8 The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, April 20, 1955 IM.KADS NOT (il ll.TY Spit'lnl l I'Iik Ulillt'till REDMOND Richard David Nrlsun, Hind, dialled wilh diiv ing while under the influence of ir. toxicating liquor has pleaded not guilty and requested a jury trial. Date of the trial was tentatively sot for May 3 n .us! ire cunt judge Donaid Ellis. Immunization Clinics Planned cw.u-xtion soitwrr Sptvlul til The Jiullfllll RICHMOND Uend Credit Bu reau's adjuslment department has filed suit in justice court vs Clyde L. and Jane Doe MrCuilcy for collection of $78.11. SAVE!! TIME COST EFFORT LET AL M5ELSEM SPRAY FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN WITH AMAZING, ODORLESS nymcfsft liquid Fish Fertilizer Just Phone 644 and you can have a velvet-smooth and green lawn for as little as $7.50 (average cost $10) KjH-ciul to The Bulletin I IKI.ti-.VIU.l-. I'iIio imniiim- .ilion clinics for Crook couniy :-Iio.il c;i.ldien will l.e cjnducK'd Tuesday April M, or.e week Inter tlian originally planiK d. The morn ini; ciinic will he held in the Ochoco sch;inl gym fn.m 9 to 11 a in. and i the alleriiuan clinic in the Cmolied River school cafeteria from 1 to 3 p.m. Volunteers who have heen enlist ed to lielp the medical staff with the task of innoculatiriy -1:Y chil dren in that one day include Mrs '.(wis Giilam, Mrs. A. J. liiamlon, Mrs. Jack Thrasher, Mrs. I.ois lluniley and Mrs. Paul Hitches. Mrs. Ava Kincaid. surgery i'l nervisor at the I'i .im-er Memoriu': hospital, has volunteered to don.i'.e lime and services each evniny during the tri-ccunty Sail: vaccine program. She will sterilize equip in-ill used each day in nil the el in ics, ill Crook, Jefferson and Des 'huti'S counties. Scouts Plant Younq Pines Hoys from Scout Troops No. 21 and .'ill in Uend this past weekend planted approximately 1,000 seed linn pines in the Buy Scout forest west of Uend, near the Cascade Lakes highway. Trees are planted annually in this forest, set aside for the Scouts of the area for use in their com munity (cood turn activities. This year, most of the planting work was in replacement of trees that had apparently heen browsed and killer by deer, whicli appear lo have developed an appetite for the lender seedlings produced in the II. S. Forest Service nursery Just east of Bond. The trees were planted under the supervision of C. K. llein of the Deschutes National Forest staff in Bend and leader of one of the troops. I 'resent from Troop No. 21 wen Tele Hinds, Richard Carlson, IMi Deel, Leinard Deel, Mike Jones and Rodney Robertson. Present from troop No. .Id were Mickey Hawthorne, Jacob Noun,! Jerry Wheeler. Melbert Pike, Bob Kllstrom and Bruce Paltca. The Boy Scout forest is near tlie Spring River junction of the Cas I cades Lakes highway. Series of Teas are Planned By Grange Hall Ladies Aid Special to The Iliilletln home. They arc former school K ASTERN STAR Members of ltes of Larry Kribs. the Grunge Hall ladies aid plan a series of teas lo raise money for the 4-11 summer school scholar- sip which lliey give annually. The p'ans were completed ut their reg ular meeting held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Julius Stern. Mrs. Elizabeth Wallers volunteered lo be hostess for the first of tfie se ries on Tuesday, April 1!). It M is also decided that they would re vive the old custom of bringing recipes, poems, witty sayings, etc. to the meetings for roll call, at each meeting. Ten women were present and Mrs. M. Chnrlcswoiilt of Seattle was a guest. The next meeting of the group will be April 'S at the home of Mrs. Nolan Turner. Rodney Adams and Vesy Me- Mullin of Portland, students at Willame'.te university, were week end guests at the Leslie Kribs Old Richardson School Building is Torn Down SM-cl:d to The Bulletin EASTERN STAR A familiar landmark dating to tiie days be fore the formation of Deschutes county disappeared from the scene recently, when the old Richardson school building was torn down for lumber. It was bought at auction by Mrs. Guy Merritt. When the Richardson district consolidated with the Bend school system seven years