The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday. May 3, 1955 ';. -i ", ; jiii An L V -Si 7 T II '.PHILIPPINE FORESTER VISITS Rotales A. Juni, a professional forester from the Philippines, wit in the Deschutes country today reviewing forest research work now underway in the pine region. At left is James E. Sowder, Deschutes R esearch Center leader, and at right is Edwin L. Ktowat, research forester. (Bend Bulletin Photo) forester from Philippines On Tour of Deschutes Area never had u close mil he recently vis- area in southern , Rosales A. Juni, a professional itor. He forester from the Philippines who view of snow u Is in this country to sillily forest Med the Tiller tend watershed manneement )rol- Oregon Jems, today was making a tour of the Deschutes basin. , James E. Sowder, Deschutes Research Center leader, was his uide today, and before leaving, Juni will be told of the work un- Ber way at the Pringle Falls for est experiment station. ' Juni is on the mainland in con nection with the . government's Point Four program. He arrived from the Philippines last Septem ber and spent the first two months in Puerto Rico and at the South em. Forest experiment station at Stew Orleans. He has been in the Pacific northwest since. March vis iting research centers, "juni's visit was arranged by the Foreign Operations Administra tion, "to provide an opportunity for '. a professional forester from the1 Philippines to Improve his technical and practical knowledge In the administration of forest ex periment station and watershed management." A graduate from the Philippines School ot Forestry, Juni, 41, has had charge of a government owned rinchona plantation on Mindanao. !De bark of the cinchona contains lulnine. ' A veteran of World War II, Juni swerved with the guerilla lirces on Mindanao throughout he- Japanese occupation, and (alned the MacArlhur forces when the island was retaken. Recent voleanism in the Philip pines was of more ttian casual In terest to Juni. for his home is land is dominated by an active says. volcana. Hibok - Hibok, which through the years has taken a SHOUT CAICKKK heavy toll of lives. 0.D ORCHARD liKACIl, Me.- Juni is a member of the Uonsi(ijp) Fred l.uce wonders if his club in the Philippines, and was I otiti-al career is over. He w as dc a guest of the Bend club at its. foated for re-election lis town clerk meeting today at the Pine Tavern, recently utter holding various town The white mountains on the.' offices for 63 years. Luce will be 9 western skyline impressed the vis-1 next birthday. Delegates Set For 4-H School Breakfast Held , By Golf Club Spcciul to the Bulletin REDMOND A klckoff breakfast for members and fumilies of Juni per Golf club Sunday morning at the clubhouse preceded the open- ng round In the. men's spring hundicap tournament. Results of matches pplayed to date in the first flight show a win for Al Mansfield over Merle Hogan, 1 up, but the two played 20 holes to decide a winner. Russ Standard defeated Lloyd Davis 4-3. Earl Boothe won from Pete Ner- seth by default. In the second flight Lee Ren nolds defeated George McKinnon 5-3. Al Tilse turned in a good game to win from Paul Cook 4-2 and Dr. Charles Dudley defeated John Currie 1 up. Onlv one match has been report ed to date 'In the third flight, Clem Croghan defeating George Rake straw, 4-2, and In the fourth flight Lloyd Sattcrlce and Iviin Ivanco vlcli. Sr. were mulched, Sallerlee winning 3-1. No fifth flight matches are reported yet, accord ing to club manager Fred Sparks who posted Sunday s results. All first round contests me to be com pleted and scores turned in by Sunday evening, May S. Sparks iwiO Conkfeg 'automatic 9 Special In The lilllletlll REDMOND - The names of delegates chosen to attend the l!fi: 4-11 summer school in C'or- llis in June have been released by 4-1 1 agent Douglas Messenger. Summer school will be held at Oregon Slate College June 11 lo I. The young people, 40 in num ber, were chosen by a committee if leaders on the basis of 1-11 ac tivities and uccomplishnicnls since the last time they attended a 411 summer school. They are: Fred Freeland. Velmu Lynds, Yvonne Smith. Joan Peck Ed Elliolt, Louise Elliott, Phyllis Sleasmnn and Pat Sohm of Red mond; Dinnd Hill, Ann Westfall, Barbara Hanson, Laura Dudley, Gail Wilson, Susan Dillubough. Karron Walker, Dawn Price, Don na Oumpert, Diane Heden, Geor- gia Walker, Joyce Williams, Mar jory Dunlap, John Prichnrd, Ma vis Rowley. Rosalie Weluuurn. Kristine Hansen. Susan Burton Maureen Burton and Robert Fix all of Bend. From Tumalo: Patsy Frakes, Shirley Frakes. Curl Purkhurst and Victor Purklunst: Eric Sand- wick of Deschutes, Margit Peter sen and Vivian Lynds, Pleasant Ridge; Linda Smith of Alfalfa Sandra Angel from LaPine. Kay Cyrus and Nord Hawkins of Clover dale, and Ambers Thunliurgh, Terrebonne. The commit Ice of