T "Spring Fever Doesn't Slow Down Classified Ad Results" The Bend Bulletin. Friday. All Boat-Happy KENTFIELD, Calil. (UP) i The lure of Hie sea at the College of Marin is so strong that even the school's president has gone to class to learn how to build bis own boat. Located on the Marin County side of San Francisco Bay, the col lege sponsors a chapter of Sea Scouts whose skipper is head of the school's art department, Ed win A. Cadogan. In the past two years, 27 boats have been built. Students built 10 of them, and three were built by faculty members, including Ma rin's president, Ward H. Austin. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS THE BEND BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Hend Bulletin (Daily) Eat. 1916. Published Every Afternoon Except Sun ' day and Certain Holidayit by The Bend Bulletin, 736 - 738 Wall Street. Bend, Oregon. Br Hall in Oregon Three Montha $ 3.25 Six Montha 6.00 One Year ? H.OO By Mail Outside of Oregon Three Month f S.7B Six Montha .. 6.50 One Year 12.00 By Carrier One Month $ 1.25 Six Months 7.b0 One Year 15.00 SINGLE COPY 6c Flease notify ua of any change of ad drttw or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. All subscriptions an DUE and PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. BULLETIN CORKESPONDENTS Madras Bob Barber Phone 2138 or 2901 Redmond Mrs. Martha Stranahim Phone 21 Eastern Star Mrs. Walter Prfchard Phone 37-F-ll Sisters Mrs. Serge Coval Phone 2195 Tumalo Mrs. A. L. Christopher Phone 600-L Want Ad Rates and Information 4 times for the price of 2 Ask about the rates for added spacs and added insertions ; don't forget the even lower rates if you run your ad fur a full month. 7 .times for the price of 6 Very Low Rates for Monthly Ads 1 2-3-4 ft-fl-7 Words Times Times Times Up to 18 .75 " 1.60 2.75 H thru 18 1.00 2.00 3.67 19 thru 23 1.26 2.50 4.20 24 thru 28 1.60 3.00 6.50 Prices: Cash or within 7 days. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE BEND BULLETIN, PHONE 56 Ads received before 1 p.m. will appear in the following day's paper. The Bulletin - reserves the right , to classify .edit or reject any want ad copy, and will be responsible for only one in correct publication of any want ad. Full adjustment of error will be made by cue added insertion of the corrected adver tisement. " , Want ads in The Bulletin are arranged fi.r the benefit of the read ir, and uro classified into the following groups: ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 to 16 Lost & Found, Meetings, Personals, Spe cial Notices, etc. AUTOMOTIVE 20 to 36 Autos Wanted nnd For Sale, Accessories, Body Work, Service Stations, etc. BUSINESS SERVICES 40 to 70 ' Appliances, Building, Canpontry. Electri cal, Painting, Plumbing, Upholstering etc. EMPLOYMENT 80 to 84 Help Wanted, Baby Sitters, Situations Wanted, etc. FINANCIAL 90 to 98 Bus. Opportunities, Investments, Monty to Loan, etc. INSTRUCTION 100 to 104 Home Instruction, Schools, Special Clas- Legal Notice POUND NOTICE Under Ordinance No. 4( the following !t..K will be offered for Sale at the City Pound at 5:30 P.M. on April 27. 1!'. One main, tzoldcn cocker One. mule, brown and white collie One. male, white with black and brown spota John T. Trnett Pound Master 117 C Legal Notice NOTICK OK HEAHlNli ON FINAL. ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thf LtnilprsiL'nwI. Administratrix of the eMaU of Frank I. Hrown, deceased, hiw f i.cmI her Final Aorminl with the Coun , ty Clerk of Deschutes County. Orcv-on. anil that Friday, the VMh day of May, 1 at the hour of 2 o'clwk P.M. in tin- County Courtroom, Dpschuten Coun ty Courthoune. Bemi. Onwm, naa oeen set for lh lii'nrinir of ohi'i'tiont. if any. to tttiid account and for the final settle ment of hhM iTMtate. JJatod Una 8th day of April. 9hH. Laura Wonser, Administratrix of the Kiitato of Frank I. Brown ppepawd. le,rmond, (.(vxirirh, Foley, and Gray, I'M I rl'ind StrtTt. Hnti. Oretron Allnrnfivn fr.r Ait minis! mtrix iri-,.m-UT-1-'-C Legal Notice THE STATE OF ORKOON IN THE fOUNTY COURT OF FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES NOTICE OK RAI.E OF HEAI, AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN LAWRENCE JONES, De- i eaei. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN. Pur. Miam to an Order of the Jlr.noraWe C. L Allen. County Jiidue, made and en- I'Teo on the 7th day of Anni, mn.i, i "ill on the nth day of May. I0S5. at i P-m.. sell at Drivate sale for ca.sh. or uiKin mirh term as msv he aurectl uix'n and approved by the Court, the i'tllwinir ilewribed real prorty in rnd, UcM-hutea County. OrcKon. it: Half of Northeant Ouarter ..f. Sm.ton 7 and Wot Half of Northwest Quarter of Serti'.n B, Townshin la S Ranee 12 W, and all of the personal property lited in Exhibit "A" of the administrator". petition for sale of real and perrona l.ronertv f,ll Anrll T. 1!T.R. which I rt-i- rrty Mnncs to the estate of JOHN LAWRENCE JONES, deceased. Said sale will he held at the office of my attorneys. McKAY a 1'ANM.B. (Iretron Avenue. Hcnit, ureiron. BATKIl this 7th day of April. 155. IRVlNft R JONES. Adminhtrnlor of the tCstatr of JOHN I.AWRENC'b JONta, lleceased. McKAY PANNER Attorneys for the Administrator 122 Orevon Ave., iJend, Oretfoa na.iu.ii7.i;i-c April 22, 1955 3a At This College The other 14 were built by men interested in boats and taking in struction in boat design and con sanction. The Sea Scouts meet in college classes but get no academic cred it for their work. Cadogan and a local yachtsman, Emil Lamerdin. teach piloting, seamanship, small boat handling and navigation. In addition to learning seasman ship, Marin College's sailors col lect marine specimens for the' bi ology laboratories by dragging the bottom of San Francisco Bay dur-i ing their frequent cruises. LIVESTOCK & PETS 110 to 119 Cattle & Horses, Poultry & Rabbits, Pets, etc. MISCELLANEOUS 121 to 159 Appliances, Farm Products. Fuel & Wood, Miac. For Sale and Wanted, etc. RENTALS lfiO to 169 Apartments, Homes, Rooms, Wanted to Rent, etc. REAL ESTATE 170 to 188 Houses, Farms and Ranches, Lots & Acreages Fur Sale, etc. 1 Lost and Found LOST: Small female Spaniel dog, white with brown spots. Answers U name, "tjufpnie." Phono 2'JQ'J-J.l. 11 Personals; Spl. Notices AFTER THIS DATE. April 21, 1955. 1 will not be responsible for any billn contracted other than by myself. ROBERT ROLLINS NOTICE IS HEREBY RIVEN that JOSEPH W. GEO RUE and HELEN S. GEORGE, have sold their entire inter est in the Bend Meat Company. 938 Wall Street. Bend, Oregon, to Harold E. Huston and Edith Huston. The Henri Meal Company will hereafter be oper ated by Mr. nnd Mrs. Huston. BEND LODGE NO. 139 AF & AM Special Communica tion Friday, April 22. 7:30 P.M. Work in M.M. Degree. V itlng Brethren Wei come Refreshments. Wm, Jappert, Secy. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS can help you overcome your drinking problem. t Attend meeting Friday night 8:30. Epis- Bend. II you fall lo rcticive your Bend Bulletin by 6:. 