The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, May 5, 1955 Additional Sports Tourney Begins Atl Fort Worth FORT WORTH, Tex. (UP)-The lavorites were among the early starters today as a select, 48-pIuy-er (if Id opened a four-day, 72-hole drive for $4,000 top money in the Colonial National Invitation golf tournament. Ben Hogan, the four - times champion and sentimental favorite despite the fact he hasn't won a tournament in nearly two years, was in the fourth three-some to tee off while the two most promising youngsters of the tour to date teed off right behind him. They were Gene Littler, the 1953 National Amateur champion who in little more than a year has boomed himself right to the top of the golf financial ladder, and Billy Maxwell, the 1951 Amateur king who holds down fifth spot in money rakeoffs on this his first tourney tour. Bon's Home Course Observers were reticent to dis count Hogan despite his Infrequent tournament appearances, because Colonial Country Club's 7,035-yard layout is little Ben's home course and he knows it thoroughly. He's been under par in practice the past week. Littler and Maxwell, on the other hand, have played in this tourna ment but once finishing 12th and 19th respectively, last year and didn t get here rfh tcom Tournament of Champions at Las Vegas in time to get in much more than token practice sessions. It was Littler's red-hot perform ance at Las Vegas, wher he walloped- the field by 13 strokes to win $10,000, that stamped him as on of the men most likely to win this year's $25,000 Colonial affair. Souchuk's Humiliation Mike Souchak, the husky former Duke gridiron star who led the monay winners until Littler shot pasrliim last week end, was in the firstJthreesome to tee off today as he attempted to write off some of the humiliation brought on by his lastjlace 310 total at Las Vegas. Cary Middlecoff, third In money winnings this season and a former chatflpion here, was among the pre tournament favorites, too. But, he was -an exception as far as early starters went. He didn't tee off untiHast along with National Open chartlplon Ed Furgol und Arnold Palmer, another former amateur champion turned pro. Alaskan Picture Planned Monday First showing of the motion pic ture, "Alaska, the Last Frontier,' is scheduled for Monday evening in the Kenwood school gymnasium under sponsorship of the Iank Walton league, Bend chapter. A repeat presentation of the color film will be on Tuesday night Shows will start at 8 p.m. Edward II. Horn of Ketchikan Alaska, will narrate the picture which he produced. The movie covers the territory from the south to the extreme north of Alaska. Walrus hunting scenes were taken on Diamond Island, only two and a half miles from Sllx'ria. Film highlights Include the cap ture of a 45-foot bow head whale by Eskimos. Also pictured is the operation of a large salmon trap in open salt water where fish an taken by the tons instead of pounds. Included ill the films are scenes of tile Brooks mountain range Es kimos taken when they were on the verge of starvation. These peo ple depend on caribou for llieir livelihood and Hie animals were late in coming on their northern migration. Horn, who photographed the col ored films, Is a native Oregonian, from Elgin. Fly Dropped By Willie Mays NEW YORK (UP) This must be news because it never happened before. Willie Mays dropped a fly ball Wednesday. The, Giant outfielder, who has had -much criticism hcapitl upon lilnOor his "bread-basket" style of catching flies, muffed a high one Tight out of his glove off the bat of Cub Infielder Ernie Banks, who took second on the error. What's more Mays went hltless In five times at bat. .Sparmate Drops Rocky to Canvas CALISTOGA. Calif. (UP) - Fo. For1 the second time In two weeks heavyweight champion Rocky Mar ciano was dropped to the canvas by a sparmate. Wednesday, Toxie Hall, nailed the champ with a left hook to the Jaw during a brisk worttout and deposited Marciano t ) the canvas. Marciano, who is train ing for a title defense against England'! Don Cockell, May 10. was floored by parmate Bob Al bright two weeks ago. Diamond, Track Action Due in Bend There will be both baseball and track in Bend today and Saturday as the Bruins , meet the Lebanon nine this afternoon on the munic ipal field, while the thinclads host all of the nearby schools in the annual Central Oregon meet Sat urday. Bonsell will probably see most of the action from the mound but may be replaced by Ron Ander son after his fine showing against the Madras While Buffaloes last Tuesday evening. Instead of the usual doublehead er the teams will play a single nine inning game. Thus far in district play the Bears have a record of two losses and three cancellations. The Bruins will attempt to make up the games that have been skipped during the next few weeks in order to get a spot In the standings