leaders who reviewed the applications submit ted consisted of Mrs. George Dav is. Mrs. John Mollot and Mrs. A. W. Westfall, Bend; Mrs. Charles Houston, Redmond; Mrs. Tim Dent, Tcrrebmne; and Neil Davis, -Tumalo. Messenger explains that scholar ships to summer school cost $25 per person anil cover all expenses I including insurance on the cam pus!, except for transjwrtation. Parents and 1-11 leaders usually nrovide thrs. Customarily county business people and organizations provide these scholarships and it is hoped sufficient sponsors will offer their assistance again this year. Those wishing to do so are asked to contact Messenger. Mid-Oregon Saddie Groups Hold gear's 2nd Play Day Sperli.l lo The Bulletin Glaspey, PRINEVILLE - The Bend Rim Rock Riders won honors in the grand entry and scored highest in points, at the Central Oregon Sad dle Club association's second play day of the season, Sunday at the Crocked River roundup grounds. S sters was a close second in points, with 1!. Prineville tallied 1115, and Redmond Sli. Runners-up in the grand entry were Redmond, second; Sisters, third, and Prine ville, fourth. Judges were Wayne Hcuslon, Frank Tracey and How aid Mayfield. Tlie grand entry was led by Rodney Rosebrook of Bend, presi- lent of the Central Oregon Saddle Club association. Norm Williams it Redmond was announcer. The bird play day will be held in Bend, at a date to be announced later. Crystal Moore of Prineville was the only contestant to finish in the egg race. Winners of other events, in the order of placing, are .as follows: Jack roping r Freeman Stout, Prineville; Roy Stanton, Sisters; furl Campbell, Sisters; John Rose brook, Bend. Three-eighths rnile free-for-all Kay Patterson, Prineville; Dwayne Rosebrook, Bend; Nancy "ampbell, Sisters; Joyce Endicott, Sisters. Slake race Milt Ness, Bend; Gill Stanton, Sisters; Freeman Slout, Prineville. Women's slake race Nancy Campbell, Sisters; Barbara Carlile Bend; Faye Rice, Redmond;, Mari lyn Bigelow, Redmond. Children's stake race Ken Stan ton, Sisters; Colleen Campbell, Sisters; Roberta Jossy, Bend. Novelty race Dwayne Rose brook, Bend; Jean Houston, Prine ville; Boh Glaspey, Redmond; John Rosebrook, Bend. Musical rope John Rosebrook Redmond; Ernie Moore, Prineville. Women's musical rope Kay Patterson, Prineville; Crystal Moore, Prineville; Jean Stanton, Sisters; Nancy Campbell, Sisters. Children's musical rope Ken Sianion, Sisters; Doc Rosebrook, Jend; Roberta Jossy, Bend; Col leen Campbell, Sisters. Western pleasuer class Bob Glaspey, Redmond; Ed Heaur, Redmond; John Rosebrook, Bend; Crystal Moore, Prineville. Surprise. Event Emmett Comp bell, Bend; Ken Stanton, Sisters; Bill Stanton, Sisters; Joyce Endi rott, Sisters. Lodge Launches Toy Prpgram Special to The Bulletin --' MADRAS Culver Odd Fellows have launched a Christmas- toy ulan. similar to that carried on by the Sunshine division of the Portland Police ' denartment Clarence Potampa, noble grand, announced this , weekl Lodge members will collect old toys, repair and repaint them, and distribute them to youngsters of the community at, Christmas time. Noble Grand Potampa issued an appeal for residents of the com munity to donate toys. The lodge official asked that res idents donate toys as early as pos sible so that ample time would be available to lodge members to make Ihe necessary repairs. ESTIMATE MADE MINNEAPOLIS (UP) Min nesota's 1955 population is esti mated at 3,138,872 by the state registrar of vital statisics, Dr. A.! Commencement Speaker Picked Special to The Bulletin MADRAS Gilford E. Maser, dean of the school of business and technology, Oregon State college, jvill be the main speaker for com mencement ' ceremonies of the Madias Union high school gradu iting (4ass. He has chosen "Oppo rtunity Favoi-s the Prepared Mind" as his topic. The commencement program will be held in the school gymna sium at 8 p.m., May 20. Baccalau reate is scheduled in the gymna sium at 8 p.m., May 15. A processional played by San- Ira Beasley will start the bacca laureate program. The Rev. John '.. Welch, pastor of the Madras Episcopal church, will give the invocation. The sermon, "Why Are We Liv-j ing?" will bo delivered uby, C. jE. Bolin, pastor of the First Baptist i cnurch of Madras, and benediction vv Reverend ' Welch will be fol , -ed by the recessional: . The commencement program v:ll sta-t with a processional by the senior band and an invocation by the Rev. R. A. Mask ins. pastor of the Madras Free Methodist -hurch. The salutatory will pre cede Dean Maser's address. Cart V. Rhoda. Madras high su perintendent, will make awards md scho'arshlp announcements. The valedictorian will then speak. A. S. Ramsey, chairman of the board of School District No. U-l, will make diploma presentations and the senior band will play the recessional. Redmond Awaits Bloodmobile Sp-elal to The Bulletin