear at his chest. "I almost didn't make it, l.e gasped. Cause Unknown The cause nf the fire was not known immediately, but officials believed it might have flared from a cigaret which fell from the hand of an intoxicated man when he fell asleep on one of the lobby benches. Chief Fire Marshal Albert Peterson said two of the dead men were found sitting on the benches. They apparently had passed out from liquor, he said. All of the victims were believed to have perished from suffocation. Most of the dead men were found in tiny cubicles, separated by wrought iron shields, on the second floor. The cubicles were only big enough for a cot and a chair. Damme Light The flames were confined to the second floor, although smoke spiralled through the three floors above. Firemen quickly brought the fire under control and Peter son estimated the damage to the building at only $5,000. The blaze was the latest In a series of death - dealing fires which have flared up in Chicago. Only last Thursday, fires in a Near North Side hotel and tene ment killed 12 persons. The hotel fire was touched off by an arson ist. Last Feb. 13 a fire at the Barton Hotel, another West Madison Street flophouse, claimed 29 lives. In April another fire swept through a hotel for transients and five per sons were killed. A Skid Road habitue, watching today's blaze, commented "It's get ting so you have to sleep with your shoes on in Chicago." Solon Has Plan to Make 'Em Fess Up By HERBERT FOSTER United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON (UP) If SeJl. Richard L. Neubereer has his wav. television announcers during the 1956 political campaign will be tell ing you something like this: This was a paid political ap pearance. The candidute has a wart on his nose, concealed by pancake makeup, and his hair was borrowed for the occasion. "Makeup also hid the circles un der his eyes and his second and third chins. And that fine extem poraneous speech was read off a teleprompter beyond camera range. The Oregon Democrat, who scorns the use of a toupee on his own thin thatch, proposed a bill this week to inform TV audiences when a political candidate is re lying on makeup or teleprompters. The 42-year-old freshman sena tor said he wanted "to eliminate elements of the theatrical and the synthetic from our national polit ical life." He said a teleprompler the gimmick used at the 1952 political conventions, and in wide use on TV today "exists for one specific purpose to enable a candidate to read a speech while giving his viewers the definite impression he isn't reading it." Teleprompter is a device for roll ing a speech, typed in inch-hieh letters, across a speaker's view. His bill would not forbid the use of teleprompters or "idiot boards" lettered panels held up out of camera range - but would tell the audience about them. PAMELIfti V- -AT-V - 7BEND1QQ9-WS KJUNn 1240 kc The ffcvorll with Cmtnt rWrnr. iMi-rpni . V SUNDAY SCHEDULE 7 :M Sunday Newt Spf' S:00 Rxllo Bibli Clin :S0 Llirht Lift Hour 9:00 World of Tomorrow : Heratd of Truth 10:00 Revival Tlnw 10:30 Winin of Hralir 11:00 World Church llrJO Werttnd Nm lliSo Hour of Dx-ialra It iOO Warkend Naa lt:05 Your CoaununltT Chap! 11 :M TabmuMla Chorr 1 :00 Thia ia t Hour 1 JO Proudly W SaS 1:00 Tba Unahacklad 10 flraatjat Storr Fr Told 1:00 Tha World Wa Lira It I0 Allaa Jonaa Show 4:00 Thru the Llitenln Glua :nu nemember When 4 M Sunday Sporta Special - :l)0 America's Town Meeting :00 Walter WlncheU :lh Quincy Howe :30 Weekend Newa :6 Air Force Show 7:00 Mualc by Montavanl 7 :S0 Weekend Newa 7 :s6 Sunday Serenada .,:f!?-i,on.dJ XorniM Headllnt :lt Paul Harrey I :XO Cavalcade of Moaia :6 Weekend Newt V?5r5.'", 8rT.adt :1 Paul Harvey :S0 Plpet of Melody Sunday Newt Special 10:00 Sin Off IV.