The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 05, 1955, Page 12, Image 12

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    4p The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, May 5. 1955
Delicious Quick Hot Breads
Can Glorify Simple Meals
Biscuits? Oh Boy! How many
tinfes has Mom heard that de
lighted exclamation when she was
preparing dinner. It doesn't have
to Jx biscuits either; hot rolls
muffins, corn bread or popovers
wilt bring forth the same happy
anticipation ol an enjoyable meal.
Let's face it, quick breads make
a meal "special" in most families
Qread, like milk, is a basic food,
and when you have bread madi
with milk, piping hot and fragrant
you not only have mighty good
eating but good nutrition as well
For. milk adds flavor and food
varue to bread, makes It taste bet-
tec and better for you, whether
yoa bake your own or buy it from
a bakery'-
With the excellent quick mixes
ani ready to bake products in the
stores, it's easy to make every
mejil "special" these days. Sour
Cream Rolls are quick and easy
to 'make and have wonderful fla
vob and texture. Pimento Cheese
Biscuits make a perfect evening
snack to serve "drop in" guests.
Ginger Surprise Muflins are de
lightfully different spicy and
moist, thanks to a surprise ingre
dientcottage cheese!
4 ' Sour Cream Ralls
cups sour cream, scalded
i cakes compressed yeast
t Tbsp. sugar
tsp. salt
14 tsp. soda ,
54 cups flour, (approximately)
2ool cream to luke warm. Soft-
cnyeast in 1 cup cream. Add su
gafj, salt and soda to other cup
of -cream. Stir in dissolved yeast-
sour cream mixture and add half
th flour, beating until butler is
smooth and full of bubbles. Add
rerfiaindcr of flour, stirring until
dough collects In a stllf ball. More'
floor may be required. Turn out
onji floured board and knead until
smooth and clastic. Roll out Vi
inch, thick. Cut with a biscuit cut
tent Brush wilh molted butter and
p'njc on a bultcred baking sheet.
Cover and let rise until double, in
bulk. Bake at 400 degrees F., for
20Jninutcs, -
Flniento Cheese Biscuits
I . (Bone i)
rn an 8" glass pie plate moll
haf a cube ( cup) butter wilh
hiU a .1-oz. package of pimento
crCnm cheese. Blend well. Half nn
hour before serving, take a pack
am of ready to bake biscuits from
rcjigerator, open and arrange
close rogemer over cheese mix
ture. Let stand 20 minutes to rise.
Heat oven lo 450 degrees F.. and
bake, biscuits 10 minutes. Serve
hof. ,.
(iuiger Surprise Muffins
1 cup flour, silted
tsp. baking powder
hit tsp. soda - ,
V tsp. each, ginger, cinnamon
and salt
1 egg, beaten
1-3 cup cottage cheese, smull
Vt cup milk
M cup light molasses
3 Tbsp. melted buttet
Sift dry ingredients Into a bowl,
Make a well in the middle. Com
bine egg, cheese, milk molasses;
and mclled butler and add to dry
ingredients. Mix just until mois
tened. Batter should be lumpy
and rough. Fill buttered muUin
pans half full. Bake at .150 degrees
F., 15 or 20 minutes or until done.
Serve hot. Makes 12 small or 8
large muffins.
STARTING YOUNG Thrcc-iiml-a-half-year-old
Earl Wel
ton prefers smoking a good
cigar three times a day to eat
ing Cfiidy. At least, that's what
the Bcthullo, III., youngster's
mother says. She says she
taught him to' smoke as a stunt,
but now complains that the
stunt li n A become a habit and is
embarrassing In nnhlie
Lemon Juice j
Adds Flavor,
Vitamin C j
Fresh ' lemon juice adds flavor
and vitamin C to many dishes.
I'ry it in salad dressing in place
of vinegar, use it in sea food
dishes, ft improves some meat
dishes, too, sucn as barbecued
Barbecued Spareribs j
(Serves 6) '
Three to 4 pounds lean spare-'
ribs, 2 tablespoons butler or mar
garine, 1 clove garlic, chopped;
1 cup tomato catsup, 1 cup water,
1 tablespoons fresh lemon juice,
1 tablespoon paprika, 1 tablespoon ;
Worcestershire sauce, dash Tobas
co sauce, 2 onions, sliced; 1 ieni
una, unpeeled, sliced.
Cut spareribs in pieces, place on
rack in roasting pan und brown at
150 degrees F. for 30 minutes.:
Melt butter or margarine in sauce
pan; saute garlic for 1 minute,
add remaining ingredients and
bring lo boil. Pour fat from ribs,
remove rack and place slice of
onion and lemon on each piece of
meat. Pour hot saiice over ribs
and bake al 350 degrees F. for
Hi hours to 2 hours, basting occa
sionally. Place under broiler to
brown before serving. j
Shrimp ( ream Cheese
Sandwich Spread
Two 3-ounce packages cream
cheese?, 1 5-ounce can shrimp,
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1
tablespoon lemon juice, dash Ta
basco sauce, !4 cup finely chopped
Soften cream cheese; add Wor
cestershire sauce, lemon juice and
Tobasco und. mix well. Mix in
shrimp and celery. Spread on
slices of whole wheat or white en
riched bread; serve with crisp
Note: For cocktail dip. thin with
a lit I lo cream and substitute !4
teaspoon celery salt for chopped
ory barbecued spareribs, mashed
potatoes, new carrots with parsley,
crisp rolls, butter, mixed green
salad, fruit cup, cookies, coffee,
tea, milk.