10, Tele phone 56 and a copy will bo soul you by special carrier. 39 Automobile Display WE SELL USED CARS LIKE WE SELL NEW CARS. OUR USED CARS MUST PLEASE THE BUYERS AS MUCH AS OUR NEW CARS PLEASE OUR NEW CAR CUSTOMER. THAT IS WHY SO MANY COME HERE AGAIN AND AGAIN, FOR BOTH NEW AND USED CARS. '54 '53 '52 '51 '50 '49 '48 Buick Cent. Pon-f 8 Sed. Chev. Dlx. Sed. Ford V-8 S. W. Bulfck Riv. Cpe. Buick Sup Sed. Ford V-8 Cpe $2545 $1545 $1145 $ 895 $1045 $ 645 $ 245 err r.Tm pompt TPTir cTnrw OVER 60 TO CHOOSE FROM Bend Garage Co. Chcvrolrt-Buick-Cadillao Home of "OK USED CARS" 709 Wall St. Ph. 193 2 B SAFE BUY SAFE SPECIAL 1935 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL SIERRA 4-UK SIAUUW WAGON .l.nno Actual miles. yi-Ilow hlark trim. Buy Thin like-new rar and Have that fir.t year dfprwiatin. I'ovver flitt- tran. Ka dio. Heater. IKi It. I'. Knpine. Turn Sm nal. TinUHl kIus. Power Brakes. Under coaL See it then Decide if you can hMt it, Sold new March 15, !.& for l.iTBB.-iA SAFE BUY GUARANTEED AND NEW CAR WARRANTY '3295.00 KITZ PATRICK LISCOLN - MERCURY lor, K. Franklin Av. 2 B SAFE BUY SAFE FORD A-1 USED CARS 1951 Chev. Bel Air $1175 Hnrrft.n mo. RH. 1952 Buick Super $1675 Ktviera Marn i -i riuiri'M with Hill, 1953 Ponr? Cata $1975 Hard Top. RH, Dy naflow. 1951 Ford V-8 $ 975 Cwtlinrr 2-Ir. HAH Overdrive. 2 tutwr NinL A.I cndtliofi 1951 Chev. 2-Dr. $ 775 Sedan Equipped with heater, aeal cov tra. CENTRAL. OREGON MOTORS .-. K. THIRO I'H i:n.w i.uvr to rat juiiutr uuivt-iN 11 Personals Notice SEALED BIDS will be received by Ar nold Cattle nun asmk tat ion. c o Clara Kerns, Sec-Trvas., Route A, Boa 138, Bend, Oregon, by April 2blh, 1&6, for the haultpg of water for approxi mately 360 bead of cattle on the Ar nuld range from May 1st to Septem ber 80th, 1956. The Association reserve the right to rcjeet any or a II bids. 26 Tires Repair & Recap T.B.S. Truing Balancing . Sipiiuc Safe-T Trade-ins. OK RUBBER WU.LD EKS E. Gretuw.Kxt Ph. V2f. 28 House Trailers 1953 MODERN 27' SCHULT House Trailer. Excellent condition. Ivan's rtirimolrt. Lat'mc, Phone 262. 30 Used Cars for Sale IF YOU ARE SHORT of down payment to purchase the new car you'd like tu buy. call COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE tOHI'. l'hone 2i6, 316 oreenwood, Uend. FOR SALE OK TRADE: Eunuity in 1152 GMC Suburban for older ear, Chev. preferred. Heater. 76' rubber, mechanically perfect. Also Home w pane equipment and furniture, tali It Martin. fi3a Evergreen, Redmond. 1050 BUICK. Cleancot deal in town. $ifi0. 6 White Sidewall tirea 2 auo.v tirea llor-ii K-rftvL Car nvcntly nvir. hauled. No Uetilei.. Contact Wall Street Service, 11161 PONTIAC 8. 4-lloor Station Wax. on. b-paaaeni-cr. r, .iiiiy milea, nearly new white aim .v:.l.. cry clean. HUN NKI.L MOTORS i-.i-J car lot. WILL TRADE 1H0 Equity in 1U66 Ford Ranch Waxon for ttood uaed car. Interested in Jeep Station Wauun. Call 1276. , 11141 CHEVROLET COUPE Heat offer. . v.. wi.ju.r, miuruey, J nailC Buildinif, Guardian Estate of J. Col lin. QUICK SALE 1941 BUICK SedaneL Dark Krey. Safe to work car. Rood tirea. Radio & Heat er. YOU STEAL AT $1116.00. F1TZPATRICK LINCOLN-MERCURY 106 E. Franklin Av. QUICK SALE EQUITY IN 1062 Mercury Hardtop cotlpo in excellent condition. See at 42- IrvinK. FOR THE BEST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SEE BEND NASH CO. 134 (IHEENWOOD PHONE 70(1 A . Alynws B - Better C - Cans CHOICE of 2 JeepK '61 St '17 mod eb. Excellent condition. Priced riKhU TOWNE MOTORS PACKARD-WILLYS DEALER Uaed Car Lot. Ph. SOS Corner of lrrinr & Harrinuui 39 Automobile Display THESE LATE MODEL CARS ARE OUR BEST GOODWILL "USED CARS". DRIVE THEM AND YOU WILL BE GLAD TO BUY ONE 1953 DeSoto 2-Dr. Custom Sed $1695 This cur hiw cviTythinir. 