ago, the build ing was used for the first three 'trades for several years. After that, all pupils were transported town schools. The school board look action to dispose of the build ing, and the auction resulted. Play round equipment was sold to the Seventh Day Adventisl school in Bend and moved there. A number of present residents of the community bad all eight years of their grade school education in the building. Among them are the following: Paul Christofferson. Meade Pederscn, Mr. and Mrs. Oertel Fix, Clarence Torkelsor and his brothers mid sister, Mrs. Annie Zink, Robert Bradctich and Dan Rastovich. The school is about three and i half miles east of Uend. on the Bend-Rums highway. Mrs. C. A. Burton and Mrs. Wal ter Prichard and son, John, at tended the Deschutes county 4 11 Leaders meeting in Alfalfa last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mathews of Alfalfa und Mr. and Mrs. Ija Mathews and family were Sunday callers at the Myron Shelley home. The Eastern Star Orungc Home Economics club .will hold their monthly meeting, Thursday at the Myron Shelley home with Mrs.' E. D. Fitzgerald as hostess. The meeting will start at 2 p.m. in stead of the regular time: Genrge Rastovich is. reported to be improving some in health after being ill for several weeks. GL-ests at th Rastovich home on Sunday were Mrs. Clarence Torkelson and Miss Betty Colona. Tony Shine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Shine on the Alfalfa niad. has enlisted In the U S Army and planned to report fir (lilt v Mundav. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne and two children visited with friends in Prineville on Sunday. Douglas Salicis of Bend spent the weekend visiting at the How ard Hyde home. Mrs. Clifford Gammond was a guest on Sunday 'John Prichard soent three days n Pendleton attending the Eoiseo oal Church convocation for the dis trict. He made the trip with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Shields. Gene Hnldy, Hugh Glassow and Tohn Prichard attended a DcMo- hiy meeting in Burns recently. They were memliers of the degree team of the Bend chapter and put on their work for Masons in Burns Mrs. C. A. Burton and Mrs. 'jiwrence Bright attended the dis trict 4-11 Leaders conference in Klamath Falls last sveek. Richard Fix underwent surgery I the St Charles Memorial hos )il"l on Mond'iv. Mrs. Robert Wavne and family pcnt Monday visiting ut the Law "ence Bright home. Extension Unif Elects Officers Mrs. Ernest Steinlichl was elected chairman of the Bend home exten sion unit for the coming year, ut u meeting last week at the home of Mrs. W. B. Wilson, 1416 E. 8th street. Also named to offices were the following: Mrs. Wilson, vce chairman; Mrs. Uc;. J Mayne,' secretary, and Mrs. Lloyd Wirtz, treasurer. Twenty-one members were pres bcrg, Mrs. Kelly Swafford, Mrs. ent, with Mrs. Dona!d Huinpson joining as a new member. Mrs. Harvey Olson, Mrs. G. C. DaJken W. y. Currier, Mrs. Steinlicht and Mrs. Mayne assisted the hostess with the noon luncheon. Miss Mildred Wilson, county home economics extension agent, gave a demonstration on sewing new fabrics. The next meeting will be held May 10 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Mayne, 224 E. Emerson avenue. "Vegetables: Attractive Nutri tious and Delicious" will be the project subject. FIXES ASSESSED Special to The Bulletin REDMOND In municipal court last week Ellen Stiff, Redmond, was fined $5 for failure to stop for a stop sign, and the fine was sus pended. Glenn R. Johnson and James A. Carr, Redmond, paid S25 fines each for public intoxication. EXPENSIVE S.MKI.L DETROIT (UP) Mrs. Sarah Droste estimated today it cost her $1,350 to smell an Euster flower. Mrs. Droste sniffed a potted hya cinth, dropped the plant on the gas pedal of her car and smashed through two garages and struck another automobile. Pioneers Plan Annual Picnic Special to The Bulletin MADRAS Preliminary plans including committee post mem hers, for Uie jelterson County P'i-i neer association's annual pu...c set for Sunday, July 12, were an nounced today by Howard Turner,' president. A site for