S1IK1.BYVILLE, 111. (UP)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roby sold
their "gentle" Ihrce-year-old bull.
On the day they . were to deliver
the animal to the new owner, a
neighbor heard the bull bellowing
and went to the Roby farm, lie
found Mr. and Mrs. Roby both ly
ing near the barn dead from the
chest and head injuries Inflicted
hy tiieir "gentle" bull. ;
The Working Man's Market
;End Cut Chuck
Center Cut Chuck
pot roast:
i Country Style
-Boneless Brisket
j Fill Your Freezers NOW! Beef Prices are on the Rise!
: Big Package Decl
: 60 lbs. and up 39c a Ib.
v B r i
5 ivu ray icr no surplus
RilMAt Af Cm
4 - WII VI I Ml
10 lbs Roasts, 10 lbs Ground Beef
;10 lbs Rib Steaks, 10 lbs Boiling Beef
;10 lbs Round Steaks 10 lbs Sirloin
Total Price $23.30
Cut and Wrapped
By the Half 39c Ib.
l.'ill III. Average
Front Quarter 30c Ib.
"."i lb. .enige
Hind Quarter 49c lb.
7.1 ll, Average
Phone 2 933 Well St.
mgrnmsmmm i h in mm i nn iwmiiini iupmn
I !,.-
fj. "'
sts . jiff. wmmm
' i .a v mzzmzm-p mi nrpri n
. . i in m
OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
SUNDAYS 9 am. to 6 p.m.
Devils Food.White-Yellow
or Marble'
ol m?
. - Mkiiiii ii ii mil
Plenty of
Patty Dae, Whole or Kosher
Dill Pickles - 69
Airport Whole Sweet Pickles 24 oz. jar 39e
Nalley Hamburger Relish 12 10. jar 25c
Nalley Sweet Relish 12 oz. jar 25c
Yamhill Ripe Olives No. 211 tin 25c
Best Foods French Dressing 8 oz. jar 19e
Best Foods Home Style Dressing 8 oz. jar 19c
French Barbecue Sauce 5 or. bottle 19c
Borden's, 8 oz. tin Instant
Hot Chocolate 19'
Nestles Ouik Hot Chocolate 2 38 Ib box 98c
Borden's Instant Coffee 6 oz. (ar S1.49
Maxwell House Instant Coffee - - 6 oz. ar $1.49
Nescafe Instant Coffee . A oz. jar $M9
Kaffee Haig Coffee.. .. .... Reg or Drip 1 lb. 99c
Sanka Coffee Reg. or Drip 1 Ib. $1.03
Flogers Coffee ii..... 1 lb. caw 91c
H and D No. 2 can i,
Freestone Peaches 25'
Bit-O-Sea Grated Tuna No. tin ,19c
Dundee Sliced Pineapple S... ........... No. ii can 29c
Hudson House Apple Juice:...:..;.-. Quart 23c
Hudson House Fruit Cocktail No. 2 tin 35c
Dundee Cream Style Corn -'. -L ...... No. 303 tin 2 for 25c
Dundee Green Beans No. 303 tin 2 for 33c
Dundee Tomatoes No. 303 tin 2 for 25c
SuiiHliine, 7'j oz pkgr, Hydrox
Cookies 25c
Sunshine, 13 oz. pkg Chocolate
Mint Wafers 45c
Colonial Chocolate Covered 13 oz, box
Cherries 39c
Kraft Miniature, cello bag:
Giant Milk Chocolate or Almond
Hershey Bars' . . each 55c
Planter oz. flu
Peanuts .
Snowdrift Shortening 3; 79c
Wesson Oil 59c
Van Camp Pork & Beans n 2 19
Lucky Lager Beer rton 6 ns 1 .1 0
White Rose New
Fresh Sweet
Yellow Meat
Variety of Colors
For Mother's Day
Fresh Calif.
Texas Pink
Tomatoes Potatoes Cantal'pe Tulips Str'berries Grapefruit
39c -49c 19c D., 59c cp39c 98
Phone 303
Where Your Dollar Really Buys More!
Fishermen! Have Good Lunches
Assorted Lunch Meats
Big 6-foot long
Ib. 49c
From Grain Fed Steers
Beef Roast
Nice and Juicy
Club Franks
Bridgman's Tan Ready, Cut I'p
Colored Roasting - Stewing Hens
Bolides Briket, Mild Cure
Home Cured Corned Beef
liiicnl with tlmne Frank
Home Made Sauerkraut '
Sliced Bacon
lb. 59c
lb. 43c
Ib. 39c
Ib. 59c
Ib. 39c
- Ib. 39c
2 lbs. 20c
Ib. 49c
Salmon, Halibut, Oysters, Fresh Crobs, Fillets of Red Snapper
L gal.
Rep. size ralmollve "
Soap 3 for 25c
Bath Size Palmoliv-
Soap 2 for 25c
Giant size. Km- A.jnx with each box
Fab 69c
Ajax . '
Cleanser 2 for 25c