1953 Pontiac 4-Dr. DeLuxe Sed $1695 8 Cylinder, IlydmmHtic, etc. 1952 Pontiac Catalina Cpe. 8-Cyl $1495 Kudio, II enter, JlydrHmatic 1952 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sed $1085 Hud iu & llriiler. Very Ciood. 1952 Pontiac Convertible 8-Cyl $1495 Motor juht overhauled. v f THESE OLDER MODEL CARS HAVE BEEN CHECKED THROUGH OUR SHOPS, AND ARE GUARANTEED TO GIVE GOOD RELIABLE SERV ICE TO THEIR OWNERS 1948 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sed $ 445 A very trood buy for th. money 1947 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sed. $ 395 Very economical tranmorlation 1947 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Fleetline Sed $ 395 A lot of sood miles left in this one. 1946 Hudson 4-Dr. Sed $ 195 Drive thin one. you'll Hk it 1946 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sed $ 245 Another wood buy for the money. 1946 DeSoto 4-Dr. Sed $ 250 A sood hecund car HERE ARE SOME GOOD BUYS IN PICKUPS 1953 GMC i-ton with new motor ... $1145 1951 GMC -ton. This pickup is OK $ 895 1949 Chevrolet J-ton, 4-speed $ 595 1949 Dodge Pickup. New motor $ 595 1941 GMC 1 ton. A lot for the money $ 195 You Judge The Appearance We Guarantee The Condition WARD MOTOR CO. "YOUR FRIENDLY CAR DEALER" 1008 PONTIAC Ph. 1595 BOND ST. GMC (or) 1596 132 Used Tricks Trailers PLENTY OF PICKUPS: All make to 1 Ton, DESCHUTES CENTEH. fnoue ;0W-W-2. 34 Automobiles Wanted UNDERSTOCKED ON JEEPS PICKUPS CARS . MC'S MOTOR WK'S. REDMOND 52 Excavating Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, Blasting, Top Soil and Fill Dirt, Cinders. Cat and Trac tor Work. . Phone 574 or 1003 1.AUS STK1NLKY DHIl.UMj, BLASTING DRAIN HOLES rh. 231 or 208-W i4 Landscaping; Gardening FRUIT TREES, SHADE TREES. Plant now while atock la dormant. Apple, pear, Plum. Cherry. Maple. Mountain aan. Black walnut, Chineae elm. Howeri.iK Ornamental, Crab apple, Hawthorne, plum, peach, pink locuat. All hardy Grown in Bend. 6 fu to 10 fu tixu. SHELLEY NURSERY, 164 E. Green- wiml. 59 Services Offered ROOFING, SIDING, PAINTING Want. cd. (juaranteed Work, rrea EtfUmaUw. Phone 1814-W or 2IU0-W-1. OIL FORCED AIR HEATING. We ape- ciuhio in all typca of Sheet Metal Work. BEND SHEET METAL. Ph. 408. SAW SALES AND SERVICE CHAIN SAWS RENTED BEND ChAlN SAW Ph. 688 RUGS St CARPETS Machine Slium. poood in your home. Dcy In two houra, Colora & Life restored. Work Guaran teed. ERTLE RUG CLEANERS, l'h. U34-W. PAINTING Inferior & Exterior. Apart menu St ReMdcncca. WAYNE HARP ER, Phone 064-W. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and WrinKer RoHa for all makes. Phono 111. MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORE, 122 Franklin. 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE & SHEET METAL Brine your hcatinit problems to ua. Phono 78. 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. I'UIU'O t HUFFMAN TV Authorised lltatler Radiaa and Hi.Kt tooioment RIKS KAUIU < Knuiklin l'h. 801 RADIO at TV TUI1KS Complete atork for all radioa. l'hilco and Other Makoa BtNU rUKNITURB CO. RADIO KKCORD 1'LAYER RtU'AIR Radio TV Tub, for Sale 1'rompt i'rviee OoTirc'a Radio St Siortlng Gooila 70 Septic Tnks; Cesspools IAKS STEINI.KV SE1T1C TANK SKRV1CB l'h. til or tua-W CARTER SKIT1G TANK SERVICE, riiona 1616 or IM7 738 W. lZth. 74 Upholstering RUU AND Upholatered Furniture clean inn Our Specialty. LEVITTS HI. HOI.STEHY. .176 Durnsldo. l'h. la: M. 82 Male Help Wanted SALESMAN: Realiotiaible aettled tyiie. Call on merchanta. National hiithty rut. ed company. Protected territory. Caraer poaitlon for riuht man. Uox 150, bend UulleUn. APPLICATIONS are being taken for Bulletin routea. Boya only nawi apply. 