and possibly a berth in the state tourney tha Is annuall y held lat er in the year. For the track men, the Central Oregon Is one of the biggest of the year and serves as a sort of warm up for the district affair a tourney that is annually held lat- are scheduled to get underway ear ly Saturday afternoon and will run into early evening because of the necessity to conduct heats In sev eral of the shorter running events. Cindermen from Redmond, Prineville, Madras and Bunts as well as Bend will be on hand for the affair. In view of the previous records posted this year the Pan thers whould walk off with the meet, but will be. hard pressed in each Individual event. Following this meet the teams will meet again with the rest of Hie district on Bruin field Satur day, May 14. Weather Ideal For Golf Play Ideal weather greeted members of the Women's Golf club In play Wednesday on the local course with a blind hole tourney as one of the features. In tins event, Mrs. Mel Rnper and Mis. J. S. Grahl man tied. Mrs. M. V. Wauge was winner in (he nine hole group. Awards In the winter eclecllc went to the following: Class A, low gross, Mrs. Avery Grlmsley; low net, Mrs. Doug Norton. Class B, low gross, Mrs. Ray Yarnes; low net, Mrs. R. P. Rob inson. Class C, low gross, Mrs. Fred Paine. In their weekly Wednesday play, members are to draw for partners, with names to be sub mitted not later than 8:45 each Wednesday morning. A pulling tourney lias been scheduled for next Wednesday. Qualification play for the spring handicap is now In progress, with play to continue up to and Includ ing May 11. Cockell Getting Driving License SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (UP) -Heavyweight challenger Don Cock ell, training for his title bout with champion Rocky Marciano in San Francisco, May 10, worked eight rounds Wednesday and then went out to obtain an American driving license. Jimmy Murray, who is promoting the fight, expressed con cern over Cockell's driving. "I don't approve at all," Murray said. "He's not used to driving on th. right side and is liable to forget and go the wrong way." COCKEI.I. CONFIDENT SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (UP) England' Don Cockell. who will meet champion Rocky Marciano ill a heavyweight title Unit In San Francisco May 1G, watched films of the champ in action Tuesday and said he was sure he could beat the Brockton. Mass., slugger Cockell is In training here for the title Unit. SKINS CONTRACT CHICAGO (UP) Earl Rays, 223 pound tackle from Eastern Kentucky Slate, has signed with the Chicago Cardinals for the lilYi season, il was announced today. Bays was the Cards' 2.1rd draft choice last January. II Al.TKl) IV TIME PRINCETON, N. J. (UP) "Mike" Kopliner. Princeton Un iversity's head proctor, averted a possible i v enactment of the War between the States Wednesday. The near engagement occurred when seven Southern Ixini Prince- ton students waving the Mars andihi!t pregnant wife said it was time Mars from a broomstick, marched on a 300-man parade of the school's "nnk ROTC unit as It was being reviewed by former New York Gov. Thomas E. Dewey. Kopliner halted the displaced Southerners, clad In Confederate grey, IX) yards shy of their ap parent objective. Great Scientist Becomes Almost Forgotten Man By CIMHE COX l.'iilted I'reMt Stuff Correspondent NEW YORK (L'Pl One of the nation's foremost scientists has become a forgotten man. Five years ago, physicist Jo siah Willard Gibbs the father of modern chemical engineering, was elected to New York Univer sity's Hall of Fame of Great Americans. There still is no bust of him in the Hall of fame ro tunda, and no one knows when there will be. Of the 83 Americans honored with enshrinement in the rotunda overlooking the Hudson River, only Gibbs and Woodrow Wilson are not represented by busts. But plans have been under way lor some time to install Wilson's like ness next year, on the lOOtii birth day of his birth. Mrs. Bertha Lyons, curator of the Hall of Fame, has been try ing for months to raise the $9,000 needed to install a bust and plaque honoring Gibbs. So far she has promises of only about $1,200. Gibbs, who devoted his entire adult life to teaching and studying at Yale University, is considered by other scientists to be the found er of the theory of thermodynam ics the relation between heat and energy. His theory has been credited with serving as the basis for the major part of physical chemistry and chemical engineering. Raising Money Difficult Gibbs died In 1903. Under Hall of Fame rules, a person must be dead 25 years before he can be elected. The elections are held every five yeai-s. Gibbs' name had been put in nomination several times before he finally was elect ed in 1950, along with Wilson, Dr. William C. Gorgas, Alexander Graham Bell, Theodore Roosevelt and Susan B. Anthony. "Joslah Gibbs was one of