REDMOND . The Red Cross Bloodmoiiile comes to Redmond Wednesday. It will be at West- BOVVD OVER Special to The Bulletin REDMOND Bound over to grand jury following a preliminary hearing Monday morning before Justice Donald Ellis were C. II. Parks and John Moran. The two were charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Both minster hall from 2 to 6 p.m. Red- , r. , . j i. p.m. ivru um,l aniece. Parks was represented mond exceeded its quota on the by attorneys Alva Goodrich and Robert Foley, and Moran's coun sel is Joseph J. Thalholer. last Bloodmobile visit and chair man Hugh Hartman and volunteer assistants are hopeful the 110 pint quota will be topped again. Street banners, posters, and tele phone reminders ure keeping Bloodmobile before "the public. The quota approximates actual hospi tal needs locally. CARP NOTE ANNAPOLIS- Md. (CP) State Senator Thomas F. Demp sey is seeking to amend a law so it will be all right in Maryland to sho.op carp in non - tidal waters with a bow and arrow. FORGETFUL AIDE ATOMIC TEST SITE, Nev. (UP) When a general's aide at Camp Desert Rock forgot to wake his boss for one of the scheduled atomic shots he prepared for a Bend; Harold Carlile, Bend; Bob at 1,982,483. J. Cheslcy. The 1950 federal cen-demotion. But the weather as usu sus placed he state's population1 al, forced a postponement. He got a commendation instead. Headquarters ; FOR YOUR FRINTING SUPPLIES For better printing, our craftsmanship shows up in the quality of our work. But nof on our .bills. Our prices are never higher than elsewhere. FOWLER Printing Company Across From the Post Office Telephone 70 Our Representative will With low-cost Electricity, You live Better For less 2 enjoy FREEDOM from hours of backbreaking work Why lug heavy, wet lunds? Stoop, lift, stretch? Trudge back and forth? Endure raw, chapped handB? Wash and dry the Maytag way... Olty lime For clean, dry clolhefl, just load and set the dials. any weather Rain, snow, dust, foil cun't upnet your work any fabric Cotton, silk, mnn mnde fabrics while or colored, any place Install upstairs or down. Nothing to mar your room. Check these features MAYTAG Dryer eKclutive Waterfltm action eliminate! tint, moisture and venting preblemt toftty deer ttept action when opened heat, time confroli double Initiation porclol.flnlh drum from dhJr Children, Moms To Visit School K'icHnI to Hit' Hull. 'tin PUINI-A'ILI.K Children who will enter I he f:rsl nrwle next year in Prineville sehools will take Ithrir m tillers by the hand and 'visit both the Oehttco and Oixkod i River selnxVs Wednesday, May 4. to spend a morning in a "get ac quainted" visit. While the youngsters visit classes from 9 until 11:30, moth el's will receive' the pre school handbooks which are designed to iud' c!rinatc parents and children nlo the ways of school life. Ad vice will be hi ven to mothers on registration, health examinations. sclnol work and the progress that is expected of the child during the first grade. The nre-schiHil visit also gives authorities a general forecast of the number of youngsters that will be starting sehoi! next fall, and teach ers get a chance to meet the new- first graders. MAYTAG Washer eiclutlveGyrafoamactton ' " "" "' ' ' Ps EXAMPLE: w r IT COSTS JUST PENNIES A I . . , ' . .1 II ,u p i l. ij t, ,i , ill i a WJL LOAD TO RUN AN AUTOMATIC MJk aulimollt - woihti, rlntey pln, ttept ne bolting down action tlopi when , lid li roi -d time, - i safety from 269M Maytag Appliance Store 721 Franklin Phone 274 Madras Office Manager Named S'hHiiI to The Hull. 'till MAPKAS IVnild Ijuvv Ivi: Nmmi ;np, tinted M:idras oftii'c !;n;iT for the Orrciin stale nil- ilowniMif stM'viiv, Clark Price. Item! offiee manager, nniviiinivs. TV l.val office is located in the I Madras Locker building. I 1nvy will keep the office pnon ifrom 7 n tn. to 3 p m., Mondays , Miroiiun Krdnys and from " a m 1 to noon. Saturdays. The office is maintained lo serve any person needing workers. It is not oicnited solely for farmers. I-ncey explnined. Similarly, the oftice is a clearing house for nil kinds of workers, both farm and mm-tarm. Yo u'll save tons of lifting, miles of walking, hours and hours of time with automatic electric clothes drying all for only a few cents a day at Pacific Power's low electric rates. Never another worry about the weather, either, or about soot or dust soiling clothes on the line. Do your clothes drying the modern way automatically, electrically, with all the work and worry forgottenl It's an outstanding example of better living at lowest cost. Your dependable electric service from Pacific Power is your best buy the biggest bargain in your budget todayl 8z LIG-HT COIMPAlSnr S Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland It's time you, too, had an automatic electric clothes dryer. Your friendly appliance dealer is the man to see.