84 Situations Wanted MAN 4 WIFE WISH employment at Lake Reaort around Bend, tkiod refer. encea and not afraid of work. E. P. Morrison, Taylor Trailer Town. So. Hlt!hvay H7. 110 Cattle S Horses RPRCIAL HOHSK SALE. SUNDAY. AP. Rlla 24th. t P.M. Sharp. PK1NKV11.LK MVKSTUCK ASSOCIATION. ljiin.-nUi KHd. Ph. f.713. Lunch will be neiTid nil any. iMitldle Hoi'him. Work Hirrrira, ShcLlumlit, ImkkI ntpinir Hontw. Kiilinn riUinient hiiu lluirie lrHili'm. SADDLIOS: New nd Vwd. Hwi'i LHthur bhop, lBb& GalvuMlon, Ph. 16R7-M. IHII.L SKKVITK. Arlific-inl inttninn (in. C(ntrul Orooii Piiiry Hrefli'rs, WHkilHyii Ph. Hctu) :tR-l. till It a.m., Kwinmiul 1 8H till 10 a.m. HunilHyn & Moliilays. iumhI till 1" a.m. 112 Pets of all Kinds I'UHK PltKI) Ct.M.Ti K.-(rivtr Pun 2 tnttntlm oltl. ma lew, $rU.Utl. Stc ut 17 K. (ith Ktrtvt, ltobci-t H. I-oley. PAHY PAHAKEKTS, normnlh. all colors at $5.00, Ainu mre opalintt. cuk'ttt anil rnth feeds. Itooally rained. WholwaJe or retail Call Redmond 7S-H-&, or first house north nf rnv'll tint to urnntr. 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTK.D Live Poultry l'rwh Ek'K Mr.Nll Ktiti At 1'UULIKY CO. ;m K. i'irt Ph. srr..j 117 Livestock Wanted WANTED ALL KINDS of Livot.K:k. Hiirhewt Chi.Ii I'riroa. Will ilck up nt Hnnch. L. J. HUSTON. I'liono 11ZH-W 118 Feed & Stock Supplies HVE HAY out inwi. AIo 18" Liuli A I-'cwcno (jruiw in Whc-ut Straw. Unluil l'lione hYnd H1H-I.. 121 Appliances; HH Equip. KIUR KXTINGUIKIIKtt. Clone out JM. ANIIKKSON Al'I'LIANCB CBNTliK, Slnto & Tumalo, 1 ' ; KKCONUITlilNlfiU (illARANTKiiU Ul) APFL1ANCKS Wriimer Wnttht-ra 14.60 nnd up Automatic WnHhern $til1.r0 OltKCON Hgi'l I'MKNT CO. PH. HSU 123 Building Materials HKAUTiKtrL 1'HILIPPINE M AH Of! AN Y UiKrrt 1 1.75. Alut lockn nnd Iiidkch to Kn with tlu-ni for onlv $M.!tr., O'DAY'S .SALVACK H SUPPLY YARD, Ph. tl.ill ClOHtHl Still & Mon, 39 Automobile Display "DYER'S HOUSECLEANING" ALL CARS PRICED TO SELL 1953 Plymouth Club Coupe ... Full Price $1445 Hhmki, Ilrittf-r. Ovi'i-ilrlveA unu owner car with 17,000 aclu mI niili-H. Full 1'rii'o. 1953 Dodge Hardtop Cpe. V-8 Motor $1895 AiitnriMtiiT tnum., air cunl. hwiU-r Hcuutiful two tone iialnt - .1 tint m rlean utt h nct car. 1953 Buick Super Riviera 4-Dr $1995 Iwk! with etjiiipmont V-8 eiiKlnu, cxci'ptionully clutn ittniHt; and out, 1952 Chevrolet Club Cpe $1145 A real kIihtp two tno Krny Katlio, lltntcr, A U1' vbUh-. 1949 Ford V-8 Custom 2-Door $ 495 Kiulio, ht'utcr, uvn driveTwo tune paint It look A runs ' real nici. 1950 Lincoln Cosmopolitan 4-Dr $ 895 (.''nii)ftr iiowcr niulMnicnt. radio, heater, llydintnalic now rinvtH, valvn bt'urinvrH A iitit lity car. 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Convertible Cpe. - .$ 595 Itadio, Ih-hUt, overdrive A uttnl at our price. also the -following exceptionally good values at give away prices 1947 Oldsmobite "76" 4-Dr $ 395 TlH. Ilyrfiamalir. 