the greatest persons America has pro duced In science," M r s. Lyons said, "but I'm having a very diffi cult time getting funds to honor him In the rotunda. "Yale has tried to help me and has a small fund there. The Amer ican Chemical Society has promis ed to try to do something. It Is strictly a question of money. Some persons are harder to get money for than others. "It's strange how many people there are in the Hull ot Fame whose names are not familiar to the general public, but you'd think that if they get nominated and elected, there would be enough persons willing to contribute to a bust. Charges Fly At Hearing Illy M.OYIJ LAIMIAM I'nltcd Press Staff Cornvtpnlirt WASHINGTON (UP) Two supporters of a plan to build a government dam in Hells Canyon charged Wednesday private power companies are trying to cripple public power development in the Pacific Northwest. Clyde T. Ellis, president, and Charles A. Robinson Jr., staff on gincer, of the National Rur-i Electric Cooperative Association made the statement in testimony before a Senate Interior Subcom mittee. The subcommittee is consider ing a bill to authorize the 3fi0 million dollar government dam Opponents were to testify later. They were to include R. P. Pain-, attorney for the Idaho Power Com pany; Bernard Williams, a com pany vice president, and represen tatives of Idaho water user or ganizations. Ellis asserted that the Idaho Power Company has tried to "erase" electric cooperatives from its area. It lias "killed oft" three in the state, he charged and is "trying to kill two more." He argued that the company with the "assistance" of the Fed eral Power Commission is "tryiiic to give away a billion dollar resource." The company is seek ing an FPC license for three low dams in the canyon. Robinson said private utilities now are trying to obtain upstream sites 111 the Cohmihia system lo "gain control over power produc tion of the downstream federal projects." Most of the federal dams, he emphasized, lire on the main stems of rivers in the hnsin. "Private utility companies un dertaking these upstream storage projects would secure opcratiiv; control not only of the at sile power, but of the far greater quantities of power made available downstream by the water re leased." he said. TOO I.ATE CHICAGO (UP) Bernard Sulski had the route all worked out when jt0 ,(Ui fr the luxspitnl-U mln- ,ute bv a fast expresswa xiie time came Tuesday and Sulski drove onto the super high- way. lie g-.-vt lost In a cloverleaf mare and the baby a boy was born In the car Just as Sulski drove up in front of the hospital. ' " . t " - t s .. . ' ; WITNESSES ATOM BLAST Jesse L. Yardley, civilian air de fense coordinator for Deschutes county, was among those who witnessed the atomic blast at Yucca Flat, Nevada, this morning. He is pictured here with Gen. Benjamin W. Chidlaw, retiring commander of the Continental Air Defense command, in Las Vegas, where they were waiting the "openV blast of the big atomic bomb. Gen. Chidlaw conferred with administrative sup ervisors from 49 filter centers prior to the detonation of the often-postponed atomic shot. (Official USAF Photo for The Bulletin) Vatican Stepping Up Radio Strength to Offset Commies By AI.DO FOKTE t'nited Press Staff Correspondent VATICAN CITY (UP) The battle between religious broad casts and Communist interference is now in full swing between the Vatican and Moscow. Without making any open charg es, the. Vatican has decided to in stall six new powerful radio trans mitters to give new strength to its already mighty radio station. The decision to install the new transmitting station was reached after numerous complaints had been received by the Vatican re garding constant jamming and disturbances which always oc curred when special topics were being broadcast behind the Iron Curtain. The problem of interference was first discussed when the station broadcast the news of the excom munication taken by the Sacred Consistorial Congregation against Yugoslav government leaders fol lowing the trial of Aloysius Cardi nal Stepinac of Zagreb in Novem ber, 1910. The. Vatican learned that many faithful behind the Iron Curtain failed to receive the news be cause of effectively jammed ao- llvily by the Reds. End of Year The complaint was raised again when similar action was taken by, till! Holy See against Poland in How would you like fo take the wheel of high-powered Uuick and feel nn experience you never felt before in any earth-hound vehicle? 1 low would you like to do- Just by pressing down the gas pedal what a pilot does w hen he's ready for take-off? And how would you like to drive with the happy thought that you're getting plenty of miles per gallon in normal cruising and the electrifying action of the world's first airplane-principled transmission when you need it for split-second getaway response? 