the event has not yet been chosen, but Tur ner explained that the association's queen will probably be crowned just befjre the 12:30 picnic. Committee ap pointments made by Turner: Gen eral arrangements, Winifred Os born, chairman, John Campbell, T. A. Power. Program, Mrs. Gus Ramsey, chairman, Mrs. Belie Read, Mrs. Dorris Corwin. Queen selection, Mrs. L. M. Homey, chairman, Mrs. Fred Rodman, Ceorge Dee. Speakers' committee, Henry A. Dusfault, chairman, Art Shugert Fred Rodman. Coffee committee, 11. Ward Farrell, chairman, Roy Lui'ling, Harry Heising. Committees will meet at the Jef ferson county courthouse, May 23 at 7:30 p.m. to select the queen and make general arrangements. It takes nearly 800 pounds of wood to produce the paper and pa nerboard products used by the av erage citizen of the United States in a year. MEETING SET Special to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE The drill team -if the Rebekah lodge will meet Wednesday night for a practice session ut the Odd Fellows hall. The meeting starts at 7:30. It is also announced that a fare well party for Mr. and Mrs. George Crosswhite will be held at a joint meeting of the Odd Fel lows and Rebekahs ut 7:30 or Pulpwood accounts for about 17 April 23. Mr. and Mrs. Crosswhite per cent of the wo kI harvested have been active lor a number pi each year in the United Stales, (years in local lodge work. LOWES OIL BURNER SERVICE PHONE. 181 Pamf-lt- Yourself THE "MODERN" WAY WITH THE ITEM0F-THE-M0NTH PAINT ROLLER and TRAY A PERFECT JOB WITH ANY PAINT I EASIER! FASTER! BETTER! REGULAR $1.59 VALUE SPECIAL 0(Q)C PRICE 11 EACH S & H Green Stamps HOUK-VAN ALLEN 916 Wall Street Phona 860 Use Classified for Results ! MAY t, 1949 idaoooj r v j if -t',n ? GO AHEAD I Try the Most Proved Mosl Popular High-Compression Engine ol Them All I .4imvs nx . liii(j iikind llmtV llir rti onl of ( l,lni.liile "Itoi kot" I'.npiiii'! Anil it'n been tluit miy . . . riplit from tlir day this famous power plant launched the hij;li-coiiipri-ioii era! Kvrry year ihe "ItiM'kel" get "hotter" . . . evrry year new neinnlioil for aetion! Now, it's the "Rocket" 202 intuit thrillm" of them all pimeriiiK the mtwt brilliant and beautiful 01illllibile ever built! Co ndtW, drive a l,).i5 OliUmnliile jourwlf! llineover why (Ac tfiing's gniil in a "KtK-A-et 8"! . Mi i iiitii V 1 svT.,l "ROCKET" OL.DSMOB I LE SEE YOUR NlAilEST OLDSMOBILI DIALER AUTO SERVICE 770 Greenwood Avenue Phone 87 ; ' FOR THI BIST USED CAR DEAL. ..LOOK tOi OLDSMOBIU'S SAMTY-TESTIO SEAL w v A OUR LARGEST SELECTION EVER! Choose from over 300 additional colors, patterns ... fabulous fabrics for slipcovers, drapes, upholstery 98 . 498 PRINTS from graciovt traditional to magnificent moderns glimmering with touches of gold ll t new. fxritinu! Now te wjilp, wonJrrful variety of a iiroritort workshop u your to rhootw from. Like a prufi-'ional ilrrorntor yoti r)-rt from humlrrtl of wa(rhe. Tour order it ninhed to on from our m arrlioimr! Ami uli.il huyf tliry are! For whjl youM pay fur ordinary fabric, you (trt oine of tuJ;iy' newe-l. mol inpirint! p.iitern. tlfifr.nrl hy trKiiinti 4eMpner, in new motif i, new coniliinntion of rolur! Hirli tatestry rfTect. vliirlinp motlern abtrarti glittering with Lurex thread, )to!J oerprint! Slylinnl leaf pattern, cliarniitift renic! Never before IiJ you get inch a Wonderful chance to ave on o many, many patlrrn. i't Peniiey'i today I WOVEN DRAPERY FABRICS in Interesting textures, ((woven designs, gold-lit glamourous styles, casement cloth! Sonw lutrou ami Jlinr, omt rich nN iltill heen! You'll fiml hamJmr ir like "Du Bintril Hctil" iitrhrtl to five a amart quill rffrrl. ou'lle- liMire-Hcrkr! lirilu. rlolh. caemrnif in lm le rvr. in ide airy Birh MTte! All niaynihrrnt Luya! 98 to 498 UPHOLSTERY FABRICS intap..try wecves, smart new metallic-sparked tweod Making your furniture? ReutriolteHnf Fanlatie alim await tu at IVnnetV Mo.) era tweeiU ith l'infi nuM lettum. cherron t fnr, folil-liHrrint tadne. 1apeti Ipr Mitti ihat "prn-ele Wk ! It a Urmtuc trvvc of iBcvtuparalilc bupl 198 to 398 Yd. PENNEY QUALITY IS YOUR GREATEST SAVING! 'I!