1946 Oldsmobile "98" 4-Dr $ 295 It AH, llyrtrnmnlir Now tiro- - Ni-w paint, 1947 Chevrolet Club Coupe $ 395 If All, dir. littht. rtt litrht. driving lilibi, 1948 Hudson 4-Dr. R & H $ 395 1948 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Heater $ 395 1950 Buick Special R & H, Dyna-flow $ 895 1951 Packard (One Owner Car) $1245 I'lnili. with tpjii. Kxtra H-un, 1937 Chevrolet H ton Truck $ 175 HtK-k riw k - 4 pi I rnu midfiion 1941 Buick 4-Dr. R & H, Good cond $ 125 1940 La Salle R & H, Sharp ..' $ 95 1941 Chrysler Club Coupe R 4 H $ 95 1941 Chevrolet 4-Dr. H. New License $ 125 1950 Nash Statesman 4-Dr $ 595 It ft II. Hyrhanmi .--- enl rm.dit.iun. 1940 Dodge 4-Dr. R & H ...$ 95 1940 Chevrolet Club Coupe $ 95 1941 Studebakcr Champion ............$ 95 1942 Chevrolet 2-Dr $ 95 DYER'S AUTO SERVICE USED CAR LOT At Hill and Greenwood Across from Bend Dairy Phone 87 or 2292-W 1133 Fuel & Wood HEAVY TlMllhUtai 1 ainala, 1.(0 doubl load. CaacatW TranaporL f bona CLEAN BODY WOOD any lanxth. Orcn Crtuwtfrove. Phona tttl-R. 134 Specials at the Stores HAVK YOU SEEN THE "GOURMET HOUNtlS ? T Now mi diaplay at tlie ALt'lNk tilrT HUU&K, on bo. SrU. fit. USED 7 cu. ft. HEFRIUERATOK m-otiditinnvd. Come in and aee it. HUUk-VAN ALUM STORE, l'hone Will. USK1) WA.SHLKS Half Prire. 2 to LTiooie from. tiAMllLfc S WbSTEKN AllTU, Sib Wall. N 10W I I Elnon eu. ft- uvriifht frww Kivularly 9ao.5. Special nrlcc 76.U6 WtST SIDK HDWIiB. 10l (ialveaton Av. YOUR 110MK TOWN HAKDWAHE SKU I T1IK NKW BARD-MATIC Bar- lauto elimination ayatem. No movinit .paru. Catalytic starter and chemical rectton. lioea tha trick. Frico only l3U.Ua. SKK It u Ua U i W HAltU- WAKK. 2&S b. Ureenwood. We Buy, Sell and Trade GOOD USED PI1RN1TUUU SHOf RAINEV'S 201 B. Franklin Phone 1180 0UT81DR WHITE HOUSE paint Spec ial S2.U8 per sal. Only limited aupiily on hand. HKND SUPPLY CO. 922 Bond 135 Furniture A Household Greenwood Furniture Many Rift auitireatione. For weiidinira, atuiwcra and birthdaya. BudKet prkea. 'ii ttroenwood Ave. 139 Miscellaneous for Sale SOLID OAK DKSK, lUiftot. 6 DinmK CtmiiB, Tu tile. Hollywtxni KKii. Simmona InnvmprinK. UIIht ruriULurc. J-.MV1) SwhiK. I'hune 1364. BOX SprhiiEK A Mitttrcti.s fl'.i.'M), AcruA from Depot. TUHKKY KKRT1L1.KK for SmIv. H. L. Mi.ker 18(S K. HUi, l'h.. no till-W. rOUTAHLK KMOKK HOHSK WW. H frj?c ("M.ler r. t'omputinn Settle. 'A. Kih Truck, ChII 2U68. HOT WATKR HKATEU fur Sak. 30 (.iilkin WeuUiiKtiuiuu UHed 4 month. Uill 1U7B. HI.ONIIB I.iimtl uk ilmk, :i&.00. l'tiuno HD-TKACTOK with RImIi.. Colli weather top. (iunrd U Scoop. S(v at Chumult woifi, r no rip mi, i rtfmiut, t HhilDAlUr. ItKl'ItKiKItATOU. uimI thriH- numths. like new. Priced to ni'11. DAVKNO COUCH mhktu into dnuHo IkmI. Li kit new - "KiHtliwn", IVil? IMA MOUTH COUPK. 4ti DiHlue Motor. !knI von1itiun, $76. 00. 2U6 K. 4th, l'hone IHUfi-K. II 10 HI), CukhI rmliiim cur. (iiil'H .hnv ior nir.e hike. W'llnut dtwk. wall mirror, Kli mr lumpM, hiuh clmlr, trlko. 2 liiwn ehii(rn, l'lutform roeker, l'hone lftlty-J or Hto at A'Hi Newport. HOUND, STOCK WATKRINO TANKS. 7 l-'t, Diiimt'trr, 640 KHllon ruimrity. Vir-y k(hh cimililion. W. Kminh. ut Cumi Shoi man. Oicnon. Phone 'M. l.KJTIT KIXTUKKS LuruoHt tiinplny In Out nil OruKon LUWKHT PRICKS A comi-k'le Block of parts to rt'i'iiir nnd butUt laniinj KILL'S KI.KCl'IUC 012 Hill ni'Br Green wood Th. nr6-J KOCK-FRKF, TOP SOU. PHI dirt blnck ami rl oinler. Dump 'trtirk nntl trHi'tnr-loailer work. Ph. 7H-.1. 143 Musical HAI.DWIN OURAN MOI1EI, fi. llll Wutt MinIoI D SjioHkerH. Maiui Vilniirlicird. Cottt over $4.1101). Caall aalo IH.TfiO. Den. rol I'iercy. Uox 278, Miulraa, Orewon. 1'hono 2r, 10. IT PAYS YOU TO IIHK CLASSIFIED ADS FOII SOI.VlNti EVERYDAY I'HOIl LKMS. Hi:i.l,IN(l. ItKNTINC, II1HINU, WANT ADS DO IT. CALL 66. 