1 t's nil for you when you say the word and slip into the driver's seat of a new Uuick w ith Variable Pitch l) tiullow. CAN OU 5C $! STOP SAFEir? "Drive from factory Save $1QC CO up to 1 See Your BUICK Dealer" October, l!)!i3, for the arrest of Stejihan Cardinal Wyszynski, pri mate of Poland. The problem was discussed, and it was decided that the radio sta tion which had been installed by Ihe famous inventor, Guglielmo Marconi, wes not powerful enough to battle Communist interference. A new spot was found in the small town of Santa Maria di Ga leiia, 11 miles north of Rome, where the Vatican had a small property that enjoyed extraterri toriality as a result of the Later al! accords of 1929. Work was started immediately and the malaria - swept area was cleansed by purifying the waters ot the Arrone River. Once this was completed, work on the new station itself began under the di rection of such an expert as Fath er Giuseppe Gianfranceschi, who accompanied Gen. Umberto No bile in his expecition over the North Pole. The new station is scheduled io start beaming newt around the end of this year. 21 Languages Meanwhile the "old" station, sit uated on the highest hill of the Valiean will conliiuie its work. It was 21 yea re ago last Febru- ary that Pope Pius XI pronounced the words "lnuletur Jesus Chris- tils" Praised be Jesus Christ into the microphone of Ihe Vati - Vbu'ii feet without leaving the ground Just watt till you switch of Buicks CHICK tOU CAR- CHECK ACCIDENTS 709 Extortion Try Admitted In Portland POP.TLAND (UP) Glen Harvey Colgan, 27, an unemployed truck driver, confessed late Tuesday a 510,000 extortion plot against Fred Meyer stores here, police reported. ti., .. ...:i. .,,1 111- nu.-, i.miS ...... extortion and held in lieu of $10, - 000 bail. He confessed to the plot some five hours after he voluntarily ap peared in police headquartei-s to report that his car had been at the spot where store officials were to leave the money. A newspaper story yesterday morning had said a "mystery car" had eluded police watchers Monday night. At first Colgan told police he had just run out of gas at the pick-up scene, but he later broke down after hr discovered police had used powder visible under black light on a dummy packag" of money and that the same type glowing powder was on his hands. He said he wanted the $10,000 because he was "out of money" and had been having hard luck. He said he had read of recent bomb-threats and decided that ex tortion would be any easy way to obtain the money. Police Chief Jim Purcell and Sheriff Terry Schrunk said the de mand was made by telephone Monday to the general offices of the Fred Meyer firm. A bomb ex plosion in one of the stores was threatened. Instructions were given calling for the money to be placed in a bean patch on the outskirts of Portland. Police put the area under surveillance. can radio station, thus inaugurat ing one of the most powerful wea pons of the Catholic Church. These words have been pro nounced, day in and day out, ev ery time the station starts broad casting its daily programs which are beamed throughout the. world in 24 different languages. The program are organized by 17 Jesuit fathers who have a hand ful of secular priests collaborating with them. The programs consist of news casts, full texts of Papal speeches, encyclicals, important documents issued by the Holy See, religious ceremonies, interviews, conversa tions, sermons, special broadcasts for the sick, religious concerts, and recital of the rosary. On Sunday, masses are broad cast, together with special ho milies in the language of a coun try behind the Iron Curtain. The masses are recited both in the La- 'tin and the Oriental riles. th& pitch new Dynatflow Not only do you take command of record" high Buick V8 power and the most envied ride in the industry -and the brawn and heft and luxury of a truly solid automobile. You also call the turn on twenty propeller like blades deep inside a wondrous new Dynallow that's patterned after the prin ciple of the modern plane's variable pitch propeller. You hold these blades in their high-economy angle when you press the pedal in the nor mal way - and you get a lot more miles from u tunkful of gas. Thrfi of the year is -WHEN lOTtll AUTOMOSIlEi ARE BUILT IUICK Will BUILD lend Garage Co., lone. W4II Street Russia Pursues Usual Course . In Negotiations A UNITED PRESS EXTRA By CHARLES M. Met' AW lulled I'm Staff Correspondent Soviet Russia is pursuing its . ,,,, , ,ho .,,. ,.. , nrirotiatons now beine conducted in Vienna. It is trying to include provisions which would keep Austria from be ing really independent. It is Hying to include an article wliich would permit it to get hold of the Iron Curtain refugees now being sheltered in Austria. And naturally. It is hying also ta extract the last possible dollar in economic concessions from Austria as the price