160 Apartments for Rent Vr-HV CLtAN. One bedro,in. furnialied Apartment. Aduita only. Inguire ml o tidciirlat Ave. LAVA APARTMENTS: II Room., Haiti. Modern, oil htU Aduita, No 1'eU. Phone 684. FUKNISHKU APARTMENTt Cloae in. I'.y, week or month. Laundry facilities. Uaraa-a. 27 Franklin, Phone Ittl. LAIUSK UNKUKNISHKI) 12 Bedroom Apartmenu (60 $65. KefrUterator, KanKe, Uarbave ft Water included. UlVfcK TkltRACG Al'16., 1621 W. tth. Ph. 224. MOIIKllN. 4-ROOM DUPLEX. Alao fur. niahed apartment euiutble for couple or ainxle penon. NKWLANU'S APAK'l- wrJNIS, 17o K. Irvine, mono 12T1-J 161 Houses tot Rent FURNISHED, MODERN HOUSE. Harden lot and garaae, lliuuire at 12J& Albany. CLEAN, ONE BEDROOM Houae. partly furniahed. call Ue-J alter a p.m. TliKEB ROOM MODERN Furniahed houae complete bath. Service porch with laundry traya. Frmidaire and Kaa ramie. Nice fenced yam. lldu Newport, lei. 824 or 1713. 168 Other Rentals MOVING Save Ctt'.i. Uc HEE-HIVE U DRIVE TRUCKS. CKAFFKNUKKU ERS SKKVICK. 6U2 S. 3rd. l'h. 11141. AVAILABLE JULY iab Second floor office rouma in Bend's moat central lo cation. One aulte; 2 larice, 2 email roome, plus bathroom, Ibo.vu. 2 Iteom Suite. 136.00. t'all 232. 169 Wanted to Rent THREE OR FOUR BEDROOM, Modern. Uulurnwhud home iu dceirable looation. Permanent renter. Call 1000 days or g.Mb-K evening, and week enna. 170 Houses lox Sale OWNER SELLING 3 . Bedim Dream Home with depurate guest house. Choice East side location near new high school. Larue living room plus recrea tion room. Convenient kitchen, two Ilrenlaces. Dine Daneling, double garage. Large lot, land scaped with flowers. shrWbs, trees and berries. Hot water heating system. Guest house has own lireplace. Shown by ap pointment, uau isbu-tt. TWO BEDROOM. Mi.lem itouao on two Iota, l'rk-o $2,800, $360 down, 440 per month. 634 Portland, Plione 1170-W. H(l0 FOR MY KtJlIITY in 2 Uwlroom, Mitilern ItuuHe, Ihilnnce 117711.112 imyulilo lit :i6 por montti. Phono TllU-J. ONLY tr0 MONTHLY. Low down pay ment. H Heilroom houae on pavement, furnace. Kodecoratod inside and out ml Federal. NICE 2-Hfdroom Houae, large llvlnit room, kitchen, dlni'tto, hanement, oil furnace, 2 lota, many aliado trees, 1 10. (MID Terms. 21!l Vino I.ftluv 172 Farms & Ranches a ACKKS, tt Aerm Water. Throe HKim, knotty inio huuuc. C intern. Phone jiUl.W-l. 176 Lots & Acreage LAST nUSIDKNTIAL 1X)T on K. Sth St liV'ayH.te. Choice corner location. 1'rlccd IlllUO. Contact Art Hill, l'hone SI. ' 182 Real Estate Wanted WANTKD TO LEASK with Option to IJuy: 2 or 11 llctlroom Home with a to 10 acres or more. Clin he located to 16 miles from llend. E. V. Mcllridc, 189 Real Estate Display BEND REALTY . 74B Bond Pb. 620 FA KM: 40 A. nuln home with tractor & cMiiipment, Will hoII on leant) U'l'ina. Hit A wutor. InlafiO, BEND REALTY 3 Brirmn Near city center $3, !500. $500 dn. 3 Hdrm E. side. 2 cor. lots. $7,. 500. Vdliie lor $5,000. $500 dn. 10 A 37 A. wider. 2 bdrm mod ern. Paved rd. Good bldgs $10, 000. Terms. 80 A 30 water. Mdn 2 bdrm home on pavement. $10,000. tins. 16 A Close to city. 2 ealilns on the Deschutes river. $1,950. 3 A. So. of Uend. seml modn, lovely home $7,950. 320 A. . Near Bend. Priced be low the value. $18,000. $(i,000 dn. (iKO A. Near Bend. Good terms, 237 ,!i water. 17 A. 10 water. 3 bdrm home, fireplace, furnace, paved rd. $8, 000. Terms or GI. Call "BOB" Ph. 1171-W . . Cull "JESS" Ph. 1225-W The Quick, Simple way to sell anything is through a CLASSIFIED 39 Automobile Display CHECK THESE GOOD BUYS AT HUNNELL MOTORS 1952 Chrysler Saratoga Sedan $1625 HAH, tulonc fininh, directum, UrnaU A back up light 1952 Plymouth Sedan, R & H $ 995 1951 Plymouth Club Coupe 845 RAH, good tires & Mt cover. 1952 Chevrolet Sedan $1095 Ucaler. acal i-omro and power tilde. USE IT BEAR WHEEL SERVICE SOME VERY GOOD BUYS LISTED HERE SEE US AND SAVE YOUR DOUGH! HUNNELL MOTORS 835 Bond St. REDMOND Classified Ads BUY IT SELL IT TRADE ITI We welceae the people BedsMx4 nnd vicinity inte claaeUM. II w kaee aeautMiuj ye want te seU, lev. irade or announce, call ear Bedejeoej correapendent, air.. Martha Summo ns. (Kadnaomd 111) ketwem Ike hears el te a.. 11 to t mean w I to I D.eu 20 Accessories Repairing NOW I Life-Loiur Batteries and Micro ti route oil inters, uuaranteea xorever at KELSEY'S EIJCTRIC, Redmond. 59 Services Ofiaxed DEAD STOCK removed Ires. Horsaj, cows, calves, boss, aheen. REDMOND RENDERING CO. Ph. 444 Collect. 114 Poultry & Rabbits There will be tit taut 16 decretua In the number of Pullets en the farm ' this fall. Order Chicka now I Glt-L'S HATCHKRY, Kcdmtmd. 134 Specials at The Stores USKI) Monarch Wood-CoatElectrie Com bination in excellent condition. $126.00. aiNNAKUS FUlUSlTUKli, Bedmond 189 Real Estate Display TODAY'S BEST BUY EAST SIDE, PAVED ST. Largt, 3 Bedroom home, Heatolator Fireplace, large pleasant living room, kitchen has lots of built Ins, utility, 2 beautiful land scaped lots, double garage, fenced Reasonably priced at $13, 500. WONDERFUL SETTING, With Stream and trees, shrubs, out side lireplace, 2 nice bedrooms, living room wheatolator lire place, double garage, 2 lots, range, refrigerator, bendlx in cluded at the FHA Appraisal price of $11,000. IF YOU LIKE A NICE YARD with garden spot, see this very comfortable home on 120' x 200' lot, 2 Bedrooms, living room. large kitchen, utility, on sewer, garage and other out bldgs. Worth the price, $6,300.00 DUDREY -HILTON, Realtors 1050 Bond, Bend Ph. 1327-W - or Harry 2088 ANNE FORBES - REALTOR 36 Oregon Ave Phone 36-W " Tit ADK FOR HOUSE to 5,000: (A) " 4U Ac. HH Hwallcy, Ik iKtrm tiouue. liriKlo A Burn, Home mttamnery, won-ik-rrul mounUin vlow, $12,000. (B) 200 ' A 86 (JOl, a btlrm hnutia, alfalfa, per-' " nmnent .mxturo, machinery, $l!i,&00. NKMt NEW HIQU SCHOOL: raved Ktrcot, HuliV. nuw 2 bdrm hurnu, lu liv- . inn rm, oil furnHco, $8150. Selling bo. low ai'praisal. Will f.l or FHA. JLYiO DOWN: (A) Wait Side, paved ntreet, 2 hcdrnin, nice yarrf, elcctrio rmiKe wirinw, $4ii00. (H) 8 llrirnw, Ig lot, drn iroil, chicken houM, $21 b0. (CI 2 Hdrrrirt, Home furniutro, fenced yard, timt.W. (1I 7 rim, a seta pliunbinii :ir'i0U. RANCH: ncautiful fiftO Ac, new, ultra- mmlprn hourie, wonderful mountain view, alfulfa, In ml fertilized ready for ropsL new equipntent, $5,000 Termii. E. M. BUCKNUM REALTOR 1029 Brooks St. Phono 378- G.I. OPPORTUNITY, near the-" new hlcn school, a clean well. . built small home, paved street, garage, stornge, nice yard, and an excellent buy at $4,450. $7,000 BRAND NEW 2 bdrm home with unfinished upstairs r,i O mnta Mrme In-nn Irlh. en, paved street, dose to school- - and snopping. ui or t ha terms. NI3W DISTRICT, roomy 2 bdrm home, E. Side, double lot, paved street, attached garage, lots of storage, piped furnace. $10,000, KMA or GI. 40 ACRES, 16 A. water, mod- -ern 2 bdrm home; an excel lent country home with good- . outbuildings. $7,500, terms. Alter hours, call Larry Kcown USE BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADS I BE SAFE Telephone 26