of the treaty. As the result, the negotiations which started off so smoothly on Monday have run into some snags. It is probable that the disputed points will have to be left for de cision by the Big Four foreign ministers. Allies Still Optimistic Nevertheless, Allied diplomatic authorities seem convinced that the Kremlin is ready at last to sign the treaty restoring to Austria the sovereignty which it lost when Nazi Germany seized it in 1938. It is reported that Secretary of State John Foster Dulles hopes the treaty may be signed in Vienna around the middle of this month. As has been pointed out, if Rus sia does agree to an acceptable treaty, it will be because of its acute anxiety over the prospect of West German rearmament. Germans would be told that they. too, could have a treaty and get foreign occupation troops out of their country if they would refuse to rearm. This appeal is strong. In th? Vienna negotiations, the United States, British and French dele gates must not only oppose the greediness of the Russians. They must guard against over-eagerness by the Austriuns themselves to give the Russians concessions in order to get rid of the destined Red Army. Refugee Snag One snag in the Vienna negotia tions concerns about 36,000 refugee from behind the Iron Curtain who are now in Austria. They include Russians, Poles, Czechoslovaks, Hungarians and Romanians. These people have escaped from Iron Curtain territory at risk! of their lives. They are the fortunate ones. Thousands of others have been shot while trying to cross the border or have been killed by land mines planted along it. Russia is trying to word the treaty so it could get all these people into its grip, to be tortured, enslaved or murdered. A's Me tentop wMwrOoors. Hore'l Ihe now hit In horrf. topi thol's taking the country by iionn - Buick'i pioneering and pace-selling 4-0oor Riviera. The "con vertible" look, with no center pom In the jide window oreai-but with You switch the pitch of these blades to take-off position when you press the pedal way down and you get spectacular action instantly. D on't take our word alone that this is thrilling beyond all previous experience. Talk to anyone who's tried it. Or, better yet, come try it yourself. That way you can learn firsthand why Buick sales are soaring to all-time best-seller highs. Drop in this week, won't you? Diualuw Drit t il Han. Ltd on RottJmaiter, optional at tt4 iojt on other Senej, California Doctors Hit Polio Group SAN FRANCISCO (UP) The California Medical Association has blasted the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis for the "contrived publicity" with which i' announced the Salk vaccine. The association's policy-making council adopted a bitleily-woi-ded resolution of condemnation last lliifht at the close tf Ihe CMA's ; annual convention. The resolution followed by a few hours the action of the State De partment of Public Health in set ting up a system of priorities to insure that all children up to and including the age' of 14 receive the vaccine. The ratings also in cluded pregnant women. Although the CMA resolution did not mention the polio foundation by name, there was no doubt that the council was referring to this organization. It said: "Die council of the California Medical Association disapproves and condemns the method of an nouncing the Salk antipoliomyelil tis vaccine. It disapproves the con trived publicity with which the announcement was made and the fact that there has not to date been an opportunity for general scientific discussion of the value of the method. it further disapproves non-pro fessional agencies deciding the time und the means of reportins matters of a scientific nature and it disapproves such agencies de. ciding the measures which should be employed in the further use of medical materials or methods." However, the CMA said Califor nia physicians will continue to co operate with federal, state and ! cal health officers "to safeguard the health of our people and the ultimate control of poliomyelitis." It urged the National Research Council, the country's top scien tific research group, to "under take an extensive study of every phase of the manufacture and testing of the vaccine." It said that the use of the Salk vaccine "must be left to the judg ment of the individual physician." NlfillT IN .JA1I, PITTSBURGH (UP) Carmen Traficanti spent the night in jail on a charge that he became dis orderly when a dog catcher las soed the family dog in Trafican ti 's back yard. The dog, bailed out by a $1 fine from Traficanti's wife, spent the night at home. Jackpine Wood Prompt Delivery Phone 767 Brookings Wood Yard separate doors tor rear soat passengers. Shown here l,i ihe low-price SPECIAL model -also avail able in the high-powered CENTURY Series. Both now In volume production lo Insure prompt deliveries. BuicSc THEM. Phone 193